Tactical Chartering Manifesto
This document is a overencompassing guide that explains how to properly create the foundation of a charter written with the objective to assist in the self-governance of an urban green commons. The document provides a series of chapters explaining general and specific objectives of a charter, relevant players in the charter development, and key tasts for following the tactical chartering guidelines for urban commons. People interested in being involved in the commons can determine their role in the development of the charter by carefully going over each chapter of this document. With that said, this document can be viewed and used in different perspectives. While this document is supposed to provide general guidelines, there are specific tasks or components of the document that pertain to specific goals of each commons. The format is supposed to allow linkages between each component and each commons. Such components come from key concepts found in the Remix of the Commons website and from other sources of scientific and academic literature. In addition, documented experiences of tactical chartering are highlighted here to review lessons learned on charters that were created in the past. The document is intended to be open, so interested peoples can review, modify, and provide feedback and support for this document.
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Vocabulary :
Note : Resources and bibliography
How to make a Community Charter.docx
Ressource à intégrer dans Remix / Atlas des chartes des communs urbains :