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<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p><a href="">Glasgow contre Glasgow</a> from <a href="">Julien Brygo</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p> <p>Voici un film photographique (un nouveau genre ?) très intéressant, réalisé par Brygo et publié par Le Monde diplomatique, sur les rapports entre les riches et les pauvres à Glasgow en Ecosse.</p> <p>Fiche technique :</p> <p>22 minutes – 2014<br /> Un film photographique de Julien Brygo<br /> Montage : Matthieu Parmentier et Sandrine Romet-Lemonne<br /> Mixage : Clément Chauvelle<br /> Prix du Jury au Festival Les Nuits Photographiques 2014.</p> <p>Film photographique réalisé <a href="">pour le site du Monde diplomatique</a><br /> Ce film est tiré de l’article « Vivre riche dans une ville de pauvres », paru dans Le Monde diplomatique d’août 2010 :</p> <p>Projections et débats : <a href=""></a></p> <p>Pour se procurer le DVD, écrire à</p>  +
<p><a href="">We Are Legion | The Story of the Hacktivists Official Website.</a>.</p> <p>2012</p> <p>In recent years, the radical online community known as Anonymous has been associated with attacks or “raids” on hundreds of targets. Angered by issues as diverse as copyright abuse and police brutality, they’ve taken on child pornographers, the Bay Area Rapid Transit system and even forced a standoff with Mexican drug cartels. They’ve hit corporate targets like Sony, cyber-security firms like HBGary Federal and would-be web controllers like the Church of Scientology.</p> <p>They shut down Mastercard, Visa and Paypal after those groups froze financial transactions to Wikileaks. Along with other hacktivist groups like Telecomix, they’ve launched cyber attacks against foreign governments in support of the Arab Spring. They served as tech support for the Occupy movement and have put their mark on countless uprisings around the world. One participant described their protests as “ultra coordinated motherfuckery.”</p> <p>So who is Anonymous?</p> <p>They’ve been called criminals, “hackers on steroids” and even terrorists. But the vast majority of those who identify as Anonymous don’t break the law. They see themselves as activists and protectors of free speech, and tend to rise up most powerfully when they perceive a threat to internet freedom or personal privacy. Whether you are a soccer mom or a member of Congress, you live in an electronic landscape that has exploded with largely unchecked intrusion and surveillance. You are tracked by government databases while corporate advertisers are looking to buy your personal data for pennies. In this landscape, the existence of the collective internet culture called Anonymous makes the case for anonymity.</p> <p>Using tools of disruption and spectacle, they have also become the face of dissent for a variety of human rights and information freedom groups around the globe. They are a legion of loud but largely masked geeks, hackers, pranksters and outraged citizens who have unwittingly redefined civil disobedience for the digital age, and found themselves in the middle of one of the most important battles of our time.</p> <p>WE ARE LEGION: The Story of the Hacktivists, takes us inside the complex culture and history of Anonymous. The film explores early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater, and then moves to Anonymous’ own raucous and unruly beginnings on the website 4Chan.</p> <p>Through interviews with current members – some recently returned from prison, others still awaiting trial – as well as writers, academics and major players in various “raids,” WE ARE LEGION traces the collective’s breathtaking evolution from merry pranksters to a full-blown, global movement, one armed with new weapons of civil disobedience for an online world.</p> <p>BRIAN KNAPPENBERGER (Director/Writer/Producer)</p> <p>Director, Writer, Producer Brian Knappenberger has created numerous documentaries, commercials and feature films for the Sundance Channel, PBS FRONTLINE/World, The Travel Channel, National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. He is also Executive Producer of the 23 part Bloomberg Television documentary series “Bloomberg Game Changers” which chronicles luminary figures like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and the Twitter and Google co-founders. His films have explored the changing politics and tensions in post 9/11 southern Afghanistan in “Life After War” along with abuses of power and freedom of speech issues with the killing of a journalist in Ukraine for “A Murder in Kyiv.” Other documentary work has ranged from tracking the changing climate conditions in the Arctic, to how advanced technology is changing our physical bodies in his film “Into The Body.” His work often centers on technology, its possibilities and the transformative effect it has on our lives, communication and culture.</p> <p>ANDY ROBERTSON (Editor)</p> <p>Andy developed a keen interest in filmmaking after his 4th grade art teacher assigned a Super-8mm film as a class project. His career highlights include editing the feature documentaries RHYME & REASON and the documentary television series AMERICAN HIGH and 30 DAYS. He received two Emmy Nominations for PROJECT RUNWAY, the first reality show to win a Peabody Award.</p> <p>JOHN DRAGONETTI (Composer)</p> <p>ToneTiger is the moniker of John Dragonetti, a music composer and producer living in Los Angeles, California. In the past few years John has the scored the music for several award-winning TV shows which have aired on HBO, Showtime, Sundance Channel, NBC and E!. He also composed the music for Doug Pray’s documentary film, Surfwise as well as the Broken Lizard produced comedy feature, Freeloaders.</p> <p>John is also a founding member, along with Blake Hazard, of the band The Submarines. The group has released three critically acclaimed albums and continues to record and tour internationally.</p> <p>As a record producer he started with the Boston based pop group, Jack Drag, recording five albums, the last of which was co-produced by Chris Shaw (Bob Dylan, Public Enemy, Weezer). Dragonetti collaborated with mixer, John O’Mahony (Metric, Cold Play) on the latest Submarines album. He has also just completed producing and mixing Simmerkane-II the solo project of Dispatch and State Radio singer, Chadwick Stokes. John had done authorized remixes for Josh, Ritter, Avril Lavigne, Leigh Nash and others.</p>  
<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Rick Wolff: Cómo curarse del capitalismo" width="880" height="495" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>Rick Wolff: Cómo curarse del capitalismo El profesor Rick Wolff explica los motivos por los que el crecimiento ha adquirido tal protagonismo en nuestros sistemas políticos. La desigualdad es consecuencia de la forma en la que están organizadas las empresas. Asumiendo que pasamos una parte significativa de nuestras vidas en el trabajo, ¿qué pasaría si extendiéramos nuestro afán democrático al entorno laboral? ¿en qué cambiaría la sociedad si todas las empresas fueran más democráticas? ¿cuáles serían las implicaciones sociales y políticas de un cambio como este? Para saber más de Rick Wolff, visitad Vídeo y edición de The<br /></p> <p> </p>  +
<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="The London Orchard Project" src="" width="880" height="495" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p> </p> <p><a href="">The London Orchard Project on Vimeo </a> via <a href="">The London Orchard Project on Vimeo</a>.</p>  +
<p>Video that Connor created for the School of Commoning crowdfunding that allowed us to organize the Quilligan seminar series in London.</p> <p>Text : </p> <blockquote><p>There are at least 2 major factors at play in the universe.<br /> For our purposes we’ll call them Unity … and Diversity.<br /> Generally today, we tend to you think that you just can’t have both.<br /> And consequently, as a human, you can’t be working towards both. You’re either working towards this. Or this. And that decides which camp you’re in, warring against the other.<br /> Predictably, this gets us a net progress of … NOWHERE.<br /> The same place that 1 dimensional, polaristic thinking is getting us.<br /> So what if we thought in another dimension.<br /> Collectively, what we’ve gained over here…we’ve lost over here.<br /> The Commons is the word that encompasses all those things that have been depleted to get us where we are today.<br /> We are rapidly depleting the social, cultural, intellectual, natural, genetic, and material commons.<br /> But can we replenish this…<br /> Without losing what we’ve gained?<br /> Frankly, millions of people, and institutions, businesses, and even countries already are.<br /> And whether everyone knows it or not, we all seem to be converging…<br /> On what? … we could call it a Commons-Based Economy.<br /> But time is of the essence! As other forces threaten to throw us into a worse dark age than ever.<br /> That’s why the people in this campaign are working tirelessly for me AND we to support the emergence of a commons-based economy.<br /> Help us help the world as we build a commons for the commons.<br /> That means learning resources, a learning platform, and sharing the vital work of James Quilligan, who just gave 12 seminars in 12 days on the emergence of a commons-based economy.<br /> It will take all of our collective intentions and intelligence to learn our way together towards the more beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible.<br /> To take the human project to the next dimension, we need nothing less than a mass movement.<br /> Internet, your move.</p></blockquote>  
<p>By Samantha Slade</p> <p>« From where I stand today, one of the challenges of advancing an emerging movement such as the commons lies in how we build the community and how we meet in ways that embody the values of commoning. This involves the thorny question: How can we honour the vast experience and expertise on the commons and come together inclusively and equitably in a participatory commoning fashion? The Art of Hosting certainly has something to offer here, but also, and most importantly, those that are consciously living and doing the daily work of commoning, in all its complexity, have deep learnings to share to the benefit of building our collective capacity. »</p> <p>see the <a href="">whole article </a></p>  +
<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>Marianne Knuth est une entrepreneur sociale basée à Harare, Zimbabwe. Elle raconte l’histoire de On the Up Village Kafunda, un centre d’apprentissage communautaire au Zimbabwe.</p>  +
<blockquote><p> Some experiments for mapping the commons, from the definitions and brief descriptions of commoning actions or initiatives, with an instance of Chimere installed by Frédéric Léon at Brest. Chimere allows to place on a maps « points of interest » as defined by their geographic coordinates, text + multimedia documents (video , audio, images). Points of interest can be classified into categories organized by families. Maps are defined by selections of geographical zones and categories.<br /> </ blockquote></p> <p><iframe width='660' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src=''></iframe><br /><a target='_blank' href='' rel="noopener noreferrer">Agrandir</a> – <a target='_blank' href='' rel="noopener noreferrer">Participer</a></p> <p>The first idea, starting this experiment was to locate on a map hundred of definitions of the commons made since the Berlin Conference of 2010, and look at how to use this medium as a collective means of expression on the notion of commons. For the test, a douzen of definitions is placed on the map. The integration of all the hundreds of available definitions give more card provided. They are searchable by language. Sorting by tag does not exist. It is the next step we are chalenging. It will allow to make more visible the « issues » generated on the Remix The Commons website. The integration of this map in the site remix is done by widget in a blog post or page. Eventually, the card could be powered by mashup multimedia services.</p> <p>Second experiment : <a href="">mapping documents of commoning practices</a> by category « types of commons » (only with the parents of the categories of Charlotte Hess’ classification, used on the web site Remix the Commons) . The maps can be made by geographical areas. <a href="">Here</a> a map of a few points in Quebec .</p> <p>Chimere freely allows the addition of new points of interest by users via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a form</a> pretty simple. Each zone provides to the users a form that allows to classify points of interest by the category of the zone.</p> <p>At this level, it would be useful to complete chimere with elements such as a device of tags of points of interest, a synchronization of files on the map, a synchronization of the points of interest in the catalog of Remix the Commons.</p> <p>But to go further, it should be necessary to work on approaches of mapping the commons. The identification of resources is the first degree of a mapping of the commons. Should imagine mapping commons based modes of administration of resources, or models of distribution of property rights, or value systems attached to commoning practices and certainly other things.</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>  
<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00 à 20:00, Venez, REMIXER LES BIENS COMMUNS, à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, (38 rue Saint-Sabin – Paris). </strong></p> <p>Le 21 mars, profitant d’une session de travail du réseau en France, nous vous proposons un moment de dialogue convivial et de partage des initiatives culturelles et médiatiques sur les biens communs avec <a href="">Communautique</a>, Le <a href="">Forum Marocain des Alternatives Solidaires</a>, <a href="">Ker Thiossane,</a> le <a href="">LARTES</a> et <a href="">VECAM</a>,.</p> <p>Nous vous invitons à partager vos initiatives au même titre que celles du réseau Remix the Commons : la mosaïque et les chapitres de la collection multimédia, et de ses membres : les Petits déjeuners en-communs, À l’école des communs à Montréal, la Réparation Communautaire pour la transition dans la justice au Maroc, Afropixel, festival d’arts numériques sur les biens communs, les Chartes de gouvernance démocratique au Sénégal…</p> <p>Nous vous proposerons également de participer à la préparation d’une démarche de curation des médias sur les thèmes de la conférence : <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a>, qui se déroule à Berlin du 22 au 24 mai.</p> <p>Enfin, de 19:00 à 20:00, nous vous proposerons de profiter de la présence de membres du réseau francophone des biens communs venus de Montréal, Dakar et Rabat pour faire un tour d’horizon des initiatives en cours et un point sur le fonctionnement collectif.</p> <p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p>  +
<blockquote><p>Pour que l’appropriation sociale des biens communs soit émancipatrice, elle doit être ancrée dans un contexte géographico-socio-historique, partir des pratiques, traditions et réflexions locales passées ou contemporaines, tout en tenant compte des apports extérieurs et en étant ouverte à l’hybridation.</p></blockquote> <p><a href="">Itinéraires en biens communs</a> est un outil interactif qui vise à permettre aux participants du projet remix biens communs de contribuer de manière créative à la définition et l’appropriation des concepts et des pratiques des Communs.</p> <h2>Définition</h2> <p>On parle de « bien commun » chaque fois qu’une communauté de personnes est unie par le même désir de prendre en charge une ressource dont elle hérite ou qu’elle crée et qu’elle s’auto-organise de manière démocratique, conviviale et responsable pour en assurer l’accès , l’usage et la pérennité dans l’intérêt général et le souci du ‘bien vivre’ ensemble et du bien vivre des générations à venir.</p> <p>Cette définition est le fruit d’un remix de lectures, conférences, conversations et réflexions faites sur le sujet en partant d’une expérience personnelle, d’un contexte socio-culturel et finalement, d’un désir de communiquer et de contribuer à la culture en mouvement des biens communs.</p> <p>A partir de cette définition, chacun peut suivre son chemin au long d’un texte, « <a href="">Les communs sont sur toutes les lèvres</a>« , dont chaque étape, sous la forme d’un hyperlien renvoie à des ressources directement utilisables par les participants. Itinéraire en biens communs est un lieu de d’échange dans lequel les participants peuvent enrichir la définition des Communs.</p> <h2>Tracés</h2> <p>Itinéraire en biens communs est une invitation à l’initiation par l’exploration de cette définition sous différents angles thématiques en fonction du contexte ou des rencontres interculturelles de co-création. On propose de faire l’inventaire et une typologie des différentes formes de biens communs matériels et immatériels. Les ressources, identifiées par une icône, se situent sur plusieurs niveaux allant de l’usage le plus simple (ou du plus accessible) au plus compliqué. Le texte est une ressource en même temps qu’un terrain de jeu.</p> <p>On constate alors que ces biens communs réfèrent à un système de valeurs qui correspond à une même lecture critique de la réalité et à des pratiques sociétales (sociales, économiques, culturelles) qui sont attestées dans l’histoire ancienne autant que de nos jours.</p> <h2>Futur développement</h2> <p>Traduit en trois langues, le texte « Les communs sont sur toutes les lèvres » sera proposé comme trame pour une démarche de co-création collaborative d’oeuvres multimédia dans les réseaux des radios communautaires.</p> <h2>Collaborateurs/trices</h2> <p>Alain Ambrosi, auteur du texte et de la définition, et l’équipe de Communautique.</p> <h2>Financement</h2> <p>Itinéraire en biens communs est un projet basé sur la contribution volontaire.</p> <h2>Rôle de Remix Biens Communs</h2> <p>Itinéraire en biens communs s’inspire de Remix Biens Communs, et mobilise les outils de communication de la plateforme.</p> <p><a title="Par Tesseract2 (Travail personnel) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img decoding="async" alt="EarthRender" src="//" width="400" /></a></p>  
<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #2</em>, is the second serie of 10 videos of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the World Science and Democracy Forum, organized at Dakar in February 2011, </p></blockquote> <h3>Presentation</h3> <p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p> <p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p> <h3>Future developpement</h3> <p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p> <p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p> <h3>Collaborators</h3> <p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p> <h3>Funding</h3> <p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>  
<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Tragedies, comedies and other dramas of the Commons by Bonnie McCay #IASC #Japan2013" width="880" height="660" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p><a href="">Tragedies, comedies and other dramas of the Commons by Bonnie McCay #IASC #Japan2013 – YouTube</a>.</p>  +
<p>A great new documentary that is currently in production, documenting the water struggles around Greece. The working title of the new documentary is « Wa(te)rdrops », and it aims to present, through in-depth research and fieldwork, struggles concerning water around Greece, including the struggle against the privatization of Thessaloniki’s water company (EYATH), against the gold mines in Chalkidiki and against local water reserve appropriation efforts in Volos and Crete.</p> <p>First few trailers in the documentary’s <a href="">web page</a>. Make sure you activate the subtitles (English or Spanish) on the top right corner of the player.</p> <p>It is being filmed by a group of militant filmmakers coordinated by researcher Nelly Psarou. The same people did « Golfland? » a few years ago, a doc about the disastrous effect of golf course development on the environment and local communities. You can watch « Golfland? » online <a href="">here</a> (Soon in the Remix Catalogue). </p> <p>It is a_proudly independent production_ relying on crowdfunding for its completion, and the outcome will be freely accessible under a creative commons license. « Donate » button on the bottom of the documentary’s webpage.</p>  +
<p>Le 2 mars dernier, Marion Louisgrand et Marta Vallejo de Ker Thiossane, partenaire de Remix The Commons, ont organisé à Kédougou au Sénégal, un DEJEUNER EN COMMUN sur le thème de l’En-commun et du “vivre ensemble” autour de la question « Jusqu’où tu es chez toi ? ».</p> <p><a title="Par gbaku (Flickr [1]) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img decoding="async" alt="KolaNutsKedougou" src="//" width="400" /></a></p> <p>Retrouvez une série de photos sur la<a href=""> page web de Ker Thiossane</a>. Des émissions de radio ont été réalisées avec la radio communautaire. Enregistrement et des vidéos sont en cours de montage.</p> <p><a href="">Kédougou</a> se situe aux frontières du Sénégal, du Mali et de la Guinée. près du Parc national du Niokolo où vivent les derniers éléphants du Sénégal.</p> <p>Le DEJEUNER EN COMMUN se passait dans le cadre du festival “La Nuit des Etoiles”, organisé par le Centre Multimédia Communautaire de Kédougou (CMC), dans le Jardin public de la commune, avec l’appui du collectif grenoblois Culture Ailleurs (<a href=""></a>).</p>  +
<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a href=""> DEEEP project </a> , co-funded by the European Union program , gathered in Johannesburg (South Africa) 200 activists from around the world to rethink the framework of development NGOs and initiate the construction of a  » World Citizens Movement . » This meeting is the starting point of a process that will last two years of citizen mobilization for change and global justice. <a Href=""> A digital platform </a> is dedicated to it. During the conference, the participants began to learn from the work of civil society, its modes of organization and action in different areas around the world and produced a document, <a href = " " >« The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and orientations »</a> to define the principles that should guide the work of the two coming years.</p> <p>Invited to participate in this process, I have contributed to discussions and writing text to feed as much as possible of the concept of the commons. Conceived initially as a declaration of principles supported by a shared vision, this document has become a guide for the process itself, based on a few key ideas such as the need to de-colonize our minds and de-institutionalize development organizations. The result reflects the will of renewal in both form and content of the action, but leaves unanswered, at least for the moment, questions about the nature of a worl citizen movement, if it is one motion, and the nature of the process of the two next years of workfollowing the conference.</p> <p>It seems to me that today , a world citizens movement has to revolutionize the way for everyone to exercise their citizenship, and to be aware of. One of the roles of NGOs and CSOs should be to support the politicization of everyday life in the field of health , nutrition , education , work, .. .. etc, within the perspective of the commons. How to do this on a massive scale ? Appart from action campaigns on strategic objectives at the regional or global level, made by organizations, that are the infrastructure of civil society, it is to renew and articulate what is in France called popular education by integration of social neighborhood and mediated by computer networks practices. Such a dynamic would allow each to be more confortable with broader perspective and the international agenda. The challenge is to build bridges with multiple communities of belonging, not to provide them with the leadership of NGOs and movements, but to recognize and legitimize their leaderships at different scales of power (from local to global).</p> <p>To listen to the conference participants at Johannesburg , it looks like it must also go through the (re)discovery of the commons within organizations, regardless of their size or intended to rebuild the project itself. This can be a wide perspective of the organization (NGOs / CSOs ) to continue the work from Johburg. In this sense, it will be better to work on Our commons than to define THE commons and to try to transform organizations working on their values, projects and actions, rather than seeking Commons as a theoretical or ideological framework.</p> <p>Another avenue is to share les lessons learned by activists of the intangible and knowledge commons that, since the emergence of the computer have been able to build a movement that defends their values, distributed forms of collaboration , openness and freedom , sharing and solidarity , personal empowerment and participation in collectives, acting on a small scale while remaining in a universal vision. This movement is generally invisible as a social movement for people who are not activists. Everyone uses free software, access to culture and free knowledge, most of the time without paying attention. Yet organizations of knowledge and free culture are structured and are  » NGO  » or  » OCS  » weighty. Just consider the most visible in the public area alike Wikimedia Foundation, or the weight of this movement in the industrial sector (IBM , Android, …) or the work of lobbying done by groups aloke EFF Quadrature net, to realize that. It is a movement to maturity. This experience and the culture it develops worth sharing. </p> <p>Would not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>  
<blockquote><p>A workshop <a href="">mapping the commons</a> will take place at Rio (Brazil) from 18 to 26 of october 2013, coordinated by <a href="">Pablo de Soto</a> with the collaboration of <a href="">Bernardo Gutiérrez</a> and the support of MediaLab (Madrid). </p></blockquote> <p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>Mapping the commons was developed by Pablo Soto. This initiative aims to produce with inhabitants, activists in the place, living maps, consisting of short video documentaries and vidéoposts. The proposed approach takes the form of an intense multi-day workshop with communication students and activists to find the Commons, define and make them visible in the territory by producing media that form the map.</p> <p>Pablo Soto initiated this approach around urban commons of <a href="">istanbul</a> and <a href = ""> Athens </ a>. See the work done about <a href=""> Taksim Square </a>, whose privatization was one of the starting points of protest in Turkey this year. The mapping is a strategic tool. To research of the urban commons is a process of mapping the space, that Pablo Soto understand « as proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, and used many artists and activists during the last decade, as a <a href=""> performance</a> which can be thinking, artistic work, or social change ».</p> <p>On 20 March 2013, a wikisprint was performed in Barcelona using the same principles and methodology . Under the title  » Global P2P  » , it was to map Common practices and P2P in Latin America and southern Europe. See in English <a href=""> # GlobalP2P , the wind that shook the net </a>.</p> <p>Rio next step Mapping the commons is one of the cities that comes from living like the rest of Brazil, an intense social and political mobilization against international festivities that tend to <a href= "http://"> privatize public space </a>. Many consider these mobilizations, their claims and modes of organization fall within the paradigm of Commons. See analysis on the subject of Bernardo Gutierrez in <a href="">el viento that desordeno las redes</a> and Alexandre Mendes in <a href =""> A atualidade uma das democracia mobilizacoes do comum e</a>.</p> <p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>  
<p>We are organising a Barcamp dedicated to video as commons in Paris <strong>the 4th of october from 14:00 to 18:00 at <a href="">Labo de l’édition</a> 75005 Paris.<br /> </strong><br /> Documentary production provides a largely untapped source of video, images and audio files. For each documentary produced, many hours of rushes are carried out and a large part will seldom be used. It is estimated that for every documentary produced several dozen hours of rushes for only 52 minutes used.</p> <p>However, the pooling of rushes could multiply the forms of collaboration such as productions geographically distributed, creations adapted to local contexts, or adopting the point of view of different producers and multiple users for the same subject or content. In addition, the sharing of rushes may be accompanied by other exchanges: tools, know-how, good ideas and ultimately generate new projects.</p> <p>The idea that these resources can be shared and remixed is the basis of projects such as Remix The Commons and sideways. So we invite directors, producers and users of multimedia content to explore the possibiliies of sharing and re-use in the field the documentary video.</p> <p><strong>See the details of the <a href="">barcamp in French</a>. </strong></p>  +
<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Sacred Economics with Charles Eisenstein - A Short Film" width="880" height="495" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>Published Marsh 1st, 2012</p> <p>Directed by Ian MacKenzie <a href=""></a><br /> Produced by Velcrow Ripper, Gregg Hill, Ian MacKenzie</p> <p>READ THE BOOK <a href=""></a></p> <p>HELP ADD SUBTITLES <a href=""></a></p> <p>Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.</p> <p>Today, these trends have reached their extreme – but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.</p> <p>This short contains some visuals from the upcoming feature doc Occupy Love <a href=""><br /> </a></p> <p><strong>FULL CREDITS</strong></p> <p>Directed & Edited by Ian MacKenzie<br /> Producers: Ian MacKenzie, Velcrow Ripper, Gregg Hill<br /> Cinematography: Velcrow Ripper, Ian MacKenzie<br /> Animation: Adam Giangregorio, Brian Duffy<br /> Music: Chris Zabriskie<br /> Additional footage: Steven Simonetti, Pond 5, Youtube<br /> Stills: Kris Krug, NASA<br /> Special thanks: Charles Eisenstein, Stella Osorojos, Hart Traveller, Clara Roberts-Oss, Line 21 Media</p>  +
<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p><a href="">Glasgow contre Glasgow</a> from <a href="">Julien Brygo</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p> <p>Very interesting video made with pictures by Julien Brygo and edited by Le Monde diplomatique, about the relations between poor and rich people in Glasgow, Scotland.</p> <p>MSDS:</p> <p>22 minutes – 2014<br /> A photographic film by Julien Brygo<br /> Editing: Matthieu Parmentier and Sandrine Romet-Lemonne<br /> Mixing: Clément Chauvelle<br /> Jury Prize at the 2014 Festival Photographic Nights.</p> <p>Photographic film directed <a href=""> for the website of Le Monde diplomatique </ a><br /> This film is taken from the article « Living in a city rich poor », published in Le Monde diplomatique, August 2010:</a></p> <p>Screenings and debates: <a href=""> / actuality </ a></a></p> <p>To purchase the DVD, write to</p>  +
<blockquote><p><em>Définir les biens communs #1</em>, est la première série de 20 capsules vidéos et remix de définitions des communs (visibles ci-dessous), produite par Communautique et VECAM pour le <a href="">projet <em>Définir les communs</em></a>. Cette série à été réalisée à l’occasion de la <a href="">Conférence Internationale sur les Commons (ECC)</a> co-organisée par la Fondation Heinrich Böll et le <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a> à Berlin les 1er et 2 novembre 2010,</p></blockquote> <h3>Présentation</h3> <p><a href=""><em>Définir les communs</em></a> est un projet multilingue de partage et de remix de définitions des biens communs très brèves et spontanées, collectées sur plusieurs années et dans différents lieux tout autour de la planète.</p> <p>Le recueil des définitions a commencé lors de la première <a href="">Conférence Internationale sur les Communs (ECC)</a>, co-organisée par la Fondation Heinrich Böll et le<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, à Berlin en 2010. Les organisateurs de la conférence et des participants ont été invités à exprimer, si possible en une seule phrase, et dans leur propre langue, leur définition des biens communs. Depuis 2010, un grand nombre de définitions ont été recueillies à l’occasion d’autres rencontres.</p> <h3>Futur développement</h3> <p>La collecte de définitions des biens communs se poursuit. Elle est ouverte à chaque personne et organisation qui souhaite contribuer à la définition collective du paradigme des biens communs. Des publications et exploitations de ce fond documentaire sont en préparation, telle que la mise en place d’une cartographie interactive des définitions. Ce projet contribuera aussi à la constitution d’un glossaire des biens communs à travers l’identification des termes utilisés par les contributeurs dans leurs définitions.</p> <p>Pour participer à ce projet envoyer un message à Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ ou bien Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/</p> <h3>Collaborateurs</h3> <p>Cette initiative est une idée d’Alain Ambrosi. Retrouver les contributeurs sur le <a href=""> wiki</a>.</p> <h3>Financement</h3> <p>Le projet a été réalisé dans le cadre de la phase de prototypage de Remix The Commons soutenue par l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie et la Fondation Pour le Progrès de l’Homme.</p> <h3>Contribution de Remix Biens Communs</h3> <p>Remix est le support méthodologique et technique de cette démarche.</p>