Commons Watch Report

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Enjeu(x) : Assemblées des communs,  Politisation des communs,  Politique des communs  

Compte rendu de la rencontre Commons Watch qui a lancé le processus d'assemblée des communs en Europe


Auteur(s) EYNAUD Léa
Date de création 2016/05/25
Date de publication décembre 1969
Langue du contenu EN
Pays France
Fait partie de Assemblée des communs, CommonsWatch
Média Texte
URL de diffusion
Contexte de production CommonsWatch
Type de licence By


These notes have been taken all along over the course of the first three days meeting of Commons Watch which took place in La Bergerie, Villarceaux, France, between the 18th and the 20th of May 2016. Except for typing mistakes and the presentation round on day 1, none of these notes have been rewritten following the sessions. As exhaustive as this transcript was intended to be, some of the information it contains thus only reflect in an imperfect or truncated manner the actually enunciated statements and discussions – hence the “(?)” signs, which account for missing elements. We apologize for these approximations.

Having outlined these limits, this report is still intended to serve as a reminder of the reflexions and main debate topics that unfolded during this first Commons Watch meeting. It thus represents a rough material to reflect upon and perhaps to keep as a documentation landmark for the movement's own history.