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Daniela Patti is a co-founder of Eutropian. She is an Italian and British architect and planner who studied in Rome, London, Porto and Vienna. Specialised in urban regeneration and environmental planning through collaborative processes, her recent research and projects focus on the governance of peri-urban landscape, the revitalisation oflocal food markets and new economic models for urban development. In recent years she has worked within theURBACT program ad Lead Expert in the Interactive Cities network, dealing with social media governance, and as Project Manager in the TUTUR – Temporary Use as a Tool for Urban Regeneration network. Furthermore, in 2014 and 2015 she worked for the Rome Municipality, where she elaborated the strategy for the access to the European Structural Funds to be invested on urban regeneration. Since 2012, she is Board Member of the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture, responsible for its collaborative planning series. Between 2010 and 2013, she has been a researcher at the Central European Institute of Technology, where she was responsible for the Project Management of EU Smart Cities and urban regeneration projects. Moreover, she has been a guest lecturer at the University of Roma Tre, Tor Vergata and Universidad de Buenos Aires.  +
My name is Martin Pedersen and I have been doing research on and been involved in a wide variety of commons, temporary and "permanent" - material and "immaterial", since the early 1990s. 11 years in university began with computing science, social history, law, sociology and philosophy - studying the evolution of information technology from cave paintings to cyberspace with reference to the development of human societies and consciousness - and ended with an interdisciplinary PhD thesis titled "Property, Commoning and the Politics of Free Software" [1] I am currently involved in the creation of a global seed commons inspired by open source concepts, which brings together different open source seeds initiatives from around the world with a view to finding a common, conceptual ground that will allow exchange between these initiatives and thus realise a global commons. A great source of inspiration for paradigmatically different ways of sharing, living and learning in common has been two years working with indigenous people in the Amazon, to where I will also return soon and spend considerable time the next three years. I do freelance work editing and preparing texts of various kinds for publication, incl. in peer-reviewed academic journals. cheers, martin [1]:  +
PEREZ Roland, économiste et gestiologue, a été en poste dans les universités d’Amiens et de Montpellier et dans un organisme international. Thématiques : finance et stratégies des firmes et groupes (notamment agro-alimentaires), gouvernance, RSE, DD, communs. Il a été initiateur du programme FAS (Finance and Sustainability)  +
PERRET Cécile est maître de conférences à l'Université de Savoie et rattachée à l'IREGE. Elle s'intéresse au développement territorial et plus particulièrement à l'impact des réseaux sociaux (communautés, TPE/PME...) sur la dynamique des territoires. Son terrain principal est la Kabylie.  +
Constantin Petcou is a Paris-based architect whose work stresses the intersections between architecture, urbanism and semiotics. He is a co-founder of atelier d’architecture autogérée (aaa), a collective engaged in explorations, activities and research concerning sociopolitical practices in the contemporary city. aaa works with ‘urban tactics’, encouraging residents to manage disused urban spaces themselves, engage in nomadic and reversible projects, and initiate interstitial practices. aaa has been awarded the European Prize for Urban Public Space and the Prix Grand Public des Architectures Contemporaines en Métropole Parisienne, both in 2010. Constantin has co-edited Urban Act: A handbook for alternative practice (2007) and Trans-local-Act: Cultural practices within and across (2010) and R-Urban Act: a participative strategy of urban resilience  +
Doina Petrescu is Professor of Architecture and Design Activism at the University of Sheffield. She is also a co-founder of atelier d’architecture autogérée. Her research is focused on gender, space and participation in architecture. Her approach broadens the scope of architectural discourse by bringing cultural, social and political issues to bear on design processes, while her methodology combines architectural theory and design, contemporary arts, social sciences, political philosophy and feminist theory. She is the editor of Altering Practices: Feminist Politics and Poetics of Space (2007) and co-editor of Architecture and Participation (2005), Urban act (2007), Agency: Working with uncertain architectures (2009) and Trans-local-act: Cultural practices within and across (2010) and The Social (re) Production of Architecture (2016). Email:  +
Valérie Peugeot est actuellement prospectiviste au sein du laboratoire de sciences sociales et humaines d’Orange Labs et présidente de l'association Vecam, think tank citoyen qui, depuis 20 ans, déchiffre les enjeux sociétaux liés au numérique. Elle a publié plusieurs ouvrages sur les biens communs de la connaissance. Après avoir été vice-présidente du Conseil National du Numérique, de 2013 à 2015, elle a rejoint la CNIL en avril 2016.  +
I am a commoner at the Froxán Commons Community, a small village in the Galizan municipality of Lousame, close to Santiago de Compostela. Our rural Community has 100 hectares of woodlands which are managed through direct assembly democracy and also self-manages important services such as village water supply. The Community faces considerable threats from the mining industry and has been drawn into a protracted conflict with the companies. The municipality of Lousame, in which I have recently served as local councillor, is a good example of the reality of land commons in Galiza. common land is 50% of the total in the municipality, with 33 commons community assemblies managing its resources, that also include in most cases basic services such as supply of water. In this corner of Europe, the commons are a crucial aspect of our life. 1/3 of the land in Galiza is "commons", some 650.000 hectares that contribute to the livelihood of more than half a million people. Galizan "commons" is a form of "property" which is neither State-owned nor individual, but belonging to communities as open and fluid groups of people settled in the land that steward its resources. With this context in mind, we are mostly interested in traditional mechanisms for commons management through rural assembly democracy. But we are also very interested in expanding the notion of the commons to other practises and places. I am also involved with the iComunales initiative (, connected to the global ICCA Consortium ( Finally, I would like to draw your attention to a massive conflict that currently involved several other commons communities in our municipality regarding a project to set up a massive industrial waste landfill for a million tons in prime agricultural and forest lands that directly affects dozens of farmers and drinking water supplies of many of our villages. It would be of great support if the European Commons Assembly would consider issuing a Resolution in support for the commoners movement againts this landfill, uniting their voice with that of the commoners of Europe.  
Levente Polyák is a co-founder of Eutropian. He is urban planner, researcher and policy adviser. He studied architecture, urbanism, sociology and art theory in Budapest and Paris, and worked on urban regeneration projects for the New York, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Budapest and Pécs municipalities. Founding member of the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, board member of the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture. Specialized on urban regeneration, cultural development, community participation, local economic development and social innovation, with a special focus on building development scenarios on existing resources. In the past years, he has been researching new organizational and economic models of community-led urban development projects, including the temporary use of vacant properties and community-run social services. Based on this research, he has been helping public administrations as well as professional and community organisations of various sizes and geographic locations across Europe. He participated at the URBACT pilot project “Temporary Use as a Tool for Urban Regeneration“.  +
PONSOT Jean-François est maître de conférences en sciences économiques à l'Université de Grenoble ; il a été consultant pour le gouvernement équatorien et l'ONU sur la nouvelle architecture financière régionale en Amérique du sud. Thématiques : intégration monétaire régionale, dollarisation, innovations monétaires.  +
Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels. CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016  +
Serge Proulx est professeur titulaire à l’École des médias de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) et professeur associé à Télécom ParisTech. Ses travaux portent sur les mutations des dispositifs d’information et de communication à l’ère numérique, en particulier les innovations et les contributions des usagers dans le contexte du capitalisme informationnel. Auteur, co-auteur ou directeur d’une trentaine d’ouvrages portant sur la communication, la technologie et la société. Dernier ouvrage : La contribution en ligne. Pratiques participatives à l’ère du capitalisme informationnel (Direction de l’ouvrage avec J.L. Garcia et L. Heaton), Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2014.  +
I joined the list as been helping out Matthew Slater with his Virtual Currencies/Community Accounting modules for Drupal ( and he mentioned this event but I missed out on the opportunity to attend sadly, but extremely glad I found this list - so many amazing, inspiring projects people are working on! I spent the weekend watching the Platform Coop conference stream, I'm working on one for Drupal which I've been a part of for 13-odd years now. We have a unique situation as the largest Free/Libre Open Source Software community in terms of contributors however both benefit and suffer from the large amounts of money involved in some aspects of it. My particular angle has always been to improve the marketing of the project and helped set up the marketing & branding committee of the Drupal Association back in 2012 when I spent a year as the first ever community-elected 'At Large' Director before I discovered trying to change the system from within the system isn't gonna work, we need a bottom-up solution hence why I've landed in the platform coop space.  +
I'm Maximilian, french activist who lives in Berlin.  +
Françoise QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE est maître de conférences et chercheure associée au centre de recherche DRM de l’université Paris-Dauphine. Depuis quinze ans, elle conduit des recherches sur la mise en œuvre des stratégies RSE et les dispositifs d’évaluation des performances : Reporting extra-financier, systèmes internes de pilotage. Elle assure des enseignements de RSE à l’université Paris Dauphine et dans diverses universités et écoles. Elle est co-fondateur du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD) et membre du comité de rédaction dela revue ROR. Auteur de nombreux articles et chapitres d’ouvrages, elle est notamment co-auteur avec Michel CAPRON : * en 2004, Mythes et réalités de l’entreprise responsable, La Découverte, Paris. * en 2007 (nouvelle édition 2010), Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Collection Repères, La Découverte, Paris. * en 2015 : « L’entreprise dans la société : une question politique », Paris, La Découverte. Collection Grand Repères. En 2010, elle a co – dirigé, avec M.Capron et M.F. Turcotte, un ouvrage sur « ISO 26000, une Norme hors norme » : vers une conception mondiale de la responsabilité sociétale des organisations » ECONOMICA et en 2012  elle est l’auteur de : L’ISR : valeur financière valeur éthique ? ECONOMICA, Paris (co-écrit avec Franca PERIN )  +
I’m a registered architect and Ph.D. in Urban Design. As IPODI-Marie Curie fellow, I’m currently based at the Technical University Berlin - Institute of City and Regional planning, where I am working on my project “Beyond the Noise: Open Source Soundscapes." Based on the assumption that quietness in cities should be considered as a commons, I’ve developed a citizen-driven methodology to analyze, evaluate and plan small, quiet areas on the local scale and I’m experimenting with it in Berlin, by means of a pilot study. In order to empower people to identify and evaluate quietness in cities, I’ve also developed the Hush City app, which is free and it runs on both iOS and Android devices. Hush City app was released in April 2017 and since then quiet areas have been crowdsourced both in Europe and in the USA. In case you may want to give it a try, here you will find more info! I’d welcome the possibility to meet commoners based in Berlin, and I hope to have the possibility to join you all in next conferences/events. With regards, Antonella  +
I´m living in in the area of Järna south of Stockholm, Sweden. I´m involved in community/ commons based projects on different levels, mainly through the Transition- and Permaculture Network of Sweden. Unfortunately, I won´t have the possibility to join this time, but I would like to send you a paper which we made within the project REALS - Resilient and Ecological Approaches for Living Sustainably . Even if sent late, perhaps it could inspire some of the work during the coming days? I especially want to highlight the third section focused on landstewardship which highlights the importance of eg agroecological foodsystems. You find it here:  +
I have been working part time as a teacher in an architectural school (semiology of architecture, public spaces, signification of progress), and also in housing programs in a municipality, and also sometimes writing papers. Now I am retired, I am involved in a local citizen movement in Saint-Gilles (municipality of Brussels Region). With a lot of people we made resistance against inappropriate political decisions about public spaces. And we won! We made a short movie about it. Some people showed interest for a citizen movement and several transition initiatives. So the group started with a local money project, and a reflexion about public spaces, to be considered as a Common. We are also working on a ''tree charter''. One of our projects is presentation of books concerning transition into the public library of Saint-Gilles, to initiate a basic reflexion about transition and Commons. So we were like Mister Jourdain, doing Commons without knowing it! Early spring, I made an interview of Michel Bauwens, to be published next year in a Belgian/French magazine (Almanach Soldes Fins de Séries). Now we have planned to establish a Common Assembly, federating several local initiatives. But I often reflect – and I still do not know the answer – on the problem of the relevance of the group doing commons (size, quality of the persons, representativeness, ...).  +
Active in the co-operative movement for over twenty years, John Restakis is former Executive Director of the BC Co-operative Association in Vancouver, a position he held since 1998. He is currently Executive Director of Inspiration in Action (IIA) in Vancouver. His professional background includes community organizing, adult and popular education, and co-op development. Restakis was Research Co-ordinator on Social Infrastructure and Institutional Innovation for the FLOK Project in Ecuador. He has done consulting work on international co-op development projects, researches and teaches on co-operative economies and the social economy, and lectures widely on the subject of globalization, regional development, and alternative economics. Restakis has also been an advisor to Syriza in Greece for the development of a national strategy for the social and solidarity economy. He is also Research Associate for Co-operatives UK. Restakis earned his BA at the University of Toronto with a Major degree in East Asian Studies and specialist studies in Sanskrit and Classical Greek. He holds a Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion.  +
REVELLI Christophe, docteur en sciences de gestion (thèse sur "la performance financière de l'ISR") est professeur associé à Kedge Business School Marseille. Thématiques d'enseignement et de recherche : finance éthique et durable, investissement socialement responsable, impact investing.  +