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I'm a senior web developer in innovative web projects since 15years, looking at the world in a common way, thinking out of the box to build new open source approaches to benefit the commons. Since 4years, I'm managing and working on an NGO project, building an openSource citizen societal network called with commoners like Maia, Julien (I can see on the list :-). We are trying to build the platform itself as a common. I'm also actively interested in modeling and mapping out commons in territories, cities and organisations. I'm very active in creating tools for Open Organisations, in order to make them glocaly(localy and globaly) more efficient. I also Animate the "Forum des communs", Alternatiba in Reunion Island.  +
Eleni is a professional architect, instructor and PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon University. She has worked on community planning and visioning projects in Pittsburgh. Her interests include community planning, sharing and collaboration, urban sustainability, green infrastructure and closed loop systems. She is the co-curator of AUTONOMA conference (2016) and the co-founder of the Vacant Home Tour program, which was one of the four finalists for the National Fels Public Policy Challenge in 2015. Prior to her work in the US, she collaborated with several firms in Athens, Greece and worked independently as an architect. Her projects have taken part in exhibitions in Pittsburgh, Washington, Philadelphia, Barcelona, Puerto Rico and the Biennale for Young Greek Architects in Athens. Eleni is a Fulbright and Onassis scholar and a registered architect in Greece. She obtained her diploma in Architectural Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), her MS in Sustainable Design from Carnegie Mellon University and she has studied urban design in Barcelona.  +
In 2004 Torange Khonsari co founded the art and architecture practice public works, an interdisciplinary practice working in the threshold of participatory and performative art, architecture and related fields of anthropology, always engaged with notions of civic in the city. Their projects are socially and politically motivated and directly impacts public space, working with local organisations, communities, government bodies and stakeholders. As a practice it is a vehicle and an umbrella that both hosts and tests the academic research undertaken within university teaching. Torange is currently a director of public works- social and political art and architecture practice, and teaches architecture and activism at UMA school of architecture Sweden where she is an Adjunct professor. The direct two -way communication between academia and practice has enabled and enriched an exploratory environment within which public works is now operating. Published work include ‘public works enjoying the in between’ planning the unplanned, 2015, ISBN 9783869840635, ‘contemporary initiative in participatory art and architecture practice’, Open house international journal, 2007. My home is your home ISBN 978-1906318-05-5  +
Currently I'm working at the Vienna University of Technology researching and developing forms of Open Architecture. We try to transform existing technical DIY solutions to reach height (up to of 6 floors) on the basis of renewable and affordable materials in a modular way. Our results will be summed up in the form of a toolkit (CC-BY-SA), that should be ready by April. Also at the moment, I’m providing texts to the Shareable’s book project on Commons and Sharing Cities, where I'm focusing on exisiting Water and Housing model policies. My relation to the Commons emerged in 2011 during my master thesis when dealing with "participatory design processes" in the context of urban planning. In 2013, I attended the Commons Summer School in Germany. Resulting further meetings eventually led to the foundation of the "Commons Institut e.V.", where I'm a part of. From that point I’ve been drafting, particularly with David Steinwender, an imaginative Commons-society under the name of “City of Workshops”. In the context of the Commons Institute, especially with Christian Siefkes, we currently try to find ways how various initiatives can form something like a "Commons association", so people involved can fulfill their needs in a broader spectrum through commoning while avoiding potential excessive demands.  +
My name is Jens Kimmel, 29 years old, living in Amsterdam, working at research centre ACCESS EUROPE. I am generally interested in new political/democratic developments in Europe on which I write both academically and publicly. I am also planning to organize a sort of 'commons' meeting in Spring Amsterdam myself.  +
'Dimitris Koukoulakis has studied Information Systems Engineering at the University of Surrey, UK where he completed his Master of Research with an EPSRC scholarship. Worked for two years at the R&D of NOKIA UK and then returned to Greece where he continued working as a software engineer at an IPTV company. Since 2009 has been active with several local and international grassroots movements driven by the concern of scarcity and inequality. A turning point has been the co-organization of CommonsFest in Heraklion for the last three years. Recently co-founded a social co-op working on free software and open source hardware, the CommonsLab.  +
I am Sunna Kovanen, a regional geographer and freelance writer from Finland. I have been working in different NGOs in Finland and for a regional office of East and North Finland in Brussels. With Commons I have mostly been involved during my studies and freetime. I have been active in / Solidarity economy network Finland, mapping solidarity economy actors in the country and researching and writing for our blog and some academic publications. My themes have included common learning of embodied knowledge via theater improvization in comparison to common digital knowledge processes, and institutionalization and upscaling of common self-organized service production. The interest to embodied knowledge comes from my hobby in theater improvization. The theme of my next article ist care commons and feminist economies. I have lived the last year in Berlin, getting known to german-speaking commons movements and supporting the organizational development of our CSA-farm in Brandenburg. Latest I have been working for Berlin & Brandenburg ImWandel, an online media and map about alternatives of collaborative economy in and around Berlin. Starting from next year I am planning to work and study with a Cooperative "Ehta Raha" in Helsinki, which develops needs-based economy with local communities in Finland.  +
Nicolas Krausz est responsable de programmes à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer à Lausanne (Suisse) depuis 2011. Il est en charge d'un ensemble de programmes concernant "la transition écologique et socialement juste vers une autre économie", les communs comme paradigme du changement, le Forum Chine-Europe (avec son collègue Julien Woessner), l'éthique de la responsabilité et le dialogue interreligieux. Après avoir étudié la philosophie à l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, il a travaillé dans l'édition, en particulier sur les questions religieuses et interreligieuses. Il a ensuite travaillé pendant cinq ans dans le milieu politique français, essentiellement à l'Assemblée Nationale. Puis il a dirigé pendant trois ans une ONG internationale, l'Association des Populations des Montagnes du Monde (APMM). Entre 2007 et 2011, il a travaillé comme assistant parlementaire d'un député dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Il est co-auteur de La Ville qui mange, un essai pour une gouvernance urbaine du système alimentaire publié en 2013 aux Editions Charles Léopold Mayer.  +
Gaëlle Krikorian leaves in France. She iis a sociologist and a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Social Issues. Social Sciences, Politics and Health (IRIS). Her researches focused a lot on the way health issues are taken into account during the negotiation of intellectual property in Free Trade Agreements. Until recently and during 4 years she was an advisor on Access to Knowledge and Intellectual Property issues for the Greens at the European Parliament. She is the author of articles about the Commons, Intellectual property issues, Access to medicines, Access to knowledge. She co-edited a book on social mobilizations in this field: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property (Zone Books Eds: New York). For almost 10 years and until 2004 she was an AIDS working with Act Up in Paris. As a feminist she is part of several groups in France.  +
Après avoir été dix ans conservateur d'une bibliothèque scientifique, Il rejoint l'enseignement à l'Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, et la recherche en collaboration avec l'Institut des Sciences de la communication du CNRS. Ses cours et sa recherche portent sur les technologies du web et sur la culture numérique. Il participe à l'équipe Sydonie qui propose un nouveau modèle de document sur le web qui croise les apports du web et l'expérience des bibliothèques. Ses travaux concernent l'impact de l'internet sur la société, la question des communs.  +
I discovered the dynamism of commons movement via a walk around urban commons I have been a contributor to several local commons on my territory and to the Assemblée des communs de Lille : Being an elected official , I am particularly interested in the question of public policies design, especially regarding mobility and accessibility. The issue of representation of public and exchanges of experience among the various governance bodies emerging common interests me first.  +
I'm a free software contributor and wikimedian since 2005, I'm especially interested in the digital commons based on copyleft, meant as tools for culture, tolerance/laïcité, democracy and social advancement. I've been a board member for Wikimedia Italia and the University of Milan, where I helped add Open Access to the bylaws. In Italy I support the broader commons via environmentalist and atheist associations (Legambiente, UAAR), housing and fair trade coops (Dar, Chico Mendes) etc.  +
Fabien Locher mène une recherche sur l'histoire des communs environnementaux aux Etats-Unis, depuis 1945, à partir d'archives américaines. Une première publication en est issue : en accès libre ici: Il est aussi maître d'oeuvre du projet international GOVENPRO, financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, sur l'histoire du gouvernement de l'environnement par la propriété, fin 18e siècle-présent, Europe-USA-Mondes (post)coloniaux. Ce projet est centré sur l'histoire des interactions entre propriété et environnement: il traite donc des communs, mais aussi de toutes les autres formes de propriété (domanialité, propriété exclusive, dissociée, concessions, etc etc.). Il ne traite pas, en revanche, de tout ce qui concerne le monde numérique (sauf dans son lien aux questions de propriété sur le génome). Le séminaire associé :  +
With the Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBF), based in Berlin/Germany. HBF is a publically financed foundation, the political affiliate of the German Alliance 90/The Greens Party. Since 2010, my project is been to nurture and support commoners and the commons and the search for the alternatives that we so badly need, alternatives to the neoliberal model of globalisation, the current world disorder and the ill conceived economic recipies that lead to plunder of people and the planet. I am working for quite some years now with Michel Bauwens, HELFRICH Silke and their American collegue David Bollier of the Commons Strategies Group, Together we have organised with commoners from many countries two major conferences in 2010 (International Commons Conference ICC and in 2013 the Economics and the Commons Conference ECC; two volumes have been published by Silke and David on the Commons that many of you probably know: and more recently: I have worked with Stacco Troncoso of the P2P Foundation, Frederic Sultan and Sophie Bloeme who have both in different ways contributed to the gathering in the coming days and I am very happy to see that a big network unfolds and hope that the Assembly process is bearing fruits for networking, mutual learning and a strategic side by side to of the many initiatives to make our Europe a place of tolernance, respect and wellbeing for the many. I am also happy to see friends and allies from the Charles Léopold Meyer Foundation, Nicolas Krausz, and the European Cultural Foundation with whom we are aligned in our support for policies and politics in favor of commons and commoning.  +
Of Spanish and British background but born in Colombia, she lives in Madrid since 2012, where she experiences and researches the rising transformation of citizen laboratories and P2P practices. In 2015, she's joined the team of Goteo/Platoniq, a platform that incentives the growth of the commons through crowdfunding. During 2015, she developed a project on peer-to-peer initiatives that are transforming public space through Southern Europe: 'P2P Plazas: a Southern European Network'. 'Twitter: @carmenlozano / @goteofunding  +
I´m a cultural agitator. Since 2003 I have been working as a cultural coordinator and transmedia artist, developing social and participatory processes. I live and work on Galician rural area, so i´m related to rural commons. From rural association i develop social and cultural activities on rural areas. Last years we have been co-working hardly in Montenoso, this project won a Honour Mention at Prix Ars Electronica 2014, in "Digital Communities" Category. As a political agitator i have been involved since 2011 on a kind of #15m international commission, a type of decentralized and espontaneous activist net that has been appearing and disappearing depending on global events linked to movements as #15m #occupy #yosoy132 #Manifencours, #direngezy, #NuitDebout, etc. We support each other in solidarity on issues such as education, human rights, migration, austerity or financial fraud and economic corruption, coordinating some global demos as #Globalnoise 2012 or #GlobalDebout 2015.  +
Anne-Catherine Lorrain is a lawyer with expertise in copyright law. She is currently Policy Advisor in the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA political group. From September 2014 until September 2015, she was accredited parliamentary assistant / policy advisor to Julia Reda, Member of the European Parliament in the Greens/EFA group and member of the Pirate Party, focusing on the drafting and on the discussion of the 'Reda Report' on the implementation of the InfoSoc Directive. She is associated researcher at the CERDI research institute (Université Paris Sud-11, France), where she has conducted PhD research on the issue of territoriality of copyright in the digital environment. She is co-founder of the COMMUNIA Association, an international non-for-profit organisation promoting the digital public domain ([]). She used to work as a legal advisor in the music industry for the French division of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) in Paris (France), before representing the interests of consumers as the coordinator of the IP Policy Committee of the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) in Brussels (Belgium) and Washington D.C. (US). She was a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition (Munich, Germany) in 2011-2013.  +
Rubén Martínez is a member of La Hidra Cooperativa and of Fundación de los Comunes. Masters degree in Political Science and Social Transformation at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. FPI Fellowship Grant linked with TRANSGOB research he is currently doing his PhD at the IGOP His research focuses on the analysis of public policies that foster social innovation, its articulation with community based processes and changes in the social power relations. He had published several articles and books about cultural economy, participatory governance, critical approach to social innovation and community based economies.  +
Lionel Maurel est juriste de formation et conservateur de bibliothèques, en poste à l'université Paris Lumières où il est en charge de la valorisation de l'information scientifique et technique. Auteur du blog S.I.Lex depuis 2009, il est spécialisé dans les questions de propriété intellectuelle et de droit du numérique. Co-fondateur du collectif SavoirsCom1 dédié aux politiques publiques des biens communs de la connaissance, il est également membre du collège d'orientation stratégique de la Quadrature du Net, association de défense des libertés dans l'environnement numérique.  +
I am the Executive Director of the newly French Foundation “Terre Solidaire” created in July 2016. The “Fondation Terre Solidaire” aims to address ecological and social transition issues by supporting and promoting local alternatives and new ways of thinking in order to move toward a new model that could achieve sustainable social justice and well-being for all. During the previous years, I was the Head of the Africa Desk at CCFD-Terre Solidaire that is the foremost French NGO of solidarity for development. I was particularly involved in issues relating to biodiversity, agro ecological, commons, citizen mobilizations against GMOs.  +