ARENA Gregorio

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Gregorio Arena, until 2015 full professor of Administrative Law in the University of Trento (Italia), is also the founder and president of LABSUS - Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà, an association and online review that for the last ten years has been successfully promoting active citizenship in Italy in the form of shared administration of common goods.


L’età della condivisione (Ed.), Carocci, 2015.
L'Italia dei beni comuni (Ed.), Carocci, 2012.
Cittadini attivi (Un altro modo di guardare all’Italia), Laterza, 2011, 2° ed.
Per governare insieme: il federalismo come metodo di governo (Verso nuove forme della democrazia), Cedam, 2011 (Ed.).
Il valore aggiunto (Ed.), Carocci, 2010.
On the new municipal Regulation see Rapporto Labsus 2015:
Many essays published in