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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Self-management and integral cooperativism: an experiment of the community on the length scale.</p> <p>A group of coop at Barquisimeto (northeastern Venezuela), totally self-managed. More than 1,200 workers, no leader, no manager, no hierarchical structure, a lot of participation, confidence and learning, constant rotation in all workplaces … and more</p> <p>For more information, see the article in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>…</p> <p>See CECOSESOLA web site</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>See also the remixthecommons productions:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du nº 1.

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Liste de résultats

  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Marianne Knuth is a social entrepreneur based in Harare, Zimbabwe. She is telling On the Up the story of Kafunda Village, a learning centre in Zimbabwe.</p> the Up the story of Kafunda Village, a learning centre in Zimbabwe.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="600" height="338" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /></br>La RFUK et la MEFP, en collaboration avec le réalisateur Luis Leitao, ont lancé un nouveau film sur la manière dont les BaAka de la forêt tropicale de République Centrafrique font entendre leurs voix à travers la cartographie participative.</p></br><p>Afin de sensibiliser le public aux problèmes rencontrés par les communautés autochtones des forêts du bassin du Congo, et au rôle que la cartographie participative peut jouer dans la résolution de ces difficultés, la RFUK et l’ONG centrafricaine « Maison de l’Enfant et de la Femme Pygmées » (MEFP) ont produit un film de 30 minutes intitulé « Ndima — Les cartes de notre futur ». « Ndima », qui signifie « forêt » en BaAka, raconte la manière dont les communautés autochtones BaAka de la République centrafricaine ont utilisé la cartographie pour appuyer leurs revendications relatives à l’accès et à l’utilisation de leurs terres traditionnelles. Le film met en évidence ces enjeux dans le cas d’une aire protégée.</p></br><p>Le film s’adresse au tout public tant au « Nord » que dans le bassin du Congo – mais soulève également des questions importantes pour les décideurs, concernant les besoins et le rôle potentiel des premiers gardiens de la forêt dans les efforts de conservation au sens large.</p></br><p>Durée : 28mins<br /></br>Publiée le 2 juil. 2013<br /></br>Licence : Licence YouTube standard</p></br><p>The Rainforest Foundation UK’s mission is to support indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the world’s rainforest in their efforts to protect their environment and secure their rights to land, life and livelihood. Locally it helps forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies and manage forests for their own wellbeing and protection of their environment. Globally it campaigns to influence national and international laws to protect rainforests and their inhabitants. We work in close collaboration with local partners and communities across Central Africa and the Peruvian Amazon.</p></br><p>Visit our website and watch our clips to learn more about the places we work and the people who live there.</p></br><p><br /></br><br /></br></p></br><p><br /></br> </p></br><p><br /></br><br /></br></p>lt;br /> </p> <p><br /><br /></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Marianne Knuth est une entrepreneur sociale basée à Harare, Zimbabwe. Elle raconte l’histoire de On the Up Village Kafunda, un centre d’apprentissage communautaire au Zimbabwe.</p>da, un centre d’apprentissage communautaire au Zimbabwe.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="600" height="338" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /></br>The RFUK and MEFP, in collaboration with the director Luis Leitao, have launched a new film on the way BaAka rainforest of Central African Republic make their voices heard through participatory mapping.</p></br><p>The Rainforest Foundation UK’s mission is to support indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the world’s rainforest in their efforts to protect their environment and secure their rights to land, life and livelihood. Locally it helps forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies and manage forests for their own wellbeing and protection of their environment. Globally it campaigns to influence national and international laws to protect rainforests and their inhabitants. It works in close collaboration with local partners and communities across Central Africa and the Peruvian Amazon.</p></br><p>Visit the website and watch the clips to learn more about the places we work and the people who live there.</p></br><p><br /></br><br /></br></p></br><p><br /></br> </p></br><p><br /></br><br /></br></p>lt;br /> </p> <p><br /><br /></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </p></br><p>« There’s no tomorrow » is an cartoon about the exploitation of fossil fuels and natural resources and their impact of human life on the planet. It is directed by Dermot O’ Connor and produced by Incubate Pictures. In 35 minutes, it addresses issues related to the growth of our economic system and how we consume.</p></br><p>Publication : Dermot O’ Connor (35 minutes, 2012). <a href=""></a><br /></br><a href=""></a> – <a href=""></a></p></br><p>Information and documentation in the website : <a href=""></a>.</p>on and documentation in the website : <a href=""></a>.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Marianne Knuth is a social entrepreneur based in Harare, Zimbabwe. She is telling On the Up the story of Kafunda Village, a learning centre in Zimbabwe.</p> the Up the story of Kafunda Village, a learning centre in Zimbabwe.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Les questions sur la «propriété» ou sur le droit de bénéficier de l’héritage indigène sont au cœur des débats politiques, économiques et éthiques en cours aux niveaux local, national et international.</p></br><p>Quand il s’agit de la recherche dans ce domaine, la vision des peuples autochtones sur la façon dont les études relatives à leur patrimoine sont gérés, est généralement peu prise en compte. De plus en plus cependant, des efforts sont faits pour décoloniser les pratiques de recherche en favorisant des relations plus équitables entre les chercheurs et les peuples autochtones, fondées sur la confiance mutuelle et la collaboration.</p></br><p>Dans cette présentation, George Nicholas critique les débats sur la «propriété» du patrimoine autochtone et fournit des exemples de nouvelles pratiques de recherche qui sont à la fois plus éthiques et plus efficaces. Ces modèles de recherche en collaboration, dans lesquels la communauté mène la recherche, mettent en évidence de nouvelles orientations importantes dans la protection du patrimoine des peuples autochtones.</p></br><p><a href="">Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage</a></p>t;p><a href="">Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage</a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><img decoding="async" loading=<p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4963" src="" alt="" width="600" height="300" /><br /></br>In the last elections in May, Barcelona en Comù has formed an alliance with the Catalan Socialist Party to form a new municipal government with a common agenda and Ada Colau was re-elected for another 4-year term. The first term of office 2015-2019 was held with a minority government and in a regional and national context that was politically and ideologically unfavourable to the development of a « new municipalism of the commons » and an « alternative way of doing politics » that Barcelona claimed to be « en Comù ».</p></br><p>The time has come to take stock and, of course, many will have something to say about the achievements made by comparing them to the initial programme. But when we see on the one hand the concrete achievements that often go beyond or question the competences of a municipality (housing, mobility, civic income, health, immigration, tourism, feminisation of politics, energy and technological sovereignty, etc) and on the other hand, what has been done to put transparency in the relationship between the institution, the social movements and the neighbourhood assemblies and the research, for a co-production of policies, we can affirm that the results are generally positive.</p></br><p>The commons movement members and the supporters of a new municipalism, can be pleased that, thanks to a coalition of social movements, that has had the courage (and it is necessary) to invest an institution impregnated with neo-liberal practices and a logic of political parties fights, that is often far from the needs and realities of residents, Barcelona remains one of the most dynamic laboratories of urban commons and a model to which to refer.</p></br><p>The <a href="">review of the digital plan</a> implemented during the first mandate proposed here is characteristic of the achievements, critical path and creativity of this laboratory.</p></br><p>Here is how the city summarizes the principles of its action:</p></br><blockquote><p>Establish itself as a global reference point as a city of commons and collaborative production<br /></br>End privatisation and transfer of public assets in private hands, while promoting remunicipalisation of critical urban infrastructures<br /></br>Massively reduce the cost of basic services like housing, transport, education and health, in order to assist those in the most precarious strata of the population<br /></br>Institute a citizens basic income focused on targeting proverty and social exclusion Barcelona Digital City Plan (2015-2019)<br /></br>Build data-driven models of the economy, with real inputs (using real time data analytics) so that participatory democracy could model complex decisions<br /></br>Prefer and promote collaborative organisations over both the centralised state and the market solutions (start investing higher percentages of public budget in innovative SMEs and the cooperative sector)<br /></br>Build city data commons: decree that the networked data of the population generated in the context of using public services cannot be owned by services operators</p></blockquote></br><p>These principles are embodied in an action programme, the effects of which are detailed in this document. In addition to the emblematic 13,000 policy proposals from the inhabitants, of which 9.245 (72%) have been accepted, there have been 126 cases of corruption reported through the Transparency mailbox since 2017 or the inclusion of gender differences in the STEAM education and technological training programme.</p></br><p>Finally, Barcelona, here as in other areas, is building on and strengthening city networks. It initiated – with New York and Amsterdam – the Coalition of Cities for Digital Rights and launched the campaign « 100 Cities in 100 Days » to defend 5 principles of digital policy:</p></br><blockquote></br><ul></br><li>Equal and universal access to Internet and computer literacy Barcelona Digital City Plan (2015-2019)</li></br><li>Privacy, data protection and security</li></br><li>Transparency, accountability and non-discrimination in data, content and algorithms</li></br><li>Participatory democracy, diversity, and inclusion</li></br><li>Open and ethical digital service standards</li></br></ul></br></blockquote></br><p>The cities of the Coalition are developing common roadmaps, laws, tools, actions and resources to protect the digital rights of residents and visitors.</p></br><p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</strong></p></br><p><em>For a more exhaustive assessment see the sector-by-sector assessment on the <a href="">Barcelona Joint Site (in Spanish)</a> </em></p> protect the digital rights of residents and visitors.</p> <p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</strong></p> <p><em>For a more exhaustive assessment see the sector-by-sector assessment on the <a href="">Barcelona Joint Site (in Spanish)</a> </em></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>By Samantha Slade</p> <p<p>By Samantha Slade</p></br><p>« From where I stand today, one of the challenges of advancing an emerging movement such as the commons lies in how we build the community and how we meet in ways that embody the values of commoning. This involves the thorny question: How can we honour the vast experience and expertise on the commons and come together inclusively and equitably in a participatory commoning fashion? The Art of Hosting certainly has something to offer here, but also, and most importantly, those that are consciously living and doing the daily work of commoning, in all its complexity, have deep learnings to share to the benefit of building our collective capacity. »</p></br><p>see the <a href="">whole article </a></p>">whole article </a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>By Samantha Slade</p> <p<p>By Samantha Slade</p></br><p>« From where I stand today, one of the challenges of advancing an emerging movement such as the commons lies in how we build the community and how we meet in ways that embody the values of commoning. This involves the thorny question: How can we honour the vast experience and expertise on the commons and come together inclusively and equitably in a participatory commoning fashion? The Art of Hosting certainly has something to offer here, but also, and most importantly, those that are consciously living and doing the daily work of commoning, in all its complexity, have deep learnings to share to the benefit of building our collective capacity. »</p></br><p>see the <a href="">whole article </a></p>">whole article </a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Defining « the commons »</p><p>Defining « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The importance of « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>IASC Projects, goals and dreams</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The achievements of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Main challenges of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The agenda of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The future of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Work to be done</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p> </p>ight="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Work to be done</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p> </p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Defining « the commons »</p><p>Defining « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The importance of « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>IASC Projects, goals and dreams</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The achievements of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Main challenges of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The agenda of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The future of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Work to be done</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p> </p>ight="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Work to be done</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p> </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Defining « the commons »</p><p>Defining « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The importance of « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>IASC Projects, goals and dreams</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The achievements of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Main challenges of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The agenda of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The future of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Work to be done</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p> </p>ight="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Work to be done</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p> </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Defining « the commons »</p><p>Defining « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The importance of « the commons »</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>IASC Projects, goals and dreams</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The achievements of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Main challenges of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The agenda of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>The future of IASC</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Work to be done</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p> </p>ight="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p>Work to be done</p> <p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <p> </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Every 3rd Tuesday of the month fr<p>Every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8pm to 9pm (CET – Paris time), Remix offers a public meeting on the model of the « community call » to address a question and share information on current projects or hot topics in the field of commons, while leaving a trace for those who are absent.</p></br><p>The appointment is structured according to the same protocol: duration 60 minutes, presentation 5 minutes, discussion of the topic of the call 45 minutes and finally, conclusion and appeal for the next call 10 minutes.Audio recording and collective note-taking on a pad (digital notepad) are done and shared after the meeting, for documenting it and keeping the memory of it.</p></br><p>The audio and text archives of the Commons Calls are accessible via the <a href="">remix wiki </a>.</p></br><p>To be informed about future calls, send a message to the following e-mail address: <a href=""></a>.</p></br><div class="input-prepend">Remix the commons does not make any other use, nor share with anyone your personal data without your consent !</div>mix the commons does not make any other use, nor share with anyone your personal data without your consent !</div>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Le 2 mars dernier, Marion Louisgr<p>Le 2 mars dernier, Marion Louisgrand et Marta Vallejo de Ker Thiossane, partenaire de Remix The Commons, ont organisé à Kédougou au Sénégal, un DEJEUNER EN COMMUN sur le thème de l’En-commun et du “vivre ensemble” autour de la question « Jusqu’où tu es chez toi ? ».</p></br><p><a title="Par gbaku (Flickr [1]) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img decoding="async" alt="KolaNutsKedougou" src="//" width="400" /></a></p></br><p>Retrouvez une série de photos sur la<a href=""> page web de Ker Thiossane</a>. Des émissions de radio ont été réalisées avec la radio communautaire. Enregistrement et des vidéos sont en cours de montage.</p></br><p><a href="">Kédougou</a> se situe aux frontières du Sénégal, du Mali et de la Guinée. près du Parc national du Niokolo où vivent les derniers éléphants du Sénégal.</p></br><p>Le DEJEUNER EN COMMUN se passait dans le cadre du festival “La Nuit des Etoiles”, organisé par le Centre Multimédia Communautaire de Kédougou (CMC), dans le Jardin public de la commune, avec l’appui du collectif grenoblois Culture Ailleurs (<a href=""></a>).</p>’appui du collectif grenoblois Culture Ailleurs (<a href=""></a>).</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Le 2 mars dernier, Marion Louisgr<p>Le 2 mars dernier, Marion Louisgrand et Marta Vallejo de Ker Thiossane, partenaire de Remix The Commons, ont organisé à Kédougou au Sénégal, un DEJEUNER EN COMMUN sur le thème de l’En-commun et du “vivre ensemble” autour de la question « Jusqu’où tu es chez toi ? ».</p></br><p><a title="Par gbaku (Flickr [1]) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img decoding="async" alt="KolaNutsKedougou" src="//" width="400" /></a></p></br><p>Retrouvez une série de photos sur la<a href=""> page web de Ker Thiossane</a>. Des émissions de radio ont été réalisées avec la radio communautaire. Enregistrement et des vidéos sont en cours de montage.</p></br><p><a href="">Kédougou</a> se situe aux frontières du Sénégal, du Mali et de la Guinée. près du Parc national du Niokolo où vivent les derniers éléphants du Sénégal.</p></br><p>Le DEJEUNER EN COMMUN se passait dans le cadre du festival “La Nuit des Etoiles”, organisé par le Centre Multimédia Communautaire de Kédougou (CMC), dans le Jardin public de la commune, avec l’appui du collectif grenoblois Culture Ailleurs (<a href=""></a>).</p>’appui du collectif grenoblois Culture Ailleurs (<a href=""></a>).</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a href=""> DEEEP project </a> , co-funded by the European Union program , gathered in Johannesburg (South Africa) 200 activists from around the world to rethink the framework of development NGOs and initiate the construction of a  » World Citizens Movement . » This meeting is the starting point of a process that will last two years of citizen mobilization for change and global justice. <a Href=""> A digital platform </a> is dedicated to it. During the conference, the participants began to learn from the work of civil society, its modes of organization and action in different areas around the world and produced a document, <a href = " " >« The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and orientations »</a> to define the principles that should guide the work of the two coming years.</p></br><p>Invited to participate in this process, I have contributed to discussions and writing text to feed as much as possible of the concept of the commons. Conceived initially as a declaration of principles supported by a shared vision, this document has become a guide for the process itself, based on a few key ideas such as the need to de-colonize our minds and de-institutionalize development organizations. The result reflects the will of renewal in both form and content of the action, but leaves unanswered, at least for the moment, questions about the nature of a worl citizen movement, if it is one motion, and the nature of the process of the two next years of workfollowing the conference.</p></br><p>It seems to me that today , a world citizens movement has to revolutionize the way for everyone to exercise their citizenship, and to be aware of. One of the roles of NGOs and CSOs should be to support the politicization of everyday life in the field of health , nutrition , education , work, .. .. etc, within the perspective of the commons. How to do this on a massive scale ? Appart from action campaigns on strategic objectives at the regional or global level, made by organizations, that are the infrastructure of civil society, it is to renew and articulate what is in France called popular education by integration of social neighborhood and mediated by computer networks practices. Such a dynamic would allow each to be more confortable with broader perspective and the international agenda. The challenge is to build bridges with multiple communities of belonging, not to provide them with the leadership of NGOs and movements, but to recognize and legitimize their leaderships at different scales of power (from local to global).</p></br><p>To listen to the conference participants at Johannesburg , it looks like it must also go through the (re)discovery of the commons within organizations, regardless of their size or intended to rebuild the project itself. This can be a wide perspective of the organization (NGOs / CSOs ) to continue the work from Johburg. In this sense, it will be better to work on Our commons than to define THE commons and to try to transform organizations working on their values, projects and actions, rather than seeking Commons as a theoretical or ideological framework.</p></br><p>Another avenue is to share les lessons learned by activists of the intangible and knowledge commons that, since the emergence of the computer have been able to build a movement that defends their values, distributed forms of collaboration , openness and freedom , sharing and solidarity , personal empowerment and participation in collectives, acting on a small scale while remaining in a universal vision. This movement is generally invisible as a social movement for people who are not activists. Everyone uses free software, access to culture and free knowledge, most of the time without paying attention. Yet organizations of knowledge and free culture are structured and are  » NGO  » or  » OCS  » weighty. Just consider the most visible in the public area alike Wikimedia Foundation, or the weight of this movement in the industrial sector (IBM , Android, …) or the work of lobbying done by groups aloke EFF Quadrature net, to realize that. It is a movement to maturity. This experience and the culture it develops worth sharing. </p></br><p>Would not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p>ould not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a href=""> DEEEP project </a> , co-funded by the European Union program , gathered in Johannesburg (South Africa) 200 activists from around the world to rethink the framework of development NGOs and initiate the construction of a  » World Citizens Movement . » This meeting is the starting point of a process that will last two years of citizen mobilization for change and global justice. <a Href=""> A digital platform </a> is dedicated to it. During the conference, the participants began to learn from the work of civil society, its modes of organization and action in different areas around the world and produced a document, <a href = " " >« The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and orientations »</a> to define the principles that should guide the work of the two coming years.</p></br><p>Invited to participate in this process, I have contributed to discussions and writing text to feed as much as possible of the concept of the commons. Conceived initially as a declaration of principles supported by a shared vision, this document has become a guide for the process itself, based on a few key ideas such as the need to de-colonize our minds and de-institutionalize development organizations. The result reflects the will of renewal in both form and content of the action, but leaves unanswered, at least for the moment, questions about the nature of a worl citizen movement, if it is one motion, and the nature of the process of the two next years of workfollowing the conference.</p></br><p>It seems to me that today , a world citizens movement has to revolutionize the way for everyone to exercise their citizenship, and to be aware of. One of the roles of NGOs and CSOs should be to support the politicization of everyday life in the field of health , nutrition , education , work, .. .. etc, within the perspective of the commons. How to do this on a massive scale ? Appart from action campaigns on strategic objectives at the regional or global level, made by organizations, that are the infrastructure of civil society, it is to renew and articulate what is in France called popular education by integration of social neighborhood and mediated by computer networks practices. Such a dynamic would allow each to be more confortable with broader perspective and the international agenda. The challenge is to build bridges with multiple communities of belonging, not to provide them with the leadership of NGOs and movements, but to recognize and legitimize their leaderships at different scales of power (from local to global).</p></br><p>To listen to the conference participants at Johannesburg , it looks like it must also go through the (re)discovery of the commons within organizations, regardless of their size or intended to rebuild the project itself. This can be a wide perspective of the organization (NGOs / CSOs ) to continue the work from Johburg. In this sense, it will be better to work on Our commons than to define THE commons and to try to transform organizations working on their values, projects and actions, rather than seeking Commons as a theoretical or ideological framework.</p></br><p>Another avenue is to share les lessons learned by activists of the intangible and knowledge commons that, since the emergence of the computer have been able to build a movement that defends their values, distributed forms of collaboration , openness and freedom , sharing and solidarity , personal empowerment and participation in collectives, acting on a small scale while remaining in a universal vision. This movement is generally invisible as a social movement for people who are not activists. Everyone uses free software, access to culture and free knowledge, most of the time without paying attention. Yet organizations of knowledge and free culture are structured and are  » NGO  » or  » OCS  » weighty. Just consider the most visible in the public area alike Wikimedia Foundation, or the weight of this movement in the industrial sector (IBM , Android, …) or the work of lobbying done by groups aloke EFF Quadrature net, to realize that. It is a movement to maturity. This experience and the culture it develops worth sharing. </p></br><p>Would not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p>ould not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>The <a href="https://wiki.remi<p>The <a href="">Breakfasts in-Common </a>process was initiated by Senegal’s « Centre d’Art Senegalais Kër Thiossane » and Quebec’s « Communautique », as part of the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>Born from a research dynamic about endogenous definitions of commons, Breakfasts in-Common bring occasions to think collectively about what commons mean, from an artistic approach. The goal of these meetings whether in Dakar or Montréal is not only to understand but also to feel the meaning difference that exists between my « I » and the « we » of a collective process. A sensitive approach that allows to craft stories able to give some meaning to the fact of living together. Stories that help maintain the community in motion and give a purpose to one’s own existence and thriving.</p></br><p><H2>First light in Dakar</H2><br /></br>From January 2012, in Dakar, in a violent pre-election context, in the midst of doubts about the constitution and the rise of citizenship awareness in all Senegal, Kër Thiossane started an exploratory work around Commons by organizing Breakfasts in-Common in a monthy cycle.</p></br><p>Three Breakfasts in-Common were organized between January and April 2012 on the subjects « The commons in African cities » ; « Commons and space » and « Languages and knowledge ».</p></br><p>These Breakfasts in-Common were moments of gathering and exchanges constituting by themselves a practice of the « in-Common », where each participates in sharing knowledge in a horizontal dynamic.</p></br><p>Each Breakfast started by viewing a film produced by the Kër Thiossane team on an artist and his or her questioning about one aspect of the Commons in the Senegalese society.</p></br><p>Some of the films and extracts from the breakfasts recordings are available online on the Kër Thiossane website, along with a toolbox of books, texts, interviews that anyone is welcomed to enrich with their own contributions via a wiki or at a breakfast in-Common.</p></br><p>Afropixel Festival<br /></br>This material, accumulated since early 2012 and the thinking initiated among the artistic community and the inhabitants was used to prepare a variety of activities, residences, workshops and performances at the time of the Afropixel festival as part of the theme « Creation, culture and knowledge in Common », that took place in may 2012.</p></br><p>Among this diverse and rich programming, Kër Thiossane gathered great African thinkers and artists to elaborate collectively on the question of « Artistic responsibility in the construction of the in-Common ».</p></br><p>All around a glass of tea, Achille Mbembe, Simon Njami, Ken Bugul, Kan-Si, Felwine Sarr, Thiat and Ibrahima Wane took part in what was not an expert group but rather a meeting where everyone’s expertise was to profit the collective thinking that was woven along the talks.</p></br><h2>Kédougou, until where is your place ?</h2></br><p>In 2013, the Breakfasts in-Common keep on with the collaboration of the collective « La companyía ( They delocalize with a first breakfast outside Dakar in March as part of the « Night of the stars » festival organised by the Multimedia Community center of Kédougou.</p></br><p>Taking the same theme as the festival, « Kédougou, until where is your place ? », we investigated on the problematic of the Kédougou region associated with Commons. The opening of the question « where is your place » allowed to approach the questions about managing natural resources in a boundary region rich in gold and ore, as well as belonging and building of communities.</p></br><p><H3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common and the Afropixel festival organized so far have drawn a great interest, as much from artists and members of the civil society as from citizens, in Senegal. Seeds were sown and a real awareness of the stake of Commons invites us to continue these meetings in an even more open way, about other aspects of Commons, with the objective to enable and widen this collective thinking space.<br /></br>In 2013-2014, Kër Thiossane would like to organize other breakfasts at regular intervals and repeat more of the delocalised experiments, outside Dakar, in partnership with Senegal’s community radios network.</p></br><p>These experiments with continue to be filmed, documented and shared with Communautique in Montréal and other partners, actors of commons elsewhere in the world (Finland, Colombia…). Videos and other documents from these with be posted online on the Remix the commons platform.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Marion Louisgrand Sylla (Ker Thiossane). Susana Moliner – Marta Vallejo Herrando ( La Companiya),</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common receives financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.<br /></br>The production of the Breakfasts in-Common in Dakar was made possible thanks to the financial support from Arts Collaboratory and the « Organisation Internationale de la Froncophonie in Kër Thiossane.</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>Thiossane.</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3> <p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The <a href="https://wiki.remi<p>The <a href="">Breakfasts in-Common </a>process was initiated by Senegal’s « Centre d’Art Senegalais Kër Thiossane » and Quebec’s « Communautique », as part of the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>Born from a research dynamic about endogenous definitions of commons, Breakfasts in-Common bring occasions to think collectively about what commons mean, from an artistic approach. The goal of these meetings whether in Dakar or Montréal is not only to understand but also to feel the meaning difference that exists between my « I » and the « we » of a collective process. A sensitive approach that allows to craft stories able to give some meaning to the fact of living together. Stories that help maintain the community in motion and give a purpose to one’s own existence and thriving.</p></br><p><H2>First light in Dakar</H2><br /></br>From January 2012, in Dakar, in a violent pre-election context, in the midst of doubts about the constitution and the rise of citizenship awareness in all Senegal, Kër Thiossane started an exploratory work around Commons by organizing Breakfasts in-Common in a monthy cycle.</p></br><p>Three Breakfasts in-Common were organized between January and April 2012 on the subjects « The commons in African cities » ; « Commons and space » and « Languages and knowledge ».</p></br><p>These Breakfasts in-Common were moments of gathering and exchanges constituting by themselves a practice of the « in-Common », where each participates in sharing knowledge in a horizontal dynamic.</p></br><p>Each Breakfast started by viewing a film produced by the Kër Thiossane team on an artist and his or her questioning about one aspect of the Commons in the Senegalese society.</p></br><p>Some of the films and extracts from the breakfasts recordings are available online on the Kër Thiossane website, along with a toolbox of books, texts, interviews that anyone is welcomed to enrich with their own contributions via a wiki or at a breakfast in-Common.</p></br><p>Afropixel Festival<br /></br>This material, accumulated since early 2012 and the thinking initiated among the artistic community and the inhabitants was used to prepare a variety of activities, residences, workshops and performances at the time of the Afropixel festival as part of the theme « Creation, culture and knowledge in Common », that took place in may 2012.</p></br><p>Among this diverse and rich programming, Kër Thiossane gathered great African thinkers and artists to elaborate collectively on the question of « Artistic responsibility in the construction of the in-Common ».</p></br><p>All around a glass of tea, Achille Mbembe, Simon Njami, Ken Bugul, Kan-Si, Felwine Sarr, Thiat and Ibrahima Wane took part in what was not an expert group but rather a meeting where everyone’s expertise was to profit the collective thinking that was woven along the talks.</p></br><h2>Kédougou, until where is your place ?</h2></br><p>In 2013, the Breakfasts in-Common keep on with the collaboration of the collective « La companyía ( They delocalize with a first breakfast outside Dakar in March as part of the « Night of the stars » festival organised by the Multimedia Community center of Kédougou.</p></br><p>Taking the same theme as the festival, « Kédougou, until where is your place ? », we investigated on the problematic of the Kédougou region associated with Commons. The opening of the question « where is your place » allowed to approach the questions about managing natural resources in a boundary region rich in gold and ore, as well as belonging and building of communities.</p></br><p><H3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common and the Afropixel festival organized so far have drawn a great interest, as much from artists and members of the civil society as from citizens, in Senegal. Seeds were sown and a real awareness of the stake of Commons invites us to continue these meetings in an even more open way, about other aspects of Commons, with the objective to enable and widen this collective thinking space.<br /></br>In 2013-2014, Kër Thiossane would like to organize other breakfasts at regular intervals and repeat more of the delocalised experiments, outside Dakar, in partnership with Senegal’s community radios network.</p></br><p>These experiments with continue to be filmed, documented and shared with Communautique in Montréal and other partners, actors of commons elsewhere in the world (Finland, Colombia…). Videos and other documents from these with be posted online on the Remix the commons platform.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Marion Louisgrand Sylla (Ker Thiossane). Susana Moliner – Marta Vallejo Herrando ( La Companiya),</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common receives financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.<br /></br>The production of the Breakfasts in-Common in Dakar was made possible thanks to the financial support from Arts Collaboratory and the « Organisation Internationale de la Froncophonie in Kër Thiossane.</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>Thiossane.</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3> <p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The Charter of the Forest – Carta<p>The Charter of the Forest – Carta de Foresta – published in 1217, is recognized as the first official act that extends the protections and essential rights of the Magna Carta to the English commoners against the abuses of the aristocracy. Under this charter, the people are guaranteed the right to access forest resources. The impact of this charter has been revolutionary. It is generally considered one of the cornerstones of the British Constitution and<a href=""> inspiration of the American Constitution</a> (2). It has made it possible to render vast expanses of land to the peasants, to oppose the plundering of the common goods by the monarchy and the aristocracy. In the 17th century, it has inspired the Diggers and Levellers and later protests against the enclosure of lands by the capitalist bourgeoisie. But it was repealed in 1971 by a conservative government, allowing the privatization of resources such as water for the benefit of multinational companies.</p></br><p>Today, forests remain essential resources for housing, food sovereignty, and are essential for fighting environmental crises. A <a href="">campaign</a> to celebrate the Forest Charter began in Britain in September and continues in November. The Lincoln Record Society has organized an international conference on the Charter of the Forest that began with a houseboat trip on the River Thames from Windsor to Runnymede, the place where was signed the Magna Carta. Experts presented the Charter of the Forest, its history and its contemporary implications. Participants were also able to see one of the original copies of the Forest Charter and participated in a guided tour of the Forest of Sherwood that (in France) we know through Robin Hood story.</p></br><p>Today, there is a debate chaired by the Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell MP, with Professors Peter Linebaugh and Guy Standing, and Julie Timbrell of <a href="">New Putney Debates</a>. This debate is part of a week-long program (6) calling for the creation of a <a href="">new Domesday Book</a>, a national census of UK landowners and the identification of the common goods as well as a new Commons Charter and Communities Charters. This is to question the notion of land ownership in a country where it is one of the most concentrated in the western countries, and to elaborate proposals, including a possible tax on land ownership, for a better distribution of rights and responsibilities to land.</p></br><p>Thanks to Yves Otis for reporting the article <a href="">Why You’ve Never Heard of a Charter as Important as the Magna Carta</a></p></br><p>Transcript of the Forest Charter: <a href=""></a></p> Forest Charter: <a href=""></a></p>)
  • Résumé des 8 principes d'E. Ostrom  + (Document extrait de l'article de Fabienne Orsi sur E. Ostrom)
  • L'approche COOPLAGE  + (Développé à partir du 2004, l'approche « CDéveloppé à partir du 2004, l'approche « CoOPLAGE (Coupler des Outils Ouverts et Participatifs pour Laisser les Acteurs s’adapter pour la Gestion de l’Eau » a été élaboré par les chercheurs INRAE de l’Unité Mixte de Recherche gestion de l’Eau, Acteurs, Usages à Montpellier. Il s'agit d'une suite intégrée d’outils et protocoles participatifs destinés à accompagner et autonomiser des groupes d’acteurs de tous niveaux vers une discussion et un engagement réel dans des stratégies de changement social et environnemental. Outre la présentation générale de cette approche dans cette page on retrouve aussi une fiche téléchargeable en anglais qui explique les différentes étapes.glais qui explique les différentes étapes.)
  • Recherche-action sur la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans les Niayes  + (Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale) a intégré dans ses démarches le concept de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau. Dans cette fiche il nous est expliqué la façon dont ils ont accompagné la mise en place de plans locaux de GIRE au Sénégal dans les Niayes dans l'effort d'implémenter des dispositifs de gouvernance innovants favorisant la participation des usagers et des citoyens.participation des usagers et des citoyens.)
  • GIRE - Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau  + (Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale) a intégré dans ses démarches le concept de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau. Dans cette fiche il nous est expliqué dans quelle mesure les processus de GIRE sont mis en place. On retrouve également des témoignages des acteurs concernés et un focus sur deux projets menés au Sénégal et en Haïti.deux projets menés au Sénégal et en Haïti.)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Self-management and integral cooperativism: an experiment of the community on the length scale.</p></br><p>A group of coop at Barquisimeto (northeastern Venezuela), totally self-managed. More than 1,200 workers, no leader, no manager, no hierarchical structure, a lot of participation, confidence and learning, constant rotation in all workplaces … and more</p></br><p>For more information, see the article in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>…</p></br><p>See CECOSESOLA web site</p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p>See also the remixthecommons productions:</p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p><a href=""></a></p>-noel-vale-valera</a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Self-management and integral cooperativism: an experiment of the community on the length scale.</p></br><p>A group of coop at Barquisimeto (northeastern Venezuela), totally self-managed. More than 1,200 workers, no leader, no manager, no hierarchical structure, a lot of participation, confidence and learning, constant rotation in all workplaces … and more</p></br><p>For more information, see the article in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>…</p></br><p>See CECOSESOLA web site</p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p>See also the remixthecommons productions:</p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p><a href=""></a></p>-noel-vale-valera</a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p>)
  • Le bien commun : l'assaut final  + (... une charge très argumentée, très démon... une charge très argumentée, très démonstrative contre la mondialisation libérale, nourrie de reportages et de témoignages recueillis au Canada, au Mexique, aux États-Unis, en Inde, en France. Avec les exemples très parlants de la marchandisation en cours de tous ces « biens publics mondiaux » que sont l’eau, les semences, la santé, les gênes, les connaissances et pratiques ancestrales ou nouvelles… ( Bernard Langlois, Politis)ou nouvelles… ( Bernard Langlois, Politis))
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote> <div class="clearfix<blockquote></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation">This post is a re-publication of the introduction of David Bollier’s blog from <span class="submitted">Monday 01/19/2015. David Bollier is presenting the report of a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 in Germany. This post is translated in the French and available in the <a href="">French part of blog Remix The Commons</a>. You can read the introduction below and the original <a href="">there</a>. </span></div></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation"></div></br></blockquote></br><div id="main" class="clearfix with-navigation"></br><p>Is it possible to imagine a new sort of synthesis or synergy between the emerging peer production and commons movement on the one hand, and growing, innovative elements of the co-operative and solidarity economy movements on the other?</p></br><div id="content" class="column"></br><div class="section"></br><div id="content-area"></br><div id="node-1138" class="node node-type-blog node-promoted build-mode-full clearfix"></br><div class="content"></br><p>That was the animating question behind a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 and now chronicled in <a href="">a new report </a>by UK co-operative expert Pat Conaty and me.  (Pat is a Fellow of the New Economics Foundation and a Research Associate of Co-operatives UK, and attended the workshop.)</p></br><p>The workshop was convened because the commons movement and peer production share a great deal with co-operatives….but they also differ in profound ways.  Both share a deep commitment to social cooperation as a constructive social and economic force.  Yet both draw upon very different histories, cultures, identities and aspirations in formulating their visions of the future.  There is great promise in the two movements growing more closely together, but also significant barriers to that occurring.</p></br><p>The workshop explored this topic, as captured by the subtitle of the report:  “A New Social Economy Based on Open Platforms, Co-operative Models and the Commons,” hosted by the Commons Strategies Group in Berlin, Germany, on August 27 and 28, 2014. The workshop was supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, with assistance with the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation of France.</p></br><p>Below, the Introduction to the report followed by the Contents page. You can download a pdf of the full report (28 pages) <a href="">here.</a> The entire report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p></br><p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div>A) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p> <p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>6 months after <blockquote><p>6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you!</p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4621" src="" alt="IMG_0071-1024x768" width="800" height="600" /></p></br><p>C@rds in Common is a game where 2 to 5 players collaborate to build a resilient civil society that defends the commons against the forces of monopolization. Apart from the pleasure of playing, C@rds in common was conceived as a means of documenting the presence of the commons at the Commons Space, an ephemeral encounter at the World Social Forum in Montreal in August 2016. The cards that composed the game were designed by volunteers who shared their vision and experience of the commons and the game mecanism designed by Mathieu Rhéaume and his team. This experience suggests that it would be possible to use the same approach and these methodological tools to document the commons in other local contexts, alike your neighborhood, or thematics as the commons of knowledge for example. We look forward to such experiments!</p></br><p>To learn more about the game, have a look at the <a href="">website</a>.</p></br><p>The game is released on demand by The Game Crafter in the US for $ 22.99 each plus shipping and customs via: <a href=""></a></p></br><p>To reduce shipping and customs for Europeans, we are launching a bulk order and hopefully this will bring the cost of each game delivered to Europe to around US $ 30/35.</p></br><p>If you wish to participate in this first bulk order, fill in <a href="">the form</a> before March 18th at 20:00 GMT.</p></br><p>You will also have to pay an advance corresponding only to the price of the game(s) ordered. The remainder to be paid (port and customs) will be asked when the order is completed, when we will know the costs of postage and customs.</p></br><p>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #3</em>, is the third serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 16 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #2</em>, is the second serie of 10 videos of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the World Science and Democracy Forum, organized at Dakar in February 2011, </p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>hase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #1</em>, is the first serie of 20 videos and remixes of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin, November 1 and 2, 2010,</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world.</p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings.</p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ork of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #5</em>, is the fifth serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 12 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #5</em>, is the fifth serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 12 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><strong>E<blockquote><p><strong>Entrevue avec Joan Subirats(1) par Alain Ambrosi Mai 2018 </strong></p></blockquote></br><blockquote><p>Joan Subirats est commissaire à la culture de la ville de Barcelone, dirigée par le groupe Barcelona en comu. Il est également professeur de sciences politiques à l’Universitat autonoma de Barcelona et fondateur de l’Institut sur la gouvernance et les politiques publiques (IGOP). Dans cette interview en anglais, il présente les enjeux de la politique culturelle pour la municipalité de Barcelone actuellement dirigée par Barcelona en Comù.</p></blockquote></br><figure style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full" src="" alt="Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016" width="800" height="400" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016</figcaption></figure></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your recent article in La Vanguardia(2), you set out a framework for a cultural policy, you refer to putting into practice the key community values that should underpin that policy… Maybe we could start there?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong>: For me, whereas in the 20th century the defining conflict was between freedom and equality – and this marked the tension between right and left throughout the 20th century because in a way this is the frame in which capitalism and the need for social protection evolved together with the commodification of life while at the same time the market called for freedom – ie: no rules, no submission. But the need for protection demanded equality. But in the 21st century there is rejection of the notion of protection linked to statism: Nancy Fraser published an article(3) in the New Left Review, it is a re-reading of Polanyi and she claims that this double movement between commodification and protection is still valid, but that the State-based protection typical of the 20th century, where equality is guaranteed by the State, clashes since the end of the 20th century with the growing importance of heterogeneity, diversity and personal autonomy. Therefore, if in order to obtain equality, we have to be dependent on what the State does, this is going to be a contradiction…. So we could translate those values that informed the definition of policies in the 20th century, in 21st century terms they would be the idea of freedom (or personal autonomy, the idea of empowerment, not subjection, non-dependence) and at the same time equality, but no longer simply equality of opportunities but also equality of condition because we have to compensate for what is not the same (equal) in society. If you say « equal opportunities », that everyone has access to cultural facilities, to libraries, you are disregarding the fact that the starting conditions of people are not the same, this is the great contribution of Amartya Sen, no? You have to compensate for unequal starting situations because otherwise you depoliticize inequality and consider that inequality is the result of people’s lack of effort to get out of poverty. So equality yes, but the approach is different. And we must incorporate the idea of diversity as a key element in the recognition of people and groups on the basis of their specific dignity. That seems easy to say, but in reality it is complicated, especially if you relate it to culture, because culture has to do with all these things: it has to do with the construction of your personality, it has to do with equal access to culture just as cultural rights and culture have to do with the recognition of different forms of knowledge and culture – canonical culture, high culture, popular culture, everyday culture, neighbourhood culture …<br /></br>So for me, a cultural policy should be framed within the triple focus of personal autonomy, equality and diversity. And this is contradictory, in part, with the cultural policies developed in the past, where there is usually confusion between equality and homogeneity. In other words, the left has tended to consider that equality meant the same thing for everyone and that is wrong, isn’t it?, because you are confusing equality with homogeneity. The opposite of equality is inequality, the opposite of homogeneity is diversity. So you have to work with equality and diversity as values that are not antagonistic, but can be complementary. And this is a challenge for public institutions because they do not like heterogeneity, they find it complicated because it is simpler to treat everyone the same, as the administrative law manual used to prescribe `indifferent efficiency’: it is a way of understanding inequality as indifference, right?</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your article you also talk about the opposition between investing in infrastructures versus creating spaces and environments that are attractive to creators and you put an emphasis on the generation of spaces. What is being done, what has been done, what could be done about this?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : In Barcelona we want to ensure that the city’s cultural policies do not imply producing culture itself, but rather to try to influence the values in the production processes that already exist, in the facilities, in the cultural and artistic infrastructures: the role of the city council, of the municipality, is not so much to produce culture as to contribute to the production of culture. Which is different, helping to produce culture…. Obviously, the city council will give priority to those initiatives that coincide with the values, with the normative approach that we promote. There are some exceptions, for example, the Grec festival in Barcelona(4) in July, or the Mercé(5), which is the Festa Mayor, where the city council does in fact subsidize the production of culture, so some productions are subsidised but generally what we have is a policy of aid to creators. What is being done is that 11 creative factories (fablabs) have been built, these are factories with collectives that manage them chosen through public tenders. There are now 3 factories of circus and visual arts, 2 factories of dance creation, one factory of more global creation housed at Fabra & Coats, 3 theatre factories and 2 visual arts and technology sites. So there are 11 factories of different sorts and there are plans to create others, for example in the field of feminist culture where we are in discussion with a very well consolidated group : normally all these creative factories have their management entrusted to collectives that already become highly consolidated in the process of creation and that need a space to ensure their continuity. Often the city council will cede municipal spaces to these collectives, sometimes through public competitions where the creators are asked to present their project for directing a factory. This is one aspect. Another aspect is what is called living culture, which is a programme for the promotion of cultural activities that arise from the community or from collectives in the form of cooperatives and this is a process of aid to collectives that are already functioning, or occasionally to highlight cultural activities and cultural dynamics that have existed for a long time but have not been dignified, that have not been valued, for example the Catalan rumba of the Gypsies, which is a very important movement in Barcelona that emerged from the gypsy community of El Raval, where there were some very famous artists like Peret. There we invested in creating a group to work on the historical memory of the rumba, looking for the roots of this movement, where it came from and why. Then some signposts were set up in streets where this took place, such as La Cera in El Raval, where there are two murals that symbolise the history of the Catalan rumba and the gypsy community in this area so that this type of thing is publicly visible. That is the key issue for culture: a recognition that there are many different cultures.</p></br><p>Then there is the area of civic centres: approximately 15% of the civic centres in the city are managed by civic entities as citizen heritage, and those civic centres also have cultural activities that they decide on, and the city council, the municipality helps them develop the ideas put forward by the entities that manage those centres.</p></br><p>So, if we put all those things together, we could talk about a culture of the urban commons. It is still early stages, this is still more of a concept than a reality, but the underlying idea is that in the end the density and the autonomous cultural-social fabric will be strong enough to be resilient to political changes. In other words, that you have helped to build cultural practices and communities that are strong and autonomous enough that they are not dependent on the political conjuncture. This would be ideal. A bit like the example I often cite about the housing cooperatives in Copenhagen, that there was 50% public housing in Copenhagen, and a right-wing government privatised 17% of that public housing, but it couldn’t touch the 33% of housing that was in the hands of co-operatives. Collective social capital has been more resilient than state assets: the latter is more vulnerable to changes in political majorities.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: You also speak of situated culture which I think is very important: setting it in time and space. Now Facebook has announced it is coming to Barcelona so the Barcelona brand is going to be a brand that includes Facebook and its allies. But your conception of a situated culture is more about a culture where social innovation, participation, popular creativity in the community are very important…</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : Yes, it seems contradictory. In fact what you’re asking is the extent to which it makes sense to talk about situated culture in an increasingly globalized environment which is more and more dependent on global platforms. I believe that tension exists and conflict exists, this is undeniable, the city is a zone of conflict, therefore, the first thing we have to accept is that the city is a battleground between political alternatives with different cultural models. It is very difficult for a city council to set out univocal views of a cultural reality that is intrinsically plural. Talking about situated culture is an attempt to highlight the significance of the distinguishing factors that Barcelona possesses in its cultural production. This does not mean that this situated culture should be a strictly localist culture – a situated culture does not mean a culture that cuts off global links – it is a culture that relates to the global on the basis of its own specificity. What is most reprehensible from my point of view are cultural dynamics that have a global logic but that can just as well be here or anywhere else. And it’s true that the platforms generate this. An example: the other day the former minister of culture of Brazil, Lluca Ferreira, was here and talked about a program of living culture they developed, and they posted a photograph of some indigenous people where the man wore something that covered his pubic parts but the woman’s breasts were naked. So Facebook took the photograph off the site, and when the Minister called Facebook Brazil to say ‘what is going on?’, they told him that they didn’t have any duty towards the Brazilian government, that the only control over them was from a judge in San Francisco and that, therefore, if the judge in San Francisco forced them to put the photograph back, they would put it back, otherwise they wouldn’t have to listen to any minister from Brazil or anywhere else. In the end, there was a public movement of protest, and they put the photo back. The same thing happened here a few days ago, a group from a municipal theatre creation factory put up a poster with a man’s ass advertising a play by Virginia Wolff and Facebook took their entire account off the net – not just the photograph, they totally removed them from Facebook. And here too Facebook said that they are independent and that only the judge from San Francisco and so on. I believe that this is the opposite of situated culture because it is a global cultural logic, but at the same time it allows itself to be censored in Saudi Arabia, in China, that is to say it has different codes in each place. So to speak of situated culture means to speak of social transformation, of the relationship between culture and social transformation situated in the context in which you are working. But at the same time to have the will to dialogue with similar processes that exist in any other part of the world and that is the strength of a situated culture. And those processes of mutuality, of hybridization, that can happen when you have a Pakistani community here, you have a Filipino community, you have a Chinese community, you have a Gypsy community, you have an Italian community, you have an Argentinean community: they can be treated as typical folkloric elements in a theme park, or you can try to generate hybridization processes. Now at the Festival Grec this year there will be poetry in Urdu from the Pakistanis, there will be a Filipino theatre coming and a Filipino film fest at the Filmoteca – and this means mixing, situating, the cultural debate in the space where it is happening and trying to steep it in issues of cultural diversity. What I understand is that we need to strive for a local that is increasingly global, that this dialogue between the local and the global is very important.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: Returning to social innovation and popular creativity, social innovation is also a concept taken up pretty much everywhere: how is it understood here? Taking into account that in the world of the commons, Catalonia, and especially Barcelona, is very well known for its fablabs, which are also situated in this new era. How then do you understand social innovation and how do you see the relationship between education and social innovation?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : What I am trying to convey is that the traditional education system is doing little to prepare people and to enhance inclusive logics in our changing and transforming society, so in very broad lines I would say that if health and education were the basic redistributive policies of the 20th century, in the 21st century we must incorporate culture as a basic redistributive policy. Because before, the job market had very specific demands for the education sector: it knew very well what types of job profiles it needed because there was a very Taylorist logic to the world of work – what is the profile of a baker, of a plumber, of a miller? How many years you have to study for this kind of work. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the labour market, about how people will be able to work in the future and the key words that appear are innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility, ability to understand a diverse world, teamwork , being open to new ideas: this has little to do with traditional educational profiles, but it has much to do with culture, with things that allow you to acquire that backpack of basic tools that will help you navigate in a much more uncertain environment. And for me, to find the right connection between culture and education is very important because it allows the educational system to constantly transform itself by taking advantage of the creative potential of an environment that is much more accessible now than before because of new technologies, and therefore to make the transition from a deductive system where there is a teacher who knows and tells people what they need to know – to an inductive system: how do we explore what we need to know in order to be able to act. And that more inductive, more experimental logic has to do with creativity whereas the traditional education system didn’t postulate creativity, it postulated your ability to learn what someone else had decided you needed to study. It’s art, it is culture that allows you to play in that field much more easily …</p></br><p><strong> Translated from Spanish by Nancy Thede.</strong></p></br><p>1 Joan Subirats is Commissioner for culture in the city government of Barcelona led by the group Barcelona en comu. He is also professor of political science at the Universitat<br /></br>autonoma de Barcelona and founder of the Institute on Governance and Public Policy.</p></br><p>2 « Salvara la cultura a las ciudades? », La Vanguardia (Barcelona), Culturals supplement, 12<br /></br>May 2018, pp. 20-21.</p></br><p>3 Nancy Fraser, « A Triple Movement », New Left Review 81, May-June 2013. Published in Spanish in Jean-Louis Laville and José Luis Coraggio (Eds.), La izquierda del<br /></br>siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario Icaria, Madrid 2018.</p></br><p>4 Festival Grec, an annual multidisciplinary festival in Barcelona, now in its 42nd year. It is<br /></br>named for the Greek Theatre built for the 1929 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona:<br /></br></p></br><p>5 Barcelona’s annual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>nnual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><strong>E<blockquote><p><strong>Entrevue avec Joan Subirats(1) par Alain Ambrosi Mai 2018 </strong></p></blockquote></br><blockquote><p>Joan Subirats est commissaire à la culture de la ville de Barcelone, dirigée par le groupe Barcelona en comu. Il est également professeur de sciences politiques à l’Universitat autonoma de Barcelona et fondateur de l’Institut sur la gouvernance et les politiques publiques (IGOP). Dans cette interview en anglais, il présente les enjeux de la politique culturelle pour la municipalité de Barcelone actuellement dirigée par Barcelona en Comù.</p></blockquote></br><figure style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full" src="" alt="Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016" width="800" height="400" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016</figcaption></figure></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your recent article in La Vanguardia(2), you set out a framework for a cultural policy, you refer to putting into practice the key community values that should underpin that policy… Maybe we could start there?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong>: For me, whereas in the 20th century the defining conflict was between freedom and equality – and this marked the tension between right and left throughout the 20th century because in a way this is the frame in which capitalism and the need for social protection evolved together with the commodification of life while at the same time the market called for freedom – ie: no rules, no submission. But the need for protection demanded equality. But in the 21st century there is rejection of the notion of protection linked to statism: Nancy Fraser published an article(3) in the New Left Review, it is a re-reading of Polanyi and she claims that this double movement between commodification and protection is still valid, but that the State-based protection typical of the 20th century, where equality is guaranteed by the State, clashes since the end of the 20th century with the growing importance of heterogeneity, diversity and personal autonomy. Therefore, if in order to obtain equality, we have to be dependent on what the State does, this is going to be a contradiction…. So we could translate those values that informed the definition of policies in the 20th century, in 21st century terms they would be the idea of freedom (or personal autonomy, the idea of empowerment, not subjection, non-dependence) and at the same time equality, but no longer simply equality of opportunities but also equality of condition because we have to compensate for what is not the same (equal) in society. If you say « equal opportunities », that everyone has access to cultural facilities, to libraries, you are disregarding the fact that the starting conditions of people are not the same, this is the great contribution of Amartya Sen, no? You have to compensate for unequal starting situations because otherwise you depoliticize inequality and consider that inequality is the result of people’s lack of effort to get out of poverty. So equality yes, but the approach is different. And we must incorporate the idea of diversity as a key element in the recognition of people and groups on the basis of their specific dignity. That seems easy to say, but in reality it is complicated, especially if you relate it to culture, because culture has to do with all these things: it has to do with the construction of your personality, it has to do with equal access to culture just as cultural rights and culture have to do with the recognition of different forms of knowledge and culture – canonical culture, high culture, popular culture, everyday culture, neighbourhood culture …<br /></br>So for me, a cultural policy should be framed within the triple focus of personal autonomy, equality and diversity. And this is contradictory, in part, with the cultural policies developed in the past, where there is usually confusion between equality and homogeneity. In other words, the left has tended to consider that equality meant the same thing for everyone and that is wrong, isn’t it?, because you are confusing equality with homogeneity. The opposite of equality is inequality, the opposite of homogeneity is diversity. So you have to work with equality and diversity as values that are not antagonistic, but can be complementary. And this is a challenge for public institutions because they do not like heterogeneity, they find it complicated because it is simpler to treat everyone the same, as the administrative law manual used to prescribe `indifferent efficiency’: it is a way of understanding inequality as indifference, right?</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your article you also talk about the opposition between investing in infrastructures versus creating spaces and environments that are attractive to creators and you put an emphasis on the generation of spaces. What is being done, what has been done, what could be done about this?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : In Barcelona we want to ensure that the city’s cultural policies do not imply producing culture itself, but rather to try to influence the values in the production processes that already exist, in the facilities, in the cultural and artistic infrastructures: the role of the city council, of the municipality, is not so much to produce culture as to contribute to the production of culture. Which is different, helping to produce culture…. Obviously, the city council will give priority to those initiatives that coincide with the values, with the normative approach that we promote. There are some exceptions, for example, the Grec festival in Barcelona(4) in July, or the Mercé(5), which is the Festa Mayor, where the city council does in fact subsidize the production of culture, so some productions are subsidised but generally what we have is a policy of aid to creators. What is being done is that 11 creative factories (fablabs) have been built, these are factories with collectives that manage them chosen through public tenders. There are now 3 factories of circus and visual arts, 2 factories of dance creation, one factory of more global creation housed at Fabra & Coats, 3 theatre factories and 2 visual arts and technology sites. So there are 11 factories of different sorts and there are plans to create others, for example in the field of feminist culture where we are in discussion with a very well consolidated group : normally all these creative factories have their management entrusted to collectives that already become highly consolidated in the process of creation and that need a space to ensure their continuity. Often the city council will cede municipal spaces to these collectives, sometimes through public competitions where the creators are asked to present their project for directing a factory. This is one aspect. Another aspect is what is called living culture, which is a programme for the promotion of cultural activities that arise from the community or from collectives in the form of cooperatives and this is a process of aid to collectives that are already functioning, or occasionally to highlight cultural activities and cultural dynamics that have existed for a long time but have not been dignified, that have not been valued, for example the Catalan rumba of the Gypsies, which is a very important movement in Barcelona that emerged from the gypsy community of El Raval, where there were some very famous artists like Peret. There we invested in creating a group to work on the historical memory of the rumba, looking for the roots of this movement, where it came from and why. Then some signposts were set up in streets where this took place, such as La Cera in El Raval, where there are two murals that symbolise the history of the Catalan rumba and the gypsy community in this area so that this type of thing is publicly visible. That is the key issue for culture: a recognition that there are many different cultures.</p></br><p>Then there is the area of civic centres: approximately 15% of the civic centres in the city are managed by civic entities as citizen heritage, and those civic centres also have cultural activities that they decide on, and the city council, the municipality helps them develop the ideas put forward by the entities that manage those centres.</p></br><p>So, if we put all those things together, we could talk about a culture of the urban commons. It is still early stages, this is still more of a concept than a reality, but the underlying idea is that in the end the density and the autonomous cultural-social fabric will be strong enough to be resilient to political changes. In other words, that you have helped to build cultural practices and communities that are strong and autonomous enough that they are not dependent on the political conjuncture. This would be ideal. A bit like the example I often cite about the housing cooperatives in Copenhagen, that there was 50% public housing in Copenhagen, and a right-wing government privatised 17% of that public housing, but it couldn’t touch the 33% of housing that was in the hands of co-operatives. Collective social capital has been more resilient than state assets: the latter is more vulnerable to changes in political majorities.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: You also speak of situated culture which I think is very important: setting it in time and space. Now Facebook has announced it is coming to Barcelona so the Barcelona brand is going to be a brand that includes Facebook and its allies. But your conception of a situated culture is more about a culture where social innovation, participation, popular creativity in the community are very important…</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : Yes, it seems contradictory. In fact what you’re asking is the extent to which it makes sense to talk about situated culture in an increasingly globalized environment which is more and more dependent on global platforms. I believe that tension exists and conflict exists, this is undeniable, the city is a zone of conflict, therefore, the first thing we have to accept is that the city is a battleground between political alternatives with different cultural models. It is very difficult for a city council to set out univocal views of a cultural reality that is intrinsically plural. Talking about situated culture is an attempt to highlight the significance of the distinguishing factors that Barcelona possesses in its cultural production. This does not mean that this situated culture should be a strictly localist culture – a situated culture does not mean a culture that cuts off global links – it is a culture that relates to the global on the basis of its own specificity. What is most reprehensible from my point of view are cultural dynamics that have a global logic but that can just as well be here or anywhere else. And it’s true that the platforms generate this. An example: the other day the former minister of culture of Brazil, Lluca Ferreira, was here and talked about a program of living culture they developed, and they posted a photograph of some indigenous people where the man wore something that covered his pubic parts but the woman’s breasts were naked. So Facebook took the photograph off the site, and when the Minister called Facebook Brazil to say ‘what is going on?’, they told him that they didn’t have any duty towards the Brazilian government, that the only control over them was from a judge in San Francisco and that, therefore, if the judge in San Francisco forced them to put the photograph back, they would put it back, otherwise they wouldn’t have to listen to any minister from Brazil or anywhere else. In the end, there was a public movement of protest, and they put the photo back. The same thing happened here a few days ago, a group from a municipal theatre creation factory put up a poster with a man’s ass advertising a play by Virginia Wolff and Facebook took their entire account off the net – not just the photograph, they totally removed them from Facebook. And here too Facebook said that they are independent and that only the judge from San Francisco and so on. I believe that this is the opposite of situated culture because it is a global cultural logic, but at the same time it allows itself to be censored in Saudi Arabia, in China, that is to say it has different codes in each place. So to speak of situated culture means to speak of social transformation, of the relationship between culture and social transformation situated in the context in which you are working. But at the same time to have the will to dialogue with similar processes that exist in any other part of the world and that is the strength of a situated culture. And those processes of mutuality, of hybridization, that can happen when you have a Pakistani community here, you have a Filipino community, you have a Chinese community, you have a Gypsy community, you have an Italian community, you have an Argentinean community: they can be treated as typical folkloric elements in a theme park, or you can try to generate hybridization processes. Now at the Festival Grec this year there will be poetry in Urdu from the Pakistanis, there will be a Filipino theatre coming and a Filipino film fest at the Filmoteca – and this means mixing, situating, the cultural debate in the space where it is happening and trying to steep it in issues of cultural diversity. What I understand is that we need to strive for a local that is increasingly global, that this dialogue between the local and the global is very important.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: Returning to social innovation and popular creativity, social innovation is also a concept taken up pretty much everywhere: how is it understood here? Taking into account that in the world of the commons, Catalonia, and especially Barcelona, is very well known for its fablabs, which are also situated in this new era. How then do you understand social innovation and how do you see the relationship between education and social innovation?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : What I am trying to convey is that the traditional education system is doing little to prepare people and to enhance inclusive logics in our changing and transforming society, so in very broad lines I would say that if health and education were the basic redistributive policies of the 20th century, in the 21st century we must incorporate culture as a basic redistributive policy. Because before, the job market had very specific demands for the education sector: it knew very well what types of job profiles it needed because there was a very Taylorist logic to the world of work – what is the profile of a baker, of a plumber, of a miller? How many years you have to study for this kind of work. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the labour market, about how people will be able to work in the future and the key words that appear are innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility, ability to understand a diverse world, teamwork , being open to new ideas: this has little to do with traditional educational profiles, but it has much to do with culture, with things that allow you to acquire that backpack of basic tools that will help you navigate in a much more uncertain environment. And for me, to find the right connection between culture and education is very important because it allows the educational system to constantly transform itself by taking advantage of the creative potential of an environment that is much more accessible now than before because of new technologies, and therefore to make the transition from a deductive system where there is a teacher who knows and tells people what they need to know – to an inductive system: how do we explore what we need to know in order to be able to act. And that more inductive, more experimental logic has to do with creativity whereas the traditional education system didn’t postulate creativity, it postulated your ability to learn what someone else had decided you needed to study. It’s art, it is culture that allows you to play in that field much more easily …</p></br><p><strong> Translated from Spanish by Nancy Thede.</strong></p></br><p>1 Joan Subirats is Commissioner for culture in the city government of Barcelona led by the group Barcelona en comu. He is also professor of political science at the Universitat<br /></br>autonoma de Barcelona and founder of the Institute on Governance and Public Policy.</p></br><p>2 « Salvara la cultura a las ciudades? », La Vanguardia (Barcelona), Culturals supplement, 12<br /></br>May 2018, pp. 20-21.</p></br><p>3 Nancy Fraser, « A Triple Movement », New Left Review 81, May-June 2013. Published in Spanish in Jean-Louis Laville and José Luis Coraggio (Eds.), La izquierda del<br /></br>siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario Icaria, Madrid 2018.</p></br><p>4 Festival Grec, an annual multidisciplinary festival in Barcelona, now in its 42nd year. It is<br /></br>named for the Greek Theatre built for the 1929 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona:<br /></br></p></br><p>5 Barcelona’s annual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>nnual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>An experience o<blockquote><p>An experience of self-management of computational infrastructure, that allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action!</p></blockquote></br><p>Together with other individuals and organizations, and in collaboration with <a href="">Koumbit</a>, Remix the commons is developing a collective response to the need for digital tools and infrastructures. The idea is to ensure full digital sovereignty over our work, exchanges and data in coherence with the vision set out in the Charter for Building a Data Commons for a Free, Fair and Sustainable Future.</p></br><p>After having tested with Koumbit, an independent and solidary hosting company in Montreal, our ability to set up and manage some tools based on open source and the commons on a shared server, we designed a cooperation system based on a model similar to that of AMAPs, which we call the « Konbit numerique », in reference to the konbit of Haitian farmers. <a href="">Konbit</a> numerique is a prototype of « computational commons » for commoners’ projects. It proposes a working infrastructure that makes it possible to gradually achieve the objectives of independence and sovereignty on information and communication technology.</p></br><p>Our Konbit numerique consists of a group of identified users and a server administrator, Koumbit cooperator. It is based on a 6 TB server hosted by Koumbit in Montreal (<a href=""></a>, in which are installed the applications we need, tools based on open source and commons: file sharing, calendars, task management, online editing of text documents, table, email,… and most importantly for us a wiki farm. This is coverering a large part of the current digital uses of our organizations.</p></br><p>Users are involved in the governance, and as much as possible in maintenance. The work of the server administrator is handled by the collective through a monthly intervention time credit system. This includes, in addition to the time dedicated to server maintenance, time reserved for future technical developments that will be allocated according to the Konbit’s needs. The idea is therefore to jointly pre-finance a digital infrastructure dedicated to the collective. This infrastructure is not based on capitalist logic. It does not seek to make more profit in the perspective of extraction, but to satisfy the needs of the collective. It allows us to start a process to degoogling our digital practices.</p></br><p>Each person involved in the projects of the partners, stakeholders of this initiative, has access to this space and uses it within the framework of their activities in relation to the commons. Each partner can contribute to the life and development of the konbit by subscribing one or more shares of solidarity support (suggested amount: 15 € – 20 $CAD per month, or according to the budgets and needs of the projects), and according to the principle which aims to decouple use and trade (principle 3 of the Charter mentioned above). We have set ourselves the objective of gradually expanding the first collective to a balance between technical need/capacity and finance/governance. It is estimated that about 20 members would be an interesting size of the collective. Then other Konbits could be created and allow a federated type of operation.</p></br><p>The konbit numerique is not an open structure like a Chaton (online service open to all), or an alternative hoster, but an experience of self-management of computational infrastructure by its users. It is still a little early to draw lessons from this approach, but it is likely that this initiative allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>hinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>From the 15th-1<blockquote><p>From the 15th-17th of November 2016 a European Commons Assembly will take place in Brussels. The commoners will convene, discuss, showcase, and reclaim Europe. On the afternoon of the 16th, around 150 will partcipate in a meeting in the European Parliament, organized in cooperation with the EP intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services (Led by Marisa Matias, Dario Tamburrano, Ernesto Urtasun, Sergio Cofferati). A variety of other events (and local assemblies) will take place outside Parliament, both in Brussels and across Europe.</br></p></blockquote></br><p><H1>Networking, unity and policy around the commons paradigm </H1></p></br><p>On September 26, a group of nonprofits, foundations, and other civil society organizations jointly publish a “Call for a European Commons Assembly” ( The collectively drafted document, which continues to garner signatures from groups and individuals around Europe, serves as a declaration of purpose for a distributed network of “commoners.”<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="eca" width="900" height="636" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4561" /><br /></br>Author: TILL GENTZSCH</p></br><p>The Assembly seeks to unite citizens in trans-local and trans-european solidarity to overcome Europe’s current challenges and reinvigorate the political process for the 21st century. The commons can be understood as a bridging paradigm that stresses cooperation in management of resources, knowledge, tools, and spaces as diverse as water, Wikipedia, a crowdfund, or a community garden. Their Call describes commoning as:</p></br><ul></br>…the network-based cooperation and localized bottom-up initiatives already sustained by millions of people around Europe and the world. These initiatives create self-managed systems that satisfy important needs, and often work outside of dominant markets and traditional state programmes while pioneering new hybrid structures.</ul></br><p> The Assembly emerged in May from a diverse, gender balanced pilot community of 28 activists from 15 European countries, working in different domains of the commons. New people are joining the Assembly every week, and ECA is inclusive and open for others to join, so that a broad and resilient European movement can coalesce. It seeks to visibilize acts of commoning by citizens for citizens, while promoting interaction with policy and institutions at both the national and European levels. </p></br><p><H1>Part of a broader movement</H1><br /></br>The rapid embrace of commons as an alternative holistic, sustainable and social worldview is in part an expression of unease with the unjust current economic system and democratic deficiencies. The commons movement has exploded in recent years, following the award of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Elinor Ostrom in 2009 for her work on managing common resources. It has also seen overlap with other movements, such as the Social and Solidarity and Sharing Economy movements, peer to peer production, and Degrowth.</p></br><p>Michel Bauwens, part of the ECA who is also a prominent figure in the peer-to-peer movement, explains: <em>All over the world, a new social movement is emerging, which is challenging the ‘extractive’ premises of the mainstream political economy and which is co-constructing the seed forms of a sustainable and solidary society. Commoners are also getting a voice, for example through the Assemblies of the Commons that are emerging in French cities and elsewhere. The time is ripe for a shoutout to the political world, through a European Assembly of the Commons.</em></p></br><p>The Call includes an open invitation to Brussels from November 15 to 17, 2016 for three days of activities and shared reflection on how to protect and promote the commons. It will include an official session in the European Parliament, hosted by the Intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services, on November 16 (limited capacity). </p></br><p>You can read and sign the full text of the Call, also available in French, Spanish, and soon other European languages, on the <a href="">ECA website</a>. There is an <a href="">option to sign</a> as an individual or an organization.</p></br><p>For more information, visit <a href=""> </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p></br><p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>/ </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p> <p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /> </strong><br /> Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Interview Joan <blockquote><p>Interview Joan Subirats(1) by Alain Ambrosi May 2018</p></blockquote></br><figure style="width: 700px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full" src="" alt="Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016" width="700" height="400" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016</figcaption></figure></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your recent article in La Vanguardia(2), you set out a framework for a cultural policy, you refer to putting into practice the key community values that should underpin that policy… Maybe we could start there?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong>: For me, whereas in the 20th century the defining conflict was between freedom and equality – and this marked the tension between right and left throughout the 20th century because in a way this is the frame in which capitalism and the need for social protection evolved together with the commodification of life while at the same time the market called for freedom – ie: no rules, no submission. But the need for protection demanded equality. But in the 21st century there is rejection of the notion of protection linked to statism: Nancy Fraser published an article(3) in the New Left Review, it is a re-reading of Polanyi and she claims that this double movement between commodification and protection is still valid, but that the State-based protection typical of the 20th century, where equality is guaranteed by the State, clashes since the end of the 20th century with the growing importance of heterogeneity, diversity and personal autonomy. Therefore, if in order to obtain equality, we have to be dependent on what the State does, this is going to be a contradiction…. So we could translate those values that informed the definition of policies in the 20th century, in 21st century terms they would be the idea of freedom (or personal autonomy, the idea of empowerment, not subjection, non-dependence) and at the same time equality, but no longer simply equality of opportunities but also equality of condition because we have to compensate for what is not the same (equal) in society. If you say « equal opportunities », that everyone has access to cultural facilities, to libraries, you are disregarding the fact that the starting conditions of people are not the same, this is the great contribution of Amartya Sen, no? You have to compensate for unequal starting situations because otherwise you depoliticize inequality and consider that inequality is the result of people’s lack of effort to get out of poverty. So equality yes, but the approach is different. And we must incorporate the idea of diversity as a key element in the recognition of people and groups on the basis of their specific dignity. That seems easy to say, but in reality it is complicated, especially if you relate it to culture, because culture has to do with all these things: it has to do with the construction of your personality, it has to do with equal access to culture just as cultural rights and culture have to do with the recognition of different forms of knowledge and culture – canonical culture, high culture, popular culture, everyday culture, neighbourhood culture …<br /></br>So for me, a cultural policy should be framed within the triple focus of personal autonomy, equality and diversity. And this is contradictory, in part, with the cultural policies developed in the past, where there is usually confusion between equality and homogeneity. In other words, the left has tended to consider that equality meant the same thing for everyone and that is wrong, isn’t it?, because you are confusing equality with homogeneity. The opposite of equality is inequality, the opposite of homogeneity is diversity. So you have to work with equality and diversity as values that are not antagonistic, but can be complementary. And this is a challenge for public institutions because they do not like heterogeneity, they find it complicated because it is simpler to treat everyone the same, as the administrative law manual used to prescribe `indifferent efficiency’: it is a way of understanding inequality as indifference, right?</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your article you also talk about the opposition between investing in infrastructures versus creating spaces and environments that are attractive to creators and you put an emphasis on the generation of spaces. What is being done, what has been done, what could be done about this?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : In Barcelona we want to ensure that the city’s cultural policies do not imply producing culture itself, but rather to try to influence the values in the production processes that already exist, in the facilities, in the cultural and artistic infrastructures: the role of the city council, of the municipality, is not so much to produce culture as to contribute to the production of culture. Which is different, helping to produce culture…. Obviously, the city council will give priority to those initiatives that coincide with the values, with the normative approach that we promote. There are some exceptions, for example, the Grec festival in Barcelona(4) in July, or the Mercé(5), which is the Festa Mayor, where the city council does in fact subsidize the production of culture, so some productions are subsidised but generally what we have is a policy of aid to creators. What is being done is that 11 creative factories (fablabs) have been built, these are factories with collectives that manage them chosen through public tenders. There are now 3 factories of circus and visual arts, 2 factories of dance creation, one factory of more global creation housed at Fabra & Coats, 3 theatre factories and 2 visual arts and technology sites. So there are 11 factories of different sorts and there are plans to create others, for example in the field of feminist culture where we are in discussion with a very well consolidated group : normally all these creative factories have their management entrusted to collectives that already become highly consolidated in the process of creation and that need a space to ensure their continuity. Often the city council will cede municipal spaces to these collectives, sometimes through public competitions where the creators are asked to present their project for directing a factory. This is one aspect. Another aspect is what is called living culture, which is a programme for the promotion of cultural activities that arise from the community or from collectives in the form of cooperatives and this is a process of aid to collectives that are already functioning, or occasionally to highlight cultural activities and cultural dynamics that have existed for a long time but have not been dignified, that have not been valued, for example the Catalan rumba of the Gypsies, which is a very important movement in Barcelona that emerged from the gypsy community of El Raval, where there were some very famous artists like Peret. There we invested in creating a group to work on the historical memory of the rumba, looking for the roots of this movement, where it came from and why. Then some signposts were set up in streets where this took place, such as La Cera in El Raval, where there are two murals that symbolise the history of the Catalan rumba and the gypsy community in this area so that this type of thing is publicly visible. That is the key issue for culture: a recognition that there are many different cultures.</p></br><p>Then there is the area of civic centres: approximately 15% of the civic centres in the city are managed by civic entities as citizen heritage, and those civic centres also have cultural activities that they decide on, and the city council, the municipality helps them develop the ideas put forward by the entities that manage those centres.</p></br><p>So, if we put all those things together, we could talk about a culture of the urban commons. It is still early stages, this is still more of a concept than a reality, but the underlying idea is that in the end the density and the autonomous cultural-social fabric will be strong enough to be resilient to political changes. In other words, that you have helped to build cultural practices and communities that are strong and autonomous enough that they are not dependent on the political conjuncture. This would be ideal. A bit like the example I often cite about the housing cooperatives in Copenhagen, that there was 50% public housing in Copenhagen, and a right-wing government privatised 17% of that public housing, but it couldn’t touch the 33% of housing that was in the hands of co-operatives. Collective social capital has been more resilient than state assets: the latter is more vulnerable to changes in political majorities.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: You also speak of situated culture which I think is very important: setting it in time and space. Now Facebook has announced it is coming to Barcelona so the Barcelona brand is going to be a brand that includes Facebook and its allies. But your conception of a situated culture is more about a culture where social innovation, participation, popular creativity in the community are very important…</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : Yes, it seems contradictory. In fact what you’re asking is the extent to which it makes sense to talk about situated culture in an increasingly globalized environment which is more and more dependent on global platforms. I believe that tension exists and conflict exists, this is undeniable, the city is a zone of conflict, therefore, the first thing we have to accept is that the city is a battleground between political alternatives with different cultural models. It is very difficult for a city council to set out univocal views of a cultural reality that is intrinsically plural. Talking about situated culture is an attempt to highlight the significance of the distinguishing factors that Barcelona possesses in its cultural production. This does not mean that this situated culture should be a strictly localist culture – a situated culture does not mean a culture that cuts off global links – it is a culture that relates to the global on the basis of its own specificity. What is most reprehensible from my point of view are cultural dynamics that have a global logic but that can just as well be here or anywhere else. And it’s true that the platforms generate this. An example: the other day the former minister of culture of Brazil, Lluca Ferreira, was here and talked about a program of living culture they developed, and they posted a photograph of some indigenous people where the man wore something that covered his pubic parts but the woman’s breasts were naked. So Facebook took the photograph off the site, and when the Minister called Facebook Brazil to say ‘what is going on?’, they told him that they didn’t have any duty towards the Brazilian government, that the only control over them was from a judge in San Francisco and that, therefore, if the judge in San Francisco forced them to put the photograph back, they would put it back, otherwise they wouldn’t have to listen to any minister from Brazil or anywhere else. In the end, there was a public movement of protest, and they put the photo back. The same thing happened here a few days ago, a group from a municipal theatre creation factory put up a poster with a man’s ass advertising a play by Virginia Wolff and Facebook took their entire account off the net – not just the photograph, they totally removed them from Facebook. And here too Facebook said that they are independent and that only the judge from San Francisco and so on. I believe that this is the opposite of situated culture because it is a global cultural logic, but at the same time it allows itself to be censored in Saudi Arabia, in China, that is to say it has different codes in each place. So to speak of situated culture means to speak of social transformation, of the relationship between culture and social transformation situated in the context in which you are working. But at the same time to have the will to dialogue with similar processes that exist in any other part of the world and that is the strength of a situated culture. And those processes of mutuality, of hybridization, that can happen when you have a Pakistani community here, you have a Filipino community, you have a Chinese community, you have a Gypsy community, you have an Italian community, you have an Argentinean community: they can be treated as typical folkloric elements in a theme park, or you can try to generate hybridization processes. Now at the Festival Grec this year there will be poetry in Urdu from the Pakistanis, there will be a Filipino theatre coming and a Filipino film fest at the Filmoteca – and this means mixing, situating, the cultural debate in the space where it is happening and trying to steep it in issues of cultural diversity. What I understand is that we need to strive for a local that is increasingly global, that this dialogue between the local and the global is very important.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: Returning to social innovation and popular creativity, social innovation is also a concept taken up pretty much everywhere: how is it understood here? Taking into account that in the world of the commons, Catalonia, and especially Barcelona, is very well known for its fablabs, which are also situated in this new era. How then do you understand social innovation and how do you see the relationship between education and social innovation?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : What I am trying to convey is that the traditional education system is doing little to prepare people and to enhance inclusive logics in our changing and transforming society, so in very broad lines I would say that if health and education were the basic redistributive policies of the 20th century, in the 21st century we must incorporate culture as a basic redistributive policy. Because before, the job market had very specific demands for the education sector: it knew very well what types of job profiles it needed because there was a very Taylorist logic to the world of work – what is the profile of a baker, of a plumber, of a miller? How many years you have to study for this kind of work. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the labour market, about how people will be able to work in the future and the key words that appear are innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility, ability to understand a diverse world, teamwork , being open to new ideas: this has little to do with traditional educational profiles, but it has much to do with culture, with things that allow you to acquire that backpack of basic tools that will help you navigate in a much more uncertain environment. And for me, to find the right connection between culture and education is very important because it allows the educational system to constantly transform itself by taking advantage of the creative potential of an environment that is much more accessible now than before because of new technologies, and therefore to make the transition from a deductive system where there is a teacher who knows and tells people what they need to know – to an inductive system: how do we explore what we need to know in order to be able to act. And that more inductive, more experimental logic has to do with creativity whereas the traditional education system didn’t postulate creativity, it postulated your ability to learn what someone else had decided you needed to study. It’s art, it is culture that allows you to play in that field much more easily …</p></br><p><strong> Translated from Spanish by Nancy Thede.</strong></p></br><p>1 Joan Subirats is Commissioner for culture in the city government of Barcelona led by the group Barcelona en comu. He is also professor of political science at the Universitat<br /></br>autonoma de Barcelona and founder of the Institute on Governance and Public Policy.</p></br><p>2 « Salvara la cultura a las ciudades? », La Vanguardia (Barcelona), Culturals supplement, 12<br /></br>May 2018, pp. 20-21.</p></br><p>3 Nancy Fraser, « A Triple Movement », New Left Review 81, May-June 2013. Published in Spanish in Jean-Louis Laville and José Luis Coraggio (Eds.), La izquierda del<br /></br>siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario Icaria, Madrid 2018.</p></br><p>4 Festival Grec, an annual multidisciplinary festival in Barcelona, now in its 42nd year. It is<br /></br>named for the Greek Theatre built for the 1929 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona:<br /></br></p></br><p>5 Barcelona’s annual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>vals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Last 6, 7 and 8<blockquote><p>Last 6, 7 and 8 of November, the Art of commoning, an event the community Art of Hosting Montreal, saw 70 people come together to explore the commons and commoning, and develop a culture from the posture of commoner. The first two days were held in the beautiful local gardens Space for Life (Espace pour la vie) partner of the event. The third day, the participants were divided in different places (Tiers lieux) with commons projects throughout the city of Montreal.</p></br><p>David Bollier who participated with Silke Hefrich, Alain Ambrosi and myself, made a <a href=""> review of the meeting on his blog </a>. For more information you can look at the <a href="">full article</a> (in French only)</p></blockquote></br><p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-4035" src="" alt="20141107_162027" width="1024" height="576" /></a></p>g/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/20141107_162027-1024x576.jpg" alt="20141107_162027" width="1024" height="576" /></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Test code court”</span>…</span></a></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<div class="link-more"><a href="h<div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Calendario : Actividades de Remix”</span>…</span></a></div> Actividades de Remix”</span>…</span></a></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<figure id="attachment_6619" aria-descr<figure id="attachment_6619" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-6619" style="width: 512px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-6619" src="" alt="<a href="">Gzen92</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons" width="512" height="384" srcset=" 512w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-6619" class="wp-caption-text"><a href="">Gzen92</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons</figcaption></figure></br><p>Adopté par l’Assemblée nationale, le projet de loi confortant le respect des principes de la République a fait l’objet de deux saisines du Conseil Constitutionnel. L’une sur l’article 49 de la loi, relatif à l’enseignement en famille par les députés des groupes LR, UDI et Libertés et Territoires (<a href="">lien</a>) et l’autre sur les articles 4, 6, 7, 8, 14 bis AA et 18 par 71 députés des groupes Gauche démocrate et républicaine, La France insoumise et Socialistes et apparentés (<a href="">lien</a>). Le Conseil Constitutionnel prévoit de rendre sa décision le 13 août (<a href=""></a>).</p></br><p><strong>Remix est co-signataire de la contribution extérieure associative demandant la censure de plusieurs articles du projet de loi envoyée le lundi 26 juillet au Conseil Constitutionnel. </strong><strong>Vous retrouverez l’intégralité de la contribution extérieure sur le site de L.A. Coalition pour les libertés associatives en cliquant ici</strong> : <a href=""></a></p>.fr/CP-LA-Coalition-pour-les-libertes-associatives-demande-au-Conseil"></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="https://www.remixthec<p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4194" src="" alt="Move North South Water" width="198" height="300" /></a></p></br><p>Le « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – littéralement Sud Eau Nord Déplacer – est le plus gros projet de transfert d’eau au monde, entre le sud et le nord de la Chine. Sur les traces de ce chantier colossal, le film d’Antoine Boutet dresse la cartographie mouvementée d’un territoire d’ingénieur où le ciment bat les plaines, les fleuves quittent leur lit, les déserts deviennent forêts, où peu à peu des voix s’élèvent, réclamant justice et droit à la parole. Tandis que la matière se décompose et que les individus s’alarment, un paysage de science-fiction, contre nature, se recompose.</p></br><p>Sud Eau Nord Déplacer sortira mercredi 28 janvier 2915 dans les salles de cinéma. Si vous souhaitez vous associer à une de ces projections, contactez la salle de cinéma concernée ou la distribution du film : Si vous souhaitez accompagner une projection dans une ville où le film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>« Sans Lendemain », est un film d’animation sur l’exploitation des énergies fossiles et des ressources naturelles et leurs conséquences sur la vie humaine sur la planète. Il est réalisé par Dermot O’ Connor et produit par Incubate Pictures. en 35 minutes, il aborde de façon très intelligible toute une série de problématiques liées à la croissance de notre système économique et à notre façon de consommer.</p></br><p>Réalisation : Dermot O’ Connor (35 minutes, 2012).<a href=""></a><br /></br><a href=""></a> – <a href=""></a></p></br><p>Information et documentation sur le site <a href=""></a>.</p></br><p>Titre original étasunien : There’s no tomorrow.<br /></br><a href=""></a></p></br><p>Version française 2013 due à l’initiative du groupe de Liège du mpOC, Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance (le mpOC n’est pas un parti politique).</p></br><p>Avec le soutien de :<br /></br>Amis de la Terre Belgique, (section belge de l’Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas), GRAPPE (Groupe de Réflexion et d’Action Pour une Politique Ecologique), IEW (Inter-Environnement Wallonie), Imagine demain le monde, mpOC.</p></br><p>Traduction : Francis Leboutte.<br /></br>Voix : Caroline Lamarche.<br /></br>Mixage voix : Margarida Guia.<br /></br>Sous-titres en néerlandais, allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien.</p>aduction : Francis Leboutte.<br /> Voix : Caroline Lamarche.<br /> Mixage voix : Margarida Guia.<br /> Sous-titres en néerlandais, allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Questions about who « owns » or has the right to benefit from Indigenous heritage are at the core of ongoing political, economic, and ethical debates taking place at local, national, and international levels.</p></br><p>When it comes to research in this area, Indigenous peoples have typically had little say in how studies related to their heritage are managed. Increasingly though, efforts are being made to decolonize research practices by fostering more equitable relationships between researchers and Indigenous peoples, based on mutual trust and collaboration.</p></br><p>In this presentation George Nicholas reviews debates over the « ownership » of Indigenous heritage and provides examples of new research practices that are both more ethical and more effective. These collaborative research models, in which the community leads the research, highlight important new directions in protecting Indigenous heritage.</p></br><p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /></br>Event: SFU Public Square<br /></br>Date: April 2, 2014</p>ge.</p> <p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /> Event: SFU Public Square<br /> Date: April 2, 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>This interview of Etienne Le Roy, made in Paris March 4, 2014, while presenting his work on land ownership synthesized in his book ‘The land of the other. An anthropology of land ownership schemes’ introduces us in the heart of anthropological paths of one of the founders of French anthropology of Law and awakens our curiosity to question otherwise, and by sharing with others, our world.</p></br><p>« The other is not a gap to fill. It is a fullness to discover. » Christoph Eberhard</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>idth="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Les questions sur la «propriété» ou sur le droit de bénéficier de l’héritage indigène sont au cœur des débats politiques, économiques et éthiques en cours aux niveaux local, national et international. Quand il s’agit de la recherche dans ce domaine, la vision des peuples autochtones sur la façon dont les études relatives à leur patrimoine sont gérés, est généralement peu prise en compte. De plus en plus cependant, des efforts sont faits pour décoloniser les pratiques de recherche en favorisant des relations plus équitables entre les chercheurs et les peuples autochtones, fondées sur la confiance mutuelle et la collaboration.</p></br><p>Dans cette présentation, George Nicholas critique les débats sur la «propriété» du patrimoine autochtone et fournit des exemples de nouvelles pratiques de recherche qui sont à la fois plus éthiques et plus efficaces. Ces modèles de recherche en collaboration, dans lesquels la communauté mène la recherche, mettent en évidence de nouvelles orientations importantes dans la protection du patrimoine des peuples autochtones.</p></br><p>IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage) est un projet international de recherche participative autour de la réappropriation de l’héritage culturel par les communautés ancestrales. A qui appartient le passé ? A qui bénéficie-t-il ? quelles sont les conceptions culturelles de l’héritage culturel (de la mémoire) ? Comment distinguer accaparement et emprunts culturels (cultural borrowings) ? Ce projet croise des questions sur le domaine public, la nature de la recherche conduite par les communautés (et non pour elles) et sur les connaissances ancestrales (et culturelles en général). Il montre un éventail de processus de gestion collective des connaissances des communautés et tire des principes applicables à la recherche et pour comprendre les questions étudiées. Enfin, il propose l’usage de la <a href="">Traditional Knowledge licence</a> et un <a href="">questionnaire </a>pour évaluer accaparement ou emprunt culturel.</p></br><p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /></br>Event: SFU Public Square<br /></br>Date: April 2, 2014</p>;/p> <p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /> Event: SFU Public Square<br /> Date: April 2, 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Pour Étienne Le Roy, l’anthropologie est la science de l’homme parce que fondamentalement science de l’autre. « J’ai souvent commenté cette observation de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans son ‘Essai sur l’origine des langues’, que cite Claude Lévi-Strauss: ‘Quand on veut étudier les hommes, il faut regarder près de soi; mais pour étudier l’homme, il faut apprendre à porter sa vue au loin; il faut d’abord observer les différences pour découvrir les propriétés.’ Au sens de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, découvrir les propriétés, c’est mettre à jour les attributs de l’homme, les critères qui en fondent l’humanité dans leur plus grande généralité. Mais on ne pourra s’empêcher, dans un ouvrage consacré à l’appropriation de la terre et, pour une part, au régime de ‘propriété’ foncière, d’user de l’ambivalence de la dernière phrase (observer les différences pour découvrir les propriétés) et ainsi justifier un point de vue qui use d’un regard sur l’autre pour découvrir le sens que les hommes donnent, généralement mais aussi spécifiquement, au cas par cas, aux rapports de propriété. »</p></br><p>Étienne Le Roy « Le choix d’une démarche anthropologique pour traiter des régimes d’appropriation des terres et des ressources m’a conduit à plusieurs options de méthode et, en particulier, a obligé le lecteur à entrer dans l’étude du droit de propriété par la prise de conscience que cette forme juridique ne fait que traduire procéduralement une représentation du monde, de l’homme et de la nature originale et profondément liée à l’expérience de la modernité en Occident. Pour répondre à la vocation de l’anthropologie de réunir une connaissance valable pour l’ensemble du développement humain, il convenait de traiter analogiquement les autres civilisations et chercher derrière les réponses coutumières ou rituelles les représentations de l’espace qu’elles véhiculaient. »</p></br><p>Dans cette interview réalisée à Paris le 4 mars 2014, Étienne Le Roy, tout en présentant ses travaux sur les régimes d’appropriation foncière synthétisés dans son ouvrage ‘La terre de l’autre », nous introduit au coeur de l’anthropologie du droit francophone qu’il a participé à fondée et éveille notre curiosité de commoner sensible aux mécanismes juridiques et à ce qui les fait advenir dans la société d’interroger autrement, et dans le partage avec d’autres, le monde dans lequel nous vivons.</p></br><p>« L’autre n’est pas un vide à remplir. C’est une plénitude à découvrir. » Christoph Eberhard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Claiming the Commons - Food for All on Haultain Boulevard" width="880" height="660" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Peak Moment 185: Rainey Hopewell’s crazy idea has ended up feeding a neighborhood and creating community. She and Margot Johnston planted vegetables in the parking strip in front of their house. They offer them free for the taking ? to anyone, anytime ? with messages chalked on the sidewalk noting when particular vegies are ready to pick. Neighboring children and adults are joining in to work on the garden, harvesting fun along with food, and even handing fresh-picked vegies to passers-by.</p></br><p>Mise en ligne le 20 nov. 2010</p></br><p>Licence YouTube standard</p>gt; <p>Mise en ligne le 20 nov. 2010</p> <p>Licence YouTube standard</p>)