Industrie agroalimentaire

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Révision datée du 14 mai 2024 à 10:50 par Filippo Greggi (discussion | contributions)
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L'agro-industrie est l'ensemble des industries ayant un lien direct avec l'agriculture. Cela comprend donc l'ensemble des systèmes de productions agricoles et s'étend à toutes les entreprises qui fournissent des biens à l'agriculture (engrais, pesticides, machines) ainsi qu'à celles qui transforment les produits agricoles et les conditionnent en produits commercialisables. En ce sens, le secteur agro-industriel ne se limite pas aux seuls produits alimentaires, domaine exclusif au secteur agroalimentaire, mais englobe aussi tous les secteurs parallèles de valorisation des agroressources : papiers, bioénergies, biomatériaux, cuirs, textiles, huiles essentielles, cosmétiques, tabac, etc..

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Agribusiness is the industry, enterprises, and the field of study of value chains in agriculture and in the bio-economy,in which case it is also called bio-business or bio-enterprise. The primary goal of agribusiness is to maximize profit while sustainably satisfying the needs of consumers for products related to natural resources such as biotechnology, farms, food, forestry, fisheries, fuel, and fiber — usually with the exclusion of non-renewable resources such as mining. Studies of business growth and performance in farming have found successful agricultural businesses are cost-efficient internally and operate in favorable economic, political, and physical-organic environments. They are able to expand and make profits, improve the productivity of land, labor, and capital, and keep their costs down to ensure market price competitiveness. Agribusiness is not limited to farming. It encompasses a broader spectrum through the agribusiness system which includes input supplies, value-addition, marketing, entrepreneurship, microfinancing, and agricultural extension. In some countries like the Philippines, creation and management of agribusiness enterprises require consultation with registered agriculturists above a certain level of operations, capitalization, land area, or number of animals in the farm.

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Q396622 Agribusiness Agro-industrie