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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Paragraphe biographique » avec la valeur « Daphne Büllesbach is Berlin-based Director of Programmes at European Alternatives, a Europe-wide civil society organization devoted to exploring and developing the potential for transnational politics and culture. She was co-curator of last year’s Transeuropa Festival 'Beyond Fragments' that took place in Belgrade in October 2015, bringing together activists and artists debating issues such as the refugee situation, management of the commons or the seizure of institutions by new political forces. After years of gathering and connecting progressive voices around Europe, she is experienced in the difficulties of cross border political work and holds a particular interest for solutions to bridging the local to the transnational. Otherwise she has been involved in developing new online talk formats such as Talk Real (international) and talk im transit (German). ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 51 résultats à partir du nº 1.

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Liste de résultats

  • DE BRUIN Kitty  + (My name is Kitty de Bruin, i'm Dutch and iMy name is Kitty de Bruin, i'm Dutch and i live since my retirement in France ( south west) with my husband on a small farm with an orchard, chickens and veggie garden. During my professional life i worked in the computer industrie ( Northern Telecom, Digital Equipment and others ) as transing, sales and marketing manager.In 1994 i worked as president for a NGO to stimulate teleworking in the Netherlands. Because of my expertise i was involved in various international subsidy programs for DGXIII ( at that time) of the European commisssion. Always as subcontracter, because i hate administration.In 2010 i started an website to converge the transition initiatives in France . I plan to hand that over to youngsters end of this year. Since Digital was very involved in open networks, internet , and all this open functonality is now locked by huge providers , i would like to work together and use my expertise where it is needed. My vision is than common and open will be the future, and with initiatives like this, the change could be a bit faster. I 'm a full time volunteer. a bit faster. I 'm a full time volunteer.)
  • EYNAUD Léa  + (My name is Léa Eynaud, I am a PhD student My name is Léa Eynaud, I am a PhD student in sociology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and in environmental science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. My research is concerned with the notion of the commons and its link to that of urban sustainable transition. It consists of two main parts. On the one hand, I am interested in the work of actors who give shape to the notion at the encounter between theory and politics - hence my interest for the work of many participants to Commonswatch. On the other hand, I am involved in three key sectors with regard to urban transition: that of waste, energy and urban nature. In each case, my research targets citizen initiatives that appear to comply to the minimum definition of a commons: community reuse centers; renewable energy cooperatives and community gardens. I investigate the actual practices of these actors, the manner in which they interact with other actors and the State, as well as the narrative they use to describe their activities. I lead this part of my research in two main cities: Paris and Berlin. A crucial point to make regarding my research concerns methodology, which can be described as mainly inductive. As a matter of fact, my ambition is to account for what actually happens on the ground - for what counts in the eyes of the people involved, depending on the situations and the (social) worlds in which they engage. Such an approach entails understanding the history and development of the movement as an exploratory process. It means taking the back and fourths, the negotiations as well as the concrete support of action as significant elements as to what it actually mean to "give shape to the concept of the commons" in a given context. This is why my engagement on the field translates into intensive note-taking (provided, of course, that information is not presented as confidential). It seems to me that such a material (i.e. the precise and almost exhaustive account of the discussions, including the hesitations of the group and possible misunderstandings) can be used by commonswatch members as a useful support for self-reflection - or simply an interesting record of what was debated and thought, at a given point of the history of the commons movement.nt of the history of the commons movement.)
  • DE HEUSCH RIBASSIN Sarah  + (My name is Sarah de Heusch, I am a projectMy name is Sarah de Heusch, I am a project officer for the Development & Strategy Unit of SMart. Currently addressing the issue of access to social protection and labor market evolutions, I mainly build partnerships and collaborate at international level with organizations and academics that share SMarts’ values and concerns. SMart is a social enterprise born in Belgium in 1998 that works on the principle of mutualisation. It is currently on the verge of becoming a cooperative and helps freelancers develop their activities in a secured frame. Previously I was involved in the internationalization of SMart and addressed issues of professional mobility of artists and cultural professionals. Before working for SMart I was a dancer for and Co-founded Transe-en-Dance company. I also worked as the Assistant to the Secretary General at UNICA (University Network of Capitals of Europe). I hold a Masters in Political Sociology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.iology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.)
  • VLACHOKYRIAKOS Vasilis  + (My work centres on designing, developing aMy work centres on designing, developing and evaluating novel, digitally-enabled models of citizen participation that engage communities in developing the future of local service provision, decision-making and democracy.</br>I am currently running the Open Lab: Athens initiative. OLAthens, through the engagement with the social and solidarity economy in Greece and the embedding of researchers in contexts of civic significance, aims at: designing and developing digital systems to facilitate and extend the civic activities of solidarity structures (e.g. systems for logistics, communications, decision-making etc.); and to invent digital systems that will extend the solidarity economy by embedding its values (i.e. equity, cooperation, environmental sustainability etc.) in the design of systems for wider reach.</br></br>My previous research projects have involved a set of experiments into participatory methods in digital systems. More generally, I am interested in the intersection of open source software and the solidarity economy, e-participation (e-deliberation, e-contestation), e-democracy and human computer interaction (HCI).racy and human computer interaction (HCI).)
  • KRAUSZ Nicolas  + (Nicolas Krausz est responsable de programmNicolas Krausz est responsable de programmes à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer à Lausanne (Suisse) depuis 2011. Il est en charge d'un ensemble de programmes concernant "la transition écologique et socialement juste vers une autre économie", les communs comme paradigme du changement, le Forum Chine-Europe (avec son collègue Julien Woessner), l'éthique de la responsabilité et le dialogue interreligieux. Après avoir étudié la philosophie à l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, il a travaillé dans l'édition, en particulier sur les questions religieuses et interreligieuses. Il a ensuite travaillé pendant cinq ans dans le milieu politique français, essentiellement à l'Assemblée Nationale. Puis il a dirigé pendant trois ans une ONG internationale, l'Association des Populations des Montagnes du Monde (APMM). Entre 2007 et 2011, il a travaillé comme assistant parlementaire d'un député dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Il est co-auteur de La Ville qui mange, un essai pour une gouvernance urbaine du système alimentaire publié en 2013 aux Editions Charles Léopold Mayer.n 2013 aux Editions Charles Léopold Mayer.)
  • ALIX Nicole  + (Nicole ALIX, HEC-74, est engagée depuis 40Nicole ALIX, HEC-74, est engagée depuis 40 ans dans l’économie sociale et, notamment, dans la banque coopérative et les services associatifs d’intérêt général. Elle est secrétaire du Conseil d’administration des Rencontres du Mont Blanc, forum international de dirigeants de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Elle y mise à disposition par le Crédit Coopératif, dont elle a été Directrice du développement jusqu’en 2011.</br></br>Elle a été, de 1980 à 2000, Directeur général adjoint de l’UNIOPSS (Union nationale interfédérale des œuvres et organismes privés sanitaires et sociaux). Avec François Bloch-Lainé, elle a travaillé pendant 20 ans sur les spécificités associatives et créé en 1989 le “Comité de la Charte ”, pour la déontologie des appels à la générosité du public. Elle a participé à la création et l’animation de plusieurs réseaux européens de l’économie sociale.</br></br>De 2000 à 2003, elle a été Directeur général des Maisons d’Isatis, gérant une quinzaine d’établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes.</br></br>Elle est aussi la secrétaire du bureau de Confrontations Europe, think tank européen où elle a en charge l’économie sociale. Elle est administratrice de plusieurs réseaux de recherche ou organisations nationales et internationales de l’économie sociale.</br></br>Ses travaux actuels portent notamment sur les liens entre économie sociale et solidaire et mouvement des « communs », sur les nouveaux mouvements financiers de ‘l’impact investing » et la mesure d’impact et sur les questions de femmes et de gouvernance.les questions de femmes et de gouvernance.)
  • DE GRENIER Noémie  + (Noémie de Grenier, co-directrice générale Noémie de Grenier, co-directrice générale de Coopaname depuis décembre 2015, a commencé sa vie professionnelle en Argentine, auprès de structures de développement local et d’entreprises récupérées. Embauchée en 2008 à Coopaname, elle devient la responsable de la coopérative en Seine-Saint-Denis, ainsi que la co-pilote de la commission recherche. Administratrice de la coopérative de 2010 à 2013, elle est en charge des programmes d’éducation à la citoyenneté économique destinés aux jeunes. Au sein de l’actuelle équipe de direction, elle est en charge des partenariats et de la recherche.harge des partenariats et de la recherche.)
  • LONZANO BRIGHT Carmen  + (Of Spanish and British background but bornOf Spanish and British background but born in Colombia, she lives in Madrid since 2012, where she experiences and researches the rising transformation of citizen laboratories and P2P practices. In 2015, she's joined the team of Goteo/Platoniq, a platform that incentives the growth of the commons through crowdfunding. During 2015, she developed a project on peer-to-peer initiatives that are transforming public space through Southern Europe: 'P2P Plazas: a Southern European Network'. 'Twitter: @carmenlozano / @goteofunding 'Twitter: @carmenlozano / @goteofunding)
  • EYNAUD Philippe  + (Philippe Eynaud est maître de conférences Philippe Eynaud est maître de conférences en sciences de gestion à l’IAE de Paris (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne). Il est lauréat du prix Robert Reix 2008 pour la meilleure thèse en systèmes d’information (thèse réalisée sur le terrain associatif). Il est habilité à diriger des recherches. Ses domaines de recherche portent sur la société civile et les organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Il a notamment travaillé sur les solidarités numériques, l’innovation sociale et la gouvernance des associations. Il a coordonné, avec Jean-Louis Laville et Dennis Young, en 2015, aux Éditions Routledge, un livre intitulé « Civil Society, the Third Sector, Social Enterprise : Governance and Democracy ». Il a publié, en décembre 2015, un ouvrage intitulé « La gouvernance entre diversité et normalisation » chez Dalloz, Juris éditions. Il vient de publier en avril 2016 un ouvrage co-écrit avec Corinne Vercher-Chaptal, Olivier Maurel et Julien Bernet intitulé « La gestion des associations » aux éditions Eres.tion des associations » aux éditions Eres.)
  • DE PAUW Geert  + (Professionally, i am working for CommunityProfessionally, i am working for Community Land Trust Brussels,an association that provides permanently affordable housing for low income groups on community land.</br>As an activist, I am involved in Commons Josaphat, a collectif that strives for the development of the Josaphat wasteland in Brussels as a neighborhood with the commons as guiding principle.ood with the commons as guiding principle.)
  • BELLANGER Julien  + (Project developer in artistic, cultural, sProject developer in artistic, cultural, scientific and technical domains, Julien Bellanger is co-founded PING'association that explores the practices of the digital era, and encourages the re-appropriation of technology since 2004. Through digital and social innovation, PiNG facilitates cross-pollination across traditional audience boundaries by promoting the values of free culture.</br>He is involved in different activities ( workshops, residencies, meeting, camp, ... ) whose cross pedagogical approach, artistic meaning looking at issues of the impact of digital technologies on social innovation.</br> </br>In 2015, as part of the creation of an open Art / Science / Technology / Society laboratory, PiNG invited researchers, artists, creators and explorers to question and decode the geological concept of the Anthropocene, the era in which human activity has begun to have significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems. How can artistic practice inform this change of era? How can artworks and creative processes render this transition visible and palpable? </br></br>In 2016, PiNG continues this exploratory dynamic and invites artists and researchers to work on the symbiotic relationships between humans, plants, and animals, not only in the slender layer of atmosphere which surrounds our planet, but also in its oceans too. And so O.CAMP counter ticks up to 1.CAMP.</br></br>Sources :</br>:</br>:</br>:</br>: :
  • AVILA Renata  + (Renata Avila is a human rights lawyer specRenata Avila is a human rights lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property and Technology. She worked as one of the lawyers representing the Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum ( and more recently, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Involved in Internet and Human Rights research since 2006, she works with the Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners - Lee ( in an effort to uphold human rights in the digital age. She serves as a Board Member of Creative Commons ( She is also a member of Courage Foundation ( advisory board, assisting whistleblowers at risk and in the D-Cent ( board, exploring the potential of decentralised technologies. She is currently an Advisor of the BITS initiative by the Municipality of Barcelonanitiative by the Municipality of Barcelona)
  • PAIRET Martin  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 http://www.citizenslab.euwas in June 2016
  • PRIORI Alice  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • SANTMAN Ed  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016</br></br>www.citizenslab.eueting was in June 2016
  • JUAREZ David  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • CREMER Marjolein  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • PASQUIER Thierry  + (Responsable de l'édition et de la communication à Espace Mendès France - Centre de culture scientifique, technique et industrielle en Poitou-Charentes 1 pl de la Cathédrale CS80964, 86038 Poitiers cedex, France)
  • GUIDO Roberta  + (Roberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban PlanRoberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, International PhD Programme - Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (DADU) Alghero, University of Sassari (Italy) in partnership with the University of Karabuk, Turkey, Visiting PhD at the Polytechnic of Turin. She graduated with honors in Law, with a Master's thesis on Fundamental Rights in Europe and the Environment Law. She worked in Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the Council of Europe; she was involved in works for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, the instruments dedicated to participation, management, protection and cooperation. In a complementary manner to the legal profession, she studied Urban Planning at DADU and then obtained an International Master in Mediterranean Landscape Urbanism (DADU Alghero / Berlin, Paris), with a thesis on the outcomes of participatory processes in regulatory plans and systems. H Then she worked at the General Directorate of Local Authorities, Urban Planning and Finances at the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, at the Task Force of Municipalities' Association for the adaptation to the Regional Landscape Plan of the Urban Plans, in Detailed Plans of historic centers, and the development of participating laboratories to planning and pilot projects for local development. She worked at the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Sardinia for local development projects and the Office of Enterprise Europe Network. She obtained a Master of Community Planning and one in EU Planning and Policies and management of complex projects in international cooperation, promoted by the University of Cagliari in coordination with the organizations of the Third sector. She is an active partner of the Association An Island - Shared Idea (Un'Isola - Idea Condivisa) that practices of exercise of right to the city and promotes urban opportunities for active participation also with the institutions. She currently works as a researcher and pratictioner at Labsus - Laboratorio per la Sussidiarietà and she is involved in processes taking place in the urban context of production from below and grassroots, and shared administration of the commons, in particular she belongs to the mouvement of Cavallerizza Reale in Turin. She would like to do ActionResearch on legal arrangements and dispositives that are able to governing and to embrace transformations, to find new intervention tactics. She would like to study the coherence with the European urban policy and to work on the design of public policies and services.he design of public policies and services.)
  • VANUXEM Sarah  + (Sarah Vanuxem est maître de conférences à Sarah Vanuxem est maître de conférences à l’Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (GREDEG).</br></br>===Principales publications en lien avec les Communs===</br>Les choses saisies par la propriété, préface Th. Revet, IRJS, 2012.</br></br>"PIPRA (Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture): une tentative avortée de pallier la faiblesse du domaine public dans les technologies agricoles", in B. Coriat (dir.), Le retour des communs. La crise de l’idéologie propriétaire, LLB, 2015.</br></br>"L’appropriation au/du territoire Aït M’hand. Incursion dans le Haut-Atlas marocain", in S. Vanuxem et C. Guibet Lafaye (dir.), Repenser la propriété, un essai de politique écologique, PUAM, 2015.essai de politique écologique, PUAM, 2015.)
  • CLEMENTE Óscar  + (Scriptwriter and director of socially engaScriptwriter and director of socially engaged documentaries since 1995. He has directed films exhibited in festivals and televisions in more than 15 countries. Some of his remarkable works are Sobre ruedas (Keep on Rolling: The Dream of the Automobile); Bendito Simulacro (Blessed Simulacrum), or Zruska (Zruska). (Blessed Simulacrum), or Zruska (Zruska).)
  • ANDREOZZI Sergio  + (Sergio is strategy and policy manager of tSergio is strategy and policy manager of the EGI Foundation, the coordinating body of EGI (e-infrastructure supporting data- and compute-intensive research and innovation). In his role, Sergio contributes to strategic planning and execution, governance, business models and evolution of services. Sergio is also interested in investigating how commons policies can be applied to open science (see Sergio is member of the EC Open Science Policy Platform. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (University of Bologna) and a MSc in Computer Science Engineering (University of Pisa). Science Engineering (University of Pisa).)
  • HELFRICH Silke  + (Since 2007 I work as independent author, aSince 2007 I work as independent author, activist and scholar, with a variety of international and domestic partners; I do quite a bit of networking (f.i. in the context of the World Social Forum, of Thematic Fora; international Conferences both in social and academic contexts or framed by what we call TAPAS = There Are Plenty of AlternativeS). I've been editing and co-authoring several books on the Commons, among them: Who Owns the World? The Rediscovery of the Commons, Munich 2009 (in Spanish: Genes, Bytes y Emisiones. Bienes Comunes y Ciudadania, Mexico-City 2008), have been editing articles of Elinor Ostrom and translated them into German, f.i. Was mehr wird, wenn wir teilen",2011.</br></br>And worked with my colleague David Bollier and the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation on two pretty international anthologies on the Commons: Commons. Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat, Bielefeld 2012 (English version The Wealth of the Commons beyond Market and State, Amherst/MA, 2012) and most recently Die Welt der Commons. Muster Gemeinsamen Handelns - , 2015 (engl: The Patterns of Commoning, Amherst/MA).</br></br>I am cofounder of Commons Strategies Group and the Commons-Institut e.V. and blog (mainly in German, sometimes in English) on CommonsBlog.</br></br>My new passion is to integrate the approach and thinking of Christopher Alexander as a philosopher of wholeness and enlivenment with the socio-economic and political rethinking and reshaping of the world. I.e. I plan to work on a Patterns Language of Commoning. work on a Patterns Language of Commoning.)
  • EULER Johannes  + (So, my name is Johannes Euler and I live cSo, my name is Johannes Euler and I live close to Bonn in the Western part of Germany. I started to get involved with the whole commons-thing in 2012 - at first mainly out of an intellectual interest but I very soon realized that there is so much more to it. So I participated in the first German-speaking commons summer school out of which the Commons-Institut was founded. That is what I am still an active part of.</br></br>I took this energy to first write my Thesis (M.Sc. Politics, Economics and Philosophy) about the commons and now I am writing on my PhD in Economics about conflicts in water management and the possibilities of commoning. I am arguing that through the shift in paradigms and societal structures that commoning may initiate conflicts can be tackled in new ways. So, you already see that I am really convinced of the transformative potential of commoning.</br></br>But the commons is not only something that I think write and talk about but something that I practice. For example in our commons housing project and the community-supported agriculture project that I am part of. In my view the transition can only be done through commoning which is why I am convinced that we should also take the commons assemblies as spaces of commoning. Only if we practice commoning among ourselves the processes that we create can carry ourselves as well as develop enough strength so that an actual transformation can take place.t an actual transformation can take place.)
  • HAMMERSTEIN David  + (Sociologist. Co-initiator of the Commons NSociologist. Co-initiator of the Commons Network. Former Green Member of the European Parliament 2004-9. Advocate on acccess to knowledge and access to medicines for TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue 2010-2015. Personal blog: twitter: twitter: @DaHammerstein)
  • BLOEMEN Sophie  + (Sophie Bloemen co-founded and coordinates Sophie Bloemen co-founded and coordinates Commons Network and works as public interest consultant. She has close to 10 years of experience in civil society and organizing. She has worked as a policy advocate and a public interest consultant the Brussels, Latin America and global policy environment on health and trade, in well as in European cultural grass root civil society on the exchange of ideas and transnational dialogue.</br> </br>The Commons Network develops ideas and brings commons perspective to policy, particularly regarding knowledge. Sophie coordinates projects on urban commons and the knowledge commons. Sophie has degrees in philosophy, political economy and International Relations.tical economy and International Relations.)
  • BROCA Sébastien  + (Sébastien Broca est sociologue, maître de Sébastien Broca est sociologue, maître de conférences en sciences de l'information et de la communication à l'Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis. Ses recherches portent sur le développement des communs numériques (logiciels libres, Creative Commons, etc.) dans une perspective cherchant à articuler certains apports de la théorie critique et une réflexion sur l’économie politique d’Internet.</br></br>Publication Utopie du logiciel libre, Le passager clandestin, 2013.iciel libre, Le passager clandestin, 2013.)
  • TUSCHEN Stefan  + (Tackling issues of climate justice on behaTackling issues of climate justice on behalf of a catholic organisation, the Pope's encyclical - declaring the climate a commons - has been motivation, support and challenge at once. The main message – environmental and social problems have to be thought and fought together – has not been easy to accept for a „development“ organisation. I was surprised to see the great resonance among environmental groups – or maybe not...? I think (commitment to) change has a fundamentally ethical dimension. No surprise: the encyclical contains many disputable things, too, for example a chapter about (the concept of) work, limiting it mostly to employment. Reimagining the future of my own work, I would love to reduce my employed time in favour of more "Eigenarbeit" and conviviality, dedicating time to my family, kids (8, 9, 11), friends and the Commons-Institute I co-founded. I see a chance for the commons paradigm to gain ground within my professional environment, however, so far it has mainly been my personal has mainly been my personal commitment.)
  • CELAKOSKI Teodor  + (Teodor Celakoski is a cultural worker and Teodor Celakoski is a cultural worker and activist from Zagreb. His work ranges from coordinating cultural programs, networking and cultural advocacy, to institutional innovation and political activism. Celakoski co-founded the Multimedia Institute and cultural center MaMa, an organisation and venue focused on digital culture, human rights and critical theory. He helped initiate Clubture, the network for exchange of independent cultural programs within Croatia. Further, he played a key role in initiating Kultura Nova, a public foundation for the development of non-profit independent contemporary culture and POGON - a hybrid cultural center established as an institutional public-civic partnership between independent cultural actors and the city of Zagreb. He is also a coordinator of the Right to the City Zagreb, founded to fight the economic overexploitation of public space in the city of Zagreb and Croatia.c space in the city of Zagreb and Croatia.)
  • NIAROS Vasilis  + (Vasilis Niaros is an urbanist, regional plVasilis Niaros is an urbanist, regional planner and engineer as well as PhD candidate (expected in 2016) at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. His research interests include open source technologies, urban commons, "smart city", makerspaces, IoT and do-it-yourself culture. He is also the Funding Manager of the P2P Foundation and Research Fellow at the P2P Lab. Contact: vasilis.niaros at Lab. Contact: vasilis.niaros at
  • MONTERO Eduardo  + (With an autodidactic vocation, he has spenWith an autodidactic vocation, he has spent the most part of his professional life in his birth-town as a filmmaker and a scriptwriter. Since starting, he has developed several works for television until 1999, when he starts a new stage devoted to documentary films. a new stage devoted to documentary films.)
  • CABANNES Yves  + (Yves Cabannes, urbaniste, a travaillé en AYves Cabannes, urbaniste, a travaillé en Asie, Afrique, Pays Arabes et surtout en Amérique latine, au Brésil et Mexique, avec des organisations sociales des ONGs et des gouvernements locaux dans le domaine du développement local, du logement, de l’emploi, de la formation et du micro crédit. . Il a été directeur de programmes de recherche urbaine et professeur invité de plusieurs universités. De 1997 a 2004, il a coordonné, pour l’ Amérique Latine et la Caraïbe,à partir de Quito, le Programme de Gestion Urbaine ( UNDP/UN Habitat). Aprés deux années d’enseignement à l’Université d’Harvard (Graduate School of Design) et sous-directeur de son Centre de Recherche sur le Développement Urbain, il est depuis septembre 2006 Professeur et titulaire de la Chaire de la Panification du Développement à L’University College London, Unité de Planification du Développement.</br></br>Activement engagé dans la défense du droit à la ville et à l’habitation , il est membre de la direction de plusieurs organisations de la société civile.sieurs organisations de la société civile.)
  • CARLISLE Isabel  + (from Totnes in Devon, where I have lived ffrom Totnes in Devon, where I have lived for the last 6 years. I really look forward to being part of the Commons Assembly in Brussels, and to meeting you all. My particular interest is governance of the commons, and raising citizen responsibility for the commons in the bioregion where I live.</br></br>I partly work with Transition Network, running the livelihood-creation programme for young adults called One Year in Transition. See: In April I took my students to Bristol where we made a shared enquiry into City as Commons. While I am in Brussels with you all I will be partly representing Transition Network, and partly my other work.</br></br>In my other work I have been helping communities map their assets and create a local Community Charter that asserts their responsibility to protect those assets against inappropriate or destructive development. In doing this we are addressing contemporary governance of the commons and asking questions such as “how do we move a vernacular law of the people into local law in the UK?”; "how can a community measure the well-being of its assets, what are the key performance indicators?”; </br>“what knowledge does a community need to manage a long-term sustainable ecology and economy?”. You can see the example of the Falkirk Charter (which was the first) here:</br></br>Now I am building a team in South Devon to set up a whole-systems change programme that moves this bio-region towards resilience. We are mindful that the water framework directive in the UK is successful in managing rivers from source to sea but is failing in community engagement and whole-systems change. Our new organisation will be the backbone of the network of actors in this place, using the language of the commons and connecting citizens to the land in many innovative and creative ways: stewards of the river, a water parliament, a watershed Charter etc. One outcome will be a bioregional learning centre for the UK. a bioregional learning centre for the UK.)
  • MEIXIDE Andreu  + (member of Panorama180, a non-profit associmember of Panorama180, a non-profit association from Barcelona focused on cinema and audiovisual experimentation done with XXI century criteria: digitalization, net, compromise, agitation, change, empowerment, community... always opened to news and proposals that intend to get over the problems generated by an obsolete conception of copyright in the digital era.</br> </br>Since 2010 we organize the BccN Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival, the first film festival focused on Creative Commons understanding the license as a tool (not a purpose) which is part of an approach and individual/collective political position that, at the same time, tries to match the free culture philosophy and the commons with cinema and audiovisual. Through practical experimentation, this leads to new models of positive relationship with Internet logics and the common benefit.</br></br>During 2012 we also applied to the own festival a CC license promoting the CCWorld Audiovisual Commons Net, a global net with local festivals self-sustainables copy-derivated of the Barcelona's ones and spreeded in differents towns and cities all around the world, specially in Latin-American countries. We are more than 30 festivals sharing and collaborating in a decentralized the knowledge and sources and connecting communities, messages and struggles through the audiovisual language. There are festivals in Madrid, Valladolid, Bogotá, Medellín, Sevilla, Donosti, Leon, Huesca, Almeria, Cali, Lima, Helsinki, Montevideo, ciudad de México, Sofia, Buenos Aires, Barranquilla, Santiago de Chile, etc…</br></br>We still believe in digital culture and, specifically, in audiovisual language and cinema as tools for social transformation, capable of articulating narratives and generating constructions and resistances totally necessary these days. As always, but more than ever now.e days. As always, but more than ever now.)
  • VUARIN Pierre  + (Ancien responsable de programmes à la FondAncien responsable de programmes à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer (FPH), programmes relatifs aux organisations paysannes et de pêcheurs, aux populations de montagnes du monde, à la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables, à la formation des leaders sociaux et aux démarches de changements systémiques . Il est un des co-créateurs de l'Alliance Terre Citoyenne et de l'Université Internationale Terre Citoyenne (UITC) qui met au centre de son action la création de nouvelles connaissances utiles pour l'action résultant du croisement de savoirs différents portés par les dynamiques sociales, la société civile, les universités.</br></br>Il participe à un collectif « Sel des communs » créé à l'issue de la rencontre de Guérande en 2013, centrée sur «Défendons, gérons nos communs, Territoires, Connaissances, Communautés » qui a réunit des communautés de pêcheurs, de paysans, de montagnards autour de ces thèmes.
  • TINCQ Benjamin  + (Benjamin Tincq est spécialiste des modèlesBenjamin Tincq est spécialiste des modèles *peer-to-peer* et des transformations numériques. Il est co-fondateur de OuiShare, un collectif international, think-tank, do-tank dédié à l'économie collaborative, dont il coordonne la stratégie, les parteneriats et les études. Ses travaux de recherche s'orientent tout particulièrement sur les promesses économiques, sociales et environnementales du nouveau système productif lié à la fabrication distribuée et l'open source hardware. Benjamin est ingénieur des télécoms de formation, et a travaillé cinq ans en tant que consultant en stratégie d'innovation, avant de faire son "job out" et co-fonder le projet OuiShare fin 2011. et co-fonder le projet OuiShare fin 2011.)
  • BOLLIER David  + (David Bollier est un auteur, activiste, blDavid Bollier est un auteur, activiste, blogueur et chercheur indépendant qui se concentre principalement sur les communs comme un nouveau paradigme de l'économie, de la politique et de la culture. Il poursuit ce travail principalement en tant que co-fondateur du Commons Strtegies Group, un projet international. de conseil et de plaidoyer pour le mouvement des communs Le travail de David Bollier sur les communs se concentre sur la culture numérique, le droit et la politique, la gouvernance écologique et le croisement des pratiques des communs.</br></br>Bollier a écrit ou édité huit livres sur les biens communs : La renaissance des communs (Think Like a Commoner) une brève introduction à la vie des communs (2014); Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Commons (2013), coécrit avec Ken Burns Weston; et Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own (2010). Avec HELFRICH Silke, il a co-édité deux recueils d'essais originaux, Patterns of Commoning (2015) et The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State (2012).</br></br>Bollier a passé de nombreuses années dans divers emplois de plaidoyer politique à Washington, dans les années 1970 et 1980, avec un membre du Congrès, l'organisme de réglementation de la sécurité automobile, et les organisations d'intérêt public. De 1985 à 2010, Bollier a collaboré avec le producteur de télévision, écrivain et activiste Norman Lear sur une grande variété de projets traitant des affaires publiques et de politiques. En 2001, Bollier a co-fondé Public Knowledge, une organisation de défense des citoyens, engagée sur les thématiques liées à la propriété intellectuelle et qui milite en faveur d’un Internet de format ouvert construit sur le principe de bout-à-bout. Bollier écrit dans et vit à Amherst, et vit à Amherst, Massachusetts.)
  • ORSI Fabienne  + (Fabienne Orsi est économiste, chercheure àFabienne Orsi est économiste, chercheure à l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. Ses recherches s’inscrivent dans le champ de l’économie des droits de propriété, l’économie de l’innovation et le domaine des communs. Après avoir travaillé sur la question de l’évolution du droit des brevets dans de domaine de la recherche sur le génome humain et la co-évolution de ce droit avec l’organisation des marchés financiers, elle s’est intéressée à l’évolution des normes en matière de propriété intellectuelle au niveau international constitutives de l'avènement de l'Organisation mondiale du Commerce. Elle a travaillé sur l'impact de ces nouvelles normes sur le prix des médicaments et le problème de l'accès aux médicaments contre le sida et le paludisme dans les pays du sud. Avec le lancement en 2010 du projet ANR "Propriété intellectuelle, Communs, Exclusivité" elle s’engage dans une recherche pluridisciplinaire sur les communs de la connaissance avec comme principal champ d’intérêt l’étude du lien entre gouvernement des communs et propriété. Elle œuvre au développement d'une réflexion collective sur la manière de penser la propriété autrement que sous le prisme de la conception libérale fondée sur l’individualisme et l'exclusivisme. Elle est l’une des coordinatrices du numéro de la Revue de la Régulation consacré aux communs et à Elinor Ostrom : Ostrom :
  • QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE Françoise  + (Françoise QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE est maître deFrançoise QUAIREL-LANOIZELEE est maître de conférences et chercheure associée au centre de recherche DRM de l’université Paris-Dauphine. </br></br>Depuis quinze ans, elle conduit des recherches sur la mise en œuvre des stratégies RSE et les dispositifs d’évaluation des performances : Reporting extra-financier, systèmes internes de pilotage. Elle assure des enseignements de RSE à l’université Paris Dauphine et dans diverses universités et écoles. Elle est co-fondateur du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD) et membre du comité de rédaction dela revue ROR.</br>Auteur de nombreux articles et chapitres d’ouvrages, elle est notamment co-auteur avec Michel CAPRON : </br>* en 2004, Mythes et réalités de l’entreprise responsable, La Découverte, Paris.</br>* en 2007 (nouvelle édition 2010), Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Collection Repères, La Découverte, Paris.</br>* en 2015 : « L’entreprise dans la société : une question politique », Paris, La Découverte. Collection Grand Repères.</br></br>En 2010, elle a co – dirigé, avec M.Capron et M.F. Turcotte, un ouvrage sur « ISO 26000, une Norme hors norme » : vers une conception mondiale de la responsabilité sociétale des organisations » ECONOMICA et en 2012  elle est l’auteur de : L’ISR : valeur financière valeur éthique ? ECONOMICA, Paris (co-écrit avec Franca PERIN )OMICA, Paris (co-écrit avec Franca PERIN ))
  • ARENA Gregorio  + (Gregorio Arena, until 2015 full professor Gregorio Arena, until 2015 full professor of Administrative Law in the University of Trento (Italia), is also the founder and president of LABSUS - Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà, an association and online review that for the last ten years has been successfully promoting active citizenship in Italy in the form of shared administration of common goods.</br></br>Publications:</br>:L’età della condivisione (Ed.), Carocci, 2015.</br>:L'Italia dei beni comuni (Ed.), Carocci, 2012.</br>:Cittadini attivi (Un altro modo di guardare all’Italia), Laterza, 2011, 2° ed.</br>:Per governare insieme: il federalismo come metodo di governo (Verso nuove forme della democrazia), Cedam, 2011 (Ed.).</br>:Il valore aggiunto (Ed.), Carocci, 2010.</br>:On the new municipal Regulation see Rapporto Labsus 2015:</br>:</br>:Many essays published in :Many essays published in
  • NINET Jacques  + (Jacques Ninet a partagé sa vie professionnJacques Ninet a partagé sa vie professionnelle entre les marchés financiers et les fonds d'investissement (CEPME, Fimagest, Barclays, Sarasin France). Il est aujourd’hui conseiller pour la recherche auprès La Française Asset management tout en participant à divers groupes de réflexion sur la finance responsable et le DD.exion sur la finance responsable et le DD.)
  • SEN Jai  + (Jai Sen, architecte et urbaniste de formatJai Sen, architecte et urbaniste de formation, est un chercheur indépendant basé à New Delhi, en Inde. Il était auparavant un militant des droits pour l'habitat et le travail à Kolkata (Calcutta), et aux niveaux national et international. Travaillant avec le collectif CACIM, il a produit une cartographie de la ville "involontaire", un travail de sensibilisation du public, aux enjeux de l'architecture et de la planification pour les communautés marginales et d'autres travaux liés aux droits d'habitation. Il a participé aux Forums Sociaux Mondiaux depuis 2002, et a été membre du Comité de travail du FSM en Inde et de son équipe de coordination au cours de 2002-3.équipe de coordination au cours de 2002-3.)
  • SOLÉ Joan  + (Membre actif, du projet "L'art du Soleil" Membre actif, du projet "L'art du Soleil" projet ayant pour objet l'apprentissage et la mise en pratique de technologies appropriées. Membre actif de la Coopérative Intégrale Catalane (, une proposition d'auto-organisation systémique) spécialisé sur les pôles "technologies et transport" et "système économique". Membre et coordonnateur de deux réseaux "d'investigation et de pratiques populaires" que sont les : "Réseau international de culture de la spiruline pour la souveraineté alimentaire" et le "réseau d’expérimentation avec des microorganismes".expérimentation avec des microorganismes".)
  • SERRA Ariadna  + (Membre active, du projet "L'art du Soleil"Membre active, du projet "L'art du Soleil" (projet ayant pour objet l'apprentissage et la mise en pratique de technologies appropriées). Domaine de compétence "place de la femme dans la société" , "autonomie psychologique". Membre active de la Coopérative Intégrale Catalane, une proposition d'auto-organisation systémique) spécialisée sur les pôles "développement des projets (productifs)", "mise en réseau et accompagnement des personnes et des communautés". Membre et coordonnatrice du "réseau d’expérimentation avec des microorganismes".expérimentation avec des microorganismes".)
  • NIEDEROESTS Régis  + (Militant associatif et chercheur en aménagMilitant associatif et chercheur en aménagement du territoire, je suis basé à Lausanne en Suisse. Diplômé en sciences politiques, je suis co-président de l’Association écoquartier et je travaille à l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CEAT/EPFL).</br></br>Mes intérêts se dirigent en particulier vers les gestions communes dans les territoires (foncier, espace, habitat, terres agricoles, eau, etc.). J’ai organisé les « Journées des alternatives urbaines » en mai 2013, un événement dédié à la découverte d’initiatives partagées dans les villes et lors duquel nous avons proposé d’intégrer les gestions en bien commun au contexte de la ville. Lors du festival « Villes en bien commun » en 2013, j’ai invité et fait l’analyse du quartier GWL-Terrein d’Amsterdam sous forme de bien commun, court texte à retrouver sur le blog du festival (,stival (,)
  • PÉREZ Roland  + (PEREZ Roland, économiste et gestiologue, aPEREZ Roland, économiste et gestiologue, a été en poste dans les universités d’Amiens et de Montpellier et dans un organisme international. Thématiques : finance et stratégies des firmes et groupes (notamment agro-alimentaires), gouvernance, RSE, DD, communs. Il a été initiateur du programme FAS (Finance and Sustainability)programme FAS (Finance and Sustainability))
  • VAN DER WEKKEN Ruby  + (Ruby van der Wekken - I am a co-founder anRuby van der Wekken - I am a co-founder and active in the development of Helsinki Timebank - I am also active in a process wanting to take forward a Solidarity Economy network buidling process and through this a furthering of our commons and commoning - up on I work for Siemenpuu environmental foundation which executes Finnish development cooperation and which supports actors in Global South around issues of ecological democracy.uth around issues of ecological democracy.)
  • SULTAN Frédéric  + (SULTAN Frédéric contribue à la facilitatioSULTAN Frédéric contribue à la facilitation du « réseau francophone des biens communs » à travers les projets d'appropriation des idées et des pratiques des communs réalisés par la société coopérative Gazibo (fondée en 2008) Il coordonne Remix the commons et a participé à la rédaction du manifeste pour la récupération des biens communs (en 2009). Il est membre de l'association Vecam.</br></br>SULTAN Frédéric helps to facilitate the networking on the commons in the francophone area through projects that present ideas and practices of commoning carried out by the coop Gazibo (founded in 2008) He coordinates Remix the commons and has participated in the drafting manifesto Reclaim the common (in 2009). He is a member of the association Vecam.. He is a member of the association Vecam.)
  • SARAZIN Simon  + (Simon SARAZIN travaille sur plusieurs expéSimon SARAZIN travaille sur plusieurs expériences menées à Lille : http// : plateforme mettant en avant quelques pistes d'ingrédients pour construire des communs, http://, (2 plateformes open sources visant à repérer recenser des communs et des initiatives citoyennes). Il contribue au lancement lors de l'événement les ROUMICS 2015, d'un travail de préfiguration de l'assemblée des communs, qui se tient à Lille chaque dernier jeudi du mois. Il est aussi régulièrement en lien avec les contributeurs de Sharelex et travaille également sur la création d'une LSC (Legal Service for Commons visant à héberger et à protéger des communs. Durant l'été 2015, avec Marion Rousseau, il a animé une coopérative de jeunes à Boulogne sur Mer (Entre'Coop).de jeunes à Boulogne sur Mer (Entre'Coop).)
  • PEUGEOT Valérie  + (Valérie Peugeot est actuellement prospectiValérie Peugeot est actuellement prospectiviste au sein du laboratoire de sciences sociales et humaines d’Orange Labs et présidente de l'association Vecam, think tank citoyen qui, depuis 20 ans, déchiffre les enjeux sociétaux liés au numérique. Elle a publié plusieurs ouvrages sur les biens communs de la connaissance. Après avoir été vice-présidente du Conseil National du Numérique, de 2013 à 2015, elle a rejoint la CNIL en avril 2016.015, elle a rejoint la CNIL en avril 2016.)
  • BUELLESBACH Daphne  + (Daphne Büllesbach is Berlin-based DirectorDaphne Büllesbach is Berlin-based Director of Programmes at European Alternatives, a Europe-wide civil society organization devoted to exploring and developing the potential for transnational politics and culture. She was co-curator of last year’s Transeuropa Festival 'Beyond Fragments' that took place in Belgrade in October 2015, bringing together activists and artists debating issues such as the refugee situation, management of the commons or the seizure of institutions by new political forces. After years of gathering and connecting progressive voices around Europe, she is experienced in the difficulties of cross border political work and holds a particular interest for solutions to bridging the local to the transnational. Otherwise she has been involved in developing new online talk formats such as Talk Real (international) and talk im transit (German).ternational) and talk im transit (German).)
  • KOULOUKAKIS Dimitris  + ('Dimitris Koukoulakis has studied Informat'Dimitris Koukoulakis has studied Information Systems Engineering at the University of Surrey, UK where he completed his Master of Research with an EPSRC scholarship. Worked for two years at the R&D of NOKIA UK and then returned to Greece where he continued working as a software engineer at an IPTV company. Since 2009 has been active with several local and international grassroots movements driven by the concern of scarcity and inequality. A turning point has been the co-organization of CommonsFest in Heraklion for the last three years. Recently co-founded a social co-op working on free software and open source hardware, the CommonsLab.ware and open source hardware, the CommonsLab.)
  • RESTAKIS John  + (Active in the co-operative movement for ovActive in the co-operative movement for over twenty years, John Restakis is former Executive Director of the BC Co-operative Association in Vancouver, a position he held since 1998. He is currently Executive Director of Inspiration in Action (IIA) in Vancouver. His professional background includes community organizing, adult and popular education, and co-op development. Restakis was Research Co-ordinator on Social Infrastructure and Institutional Innovation for the FLOK Project in Ecuador. He has done consulting work on international co-op development projects, researches and teaches on co-operative economies and the social economy, and lectures widely on the subject of globalization, regional development, and alternative economics. Restakis has also been an advisor to Syriza in Greece for the development of a national strategy for the social and solidarity economy. He is also Research Associate for Co-operatives UK. Restakis earned his BA at the University of Toronto with a Major degree in East Asian Studies and specialist studies in Sanskrit and Classical Greek. He holds a Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion. Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion.)
  • WIŚNIEWSKA Agnieszka  + (Agnieszka Wiśniewska - Activist, feminist,Agnieszka Wiśniewska - Activist, feminist, philologist and sociologist. Editor of books on Polish cinema and documentary cinema. Author of Henryka Krzywonos’ biography "Big Solidarity, small solidarity" (2010) and book about film director Małgorzata Szumowska "Cinema is a Survival School" (2012), co-author of children's book "Cooperation" (2013). For 6 years she was coordinator of Political Critique’s Clubs’ activities, now editor-in-chief on KrytykaPolityczna.plow editor-in-chief on
  • MIRANDA Ana  + (Ana Miranda, spokesperson of the politicalAna Miranda, spokesperson of the political party BNG from Galiza, former galician member of the European Parliament (MEP) and next MEP in 2018-2019. We work in different common issues in our stateless Nation, Galiza, and also here in Brussels, translating to the EC different proposals, resolutions and doing political incidence helping people and communities with the social, environmental and participative focus. We are in permanent contact with the galician land commons organisation (Organización Galega de Comunidades de Montes Vecinhais en Man Común-ORGACCMM), voice of the land commons and they contact me to participate in the next Assembly. Alfredo Pereira, the president fot ORGACCMM and other common are coming for the event.</br></br> </br></br>This land system in Galiza in this kind of special common property with germanic origin (Montes Vecinhais de Man Commún) are commons collective land and the property belong to the community, with independence of the change of members, the only condition to be co-owner and have rights on the land is to be neighbourg and the rights of transmission is collective and not individually; the management of common resources are also collective and democratic. The "Montes en Mán Común" have a social, ecological and productive fonction in the rural areas. The land commons have 2900 communities in 248 You can find more information about them here:
  • LORRAIN Ann-Catherin  + (Anne-Catherine Lorrain is a lawyer with exAnne-Catherine Lorrain is a lawyer with expertise in copyright law. She is currently Policy Advisor in the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA political group. From September 2014 until September 2015, she was accredited parliamentary assistant / policy advisor to Julia Reda, Member of the European Parliament in the Greens/EFA group and member of the Pirate Party, focusing on the drafting and on the discussion of the 'Reda Report' on the implementation of the InfoSoc Directive.</br></br>She is associated researcher at the CERDI research institute (Université Paris Sud-11, France), where she has conducted PhD research on the issue of territoriality of copyright in the digital environment. She is co-founder of the COMMUNIA Association, an international non-for-profit organisation promoting the digital public domain ([]).</br></br>She used to work as a legal advisor in the music industry for the French division of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) in Paris (France), before representing the interests of consumers as the coordinator of the IP Policy Committee of the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) in Brussels (Belgium) and Washington D.C. (US). She was a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition (Munich, Germany) in 2011-2013.p; Competition (Munich, Germany) in 2011-2013.)
  • LE CROSNIER Hervé  + (Après avoir été dix ans conservateur d'uneAprès avoir été dix ans conservateur d'une bibliothèque scientifique, Il rejoint l'enseignement à l'Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, et la recherche en collaboration avec l'Institut des Sciences de la communication du CNRS.</br></br>Ses cours et sa recherche portent sur les technologies du web et sur la culture numérique. Il participe à l'équipe Sydonie qui propose un nouveau modèle de document sur le web qui croise les apports du web et l'expérience des bibliothèques.</br></br>Ses travaux concernent l'impact de l'internet sur la société, la question des communs.t sur la société, la question des communs.)
  • HIPSZMAN Marcel  + (Après un début de carrière dans le privé,rAprès un début de carrière dans le privé,rejoint la Délégation à l’économie sociale peu de temps après sa création et participe pendant près de 20 ans à l’élaboration et la mise en place des politiques gouvernementales dans le domaine de l’économie sociale. A partir de 2001 poursuit ses activités dans un certain nombre d’institutions financières : E SFIN-IDES ,société de capital-risque de l’économie sociale, SOFINEI,société de financement des entreprises d’insertion, INAISE,réseau international de financeurs dans l’ESS, Caisse Solidaire du NORD-Pas-de-Calais Actuellement, administrateur de la Caisse Solidaire et de la RECMA,revue internationale de l’économie sociale. Egalement membre de FONDA, un think tank Associatif.membre de FONDA, un think tank Associatif.)
  • SIMONNEAU Claire  + (As a researcher in urban planning and a citizen living in Brussels, I am interested in the topic of commons, especially related to housing and the right to the city.)
  • BENSEBAA Faouzi  + (BENSEBAA Faouzi est Professeur en sciencesBENSEBAA Faouzi est Professeur en sciences de gestion à l’Université Paris 8 et conseiller scientifique du laboratoire de recherches ISERAM (ISEG Group). Ses thèmes de recherche ont trait notamment au management stratégique, au management des organisations (stratégies de changement, sensemaking, approche critique du management) et à la RSE..che critique du management) et à la RSE..)
  • GONÇALVES João  + (Born in 1979, João Gonçalves is growing hiBorn in 1979, João Gonçalves is growing his tap root in Chao Sobral, a 100 people + 500 year old hamlet standing on convex and ridge slopes that reach 1200 mts altitude, in the central Portugal Goshawk mountains.</br>For the last 30 years, he has been participating in a broad range of activities (agriculture, forestry, recreation, community organisation, non-formal education) that compose the subsistence mountain ridge polycultural family farming system and self-reliant community.</br></br>Since 2008 he has a degree in Social Education and Community Development (Leisure and Social Pedagogy - from the Coimbra Polytechnic College of Education). It was during his internship research on "sustainable communities" that he encoutered for the first time the concept of "permaculture".</br></br>To enhance is observation skills and bring influence to his work from multiple approaches to Permaculture and Regenerative Design Education he earned PDC's in Portugal/2009 with Doug Crouch (USA), in Spain/2011 with Richard Perkins (UK) and Darren Doherty (Australia), in Portugal/2012 with Bernard Alonso (Canada), a Regenerative Agriculture Workshop in Portugal/2011 with Darren Doherty, and a Permaculture Teacher Training Course in Portugal/2012 with Rosemary Morrow (Australia).gal/2012 with Rosemary Morrow (Australia).)
  • FIGUEREDO Janice  + (Brésilienne, Janice Figueiredo était chercBrésilienne, Janice Figueiredo était chercheuse du projet "FLOK Society" en Équateur. Elle était responsable de coordonner la ligne de travail "Infrastructures ouvertes pour la vie collective", qui explorait comment les citoyen-ne-s et leurs communautés pouvaient se bénéficier d'une économie basée sur la connaissance libre et ouverte. La recherche s'est centré sur trois axes:</br></br>#les infrastructures ouvertes pour la vie collective : habitation, systèmes d'alimentation</br>#Territorialité de la connaissance : la valorisation d'une diversité des connaissances</br>#Connaissances traditionnelles et ancestrales (indigènes, afro-équatoriens) </br></br>Au Brésil Janice se dédie à étudier les dynamiques P2P, les mouvements collaboratifs et les modèles alternatifs aux paradigmes économiques conventionnels basés sur la centralité et de la rareté.s basés sur la centralité et de la rareté.)
  • MEYER Camille  + (Camille Meyer is a Ph.D. candidate in econCamille Meyer is a Ph.D. candidate in economics and management at Université libre de Bruxelles. His work focuses on social finance (community banks and complementary currencies) and analyze the extent to which grassroots financial organizations and services can be considered as commons. He realized field works in Brazil and lived in several European countries.l and lived in several European countries.)
  • BENKLER Yochai  + (Chercheur connu à travers le monde entier comme auteur de “The Wealth of Networks” (2006) et co-directeur du Centre Berkman Internet et Société (Berkman Center for Internet & Society) à l'université de Harvard.)
  • ESCRIBANO Sergi  + (Coming from Valencia (East coast of Spain)Coming from Valencia (East coast of Spain), as a social consultant at Empodera consultores ( and militant I'm working in two main issues related with commons: Commons and natural resources. If you are interested please look at; Commons and local public policies in Spain. Please look at All these initiatives are built with trans-local and international networks trying to share experiences and knowledge between different territories.d knowledge between different territories.)
  • PASCUAL Isabel  + (Communications officer of the Habitat International Coalition (HIC) General Secretariat. HIC originated at Habitat I in 1976 and is a founding member of the Global Platform for the Right to the City.)
  • BOUQUERY Jean-Marie  + (Consultant sénior Cabinet AND-InternationaConsultant sénior Cabinet AND-International et AgroParisTech Massy, Académie d’Agriculture, ancien président ACIA et AREA. Domaines : politique, économie et gestion des filières, territoires, acteurs et auxiliaires des systèmes agro-industriels et alimentaires systèmes agro-industriels et alimentaires)
  • RODRIGUEZ IBÁÑEZ Margarita  + (Currently I am into commons in two ways, lCurrently I am into commons in two ways, like a researcher of País Vasco University with the “Sharing Society project” (2016-2019), and also as the President of non-profit association DEMETRA that seeks ways to promote individual participation in Society (cultural, social and politics ways). One example of this work is</br>In the past, I was a researcher in “Museum I+D+C, Laboratory for the Digital Culture and Hypermedia Museography” project of Complutense Madrid University. project of Complutense Madrid University.)
  • KICHLER Nikolas  + (Currently I'm working at the Vienna UniverCurrently I'm working at the Vienna University of Technology researching and developing forms of Open Architecture. We try to transform existing technical DIY solutions to reach height (up to of 6 floors) on the basis of renewable and affordable materials in a modular way. Our results will be summed up in the form of a toolkit (CC-BY-SA), that should be ready by April. Also at the moment, I’m providing texts to the Shareable’s book project on Commons and Sharing Cities, where I'm focusing on exisiting Water and Housing model policies.</br></br>My relation to the Commons emerged in 2011 during my master thesis when dealing with "participatory design processes" in the context of urban planning. In 2013, I attended the Commons Summer School in Germany. Resulting further meetings eventually led to the foundation of the "Commons Institut e.V.", where I'm a part of.</br></br>From that point I’ve been drafting, particularly with David Steinwender, an imaginative Commons-society under the name of “City of Workshops”. In the context of the Commons Institute, especially with Christian Siefkes, we currently try to find ways how various initiatives can form something like a "Commons association", so people involved can fulfill their needs in a broader spectrum through commoning while avoiding potential excessive demands.hile avoiding potential excessive demands.)
  • TELLI Asli  + (Currently a freelance researcher in IstanbCurrently a freelance researcher in Istanbul, I'm working on a coop initiative among scholars/researchers with high levels of job insecurities acting as commons collective. We have exciting ideas flowing in about trans-nationalizing the initiative on common grounds, so your suggestions would be most welcome. The platform cooperativism event I attended in 2015 at the New School, NY opened new horizons to the civic solidarity networks I've been contributing since late '90s.ks I've been contributing since late '90s.)
  • FESTA Daniela  + (Daniela Festa is a jurist and social geogrDaniela Festa is a jurist and social geographer. PhD degree in urban and social geography and Post-Doctoral Fellowship in social sciences (EHESS), Paris. She’s an activist and author of several articles and book contributions. Next year she’ll join an ERC project at Sciences Po, Paris on « inclusive properties », collective properties and collective housing experiences. Her main research themes are: urban processes and project; urban movements, active citizenship, urban self-organised practices . Participatory democracy and participatory budget; Urban commons; Town planning practices affecting issues of spatial justice, urban democracy, right to the city; Lawmaking bottom up process.; Action research methodology. up process.; Action research methodology.)
  • PATTI Daniela  + (Daniela Patti is a co-founder of EutropianDaniela Patti is a co-founder of Eutropian. She is an Italian and British architect and planner who studied in Rome, London, Porto and Vienna. Specialised in urban regeneration and environmental planning through collaborative processes, her recent research and projects focus on the governance of peri-urban landscape, the revitalisation oflocal food markets and new economic models for urban development. In recent years she has worked within theURBACT program ad Lead Expert in the Interactive Cities network, dealing with social media governance, and as Project Manager in the TUTUR – Temporary Use as a Tool for Urban Regeneration network. Furthermore, in 2014 and 2015 she worked for the Rome Municipality, where she elaborated the strategy for the access to the European Structural Funds to be invested on urban regeneration. Since 2012, she is Board Member of the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture, responsible for its collaborative planning series. Between 2010 and 2013, she has been a researcher at the Central European Institute of Technology, where she was responsible for the Project Management of EU Smart Cities and urban regeneration projects. Moreover, she has been a guest lecturer at the University of Roma Tre, Tor Vergata and Universidad de Buenos Aires.r Vergata and Universidad de Buenos Aires.)
  • HIEZ David  + (David HIEZ était jusqu'en 2006 maître de cDavid HIEZ était jusqu'en 2006 maître de conférences en droit privé à l'Université de Lille 2 et membre du Centre René Demogue (d'étude des doctrines juridiques et du droit des contrats). Après une formation classique en droit civil et en théorie du droit, il a préparé un doctorat, sous la direction du Professeur Philippe JESTAZ (Université Paris 12), présenté en 2000, sur la notion de patrimoine en droit civil (publication LGDJ). Ses recherches se sont ensuite orientées dans deux directions principales : l'économie sociale et la théorie du droit, principalement la théorie du contrat. Il a orienté ces dernières années une partie de ses recherches vers le droit africain.</br></br>Il est aujourd'hui Professeur en Droit civil et Directeur du Département Droit à l'Université du Luxembourg.tement Droit à l'Université du Luxembourg.)
  • CHRISTIN Didier  + (Didier Christin, coordinateur du pôle rechDidier Christin, coordinateur du pôle recherche-intervention à Sol et Civilisation (, docteur en sciences de l’environnement et en science politique. Mes missions visent à comprendre les dynamiques territoriales, leur rôle dans la prise en charge des réalités complexes et multi-acteurs ; en faciliter l’adaptation et la réactualisation face aux grands enjeux d’aujourd’hui avec des concepts, méthodes, procédures, outils et savoir-faire adaptés.</br></br>A ce titre, mieux connaitre, faire reconnaitre et améliorer la capacité des acteurs dans les territoires à « agir en commun » sont pour moi des enjeux clés. Concernant ma participation à l’atelier « Finance et biens communs », 2 choses. 1) Me tenir informé des débats qui existent sur ces thèmes, et des débatteurs qui les animent. 2) Comme je distingue l’action individuelle et l’action collective (« une organisation à l’aide de laquelle une nation se décharge sur quelques individus de ce qu’elle ne peut ou ne veut pas faire elle-même », B. Contant) de l’action en commun, il apparait que les deux grandes sources de financement des actions/institutions (pour caricaturer, pour l’intérêt individuel, le Marché ; pour l’intérêt général/collectif, l’Etat (impôts, redevances…) finalement ne permettent pas aux dispositifs « d’action en commun » dans les territoires de se développer… Je ne suis pas du tout un spécialiste de ce domaine, mais je suis donc intéressé à travailler/découvrir des dispositifs permettant réellement de financer et donc de faciliter l’action en commun (par (contre)exemple, les Agences de l’eau en France auraient pu représenter un exemple de tel dispositif, or elles ont fini par évoluer vers une organisation « collective » et non « de facilitation de l’action en commun » ; quand bien même l’eau est décrétée « patrimoine commun de la nation » dans la loi sur l’eau).mun de la nation » dans la loi sur l’eau).)
  • VESELINOVIć Dobrica  + (Dobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in BeDobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in Belgrade/Serbia. He is active in the civil sector for the last 10 years, and in the last few years has been fighting for public spaces and greater citizens’ participation in decision making process in regard to urban development issues. The areas of interest are political theory, ecology and urban development, the counter-cultural movements. Every year he maintains the large number of lectures and presentations.</br></br>Currently one of leaders of movement "Let's not drown Belgrade" which is raised against Belgrade waterfront mega urban development project, and part of Ministry of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.)
  • PETRESCU Doina  + (Doina Petrescu is Professor of ArchitecturDoina Petrescu is Professor of Architecture and Design Activism at the University of Sheffield. She is also a co-founder of atelier d’architecture autogérée. Her research is focused on gender, space and participation in architecture. Her approach broadens the scope of architectural discourse by bringing cultural, social and political issues to bear on design processes, while her methodology combines architectural theory and design, contemporary arts, social sciences, political philosophy and feminist theory. She is the editor of Altering Practices: Feminist Politics and Poetics of Space (2007) and co-editor of Architecture and Participation (2005), Urban act (2007), Agency: Working with uncertain architectures (2009) and Trans-local-act: Cultural practices within and across (2010) and The Social (re) Production of Architecture (2016). Email: (2016). Email:
  • DEREVA Maïa  + (Eclectic person, I used to study the bioloEclectic person, I used to study the biology and the psychology. I worked in numerous contexts: secretary-accountant, the project manager in a Web agency and as a freelance, storekeeper (shop of fair trade and organic products)... Always with the writing in counterpoint: columnist, journalist, editorial webmaster, blogger... After a burn-out, I found the way of a new coherent social activity by creating and contributing to P2P/Commons projects, for example the Assembly of Commons of Lille (France) or European Commons Assembly.lle (France) or European Commons Assembly.)
  • LOCHER Fabien  + (Fabien Locher mène une recherche sur l'hisFabien Locher mène une recherche sur l'histoire des communs environnementaux aux Etats-Unis, depuis 1945, à partir d'archives américaines. Une première publication en est issue : en accès libre ici:</br></br></br>Il est aussi maître d'oeuvre du projet international GOVENPRO, financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, sur l'histoire du gouvernement de l'environnement par la propriété, fin 18e siècle-présent, Europe-USA-Mondes (post)coloniaux. Ce projet est centré sur l'histoire des interactions entre propriété et environnement: il traite donc des communs, mais aussi de toutes les autres formes de propriété (domanialité, propriété exclusive, dissociée, concessions, etc etc.). Il ne traite pas, en revanche, de tout ce qui concerne le monde numérique (sauf dans son lien aux questions de propriété sur le génome).</br></br>Le séminaire associé :
  • VAN HAL Fanny  + (Fanny van Hal (Membership Officer at GEN-EFanny van Hal (Membership Officer at GEN-Europe) grew up in an intentional community of 18 households located in the fruit basket region of the Netherlands. She moved to the Arterra Bizimodu community in Spain in 2015. Fanny finished her four-year Bachelor of Management of the Living Environment (BSc) at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences focusing on sustainable rural development through networks and did her final thesis project with the Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America (CASA) and their national network CASA Colombia. Always having had an interest in communal living, Fanny traveled and visited several eco projects around the world, ranging from occupied villages to self-sufficient farms and ecovillages. Fanny is an entrepreneurial, creative and positively critical person who is passionate about working in international teams facilitating change towards a more green and inclusive world. Currently Fanny is setting up a Community Supported Agriculture in Spain and works for GEN-Europe as Membership Officer, keeping contact and information flow within the network and bringing up the voice of ecovillages on a higher level.he voice of ecovillages on a higher level.)
  • DOVE Fiona  + (Fiona Dove has been Executive Director of Fiona Dove has been Executive Director of Transnational Institute (TNI) since 1995. She holds degrees in Development Studies and Industrial Sociology, and a post-graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation Methods. A second generation African of Anglo-Irish descent, Dove was born in Zambia and grew up in South Africa. As a teenager, she became active in the anti-apartheid movement within South Africa. Dove played a leading role in feminist and anti-militarist organisations and from the mid-1980s, served the non-racial labour movement. She worked as a trade union magazine editor for Umanyano Publications in Johannesburg, and as an official of the South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers' Union. Dove in currently active in TNI's New Politics project, which is in the process of becoming a decentralised think thank on counter-hegemonic politics to boost the development of desirable, viable and achievable alternatives aimed at transcending current oppressive and exploitative structures.nt oppressive and exploitative structures.)
  • CAÑADA Mauge  + (From Navarra Basque Country Spain. I'm parFrom Navarra Basque Country Spain. I'm part of the ecovillages mouvement since 35 years. Now in arterra bizimodu , a new ecovillage . Im part of the coordination team of Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas ( rie) ang Gen ( global ecovillage network)europe , and part also of Ecolise. We are looking for and living in common...developing a new culture .ing in common...developing a new culture .)
  • BLANCHET Cécile  + (From the Commons Network. Together with DaFrom the Commons Network. Together with David Hammerstein, we have drafted a policy proposal for the Energy commons. We tried to lay down a vision and pathways to help remove barriers and scale up community energy, as a way to speed up the energy transition and provide access and control to the citizens.rovide access and control to the citizens.)
  • TEST  + (Frédéric Sultan contribue à la facilitatioFrédéric Sultan contribue à la facilitation du « Réseau francophone des biens communs » à travers les projets d'appropriation des idées et des pratiques des communs réalisés par la société coopérative Gazibo (fondée en 2008) Il coordonne Remix the commons et a participé à la rédaction du manifeste pour la récupération des biens communs (en 2009). Il est membre de l'association Vecam.09). Il est membre de l'association Vecam.)
  • KRIKORIAN Gaelle  + (Gaëlle Krikorian leaves in France. She iisGaëlle Krikorian leaves in France. She iis a sociologist and a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Social Issues. Social Sciences, Politics and Health (IRIS). Her researches focused a lot on the way health issues are taken into account during the negotiation of intellectual property in Free Trade Agreements. Until recently and during 4 years she was an advisor on Access to Knowledge and Intellectual Property issues for the Greens at the European Parliament. She is the author of articles about the Commons, Intellectual property issues, Access to medicines, Access to knowledge. She co-edited a book on social mobilizations in this field: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property (Zone Books Eds: New York). For almost 10 years and until 2004 she was an AIDS working with Act Up in Paris. As a feminist she is part of several groups in France.t she is part of several groups in France.)
  • VAN REUSEL Hanne  + (Hanne Van Reusel will participate at the CHanne Van Reusel will participate at the Commons Watch conference as member of Commons Josaphat. Her work within this citizen collective is in line with her PhD research at the Faculty of Architecture of the KU Leuven (campus Sint-Lucas Brussel). Within the Incubators of Publics Spaces research project she actively takes part in processes of collective visioning and local place-making at and around the Josaphat site. Commons Josaphat is a politically autonomous citizen initiative. We aim to bring the principles of the commons into practice at the Josaphat site in Brussels. In our ambition to lay the foundations for of a more sustainable, participative and just city we focus on this huge wasteland, which the Brussels Capital Region plans to develop into an entire new neighborhood. Departing from already existing commons initiatives, we are collectively working on a realistic proposal to develop the Josaphat neighborhood as a commons.op the Josaphat neighborhood as a commons.)
  • BAUWENS Michel  + (He has co-produced the 3-hour TV documentaHe has co-produced the 3-hour TV documentary Technocalyps with Frank Theys, and co-edited the two-volume book on anthropology of digital society with Salvino Salvaggio. Michel was Primavera Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam and external expert at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (2008, 2012). In Belgium, he published a best-selling interview transcript, with Jean Lievens, 'De Wereld Redden, met peer to peer naar een post-kapitalistische samenleving', which is nearing its third printing after a few weeks (February 2014), with an updated French-language edition, 'Sauver le Monde'. Palgrave-Macmillan produced an academic book, co-written with Vasilis Kostakis: "Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy" </br></br>Michel Bauwens is a member of the Board of the Union of International Associations (Brussels), advisor to Ouishare (Paris) and Shareable magazine (San Francisco) and ShareLex. He is also scientific advisor to the "Association Les Rencontres du Mont-Blanc, Forum International des Dirigeants de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire" (2013-) and advized the Advisory Board for the 'Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity'. He functioned as the Chair of the Technology/ICT working group, Hangwa Forum (Beijing, Sichuan), to develop economic policies for long-term resilience, including through distributed manufacturing. He has written editorials for Al Jazeera English and other media outlets. He is listed at #82, on the Post Growth Institute (En)Rich list, . </br></br>In the first semester of 2014, Michel Bauwens was the research director of the transition project towards the social knowledge economy, an official project in Ecuador (see This project produced a first integrated Commons Transition Plan for the government of Ecuador, in order to create a 'social knowledge economy', with fifteen associated policy papers. The strategic framing of the plan is available at . In the spring and summer of 2016, Michel was Honorary Fellow/Visiting Scholar with the Havens Center at UW-Madison, as an 'activist in resident' funded by the Link Foundation, to produce a major rewrite of the 2005 P2P Manifesto, 'P2P and Human Evolution', in the context of the Real Utopias series edited by Erik Olin Wright. The manuscript will outline a coherent 'multi-modal' approach to the commons transition.</br></br>Michel currently lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has taught at Payap University and Dhurakij Pandit University's International College, as well as IBICT, Rio de Janeiro. He is a founding member of the Commons Strategies Group, with HELFRICH Silke and David Bollier, organizing major global conferences on the commons and its economics. In his first business career, Michel worked for USIA, British Petroleum, riverland Publications, Belgacom, and created two internet start-ups, respectively on intranet/extranets (E-Com) and interactive marketing (KyberCo), which were sold to Alcatel and Tagora Holdings. were sold to Alcatel and Tagora Holdings.)
  • DALISA Giacomo  + (I am Giacomo, Ph.D. in ecological economicI am Giacomo, Ph.D. in ecological economics and instructor in political ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where I am part of the degrowth community, a group of researchers that try to explore how to imagine and implement a liveable society without growth. I have been working on waste metabolism and illegal waste trafficking for a decade. Soon, I will start a research project on commoning as post-doc in Coimbra at the Centre of Social Study. As an activist, I fought against the privatization of water in Naples between 2003 and 2006. of water in Naples between 2003 and 2006.)
  • DIOJDESCU dan  + (I am a Lecturer in Economics, Finance, AccI am a Lecturer in Economics, Finance, Accounting and related topics (Hanze University and Avans UAS, Netherlands). My broad research focus is sustainable lifestyles and new economic paradigm. My narrower research interest is on commons' governance and local currencies. I am also providing advice and support (and sometimes initiating) local projects relating to community building, local currencies and/or non-monetary currencies and/or non-monetary finance.)
  • KARAGIANNI Maria  + (I am a PhD student at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki working on issues related to the urban environment and the urban commons. I am specifically interested in bottom-up commoning initiatives in cities that produce new urban spaces.)
  • DIDIER Julien  + (I am a belgian activist working&being I am a belgian activist working&being in the fields of : transition, self-organization, citizen initiatives, inner transition&work that reconnects. I am part of the organization Réseau de consommateurs responsables ( and currently working in the Mycelium project alongside with the Belgian French-speaking Hub of Transition Network ( of Transition Network (
  • JERRAM Sophie  + (I am a co-director Letting Space, an arts I am a co-director Letting Space, an arts organisation in Wellington, New Zealand concerned with broadening the commons. I was a founding director of Loomio software company and am part of the Enspiral Network. I am researching toward a PhD in Europe (University of Copenhagen) concerned with art and architecture practice and the commons.and architecture practice and the commons.)
  • PIM Joám Evans  + (I am a commoner at the Froxán Commons CommI am a commoner at the Froxán Commons Community, a small village in</br>the Galizan municipality of Lousame, close to Santiago de Compostela.</br>Our rural Community has 100 hectares of woodlands which are managed</br>through direct assembly democracy and also self-manages important</br>services such as village water supply. The Community faces</br>considerable threats from the mining industry and has been drawn into</br>a protracted conflict with the companies.</br></br>The municipality of Lousame, in which I have recently served as local</br>councillor, is a good example of the reality of land commons in</br>Galiza. common land is 50% of the total in the municipality, with 33</br>commons community assemblies managing its resources, that also include</br>in most cases basic services such as supply of water.</br></br>In this corner of Europe, the commons are a crucial aspect of our</br>life. 1/3 of the land in Galiza is "commons", some 650.000 hectares</br>that contribute to the livelihood of more than half a million people.</br>Galizan "commons" is a form of "property" which is neither State-owned</br>nor individual, but belonging to communities as open and fluid groups</br>of people settled in the land that steward its resources.</br></br>With this context in mind, we are mostly interested in traditional</br>mechanisms for commons management through rural assembly democracy.</br>But we are also very interested in expanding the notion of the commons</br>to other practises and places. I am also involved with the iComunales</br>initiative (, connected to the global ICCA</br>Consortium (</br></br>Finally, I would like to draw your attention to a massive conflict</br>that currently involved several other commons communities in our</br>municipality regarding a project to set up a massive industrial waste</br>landfill for a million tons in prime agricultural and forest lands</br>that directly affects dozens of farmers and drinking water supplies of</br>many of our villages. It would be of great support if the European</br>Commons Assembly would consider issuing a Resolution in support for</br>the commoners movement againts this landfill, uniting their voice with</br>that of the commoners of Europe.oice with that of the commoners of Europe.)
  • HOOVER Elona  + (I am a doctoral student at the University I am a doctoral student at the University of Brighton – I’m interested in the potential for urban commoning practices to nurture relational ethics and politics of openness.</br>I have a background in community-engaged research, sustainable and alternative food initiatives and organisational values and am relatively new to the commoning network and community of practice.mmoning network and community of practice.)
  • AVLONA Natalia-Rozalia  + (I am a researcher and activist on commons I am a researcher and activist on commons over the last seven years. I have been actively involved in many "commons" initiatives both in UK and Greece, as well as in the Commons Festival in Athens where I co-organised the workshop "Feminist approaches to the commons", inspired by the work of Sylvia Federici. I am particularly interested in the notion of labour and reciprocity in digital commons communities and the political subjectivation around the commoning practices, which i study along with contemporary social movements. Being involved with a Social and Solidarity Economy initiative in Athens over the last year, I came to understand the necessity of studying the collaborative commons economies under the light of the tradition of cooperatives and more broadly the social and solidarity economy initiatives. Last but not least, I do claim that it is of particular importance to reinvent a contemporary feminist approach within the commons culture, since it seems that it has been a domain dominated by men and masculine perception.dominated by men and masculine perception.)
  • VIVERO Jose Luis  + (I am an agricultural engineer (academic quI am an agricultural engineer (academic qualification) and anti-hunger activist (vocation) with experience on food security and nutrition policies and programmes, right to food advocacy and food sovereignty practices in Latin America, Africa and Europe. Currently, a PhD Research Fellow on food governance and agri-food transitions in the Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). I am exploring the idea and praxis of food as a commonss, from a normative and heuristics point of view. Preparing an academic book on "Food as a Commons" with three co-editors and 30 authors to launch the debate at global level. Why is food not treated as a commons? Why is food not governed as a public good such as health or education? </br></br>In this Assembly, I would be interested in meeting other commoners, partners and colleagues that have an interest in food. So. count on me whether specific exercises on "Mapping the food commons" are envisioned as part of the concrete steps to walk the talk. I have just been uploaded an article to the Wiki of Commons Transition on The Food Commons Transition </br>
  • ANASTASOPOULOS Nicholas  + (I am an architect, academic, researcher anI am an architect, academic, researcher and activist, interested in aspects and forms of community, urban commons, sustainability and complexity. My doctoral -and ongoing research of many years involves alternative communities and their spatial and social characteristics, including ecocommunities, the kibbutz movement, intentional communities and over the past 2-1/2 years, indigenous communities.</br></br>We just completed a joint workshop between NTUA/Athens and PUCE/Quito for the community of Chamanga on the Pacific Coast of Ecuador, designing its public communal space with a participatory design process while the ongoing MET workshop building peer-to-peer knowledge and cooperation around the cases of ports of air and water in transition was presented in the form of a Side Event we organized last week in the context of Habitat III (Quito). In this process several workshops, research projects, presentations, and activist actions reveal commoning developments. By switching scales from local to global and by overcoming national frameworks, we attempt to understand horizontally the nature of several complex processes underway. We intervene by facilitating exchange of knowledge and experience, and by forming a transnational research network with partners urbanists, researchers and activists across cities, currently in Europe and Latin, currently in Europe and Latin America.)
  • SCHOUTENS Socrates  + (I am an environmental scientist by traininI am an environmental scientist by training, covering ecology, economy and society/institutions. </br>Since graduating in 2011, I have worked respectively on recycling policy, community currencies, and the concepts of ‘biobased’ and ‘circular’ economics. I also coordinated the Dutch ‘great transition’ campaign (De Grote Transitie). </br>While all important and potent, they each (singly) have their limitations, which has brought me to studying the commons paradigm that to me captures the essence of what is at stake here.</br></br>My key concern is theoretical synthesis and discourse formation. I am attempting to devise a framework that aims to make the dispersed field of the commons intelligible to everyday influencers (i.e. policymakers, managers, civil servants, ngo people, scholars), many of whom appear to have a latent interest in commons thinking, but who are not as commited (and certainly not as well-informed) as we are.</br>In an early rendition of this effort, together with Waag Society I will be running a temporary programme called Open Planbureau (preliminary, Dutch, info on </br>By far most of my work has been in Dutch so far, but anyone interested can visit my bilingual website or follow me on twitter: or follow me on twitter: @soc_sch.)
  • KARTOUS Bohumil  + (I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO deeply involved in field of education. EDUin serves as a watchdog permanently confronting education policies in Czech Republic and as an information joint among government, businesses, schools and another NGOs. We also run several projects. Their common base is focus on innovations. One of them is support to the Open Education Resources, project financed by Open Society Fund. We has created Alliance for open education which members are organizations and individuals engaged in education, technologies etc. </br>More details about our activities in English: Personally: I do regularly publish about education in many of Czech media and serves as regular media commentator of educational events. Teacher at University of Economics and Management in Prague. I do contribute to launch business start up Education Republic. In 2015 I participated on the content and realization of Forum 2000 in Prague, one of the most high profile annual event in Czech Republic. Last year was education choosen as main theme of conference. Together with the Center of contemporary culture DOX I have created Map of social stereotypes. I do participate on the implementation of Philip Zimbardo’s Heroic Imaginations Project into the newly starting Silent memorial Bubny in prague etc. He focus not only education, his next field of interest are media. He is editor of Czech critical internet daily Britské listy. I have graduated from Pedagogical Faculty and Faculty of Sports Studies MU in Brno and hold PhD from Media Institute at Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.t Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.)
  • GIANGRANDE Naresh  + (I am one of the founders of the TransitionI am one of the founders of the Transition movement (Transition towns) and work for <></br>Communing is one of the key parts of what we do sharing, open source, the practice and experience of how to transition our local economies to low environmental, high well being places.</br>I have a particular interest in that i coordinate the learning function of Transition network and am interested in what makes a knowledge commons work.terested in what makes a knowledge commons work.)
  • GERONNEZ Loïc  + (I am part of Commons Josapaht (citizen and associative initiative to create a neighborhood as a commons). In an other hand, I have coordinated with others the "Temps des Communs" in Belgium and Brussels last year.)
  • CLAUSEN Marco  + (I am part of Prinzessinnengärten (http://pI am part of Prinzessinnengärten (]- a social and ecological urban gardening project in Berlin and of the Neighborhood Academy []- a self-organized open platform for urban and rural knowledge sharing, cultural practice and activism I am especially interested in question of collective land use and self organized forms of „collective learning" to promote and establish new forms of ownershipomote and establish new forms of ownership)