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Nicole ALIX, HEC-74, est engagée depuis 40 ans dans l’économie sociale et, notamment, dans la banque coopérative et les services associatifs d’intérêt général. Elle est secrétaire du Conseil d’administration des Rencontres du Mont Blanc, forum international de dirigeants de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Elle y mise à disposition par le Crédit Coopératif, dont elle a été Directrice du développement jusqu’en 2011. Elle a été, de 1980 à 2000, Directeur général adjoint de l’UNIOPSS (Union nationale interfédérale des œuvres et organismes privés sanitaires et sociaux). Avec François Bloch-Lainé, elle a travaillé pendant 20 ans sur les spécificités associatives et créé en 1989 le “Comité de la Charte ”, pour la déontologie des appels à la générosité du public. Elle a participé à la création et l’animation de plusieurs réseaux européens de l’économie sociale. De 2000 à 2003, elle a été Directeur général des Maisons d’Isatis, gérant une quinzaine d’établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes. Elle est aussi la secrétaire du bureau de Confrontations Europe, think tank européen où elle a en charge l’économie sociale. Elle est administratrice de plusieurs réseaux de recherche ou organisations nationales et internationales de l’économie sociale. Ses travaux actuels portent notamment sur les liens entre économie sociale et solidaire et mouvement des « communs », sur les nouveaux mouvements financiers de ‘l’impact investing » et la mesure d’impact et sur les questions de femmes et de gouvernance.  +
I am an architect, academic, researcher and activist, interested in aspects and forms of community, urban commons, sustainability and complexity. My doctoral -and ongoing research of many years involves alternative communities and their spatial and social characteristics, including ecocommunities, the kibbutz movement, intentional communities and over the past 2-1/2 years, indigenous communities. We just completed a joint workshop between NTUA/Athens and PUCE/Quito for the community of Chamanga on the Pacific Coast of Ecuador, designing its public communal space with a participatory design process while the ongoing MET workshop building peer-to-peer knowledge and cooperation around the cases of ports of air and water in transition was presented in the form of a Side Event we organized last week in the context of Habitat III (Quito). In this process several workshops, research projects, presentations, and activist actions reveal commoning developments. By switching scales from local to global and by overcoming national frameworks, we attempt to understand horizontally the nature of several complex processes underway. We intervene by facilitating exchange of knowledge and experience, and by forming a transnational research network with partners urbanists, researchers and activists across cities, currently in Europe and Latin America.  +
Sergio is strategy and policy manager of the EGI Foundation, the coordinating body of EGI (e-infrastructure supporting data- and compute-intensive research and innovation). In his role, Sergio contributes to strategic planning and execution, governance, business models and evolution of services. Sergio is also interested in investigating how commons policies can be applied to open science (see Sergio is member of the EC Open Science Policy Platform. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (University of Bologna) and a MSc in Computer Science Engineering (University of Pisa).  +
Gregorio Arena, until 2015 full professor of [[Est intéressé au concept::Administrative Law]] in the University of Trento (Italia), is also the founder and president of [[Est associé à l organisation::LABSUS - Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà]], an association and online review that for the last ten years has been successfully promoting [[Est intéressé au concept::active citizenship]] in Italy in the form of [[Est intéressé au concept::shared administration of common goods]]. Publications: :L’età della condivisione (Ed.), Carocci, 2015. :L'Italia dei beni comuni (Ed.), Carocci, 2012. :Cittadini attivi (Un altro modo di guardare all’Italia), Laterza, 2011, 2° ed. :Per governare insieme: il federalismo come metodo di governo (Verso nuove forme della democrazia), Cedam, 2011 (Ed.). :Il valore aggiunto (Ed.), Carocci, 2010. :On the new municipal Regulation see Rapporto Labsus 2015: : :Many essays published in  +
Marie-Noëlle Auberger travaille sur la protection sociale (notamment sur les différences liées au genre), la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (et plus largement des organisations) et le rôle des parties prenantes internes dans la gouvernance des entreprises. Économiste d’origine, elle a été cadre dans l’industrie, directrice de PME, consultante, responsable syndicale et journaliste dans l’information sociale. Elle a co-dirigé à la Documentation française /Les administrateurs salariés et la gouvernance d'entreprise/ et dirigé /Les comités d'entreprise, un nouvel âge?/ Directrice de publication (sous forme électronique) ''La Missive de Gestion Attentive'' (Responsabilité sociale et gouvernance des organisations)  +
Après avoir étudié les sciences politiques et s'être spécialisée en gestion de projets culturels, Laura Aufrère a développé plusieurs missions à la croisée du spectacle vivant et des arts visuels. Elle est actuellement coordinatrice pour l'UFISC, travaillant plus spécifiquement sur des études de terrain et des travaux collectifs traitant des enjeux de coopération, de gouvernance collective, et de protection sociale.  +
Renata Avila is a human rights lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property and Technology. She worked as one of the lawyers representing the Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum ( and more recently, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Involved in Internet and Human Rights research since 2006, she works with the Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners - Lee ( in an effort to uphold human rights in the digital age. She serves as a Board Member of Creative Commons ( She is also a member of Courage Foundation ( advisory board, assisting whistleblowers at risk and in the D-Cent ( board, exploring the potential of decentralised technologies. She is currently an Advisor of the BITS initiative by the Municipality of Barcelona  +
I am a researcher and activist on commons over the last seven years. I have been actively involved in many "commons" initiatives both in UK and Greece, as well as in the Commons Festival in Athens where I co-organised the workshop "Feminist approaches to the commons", inspired by the work of Sylvia Federici. I am particularly interested in the notion of labour and reciprocity in digital commons communities and the political subjectivation around the commoning practices, which i study along with contemporary social movements. Being involved with a Social and Solidarity Economy initiative in Athens over the last year, I came to understand the necessity of studying the collaborative commons economies under the light of the tradition of cooperatives and more broadly the social and solidarity economy initiatives. Last but not least, I do claim that it is of particular importance to reinvent a contemporary feminist approach within the commons culture, since it seems that it has been a domain dominated by men and masculine perception.  +
He has co-produced the 3-hour TV documentary Technocalyps with Frank Theys, and co-edited the two-volume book on anthropology of digital society with Salvino Salvaggio. Michel was Primavera Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam and external expert at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (2008, 2012). In Belgium, he published a best-selling interview transcript, with Jean Lievens, 'De Wereld Redden, met peer to peer naar een post-kapitalistische samenleving', which is nearing its third printing after a few weeks (February 2014), with an updated French-language edition, 'Sauver le Monde'. Palgrave-Macmillan produced an academic book, co-written with Vasilis Kostakis: "Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy" Michel Bauwens is a member of the Board of the Union of International Associations (Brussels), advisor to Ouishare (Paris) and Shareable magazine (San Francisco) and ShareLex. He is also scientific advisor to the "Association Les Rencontres du Mont-Blanc, Forum International des Dirigeants de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire" (2013-) and advized the Advisory Board for the 'Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity'. He functioned as the Chair of the Technology/ICT working group, Hangwa Forum (Beijing, Sichuan), to develop economic policies for long-term resilience, including through distributed manufacturing. He has written editorials for Al Jazeera English and other media outlets. He is listed at #82, on the Post Growth Institute (En)Rich list, . In the first semester of 2014, Michel Bauwens was the research director of the transition project towards the social knowledge economy, an official project in Ecuador (see This project produced a first integrated Commons Transition Plan for the government of Ecuador, in order to create a 'social knowledge economy', with fifteen associated policy papers. The strategic framing of the plan is available at . In the spring and summer of 2016, Michel was Honorary Fellow/Visiting Scholar with the Havens Center at UW-Madison, as an 'activist in resident' funded by the Link Foundation, to produce a major rewrite of the 2005 P2P Manifesto, 'P2P and Human Evolution', in the context of the Real Utopias series edited by Erik Olin Wright. The manuscript will outline a coherent 'multi-modal' approach to the commons transition. Michel currently lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has taught at Payap University and Dhurakij Pandit University's International College, as well as IBICT, Rio de Janeiro. He is a founding member of the Commons Strategies Group, with HELFRICH Silke and David Bollier, organizing major global conferences on the commons and its economics. In his first business career, Michel worked for USIA, British Petroleum, riverland Publications, Belgacom, and created two internet start-ups, respectively on intranet/extranets (E-Com) and interactive marketing (KyberCo), which were sold to Alcatel and Tagora Holdings.  
Project developer in artistic, cultural, scientific and technical domains, Julien Bellanger is co-founded PING'association that explores the practices of the digital era, and encourages the re-appropriation of technology since 2004. Through digital and social innovation, PiNG facilitates cross-pollination across traditional audience boundaries by promoting the values of free culture. He is involved in different activities ( workshops, residencies, meeting, camp, ... ) whose cross pedagogical approach, artistic meaning looking at issues of the impact of digital technologies on social innovation. In 2015, as part of the creation of an open Art / Science / Technology / Society laboratory, PiNG invited researchers, artists, creators and explorers to question and decode the geological concept of the Anthropocene, the era in which human activity has begun to have significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems. How can artistic practice inform this change of era? How can artworks and creative processes render this transition visible and palpable? In 2016, PiNG continues this exploratory dynamic and invites artists and researchers to work on the symbiotic relationships between humans, plants, and animals, not only in the slender layer of atmosphere which surrounds our planet, but also in its oceans too. And so O.CAMP counter ticks up to 1.CAMP. Sources : : : : :  +
Chercheur connu à travers le monde entier comme auteur de “The Wealth of Networks” (2006) et co-directeur du Centre Berkman Internet et Société (Berkman Center for Internet & Society) à l'université de Harvard.  +
BENSEBAA Faouzi est Professeur en sciences de gestion à l’Université Paris 8 et conseiller scientifique du laboratoire de recherches ISERAM (ISEG Group). Ses thèmes de recherche ont trait notamment au management stratégique, au management des organisations (stratégies de changement, sensemaking, approche critique du management) et à la RSE..  +
BERGEOT Vincent a un parcours dans les champs de l'éducation populaire (en particulier en milieu associatif), des sciences et, depuis quelques années, des logiciels libres ; membre d'une coopérative d'activités et d'emplois. Thèmes : salaire de base et/ou revenu universel, monnaie locale, coopération, biens communs, ESS.  +
Après une carrière au Crédit Foncier, puis à la Banque postale, est actuellement administrateur de Solidarités Nouvelles pour le logement 92, membre de plusieurs instances (commission finance de SNL, groupe finance de l'Alliance Poste - Banque postale, association Finance participative France)  +
From the Commons Network. Together with David Hammerstein, we have drafted a policy proposal for the Energy commons. We tried to lay down a vision and pathways to help remove barriers and scale up community energy, as a way to speed up the energy transition and provide access and control to the citizens.  +
Sophie Bloemen co-founded and coordinates Commons Network and works as public interest consultant. She has close to 10 years of experience in civil society and organizing. She has worked as a policy advocate and a public interest consultant the Brussels, Latin America and global policy environment on health and trade, in well as in European cultural grass root civil society on the exchange of ideas and transnational dialogue. The Commons Network develops ideas and brings commons perspective to policy, particularly regarding knowledge. Sophie coordinates projects on urban commons and the knowledge commons. Sophie has degrees in philosophy, political economy and International Relations.  +
David Bollier est un auteur, activiste, blogueur et chercheur indépendant qui se concentre principalement sur les communs comme un nouveau paradigme de l'économie, de la politique et de la culture. Il poursuit ce travail principalement en tant que co-fondateur du Commons Strtegies Group, un projet international. de conseil et de plaidoyer pour le mouvement des communs Le travail de David Bollier sur les communs se concentre sur la culture numérique, le droit et la politique, la gouvernance écologique et le croisement des pratiques des communs. Bollier a écrit ou édité huit livres sur les biens communs : La renaissance des communs (Think Like a Commoner) une brève introduction à la vie des communs (2014); Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Commons (2013), coécrit avec Ken Burns Weston; et Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own (2010). Avec HELFRICH Silke, il a co-édité deux recueils d'essais originaux, Patterns of Commoning (2015) et The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State (2012). Bollier a passé de nombreuses années dans divers emplois de plaidoyer politique à Washington, dans les années 1970 et 1980, avec un membre du Congrès, l'organisme de réglementation de la sécurité automobile, et les organisations d'intérêt public. De 1985 à 2010, Bollier a collaboré avec le producteur de télévision, écrivain et activiste Norman Lear sur une grande variété de projets traitant des affaires publiques et de politiques. En 2001, Bollier a co-fondé Public Knowledge, une organisation de défense des citoyens, engagée sur les thématiques liées à la propriété intellectuelle et qui milite en faveur d’un Internet de format ouvert construit sur le principe de bout-à-bout. Bollier écrit dans et vit à Amherst, Massachusetts.  +
Jean Claude BOUAL, né le 30/10/1945. Ingénieur en chef des travaux publics de l’Etat, spécialiste des services publics en Europe et de la société civile européenne, a été chargé de mission sur les services publics en Europe et l’Europe sociale au ministère de l’Equipement, puis au ministère de l’Ecologie et du Développement durable de 1991 à 2010. Il a été Secrétaire Général de la Fédération CGT de l’Equipement et de l’Environnement de 1975 à 1992 et membre de la Commission exécutive de la CGT de 1978 à 1992. Secrétaire fondateur du Comité européen sur les services d’intérêt général (CELSIG) 1993, membre fondateur du Forum permanent de la société civile européenne 1995 et du Carrefour pour une Europe Civique et Sociale (CAFECS) 1997, membre fondateur de l’Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l’action citoyenne (ATTAC) 1997, Président de l’Observatoire des Missions Publiques en Europe (OMIPE), membre fondateur secrétaire général adjoint de l’association Egalité Laïcité Europe (EGALE) 2005. Il a écrit de nombreux ouvrages et articles sur les services d’intérêt général dans l’Union européenne, sur la société civile européenne ainsi que sur le syndicalisme.  +
Consultant sénior Cabinet AND-International et AgroParisTech Massy, Académie d’Agriculture, ancien président ACIA et AREA. Domaines : politique, économie et gestion des filières, territoires, acteurs et auxiliaires des systèmes agro-industriels et alimentaires  +
Martha Bouziouri is a multidisciplinary arts and humanities practitioner, dividing her work into 3 distinct but organically overlapping fields: direction of cross-media / cross-cultural projects, anthropological research and theatre. She holds a BA in Mass Media and Communication, a Diploma in Theatre and a MA in Cultural Management and Human Communication. She is currently completing her PhD in Social Anthropology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, Aegean University. As the co-founder and artistic director of PLAYS2PLACE (, she is involved in a series of transnational projects concerning applied models for civic transformation, raising awareness and social integration through a working method that combines elements of participatory action research and artistic intervention. Over the last five years, her work focuses on the refugee issue and the transformation of solidarity practices across EUROMENA. She is the director of the DOME PROJECT ( &, a cross-media umbrella project that maps, networks and empowers solidarity initiatives in the region. In this effort, she has developed synergies and affiliations with socio-culturally active European and EUROMENA networks and organizations such as Cultural Innovators Network (, the Goethe Institute, Robert Bosch Foundation (, Tandem/Shaml - Cultural Managers Exchange Program, (, CulturalBase ( and others. More at  +