Knowledge City

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Concepts voisins


Source : Tan Yigitcanlar,Kevin O’Connor,Cara Westerman(2008). The Making of Knowledge Cities: Melbourne’s Knowledge-Based Urban Development Experience. Cities 25(2): 63–72.

An integrated knowledge based cluster or geographical entity (in an urban setting) that physically and institutionally combines locally focused innovation, science, creativity within the context of an expanding globalized and interconnected economy by emphasizing on the development and advancement of technologies and vibrant socio-economic activities that focus on conserving rich natural environments, quality built environments, presence of tolerance and acceptance of multiculturalism, democratic, transparent and visionary governance, and enriched human capital

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Knowledge City Layers according to (Yigitcanlar et al. 2008)

  1. Knowledge base - including educational institutions and R&D activities
  2. Industrial Structure - affect progress and initial development of a KC
  3. Quality of Life and Urban Amenities - ensures a KC has necessary elements knowledge workers are attracted to build a strong knowledge base
  4. Urban Diversity and Cultural mix - as an instrument in encouraging creativity
  5. Accessibility - encourages and facilitates transfer of knowledge and its movement
  6. Social Equity and inclusion - minimizes social disparity and negative tensions
  7. Scale of a city - larger KCs tend to offer greater knowledge pool, greater diversity, and choice for knowledge workers and businesses