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19:25:30, 14 janvier 2020  +
<p>Video that Connor created for the<p>Video that Connor created for the School of Commoning crowdfunding that allowed us to organize the Quilligan seminar series in London.</p></br><p>Text : </p></br><blockquote><p>There are at least 2 major factors at play in the universe.<br /></br>For our purposes we’ll call them Unity … and Diversity.<br /></br>Generally today, we tend to you think that you just can’t have both.<br /></br>And consequently, as a human, you can’t be working towards both. You’re either working towards this. Or this. And that decides which camp you’re in, warring against the other.<br /></br>Predictably, this gets us a net progress of … NOWHERE.<br /></br>The same place that 1 dimensional, polaristic thinking is getting us.<br /></br>So what if we thought in another dimension.<br /></br>Collectively, what we’ve gained over here…we’ve lost over here.<br /></br>The Commons is the word that encompasses all those things that have been depleted to get us where we are today.<br /></br>We are rapidly depleting the social, cultural, intellectual, natural, genetic, and material commons.<br /></br>But can we replenish this…<br /></br>Without losing what we’ve gained?<br /></br>Frankly, millions of people, and institutions, businesses, and even countries already are.<br /></br>And whether everyone knows it or not, we all seem to be converging…<br /></br>On what? … we could call it a Commons-Based Economy.<br /></br>But time is of the essence! As other forces threaten to throw us into a worse dark age than ever.<br /></br>That’s why the people in this campaign are working tirelessly for me AND we to support the emergence of a commons-based economy.<br /></br>Help us help the world as we build a commons for the commons.<br /></br>That means learning resources, a learning platform, and sharing the vital work of James Quilligan, who just gave 12 seminars in 12 days on the emergence of a commons-based economy.<br /></br>It will take all of our collective intentions and intelligence to learn our way together towards the more beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible.<br /></br>To take the human project to the next dimension, we need nothing less than a mass movement.<br /></br>Internet, your move.</p></blockquote>o the next dimension, we need nothing less than a mass movement.<br /> Internet, your move.</p></blockquote>  
Commons Economy Rising  +  +
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