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Centre Maurice Halbwachs – CNRS  +
Roberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, International PhD Programme - Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (DADU) Alghero, University of Sassari (Italy) in partnership with the University of Karabuk, Turkey, Visiting PhD at the Polytechnic of Turin. She graduated with honors in Law, with a Master's thesis on Fundamental Rights in Europe and the Environment Law. She worked in Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the Council of Europe; she was involved in works for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, the instruments dedicated to participation, management, protection and cooperation. In a complementary manner to the legal profession, she studied Urban Planning at DADU and then obtained an International Master in Mediterranean Landscape Urbanism (DADU Alghero / Berlin, Paris), with a thesis on the outcomes of participatory processes in regulatory plans and systems. H Then she worked at the General Directorate of Local Authorities, Urban Planning and Finances at the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, at the Task Force of Municipalities' Association for the adaptation to the Regional Landscape Plan of the Urban Plans, in Detailed Plans of historic centers, and the development of participating laboratories to planning and pilot projects for local development. She worked at the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Sardinia for local development projects and the Office of Enterprise Europe Network. She obtained a Master of Community Planning and one in EU Planning and Policies and management of complex projects in international cooperation, promoted by the University of Cagliari in coordination with the organizations of the Third sector. She is an active partner of the Association An Island - Shared Idea (Un'Isola - Idea Condivisa) that practices of exercise of right to the city and promotes urban opportunities for active participation also with the institutions. She currently works as a researcher and pratictioner at Labsus - Laboratorio per la Sussidiarietà and she is involved in processes taking place in the urban context of production from below and grassroots, and shared administration of the commons, in particular she belongs to the mouvement of Cavallerizza Reale in Turin. She would like to do ActionResearch on legal arrangements and dispositives that are able to governing and to embrace transformations, to find new intervention tactics. She would like to study the coherence with the European urban policy and to work on the design of public policies and services.  
Alexandre Guttmann est basé sur New York et Paris, et il fait actuellement une thèse doctorale à l'Université Paris 13 du laboratoire de la CEPN. Sa thèse porte sur la façon dont l'autonomie gouvernementale et l'action collectif dans les communes urbaines peut préparer les grandes villes à affronter les tendances prédatrices du capitalisme et les menaces imprévues du changement climatique. Ses contributions au Remix des Communs incluent l'écriture de concepts clés de biens communs urbains dérivés par des articles scientifiques, la création des catégories pour ces concepts clés, la participation au contenu du 'Community Chartering Manifesto' et des contributions sur l'Atlas des Chartres des Communs Urbaines.  +
Nicolas Haeringer est sociologue. Il travaille sur les formes d'organisation des acteurs de la société civile, en particulier le mouvement altermondialiste et les forums sociaux. Il est par ailleurs membre d'Attac France et participe à l'animation de son Conseil Scientifique.  +
Sociologist. Co-initiator of the Commons Network. Former Green Member of the European Parliament 2004-9. Advocate on acccess to knowledge and access to medicines for TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue 2010-2015. Personal blog: twitter: @DaHammerstein  +
My name is Jamie. I’m trained as a civil engineer and for the past two decades have been working at the intersection of health, community, food systems and healthcare, working to help us navigate the great transition. I serve as the Executive Director of the Institute for a Sustainable and founder of the Commons Health Network, established to connect and advance place-based models of health creation and a new operating system. I also serve as the Coordinating Director of The Food Commons, a new economic paradigm and whole system approach for regional food combining community ownership and vertical integration to create wealth and good food access, with a successful prototype in Fresno California. Jamie led the successful US healthcare mercury elimination efforts and initiated and directed the national Healthy Food in Healthcare Campaign. Working at the nexus of health, healthcare, food systems and community he has received recognition as a national thought leader and for lifelong public health leadership and advocacy. He speaks and consults internationally.  +
HAYEM Etienne est fondateur et gérant de la coopérative Symba, monnaie complémentaire B2B pour la région île de France, membre de OuiShare. Thématique principale : ouverture des différents domaines du privé et propriétaire vers le partage et les biens communs.  +
Since 2007 I work as independent author, activist and scholar, with a variety of international and domestic partners; I do quite a bit of networking (f.i. in the context of the World Social Forum, of Thematic Fora; international Conferences both in social and academic contexts or framed by what we call TAPAS = There Are Plenty of AlternativeS). I've been editing and co-authoring several books on the Commons, among them: Who Owns the World? The Rediscovery of the Commons, Munich 2009 (in Spanish: Genes, Bytes y Emisiones. Bienes Comunes y Ciudadania, Mexico-City 2008), have been editing articles of Elinor Ostrom and translated them into German, f.i. Was mehr wird, wenn wir teilen",2011. And worked with my colleague David Bollier and the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation on two pretty international anthologies on the Commons: Commons. Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat, Bielefeld 2012 (English version The Wealth of the Commons beyond Market and State, Amherst/MA, 2012) and most recently Die Welt der Commons. Muster Gemeinsamen Handelns - , 2015 (engl: The Patterns of Commoning, Amherst/MA). I am cofounder of Commons Strategies Group and the Commons-Institut e.V. and blog (mainly in German, sometimes in English) on CommonsBlog. My new passion is to integrate the approach and thinking of Christopher Alexander as a philosopher of wholeness and enlivenment with the socio-economic and political rethinking and reshaping of the world. I.e. I plan to work on a Patterns Language of Commoning.  +
David HIEZ était jusqu'en 2006 maître de conférences en droit privé à l'Université de Lille 2 et membre du Centre René Demogue (d'étude des doctrines juridiques et du droit des contrats). Après une formation classique en droit civil et en théorie du droit, il a préparé un doctorat, sous la direction du Professeur Philippe JESTAZ (Université Paris 12), présenté en 2000, sur la notion de patrimoine en droit civil (publication LGDJ). Ses recherches se sont ensuite orientées dans deux directions principales : l'économie sociale et la théorie du droit, principalement la théorie du contrat. Il a orienté ces dernières années une partie de ses recherches vers le droit africain. Il est aujourd'hui Professeur en Droit civil et Directeur du Département Droit à l'Université du Luxembourg.  +
Après un début de carrière dans le privé,rejoint la Délégation à l’économie sociale peu de temps après sa création et participe pendant près de 20 ans à l’élaboration et la mise en place des politiques gouvernementales dans le domaine de l’économie sociale. A partir de 2001 poursuit ses activités dans un certain nombre d’institutions financières : E SFIN-IDES ,société de capital-risque de l’économie sociale, SOFINEI,société de financement des entreprises d’insertion, INAISE,réseau international de financeurs dans l’ESS, Caisse Solidaire du NORD-Pas-de-Calais Actuellement, administrateur de la Caisse Solidaire et de la RECMA,revue internationale de l’économie sociale. Egalement membre de FONDA, un think tank Associatif.  +
I am a doctoral student at the University of Brighton – I’m interested in the potential for urban commoning practices to nurture relational ethics and politics of openness. I have a background in community-engaged research, sustainable and alternative food initiatives and organisational values and am relatively new to the commoning network and community of practice.  +
Elizabeth Hunt is a member of percolab (Montréal, Québec, Canada) whose mission is to reinforce participatory and collaborative practices within organizations and communities in order that they may better respond to complex issues in service of the common good. She has been developing and co-creating community-based learning spaces and large-scale learning events for the past 15 years. She is dedicated to upheaving traditional notions of “expertise” and to creating spaces where participants’ experience, knowledge, and ways of knowing are put front and centre.  +
Amanda Jansen is OuiShare connector Netherlands & freelancer and involved in two cutting edge decentralized startups: Foundups and Noomap & Synergy Space Network based in Japan and the Netherlands. Amanda is a originally a social worker and a senior advisor for municipalities and govs. Four years ago she became involved in the collaborative economy movement of OuiShare and the P2P Foundation. She organized hackathons on p2p solutions and collaboration from a completely open source perspective, OuiShare meetups and a satellite event of OuiShare Fest and co-organized the Peer Value Conference in Amsterdam. She specializes in p2p dynamics, digitalization issues and collaboration as a core topic in all that she does. Currently she is a vlogger for the global emergence & abundance fest at Synergy Hub 1.0 Rotterdam during the month of October as well as involved in FLOW: a movement to bring across teal for organizations and a deeper connection within. Amanda teaches at a Master of Science on Information & Management about commons and p2p dynamics and information management and collaboration techniques. As the next phase of p2p she sees a global connection of nodes that are currently connected by several initiatives that aim to unite movements and create a seed crystal or social body that can be scaled globally. With this movement commons initiatives move out of the shadows or margins of the regular economy. The focus now is aimed at a changing consciousness and telepathical tooling with software applications such as Noomap. Scaling non invasive tech & growing awareness is her next expertise.  +
Mazibuko Jara was born in 1973 in Mdantsane in the Eastern Cape. He has worked for more than ten years in the non-governmental sector in South Africa, spanning such fields as human rights advocacy, HIV/Aids, communications, public education, economic develop ment, local government and financial sector transformation, as well as land and agrarian reform. From 2000 until 2005, he served as the chief spokesperson and strategist of the SACP. Previously, he was employed as a Project Coordinator and then National Director at the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality. He was a founder member of the Alliance of Land and Agrarian Reform Movements, and has sat on the boards of trustees of the Community Health Media Trust, the Lesbian and Gay Equality Project, the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust, the Goedgedacht Forum for Social Reflection, the Media Development and Diversity Agency and the Ntaba ka Ndoda Heritage Festival. He was Founding Chairperson of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). Jara currently works as a Senior Researcher at the UCT Law, Race and Gender Research Unit. He is also an Associate Editor of Amandla! – a bi-monthly magazine that was launched in 2007. He holds an MPhil degree from the University of the Western Cape (UWC), and is presently conducting doctoral research on the political economy of the food regime in South Africa through UWC.  +
I am a co-director Letting Space, an arts organisation in Wellington, New Zealand concerned with broadening the commons. I was a founding director of Loomio software company and am part of the Enspiral Network. I am researching toward a PhD in Europe (University of Copenhagen) concerned with art and architecture practice and the commons.  +
JOURDEN Claude découvre le monde de l'ESS au début des années 2000 et s'implique depuis dans des mouvements de transition éthique de l'économie et dans des actions finalisées du domaine de l'écologie et de l'humanisme. Il s'intéresse aux mouvements de la transition écologique, sociale, humaine et aux thématiques du DD.   +
Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels. CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016  +
I am a PhD student at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki working on issues related to the urban environment and the urban commons. I am specifically interested in bottom-up commoning initiatives in cities that produce new urban spaces.  +
I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO deeply involved in field of education. EDUin serves as a watchdog permanently confronting education policies in Czech Republic and as an information joint among government, businesses, schools and another NGOs. We also run several projects. Their common base is focus on innovations. One of them is support to the Open Education Resources, project financed by Open Society Fund. We has created Alliance for open education which members are organizations and individuals engaged in education, technologies etc. More details about our activities in English: Personally: I do regularly publish about education in many of Czech media and serves as regular media commentator of educational events. Teacher at University of Economics and Management in Prague. I do contribute to launch business start up Education Republic. In 2015 I participated on the content and realization of Forum 2000 in Prague, one of the most high profile annual event in Czech Republic. Last year was education choosen as main theme of conference. Together with the Center of contemporary culture DOX I have created Map of social stereotypes. I do participate on the implementation of Philip Zimbardo’s Heroic Imaginations Project into the newly starting Silent memorial Bubny in prague etc. He focus not only education, his next field of interest are media. He is editor of Czech critical internet daily Britské listy. I have graduated from Pedagogical Faculty and Faculty of Sports Studies MU in Brno and hold PhD from Media Institute at Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.  +
Catherine Karyotis, docteur en Sciences de gestion, HDR, est professeur de finance, NEOMA Business School Campus de Reims, chercheur associé au LIRSA, CNAM Paris, responsable du Mastère Spécialisé Analyse Financière Internationale du campus de Reims. Spécialisée en banque et marché, ses recherches portent sur la gouvernance du système financier et le ré-encastrement de la finance au service de l’économie et de la société. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages en banque et finance, ainsi que d’articles professionnels et académiques. Ses recherches portent sur l’efficience et la gouvernance des systèmes financiers. Elle dénonce l’hyperfinanciarisation des économies et questionne en conséquence le besoin de remettre la finance au service de l’économie et de la société.  +