Greater London National Park City Proposal

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Dans la collection : Outils juridiques et légaux pour les communs

Objet(s) de commun : Public Space,  Urban green commons  Enjeu(x) : Biodiversité  Action(s) : Democratic Participation  

This document is written for the greater city of London, England. It is a proposal declaring the development of natural national parks inside the urban areas of London to increase carbon sequesters (and therefore better air quality), biodiversity, and areas of recreation for London's residents. It cites, "What’s the aim? For Londoners to declare Greater London the world’s first National Park City." This proposal was initiated by a group of London's citizens to address issues of access to public space and biodiversity to the municipality with the support of over 100 organizations, ranging from small community groups to universities and large companies. This charter has a legal status, and therefore citizens have the right and the access to use the legal tools available to pursue direct action on the initiative. The document was written in July 2015 and is still in effect today.


Auteur(s) London National Park City
Langue du contenu EN
Pays England
Fait partie de Outils juridiques et légaux pour les communs
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