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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Paragraphe biographique » avec la valeur « Membre active, du projet "L'art du Soleil" (projet ayant pour objet l'apprentissage et la mise en pratique de technologies appropriées). Domaine de compétence "place de la femme dans la société" , "autonomie psychologique". Membre active de la Coopérative Intégrale Catalane, une proposition d'auto-organisation systémique) spécialisée sur les pôles "développement des projets (productifs)", "mise en réseau et accompagnement des personnes et des communautés". Membre et coordonnatrice du "réseau d’expérimentation avec des microorganismes". ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du nº 1.

Voir (50 précédentes | 50 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste de résultats

  • CANTONI Julien  + (Né à Marseille en 1974, Julien Cantoni a oNé à Marseille en 1974, Julien Cantoni a occupé des fonctions de direction financière au sein de diverses structures privées et publiques. Impliqué dans les questions de l'entreprenariat social et solidaire, il a conduit notamment dans un organisme HLM un projet de labellisation RSE délivré au plan européen. Actuellement directeur financier adjoint d'une grande maison d'édition française, il s'est intéressé depuis quelques années à la question numérique tant au plan économique que politique ou culturel. Il est l'auteur d'un ouvrage paru aux éditions Inculte (juin 2014), "La société connectée", qui traite de l'impact économique, politique et individuel de la troisième révolution industrielle insufflée par l'émergence du numérique. Il plaide pour réconcilier l'économie digitale et l'économie tangible - qui pour l'heure s'affrontent brutalement - et plus largement pour que l'essor du numérique bénéficie tant aux consommateurs qu'aux tant aux consommateurs qu'aux citoyens.)
  • EYNAUD Philippe  + (Philippe Eynaud est maître de conférences Philippe Eynaud est maître de conférences en sciences de gestion à l’IAE de Paris (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne). Il est lauréat du prix Robert Reix 2008 pour la meilleure thèse en systèmes d’information (thèse réalisée sur le terrain associatif). Il est habilité à diriger des recherches. Ses domaines de recherche portent sur la société civile et les organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Il a notamment travaillé sur les solidarités numériques, l’innovation sociale et la gouvernance des associations. Il a coordonné, avec Jean-Louis Laville et Dennis Young, en 2015, aux Éditions Routledge, un livre intitulé « Civil Society, the Third Sector, Social Enterprise : Governance and Democracy ». Il a publié, en décembre 2015, un ouvrage intitulé « La gouvernance entre diversité et normalisation » chez Dalloz, Juris éditions. Il vient de publier en avril 2016 un ouvrage co-écrit avec Corinne Vercher-Chaptal, Olivier Maurel et Julien Bernet intitulé « La gestion des associations » aux éditions Eres.tion des associations » aux éditions Eres.)
  • BELLANGER Julien  + (Project developer in artistic, cultural, sProject developer in artistic, cultural, scientific and technical domains, Julien Bellanger is co-founded PING'association that explores the practices of the digital era, and encourages the re-appropriation of technology since 2004. Through digital and social innovation, PiNG facilitates cross-pollination across traditional audience boundaries by promoting the values of free culture.</br>He is involved in different activities ( workshops, residencies, meeting, camp, ... ) whose cross pedagogical approach, artistic meaning looking at issues of the impact of digital technologies on social innovation.</br> </br>In 2015, as part of the creation of an open Art / Science / Technology / Society laboratory, PiNG invited researchers, artists, creators and explorers to question and decode the geological concept of the Anthropocene, the era in which human activity has begun to have significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems. How can artistic practice inform this change of era? How can artworks and creative processes render this transition visible and palpable? </br></br>In 2016, PiNG continues this exploratory dynamic and invites artists and researchers to work on the symbiotic relationships between humans, plants, and animals, not only in the slender layer of atmosphere which surrounds our planet, but also in its oceans too. And so O.CAMP counter ticks up to 1.CAMP.</br></br>Sources :</br>:</br>:</br>:</br>: :
  • AVILA Renata  + (Renata Avila is a human rights lawyer specRenata Avila is a human rights lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property and Technology. She worked as one of the lawyers representing the Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum ( and more recently, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Involved in Internet and Human Rights research since 2006, she works with the Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners - Lee ( in an effort to uphold human rights in the digital age. She serves as a Board Member of Creative Commons ( She is also a member of Courage Foundation ( advisory board, assisting whistleblowers at risk and in the D-Cent ( board, exploring the potential of decentralised technologies. She is currently an Advisor of the BITS initiative by the Municipality of Barcelonanitiative by the Municipality of Barcelona)
  • CREMER Marjolein  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • JUAREZ David  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • PAIRET Martin  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 http://www.citizenslab.euwas in June 2016
  • PRIORI Alice  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • SANTMAN Ed  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016</br></br>www.citizenslab.eueting was in June 2016
  • GUIDO Roberta  + (Roberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban PlanRoberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, International PhD Programme - Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (DADU) Alghero, University of Sassari (Italy) in partnership with the University of Karabuk, Turkey, Visiting PhD at the Polytechnic of Turin. She graduated with honors in Law, with a Master's thesis on Fundamental Rights in Europe and the Environment Law. She worked in Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the Council of Europe; she was involved in works for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, the instruments dedicated to participation, management, protection and cooperation. In a complementary manner to the legal profession, she studied Urban Planning at DADU and then obtained an International Master in Mediterranean Landscape Urbanism (DADU Alghero / Berlin, Paris), with a thesis on the outcomes of participatory processes in regulatory plans and systems. H Then she worked at the General Directorate of Local Authorities, Urban Planning and Finances at the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, at the Task Force of Municipalities' Association for the adaptation to the Regional Landscape Plan of the Urban Plans, in Detailed Plans of historic centers, and the development of participating laboratories to planning and pilot projects for local development. She worked at the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Sardinia for local development projects and the Office of Enterprise Europe Network. She obtained a Master of Community Planning and one in EU Planning and Policies and management of complex projects in international cooperation, promoted by the University of Cagliari in coordination with the organizations of the Third sector. She is an active partner of the Association An Island - Shared Idea (Un'Isola - Idea Condivisa) that practices of exercise of right to the city and promotes urban opportunities for active participation also with the institutions. She currently works as a researcher and pratictioner at Labsus - Laboratorio per la Sussidiarietà and she is involved in processes taking place in the urban context of production from below and grassroots, and shared administration of the commons, in particular she belongs to the mouvement of Cavallerizza Reale in Turin. She would like to do ActionResearch on legal arrangements and dispositives that are able to governing and to embrace transformations, to find new intervention tactics. She would like to study the coherence with the European urban policy and to work on the design of public policies and services.he design of public policies and services.)
  • VANUXEM Sarah  + (Sarah Vanuxem est maître de conférences à Sarah Vanuxem est maître de conférences à l’Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (GREDEG).</br></br>===Principales publications en lien avec les Communs===</br>Les choses saisies par la propriété, préface Th. Revet, IRJS, 2012.</br></br>"PIPRA (Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture): une tentative avortée de pallier la faiblesse du domaine public dans les technologies agricoles", in B. Coriat (dir.), Le retour des communs. La crise de l’idéologie propriétaire, LLB, 2015.</br></br>"L’appropriation au/du territoire Aït M’hand. Incursion dans le Haut-Atlas marocain", in S. Vanuxem et C. Guibet Lafaye (dir.), Repenser la propriété, un essai de politique écologique, PUAM, 2015.essai de politique écologique, PUAM, 2015.)
  • EULER Johannes  + (So, my name is Johannes Euler and I live cSo, my name is Johannes Euler and I live close to Bonn in the Western part of Germany. I started to get involved with the whole commons-thing in 2012 - at first mainly out of an intellectual interest but I very soon realized that there is so much more to it. So I participated in the first German-speaking commons summer school out of which the Commons-Institut was founded. That is what I am still an active part of.</br></br>I took this energy to first write my Thesis (M.Sc. Politics, Economics and Philosophy) about the commons and now I am writing on my PhD in Economics about conflicts in water management and the possibilities of commoning. I am arguing that through the shift in paradigms and societal structures that commoning may initiate conflicts can be tackled in new ways. So, you already see that I am really convinced of the transformative potential of commoning.</br></br>But the commons is not only something that I think write and talk about but something that I practice. For example in our commons housing project and the community-supported agriculture project that I am part of. In my view the transition can only be done through commoning which is why I am convinced that we should also take the commons assemblies as spaces of commoning. Only if we practice commoning among ourselves the processes that we create can carry ourselves as well as develop enough strength so that an actual transformation can take place.t an actual transformation can take place.)
  • NIAROS Vasilis  + (Vasilis Niaros is an urbanist, regional plVasilis Niaros is an urbanist, regional planner and engineer as well as PhD candidate (expected in 2016) at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. His research interests include open source technologies, urban commons, "smart city", makerspaces, IoT and do-it-yourself culture. He is also the Funding Manager of the P2P Foundation and Research Fellow at the P2P Lab. Contact: vasilis.niaros at Lab. Contact: vasilis.niaros at
  • CABANNES Yves  + (Yves Cabannes, urbaniste, a travaillé en AYves Cabannes, urbaniste, a travaillé en Asie, Afrique, Pays Arabes et surtout en Amérique latine, au Brésil et Mexique, avec des organisations sociales des ONGs et des gouvernements locaux dans le domaine du développement local, du logement, de l’emploi, de la formation et du micro crédit. . Il a été directeur de programmes de recherche urbaine et professeur invité de plusieurs universités. De 1997 a 2004, il a coordonné, pour l’ Amérique Latine et la Caraïbe,à partir de Quito, le Programme de Gestion Urbaine ( UNDP/UN Habitat). Aprés deux années d’enseignement à l’Université d’Harvard (Graduate School of Design) et sous-directeur de son Centre de Recherche sur le Développement Urbain, il est depuis septembre 2006 Professeur et titulaire de la Chaire de la Panification du Développement à L’University College London, Unité de Planification du Développement.</br></br>Activement engagé dans la défense du droit à la ville et à l’habitation , il est membre de la direction de plusieurs organisations de la société civile.sieurs organisations de la société civile.)
  • VUARIN Pierre  + (Ancien responsable de programmes à la FondAncien responsable de programmes à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer (FPH), programmes relatifs aux organisations paysannes et de pêcheurs, aux populations de montagnes du monde, à la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables, à la formation des leaders sociaux et aux démarches de changements systémiques . Il est un des co-créateurs de l'Alliance Terre Citoyenne et de l'Université Internationale Terre Citoyenne (UITC) qui met au centre de son action la création de nouvelles connaissances utiles pour l'action résultant du croisement de savoirs différents portés par les dynamiques sociales, la société civile, les universités.</br></br>Il participe à un collectif « Sel des communs » créé à l'issue de la rencontre de Guérande en 2013, centrée sur «Défendons, gérons nos communs, Territoires, Connaissances, Communautés » qui a réunit des communautés de pêcheurs, de paysans, de montagnards autour de ces thèmes.
  • TINCQ Benjamin  + (Benjamin Tincq est spécialiste des modèlesBenjamin Tincq est spécialiste des modèles *peer-to-peer* et des transformations numériques. Il est co-fondateur de OuiShare, un collectif international, think-tank, do-tank dédié à l'économie collaborative, dont il coordonne la stratégie, les parteneriats et les études. Ses travaux de recherche s'orientent tout particulièrement sur les promesses économiques, sociales et environnementales du nouveau système productif lié à la fabrication distribuée et l'open source hardware. Benjamin est ingénieur des télécoms de formation, et a travaillé cinq ans en tant que consultant en stratégie d'innovation, avant de faire son "job out" et co-fonder le projet OuiShare fin 2011. et co-fonder le projet OuiShare fin 2011.)
  • QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE Françoise  + (Françoise QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE est maître deFrançoise QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE est maître de conférences et chercheure associée au centre de recherche DRM de l’université Paris-Dauphine. </br></br>Depuis quinze ans, elle conduit des recherches sur la mise en œuvre des stratégies RSE et les dispositifs d’évaluation des performances : Reporting extra-financier, systèmes internes de pilotage. Elle assure des enseignements de RSE à l’université Paris Dauphine et dans diverses universités et écoles. Elle est co-fondateur du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD) et membre du comité de rédaction dela revue ROR.</br>Auteur de nombreux articles et chapitres d’ouvrages, elle est notamment co-auteur avec Michel CAPRON : </br>* en 2004, Mythes et réalités de l’entreprise responsable, La Découverte, Paris.</br>* en 2007 (nouvelle édition 2010), Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Collection Repères, La Découverte, Paris.</br>* en 2015 : « L’entreprise dans la société : une question politique », Paris, La Découverte. Collection Grand Repères.</br></br>En 2010, elle a co – dirigé, avec M.Capron et M.F. Turcotte, un ouvrage sur « ISO 26000, une Norme hors norme » : vers une conception mondiale de la responsabilité sociétale des organisations » ECONOMICA et en 2012  elle est l’auteur de : L’ISR : valeur financière valeur éthique ? ECONOMICA, Paris (co-écrit avec Franca PERIN )OMICA, Paris (co-écrit avec Franca PERIN ))
  • FIORDIMELA Cristina  + (I desire to understand better , what’s aboI desire to understand better , what’s about the change of decisional processes today,the discard of authority in front of authoritativeness,crossing the assemblees . How processes of mutualism-commoning are rimapping the use of territory. The way the art’s activism opens to research of a new type/posture of decisioning. From the studies in museografy, the doctorate in the University of Architecture and the PhD in museography and exhibition design, giving particular attention to the rivitalization of the ‘ diffused’ museum –concept from the 70’s based on branch pratice and the connectiveness to use/safeguard/rigeneration of territory like sedime in the culture of work in opposition to the folklore – to crossing Macao, indipendent cultural centre in Milan, being part to make happen the NowHere.Active residence : debut of artistic coproduction based on putting together the resources of l’Open Program Workcenter of Jerzi Grotowski and Thomas Richards coming together with Freddy Paul Grunert (associate curator at the ZKM – GlobalActivism) e philosopher/artist, sympathizer of Teatro Valle), to give life to Ceçi n’est pas une table: experiment of an unexpected ‘ agora’ agitated by contemporary art rejectioning the tables-tabula-tablet-tabloid- actif geometrical enclosures of negotiation. 1st (but the experimentation is going on) on the 1st Commons International Festival in Chieri (TO), 2015, </br></br>Last participation: the real of reality, novembre 2016,
  • NINET Jacques  + (Jacques Ninet a partagé sa vie professionnJacques Ninet a partagé sa vie professionnelle entre les marchés financiers et les fonds d'investissement (CEPME, Fimagest, Barclays, Sarasin France). Il est aujourd’hui conseiller pour la recherche auprès La Française Asset management tout en participant à divers groupes de réflexion sur la finance responsable et le DD.exion sur la finance responsable et le DD.)
  • SEN Jai  + (Jai Sen, architecte et urbaniste de formatJai Sen, architecte et urbaniste de formation, est un chercheur indépendant basé à New Delhi, en Inde. Il était auparavant un militant des droits pour l'habitat et le travail à Kolkata (Calcutta), et aux niveaux national et international. Travaillant avec le collectif CACIM, il a produit une cartographie de la ville "involontaire", un travail de sensibilisation du public, aux enjeux de l'architecture et de la planification pour les communautés marginales et d'autres travaux liés aux droits d'habitation. Il a participé aux Forums Sociaux Mondiaux depuis 2002, et a été membre du Comité de travail du FSM en Inde et de son équipe de coordination au cours de 2002-3.équipe de coordination au cours de 2002-3.)
  • PONSOT Jean-François  + (PONSOT Jean-François est maître de conférePONSOT Jean-François est maître de conférences en sciences économiques à l'Université de Grenoble ; il a été consultant pour le gouvernement équatorien et l'ONU sur la nouvelle architecture financière régionale en Amérique du sud. Thématiques : intégration monétaire régionale, dollarisation, innovations monétaires.le, dollarisation, innovations monétaires.)
  • VAN DER WEKKEN Ruby  + (Ruby van der Wekken - I am a co-founder anRuby van der Wekken - I am a co-founder and active in the development of Helsinki Timebank - I am also active in a process wanting to take forward a Solidarity Economy network buidling process and through this a furthering of our commons and commoning - up on I work for Siemenpuu environmental foundation which executes Finnish development cooperation and which supports actors in Global South around issues of ecological democracy.uth around issues of ecological democracy.)
  • SULTAN Frédéric  + (SULTAN Frédéric contribue à la facilitatioSULTAN Frédéric contribue à la facilitation du « réseau francophone des biens communs » à travers les projets d'appropriation des idées et des pratiques des communs réalisés par la société coopérative Gazibo (fondée en 2008) Il coordonne Remix the commons et a participé à la rédaction du manifeste pour la récupération des biens communs (en 2009). Il est membre de l'association Vecam.</br></br>SULTAN Frédéric helps to facilitate the networking on the commons in the francophone area through projects that present ideas and practices of commoning carried out by the coop Gazibo (founded in 2008) He coordinates Remix the commons and has participated in the drafting manifesto Reclaim the common (in 2009). He is a member of the association Vecam.. He is a member of the association Vecam.)
  • SARAZIN Simon  + (Simon SARAZIN travaille sur plusieurs expéSimon SARAZIN travaille sur plusieurs expériences menées à Lille : http// : plateforme mettant en avant quelques pistes d'ingrédients pour construire des communs, http://, (2 plateformes open sources visant à repérer recenser des communs et des initiatives citoyennes). Il contribue au lancement lors de l'événement les ROUMICS 2015, d'un travail de préfiguration de l'assemblée des communs, qui se tient à Lille chaque dernier jeudi du mois. Il est aussi régulièrement en lien avec les contributeurs de Sharelex et travaille également sur la création d'une LSC (Legal Service for Commons visant à héberger et à protéger des communs. Durant l'été 2015, avec Marion Rousseau, il a animé une coopérative de jeunes à Boulogne sur Mer (Entre'Coop).de jeunes à Boulogne sur Mer (Entre'Coop).)
  • WHITAKER Célina  + (WHITAKER Célina, co-animatrice du CollectiWHITAKER Célina, co-animatrice du Collectif Richesses, du réseau FAIR (Forum pour d’Autres Indicateurs de Richesse), du projet de monnaie complémentaire SOL, du réseau des monnaies locales complémentaires. Thématiques : indicateurs de richesse, monnaies sociales complémentaires, DD communs.aies sociales complémentaires, DD communs.)
  • SERRA Ariadna  + (Membre active, du projet "L'art du Soleil"Membre active, du projet "L'art du Soleil" (projet ayant pour objet l'apprentissage et la mise en pratique de technologies appropriées). Domaine de compétence "place de la femme dans la société" , "autonomie psychologique". Membre active de la Coopérative Intégrale Catalane, une proposition d'auto-organisation systémique) spécialisée sur les pôles "développement des projets (productifs)", "mise en réseau et accompagnement des personnes et des communautés". Membre et coordonnatrice du "réseau d’expérimentation avec des microorganismes".expérimentation avec des microorganismes".)
  • KOULOUKAKIS Dimitris  + ('Dimitris Koukoulakis has studied Informat'Dimitris Koukoulakis has studied Information Systems Engineering at the University of Surrey, UK where he completed his Master of Research with an EPSRC scholarship. Worked for two years at the R&D of NOKIA UK and then returned to Greece where he continued working as a software engineer at an IPTV company. Since 2009 has been active with several local and international grassroots movements driven by the concern of scarcity and inequality. A turning point has been the co-organization of CommonsFest in Heraklion for the last three years. Recently co-founded a social co-op working on free software and open source hardware, the CommonsLab.ware and open source hardware, the CommonsLab.)
  • RESTAKIS John  + (Active in the co-operative movement for ovActive in the co-operative movement for over twenty years, John Restakis is former Executive Director of the BC Co-operative Association in Vancouver, a position he held since 1998. He is currently Executive Director of Inspiration in Action (IIA) in Vancouver. His professional background includes community organizing, adult and popular education, and co-op development. Restakis was Research Co-ordinator on Social Infrastructure and Institutional Innovation for the FLOK Project in Ecuador. He has done consulting work on international co-op development projects, researches and teaches on co-operative economies and the social economy, and lectures widely on the subject of globalization, regional development, and alternative economics. Restakis has also been an advisor to Syriza in Greece for the development of a national strategy for the social and solidarity economy. He is also Research Associate for Co-operatives UK. Restakis earned his BA at the University of Toronto with a Major degree in East Asian Studies and specialist studies in Sanskrit and Classical Greek. He holds a Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion. Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion.)
  • GUTTMANN Alexandre  + (Alexandre Guttmann est basé sur New York eAlexandre Guttmann est basé sur New York et Paris, et il fait actuellement une thèse doctorale à l'Université Paris 13 du laboratoire de la CEPN. Sa thèse porte sur la façon dont l'autonomie gouvernementale et l'action collectif dans les communes urbaines peut préparer les grandes villes à affronter les tendances prédatrices du capitalisme et les menaces imprévues du changement climatique. Ses contributions au Remix des Communs incluent l'écriture de concepts clés de biens communs urbains dérivés par des articles scientifiques, la création des catégories pour ces concepts clés, la participation au contenu du 'Community Chartering Manifesto' et des contributions sur l'Atlas des Chartres des Communs Urbaines.l'Atlas des Chartres des Communs Urbaines.)
  • AUFRÈRE Laura  + (Après avoir étudié les sciences politiquesAprès avoir étudié les sciences politiques et s'être spécialisée en gestion de projets culturels, Laura Aufrère a développé plusieurs missions à la croisée du spectacle vivant et des arts visuels. Elle est actuellement coordinatrice pour l'UFISC, travaillant plus spécifiquement sur des études de terrain et des travaux collectifs traitant des enjeux de coopération, de gouvernance collective, et de protection sociale.ance collective, et de protection sociale.)
  • LE CROSNIER Hervé  + (Après avoir été dix ans conservateur d'uneAprès avoir été dix ans conservateur d'une bibliothèque scientifique, Il rejoint l'enseignement à l'Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, et la recherche en collaboration avec l'Institut des Sciences de la communication du CNRS.</br></br>Ses cours et sa recherche portent sur les technologies du web et sur la culture numérique. Il participe à l'équipe Sydonie qui propose un nouveau modèle de document sur le web qui croise les apports du web et l'expérience des bibliothèques.</br></br>Ses travaux concernent l'impact de l'internet sur la société, la question des communs.t sur la société, la question des communs.)
  • HIPSZMAN Marcel  + (Après un début de carrière dans le privé,rAprès un début de carrière dans le privé,rejoint la Délégation à l’économie sociale peu de temps après sa création et participe pendant près de 20 ans à l’élaboration et la mise en place des politiques gouvernementales dans le domaine de l’économie sociale. A partir de 2001 poursuit ses activités dans un certain nombre d’institutions financières : E SFIN-IDES ,société de capital-risque de l’économie sociale, SOFINEI,société de financement des entreprises d’insertion, INAISE,réseau international de financeurs dans l’ESS, Caisse Solidaire du NORD-Pas-de-Calais Actuellement, administrateur de la Caisse Solidaire et de la RECMA,revue internationale de l’économie sociale. Egalement membre de FONDA, un think tank Associatif.membre de FONDA, un think tank Associatif.)
  • BERNAND-MANTEL Michel  + (Après une carrière au Crédit Foncier, puisAprès une carrière au Crédit Foncier, puis à la Banque postale, est actuellement administrateur de Solidarités Nouvelles pour le logement 92, membre de plusieurs instances (commission finance de SNL, groupe finance de l'Alliance Poste - Banque postale, association Finance participative France) association Finance participative France))
  • BERGEOT Vincent  + (BERGEOT Vincent a un parcours dans les chaBERGEOT Vincent a un parcours dans les champs de l'éducation populaire (en particulier en milieu associatif), des sciences et, depuis quelques années, des logiciels libres ; membre d'une coopérative d'activités et d'emplois. Thèmes : salaire de base et/ou revenu universel, monnaie locale, coopération, biens communs, ESS.e locale, coopération, biens communs, ESS.)
  • GUERRY Bastien  + (Bastien Guerry est développeur et consultaBastien Guerry est développeur et consultant, spécialiste des questions liées au logiciel libre et à l'éducation numérique. Il milite pour les libertés numériques depuis la fin du XXème siècle, date à laquelle il découvre simultanément GNU/Linux, les communautés de libristes, et la programmation.unautés de libristes, et la programmation.)
  • FIGUEREDO Janice  + (Brésilienne, Janice Figueiredo était chercBrésilienne, Janice Figueiredo était chercheuse du projet "FLOK Society" en Équateur. Elle était responsable de coordonner la ligne de travail "Infrastructures ouvertes pour la vie collective", qui explorait comment les citoyen-ne-s et leurs communautés pouvaient se bénéficier d'une économie basée sur la connaissance libre et ouverte. La recherche s'est centré sur trois axes:</br></br>#les infrastructures ouvertes pour la vie collective : habitation, systèmes d'alimentation</br>#Territorialité de la connaissance : la valorisation d'une diversité des connaissances</br>#Connaissances traditionnelles et ancestrales (indigènes, afro-équatoriens) </br></br>Au Brésil Janice se dédie à étudier les dynamiques P2P, les mouvements collaboratifs et les modèles alternatifs aux paradigmes économiques conventionnels basés sur la centralité et de la rareté.s basés sur la centralité et de la rareté.)
  • KARYOTIS Catherine  + (Catherine Karyotis, docteur en Sciences deCatherine Karyotis, docteur en Sciences de gestion, HDR, est professeur de finance, NEOMA Business School Campus de Reims, chercheur associé au LIRSA, CNAM Paris, responsable du Mastère Spécialisé Analyse Financière Internationale du campus de Reims. Spécialisée en banque et marché, ses recherches portent sur la gouvernance du système financier et le ré-encastrement de la finance au service de l’économie et de la société.</br></br>Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages en banque et finance, ainsi que d’articles professionnels et académiques. Ses recherches portent sur l’efficience et la gouvernance des systèmes financiers. Elle dénonce l’hyperfinanciarisation des économies et questionne en conséquence le besoin de remettre la finance au service de l’économie et de la société.au service de l’économie et de la société.)
  • DUPRE Denis  + (DUPRE Denis est enseignant-chercheur ; il DUPRE Denis est enseignant-chercheur ; il enseigne à l'Université de Grenoble et est spécialiste des risques financiers et écologiques et de la mise en œuvre des projets d'autonomie. Thématiques : finance, économie financière, éthique et écologie. Il propose sur son site une éthique de l'action pour faire face à la superposition des crises. faire face à la superposition des crises.)
  • FESTA Daniela  + (Daniela Festa is a jurist and social geogrDaniela Festa is a jurist and social geographer. PhD degree in urban and social geography and Post-Doctoral Fellowship in social sciences (EHESS), Paris. She’s an activist and author of several articles and book contributions. Next year she’ll join an ERC project at Sciences Po, Paris on « inclusive properties », collective properties and collective housing experiences. Her main research themes are: urban processes and project; urban movements, active citizenship, urban self-organised practices . Participatory democracy and participatory budget; Urban commons; Town planning practices affecting issues of spatial justice, urban democracy, right to the city; Lawmaking bottom up process.; Action research methodology. up process.; Action research methodology.)
  • HIEZ David  + (David HIEZ était jusqu'en 2006 maître de cDavid HIEZ était jusqu'en 2006 maître de conférences en droit privé à l'Université de Lille 2 et membre du Centre René Demogue (d'étude des doctrines juridiques et du droit des contrats). Après une formation classique en droit civil et en théorie du droit, il a préparé un doctorat, sous la direction du Professeur Philippe JESTAZ (Université Paris 12), présenté en 2000, sur la notion de patrimoine en droit civil (publication LGDJ). Ses recherches se sont ensuite orientées dans deux directions principales : l'économie sociale et la théorie du droit, principalement la théorie du contrat. Il a orienté ces dernières années une partie de ses recherches vers le droit africain.</br></br>Il est aujourd'hui Professeur en Droit civil et Directeur du Département Droit à l'Université du Luxembourg.tement Droit à l'Université du Luxembourg.)
  • VESELINOVIć Dobrica  + (Dobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in BeDobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in Belgrade/Serbia. He is active in the civil sector for the last 10 years, and in the last few years has been fighting for public spaces and greater citizens’ participation in decision making process in regard to urban development issues. The areas of interest are political theory, ecology and urban development, the counter-cultural movements. Every year he maintains the large number of lectures and presentations.</br></br>Currently one of leaders of movement "Let's not drown Belgrade" which is raised against Belgrade waterfront mega urban development project, and part of Ministry of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.)
  • LOCHER Fabien  + (Fabien Locher mène une recherche sur l'hisFabien Locher mène une recherche sur l'histoire des communs environnementaux aux Etats-Unis, depuis 1945, à partir d'archives américaines. Une première publication en est issue : en accès libre ici:</br></br></br>Il est aussi maître d'oeuvre du projet international GOVENPRO, financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, sur l'histoire du gouvernement de l'environnement par la propriété, fin 18e siècle-présent, Europe-USA-Mondes (post)coloniaux. Ce projet est centré sur l'histoire des interactions entre propriété et environnement: il traite donc des communs, mais aussi de toutes les autres formes de propriété (domanialité, propriété exclusive, dissociée, concessions, etc etc.). Il ne traite pas, en revanche, de tout ce qui concerne le monde numérique (sauf dans son lien aux questions de propriété sur le génome).</br></br>Le séminaire associé :
  • DOVE Fiona  + (Fiona Dove has been Executive Director of Fiona Dove has been Executive Director of Transnational Institute (TNI) since 1995. She holds degrees in Development Studies and Industrial Sociology, and a post-graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation Methods. A second generation African of Anglo-Irish descent, Dove was born in Zambia and grew up in South Africa. As a teenager, she became active in the anti-apartheid movement within South Africa. Dove played a leading role in feminist and anti-militarist organisations and from the mid-1980s, served the non-racial labour movement. She worked as a trade union magazine editor for Umanyano Publications in Johannesburg, and as an official of the South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers' Union. Dove in currently active in TNI's New Politics project, which is in the process of becoming a decentralised think thank on counter-hegemonic politics to boost the development of desirable, viable and achievable alternatives aimed at transcending current oppressive and exploitative structures.nt oppressive and exploitative structures.)
  • HAYEM Etienne  + (HAYEM Etienne est fondateur et gérant de lHAYEM Etienne est fondateur et gérant de la coopérative Symba, monnaie complémentaire B2B pour la région île de France, membre de OuiShare. Thématique principale : ouverture des différents domaines du privé et propriétaire vers le partage et les biens communs.aire vers le partage et les biens communs.)
  • KOVANEN Sunna  + (I am Sunna Kovanen, a regional geographer I am Sunna Kovanen, a regional geographer and freelance writer from Finland. I have been working in different NGOs in Finland and for a regional office of East and North Finland in Brussels.</br></br>With Commons I have mostly been involved during my studies and freetime. I have been active in / Solidarity economy network Finland, mapping solidarity economy actors in the country and researching and writing for our blog and some academic publications.</br></br>My themes have included common learning of embodied knowledge via theater improvization in comparison to common digital knowledge processes, and institutionalization and upscaling of common self-organized service production. The interest to embodied knowledge comes from my hobby in theater improvization. The theme of my next article ist care commons and feminist economies.</br></br>I have lived the last year in Berlin, getting known to german-speaking commons movements and supporting the organizational development of our CSA-farm in Brandenburg. Latest I have been working for Berlin & Brandenburg ImWandel, an online media and map about alternatives of collaborative economy in and around Berlin. Starting from next year I am planning to work and study with a Cooperative "Ehta Raha" in Helsinki, which develops needs-based economy with local communities in Finland.sed economy with local communities in Finland.)
  • ESTEVES Ana Margarida  + (I am a social scientist-activist, currentlI am a social scientist-activist, currently based at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - ISCTE-IUL. Since 2014, I have been engaged in several participatory action research projects on Social and Solidarity Economy and the management of the commons in Southern Europe, as well as North and South America. I am currently carrying out a 6-year research project, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, entitled "The Emerging Action Fields of Solidarity Economy", which analyses the factors that promote the social and economic sustainability of commons-oriented alternative economic projects. I am comparing four different models in four countries: An Ecovillage in Portugal; A grassroots commercialization network promoted by an Ecclesial Base Community; An Integral Cooperative in Catalonia; An Agroecological Producer-Consumer Network in Italy.ogical Producer-Consumer Network in Italy.)
  • DIAS Joana  + (I am an artist, an activist and a social eI am an artist, an activist and a social educator. I studied Fine Arts and also Intercultural Education, and have been working and doing some research on inclusive education.</br></br>I work for Citizenship Academy, based in Lisbon, and our main goal, as a non-profit association, is to promote active citizenship through the empowerment of persons and other organizations. I am currently responsible for one project in CA, which is community building in a social neighbourhood in Lisbon.lding in a social neighbourhood in Lisbon.)
  • KARTOUS Bohumil  + (I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO deeply involved in field of education. EDUin serves as a watchdog permanently confronting education policies in Czech Republic and as an information joint among government, businesses, schools and another NGOs. We also run several projects. Their common base is focus on innovations. One of them is support to the Open Education Resources, project financed by Open Society Fund. We has created Alliance for open education which members are organizations and individuals engaged in education, technologies etc. </br>More details about our activities in English: Personally: I do regularly publish about education in many of Czech media and serves as regular media commentator of educational events. Teacher at University of Economics and Management in Prague. I do contribute to launch business start up Education Republic. In 2015 I participated on the content and realization of Forum 2000 in Prague, one of the most high profile annual event in Czech Republic. Last year was education choosen as main theme of conference. Together with the Center of contemporary culture DOX I have created Map of social stereotypes. I do participate on the implementation of Philip Zimbardo’s Heroic Imaginations Project into the newly starting Silent memorial Bubny in prague etc. He focus not only education, his next field of interest are media. He is editor of Czech critical internet daily Britské listy. I have graduated from Pedagogical Faculty and Faculty of Sports Studies MU in Brno and hold PhD from Media Institute at Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.t Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.)
  • O'SIOCHRU Emer  + (I have worked as an architect and planningI have worked as an architect and planning consultant and as an activist for sustainability for over 20 years. My main input was in Feasta: Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability ( but I also served on 10+ NGO, professional or government boards promoting community development or environmental sustainability. About four years ago, I gave up all that ineffective advocacy promising myself only to work on real projects that promise immediate benefits. The commons movement is a framework for projects that perfectly fit the prescription!</br>I now lead two communing projects;- the Irish Biochar Cooperative based in Tipperary and the Community Land Trust Initiative based in Dublin.</br>The more advanced is the Irish Biochar Cooperative Society Ltd trading as +Char Despite its benefits, biochar still remains a niche technology / product known only to few environmentalists. We think we can mainstream biochar using a business model that has proved very successful in Irish agriculture in the 1930-50s - the agricultural cooperative. For these times, we decided we needed a multi stakeholder /open cooperative to succeed. The Biochar Coop</br>has 8 founder members representing workers, producers, users, service providers and community. We hope to expand with roll out of our habitat management services and new farm products this year.</br>The Community Land Trust Initiative (CLTI) is a forum for now while we discuss the best model to take forward. The CLTI comprises a 40+ group of building, planning and housing professionals, activists, politicians and builders who are determined to address Ireland's housing crisis and see common ownership of land as a fundamental part of the solution. We may form our own community land trust or we may partner with a local authority in an arms length trust. We will know in 6 months or so.gth trust. We will know in 6 months or so.)
  • PATERSON Andrew Gryf  + (I represent myself as an 'artist-organiserI represent myself as an 'artist-organiser', cultural producer, educator and independent researcher. I am specialised in developing and leading inter- and trans- disciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks. I am experienced in coordinating and facilitating participatory-open workshops for multi-disciplinary professionals, students & young people.</br></br>I am from central Scotland, grew up and lived there until 2000, however I have been based in Helsinki and Eastern-Baltic Sea region since the end of 2002. I consider myself a Commons activist working from within the cultural sector. As a personal example I also contribute as much of my artistic-research work to the Cultural Knowledge Commons, archiving media and documents to</br></br>My main involvement of recent years has been with Pixelache Helsinki [] node of International Pixelache Network. From early 2011 until end of 2014, I was coordinator and facilitator of the 'Pixelversity' around-the-year informal educational programme for Pixelache. I am currently involved in their ongoing work-group project 'Ferment Lab' (2015-), and as a board-member self-allocated responsibility for international networks and archival processes. In Finland I am also a member of Open Knowledge Foundation Finland, focused on OpenGLAM topics, and also Finnish Bioart Society, which has a strong ecological & environmentalist focus in art+science.</br></br>Looking ahead am currently planning projects for 2017 in Helsinki FI, Minsk BY, Riga-Liepaja-Aizpute LV, Dortmund DE, & Strasbourg FR. All more or less relate to participatory or commons-based peer-production.</br></br>In direct relation to the Commons topic I have taken part in one European Commons 'Deep Dive' gathering in early December 2012, and also the 'Economies of the Commons' in Berlin conference of May 2013, both organised by the Commons Strategy Group. In collaboration with Andrea Botero & Joanna Saad-Sulonen, we edited in Helsinki a document called 'Towards Peer-production in Public Services: Cases from Finland', Crossover 15/2012. Helsinki: Aalto University, 2012 [which can be accessed here: ]. I have also written in 2010 about the connections between rural cooperative traditions and network culture:</br></br>I am very much interested in migrant epistemologies and refugee hospitality & facilitation subjects, and out of the many topics presented in the Assembly, I will try to focus my contributions in the Assembly on the role of artists and cultural workers in contributing to Commons transitions, and to any migrant or cultural heritage topics.s transitions, and to any migrant or cultural heritage topics.)
  • COSJIN Bart  + (I work as an independent moderator and facI work as an independent moderator and facilitator for debat, (socratic) dialogue and conference, mainly in the Netherlands, Belgium and the Baltic States. (my wife is from Estonia). In 2014 I was initiator of the first Citizens Summit in my home town Amsterdam. ( I am a board member of the Dutch Moderators Association and active in the Dutch Association of Journalists.</br></br>Some words about this Citizens Summit: On the 6th of June last year 250 Amsterdammers came together to work out plans for a better, more just and more inclusive city. It was a long struggle to get this Summit off the ground, mainly because the political culture in the city is very inward-focused. But with the help of over a hundred volunteers we succeeded and the participants worked out 60 concrete plans in one day, trough a deliberative proces at 35 round tables. (If you are interested, I wrote a paper on the Summit called 'Dismantling the Theatre of Democracy’ in Estonian publication Ehituskunst, you can download it here as pdf:</br></br>In many places and cities, I experience a great willingness of ordinary citizens to invest personal time in their community. On the other hand, I am deeply worried that the willingness to participate in formal local (representative) democracies in Europe is very low. In Amsterdam the turnout in local elections is just over 50%, in some boroughs even less than 40%. New deliberative practices, online and offline, are emerging. But party-politics and elections-cycles are very dominant in our democratic systems. We need each other to redefine the democratic and public domain, to make it more open, more inclusive, more common and less politicized.clusive, more common and less politicized.)