Characters of Community Reparation in Morocco

De Remix Biens Communs
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This table was excerpted from "Comparing community reparations in Morocco, Peru and Indonesia", which was prepared by Ruben Carranza, Director, Reparative Justice Program at the ICTJ, and partly based on “The Rabat Report: The Concept and Challenges of Collective Reparations” (ICTJ 2009).

The approach to deciding community or collective reparations The program is meant for regions which saw gross violations, suffered from marginalization and did not have opportunities of development projects and whose image was marred (by hosting) illegal detention centers. 11 regions of 16 were identified by the truth commission Communities in those regions were asked to propose projects to the State,which the State would approve.
Examples of material and/or symbolic community reparations measures 1st batch of income-generating projects [2007-2009] includes 13 projects in 11 regions, involving
aviculture, food-processing, handicraft-making, apiculture, environmental tourism-related, datesplanting, drip-irrigation systems, welldigging, and goat-breeding. 1st batch of symbolic and memoryrelated projects include consultations on how to transform 3 former secret detention centers into ‘memory preservation centers,’ identifying historical and archaeological landmarks in the politically-active Hay Mohammadi neighborhood in Casablanca; the Fadma Ouherfou Center for Training, Referral and Information to remember victims of enforced disappearances, a
documentary on the 1984 riots in Nador; the Rif Center for Collective Memory Preservation, a magazine on memory, and the setting up of ‘citizenship clubs.’
Notes on funding for 1st batch of income-generating projects funded with Moroccan
Reparations dirhams 4.9 million [$500,000], from European Union (EU). An almost equal amount was allocated to symbolic and memory-related projects, also funded in part by the EU.
Role of victims in project design
and implementation
Communities were asked to participate [in relation to the 1st batch of reparations projects] in “crosscutting training sessions with all the different coordination bodies (agencies at the State and local level) on the following topics related to project management: participative approaches, empowerment, conflict management, gender-sensitization and project architecture.”
Close to $130,000 was allocated for this, with the overall goal of ensuring better involvement of the community reparations stakeholders with the
State and donor agencies.
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