
De Remix Biens Communs
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<div class="entry-summary"> Original publication from P2P Fondation blog The European Commons Assembly (ECA) is a network of grassroots initiatives promoting commons management practices at the European level. The next stop for the network will be Medialab Prado, Madrid. These activities are part… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “European Commons Assembly Meet At Medialab Prado”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Le « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – littéralement Sud Eau Nord Déplacer – est le plus gros projet de transfert d’eau au monde, entre le sud et le nord de la Chine. Sur les traces de ce chantier colossal, le film… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Sortie : Sud Eau Nord Déplacer”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> La destruction violente des communs de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes par le gouvernement français est un acte infâme et révoltant. L’actuelle offensive policière, menée par plusieurs milliers de gendarmes et de CRS, avec engins blindés et hélicoptères n’est que l’exercice… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “NDDL : Non à la violence de l’Etat contre les communs !”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Original published on Commons Josaphat. Translation by Nicole Leonard. Commons Josaphat is an independent platform of residents, activists and associations. You have heard talk of it as one of the flagship European initiatives for the reconquest of the city by… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Commons Josaphat, To Do The City (Of Brussels) in common !”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Les voies maritimes, une belle idée de vidéo autour d’un projet d’aire maritime à protéger Par Aires-marines-protegees Trois photographes ont sillonné pendant plusieurs mois le golfe normand breton qui s’étend de l’île de Bréhat au Cap de La Hague et… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Les voies maritimes”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> trailer from M2R Films – merci Ray Zaharia </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “SACRÉE CROISSANCE !”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> 6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you! C@rds in Common is a game… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “C@rds In Commons, Place Your Order!”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Depuis plus d’un an, à, en tant que coopérative comptant plus d’une centaine de membres répartis sur neuf fuseaux horaires, nous gérons une plateforme de vidéo conférence en ligne, alimentée par des énergies renouvelables et fonctionnant sur un logiciel… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Commons.hour at”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Original publication 21 of May 2016 by Hervé Le Crosnier in . Translation by Nicole Leonard In 1928 Ravel composed Boléro, a piece that would become a worldwide success with hundreds of versions and arrangements. A harmonic crescendo that… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “What we learn from the history of Ravel’s Bolero”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> In the last elections in May, Barcelona en Comù has formed an alliance with the Catalan Socialist Party to form a new municipal government with a common agenda and Ada Colau was re-elected for another 4-year term. The first term… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Barcelone en Comu : results before next step, the example of the Digital policy”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary">   Will Work For Free is a documentary by Sam Vallely on the subject of technological unemployment. OFFICIAL RELEASE 2013 This work is protected under fair use and will always be free. </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Will Work For Free”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> To help reclaiming, protecting and creating commons in our neighborhoods and cities, we offer to co-create an interactive Atlas of the charters of urban commons. The collaborative creation process will develop on an intercultural and interdisciplinary fashion, production and sharing… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Atlas Of Charters Of Urban Commons”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Pour aider à reconquérir, protéger et créer les communs dans nos quartiers et dans nos villes, nous proposons de créer un Atlas interactif des chartes des communs urbains. Le processus collaboratif de création permettra de développer, sur un mode interculturel… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Atlas des chartes des communs urbains”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> As Alain Ambrosi wrote in 2012, « Commons is on everyone’s lips« 1. In order to make this notion known and to avoid its dilution in sometimes too vague speeches, the collective Remix the Commons endeavors to decipher the practices and to… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Sharing The Vocabulary Of The Commons”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Because the practices of commoning fly in the face of market culture, they are frequently misunderstood. What is this process of committed collaboration toward shared goals? people may wonder. How does it work, especially when many industries want to privatize… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “C@rds In Commons : Learn From The Commons By Playing”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Quelles propositions et politiques pour défendre et promouvoir les communs dans le contexte municipal ? Le Cahier de propositions en contexte municipal présente un échantillon d’outils et de propositions qui peuvent être appliqués dans les champs d’action relevant des communes… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Politiques des communs dans le contexte municipal”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> The violent destruction of the commons of the ZAD (Zone To Defend) of Notre-Dame-des-Landes by the French government is an infamous and revolting act. The current police offensive, led by several thousand gendarmes and CRS equipped with armored vehicles and… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “NDDL: No to State Violence Under Commons!”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> Interview with Joan Subirats – Barcelona, April 20, 2017 Alain Ambrosi and Nancy Thede The pro-independence government of Catalonia recently sparked a political crisis in Spain by proposing to call a referendum on independence by the end of 2017 with… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Catalunya en Comú: To Built A Country As Commons”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> The world needs ideas for a better and sustainable future, but the ideas are not enough. The Futureperfect platform is a virtual encyclopedia of people taking initiatives, organizations and businesses who move from thinking to action. Sharing these stories aims… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Media And Transition, A Debate In the Goethe-Institut”</span>…</span></a></div>  +
<div class="entry-summary"> « There’s no tomorrow » is an cartoon about the exploitation of fossil fuels and natural resources and their impact of human life on the planet. It is directed by Dermot O’ Connor and produced by Incubate Pictures. In 35 minutes, it… </div> <div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “No Tomorrow”</span>…</span></a></div>  +

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