
De Remix Biens Communs
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<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Autogestion et coopérativisme integral : une expérience sur la durée à l’échelle de la communauté.</p> <p>Coopérative de Barquisimeto (nord-est du Venezuela), au fonctionnement totalement autogestionnaire. Plus de 1200 travailleurs, aucun chef, aucun gérant, aucune structure hiérarchique, énormément de participation, de confiance et d’apprentissage, une rotation constante dans tous les postes de travail … et bien plus</p> <p>Pour en savoir plus,</p> <p>voir l’article écrit disponible sur. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>…</p> <p>voir le site de CECOSESOLA</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>voir aussi les vidéos produits par remixthecommons :<a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p>  +
<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>L’Afrique produit 10 pour cent de moins de nourriture qu’en 1960. Avec la montée de la monoculture et de la production alimentaire mondialisée, le paysage du continent est en train de changer et menace sa capacité de se nourrir. Au Mali, un plan américain pour une vaste opération de production de canne à sucre sur les rives du fleuve Niger menace les producteurs de riz à petite échelle qui ont nourri leurs communautés pendant des générations.</p> <p>Comment nourrir le monde ? Pour en savoir plus et obtenir des ressources pédagogiques, aller à <a href=""></a></p> <p>Director Hugo Berkeley & Osvalde Lewat<br /> Producer Eli Cane<br /> Produced by Normal Life Pictures<br /> <a href="">Why Poverty?</a><br /> Musique : « The River Tune » de Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba (Google Play • iTunes • eMusic)<br /> ITVS</p>  +
<p>Après le festival Temps des communs, (octobre 2015), un petit groupe s’était retrouvé sur l’idée de produire une exposition sur les communs, légère, éditable à la demande et utilisable dans des lieux qui accueillent un public qui n’est pas spécialement sensible à ce sujet. Nous pensions alors aux centres sociaux, aux bibliothèques ou aux établissements scolaires par exemple. Après quelques échanges, notamment autour du jeu <a href="">Commonspoly</a> qui avait été prototypé par <a href="">ZEMOS98</a> quelques mois avant lors d’une rencontre européenne, nous avons produit 12 panneaux d’exposition qui expliquent et illustrent les communs.</p> <figure style="width: 1240px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-medium" src="" alt="Expo Les communs" width="1240" height="1753" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Expo Les communs – CC-BY-SA.</figcaption></figure> <p>L’exposition propose de découvrir les communs à travers des éléments de définition et leur illustration concrète. Les panneaux font cheminer à travers différentes facettes des communs : la fragilité des communs naturels, la relation entre usage et propriété, le rôle des hackers dans le renouvellement des communs, la place de la connaissance, et la reconquête de l’espace politique par les commoners. Enfin, elle propose aussi des ressources en s’appuyant sur d’autres initiatives culturelles autour des communs : Communauthèque et sa bibliographie, le jeu C@rtes en commun ou encore Remix the commons of course !</p> <p>L’exposition est un travail collectif autour de Thierry Pasquier, mis en forme graphique par Rosie Howe, avec le soutien de l’Espace Mendès France — Poitiers, centre de culture scientifique, technique et industrielle en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, de l’association Vecam, et de Remix the commons. La publication sous la licence « Attribution – Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0 France (CC BY-SA 3.0 FR) » permet de laisser libre court à son imagination pour la diffusion et d’adaptation de l’exposition à chaque contexte. La prochaine étape consistera à mettre en place un site Web dédié qui permettra à chacun de publier selon ses besoins. Nous vous donnerons donc des nouvelles de ce projet dans les mois qui viennent !</p> <p>Une version PDF légère de l’exposition est disponible sur le <a href="">wiki Remix the commons</a>. Dans les semaines qui viennent, nous allons mettre en place un site web pour recevoir des PDF en haute définition pour l’impression en différents formats, les textes afin de permettre leur modification, correction, amendement, etc, ainsi que l’ensemble des médias associés et les sources InDesign. Le temps de mettre tout ça en place. N’hésitez pas à nous solliciter pour toute demande spécifique ou bien proposer de l’aide.</p> <p>Thierry Pasquier et Frédéric Sultan</p>  
<blockquote><p>Ritimo, Remix the Commons et le comité éditoral <i class="moz-txt-slash"><span class="moz-txt-tag">/</span>ad hoc<span class="moz-txt-tag">/</span></i> ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la prochaine parution, le 28 avril 2022, du nouveau numéro de la collection Passerelle « Finance et communs. Pour une réappropriation collective de la finance ».</p> <p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="wp-image-6746 alignleft" src="" alt="Visuel Soirée Passerelle n°23" width="395" height="331" srcset=" 342w, 607w, 768w, 940w" sizes="(max-width: 395px) 100vw, 395px" /></p> <p>À l’occasion de cette parution, vous êtes cordialement invité·e à la <strong>présentation publique du numéro, le jeudi 28 avril à 18h30 dans le salon d’honneur du CNAM.</strong></p> <p>Lors de la présentation, nous compterons sur l’intervention d’Odile Lakomski-Laguerre  Université de Picardie Jules Verne), Olivier Laviolette (ex-scop Z), Benoît Borrits (chercheur indépendant), Louis-Nicolas Jandeaux (Oxfam France) et Isabelle Chambost (CNAM-Lirsa, membre du comité éditorial), pour présenter différents éléments abordés par ce numéro.</p></blockquote> <h4>Date et horaires : Jeudi 28 avril – 18h30-21h</h4> <h4>Lieu : Salon d’honneur du CNAM – 2 rue Conté (métro Arts et Métiers)<br /> Premier étage (Métro : Ligne 3 ou 11 Arts et Métiers)</h4> <p>Pour plus d’information :* <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a></p> <p>Depuis les années 1970, le système financier s’est détourné de son objectif premier, le financement de l’économie, pour répondre à un objectif devenu prioritaire : générer des bénéfices financiers. Mais peut-on penser une finance au service d’un projet de société radicalement différent ? Et à quelles conditions ? Ce numéro de la collection Passerelle se donne un objectif ambitieux : celui de décrypter, d’analyser, et d’expliquer les enjeux autour de la finance, et de la repenser au prisme des communs.</p> <p>Tout d’abord, à quoi ressemblerait une finance gérée en commun ? Qu’est-ce que serait une « monnaie en commun », comment pourrait-on gérer la (les) dette(s) en commun ? Que compterait-on dans une comptabilité pour les communs, et quels effets concrets cela aurait-il sur les échanges économiques ? En changeant les termes du débat, en jouant sur les échelles et les niveaux d’acteurs, de précieuses pistes émergent pour initier (ou accélérer) un changement radical dans nos économies. Ce numéro pose ensuite la question du financement des communs. Depuis les Banques de développement communautaires brésiliennes jusqu’aux modèles de pérennisation de « l’entreprise en commun », en passant par les partenariats public-communs, comment changer d’échelle pour assurer l’expansion du « faire-en-commun » ?</p> <p>Cette publication se veut dès lors une contribution à la rénovation de nos conceptions sur le système économique et financier à l’aune de la transformation la plus radicale : celle de l’auto-gouvernement de notre monde en commun.</p> <p>Tous les numéros de la collection Passerelle sont téléchargeables gratuitement sur le site de la <strong>Coredem</strong> : <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a> <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href=""><></a></p> <p>Les exemplaires papiers de la collection Passerelle sont disponibles à la vente sur la boutique du site de *<strong>ritimo</strong> *: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a></p>  
<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>75% of Mali’s population are farmers, but rich, land-hungry nations like China and Saudi Arabia are leasing Mali’s land in order to turn large areas into agribusiness farms. Many Malian peasants do not welcome these efforts, seeing them as yet another manifestation of imperialism. As Mali experiences a military coup, the developers are scared off – but can Mali’s farmers combat food shortages and escape poverty on their own terms?</p> <p>How do you feed the world? To find out more and get teaching resources, go to <a href=""></a></p> <p>Director Hugo Berkeley & Osvalde Lewat<br /> Producer Eli Cane<br /> Produced by Normal Life Pictures<br /> <a href="">Why Poverty?</a><br /> Musique : « The River Tune » de Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba (Google Play • iTunes • eMusic)<br /> ITVS</p>  +
<p>Original publication from <a href="">P2P Fondation blog</a></p> <blockquote><p>The European Commons Assembly (ECA) is a network of grassroots initiatives promoting commons management practices at the European level. The next stop for the network will be Medialab Prado, Madrid. These activities are part of the Transeuropa Festival program, a large meeting of political, social and environmental alternatives.</p></blockquote> <p>The call to participate in the Madrid workshops will be open until August 4th.</p> <p>Form</p> <p><a title="18.05.16 Taller" href="" data-flickr-embed="true" data-footer="true"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="18.05.16 Taller" width="800" height="500" /></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script></p> <p>The European Commons Assembly was launched in November 2016 with public events that took place in several spaces in Brussels, Belgium, including the Zinneke social center and European Parliament. This meeting gathered from different parts of Europe more than 150 commoners to promote public policies for the commons at the European level and to develop mutual support networks that enable long-term sustainability..</p> <p>The call to participate in the Madrid workshops will be open until August 4th. Proposed topics related to the urban commons include:</p> <ul> <li>Public space<br /> Migrations and refugees<br /> Citizen participation in urban politics<br /> Culture<br /> Food<br /> Housing<br /> Health<br /> Currency and financing for the commons<br /> Laws and legal mechanisms to protect the commons<br /> Technology for citizenship.</li> </ul> <p>You may also propose a topic not already on this list; fill out the form to propose the organization of a specific workshop, and/or to participate in any of the workshops that you find interesting.</p> <p>Each workshop will be co-organized by both a local and an international community project around the proposed topic. Workshops will be coordinated to offer valuable knowledge and strategies to apply to other, ongoing experiences. To this end, the ECA Madrid coordination team will hold several video conferences to connect the different initiatives and develop the workshop contents prior to the meeting. Workshops will employ facilitation methodology designed to guide the coordination team members in structuring and eventual documentation of the contents generated.</p> <p>When completing the form, you may indicate if you need the organization to cover travel and / or accommodation if it will not be possible to cover these expenses another way. For more information, contact nicole.leonard [at]</p> <p>You can find more information on the European Commons Assembly website or fill out the form.</p>  
<p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4194" src="" alt="Move North South Water" width="198" height="300" /></a></p> <p>Le « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – littéralement Sud Eau Nord Déplacer – est le plus gros projet de transfert d’eau au monde, entre le sud et le nord de la Chine. Sur les traces de ce chantier colossal, le film d’Antoine Boutet dresse la cartographie mouvementée d’un territoire d’ingénieur où le ciment bat les plaines, les fleuves quittent leur lit, les déserts deviennent forêts, où peu à peu des voix s’élèvent, réclamant justice et droit à la parole. Tandis que la matière se décompose et que les individus s’alarment, un paysage de science-fiction, contre nature, se recompose.</p> <p>Sud Eau Nord Déplacer sortira mercredi 28 janvier 2915 dans les salles de cinéma. Si vous souhaitez vous associer à une de ces projections, contactez la salle de cinéma concernée ou la distribution du film : Si vous souhaitez accompagner une projection dans une ville où le film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>  +
<p>La destruction violente des communs de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes par le gouvernement français est un acte infâme et révoltant. L’actuelle offensive policière, menée par plusieurs milliers de gendarmes et de CRS, avec engins blindés et hélicoptères n’est que l’exercice de la violence étatique la plus pure contre un ensemble de pratiques collectives en cours ou en gestation, dont les fragiles conditions matérielles (bâtiments, lieux de réunion, outils de travail, troupeaux) sont anéanties par les bulldozers et les escouades policières. </p> <p>Dès la première journée d’assaut contre la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes la destruction de la ferme des «cents noms» constituait une véritable déclaration de guerre sociale et politique. La destruction de ce lieu ne s’imposait nullement au regard des critères invoqués par le gouvernement dans sa «communication». Nicole Klein, préfète des pays de Loire, justifie l’opération policière en prétendant que les «cents noms» n’avaient pas déposé de projet agricole. Ce qui est de toute évidence faux : les habitants de cette ferme étaient porteurs d’un projet agricole alternatif et certains d’entre eux avaient déposé une demande de régularisation. </p> <p>Quelle est la véritable raison de cette rage destructrice? Ce n’est pas l’absence de projet, c’est la nature des projets qui est en cause. Ce que ne supportent pas l’Etat et ses représentants c’est que s’expérimentent depuis 10 ans des formes de vie qui préfigurent ici et maintenant ce que pourrait être une société libérée de l’emprise de la logique propriétaire sous toutes ses formes. De ce point de vue, il est de la plus haute valeur symbolique que les habitants et défenseurs de<br /> la zone aient proposé dès le début que l’Assemblée des usages<br /> prenne en charge la gestion collective des terres et des espaces. Cette solution présentait l’avantage de prolonger directement l’expérience initiée et poursuivie durant tant d’années: faire prévaloir la logique de l’usage commun, qui est une logique de soin et d’entretien, sur la logique propriétaire, qui est une logique destructrice et mortifère.</p> <p>Ce n’est pas «l’État de droit» qui se défend, comme le soutient le premier Ministre, c’est un État de force qui veut éliminer le plus vite et le plus complètement possible tout ce qui pourrait relever du principe en acte du commun: associations, coopératives de consommation et de production, projets agricoles et artisanaux, modes d’échange et de vie conviviaux. L’État veut empêcher par ses moyens policiers démesurés ce qui est une véritable invention dans la manière de produire et de vivre, il veut faire table rase d un modèle de vie collective et écologique dont nous avons besoin aujourd’hui. </p> <p>L’Etat apparaît ici sous son vrai visage: il n’est pas simplement le garant de la propriété privée, il est lui-même soumis de fond en comble à la logique propriétaire, il est l’Etat propriétaire en guerre contre les communs. Il faut lui faire échec coûte que coûte pour préserver le trésor menacé<br /> des communs.<br /> <strong><br /> Pierre Dardot et Christian Laval</strong></p> <p>Publication originale : 12/04/2018, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">NDDL : NON A LA VIOLENCE DE L’ETAT CONTRE LES COMMUNS ! </a></p>  
<p>Original published on <a href="">Commons Josaphat</a>. Translation by Nicole Leonard. </p> <blockquote><p>Commons Josaphat is an independent platform of residents, activists and associations. You have heard talk of it as one of the flagship European initiatives for the reconquest of the city by its inhabitants. </p> <p>Commons Josaphat needs support from commoners to assert the work that has been accomplished over the course of the last 2 years with the public authorities in Brussels. </p> <p>Show your support by sending your message directly to the collective. </p></blockquote> <p><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" /></p> <p><H1>The common good neighborhood project </H1></p> <p>Commons Josaphat wants to build a proposal for the development of the city as a commons on the vacant lot of the former Josaphat training station. A new part of town will be developed there in the coming years. The challenge is to transform this piece of land, which is public property, into territory where a city for the common good can be started and established, a city district imagined and developed through partnership between the public authorities and the citizens. Our proposal, the results of two years of exchange and reflection in common, is summarized <a href="">in this document</a>. </p> <p><H1>Commons Josaphat today</H1></p> <p>The collective continues to work in three main ways:</p> <p>Effective occupation of the lot with other partners aiming to “make” this city as a commons, to immediately occupy its squares and spaces by using them. The agreement which places usage limits on individuals in order to preserve others’ use and access is an innovative first experience in the field for a new governance;</p> <p>Development of an “example island” of commons. This island should shape the city in common (through accessibility to the largest number of people over the long run, collective decision-making on land rents, environmental integration, promotion of the solidarity economy and open source, inscribing values of health in the design of the city, anchoring in local neighborhoods…) But it must also be realistic about the needs of public authorities (revenues generated, realization times and amounts realized). This island should serve as a point of evaluation that follows the issuing of the first phase of the master plan for the region; </p> <p>Building broad political conviction</p> <li>1. Strengthening social support to the “Josaphat in common” proposal: support of associations, academics, intellectuals, unions, mutual societies<br /> 2. Strengthening cooperation with local residents to involve all those concerned in this part of town today<br /> 3. Improving conventional political support: obtain the support of PS, MR, ToT, Ecolo, PTB and CDH and their Dutch counterparts at regional and municipal levels. </li> <p><H1>Here we reproduce their call</H1></p> <p>You’ve heard of Commons Josaphat over the last two years, as they’ve been organizing action with partners – by participating in the call for ideas for the future development of the area or through the working groups themselves.<br /> Maybe you practiced fallow during the current summer festival or are participating in conferences organized around the possibility to construct the city as a commons. </p> <p>Today we want to shed light on these examples of support, convergence, and cooperation around the production of the city as a commons, and give it weight in public debate!</p> <p><H1>What can you do? </H1><br /> To show your support:<br /> Send an email to: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Associations like BRAL, Pass-âge, RBDH (Rally for the right to housing), les Equipes Populaires de Schaerbeek, and SACOPAR (Health community participation non-profit association) have already done so. Academics such as Christian Laval and Tine de Moor have too. This support will be documented on the Commons Josaphat website and will support the proposal in public debate. </p> <p>To participate in the construction of knowledge on the commons to be diffused to the city level of production, send an email to: <a href=""></a> </p> <p>To get involved and work concretely with the project for transforming the lot into a common good, come to the lot the coming Sundays (7 July or 8 August), to the next general assembly on the 28th of August, or sign up on the list-serve: <a href=""></a></p> <p>We count on your response from now until the 28th of August, the day of our next general assembly. We invite you there to declare your support during the aperitif planned at 19:30 (7:30pm)!</p> <p>We’re hoping we can count on your participation.</p>  
<p>Les voies maritimes, une belle idée de vidéo autour d’un projet d’aire maritime à protéger</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" frameborder="0" width="400" height="225" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /> Par <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aires-marines-protegees</a></i></p> <p>Trois photographes ont sillonné pendant plusieurs mois le golfe normand breton qui s’étend de l’île de Bréhat au Cap de La Hague et qui fait l’objet d’un projet de parc naturel marin. Rodolphe Marics, Denis Bourges et Xavier Desmier proposent une radiographie de cet espace marin selon trois points de vue différents et complémentaires : photos aériennes, pédestres et sous-marines. </p> <p>Les voies maritimes est né d’un partenariat entre l’Agence des aires marines protégées et l’association Les champs photographiques. </p>  +
<p><a href=""></a></p> <p>trailer from M2R Films – merci Ray Zaharia</p>  +
<blockquote><p>6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you!</p></blockquote> <p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4621" src="" alt="IMG_0071-1024x768" width="800" height="600" /></p> <p>C@rds in Common is a game where 2 to 5 players collaborate to build a resilient civil society that defends the commons against the forces of monopolization. Apart from the pleasure of playing, C@rds in common was conceived as a means of documenting the presence of the commons at the Commons Space, an ephemeral encounter at the World Social Forum in Montreal in August 2016. The cards that composed the game were designed by volunteers who shared their vision and experience of the commons and the game mecanism designed by Mathieu Rhéaume and his team. This experience suggests that it would be possible to use the same approach and these methodological tools to document the commons in other local contexts, alike your neighborhood, or thematics as the commons of knowledge for example. We look forward to such experiments!</p> <p>To learn more about the game, have a look at the <a href="">website</a>.</p> <p>The game is released on demand by The Game Crafter in the US for $ 22.99 each plus shipping and customs via: <a href=""></a></p> <p>To reduce shipping and customs for Europeans, we are launching a bulk order and hopefully this will bring the cost of each game delivered to Europe to around US $ 30/35.</p> <p>If you wish to participate in this first bulk order, fill in <a href="">the form</a> before March 18th at 20:00 GMT.</p> <p>You will also have to pay an advance corresponding only to the price of the game(s) ordered. The remainder to be paid (port and customs) will be asked when the order is completed, when we will know the costs of postage and customs.</p> <p>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>  
<p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-6624" src="" alt="" width="342" height="184" srcset=" 342w, 607w, 768w, 1164w" sizes="(max-width: 342px) 100vw, 342px" />Depuis plus d’un an, à <a href=""></a>, en tant que coopérative comptant plus d’une centaine de membres répartis sur neuf fuseaux horaires, nous gérons une plateforme de vidéo conférence en ligne, alimentée par des énergies renouvelables et fonctionnant sur un logiciel libre open source, avec un engagement en faveur de la protection des données personnelles et de la confidentialité. Cependant, la gestion d’une plateforme coopérative de ce type nécessite de surmonter des défis pratiques où les précédents familiers (comme les logiciels libres P2P, les coopératives traditionnelles, les organisations de type mouvements « politiques », les groupes d’intérêts « sectoriels », etc.) n’apportent pas nécessairement toutes les solutions nécessaires.</p> <p>Pour explorer ces défis permanents des communs, ouvre<br /> commons.hour, un espace mensuel d’échange de pratiques, de réflexion et de conception avec sa communauté chaque 4eme lundi de 18:00h UTC / 19:00h CET.</p> <p>La première  session se déroule le 27 septembre. Elle établira le cadre du projet et permettra aux participants de faire connaissance avec les personnes impliquées . Vous pouvez vous inscrire via le forum<br /> : <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a><br /> La rencontre se déroulera ici : <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a></p> <p>Pendant toute l’année, les rdv de Commons.hour traiteront de questions telles que :</p> <p>– Comment gouverner une trame complexe de contributions, rémunérées ou non, entre membres utilisateurs et membres opérationnels ?</p> <p>– Comment décider ce qui peut se trouver dans un commun culturel ouvert, quels espaces doivent être ouverts aux seuls membres de la coopérative, et quelle doit être la relation entre la « boîte à outils » que nous fournissons aux membres-utilisateurs (dont la plupart sont aussi des organisations) et la boîte à outils opérationnelle que nous utilisons nous-mêmes « dans le back-office » ?</p> <p>– Quels services gérer, quels coûts supporter par qui, et quels privilèges et obligations attacher aux différents espaces que nous fournissons : espaces de plateforme (par exemple BigBlueButton), espaces de médias (par exemple le Forum), espaces de lieu (par exemple commons.hour) ?</p> <p>– Quels outils de communication, canaux et protocoles devrions-nous fournir et déployer, pour faciliter la participation et la contribution de nos membres, et la capacité des communautés progressistes et activistes plus larges dans lesquelles nos membres travaillent ?</p> <p>– Comment faire vivre une plateforme coopérative tout en étant une organisation en mouvement, contribuant à l’économie transformatrive ?</p> <p>La documentation de ces rencontres constituera une ressource libre : un modèle de constitution multipartite, et le mode de conception qui le sous-tend, un manuel de pratiques coopératives multipartite, orientée vers la contribution, non consumériste, des ressources méthodologiques</p> <p>Le programme se trouve ici :<br /> <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a></p>  
<ol> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ol>Original publication 21 of May 2016 by Hervé Le Crosnier in</ol> </li> </ol> <p><a href=""></a></p> <ol>. Translation by Nicole Leonard</ol> <blockquote><p>In 1928 Ravel composed Boléro, a piece that would become a worldwide success with hundreds of versions and arrangements. A harmonic crescendo that was also worth millions.</p> <p>An excellent series of nine 8-minute videos, directed by Fabian Caus-Lahalle and distributed by France’s National Audiovisual Institute, tells the story of the post-mortem reach of this gem from Maurice Ravel, who barely profited from it, rapidly falling ill and dying less than 10 years later.</p></blockquote> <p>The series looks like a detective story, with treachery, secret markets, fiscal paradises, and a masseuse on one side, and political men inundated by lobbies and incapable of defending the public domain on the other. Here we have a saga that shows the harmfulness of the notion of “rights-holders” – the hijacking of laws and cultural practices by businessmen who then use this acquired power to influence politics and further reduce the public domain.</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p>Everything is set against a background of Bolero and many interpretations of his work from around the world, in all musical styles and from all time periods.</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p>Tax havens hide the money coming from the ashes of Maurice Ravel, who died without children and left everything to his brother, who was also childless.</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p>But it’s a real political affair in which the cultural industry lobbies pre-empted public powers and our dear political men, ready to be seduced.</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p>Switzerland, Monaco, Gibraltar, Panama.. culture does not know borders, and neither does money.</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p>It is interesting that it would be the National Audiovisual Institute who produced this rant, just one day after the government’s retraction of Article 8 of the Lemaire Act, following pressure from the supposed “culture” lobbies. This law aimed to protect the information commons, particularly by allowing specialized associations to submit complaints to defend the public domain against enclosure.</p> <p>This needs to be shown to members of the mixed Senate-National Assembly commission that will definitively define this law. It also needs to be shown to all of our elected officials so that they see how their lack of interest for the protection of the public domain is nothing in reality but a submission to scammers, to lobbies, to monied powers, and to the disregard of society and its desire for cultural sharing and creative reinterpretations of cultural works. They can no longer close their eyes: they are responsible for what they steal from the public domaine for the profit of Panamanian or Monacan society.</p> <p>What would Maurice Ravel say? He wrote, “Take a model, imitate it. If you have something to say, your personality will never be more evident than your unconscious infidelity” (this sentence is the conclusion to this superb documentary).</p> <p>Publication 21 of May 2016 by Hervé Le Crosnier in <a href=""></a>. Translation by Nicole Leonard</p>  
<p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4963" src="" alt="" width="600" height="300" /><br /> In the last elections in May, Barcelona en Comù has formed an alliance with the Catalan Socialist Party to form a new municipal government with a common agenda and Ada Colau was re-elected for another 4-year term. The first term of office 2015-2019 was held with a minority government and in a regional and national context that was politically and ideologically unfavourable to the development of a « new municipalism of the commons » and an « alternative way of doing politics » that Barcelona claimed to be « en Comù ».</p> <p>The time has come to take stock and, of course, many will have something to say about the achievements made by comparing them to the initial programme. But when we see on the one hand the concrete achievements that often go beyond or question the competences of a municipality (housing, mobility, civic income, health, immigration, tourism, feminisation of politics, energy and technological sovereignty, etc) and on the other hand, what has been done to put transparency in the relationship between the institution, the social movements and the neighbourhood assemblies and the research, for a co-production of policies, we can affirm that the results are generally positive.</p> <p>The commons movement members and the supporters of a new municipalism, can be pleased that, thanks to a coalition of social movements, that has had the courage (and it is necessary) to invest an institution impregnated with neo-liberal practices and a logic of political parties fights, that is often far from the needs and realities of residents, Barcelona remains one of the most dynamic laboratories of urban commons and a model to which to refer.</p> <p>The <a href="">review of the digital plan</a> implemented during the first mandate proposed here is characteristic of the achievements, critical path and creativity of this laboratory.</p> <p>Here is how the city summarizes the principles of its action:</p> <blockquote><p>Establish itself as a global reference point as a city of commons and collaborative production<br /> End privatisation and transfer of public assets in private hands, while promoting remunicipalisation of critical urban infrastructures<br /> Massively reduce the cost of basic services like housing, transport, education and health, in order to assist those in the most precarious strata of the population<br /> Institute a citizens basic income focused on targeting proverty and social exclusion Barcelona Digital City Plan (2015-2019)<br /> Build data-driven models of the economy, with real inputs (using real time data analytics) so that participatory democracy could model complex decisions<br /> Prefer and promote collaborative organisations over both the centralised state and the market solutions (start investing higher percentages of public budget in innovative SMEs and the cooperative sector)<br /> Build city data commons: decree that the networked data of the population generated in the context of using public services cannot be owned by services operators</p></blockquote> <p>These principles are embodied in an action programme, the effects of which are detailed in this document. In addition to the emblematic 13,000 policy proposals from the inhabitants, of which 9.245 (72%) have been accepted, there have been 126 cases of corruption reported through the Transparency mailbox since 2017 or the inclusion of gender differences in the STEAM education and technological training programme.</p> <p>Finally, Barcelona, here as in other areas, is building on and strengthening city networks. It initiated – with New York and Amsterdam – the Coalition of Cities for Digital Rights and launched the campaign « 100 Cities in 100 Days » to defend 5 principles of digital policy:</p> <blockquote> <ul> <li>Equal and universal access to Internet and computer literacy Barcelona Digital City Plan (2015-2019)</li> <li>Privacy, data protection and security</li> <li>Transparency, accountability and non-discrimination in data, content and algorithms</li> <li>Participatory democracy, diversity, and inclusion</li> <li>Open and ethical digital service standards</li> </ul> </blockquote> <p>The cities of the Coalition are developing common roadmaps, laws, tools, actions and resources to protect the digital rights of residents and visitors.</p> <p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</strong></p> <p><em>For a more exhaustive assessment see the sector-by-sector assessment on the <a href="">Barcelona Joint Site (in Spanish)</a> </em></p>  
<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Will Work For Free | 2013" width="880" height="495" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p> </p> <p>Will Work For Free is a documentary by Sam Vallely on the subject of technological unemployment.</p> <p>OFFICIAL RELEASE 2013</p> <p>This work is protected under fair use and will always be free.</p>  +
<blockquote><p>To help reclaiming, protecting and creating commons in our neighborhoods and cities, we offer to co-create an interactive Atlas of the charters of urban commons. The collaborative creation process will develop on an intercultural and interdisciplinary fashion, production and sharing of knowledge on legal tools that make alive the urban commons. Through workshops, camps, and cultural residencies, with the commoners, we will co-produce the Atlas (a mapping tool), that will be a place to meet and to interact for creating or recovering our urban commons.</p></blockquote> <figure id="attachment_4247" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4247" style="width: 644px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-4247" src="" alt="Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)" width="644" height="46" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4247" class="wp-caption-text">Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)</figcaption></figure> <h1>The charters of the urban commons as inspiration</h1> <p>Urban commons charters are rules of self-governance established by a community for their commons in their neighbourhood, city, region… They can be transformed into legal instruments that formally recognize the rights and sovereignty of individuals and of the community over their common goods. They are also an instrument for organizing commoning with a view to preserving, sharing and transmitting those common goods. They are accompanied by a multitude of activities, narratives, creations, illustrations, celebrations, and studies that are the heart of the commons culture and that we want to conserve and hand on from generation to generation.</p> <p>We aim to evolve within this commons culture to generate mutual inspiration and to nourish the imagination as well as the practices of the urban commons around the world.</p> <p>Documenting commons charters experiences in an iterative, collective, decentralized and self-managed manner is in itself a way of making a common culture. Our proposal is to develop and make available to commoners various modes of documentation adapted to sharing the experiences of commons charters.</p> <p>We plan to organise camps and cultural residencies and to collectively create an Atlas of urban commons charters through interactive mapping in semantic web.</p> <p>This process is intended to be exploratory, pragmatic, pedagogical and political; it is as well both interdisciplinary and inter-cultural. It allows commoners to formalise their experience, to link it with that of other members of their community and to share it with other communities. It also allows to share both the legal tools developed over time and the experience accumulated around the world (with input from legal experts and urban designers). It aims to make this process known and recognized as one of the mainsprings of democracy and of the good life in an urban environment.</p> <h1>Learning from the historical and contemporary experience of the charters of the commons</h1> <p>The documentation and facilitation activities on the commons in the context of remixthecommons led us to discover the wealth and variety of citizen initiatives and proposals on urban and broader territorial scaleson various continents. In the process of constituting a commons, neighbours and citizens consistently take the key step of creating and formalizing rules of self-governance. Innovative practices in this domain exist at the neighbourhood level (as in Dakar) and on the scale of entire cities (Bologna, Djakarta and others). The experiences that appear to us exemplary are those where citizen initiatives have been able to mobilise a broad range of expertise from various sectors (cooperatives, activists, architects, lawyers, urban designers, informatics, etc) in order to advance proposals that are at one and the same time innovative and pragmatic, that welcome, encourage, ensure and guide active participation by citizens in regenerating, constituting and managing urban commons.</p> <p>In Europe, the Italian examples of the self-managed cultural spaces, the AquaBeneComune in Milan and various municipal commons charters adopted in several cities are inspiring and hold the potential of being shared, remixed and adapted to other socio-cultural and political contexts.</p> <p>This blooming of urban charters is a stimulus for commoners apprentices to share and co-produce knowledge and proposals with their pairs.</p> <p>The consolidation of networks of commons activists on the European level has engendered a dynamic of exchange and intercultural cross-fertilisation. Recent seminars on the subject between France and Italy are an example.</p> <p>In addition, this collective mobilisation in favour of urban commons charters is a superb way of celebrating le 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, which profoundly marked the history of the commons.</p> <h1>An invitation to collaborate</h1> <p>We wish to implement a digital prototype of the atlas of the charters of urban commons. It will be co-created during a first workshop and improved by an iterative process. Workshops with people and online will stimulate documentation of existing charters and the creation of new adapted to their contexts and to their local rights. These actions will crossed scientific disciplines and popular know-how. And we will take care to have diversified processes of work and to ensure the sharing of data, of the design of uses and of the services inspired by the Atlas.</p> <p>We are pleased to invite to participate all the activists and researchers motivated by the commons, especially those part of the Francophone network of commoners, and the organizations such as Commons Josephat (Brussels), Marx Dormoy Labs (Paris) Days of Urban Alternatives (Lausanne), or the House of the commons (Montpellier), LARTES in Dakar, …etc, and the European collectives such as Comuns urban activists in Barcelona, P2p plazas in Madrid, …etc.</p> <p>This initiative will also lead us to collaborate with activists of the Rights to The City, such as in France, the Coordination “Pas sans nous! (Not Without Us!) and the Collective for Citizenship Transition, and the International Alliance of Inhabitants.</p> <p>Some municipalities and local governments are already committed to support the commons and have their own charter. They offer spaces which allow to experiment our approach. The Festival of the Commons at Chieri in Italy (July 2015) could be the first opportunity.</p> <h1>The contribution of Remix the commons</h1> <p>Remix the commons incubates the project. We will share our experience of intercultural and multilingual projects such as <a href="">Mapping the Definition of the Commons</a>, of co-creation processes (see « <a href="">The Art of Commoning</a>» ) and our knowledge of European networks, including France, Spain, Italy and Germany. One of the first dates that we can give us, will be the Francophone Festival « <a href="">Temps des Communs</a> » (from 5 to 18 October 2015).</p>  
<blockquote><p>Pour aider à reconquérir, protéger et créer les communs dans nos quartiers et dans nos villes, nous proposons de créer un Atlas interactif des chartes des communs urbains. Le processus collaboratif de création permettra de développer, sur un mode interculturel et inter-disciplinaire, la production et le partage de connaissances sur les outils juridiques qui permettent de faire vivre les communs dans nos villes. Au cours d’ateliers et autres animations culturelles, nous explorerons avec les commoners/habitants les chartes des communs qui existent et leurs applications et nous contribuerons à la création de nouvelles. Une fois constitué, l’Atlas sera une plateforme de rencontre et d’interaction qui invitera les commoners à créer ou récupérer leurs communs urbains.</p></blockquote> <figure id="attachment_4247" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4247" style="width: 826px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-4247" src="" alt="Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)" width="826" height="59" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4247" class="wp-caption-text">Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)</figcaption></figure> <h2>S’inspirer et créer des chartes des communs urbains</h2> <p>Les chartes des communs urbains sont des règles d’auto-gouvernance dont se dote une communauté de personnes pour faire vivre leurs communs dans leur quartier, leur ville, leur région. Elles peuvent devenir des instruments juridiques qui formalisent la reconnaissance des droits et la souveraineté des individus et de la communauté sur leurs richesses communes. Elles sont aussi un instrument pour organiser le commoning en vue de conserver, de partager et de transmettre les biens communs. Elles s’accompagnent d’une multitude d’activités, de récits, créations, illustrations, célébrations, fêtes, études, qui sont le coeur de la culture des communs et que nous voulons faire vivre et transmettre de génération en génération.</p> <p>Nous voulons utiliser ce vecteur pour nous inspirer mutuellement et nourrir l’imaginaire autant que les pratiques des communs dans les villes à travers le monde.</p> <p>La documentation vivante et collective, décentralisée et autogérée de l’expérience de chaque charte des communs, est une manière de faire culture commune. Notre proposition consiste à élaborer et rendre disponibles aux commoners des formats de documentation propices au partage de l’expérience des chartes des communs.</p> <p>Nous envisageons d’organiser des camps, des résidences culturelles et de réaliser collectivement un Atlas des chartes des communs urbains sous forme d’une cartographie interactive en web sémantique.</p> <p>Cette démarche est exploratoire, pragmatique, pédagogique, et politique. Elle est à la fois interdisciplinaire et Interculturelle. Elle permet de formaliser son expérience, de la relier avec les membres de sa communauté et de la partager avec ceux des autres communautés. Elle permet aussi de partager les outils juridiques élaborés au fil du temps et l’expérience accumulée à travers le monde (avec l’assistance de juristes et de designers urbains). Elle vise à faire connaître et reconnaître ce processus comme l’un des principaux leviers de la démocratie et d’une vie harmonieuse en société dans la ville.</p> <h2>Apprendre de l’expérience historique et contemporaine des chartes</h2> <p>Nos activités de documentation et d’animation sur les communs à remixthecommons nous ont fait découvrir la variété et la richesse des initiatives et propositions citoyennes en milieux urbain et territoriaux sur divers continents. Dans le processus de constitution d’un commun, les voisins et citoyens passent toujours par l’ importante et nécessaire étape de se doter de règles d’auto-gouvernance et de les formaliser. Des pratiques innovantes en la matière apparaissent entre voisins au niveau des quartiers comme à Dakar ou au niveau de villes entière comme à Bologne ou Djakarta pour ne citer que celles-là.</p> <p>Les pratiques, pour nous les plus exemplaires, sont celles où les initiatives des citoyens ont su mobiliser des compétences et expertises diverses issues de différents secteurs d’activités (coopérativistes, activistes, architectes, juristes, designers urbains, informaticiens, etc) pour faire des propositions à la fois innovantes et pragmatiques qui invitent, encouragent, assurent et encadrent la participation active des citoyens dans la récupération, la construction et la gestion des communs urbains.</p> <p>En Europe les exemples italiens de ABC de Milan et des Chartes des communs municipaux, maintenant adoptés dans plusieurs villes sont inspirants. D’autres initiatives émergent en Angleterre, en Espagne et ailleurs. Elles ne demandent qu’à être partagées, remixées et adaptées à un autre contexte socio-culturel et politique.</p> <p>Cette floraison de chartes est un incitatif pour les apprentis commoners à partager avec leurs pairs et coproduire des connaissances et propositions dans leur localité.</p> <p>La montée en puissance au niveau européen des réseaux d’activistes des communs garantit des échanges et une cross fertilisation interculturelle. En témoignent les récents séminaires franco-italiens sur le sujet.</p> <p>Nous pensons finalement que cette mobilisation collective autour des chartes urbaines est une belle manière de célébrer le huit-centième anniversaire de la Magna Carta (1215)  qui a marqué l’histoire des communs.</p> <h2>Une invitation à l’échange</h2> <p>Nous souhaitons mettre en place un prototype numérique de l’Atlas des chartes des communs urbains. Il sera co-créé lors d’un premier atelier et amélioré de manière itérative. Ateliers en présentiel et en ligne vont stimuler la documentation de chartes existantes et la création de nouvelles, adaptées à leurs contextes et à aux droits locaux. Ces actions feront se croiser disciplines scientifiques et savoir-faire populaire. Et nous prendrons soin de disposer diversifier les procédés de travail pour être accessibles à tous, d’assurer le partage des données, comme celui de la conception des usages et des services inspirés par l’Atlas.</p> <p>Nous sommes heureux d’inviter à participer tous les militants et les chercheurs motivés par les communes, en particulier ceux partie-prenante du réseau de francophone pour les communs, les organisations telles que Commons Josephat (Bruxelles), Marx Dormoy Labs (Paris) les Journées des Alternatives Urbaines (Lausanne ), ou la maison des communs (Montpellier), le LARTES à Dakar, … etc, ainsi que les collectifs européens comme Comuns Urban Activists à Barcelone, P2p plazas à Madrid, … etc.</p> <p>Cette initiative nous conduira aussi à collaborer avec les militants des Droits à la Ville, comme en France, la coordination « Pas sans nous! ou le Collectif pour la Transition sur la Citoyenneté, et l’Alliance Internationale des Habitants.</p> <p>Certaines municipalités et gouvernements locaux s’engagent déjà à soutenir les communs et ont leur propre charte. Ce sont autant d’espaces qui permettent d’expérimenter notre approche. Le Festival des communs à Chieri, en Italie (Juillet 2015) pourrait être une première occasion.</p> <h2>L’apport de Remix the commons</h2> <p>Remix the commons jouera son rôle d’incubateur de projet et partagera son expérience, tant en matière de cartographie interactive interculturelle et multilingue du <a href="">projet de définition des communs</a>, que d’animation des processus de co-création (voir ‘<a href="">The Art of Commoning’)</a>. et la connaissance des réseaux européen et notamment en France, Espagne, Italie et Allemagne.  L’un des premiers rendez-vous que nous pouvons nous donner sera le Festival francophone « <a href="">Temps des Communs</a> » (du 5 au 18 octobre 2015).</p>  
<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambrosi wrote in 2012, « <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Commons is on everyone’s lips</a>« 1. In order to make this notion known and to avoid its dilution in sometimes too vague speeches, the collective Remix the Commons endeavors to decipher the practices and to sketch out the semantic and conceptual field of the movement of the commons from the collection and analysis of the documents it produces. The development of this vocabulary, which uses the tools of the semantic web, makes it possible to link the initiatives of documentation and promotion of the commons without erasing what makes their identities unique. By doing that, the movement of the commons has a space for strategic collaboration.</p></blockquote> <figure id="attachment_4643" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4643" style="width: 1024px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-large wp-image-4643" src="" alt="By Alaina Buzas " width="1024" height="681" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4643" class="wp-caption-text">By Alaina Buzas</figcaption></figure> <p>It is in 2010 that Remix the Commons initiates a process of documentation of the commons. Initially, the collective has a simple web site to identify and report content, mostly video, accessible online. At the same time, an initial series of video interviews was conducted at an international meeting in Berlin (2010). Others will follow the rhythm of World Social Forums or local initiatives in France, Senegal, Quebec first, and then in many countries on different continents. It quickly becomes necessary to allow each person to search by using key words in this documentation.</p> <h1>From key words to the commons vocabulary</h1> <p>When cataloging media objects on the Remix the Commons wiki (more than 500 media objects now), we describe the content of each production according to four axes which helps to position it in the field of the commons: object or resource to be commonified, stakes, associated actions and expected results. To date, more than 400 « key concepts » have been identified from the corpus gathered on the site. After that, ech concept is a card that uses the information on the Remix the Commons wiki, but also data from other sources accessible by using linking techniques by wikis and the semantic web. From each record, the user accesses information from the main documentary collections associated with the commons (P2P Foundation, Transformap, Digital Library of the Commons) and the large reference databases DBpedia, Wikidata, VIAF And WorldCat. Each concept is accompanied by definitions in several languages, resources published around the world that illustrate the point or refer to practices.</p> <p>This set of key concepts provides a vivid and moving description of the world from the point of view of the commons. This collection is freely accessible, usable by all and open to contribution. Although this work is still at an experimental stage, it opens up interesting perspectives in terms of research, the production and the dissemination of knowledge about the commons. Holes, gaps and nuances between sources of information, between languages and cultures can be identified, documented and discussed among the actors involved in the field of the commons.</p> <p>The vocabulary of the commons highlighted can support the emerging practices and contribute to the enrichment of the contents in Wikipedia and Wikidata, for example. The associations and collectives that contribute to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>  
<p>Because the practices of commoning fly in the face of market culture, they are frequently misunderstood. What is this process of committed collaboration toward shared goals? people may wonder. How does it work, especially when many industries want to privatize control of the resource or prevent competition via commoning?</p> <p>Matthieu Rhéaume, a commoner and game designer who lives Montreal, decided that a card game could be a great vehicle for introducing people to the commons. The result of his efforts is “C@rds in Common: A Game of Political Collaboration.” “I see playfulness as a sense-making tool,” Matthieu told me. “People can play casually and be surprised by the meta-learning [about the commons] that results.”</p> <p>It all began at the World Social Forum (WSF) conference in Montreal in August 2016. Rhéaume decided to use the opportunity to synthesize viewpoints about the commons from a group of 50 participants and use the results to develop the card game. He persuaded the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation and Gazibo, both based in France, to support development of the game. Fifty commoners more or less co-created the game with the help of several colleagues. (The process is described here.)</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Les communs en jeu ... de cartes" width="880" height="495" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p>As a game designer, Rhéaume realized that successful, fun games must embody a certain “procedural rhetoric” and reward storytelling. He had enjoyed playing “Magic: The Gathering,” a popular multiplayer card game, and wondered what that game would feel like if it were collaborative.</p> <p>At the WSF, Rhéaume asked participants to share their own insights about the commons by submitting suggested cards in six categories. The first four categories consist of “commoners cards” featuring “resources,” “action cards,” “project cards” and “attitude cards.” Two other types of cards — “Oppressive Forces” cards with black backs – give the game its kick by applying “negative effects” to the “Political Arena” of play. The two negative effects are “enclosures” and “crises,” to which commoners must collectively organize and respond in time.</p> <p>Intended for two to five players, the game usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. It has enough of a basic storyline to be easily understood, but enough complexity and sophisticated twists to be unpredictable and interesting. The key objective of the game is to “create a Political Arena resilient enough to defend the commons against encroaching enclosures.” The players win when there are no more enclosure cards in the Political Arena. They lose if there are more than five enclosures present at any one time.</p> <p>The backs of the Oppressive Forces cards feature a conquistador with a spear and text reading, “I am here to take the commons.” One of the Oppressive Force card is “Trump Elected!” which demobilizes every commons campaign underway. Another OF card, “Old Inner Culture,” prohibits the discarding of “attitudes” cards (which might otherwise hasten commoning). A “Fear of the Unknown” card prohibits players from drawing new cards for one cycle.</p> <p>By contrast, the commoner cards feature such things as urban gardens, First Nations, degrowth and independent media. A series of “Attitude” cards affect a player’s capacity to cooperate.</p> <p>WSF participants submitted a wild diversity of 240 cards to Rhéaume giving many perspectives on commoning and enclosure. Rheaume used 120 of cards and his own knowledge of game design to produce the game, printing at a local printer. He tested C@rds in Common through 25 games and four design iterations, attempting to achieve a 50% failure rate (the forces of enclosure win). Players discovered that the complexities of cooperation grow as new enclosures introduce new variables. A game booklet describes how players can make winning more difficult (by accelerating the rate of enclosure threats and reducing the time allowed to build civil society).</p> <p>Rhéaume concedes that the first play of C@rds in Common can be challenging, but there are YouTube videos to help new players learn the game. (See this video introduction to the game as a project, and this « how to play » video tutorial.)</p> <p>Rhéaume would like to refine the game further – it still has elements of the WSF event, including some French-only cards – but he is pleased that the game helps introduce players into the commons worldview and start deeper conversations about it. Following most games, players reflect on what happened and tell stories about the successful collaborations that emerged and enclosures that prevailed.</p> <p>The game was released in February, first with a European launch overseen by Fréderic Sultan of Gazibo. There are now more than 70 decks of C@rds in Common (in French, C@rtes en Communs) circulating there [actually more than 100 are .</p> <p>The Canadian launch of the game will take place in Montreal on May 11 at 17:30 to 20:30 at 5248 Boulevard Saint-Laurent in Montreal. To register for the (free) event, here is a link on Brown Paper Tickets.</p> <p>A deck of the game can be bought directly, at cost, via a commercial distributor, Game Crafters, at, for $22.40. Until May 31, Canadians can acquire the game more cheaply by signing up for a bulk order at this webpage; Rhéaume et al. will then distribute the games to individual buyers.</p> <p>Let me add a charming historical footnote that Rhéaume sahred with me. On the back of each commoner card, there is a drawing of a farmer with the text, “Give me my leather coat and my purse in a groat. That’s some habit for a husbandman.”</p> <p>Those lines are from a song in a medieval mummers play, « The Seven Champions of Christendom. » The lyrics are a heated discussion between a servingman to the king and a free and independent husbandman (commoner) about the merits and liabilities of their respective stations in life. (The song originated from Symondsbury, near Bridport, Dorset, in England — so a shout-out to STIR magazine, which is based there!).</p> <p>A sample exchange between the servingman and the husbandman:</p> <p>[Servingman] But then we do wear the finest of grandeur,<br /> My coat is trimmed with fur all around;<br /> Our shirts as white as milk and our stockings made of silk:<br /> That’s clothing for a servingman.</p> <p>[Husbandman] As to thy grandeur give I the coat I wear<br /> Some bushes to ramble among;<br /> Give to me a good greatcoat and in my purse a grout [coarse meal],<br /> That’s clothing for an husbandman.</p> <p>The full lyrics of the song can be found here.</p>