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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Paragraphe biographique » avec la valeur « With an autodidactic vocation, he has spent the most part of his professional life in his birth-town as a filmmaker and a scriptwriter. Since starting, he has developed several works for television until 1999, when he starts a new stage devoted to documentary films. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du nº 1.

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Liste de résultats

  • BOUZIOURI Martha  + (Martha Bouziouri is a multidisciplinary arMartha Bouziouri is a multidisciplinary arts and humanities practitioner, dividing her work into 3 distinct but organically overlapping fields: direction of cross-media / cross-cultural projects, anthropological research and theatre. She holds a BA in Mass Media and Communication, a Diploma in Theatre and a MA in Cultural Management and Human Communication. She is currently completing her PhD in Social Anthropology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, Aegean University. As the co-founder and artistic director of PLAYS2PLACE (, she is involved in a series of transnational projects concerning applied models for civic transformation, raising awareness and social integration through a working method that combines elements of participatory action research and artistic intervention. Over the last five years, her work focuses on the refugee issue and the transformation of solidarity practices across EUROMENA. She is the director of the DOME PROJECT ( &, a cross-media umbrella project that maps, networks and empowers solidarity initiatives in the region. In this effort, she has developed synergies and affiliations with socio-culturally active European and EUROMENA networks and organizations such as Cultural Innovators Network (, the Goethe Institute, Robert Bosch Foundation (, Tandem/Shaml - Cultural Managers Exchange Program, (, CulturalBase ( and others. More at
  • WALLIS Matt  + (Matt Wallis (software engineer). I work atMatt Wallis (software engineer). I work at the Institute for Solidarity Economics (ISE), Oxford, UK. Currently working on Linked Open Data for describing initiatives in the Solidarity Economy. This open source work can be found at ISE is currently sowing the seeds for a UK Solidarity Economy Network. I'm also working on another open source project for planning long distance journeys by bicycle! In the past, I have developed software that exposes the hidden, cheaper, train fares in the UK.he hidden, cheaper, train fares in the UK.)
  • JARA Mazibuko  + (Mazibuko Jara was born in 1973 in MdantsanMazibuko Jara was born in 1973 in Mdantsane in the Eastern Cape. He has worked for more than ten years in the non-governmental sector in South Africa, spanning such fields as human rights advocacy, HIV/Aids, communications, public education, economic develop ment, local government and financial sector transformation, as well as land and agrarian reform. From 2000 until 2005, he served as the chief spokesperson and strategist of the SACP. </br></br>Previously, he was employed as a Project Coordinator and then National Director at the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality. He was a founder member of the Alliance of Land and Agrarian Reform Movements, and has sat on the boards of trustees of the Community Health </br>Media Trust, the Lesbian and Gay Equality Project, the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust, the Goedgedacht Forum for Social Reflection, the Media Development and Diversity Agency and the Ntaba ka Ndoda Heritage Festival. He was Founding Chairperson of the Treatment Action Campaign </br>(TAC). </br></br>Jara currently works as a Senior Researcher at the UCT Law, Race and Gender Research Unit. He is also an Associate Editor of Amandla! – a bi-monthly magazine that was launched in 2007. He holds an MPhil degree from the University of the Western Cape (UWC), and is presently conducting doctoral research on the political economy of the food regime in South Africa through UWC.e food regime in South Africa through UWC.)
  • COUTO Sergio  + (My main work is supporting local communitiMy main work is supporting local communities governing natural commons (common governance of natural resources) in Spain (through "Iniciativa Comunales" and at global level (through the ICCA Consortium My work focuses on enhancing the quality of the communities' governance, promote the environmental, social and economic values of their work, and providing tools and support to achieve their goals.</br></br>Based in Andalusia, Spain. Sergio is a Spanish biologist with a strong background on participatory and innovative approaches to the management and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Initially, he worked as field biologist for several companies and NGOs as the Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife) and as researcher for the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC). As consultant he worked on wildlife management, conducting wildlife inventories for both the governmental and the private sector in Spain. More recently, one of his key interests is creating tools to enhance the participation and commitment of rural communities on biodiversity conservation initiatives, and enhance the role and recognition of the commons in Spain and Europe. He sees the commons not only as embodying environmental, cultural and democracy values, but also as having potential to contribute to solving many of the environmental, economic and social challenges of our time. Sergio is Regional Coordinator for Europe of the ICCA Consortium and one of the co-founders of Iniciativa Comunales, a network of local communities governing commons in Spain. He is a member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy and World Commission on Protected Areas and works as independent consultant for several NGOs and institutions’ programs, including the European Commission LIFE program.ding the European Commission LIFE program.)
  • ROMERO FRIAS Esteban  + (My name is Esteban Romero-Frías and I am tMy name is Esteban Romero-Frías and I am the Director of Medialab UGR - Research Laboratory for Digital Culture and Society at the University of Granada ( in Spanish; about us in English:</br>Here you can find more information about me (and below about the lab):,</br>Information about Medialab UGR:</br>MediaLab-UGR is a Citizen Lab born within the University focused to serve as a open physical and digital space to the society. It acts as a meeting point for research, analysis, and the dissemination of opportunities generated by digital technologies in the areas of culture and society.</br>MediaLab-UGR is part of the University of Granada’s Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer and therefore, as institution, we have a solid reputation in managing European projects. Medialab strives to serve as an open laboratory for the generation of proposals at the University and society, as a research hub, and as an experimental space for exploring creativity and new ways of generating knowledge.</br>The best keywords that define Medialab-UGR are: public engagement, experimentation, innovation, active citizenship, openness.</br>More information about us and our projects:</br>For further information about the whole projects developed by Medialab UGR, ways of engaging with people and experimental and innovative approaches to solve social challenges carried out by our Lab, please check the comprehensive presentation in English in the following link:</br></br>Imágenes integradas 1</br>Here, there is a selection of relevant projects in relation to public and civic engagement:</br>LabIN Granada - a Citizen Lab for Granada (</br>LabIN stands for Laboratory of Innovation. The project is conceived as a citizen laboratory for Granada focused on local citizen innovation. It implements a methodology based on the generation of ideas, the prototyping of solutions and the development of projects for a territory. It entails a network of citizen participation, which has two dimensions: Physical space (like a laboratory for citizen social innovation for Granada) and Digital space (a global platform for the generation of ideas and the development of prototypes and projects.</br>This platform is under consideration at the Regional Government in Andalusia (Spain) to implement the future Social Participation Law.ement the future Social Participation Law.)
  • DE BRUIN Kitty  + (My name is Kitty de Bruin, i'm Dutch and iMy name is Kitty de Bruin, i'm Dutch and i live since my retirement in France ( south west) with my husband on a small farm with an orchard, chickens and veggie garden. During my professional life i worked in the computer industrie ( Northern Telecom, Digital Equipment and others ) as transing, sales and marketing manager.In 1994 i worked as president for a NGO to stimulate teleworking in the Netherlands. Because of my expertise i was involved in various international subsidy programs for DGXIII ( at that time) of the European commisssion. Always as subcontracter, because i hate administration.In 2010 i started an website to converge the transition initiatives in France . I plan to hand that over to youngsters end of this year. Since Digital was very involved in open networks, internet , and all this open functonality is now locked by huge providers , i would like to work together and use my expertise where it is needed. My vision is than common and open will be the future, and with initiatives like this, the change could be a bit faster. I 'm a full time volunteer. a bit faster. I 'm a full time volunteer.)
  • EYNAUD Léa  + (My name is Léa Eynaud, I am a PhD student My name is Léa Eynaud, I am a PhD student in sociology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and in environmental science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. My research is concerned with the notion of the commons and its link to that of urban sustainable transition. It consists of two main parts. On the one hand, I am interested in the work of actors who give shape to the notion at the encounter between theory and politics - hence my interest for the work of many participants to Commonswatch. On the other hand, I am involved in three key sectors with regard to urban transition: that of waste, energy and urban nature. In each case, my research targets citizen initiatives that appear to comply to the minimum definition of a commons: community reuse centers; renewable energy cooperatives and community gardens. I investigate the actual practices of these actors, the manner in which they interact with other actors and the State, as well as the narrative they use to describe their activities. I lead this part of my research in two main cities: Paris and Berlin. A crucial point to make regarding my research concerns methodology, which can be described as mainly inductive. As a matter of fact, my ambition is to account for what actually happens on the ground - for what counts in the eyes of the people involved, depending on the situations and the (social) worlds in which they engage. Such an approach entails understanding the history and development of the movement as an exploratory process. It means taking the back and fourths, the negotiations as well as the concrete support of action as significant elements as to what it actually mean to "give shape to the concept of the commons" in a given context. This is why my engagement on the field translates into intensive note-taking (provided, of course, that information is not presented as confidential). It seems to me that such a material (i.e. the precise and almost exhaustive account of the discussions, including the hesitations of the group and possible misunderstandings) can be used by commonswatch members as a useful support for self-reflection - or simply an interesting record of what was debated and thought, at a given point of the history of the commons movement.nt of the history of the commons movement.)
  • DE HEUSCH RIBASSIN Sarah  + (My name is Sarah de Heusch, I am a projectMy name is Sarah de Heusch, I am a project officer for the Development & Strategy Unit of SMart. Currently addressing the issue of access to social protection and labor market evolutions, I mainly build partnerships and collaborate at international level with organizations and academics that share SMarts’ values and concerns. SMart is a social enterprise born in Belgium in 1998 that works on the principle of mutualisation. It is currently on the verge of becoming a cooperative and helps freelancers develop their activities in a secured frame. Previously I was involved in the internationalization of SMart and addressed issues of professional mobility of artists and cultural professionals. Before working for SMart I was a dancer for and Co-founded Transe-en-Dance company. I also worked as the Assistant to the Secretary General at UNICA (University Network of Capitals of Europe). I hold a Masters in Political Sociology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.iology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.)
  • LONZANO BRIGHT Carmen  + (Of Spanish and British background but bornOf Spanish and British background but born in Colombia, she lives in Madrid since 2012, where she experiences and researches the rising transformation of citizen laboratories and P2P practices. In 2015, she's joined the team of Goteo/Platoniq, a platform that incentives the growth of the commons through crowdfunding. During 2015, she developed a project on peer-to-peer initiatives that are transforming public space through Southern Europe: 'P2P Plazas: a Southern European Network'. 'Twitter: @carmenlozano / @goteofunding 'Twitter: @carmenlozano / @goteofunding)
  • BELLANGER Julien  + (Project developer in artistic, cultural, sProject developer in artistic, cultural, scientific and technical domains, Julien Bellanger is co-founded PING'association that explores the practices of the digital era, and encourages the re-appropriation of technology since 2004. Through digital and social innovation, PiNG facilitates cross-pollination across traditional audience boundaries by promoting the values of free culture.</br>He is involved in different activities ( workshops, residencies, meeting, camp, ... ) whose cross pedagogical approach, artistic meaning looking at issues of the impact of digital technologies on social innovation.</br> </br>In 2015, as part of the creation of an open Art / Science / Technology / Society laboratory, PiNG invited researchers, artists, creators and explorers to question and decode the geological concept of the Anthropocene, the era in which human activity has begun to have significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems. How can artistic practice inform this change of era? How can artworks and creative processes render this transition visible and palpable? </br></br>In 2016, PiNG continues this exploratory dynamic and invites artists and researchers to work on the symbiotic relationships between humans, plants, and animals, not only in the slender layer of atmosphere which surrounds our planet, but also in its oceans too. And so O.CAMP counter ticks up to 1.CAMP.</br></br>Sources :</br>:</br>:</br>:</br>: :
  • AVILA Renata  + (Renata Avila is a human rights lawyer specRenata Avila is a human rights lawyer specialised in Intellectual Property and Technology. She worked as one of the lawyers representing the Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum ( and more recently, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Involved in Internet and Human Rights research since 2006, she works with the Web Inventor Sir Tim Berners - Lee ( in an effort to uphold human rights in the digital age. She serves as a Board Member of Creative Commons ( She is also a member of Courage Foundation ( advisory board, assisting whistleblowers at risk and in the D-Cent ( board, exploring the potential of decentralised technologies. She is currently an Advisor of the BITS initiative by the Municipality of Barcelonanitiative by the Municipality of Barcelona)
  • CREMER Marjolein  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • SANTMAN Ed  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016</br></br>www.citizenslab.eueting was in June 2016
  • JUAREZ David  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in peer2peer learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • PAIRET Martin  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 http://www.citizenslab.euwas in June 2016
  • PRIORI Alice  + (Represent the European Citizenslab during Represent the European Citizenslab during the assembly of the commons in Brussels.</br></br>CitizensLab is a network of local actors of change. The aim of the network is to strengthen and connect active citizens from all sectors that are passionate about their local community. CitizensLab members engage in P2P learning experiences and look for generating and sharing the new narratives of their local initiatives that have a European relevance and dimension to the European political discourses. Experts from different sectors are part of the network, Community artists, Activists, Social entrepreneurs, Political scientists, Academics, Policy-makers and Door openers. Many network members have an artistic background. We adopt a participatory approach were members are involved in decision-making processes and in the constant creation and definition of the network. CitizensLab is a young network with great ambitions, the kickoff meeting was in June 2016 www.citizenslab.eueeting was in June 2016
  • GUIDO Roberta  + (Roberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban PlanRoberta Guido, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, International PhD Programme - Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (DADU) Alghero, University of Sassari (Italy) in partnership with the University of Karabuk, Turkey, Visiting PhD at the Polytechnic of Turin. She graduated with honors in Law, with a Master's thesis on Fundamental Rights in Europe and the Environment Law. She worked in Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the Council of Europe; she was involved in works for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, the instruments dedicated to participation, management, protection and cooperation. In a complementary manner to the legal profession, she studied Urban Planning at DADU and then obtained an International Master in Mediterranean Landscape Urbanism (DADU Alghero / Berlin, Paris), with a thesis on the outcomes of participatory processes in regulatory plans and systems. H Then she worked at the General Directorate of Local Authorities, Urban Planning and Finances at the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, at the Task Force of Municipalities' Association for the adaptation to the Regional Landscape Plan of the Urban Plans, in Detailed Plans of historic centers, and the development of participating laboratories to planning and pilot projects for local development. She worked at the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Sardinia for local development projects and the Office of Enterprise Europe Network. She obtained a Master of Community Planning and one in EU Planning and Policies and management of complex projects in international cooperation, promoted by the University of Cagliari in coordination with the organizations of the Third sector. She is an active partner of the Association An Island - Shared Idea (Un'Isola - Idea Condivisa) that practices of exercise of right to the city and promotes urban opportunities for active participation also with the institutions. She currently works as a researcher and pratictioner at Labsus - Laboratorio per la Sussidiarietà and she is involved in processes taking place in the urban context of production from below and grassroots, and shared administration of the commons, in particular she belongs to the mouvement of Cavallerizza Reale in Turin. She would like to do ActionResearch on legal arrangements and dispositives that are able to governing and to embrace transformations, to find new intervention tactics. She would like to study the coherence with the European urban policy and to work on the design of public policies and services.he design of public policies and services.)
  • CLEMENTE Óscar  + (Scriptwriter and director of socially engaScriptwriter and director of socially engaged documentaries since 1995. He has directed films exhibited in festivals and televisions in more than 15 countries. Some of his remarkable works are Sobre ruedas (Keep on Rolling: The Dream of the Automobile); Bendito Simulacro (Blessed Simulacrum), or Zruska (Zruska). (Blessed Simulacrum), or Zruska (Zruska).)
  • EULER Johannes  + (So, my name is Johannes Euler and I live cSo, my name is Johannes Euler and I live close to Bonn in the Western part of Germany. I started to get involved with the whole commons-thing in 2012 - at first mainly out of an intellectual interest but I very soon realized that there is so much more to it. So I participated in the first German-speaking commons summer school out of which the Commons-Institut was founded. That is what I am still an active part of.</br></br>I took this energy to first write my Thesis (M.Sc. Politics, Economics and Philosophy) about the commons and now I am writing on my PhD in Economics about conflicts in water management and the possibilities of commoning. I am arguing that through the shift in paradigms and societal structures that commoning may initiate conflicts can be tackled in new ways. So, you already see that I am really convinced of the transformative potential of commoning.</br></br>But the commons is not only something that I think write and talk about but something that I practice. For example in our commons housing project and the community-supported agriculture project that I am part of. In my view the transition can only be done through commoning which is why I am convinced that we should also take the commons assemblies as spaces of commoning. Only if we practice commoning among ourselves the processes that we create can carry ourselves as well as develop enough strength so that an actual transformation can take place.t an actual transformation can take place.)
  • BLOEMEN Sophie  + (Sophie Bloemen co-founded and coordinates Sophie Bloemen co-founded and coordinates Commons Network and works as public interest consultant. She has close to 10 years of experience in civil society and organizing. She has worked as a policy advocate and a public interest consultant the Brussels, Latin America and global policy environment on health and trade, in well as in European cultural grass root civil society on the exchange of ideas and transnational dialogue.</br> </br>The Commons Network develops ideas and brings commons perspective to policy, particularly regarding knowledge. Sophie coordinates projects on urban commons and the knowledge commons. Sophie has degrees in philosophy, political economy and International Relations.tical economy and International Relations.)
  • TUSCHEN Stefan  + (Tackling issues of climate justice on behaTackling issues of climate justice on behalf of a catholic organisation, the Pope's encyclical - declaring the climate a commons - has been motivation, support and challenge at once. The main message – environmental and social problems have to be thought and fought together – has not been easy to accept for a „development“ organisation. I was surprised to see the great resonance among environmental groups – or maybe not...? I think (commitment to) change has a fundamentally ethical dimension. No surprise: the encyclical contains many disputable things, too, for example a chapter about (the concept of) work, limiting it mostly to employment. Reimagining the future of my own work, I would love to reduce my employed time in favour of more "Eigenarbeit" and conviviality, dedicating time to my family, kids (8, 9, 11), friends and the Commons-Institute I co-founded. I see a chance for the commons paradigm to gain ground within my professional environment, however, so far it has mainly been my personal has mainly been my personal commitment.)
  • CARLISLE Isabel  + (from Totnes in Devon, where I have lived ffrom Totnes in Devon, where I have lived for the last 6 years. I really look forward to being part of the Commons Assembly in Brussels, and to meeting you all. My particular interest is governance of the commons, and raising citizen responsibility for the commons in the bioregion where I live.</br></br>I partly work with Transition Network, running the livelihood-creation programme for young adults called One Year in Transition. See: In April I took my students to Bristol where we made a shared enquiry into City as Commons. While I am in Brussels with you all I will be partly representing Transition Network, and partly my other work.</br></br>In my other work I have been helping communities map their assets and create a local Community Charter that asserts their responsibility to protect those assets against inappropriate or destructive development. In doing this we are addressing contemporary governance of the commons and asking questions such as “how do we move a vernacular law of the people into local law in the UK?”; "how can a community measure the well-being of its assets, what are the key performance indicators?”; </br>“what knowledge does a community need to manage a long-term sustainable ecology and economy?”. You can see the example of the Falkirk Charter (which was the first) here:</br></br>Now I am building a team in South Devon to set up a whole-systems change programme that moves this bio-region towards resilience. We are mindful that the water framework directive in the UK is successful in managing rivers from source to sea but is failing in community engagement and whole-systems change. Our new organisation will be the backbone of the network of actors in this place, using the language of the commons and connecting citizens to the land in many innovative and creative ways: stewards of the river, a water parliament, a watershed Charter etc. One outcome will be a bioregional learning centre for the UK. a bioregional learning centre for the UK.)
  • MEIXIDE Andreu  + (member of Panorama180, a non-profit associmember of Panorama180, a non-profit association from Barcelona focused on cinema and audiovisual experimentation done with XXI century criteria: digitalization, net, compromise, agitation, change, empowerment, community... always opened to news and proposals that intend to get over the problems generated by an obsolete conception of copyright in the digital era.</br> </br>Since 2010 we organize the BccN Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival, the first film festival focused on Creative Commons understanding the license as a tool (not a purpose) which is part of an approach and individual/collective political position that, at the same time, tries to match the free culture philosophy and the commons with cinema and audiovisual. Through practical experimentation, this leads to new models of positive relationship with Internet logics and the common benefit.</br></br>During 2012 we also applied to the own festival a CC license promoting the CCWorld Audiovisual Commons Net, a global net with local festivals self-sustainables copy-derivated of the Barcelona's ones and spreeded in differents towns and cities all around the world, specially in Latin-American countries. We are more than 30 festivals sharing and collaborating in a decentralized the knowledge and sources and connecting communities, messages and struggles through the audiovisual language. There are festivals in Madrid, Valladolid, Bogotá, Medellín, Sevilla, Donosti, Leon, Huesca, Almeria, Cali, Lima, Helsinki, Montevideo, ciudad de México, Sofia, Buenos Aires, Barranquilla, Santiago de Chile, etc…</br></br>We still believe in digital culture and, specifically, in audiovisual language and cinema as tools for social transformation, capable of articulating narratives and generating constructions and resistances totally necessary these days. As always, but more than ever now.e days. As always, but more than ever now.)
  • BOLLIER David  + (David Bollier est un auteur, activiste, blDavid Bollier est un auteur, activiste, blogueur et chercheur indépendant qui se concentre principalement sur les communs comme un nouveau paradigme de l'économie, de la politique et de la culture. Il poursuit ce travail principalement en tant que co-fondateur du Commons Strtegies Group, un projet international. de conseil et de plaidoyer pour le mouvement des communs Le travail de David Bollier sur les communs se concentre sur la culture numérique, le droit et la politique, la gouvernance écologique et le croisement des pratiques des communs.</br></br>Bollier a écrit ou édité huit livres sur les biens communs : La renaissance des communs (Think Like a Commoner) une brève introduction à la vie des communs (2014); Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Commons (2013), coécrit avec Ken Burns Weston; et Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own (2010). Avec HELFRICH Silke, il a co-édité deux recueils d'essais originaux, Patterns of Commoning (2015) et The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State (2012).</br></br>Bollier a passé de nombreuses années dans divers emplois de plaidoyer politique à Washington, dans les années 1970 et 1980, avec un membre du Congrès, l'organisme de réglementation de la sécurité automobile, et les organisations d'intérêt public. De 1985 à 2010, Bollier a collaboré avec le producteur de télévision, écrivain et activiste Norman Lear sur une grande variété de projets traitant des affaires publiques et de politiques. En 2001, Bollier a co-fondé Public Knowledge, une organisation de défense des citoyens, engagée sur les thématiques liées à la propriété intellectuelle et qui milite en faveur d’un Internet de format ouvert construit sur le principe de bout-à-bout. Bollier écrit dans et vit à Amherst, et vit à Amherst, Massachusetts.)
  • FIORDIMELA Cristina  + (I desire to understand better , what’s aboI desire to understand better , what’s about the change of decisional processes today,the discard of authority in front of authoritativeness,crossing the assemblees . How processes of mutualism-commoning are rimapping the use of territory. The way the art’s activism opens to research of a new type/posture of decisioning. From the studies in museografy, the doctorate in the University of Architecture and the PhD in museography and exhibition design, giving particular attention to the rivitalization of the ‘ diffused’ museum –concept from the 70’s based on branch pratice and the connectiveness to use/safeguard/rigeneration of territory like sedime in the culture of work in opposition to the folklore – to crossing Macao, indipendent cultural centre in Milan, being part to make happen the NowHere.Active residence : debut of artistic coproduction based on putting together the resources of l’Open Program Workcenter of Jerzi Grotowski and Thomas Richards coming together with Freddy Paul Grunert (associate curator at the ZKM – GlobalActivism) e philosopher/artist, sympathizer of Teatro Valle), to give life to Ceçi n’est pas une table: experiment of an unexpected ‘ agora’ agitated by contemporary art rejectioning the tables-tabula-tablet-tabloid- actif geometrical enclosures of negotiation. 1st (but the experimentation is going on) on the 1st Commons International Festival in Chieri (TO), 2015, </br></br>Last participation: the real of reality, novembre 2016,
  • MONTERO Eduardo  + (With an autodidactic vocation, he has spenWith an autodidactic vocation, he has spent the most part of his professional life in his birth-town as a filmmaker and a scriptwriter. Since starting, he has developed several works for television until 1999, when he starts a new stage devoted to documentary films. a new stage devoted to documentary films.)
  • RESTAKIS John  + (Active in the co-operative movement for ovActive in the co-operative movement for over twenty years, John Restakis is former Executive Director of the BC Co-operative Association in Vancouver, a position he held since 1998. He is currently Executive Director of Inspiration in Action (IIA) in Vancouver. His professional background includes community organizing, adult and popular education, and co-op development. Restakis was Research Co-ordinator on Social Infrastructure and Institutional Innovation for the FLOK Project in Ecuador. He has done consulting work on international co-op development projects, researches and teaches on co-operative economies and the social economy, and lectures widely on the subject of globalization, regional development, and alternative economics. Restakis has also been an advisor to Syriza in Greece for the development of a national strategy for the social and solidarity economy. He is also Research Associate for Co-operatives UK. Restakis earned his BA at the University of Toronto with a Major degree in East Asian Studies and specialist studies in Sanskrit and Classical Greek. He holds a Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion. Masters Degree in Philosophy of Religion.)
  • WIŚNIEWSKA Agnieszka  + (Agnieszka Wiśniewska - Activist, feminist,Agnieszka Wiśniewska - Activist, feminist, philologist and sociologist. Editor of books on Polish cinema and documentary cinema. Author of Henryka Krzywonos’ biography "Big Solidarity, small solidarity" (2010) and book about film director Małgorzata Szumowska "Cinema is a Survival School" (2012), co-author of children's book "Cooperation" (2013). For 6 years she was coordinator of Political Critique’s Clubs’ activities, now editor-in-chief on KrytykaPolityczna.plow editor-in-chief on
  • DE VAUPLANE Hubert  + (Avocat associé dans un cabinet d’affaires Avocat associé dans un cabinet d’affaires américain, Hubert de Vauplane a travaillé plus de 25 ans dans le secteur bancaire et financier, aussi bien en tant que juriste et opérateur en salle de marché.</br></br>Avant de rejoindre le Barreau de Paris en septembre 2011, il était directeur juridique et de la conformité du groupe Crédit Agricole S.A.</br></br>Il est professeur associé à l’Université de Panthéon – Assas et expert auprès de l’AMF, de la Commission européenne et de la Banque centrale européenne.</br></br>Collaborateur régulier de la revue Banque, il est également l'auteur avec Jean-Pierre Bornet d'un traité de Droit des marchés financiers, récompensé en 1999 par un prix de l'académie des sciences morales et politiques.adémie des sciences morales et politiques.)
  • MEYER Camille  + (Camille Meyer is a Ph.D. candidate in econCamille Meyer is a Ph.D. candidate in economics and management at Université libre de Bruxelles. His work focuses on social finance (community banks and complementary currencies) and analyze the extent to which grassroots financial organizations and services can be considered as commons. He realized field works in Brazil and lived in several European countries.l and lived in several European countries.)
  • PETCOU Constantin  + (Constantin Petcou is a Paris-based architeConstantin Petcou is a Paris-based architect whose work stresses the intersections between architecture, urbanism and semiotics. He is a co-founder of atelier d’architecture autogérée (aaa), a collective engaged in explorations, activities and research concerning sociopolitical practices in the contemporary city. aaa works with ‘urban tactics’, encouraging residents to manage disused urban spaces themselves, engage in nomadic and reversible projects, and initiate interstitial practices. aaa has been awarded the European Prize for Urban Public Space and the Prix Grand Public des Architectures Contemporaines en Métropole Parisienne, both in 2010. Constantin has co-edited Urban Act: A handbook for alternative practice (2007) and Trans-local-Act: Cultural practices within and across (2010) and R-Urban Act: a participative strategy of urban resilienceparticipative strategy of urban resilience)
  • KICHLER Nikolas  + (Currently I'm working at the Vienna UniverCurrently I'm working at the Vienna University of Technology researching and developing forms of Open Architecture. We try to transform existing technical DIY solutions to reach height (up to of 6 floors) on the basis of renewable and affordable materials in a modular way. Our results will be summed up in the form of a toolkit (CC-BY-SA), that should be ready by April. Also at the moment, I’m providing texts to the Shareable’s book project on Commons and Sharing Cities, where I'm focusing on exisiting Water and Housing model policies.</br></br>My relation to the Commons emerged in 2011 during my master thesis when dealing with "participatory design processes" in the context of urban planning. In 2013, I attended the Commons Summer School in Germany. Resulting further meetings eventually led to the foundation of the "Commons Institut e.V.", where I'm a part of.</br></br>From that point I’ve been drafting, particularly with David Steinwender, an imaginative Commons-society under the name of “City of Workshops”. In the context of the Commons Institute, especially with Christian Siefkes, we currently try to find ways how various initiatives can form something like a "Commons association", so people involved can fulfill their needs in a broader spectrum through commoning while avoiding potential excessive demands.hile avoiding potential excessive demands.)
  • DANZIGER Raymond  + (DANZIGER Raymond a eu un double parcours pDANZIGER Raymond a eu un double parcours professionnel : d’une part comme responsable d’un grand cabinet d’expertise comptable et d’audit, d’autre part comme professeur associé à l’U. Paris Dauphine. Devenu émérite, il s’intéresse aux relations entre économie, finance et éthique, notamment les prescriptions bibliques.ue, notamment les prescriptions bibliques.)
  • BUELLESBACH Daphne  + (Daphne Büllesbach is Berlin-based DirectorDaphne Büllesbach is Berlin-based Director of Programmes at European Alternatives, a Europe-wide civil society organization devoted to exploring and developing the potential for transnational politics and culture. She was co-curator of last year’s Transeuropa Festival 'Beyond Fragments' that took place in Belgrade in October 2015, bringing together activists and artists debating issues such as the refugee situation, management of the commons or the seizure of institutions by new political forces. After years of gathering and connecting progressive voices around Europe, she is experienced in the difficulties of cross border political work and holds a particular interest for solutions to bridging the local to the transnational. Otherwise she has been involved in developing new online talk formats such as Talk Real (international) and talk im transit (German).ternational) and talk im transit (German).)
  • DIMITROV Dimi  + (Dimi is a Bulgarian political scientist whDimi is a Bulgarian political scientist who currently works as Free Knowledge Ambassador of the Wikimedia Movement to the EU. He is based in Brussels where his major focus is to „fix copyright”. Having lived in Libya, Austria, Poland and his native Bulgaria, he initiatlly researched minority rights, hate speech and discrimination issues before Wikipedia and the ACTA negotiations sparked his passion for digital rights and the commons. He is now dedicated on promoting the structural and functional public domain. Dimi loves coffee, hates carrot juice and considers Twitter a benign version of the internet. Twitter a benign version of the internet.)
  • VESELINOVIć Dobrica  + (Dobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in BeDobrica Veselinović was born in 1981 in Belgrade/Serbia. He is active in the civil sector for the last 10 years, and in the last few years has been fighting for public spaces and greater citizens’ participation in decision making process in regard to urban development issues. The areas of interest are political theory, ecology and urban development, the counter-cultural movements. Every year he maintains the large number of lectures and presentations.</br></br>Currently one of leaders of movement "Let's not drown Belgrade" which is raised against Belgrade waterfront mega urban development project, and part of Ministry of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.of space collective from Belgrade, Serbia.)
  • KATRINI Eleni  + (Eleni is a professional architect, instrucEleni is a professional architect, instructor and PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon University. She has worked on community planning and visioning projects in Pittsburgh. Her interests include community planning, sharing and collaboration, urban sustainability, green infrastructure and closed loop systems. She is the co-curator of AUTONOMA conference (2016) and the co-founder of the Vacant Home Tour program, which was one of the four finalists for the National Fels Public Policy Challenge in 2015. Prior to her work in the US, she collaborated with several firms in Athens, Greece and worked independently as an architect. Her projects have taken part in exhibitions in Pittsburgh, Washington, Philadelphia, Barcelona, Puerto Rico and the Biennale for Young Greek Architects in Athens.</br>Eleni is a Fulbright and Onassis scholar and a registered architect in Greece. She obtained her diploma in Architectural Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), her MS in Sustainable Design from Carnegie Mellon University and she has studied urban design in Barcelona.she has studied urban design in Barcelona.)
  • VAN HAL Fanny  + (Fanny van Hal (Membership Officer at GEN-EFanny van Hal (Membership Officer at GEN-Europe) grew up in an intentional community of 18 households located in the fruit basket region of the Netherlands. She moved to the Arterra Bizimodu community in Spain in 2015. Fanny finished her four-year Bachelor of Management of the Living Environment (BSc) at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences focusing on sustainable rural development through networks and did her final thesis project with the Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America (CASA) and their national network CASA Colombia. Always having had an interest in communal living, Fanny traveled and visited several eco projects around the world, ranging from occupied villages to self-sufficient farms and ecovillages. Fanny is an entrepreneurial, creative and positively critical person who is passionate about working in international teams facilitating change towards a more green and inclusive world. Currently Fanny is setting up a Community Supported Agriculture in Spain and works for GEN-Europe as Membership Officer, keeping contact and information flow within the network and bringing up the voice of ecovillages on a higher level.he voice of ecovillages on a higher level.)
  • CAÑADA Mauge  + (From Navarra Basque Country Spain. I'm parFrom Navarra Basque Country Spain. I'm part of the ecovillages mouvement since 35 years. Now in arterra bizimodu , a new ecovillage . Im part of the coordination team of Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas ( rie) ang Gen ( global ecovillage network)europe , and part also of Ecolise. We are looking for and living in common...developing a new culture .ing in common...developing a new culture .)
  • KRIKORIAN Gaelle  + (Gaëlle Krikorian leaves in France. She iisGaëlle Krikorian leaves in France. She iis a sociologist and a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Social Issues. Social Sciences, Politics and Health (IRIS). Her researches focused a lot on the way health issues are taken into account during the negotiation of intellectual property in Free Trade Agreements. Until recently and during 4 years she was an advisor on Access to Knowledge and Intellectual Property issues for the Greens at the European Parliament. She is the author of articles about the Commons, Intellectual property issues, Access to medicines, Access to knowledge. She co-edited a book on social mobilizations in this field: Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property (Zone Books Eds: New York). For almost 10 years and until 2004 she was an AIDS working with Act Up in Paris. As a feminist she is part of several groups in France.t she is part of several groups in France.)
  • VAN REUSEL Hanne  + (Hanne Van Reusel will participate at the CHanne Van Reusel will participate at the Commons Watch conference as member of Commons Josaphat. Her work within this citizen collective is in line with her PhD research at the Faculty of Architecture of the KU Leuven (campus Sint-Lucas Brussel). Within the Incubators of Publics Spaces research project she actively takes part in processes of collective visioning and local place-making at and around the Josaphat site. Commons Josaphat is a politically autonomous citizen initiative. We aim to bring the principles of the commons into practice at the Josaphat site in Brussels. In our ambition to lay the foundations for of a more sustainable, participative and just city we focus on this huge wasteland, which the Brussels Capital Region plans to develop into an entire new neighborhood. Departing from already existing commons initiatives, we are collectively working on a realistic proposal to develop the Josaphat neighborhood as a commons.op the Josaphat neighborhood as a commons.)
  • BAUWENS Michel  + (He has co-produced the 3-hour TV documentaHe has co-produced the 3-hour TV documentary Technocalyps with Frank Theys, and co-edited the two-volume book on anthropology of digital society with Salvino Salvaggio. Michel was Primavera Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam and external expert at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (2008, 2012). In Belgium, he published a best-selling interview transcript, with Jean Lievens, 'De Wereld Redden, met peer to peer naar een post-kapitalistische samenleving', which is nearing its third printing after a few weeks (February 2014), with an updated French-language edition, 'Sauver le Monde'. Palgrave-Macmillan produced an academic book, co-written with Vasilis Kostakis: "Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy" </br></br>Michel Bauwens is a member of the Board of the Union of International Associations (Brussels), advisor to Ouishare (Paris) and Shareable magazine (San Francisco) and ShareLex. He is also scientific advisor to the "Association Les Rencontres du Mont-Blanc, Forum International des Dirigeants de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire" (2013-) and advized the Advisory Board for the 'Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity'. He functioned as the Chair of the Technology/ICT working group, Hangwa Forum (Beijing, Sichuan), to develop economic policies for long-term resilience, including through distributed manufacturing. He has written editorials for Al Jazeera English and other media outlets. He is listed at #82, on the Post Growth Institute (En)Rich list, . </br></br>In the first semester of 2014, Michel Bauwens was the research director of the transition project towards the social knowledge economy, an official project in Ecuador (see This project produced a first integrated Commons Transition Plan for the government of Ecuador, in order to create a 'social knowledge economy', with fifteen associated policy papers. The strategic framing of the plan is available at . In the spring and summer of 2016, Michel was Honorary Fellow/Visiting Scholar with the Havens Center at UW-Madison, as an 'activist in resident' funded by the Link Foundation, to produce a major rewrite of the 2005 P2P Manifesto, 'P2P and Human Evolution', in the context of the Real Utopias series edited by Erik Olin Wright. The manuscript will outline a coherent 'multi-modal' approach to the commons transition.</br></br>Michel currently lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has taught at Payap University and Dhurakij Pandit University's International College, as well as IBICT, Rio de Janeiro. He is a founding member of the Commons Strategies Group, with HELFRICH Silke and David Bollier, organizing major global conferences on the commons and its economics. In his first business career, Michel worked for USIA, British Petroleum, riverland Publications, Belgacom, and created two internet start-ups, respectively on intranet/extranets (E-Com) and interactive marketing (KyberCo), which were sold to Alcatel and Tagora Holdings. were sold to Alcatel and Tagora Holdings.)
  • DALISA Giacomo  + (I am Giacomo, Ph.D. in ecological economicI am Giacomo, Ph.D. in ecological economics and instructor in political ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where I am part of the degrowth community, a group of researchers that try to explore how to imagine and implement a liveable society without growth. I have been working on waste metabolism and illegal waste trafficking for a decade. Soon, I will start a research project on commoning as post-doc in Coimbra at the Centre of Social Study. As an activist, I fought against the privatization of water in Naples between 2003 and 2006. of water in Naples between 2003 and 2006.)
  • KOVANEN Sunna  + (I am Sunna Kovanen, a regional geographer I am Sunna Kovanen, a regional geographer and freelance writer from Finland. I have been working in different NGOs in Finland and for a regional office of East and North Finland in Brussels.</br></br>With Commons I have mostly been involved during my studies and freetime. I have been active in / Solidarity economy network Finland, mapping solidarity economy actors in the country and researching and writing for our blog and some academic publications.</br></br>My themes have included common learning of embodied knowledge via theater improvization in comparison to common digital knowledge processes, and institutionalization and upscaling of common self-organized service production. The interest to embodied knowledge comes from my hobby in theater improvization. The theme of my next article ist care commons and feminist economies.</br></br>I have lived the last year in Berlin, getting known to german-speaking commons movements and supporting the organizational development of our CSA-farm in Brandenburg. Latest I have been working for Berlin & Brandenburg ImWandel, an online media and map about alternatives of collaborative economy in and around Berlin. Starting from next year I am planning to work and study with a Cooperative "Ehta Raha" in Helsinki, which develops needs-based economy with local communities in Finland.sed economy with local communities in Finland.)
  • DIDIER Julien  + (I am a belgian activist working&being I am a belgian activist working&being in the fields of : transition, self-organization, citizen initiatives, inner transition&work that reconnects. I am part of the organization Réseau de consommateurs responsables ( and currently working in the Mycelium project alongside with the Belgian French-speaking Hub of Transition Network ( of Transition Network (
  • JERRAM Sophie  + (I am a co-director Letting Space, an arts I am a co-director Letting Space, an arts organisation in Wellington, New Zealand concerned with broadening the commons. I was a founding director of Loomio software company and am part of the Enspiral Network. I am researching toward a PhD in Europe (University of Copenhagen) concerned with art and architecture practice and the commons.and architecture practice and the commons.)
  • VERMEERSCH Laure  + (I am a documentary filmmaker, French, baseI am a documentary filmmaker, French, based in Paris, who lived 17 years in London. I have recently produced the film Halcyons in Greece on the structures of solidarity. I collaborate with the quarterly Vacarme. ( I am a founder of the association Interdemos, which aim is to contribute to the elaboration of a european civil society (Demos).ation of a european civil society (Demos).)
  • VIVERO Jose Luis  + (I am an agricultural engineer (academic quI am an agricultural engineer (academic qualification) and anti-hunger activist (vocation) with experience on food security and nutrition policies and programmes, right to food advocacy and food sovereignty practices in Latin America, Africa and Europe. Currently, a PhD Research Fellow on food governance and agri-food transitions in the Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). I am exploring the idea and praxis of food as a commonss, from a normative and heuristics point of view. Preparing an academic book on "Food as a Commons" with three co-editors and 30 authors to launch the debate at global level. Why is food not treated as a commons? Why is food not governed as a public good such as health or education? </br></br>In this Assembly, I would be interested in meeting other commoners, partners and colleagues that have an interest in food. So. count on me whether specific exercises on "Mapping the food commons" are envisioned as part of the concrete steps to walk the talk. I have just been uploaded an article to the Wiki of Commons Transition on The Food Commons Transition </br>
  • KARTOUS Bohumil  + (I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO I am head of communications in EDUin, NGO deeply involved in field of education. EDUin serves as a watchdog permanently confronting education policies in Czech Republic and as an information joint among government, businesses, schools and another NGOs. We also run several projects. Their common base is focus on innovations. One of them is support to the Open Education Resources, project financed by Open Society Fund. We has created Alliance for open education which members are organizations and individuals engaged in education, technologies etc. </br>More details about our activities in English: Personally: I do regularly publish about education in many of Czech media and serves as regular media commentator of educational events. Teacher at University of Economics and Management in Prague. I do contribute to launch business start up Education Republic. In 2015 I participated on the content and realization of Forum 2000 in Prague, one of the most high profile annual event in Czech Republic. Last year was education choosen as main theme of conference. Together with the Center of contemporary culture DOX I have created Map of social stereotypes. I do participate on the implementation of Philip Zimbardo’s Heroic Imaginations Project into the newly starting Silent memorial Bubny in prague etc. He focus not only education, his next field of interest are media. He is editor of Czech critical internet daily Britské listy. I have graduated from Pedagogical Faculty and Faculty of Sports Studies MU in Brno and hold PhD from Media Institute at Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.t Faculty of Social Sciences UK in Prague.)
  • CANGELOSI Elisabetta  + (I am one of the co-organiser of the two yeI am one of the co-organiser of the two years process that led to the creation of the Interg-group at the European Parliament on the commons. Of course I am in touch with many of them. I am part of the group facilitating the Commons Space at the WSF (next August in Montreal) I am a Brussels-based social and political activist, searcher and campaigner. The Commons are both part of my activism and my research. Together with other topic such as: right to water, right to land, women's right, migration. I have been part of the" mouvement altermondialiste" since 2001 and participated in the Occupy movement in US. I am part of several networks such as EWM, Transform!, STOP-TTIP, as an activist, and of the IASC (as a researcher). And I collaborate with many others. By education I am social scientist (PhD) and currently studying Human Rights Law.) and currently studying Human Rights Law.)
  • GERONNEZ Loïc  + (I am part of Commons Josapaht (citizen and associative initiative to create a neighborhood as a commons). In an other hand, I have coordinated with others the "Temps des Communs" in Belgium and Brussels last year.)