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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Erich Berger (Austria/Finland) 60.185461, 25.077360 ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 9 résultats à partir du nº 1.

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Liste de résultats

    • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>How commons cou<blockquote><p>How commons could be the base of a transition of the society? The equator is launching an initiative to bring together hackers and indigenous communities around the sharing of knowledge.</p></blockquote></br><p>Original article published <a href="">here</a></p></br><p>The FLOK Society welcomes Michel Bauwens to Ecuador. Bauwens, a founder of the P2P Foundation, flew into Quito on Sept. 17 to begin collaborating towards a fundamental reimagination of Ecuador.</p></br><p>Bauwens will lead a research team that is proposing to unleash a participatory, global process with an immediate implementation in Ecuador. The process will remake the roots of Ecuador’s economy, setting off a transition into a society of free and open knowledge.</p></br><p>In the first semester of 2014, Bauwens will assist in setting up a global network of transition researchers. The P2P Foundation is a global network of researchers that is documenting the shift towards open, participatory and commons-oriented practices in every domain of human activity, but especially also the shift from collaboration on open knowledge and code, towards cooperation in open design, open hardware, open science, open government, and the shift towards open agricultural and open machining practices that have great potential for increasing the productivity and sustainability of farming and industrial processes.</p></br><p>Ecuador is the first country in the world which is committing itself to the creation of a open commons knowlege based society. In order to achieve the transition to a ‘buen saber’, or ‘good knowledge’ society, which is an extension of the official strategy towards a ‘buen vivir’-based society, the Advanced Studies Institute (IAEN by its ]Spanish initials) in Quito, Ecuador, led by the rector Carlos Prieto, has initiated a strategic process, called the FLOK Society Project, which aims to organize a major international conference in March 2014, and will produce 10 strategic documents proposing transition policies towards the good knowledge society, which will be presented to the Ecuadorian citizens through intensive participatory processes, similar to those that took place for the establishment of the new Constitution and the ambitious National Plans, which set the guidelines for government policy.</p></br><p>While Buen Vivir aims to replace mindless accumulative economic growth to a form of growth that directly benefits the wellbeing of the Ecuadorian people, Buen Saber aims to create the open knowledge commons which will facilitate such a transition. FLOK stands for ‘Free Libre and Open Knowledge. In order to establish these transition policies and documents, IAEN has connected itself with the global hacker and free software movement, but also with its extension in the many peer to peer initiatives that directly aim to create a body of knowledge for physical production in agriculture and industry.</p></br><p>The P2P Foundation knowledge base has also focused on documenting new policy and legal frameworks being set up by sharing cities such as Seoul, San Francisco, and Naples ; and regions such as Bordeaux, Open Commons Region Linz in Austria, South Sudan, the Cabineto Digital of Rio del Sur, and more. It’s database of 22,000 global commons initiatives has been viewed nearly 25 million times and attracts 25,000 researchers, activists, users and readers on a daily basis. Michel Bauwens is also the author of a Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, an external expert for the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the Hangwang Forum in Chengdu that works on industrial sustainability, and engaged in a research project for Leuphana University on digital liquid democracy. As a founding member and partner of the Commons Strategies Group, he co-organized two global meetings on the commons, the last one in May 2013 in Berlin was dedicated to the emerging field of Commons-oriented Economics.</p></br><p>In March, the P2P Foundation organized a ‘global hispanic wikisprint’, with the help of Spanish-Brazilian activist Bernardo Gutierrez, in which more than registered 500 individuals and collectives, in more than 60 cities and 23 countries, mapped the open, p2p, sharing and commons initiatives in their region and areas of activities, resulting in a Latin American network of connected activists and scholars.</p></br><p>IAEN believes that the connection between the hacktivism communities, the FLOK Society, and the global and hispanic networks active in constructing open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>g open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>)
    • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The <a href="https://wiki.remi<p>The <a href="">Breakfasts in-Common </a>process was initiated by Senegal’s « Centre d’Art Senegalais Kër Thiossane » and Quebec’s « Communautique », as part of the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>Born from a research dynamic about endogenous definitions of commons, Breakfasts in-Common bring occasions to think collectively about what commons mean, from an artistic approach. The goal of these meetings whether in Dakar or Montréal is not only to understand but also to feel the meaning difference that exists between my « I » and the « we » of a collective process. A sensitive approach that allows to craft stories able to give some meaning to the fact of living together. Stories that help maintain the community in motion and give a purpose to one’s own existence and thriving.</p></br><p><H2>First light in Dakar</H2><br /></br>From January 2012, in Dakar, in a violent pre-election context, in the midst of doubts about the constitution and the rise of citizenship awareness in all Senegal, Kër Thiossane started an exploratory work around Commons by organizing Breakfasts in-Common in a monthy cycle.</p></br><p>Three Breakfasts in-Common were organized between January and April 2012 on the subjects « The commons in African cities » ; « Commons and space » and « Languages and knowledge ».</p></br><p>These Breakfasts in-Common were moments of gathering and exchanges constituting by themselves a practice of the « in-Common », where each participates in sharing knowledge in a horizontal dynamic.</p></br><p>Each Breakfast started by viewing a film produced by the Kër Thiossane team on an artist and his or her questioning about one aspect of the Commons in the Senegalese society.</p></br><p>Some of the films and extracts from the breakfasts recordings are available online on the Kër Thiossane website, along with a toolbox of books, texts, interviews that anyone is welcomed to enrich with their own contributions via a wiki or at a breakfast in-Common.</p></br><p>Afropixel Festival<br /></br>This material, accumulated since early 2012 and the thinking initiated among the artistic community and the inhabitants was used to prepare a variety of activities, residences, workshops and performances at the time of the Afropixel festival as part of the theme « Creation, culture and knowledge in Common », that took place in may 2012.</p></br><p>Among this diverse and rich programming, Kër Thiossane gathered great African thinkers and artists to elaborate collectively on the question of « Artistic responsibility in the construction of the in-Common ».</p></br><p>All around a glass of tea, Achille Mbembe, Simon Njami, Ken Bugul, Kan-Si, Felwine Sarr, Thiat and Ibrahima Wane took part in what was not an expert group but rather a meeting where everyone’s expertise was to profit the collective thinking that was woven along the talks.</p></br><h2>Kédougou, until where is your place ?</h2></br><p>In 2013, the Breakfasts in-Common keep on with the collaboration of the collective « La companyía ( They delocalize with a first breakfast outside Dakar in March as part of the « Night of the stars » festival organised by the Multimedia Community center of Kédougou.</p></br><p>Taking the same theme as the festival, « Kédougou, until where is your place ? », we investigated on the problematic of the Kédougou region associated with Commons. The opening of the question « where is your place » allowed to approach the questions about managing natural resources in a boundary region rich in gold and ore, as well as belonging and building of communities.</p></br><p><H3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common and the Afropixel festival organized so far have drawn a great interest, as much from artists and members of the civil society as from citizens, in Senegal. Seeds were sown and a real awareness of the stake of Commons invites us to continue these meetings in an even more open way, about other aspects of Commons, with the objective to enable and widen this collective thinking space.<br /></br>In 2013-2014, Kër Thiossane would like to organize other breakfasts at regular intervals and repeat more of the delocalised experiments, outside Dakar, in partnership with Senegal’s community radios network.</p></br><p>These experiments with continue to be filmed, documented and shared with Communautique in Montréal and other partners, actors of commons elsewhere in the world (Finland, Colombia…). Videos and other documents from these with be posted online on the Remix the commons platform.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Marion Louisgrand Sylla (Ker Thiossane). Susana Moliner – Marta Vallejo Herrando ( La Companiya),</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common receives financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.<br /></br>The production of the Breakfasts in-Common in Dakar was made possible thanks to the financial support from Arts Collaboratory and the « Organisation Internationale de la Froncophonie in Kër Thiossane.</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>Thiossane.</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3> <p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>)
    • Définition des communs selon Erich Berger  +
    • Définition des communs selon Markus Schmidt  + (Markus Schmidt (Austria) 48.222495, 16.366975)
    • Chargement/Site 2  + (<blockquote><p>How commons cou<blockquote><p>How commons could be the base of a transition of the society? The equator is launching an initiative to bring together hackers and indigenous communities around the sharing of knowledge.</p></blockquote></br><p>Original article published <a href="">here</a></p></br><p>The FLOK Society welcomes Michel Bauwens to Ecuador. Bauwens, a founder of the P2P Foundation, flew into Quito on Sept. 17 to begin collaborating towards a fundamental reimagination of Ecuador.</p></br><p>Bauwens will lead a research team that is proposing to unleash a participatory, global process with an immediate implementation in Ecuador. The process will remake the roots of Ecuador’s economy, setting off a transition into a society of free and open knowledge.</p></br><p>In the first semester of 2014, Bauwens will assist in setting up a global network of transition researchers. The P2P Foundation is a global network of researchers that is documenting the shift towards open, participatory and commons-oriented practices in every domain of human activity, but especially also the shift from collaboration on open knowledge and code, towards cooperation in open design, open hardware, open science, open government, and the shift towards open agricultural and open machining practices that have great potential for increasing the productivity and sustainability of farming and industrial processes.</p></br><p>Ecuador is the first country in the world which is committing itself to the creation of a open commons knowlege based society. In order to achieve the transition to a ‘buen saber’, or ‘good knowledge’ society, which is an extension of the official strategy towards a ‘buen vivir’-based society, the Advanced Studies Institute (IAEN by its ]Spanish initials) in Quito, Ecuador, led by the rector Carlos Prieto, has initiated a strategic process, called the FLOK Society Project, which aims to organize a major international conference in March 2014, and will produce 10 strategic documents proposing transition policies towards the good knowledge society, which will be presented to the Ecuadorian citizens through intensive participatory processes, similar to those that took place for the establishment of the new Constitution and the ambitious National Plans, which set the guidelines for government policy.</p></br><p>While Buen Vivir aims to replace mindless accumulative economic growth to a form of growth that directly benefits the wellbeing of the Ecuadorian people, Buen Saber aims to create the open knowledge commons which will facilitate such a transition. FLOK stands for ‘Free Libre and Open Knowledge. In order to establish these transition policies and documents, IAEN has connected itself with the global hacker and free software movement, but also with its extension in the many peer to peer initiatives that directly aim to create a body of knowledge for physical production in agriculture and industry.</p></br><p>The P2P Foundation knowledge base has also focused on documenting new policy and legal frameworks being set up by sharing cities such as Seoul, San Francisco, and Naples ; and regions such as Bordeaux, Open Commons Region Linz in Austria, South Sudan, the Cabineto Digital of Rio del Sur, and more. It’s database of 22,000 global commons initiatives has been viewed nearly 25 million times and attracts 25,000 researchers, activists, users and readers on a daily basis. Michel Bauwens is also the author of a Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, an external expert for the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the Hangwang Forum in Chengdu that works on industrial sustainability, and engaged in a research project for Leuphana University on digital liquid democracy. As a founding member and partner of the Commons Strategies Group, he co-organized two global meetings on the commons, the last one in May 2013 in Berlin was dedicated to the emerging field of Commons-oriented Economics.</p></br><p>In March, the P2P Foundation organized a ‘global hispanic wikisprint’, with the help of Spanish-Brazilian activist Bernardo Gutierrez, in which more than registered 500 individuals and collectives, in more than 60 cities and 23 countries, mapped the open, p2p, sharing and commons initiatives in their region and areas of activities, resulting in a Latin American network of connected activists and scholars.</p></br><p>IAEN believes that the connection between the hacktivism communities, the FLOK Society, and the global and hispanic networks active in constructing open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>g open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>)
    • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>How commons cou<blockquote><p>How commons could be the base of a transition of the society? The equator is launching an initiative to bring together hackers and indigenous communities around the sharing of knowledge.</p></blockquote></br><p>Original article published <a href="">here</a></p></br><p>The FLOK Society welcomes Michel Bauwens to Ecuador. Bauwens, a founder of the P2P Foundation, flew into Quito on Sept. 17 to begin collaborating towards a fundamental reimagination of Ecuador.</p></br><p>Bauwens will lead a research team that is proposing to unleash a participatory, global process with an immediate implementation in Ecuador. The process will remake the roots of Ecuador’s economy, setting off a transition into a society of free and open knowledge.</p></br><p>In the first semester of 2014, Bauwens will assist in setting up a global network of transition researchers. The P2P Foundation is a global network of researchers that is documenting the shift towards open, participatory and commons-oriented practices in every domain of human activity, but especially also the shift from collaboration on open knowledge and code, towards cooperation in open design, open hardware, open science, open government, and the shift towards open agricultural and open machining practices that have great potential for increasing the productivity and sustainability of farming and industrial processes.</p></br><p>Ecuador is the first country in the world which is committing itself to the creation of a open commons knowlege based society. In order to achieve the transition to a ‘buen saber’, or ‘good knowledge’ society, which is an extension of the official strategy towards a ‘buen vivir’-based society, the Advanced Studies Institute (IAEN by its ]Spanish initials) in Quito, Ecuador, led by the rector Carlos Prieto, has initiated a strategic process, called the FLOK Society Project, which aims to organize a major international conference in March 2014, and will produce 10 strategic documents proposing transition policies towards the good knowledge society, which will be presented to the Ecuadorian citizens through intensive participatory processes, similar to those that took place for the establishment of the new Constitution and the ambitious National Plans, which set the guidelines for government policy.</p></br><p>While Buen Vivir aims to replace mindless accumulative economic growth to a form of growth that directly benefits the wellbeing of the Ecuadorian people, Buen Saber aims to create the open knowledge commons which will facilitate such a transition. FLOK stands for ‘Free Libre and Open Knowledge. In order to establish these transition policies and documents, IAEN has connected itself with the global hacker and free software movement, but also with its extension in the many peer to peer initiatives that directly aim to create a body of knowledge for physical production in agriculture and industry.</p></br><p>The P2P Foundation knowledge base has also focused on documenting new policy and legal frameworks being set up by sharing cities such as Seoul, San Francisco, and Naples ; and regions such as Bordeaux, Open Commons Region Linz in Austria, South Sudan, the Cabineto Digital of Rio del Sur, and more. It’s database of 22,000 global commons initiatives has been viewed nearly 25 million times and attracts 25,000 researchers, activists, users and readers on a daily basis. Michel Bauwens is also the author of a Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, an external expert for the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the Hangwang Forum in Chengdu that works on industrial sustainability, and engaged in a research project for Leuphana University on digital liquid democracy. As a founding member and partner of the Commons Strategies Group, he co-organized two global meetings on the commons, the last one in May 2013 in Berlin was dedicated to the emerging field of Commons-oriented Economics.</p></br><p>In March, the P2P Foundation organized a ‘global hispanic wikisprint’, with the help of Spanish-Brazilian activist Bernardo Gutierrez, in which more than registered 500 individuals and collectives, in more than 60 cities and 23 countries, mapped the open, p2p, sharing and commons initiatives in their region and areas of activities, resulting in a Latin American network of connected activists and scholars.</p></br><p>IAEN believes that the connection between the hacktivism communities, the FLOK Society, and the global and hispanic networks active in constructing open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>g open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>)
    • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>The <a href="https://wiki.remi<p>The <a href="">Breakfasts in-Common </a>process was initiated by Senegal’s « Centre d’Art Senegalais Kër Thiossane » and Quebec’s « Communautique », as part of the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>Born from a research dynamic about endogenous definitions of commons, Breakfasts in-Common bring occasions to think collectively about what commons mean, from an artistic approach. The goal of these meetings whether in Dakar or Montréal is not only to understand but also to feel the meaning difference that exists between my « I » and the « we » of a collective process. A sensitive approach that allows to craft stories able to give some meaning to the fact of living together. Stories that help maintain the community in motion and give a purpose to one’s own existence and thriving.</p></br><p><H2>First light in Dakar</H2><br /></br>From January 2012, in Dakar, in a violent pre-election context, in the midst of doubts about the constitution and the rise of citizenship awareness in all Senegal, Kër Thiossane started an exploratory work around Commons by organizing Breakfasts in-Common in a monthy cycle.</p></br><p>Three Breakfasts in-Common were organized between January and April 2012 on the subjects « The commons in African cities » ; « Commons and space » and « Languages and knowledge ».</p></br><p>These Breakfasts in-Common were moments of gathering and exchanges constituting by themselves a practice of the « in-Common », where each participates in sharing knowledge in a horizontal dynamic.</p></br><p>Each Breakfast started by viewing a film produced by the Kër Thiossane team on an artist and his or her questioning about one aspect of the Commons in the Senegalese society.</p></br><p>Some of the films and extracts from the breakfasts recordings are available online on the Kër Thiossane website, along with a toolbox of books, texts, interviews that anyone is welcomed to enrich with their own contributions via a wiki or at a breakfast in-Common.</p></br><p>Afropixel Festival<br /></br>This material, accumulated since early 2012 and the thinking initiated among the artistic community and the inhabitants was used to prepare a variety of activities, residences, workshops and performances at the time of the Afropixel festival as part of the theme « Creation, culture and knowledge in Common », that took place in may 2012.</p></br><p>Among this diverse and rich programming, Kër Thiossane gathered great African thinkers and artists to elaborate collectively on the question of « Artistic responsibility in the construction of the in-Common ».</p></br><p>All around a glass of tea, Achille Mbembe, Simon Njami, Ken Bugul, Kan-Si, Felwine Sarr, Thiat and Ibrahima Wane took part in what was not an expert group but rather a meeting where everyone’s expertise was to profit the collective thinking that was woven along the talks.</p></br><h2>Kédougou, until where is your place ?</h2></br><p>In 2013, the Breakfasts in-Common keep on with the collaboration of the collective « La companyía ( They delocalize with a first breakfast outside Dakar in March as part of the « Night of the stars » festival organised by the Multimedia Community center of Kédougou.</p></br><p>Taking the same theme as the festival, « Kédougou, until where is your place ? », we investigated on the problematic of the Kédougou region associated with Commons. The opening of the question « where is your place » allowed to approach the questions about managing natural resources in a boundary region rich in gold and ore, as well as belonging and building of communities.</p></br><p><H3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common and the Afropixel festival organized so far have drawn a great interest, as much from artists and members of the civil society as from citizens, in Senegal. Seeds were sown and a real awareness of the stake of Commons invites us to continue these meetings in an even more open way, about other aspects of Commons, with the objective to enable and widen this collective thinking space.<br /></br>In 2013-2014, Kër Thiossane would like to organize other breakfasts at regular intervals and repeat more of the delocalised experiments, outside Dakar, in partnership with Senegal’s community radios network.</p></br><p>These experiments with continue to be filmed, documented and shared with Communautique in Montréal and other partners, actors of commons elsewhere in the world (Finland, Colombia…). Videos and other documents from these with be posted online on the Remix the commons platform.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Marion Louisgrand Sylla (Ker Thiossane). Susana Moliner – Marta Vallejo Herrando ( La Companiya),</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common receives financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.<br /></br>The production of the Breakfasts in-Common in Dakar was made possible thanks to the financial support from Arts Collaboratory and the « Organisation Internationale de la Froncophonie in Kër Thiossane.</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>Thiossane.</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3> <p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>)
    • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The <a href="https://wiki.remi<p>The <a href="">Breakfasts in-Common </a>process was initiated by Senegal’s « Centre d’Art Senegalais Kër Thiossane » and Quebec’s « Communautique », as part of the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>Born from a research dynamic about endogenous definitions of commons, Breakfasts in-Common bring occasions to think collectively about what commons mean, from an artistic approach. The goal of these meetings whether in Dakar or Montréal is not only to understand but also to feel the meaning difference that exists between my « I » and the « we » of a collective process. A sensitive approach that allows to craft stories able to give some meaning to the fact of living together. Stories that help maintain the community in motion and give a purpose to one’s own existence and thriving.</p></br><p><H2>First light in Dakar</H2><br /></br>From January 2012, in Dakar, in a violent pre-election context, in the midst of doubts about the constitution and the rise of citizenship awareness in all Senegal, Kër Thiossane started an exploratory work around Commons by organizing Breakfasts in-Common in a monthy cycle.</p></br><p>Three Breakfasts in-Common were organized between January and April 2012 on the subjects « The commons in African cities » ; « Commons and space » and « Languages and knowledge ».</p></br><p>These Breakfasts in-Common were moments of gathering and exchanges constituting by themselves a practice of the « in-Common », where each participates in sharing knowledge in a horizontal dynamic.</p></br><p>Each Breakfast started by viewing a film produced by the Kër Thiossane team on an artist and his or her questioning about one aspect of the Commons in the Senegalese society.</p></br><p>Some of the films and extracts from the breakfasts recordings are available online on the Kër Thiossane website, along with a toolbox of books, texts, interviews that anyone is welcomed to enrich with their own contributions via a wiki or at a breakfast in-Common.</p></br><p>Afropixel Festival<br /></br>This material, accumulated since early 2012 and the thinking initiated among the artistic community and the inhabitants was used to prepare a variety of activities, residences, workshops and performances at the time of the Afropixel festival as part of the theme « Creation, culture and knowledge in Common », that took place in may 2012.</p></br><p>Among this diverse and rich programming, Kër Thiossane gathered great African thinkers and artists to elaborate collectively on the question of « Artistic responsibility in the construction of the in-Common ».</p></br><p>All around a glass of tea, Achille Mbembe, Simon Njami, Ken Bugul, Kan-Si, Felwine Sarr, Thiat and Ibrahima Wane took part in what was not an expert group but rather a meeting where everyone’s expertise was to profit the collective thinking that was woven along the talks.</p></br><h2>Kédougou, until where is your place ?</h2></br><p>In 2013, the Breakfasts in-Common keep on with the collaboration of the collective « La companyía ( They delocalize with a first breakfast outside Dakar in March as part of the « Night of the stars » festival organised by the Multimedia Community center of Kédougou.</p></br><p>Taking the same theme as the festival, « Kédougou, until where is your place ? », we investigated on the problematic of the Kédougou region associated with Commons. The opening of the question « where is your place » allowed to approach the questions about managing natural resources in a boundary region rich in gold and ore, as well as belonging and building of communities.</p></br><p><H3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common and the Afropixel festival organized so far have drawn a great interest, as much from artists and members of the civil society as from citizens, in Senegal. Seeds were sown and a real awareness of the stake of Commons invites us to continue these meetings in an even more open way, about other aspects of Commons, with the objective to enable and widen this collective thinking space.<br /></br>In 2013-2014, Kër Thiossane would like to organize other breakfasts at regular intervals and repeat more of the delocalised experiments, outside Dakar, in partnership with Senegal’s community radios network.</p></br><p>These experiments with continue to be filmed, documented and shared with Communautique in Montréal and other partners, actors of commons elsewhere in the world (Finland, Colombia…). Videos and other documents from these with be posted online on the Remix the commons platform.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Marion Louisgrand Sylla (Ker Thiossane). Susana Moliner – Marta Vallejo Herrando ( La Companiya),</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Breakfasts in-Common receives financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.<br /></br>The production of the Breakfasts in-Common in Dakar was made possible thanks to the financial support from Arts Collaboratory and the « Organisation Internationale de la Froncophonie in Kër Thiossane.</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>Thiossane.</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix the Commons</h3> <p>Remix the Commons contributed in the onset of the project and spread the word of it’s existance among commoners. Remix the Commons supports formalisation of the process and the deployement of a network of similar practices.</p>)