Great Minds P2: David Bollier - Think Like A Commoner…

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Dans la collection : Conversations With Great Minds

Enjeu(x) : Histoire des communs,  Commoning,  Communs et État  

Deuxième partie d'émission sur les communs avec David Bollier.

Présentation du sujet :

  • In our hyper-capitalist, neo-liberal world, belief in the superiority of private property and the free market verges on the religious. In the case of the Republican Party - it borders on the fundamentalist. But as powerful as the idea of the free market might be - especially here in the United States - the truth is that it's not the only way or organizing our society There is a real alternative to the endless commodification of resources and accumulation of wealth. It’s called The Commons - and my guest for tonight's Conversations with Great Minds is one of the world's foremost experts on it. Joining me now is David Bollier - Activist -Co-Founder of the Commons Strategies Group - and author numerous books - including "Think Like a Commoner: A Short Introduction to the Life of the Commons."


Auteur(s) HARTMANN Thom
Date de création décembre 1969
Date de publication 2016/09/27
Durée 00:11:53
Langue du contenu EN
Fait partie de Conversations With Great Minds
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