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De Remix Biens Communs
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member of Panorama180, a non-profit association from Barcelona focused on cinema and audiovisual experimentation done with XXI century criteria: digitalization, net, compromise, agitation, change, empowerment, community... always opened to news and proposals that intend to get over the problems generated by an obsolete conception of copyright in the digital era.
Since 2010 we organize the BccN Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival, the first film festival focused on Creative Commons understanding the license as a tool (not a purpose) which is part of an approach and individual/collective political position that, at the same time, tries to match the free culture philosophy and the commons with cinema and audiovisual. Through practical experimentation, this leads to new models of positive relationship with Internet logics and the common benefit.
During 2012 we also applied to the own festival a CC license promoting the CCWorld Audiovisual Commons Net, a global net with local festivals self-sustainables copy-derivated of the Barcelona's ones and spreeded in differents towns and cities all around the world, specially in Latin-American countries. We are more than 30 festivals sharing and collaborating in a decentralized the knowledge and sources and connecting communities, messages and struggles through the audiovisual language. There are festivals in Madrid, Valladolid, Bogotá, Medellín, Sevilla, Donosti, Leon, Huesca, Almeria, Cali, Lima, Helsinki, Montevideo, ciudad de México, Sofia, Buenos Aires, Barranquilla, Santiago de Chile, etc…
We still believe in digital culture and, specifically, in audiovisual language and cinema as tools for social transformation, capable of articulating narratives and generating constructions and resistances totally necessary these days. As always, but more than ever now. +
Camille Meyer is a Ph.D. candidate in economics and management at Université libre de Bruxelles. His work focuses on social finance (community banks and complementary currencies) and analyze the extent to which grassroots financial organizations and services can be considered as commons. He realized field works in Brazil and lived in several European countries. +
Ana Miranda, spokesperson of the political party BNG from Galiza, former galician member of the European Parliament (MEP) and next MEP in 2018-2019. We work in different common issues in our stateless Nation, Galiza, and also here in Brussels, translating to the EC different proposals, resolutions and doing political incidence helping people and communities with the social, environmental and participative focus. We are in permanent contact with the galician land commons organisation (Organización Galega de Comunidades de Montes Vecinhais en Man Común-ORGACCMM), voice of the land commons and they contact me to participate in the next Assembly. Alfredo Pereira, the president fot ORGACCMM and other common are coming for the event.
This land system in Galiza in this kind of special common property with germanic origin (Montes Vecinhais de Man Commún) are commons collective land and the property belong to the community, with independence of the change of members, the only condition to be co-owner and have rights on the land is to be neighbourg and the rights of transmission is collective and not individually; the management of common resources are also collective and democratic. The "Montes en Mán Común" have a social, ecological and productive fonction in the rural areas. The land commons have 2900 communities in 248 You can find more information about them here: +
Katharina Moebus is a Berlin-based designer who works at the crossroads of design, art, activism and research. Her special fields of interest include critical pedagogy, peer-to-peer learning, DIT-culture, the commons, and emerging practices of design for socio-political and environmental change. She is co-editor of 'Agents of Alternatives - Re-designing Our Realities' (2015, with Alastair Fuad-Luke & Anja-Lisa Hirscher) and just about to start her PhD-studies at the University of Sheffield School of Architecture. She has gathered experience in working with neighbourhoods, communities and grassroots projects and is particularly interested in ways of strengthening local engagement with attention to its transformative potentials of greater scale. +
With an autodidactic vocation, he has spent the most part of his professional life in his birth-town as a filmmaker and a scriptwriter. Since starting, he has developed several works for television until 1999, when he starts a new stage devoted to documentary films. +
Marita Muukkonen and I, Ivor Stodolsky, run Perpetuum Mobile (PM), based in Helsinki, Berlin, Athens and the Provence. Our platforms are often commons-oriented, especially the PLURIversity ("A Co-Op of Co-Ops for Helsinki",, the PM Commons Collection, and The Arts Assembly ( open social format. A current special focus is the Artists at Risk (AR) platform, which works with "immigré" (refugee) artists and people at risk in third countries. We cooperate on occasion with the P2P foundation and FairCoop, among others. +
Kamira Nait Sid, présidente de l'Association de femmes de Kabylie, vice présidente du CMA pour l'Algérie, est également connue pour son engagement au sein du MAK. +
I'm an urban 'activist' since long years in Brussels working on differents fields like public space, environment, food, cultural diversity, community territories. More specifically I work on water issues with the association "Etats Généraux de l'Eau à Bruxelles" that I have contribute to create. This organization propose to work with hydrologic communities (living labs) on the basis of this concept : "Solidarité de vallée". Technically - because the question of the commons are technological questions too - we propose to elaborate "new urbane rivers" which are note more than a network of decentralized devices cocreates with inhabitants of the valley. This kind of program is not yet fully recognized by the authorities who are continuing to develope centralized technology. But academics of this city are really interested.
On the field of the commons self, I have propose several years ago the concept of Festival des biens commons which became Commons Josaphat. This project is now one of the main project in Brussels about the commons. It will be presented during our meeting. I would like to propose to work in Brussels about the Commons of our Commons, which can be an Commons Assembly of Brussels.
I'm working also with trade union. I accompany the Region du Centre FGTB to create something like an "atlas of the commons" in this Region. It is a very interesting experience in this very depressed part of the country. The main question is how not to be fatalist after the crisis, and the closure of heavy industry. How to take our life in hand without expecting the response of the "Messie", the big capital coming from outside… +
Vasilis Niaros is an urbanist, regional planner and engineer as well as PhD candidate (expected in 2016) at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. His research interests include open source technologies, urban commons, "smart city", makerspaces, IoT and do-it-yourself culture. He is also the Funding Manager of the P2P Foundation and Research Fellow at the P2P Lab. Contact: vasilis.niaros at +
Militant associatif et chercheur en aménagement du territoire, je suis basé à Lausanne en Suisse. Diplômé en sciences politiques, je suis co-président de l’Association écoquartier et je travaille à l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CEAT/EPFL).
Mes intérêts se dirigent en particulier vers les gestions communes dans les territoires (foncier, espace, habitat, terres agricoles, eau, etc.). J’ai organisé les « Journées des alternatives urbaines » en mai 2013, un événement dédié à la découverte d’initiatives partagées dans les villes et lors duquel nous avons proposé d’intégrer les gestions en bien commun au contexte de la ville. Lors du festival « Villes en bien commun » en 2013, j’ai invité et fait l’analyse du quartier GWL-Terrein d’Amsterdam sous forme de bien commun, court texte à retrouver sur le blog du festival (, +
Jacques Ninet a partagé sa vie professionnelle entre les marchés financiers et les fonds d'investissement (CEPME, Fimagest, Barclays, Sarasin France). Il est aujourd’hui conseiller pour la recherche auprès La Française Asset management tout en participant à divers groupes de réflexion sur la finance responsable et le DD. +
I have worked as an architect and planning consultant and as an activist for sustainability for over 20 years. My main input was in Feasta: Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability ( but I also served on 10+ NGO, professional or government boards promoting community development or environmental sustainability. About four years ago, I gave up all that ineffective advocacy promising myself only to work on real projects that promise immediate benefits. The commons movement is a framework for projects that perfectly fit the prescription!
I now lead two communing projects;- the Irish Biochar Cooperative based in Tipperary and the Community Land Trust Initiative based in Dublin.
The more advanced is the Irish Biochar Cooperative Society Ltd trading as +Char Despite its benefits, biochar still remains a niche technology / product known only to few environmentalists. We think we can mainstream biochar using a business model that has proved very successful in Irish agriculture in the 1930-50s - the agricultural cooperative. For these times, we decided we needed a multi stakeholder /open cooperative to succeed. The Biochar Coop
has 8 founder members representing workers, producers, users, service providers and community. We hope to expand with roll out of our habitat management services and new farm products this year.
The Community Land Trust Initiative (CLTI) is a forum for now while we discuss the best model to take forward. The CLTI comprises a 40+ group of building, planning and housing professionals, activists, politicians and builders who are determined to address Ireland's housing crisis and see common ownership of land as a fundamental part of the solution. We may form our own community land trust or we may partner with a local authority in an arms length trust. We will know in 6 months or so. +
Fabienne Orsi est économiste, chercheure à l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. Ses recherches s’inscrivent dans le champ de l’économie des droits de propriété, l’économie de l’innovation et le domaine des communs. Après avoir travaillé sur la question de l’évolution du droit des brevets dans de domaine de la recherche sur le génome humain et la co-évolution de ce droit avec l’organisation des marchés financiers, elle s’est intéressée à l’évolution des normes en matière de propriété intellectuelle au niveau international constitutives de l'avènement de l'Organisation mondiale du Commerce. Elle a travaillé sur l'impact de ces nouvelles normes sur le prix des médicaments et le problème de l'accès aux médicaments contre le sida et le paludisme dans les pays du sud. Avec le lancement en 2010 du projet ANR "Propriété intellectuelle, Communs, Exclusivité" elle s’engage dans une recherche pluridisciplinaire sur les communs de la connaissance avec comme principal champ d’intérêt l’étude du lien entre gouvernement des communs et propriété. Elle œuvre au développement d'une réflexion collective sur la manière de penser la propriété autrement que sous le prisme de la conception libérale fondée sur l’individualisme et l'exclusivisme. Elle est l’une des coordinatrices du numéro de la Revue de la Régulation consacré aux communs et à Elinor Ostrom : +
Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.
CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 +
My background is on computer science and engineering, and
I have worked as an academic interdisciplinary researcher for
12 years on incentive mechanisms (both economic and non-economic)
for peer-to-peer systems and the NetHood project, or what we have
called recently "the right to the hybrid city":
Since January 2016, I have quit academia and co-founded NetHood,, as an official Zurich-based non-profit organization.
We were lucky to get involved immediately in two EU Horizon 2020
CAPS projects: and
They are both inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches on the concept
of DIY networking and community (wireless) networks. See also a
recent special JoPP issue:
Through this work, and envisioning various possible synergies
between different forms of peer production, we have become
very active in two concrete areas of local collective action:
- community currencies:, and
- cooperative housing:
Our main focus is on extracting knowledge from a few concrete
success stories, like WIR/ complementary currencies
and Zurich's "young" cooperative housing projects.
For cooperative housing, you might also find this page interesting:, on which I am working together with Hans Widmer (aka P.M.)
and you might wish to consider joining us in Venice, October 28-30th:
For currencies, the NetHood team will be at the upcoming MoneyLab #3 in
Amsterdam, December 1-2, to present the "Flexonomix District-Currency Game": +
I live in Thessaloniki, Greece, where I've studied English Language and Literature in the Aristotle University. Along with Diomides, I was part of The Zeitgeist Movement, and attended the last 2 commonfests in Greece. Via TZM I have delivered several lectures and articles on language's inherent problems and the need to upgrade it, critical thinking and logical fallacies, science literacy, information evaluation (especially sources), the current socioeconomic model and its inherent flaws, a Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy, and generally post-scarcity economics. I have also served as the final proofreader and coordinator of the TZM Defined translation in Greek. I am currently a semi-professional musiciana, and my current interests, along with the above topics, include translation-interpretation, English language, socially conscious art, modern economics, P2p practices, and transitioning to a post-scarcity economy. +
PARANQUE Bernard est professeur à Kedge Business School (Chaire "Finance autrement"), Délégué Général à l'EuroMéditerranée (Chaire MENA) et chercheur associé au LEST-CNRS U. Aix Marseille. Il coordonne l’axe de recherche «Economie et Finance autrement, pays émergents et ressource commune ». +
Communications officer of the Habitat International Coalition (HIC) General Secretariat. HIC originated at Habitat I in 1976 and is a founding member of the Global Platform for the Right to the City. +
Responsable de l'édition et de la communication à Espace Mendès France - Centre de culture scientifique, technique et industrielle en Poitou-Charentes 1 pl de la Cathédrale CS80964, 86038 Poitiers cedex, France +
I represent myself as an 'artist-organiser', cultural producer, educator and independent researcher. I am specialised in developing and leading inter- and trans- disciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks. I am experienced in coordinating and facilitating participatory-open workshops for multi-disciplinary professionals, students & young people.
I am from central Scotland, grew up and lived there until 2000, however I have been based in Helsinki and Eastern-Baltic Sea region since the end of 2002. I consider myself a Commons activist working from within the cultural sector. As a personal example I also contribute as much of my artistic-research work to the Cultural Knowledge Commons, archiving media and documents to
My main involvement of recent years has been with Pixelache Helsinki [] node of International Pixelache Network. From early 2011 until end of 2014, I was coordinator and facilitator of the 'Pixelversity' around-the-year informal educational programme for Pixelache. I am currently involved in their ongoing work-group project 'Ferment Lab' (2015-), and as a board-member self-allocated responsibility for international networks and archival processes. In Finland I am also a member of Open Knowledge Foundation Finland, focused on OpenGLAM topics, and also Finnish Bioart Society, which has a strong ecological & environmentalist focus in art+science.
Looking ahead am currently planning projects for 2017 in Helsinki FI, Minsk BY, Riga-Liepaja-Aizpute LV, Dortmund DE, & Strasbourg FR. All more or less relate to participatory or commons-based peer-production.
In direct relation to the Commons topic I have taken part in one European Commons 'Deep Dive' gathering in early December 2012, and also the 'Economies of the Commons' in Berlin conference of May 2013, both organised by the Commons Strategy Group. In collaboration with Andrea Botero & Joanna Saad-Sulonen, we edited in Helsinki a document called 'Towards Peer-production in Public Services: Cases from Finland', Crossover 15/2012. Helsinki: Aalto University, 2012 [which can be accessed here: ]. I have also written in 2010 about the connections between rural cooperative traditions and network culture:
I am very much interested in migrant epistemologies and refugee hospitality & facilitation subjects, and out of the many topics presented in the Assembly, I will try to focus my contributions in the Assembly on the role of artists and cultural workers in contributing to Commons transitions, and to any migrant or cultural heritage topics.