Comment intégrer une video dans une page du wiki ?

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Extension: EmbedVideo

The EmbedVideo Extension is a MediaWiki extension which adds parser functions called #ev and #evp for embedding video clips from popular video sharing services.

Sources : Extension:EmbedVideo. (2012, October 11). MediaWiki, The Free Wiki Engine. Retrieved 12:29, December 24, 2012 from


The EmbedVideo parser function expects to be called in any of the following ways:

  • {{#ev:service|id}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|width}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|width|align}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|width|align|desc}}
  • {{#evp:service|id|desc}}
  • {{#evp:service|id|desc|align}}
  • {{#evp:service|id|desc|align|width}}


  • service is the name of a video sharing service (See "service name" in the list below)
  • id is the id of the video to include
  • width (optional) is the width in pixels of the viewing area (height will be determined automatically)
  • align (optional) is an alignment (float) attribute. May be "left" or "right".
  • desc (optional) is a short description to display beneath the video when it is aligned

For example, to include the famous "evolution of dance" YouTube video, you'd enter:


And if you wanted scaled down to thumbnail size, on the right with a short description, you could use:

{{#ev:youtube|dMH0bHeiRNg|100|right|This is an embedded video!}}
Note: See the Project Homepage for more examples.

Supported Services

As of version 1.0, EmbedVideo supports embedding video content from the following services:

Site Service Name
Dailymotion dailymotion
Div Share divshare
Edutopia edutopia
FunnyOrDie funnyordie
Google Video googlevideo
Interia interia or interiavideo
Revver revver
sevenload sevenload
TeacherTube teachertube
YouTube youtube and youtubehd
Vimeo vimeo

Enabling full-screen mode for youtube

Note: This modification is described by various commenters in the Discussion tab.

1. Open the EmbedVideo.hooks.php file and change the following:

  • line 130 from :
           " wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"{$width}\" height=\"{$height}\">" .
to :
           " wmode=\"transparent\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"{$width}\" height=\"{$height}\">" .
  • line 158 from :
           " wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"{$width}\" height=\"{$height}\"></embed>" .
to :
           " wmode=\"transparent\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"{$width}\" height=\"{$height}\"></embed>" .

2. Open EmbedVideo.Services.php and add add &fs=1 to both youtube URL values. For example, change$1 to$1&fs=1

To enable HD by default, add &hd=1 after the &fs=1.