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Homelessness or houselessness – also known as a state of being unhoused or unsheltered – is the condition of lacking stable, safe, and adequate housing. People can be categorized as homeless if they are:

  • living on the streets, also known as rough sleeping (primary homelessness);
  • moving between temporary shelters, including houses of friends, family, and emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness); and
  • living in private boarding houses without a private bathroom or security of tenure (tertiary homelessness).
  • have no permanent house or place to live safely
  • Internally Displaced Persons, persons compelled to leave their places of domicile, who remain as refugees within their country's borders. The rights of people experiencing homelessness also varies from country to country. United States government homeless enumeration studies also include people who sleep in a public or private place, which is not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. Homelessness and poverty are interrelated. There is no methodological consensus on counting homeless people and identifying their needs; therefore, in most cities, only estimated homeless populations are known. In 2005, an estimated 100 million people worldwide were homeless, and as many as one billion people (one in 6.5 at the time) live as squatters, refugees, or in temporary shelter, all lacking adequate housing. Scarce and expensive housing is the main cause of rising homelessness in the United States.

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Wikidata : Q131327

DBpedia EN : Homelessness

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Q131327 Homelessness