A European Assembly for the Commons
De Remix Biens Communs
Dans la collection : Assemblée des communs (coll.)
On May 18-20, 2016, a diverse, gender-balanced group of 28 activist “commoners” from over 15 countries around Europe met in Villarceaux, France, to share their experiences. The meeting launched a process of shared visions and strategies around the commons in Europe, which are supporting the development of a flexible network to connect activists across issues and to mobilize them to impact European policy.
Date de création | 2016/11/14 |
Date de publication | 2016/11/14 |
Durée | 00:01:20 |
Langue du contenu | EN |
Pays | Europe |
Fait partie de | Assemblée des communs (coll.) |
Média | Vidéo |