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De Remix Biens Communs
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Lavinia Steinfort has been part of the Economic Justice programme of Transnational Institute (TNI) since 2016. She holds a BA in Anthropology and Development Sociology and an MA in Human Geography: Conflicts, Identities and Territories. For her MA she went to Thessaloniki, Greece to research the communal performativity of the water, food and labour movements. At TNI she is focusing on public (service) alternatives, such as water remunicipalisation, energy democracy and the potential of public finance, and trade and investment issues, such the negotiations of the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).  +
I’m Paul Stelhe a videographer/editor in San Francisco, I recently took part in the Fearless Cities Barcelona En Comú summit in Barcelona: Facebook: stelhe Twitter: @stelhe  +
Marita Muukkonen and I, Ivor Stodolsky, run Perpetuum Mobile (PM), based in Helsinki, Berlin, Athens and the Provence. Our platforms are often commons-oriented, especially the PLURIversity ("A Co-Op of Co-Ops for Helsinki",, the PM Commons Collection, and The Arts Assembly ( open social format. A current special focus is the Artists at Risk (AR) platform, which works with "immigré" (refugee) artists and people at risk in third countries. We cooperate on occasion with the P2P foundation and FairCoop, among others.  +
Ina Studenroth, born in 1978 in Recklinghausen/Germany is a cultural manager and créatrice de liens. She is currently working for the NGO Les Têtes de l’art, member of Connected Action for the Commons network as international project manager. She holds diplomas in cultural studies and sociology from University of Bremen/ Germany. Before moving to France in April 2006, she was involved in producing projects for different German festivals and EU funded cultural projects. Between 2006 and 2009, she developed artistic encounters and exchanges with European partners for Théâtre Massalia – European centre for productions targeting young audiences in Marseille. In parallel, she has been involved in developing artistic projects for Marseille-Provence 2013 – European Capital of Culture since 2007 as part of the Cities on the Edge network before joining the team as assistant of the deputy director in charge of programming. In 2014 she joined the team of the Festival d’Avignon as production manager. Since 2013 she is training cultural managers from Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria in the frame of Kulturakademie programme at the Goethe Institut Tunis. She has a special interest in participatory art, trans-sectorial projects, and mobility of artists.  +
SULTAN Frédéric contribue à la facilitation du « réseau francophone des biens communs » à travers les projets d'appropriation des idées et des pratiques des communs réalisés par la société coopérative Gazibo (fondée en 2008) Il coordonne Remix the commons et a participé à la rédaction du manifeste pour la récupération des biens communs (en 2009). Il est membre de l'association Vecam. SULTAN Frédéric helps to facilitate the networking on the commons in the francophone area through projects that present ideas and practices of commoning carried out by the coop Gazibo (founded in 2008) He coordinates Remix the commons and has participated in the drafting manifesto Reclaim the common (in 2009). He is a member of the association Vecam.  +
Currently a freelance researcher in Istanbul, I'm working on a coop initiative among scholars/researchers with high levels of job insecurities acting as commons collective. We have exciting ideas flowing in about trans-nationalizing the initiative on common grounds, so your suggestions would be most welcome. The platform cooperativism event I attended in 2015 at the New School, NY opened new horizons to the civic solidarity networks I've been contributing since late '90s.  +
Lucas (Sevilla, Spain) is member of ZEMOS98, a cultural initiative which researches about free culture, social innovation, the commons, new media and informal education. ZEMOS98 has recently coordinated a european project within the context of the Doc Next Network and with the title: “Radical Democracy: Reclaiming the Commons” to foster through media some social struggles related to the Commons from the UK, Turkey, Poland and Spain. Lucas is also a media-maker working on the commons, migrations and political cinema.  +
Frédéric Sultan contribue à la facilitation du « [[Est associé au mouvement::Réseau francophone des biens communs]] » à travers les projets d'appropriation des idées et des pratiques des communs réalisés par la société coopérative [[Est associé à l organisation::Gazibo]] (fondée en 2008) Il coordonne [[Est associé au mouvement::Remix the commons]] et a participé à la rédaction du manifeste pour la récupération des biens communs (en 2009). Il est membre de l'association [[Est associé à l organisation::Vecam]].  +
Thomé Pierre, retraité après une vie professionnelle dans l’action sociale (protection de l’enfance). Formé à la recherche-action (Collège coopératif). Thématique centrée sur les communs avec trois questions centrales : la propriété foncière et financière, la protection de ces ressources, les modes de gouvernance.  +
Benjamin Tincq est spécialiste des modèles *peer-to-peer* et des transformations numériques. Il est co-fondateur de OuiShare, un collectif international, think-tank, do-tank dédié à l'économie collaborative, dont il coordonne la stratégie, les parteneriats et les études. Ses travaux de recherche s'orientent tout particulièrement sur les promesses économiques, sociales et environnementales du nouveau système productif lié à la fabrication distribuée et l'open source hardware. Benjamin est ingénieur des télécoms de formation, et a travaillé cinq ans en tant que consultant en stratégie d'innovation, avant de faire son "job out" et co-fonder le projet OuiShare fin 2011.  +
My Name is Federico Tomasone and I´m working since 2014 as Prokect manager at the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Brussels Office. I´m in charge inside our program about socio-ecological transformation for the component about commons and solidarity economy.  +
I handle general coordination and development at the P2P Foundation and I’m also responsible, along with Ann Marie Utratel, for our general advocacy and communications work. I’m also the founder of the P2P translation collective Guerrilla Translation and designer/content editor for, the P2P Foundation blog and the new Commons Strategies Group website. My work around the commons cultures also extends to public speaking and relationship-building with prefigurative communities, policymakers and potential commoners worldwide.  +
Tackling issues of climate justice on behalf of a catholic organisation, the Pope's encyclical - declaring the climate a commons - has been motivation, support and challenge at once. The main message – environmental and social problems have to be thought and fought together – has not been easy to accept for a „development“ organisation. I was surprised to see the great resonance among environmental groups – or maybe not...? I think (commitment to) change has a fundamentally ethical dimension. No surprise: the encyclical contains many disputable things, too, for example a chapter about (the concept of) work, limiting it mostly to employment. Reimagining the future of my own work, I would love to reduce my employed time in favour of more "Eigenarbeit" and conviviality, dedicating time to my family, kids (8, 9, 11), friends and the Commons-Institute I co-founded. I see a chance for the commons paradigm to gain ground within my professional environment, however, so far it has mainly been my personal commitment.  +
Ruby van der Wekken - I am a co-founder and active in the development of Helsinki Timebank - I am also active in a process wanting to take forward a Solidarity Economy network buidling process and through this a furthering of our commons and commoning - up on I work for Siemenpuu environmental foundation which executes Finnish development cooperation and which supports actors in Global South around issues of ecological democracy.  +
Fanny van Hal (Membership Officer at GEN-Europe) grew up in an intentional community of 18 households located in the fruit basket region of the Netherlands. She moved to the Arterra Bizimodu community in Spain in 2015. Fanny finished her four-year Bachelor of Management of the Living Environment (BSc) at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences focusing on sustainable rural development through networks and did her final thesis project with the Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America (CASA) and their national network CASA Colombia. Always having had an interest in communal living, Fanny traveled and visited several eco projects around the world, ranging from occupied villages to self-sufficient farms and ecovillages. Fanny is an entrepreneurial, creative and positively critical person who is passionate about working in international teams facilitating change towards a more green and inclusive world. Currently Fanny is setting up a Community Supported Agriculture in Spain and works for GEN-Europe as Membership Officer, keeping contact and information flow within the network and bringing up the voice of ecovillages on a higher level.  +
Hanne Van Reusel will participate at the Commons Watch conference as member of Commons Josaphat. Her work within this citizen collective is in line with her PhD research at the Faculty of Architecture of the KU Leuven (campus Sint-Lucas Brussel). Within the Incubators of Publics Spaces research project she actively takes part in processes of collective visioning and local place-making at and around the Josaphat site. Commons Josaphat is a politically autonomous citizen initiative. We aim to bring the principles of the commons into practice at the Josaphat site in Brussels. In our ambition to lay the foundations for of a more sustainable, participative and just city we focus on this huge wasteland, which the Brussels Capital Region plans to develop into an entire new neighborhood. Departing from already existing commons initiatives, we are collectively working on a realistic proposal to develop the Josaphat neighborhood as a commons.  +
Sarah Vanuxem est maître de conférences à l’Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (GREDEG). ===Principales publications en lien avec les Communs=== Les choses saisies par la propriété, préface Th. Revet, IRJS, 2012. "PIPRA (Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture): une tentative avortée de pallier la faiblesse du domaine public dans les technologies agricoles", in B. Coriat (dir.), Le retour des communs. La crise de l’idéologie propriétaire, LLB, 2015. "L’appropriation au/du territoire Aït M’hand. Incursion dans le Haut-Atlas marocain", in S. Vanuxem et C. Guibet Lafaye (dir.), Repenser la propriété, un essai de politique écologique, PUAM, 2015.  +
I am a documentary filmmaker, French, based in Paris, who lived 17 years in London. I have recently produced the film Halcyons in Greece on the structures of solidarity. I collaborate with the quarterly Vacarme. ( I am a founder of the association Interdemos, which aim is to contribute to the elaboration of a european civil society (Demos).  +
Dobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in Belgrade/Serbia. He is active in the civil sector for the last 10 years, and in the last few years has been fighting for public spaces and greater citizens’ participation in decision making process in regard to urban development issues. The areas of interest are political theory, ecology and urban development, the counter-cultural movements. Every year he maintains the large number of lectures and presentations. Currently one of leaders of movement "Let's not drown Belgrade" which is raised against Belgrade waterfront mega urban development project, and part of Ministry of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.  +
I am an agricultural engineer (academic qualification) and anti-hunger activist (vocation) with experience on food security and nutrition policies and programmes, right to food advocacy and food sovereignty practices in Latin America, Africa and Europe. Currently, a PhD Research Fellow on food governance and agri-food transitions in the Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). I am exploring the idea and praxis of food as a commonss, from a normative and heuristics point of view. Preparing an academic book on "Food as a Commons" with three co-editors and 30 authors to launch the debate at global level. Why is food not treated as a commons? Why is food not governed as a public good such as health or education? In this Assembly, I would be interested in meeting other commoners, partners and colleagues that have an interest in food. So. count on me whether specific exercises on "Mapping the food commons" are envisioned as part of the concrete steps to walk the talk. I have just been uploaded an article to the Wiki of Commons Transition on The Food Commons Transition  +