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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Conférence de David Bollier, Commons Strategies Group, Amherst, USA. Transcription par Calimaq (Lionel Maurel) (Source : ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du nº 1.

Voir (50 précédentes | 50 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste de résultats

  • Manque d'eau : comment éviter la catastrophe ?  + (Dans cet entretien Emma Haziza, hydrologueDans cet entretien Emma Haziza, hydrologue, aborde le problème du manque d'eau, de plus en plus urgent en France dans les dernières années à cause de longues périodes de sécheresse dues au réchauffement climatique. L'hydrologue dessine des solutions possibles et des stratégies d'adaptation face à cette émergence.égies d'adaptation face à cette émergence.)
  • Entrevue David Bravo  + (Entrevue avec David Bravo, architecte barcelonais. Ancien conseiller en charge de la lutte contre la gentrification de la Mairie de Barcelone. Membre du collectif La ''Fira o la Vida''.)
  • Hommage Silke Helfrich - 02 Intervention David Bollier  + (Intervention de David Bollier lors de l'hommage à Silke Helfrich le 26/05/2023)
  • Les îles de Crépieux-Charmy, eau potable et nature  + (Situées au nord de Lyon, les îles de CrépiSituées au nord de Lyon, les îles de Crépieux-Charmy abritent le champ captant, principale source d'alimentation en eau potable de la Métropole de Lyon. Protégé, ce site classé en aire de protection de biotope, a une exceptionnelle biodiversité. 98% de l'eau distribuée sur la Métropole de Lyon est puisée dans les nappes souterraines du Rhône, prélevées dans ce champ captant qui est le plus grand d'Europe. Situé au nord de Lyon, ce territoire compte 114 puits sur 375 hectaresrritoire compte 114 puits sur 375 hectares)
  • From the Magna Carta of 1215 to P2P Production Today  + (Conférence de David Bollier, Commons Strategies Group, Amherst, USA. Transcription par Calimaq (Lionel Maurel) (Source :
  • Définition des communs selon Alberto Acosta  + (ALBERTO ACOSTA (ÉQUATEUR). Entrevue filmée au cours de la conférence de Berlin 2010.)
  • Demain, l'art sera libre et généreux ! 2/2  + (Captation live de la Conférence-manifeste Captation live de la Conférence-manifeste sur le thème "Demain, l'art sera libre et généreux !" qui a eu lieu samedi 15 juin 2013 au Forum des images, dans le cadre du MashUp Film Festival 2013 (3ème édition).</br></br>Une suite de rencontres, débats, projections, performances... animée par Xavier de La Porte, producteur à France Culture, divisée en deux parties :</br></br>1ère partie</br></br>Entre galère financière et formatage par le Marché, l’avenir de la création n’est pas forcément rose. Des raisons d’être optimiste ? Écoutons les artistes eux-mêmes !</br></br>Avec Emilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Olivier Cadiot, Caroline Delieutraz, Stéphane Elmadjian, André Gunthert, Luc Lagier, Julien Lahmi, Grégoire Pauly, Vincent Pompignoli, Antoine Moreau, Systaime (Michaël Borras)…</br></br>2ème partie : demain on partage tout</br></br>Partage, coopération, intelligence collective : ce qui s’invente aujourd’hui peut changer le monde !</br></br>Avec Calimaq (Lionel Maurel), Olivier Cadiot, Caroline Delieutraz, Pierre Giner, André Gunthert, Kino, Xavier de La Porte, Systaime (Michaël Borras)...vier de La Porte, Systaime (Michaël Borras)...)
  • Demain, l'art sera libre et généreux ! 1/2  + (Captation live de la Conférence-manifeste Captation live de la Conférence-manifeste sur le thème "Demain, l'art sera libre et généreux !" qui a eu lieu samedi 15 juin 2013 au Forum des images, dans le cadre du MashUp Film Festival 2013 (3ème édition).</br></br>Une suite de rencontres, débats, projections, performances... animée par Xavier de La Porte, producteur à France Culture, divisée en deux parties.</br></br>1ère partie</br></br>Entre galère financière et formatage par le Marché, l’avenir de la création n’est pas forcément rose. Des raisons d’être optimiste ? Écoutons les artistes eux-mêmes !</br></br>Avec Emilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Olivier Cadiot, Caroline Delieutraz, Stéphane Elmadjian, André Gunthert, Luc Lagier, Julien Lahmi, Grégoire Pauly, Vincent Pompignoli, Antoine Moreau, Systaime (Michaël Borras)…</br></br>2ème partie : demain on partage tout</br></br>Partage, coopération, intelligence collective : ce qui s’invente aujourd’hui peut changer le monde !</br>Avec Calimaq (Lionel Maurel), Olivier Cadiot, Caroline Delieutraz, Pierre Giner, André Gunthert, Kino, Xavier de La Porte, Systaime (Michaël Borras)...vier de La Porte, Systaime (Michaël Borras)...)
  • SubmersionS  + (Ce documentaire tourné rapporte les témoigCe documentaire tourné rapporte les témoignages des élus, scientifiques, associations environnementales et des habitants sur les conséquences des tempêtes de 2014 et 2015 en Nouvelle Aquitaine, depuis la pointe de l’île de Ré jusqu’à Hendaye. Comment gérer le recul du trait de côte, faire face au risque d'inondation par submersion marine, la montée du niveau de la mer due au changement climatique ?u de la mer due au changement climatique ?)
  • Permis de végétaliser (Paris)  + (Cette initiative a été lancée le 30 juin 2Cette initiative a été lancée le 30 juin 2015 par la Mairie de Paris, et elle est en vigueur à ce jour. Elle vise à accroître la biodiversité à Paris tout en permettant aux résidents individuels de devenir acteurs de ce processus. Elle concerne les 20 arrondissements de la capitale. </br></br>Cette charte a un statut juridique. Le document précise que les résidents doivent obtenir l'autorisation de cultiver des plantes dans les espaces publics prédéfinis. De plus, la liste des espèces de plantes acceptées par l'autorité publique est précisée dans ce document. </br></br>Le contenu de ce document s'inscrit dans une initiative de la municipalité de Paris, accessible derrière ce lien (
  • Reclaim control, the revival of the commons and food democracy  + (Conférence au Circolo dei Lettori, via Bogino 9, Torino,)
  • Revolution OS  + (Documentaire de 2001 retraçant l'histoire Documentaire de 2001 retraçant l'histoire des mouvements GNU, Linux, Open Source et des logiciels libres à partir du témoignage des différents protagonistes - Torvalds, Larry Augustin, Eric S. Raymond, Bruce Perens, Frank Hecker et Brian Behlendorf.</br></br>Le film démarre avec les interviews d’Eric Raymond, Linus Torvals, Richard Stallman, Bruce Perens, puis se poursuit en présentant les différentes étape de cette histoire lorsque le code a été librement partagé et que des luttes avec les fournisseurs de logiciels propriétaires conduisaient, par exemple, au départ de Richard Stallman du MIT. Celui-ci a pu alors se concentrer sur le développement du logiciel libre et sur le projet GNU. Le film documente également l'impact de la première conférence LinuxWorld, montrant Linus Torvalds et Larry Augustin lors des sessions d'ouverture.ry Augustin lors des sessions d'ouverture.)
  • Dichiarazione d’uso civico e collettivo urbano  + (Déclaration d'usage civique et collectif urbain de l'Ex Asilo Filangieri, élaborée collectivement dans le cadre d'un atelier de travail public tenu chaque semaine de mai 2012 à décembre 2015.)
  • Urban commons charters in Italy, lessons to be drawn  + (Interview de Christian Iaione, juriste italien, fondateur de LABGOV et l'un des principaux architectes de la règlementation de Bologne en 2015.)
  • Building Communities of Commons in Greece  + (La région de Sarantaporo, située au nord dLa région de Sarantaporo, située au nord de la Grèce, est une région agricole et d'élevage touchée par la crise. Mais avant même la crise, l'attention de l'État sur la région était inexistante. Les jeunes migraient vers les grandes villes ou à l'étranger. Il n'y avait pas de connexion Internet, et la population locale était isolée et privée de services de base comme l'aide médical.</br></br>En 2010, un groupe de personnes décide de mettre en place un réseau sans fil communautaire visant à relier les villages entre eux et avec le reste du monde. Avec le temps, et à mesure que le projet grandi, la communauté devient de plus en plus ambitieuse. Ses membres veulent être les catalyseurs locaux qui (ré)organisent des coopératives basées sur le réseau sans fil, et (re)dynamisent l'économie, la rendent durable, tournée vers l'extérieur et indépendante du contrôle étatique et du secteur privé.</br></br>Ce faisant, ils produisent des connaissances et établissent des ponts entre la technologie hi-tech d'une communauté en réseau numérique et les défis de la vie réelle d'une communauté rurale.</br></br>Quels sont ces défis ? Comment une communauté peut-elle naître et se transformer ou toucher les personnes réelles ? Quelles sont les histoires des personnes impliquées d'une manière ou d'une autre dans ce processus ? Comment les efforts d'une modeste population rurale, située dans une partie éloignée de la Grèce, menacée par la crise, permettent-ils de se relier à un projet de TIC de l'université de Catalogne, et de construire un nouvel espace d'entente entre les peuples en Europe ? Autant de question explorées dans le documentaire.</br></br>En octobre 2015, en collaboration avec l'équipe, le collectif Personal Cinema a lancé une campagne de crowdfunding sur la plate-forme espagnole afin de collecter des fonds qui permettront la réalisation de ce documentaire.ettront la réalisation de ce documentaire.)
  • Traduction française de Free, Fair and Alive  + (Le projet consiste dans la traduction en fLe projet consiste dans la traduction en français du livre de Silke Helfrich et David Bollier Free, Fair and Alive et dans la traduction et adaptation de leurs travaux sur les patterns de commoning, notamment les matériaux numériques développés par Silke ( sur les patterns de l'en-commun.ommoning) sur les patterns de l'en-commun.)
  • Interview David Bollier / Benjamin Coriat, Part 3: Contributions of Internet to democracy  + (Part 3 of the discussion between David BolPart 3 of the discussion between David Bollier and Benjamin Coriat in June 2015 at Paris. </br></br></br>What are the contributions of Internet to the democracy ? Internet is opening the possibility to play democratic processes at the large scale, both at the transnational and global at the transnational and global levels.)
  • Pour la Transition, une économie du partage de la connaissance et des biens communs  + (Prise de note collaborative de la conférence :
  • Straddle3  + (Straddle3 is a Barcelona-based multidiscipStraddle3 is a Barcelona-based multidisciplinary collective that works on open source urban projects, like the transformation of vacant urban sites into community spaces, DIY houses built out of recycled materials, participatory social/cultural facilities and free software tools for collaborative urban action.</br></br>We believe in bottom-up collaboration projects, supported by open source platforms and technologies. The internet, when free and open, can be a fundamental tool for cooperation. That's why through the years we have taken part in the development of several free software tools for collaborative architecture and urban transformation:,, and, among others.</br></br>Recently we have been working on improving Public Space Tools, a collaborative platform created to share experiences and good practices related to public space, and also to explain how they were carried out in practical terms. We want to focus on process, particularly from the perspective of legal and bureaucratic obstacles which can be solved more easily when shared, and to contribute to the common battle for the right to public space.mmon battle for the right to public space.)
  • Le Guide du Participant des Ateliers Projet de Fives Cail  + (This document is written for a project takThis document is written for a project taking place at Fives Cail, France. It is a participant guide to get involved with the decision-making of the project, which consists of converting an old factory into a community center with public spaces, housing, and other forms of public-access resources. It was written in 2015 and is still in effect today.tten in 2015 and is still in effect today.)
  • Greater London National Park City Proposal  + (This document is written for the greater cThis document is written for the greater city of London, England. It is a proposal declaring the development of natural national parks inside the urban areas of London to increase carbon sequesters (and therefore better air quality), biodiversity, and areas of recreation for London's residents. It cites, "What’s the aim? For Londoners to declare Greater London the world’s first National Park City." This proposal was initiated by a group of London's citizens to address issues of access to public space and biodiversity to the municipality with the support of over 100 organizations, ranging from small community groups to universities and large companies. This charter has a legal status, and therefore citizens have the right and the access to use the legal tools available to pursue direct action on the initiative. The document was written in July 2015 and is still in effect July 2015 and is still in effect today.)
  • European Charter of the Commons  + (This document was written for the InternatThis document was written for the International City Conference taking place in Brussels, Belgium. However, it is a charter that concerns all European cities to adopt charters for urban residents across Europe, and it was a charter used to foster discussions within the European Union. It was written in 2013 and is still in effect today.tten in 2013 and is still in effect today.)
  • Emotive 'Who sets the Agenda?' - including visit to the Netherlands  + (This video was made for the Emotive projecThis video was made for the Emotive project 'Who sets the agenda?' in which Network Democracy (Netherlands) and CEW-IT (Uganda) are partners. November 2014 a team of Dutch experts on democratic renewal and citizens' participation visited Uganda. In return two team members from CEW-IT visited the Netherlands January 2015 to exchange knowledge and share their methodology on Neighborhood methodology on Neighborhood Assemblies.)
  • Déclaration d'usage civique de l'Asilo, Naples  + (Traduction en français du texte de la Déclaration d'usage civique urbain et collectif de l'ancienne Asilo Filangieri, élaborée collectivement lors d'ateliers de travail publiques hebdomadaires, sur la période mai 2012-décembre 2015.)
  • Le domaine public, un bien commun  + (Un entretien avec Lionel Maurel et SylvèreUn entretien avec Lionel Maurel et Sylvère Mercier, du collectif SavoirsCom1 (, filmé à l'occasion d'un atelier "Appropriation du domaine public" à la BPI (Paris) le 16 octobre 2013, dans la préparation du Calendrier de l'avent du domaine public 2014 - en ligne ici :</br></br>Film réalisé dans le cadre du chantier Pages Publiques, du master Édition et mémoire des textes, option édition, à l'Université de Caen, Basse-Normandie ( Livre à paraître prochainement chez C&F éditions ( C&F éditions (
  • 04 Notice sur "Commun" de Pierre Dardot et Christian Laval  + (Une notice sur l'ouvrage ''Commun. Essai sur la révolution du XXIe siècle'' de Pierre Dardot et Christian Laval. Éditions La Découverte/Poche, Paris, (2014) 2015, 593 pages.)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="http://wearelegionthe<p><a href="">We Are Legion | The Story of the Hacktivists Official Website.</a>.</p></br><p>2012</p></br><p>In recent years, the radical online community known as Anonymous has been associated with attacks or “raids” on hundreds of targets. Angered by issues as diverse as copyright abuse and police brutality, they’ve taken on child pornographers, the Bay Area Rapid Transit system and even forced a standoff with Mexican drug cartels. They’ve hit corporate targets like Sony, cyber-security firms like HBGary Federal and would-be web controllers like the Church of Scientology.</p></br><p>They shut down Mastercard, Visa and Paypal after those groups froze financial transactions to Wikileaks. Along with other hacktivist groups like Telecomix, they’ve launched cyber attacks against foreign governments in support of the Arab Spring. They served as tech support for the Occupy movement and have put their mark on countless uprisings around the world. One participant described their protests as “ultra coordinated motherfuckery.”</p></br><p>So who is Anonymous?</p></br><p>They’ve been called criminals, “hackers on steroids” and even terrorists. But the vast majority of those who identify as Anonymous don’t break the law. They see themselves as activists and protectors of free speech, and tend to rise up most powerfully when they perceive a threat to internet freedom or personal privacy. Whether you are a soccer mom or a member of Congress, you live in an electronic landscape that has exploded with largely unchecked intrusion and surveillance. You are tracked by government databases while corporate advertisers are looking to buy your personal data for pennies. In this landscape, the existence of the collective internet culture called Anonymous makes the case for anonymity.</p></br><p>Using tools of disruption and spectacle, they have also become the face of dissent for a variety of human rights and information freedom groups around the globe. They are a legion of loud but largely masked geeks, hackers, pranksters and outraged citizens who have unwittingly redefined civil disobedience for the digital age, and found themselves in the middle of one of the most important battles of our time.</p></br><p>WE ARE LEGION: The Story of the Hacktivists, takes us inside the complex culture and history of Anonymous. The film explores early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater, and then moves to Anonymous’ own raucous and unruly beginnings on the website 4Chan.</p></br><p>Through interviews with current members – some recently returned from prison, others still awaiting trial – as well as writers, academics and major players in various “raids,” WE ARE LEGION traces the collective’s breathtaking evolution from merry pranksters to a full-blown, global movement, one armed with new weapons of civil disobedience for an online world.</p></br><p>BRIAN KNAPPENBERGER (Director/Writer/Producer)</p></br><p>Director, Writer, Producer Brian Knappenberger has created numerous documentaries, commercials and feature films for the Sundance Channel, PBS FRONTLINE/World, The Travel Channel, National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. He is also Executive Producer of the 23 part Bloomberg Television documentary series “Bloomberg Game Changers” which chronicles luminary figures like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and the Twitter and Google co-founders. His films have explored the changing politics and tensions in post 9/11 southern Afghanistan in “Life After War” along with abuses of power and freedom of speech issues with the killing of a journalist in Ukraine for “A Murder in Kyiv.” Other documentary work has ranged from tracking the changing climate conditions in the Arctic, to how advanced technology is changing our physical bodies in his film “Into The Body.” His work often centers on technology, its possibilities and the transformative effect it has on our lives, communication and culture.</p></br><p>ANDY ROBERTSON (Editor)</p></br><p>Andy developed a keen interest in filmmaking after his 4th grade art teacher assigned a Super-8mm film as a class project. His career highlights include editing the feature documentaries RHYME & REASON and the documentary television series AMERICAN HIGH and 30 DAYS. He received two Emmy Nominations for PROJECT RUNWAY, the first reality show to win a Peabody Award.</p></br><p>JOHN DRAGONETTI (Composer)</p></br><p>ToneTiger is the moniker of John Dragonetti, a music composer and producer living in Los Angeles, California. In the past few years John has the scored the music for several award-winning TV shows which have aired on HBO, Showtime, Sundance Channel, NBC and E!. He also composed the music for Doug Pray’s documentary film, Surfwise as well as the Broken Lizard produced comedy feature, Freeloaders.</p></br><p>John is also a founding member, along with Blake Hazard, of the band The Submarines. The group has released three critically acclaimed albums and continues to record and tour internationally.</p></br><p>As a record producer he started with the Boston based pop group, Jack Drag, recording five albums, the last of which was co-produced by Chris Shaw (Bob Dylan, Public Enemy, Weezer). Dragonetti collaborated with mixer, John O’Mahony (Metric, Cold Play) on the latest Submarines album. He has also just completed producing and mixing Simmerkane-II the solo project of Dispatch and State Radio singer, Chadwick Stokes. John had done authorized remixes for Josh, Ritter, Avril Lavigne, Leigh Nash and others.</p>on the latest Submarines album. He has also just completed producing and mixing Simmerkane-II the solo project of Dispatch and State Radio singer, Chadwick Stokes. John had done authorized remixes for Josh, Ritter, Avril Lavigne, Leigh Nash and others.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p><a href="http://wearelegionthe<p><a href="">We Are Legion | The Story of the Hacktivists Official Website.</a>.</p></br><p>2012</p></br><p>In recent years, the radical online community known as Anonymous has been associated with attacks or “raids” on hundreds of targets. Angered by issues as diverse as copyright abuse and police brutality, they’ve taken on child pornographers, the Bay Area Rapid Transit system and even forced a standoff with Mexican drug cartels. They’ve hit corporate targets like Sony, cyber-security firms like HBGary Federal and would-be web controllers like the Church of Scientology.</p></br><p>They shut down Mastercard, Visa and Paypal after those groups froze financial transactions to Wikileaks. Along with other hacktivist groups like Telecomix, they’ve launched cyber attacks against foreign governments in support of the Arab Spring. They served as tech support for the Occupy movement and have put their mark on countless uprisings around the world. One participant described their protests as “ultra coordinated motherfuckery.”</p></br><p>So who is Anonymous?</p></br><p>They’ve been called criminals, “hackers on steroids” and even terrorists. But the vast majority of those who identify as Anonymous don’t break the law. They see themselves as activists and protectors of free speech, and tend to rise up most powerfully when they perceive a threat to internet freedom or personal privacy. Whether you are a soccer mom or a member of Congress, you live in an electronic landscape that has exploded with largely unchecked intrusion and surveillance. You are tracked by government databases while corporate advertisers are looking to buy your personal data for pennies. In this landscape, the existence of the collective internet culture called Anonymous makes the case for anonymity.</p></br><p>Using tools of disruption and spectacle, they have also become the face of dissent for a variety of human rights and information freedom groups around the globe. They are a legion of loud but largely masked geeks, hackers, pranksters and outraged citizens who have unwittingly redefined civil disobedience for the digital age, and found themselves in the middle of one of the most important battles of our time.</p></br><p>WE ARE LEGION: The Story of the Hacktivists, takes us inside the complex culture and history of Anonymous. The film explores early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater, and then moves to Anonymous’ own raucous and unruly beginnings on the website 4Chan.</p></br><p>Through interviews with current members – some recently returned from prison, others still awaiting trial – as well as writers, academics and major players in various “raids,” WE ARE LEGION traces the collective’s breathtaking evolution from merry pranksters to a full-blown, global movement, one armed with new weapons of civil disobedience for an online world.</p></br><p>BRIAN KNAPPENBERGER (Director/Writer/Producer)</p></br><p>Director, Writer, Producer Brian Knappenberger has created numerous documentaries, commercials and feature films for the Sundance Channel, PBS FRONTLINE/World, The Travel Channel, National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. He is also Executive Producer of the 23 part Bloomberg Television documentary series “Bloomberg Game Changers” which chronicles luminary figures like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and the Twitter and Google co-founders. His films have explored the changing politics and tensions in post 9/11 southern Afghanistan in “Life After War” along with abuses of power and freedom of speech issues with the killing of a journalist in Ukraine for “A Murder in Kyiv.” Other documentary work has ranged from tracking the changing climate conditions in the Arctic, to how advanced technology is changing our physical bodies in his film “Into The Body.” His work often centers on technology, its possibilities and the transformative effect it has on our lives, communication and culture.</p></br><p>ANDY ROBERTSON (Editor)</p></br><p>Andy developed a keen interest in filmmaking after his 4th grade art teacher assigned a Super-8mm film as a class project. His career highlights include editing the feature documentaries RHYME & REASON and the documentary television series AMERICAN HIGH and 30 DAYS. He received two Emmy Nominations for PROJECT RUNWAY, the first reality show to win a Peabody Award.</p></br><p>JOHN DRAGONETTI (Composer)</p></br><p>ToneTiger is the moniker of John Dragonetti, a music composer and producer living in Los Angeles, California. In the past few years John has the scored the music for several award-winning TV shows which have aired on HBO, Showtime, Sundance Channel, NBC and E!. He also composed the music for Doug Pray’s documentary film, Surfwise as well as the Broken Lizard produced comedy feature, Freeloaders.</p></br><p>John is also a founding member, along with Blake Hazard, of the band The Submarines. The group has released three critically acclaimed albums and continues to record and tour internationally.</p></br><p>As a record producer he started with the Boston based pop group, Jack Drag, recording five albums, the last of which was co-produced by Chris Shaw (Bob Dylan, Public Enemy, Weezer). Dragonetti collaborated with mixer, John O’Mahony (Metric, Cold Play) on the latest Submarines album. He has also just completed producing and mixing Simmerkane-II the solo project of Dispatch and State Radio singer, Chadwick Stokes. John had done authorized remixes for Josh, Ritter, Avril Lavigne, Leigh Nash and others.</p>on the latest Submarines album. He has also just completed producing and mixing Simmerkane-II the solo project of Dispatch and State Radio singer, Chadwick Stokes. John had done authorized remixes for Josh, Ritter, Avril Lavigne, Leigh Nash and others.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="https://www.remixthec<p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4194" src="" alt="Move North South Water" width="198" height="300" /></a></p></br><p>The « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – literally South North Water Move – is the largest water transfer project in the world, between the southern and northern China. In the footsteps of this colossal project, the film stands by Antoine Boutet eventful mapping a territory where cement beats plains, rivers leave their beds, deserts become forests, which gradually voices are in demand of justice and the right to speak. While the material decomposes and individuals are alarmed, a landscape of science fiction, against nature, is recomposed.</p></br><p>Move North South Water released Wednesday, January 28th. If you want to associate yourself with one projection, contact the respective theater or distribution of the film: And if you want to support a projection in a city where the film is not yet scheduled, contact us:</p> where the film is not yet scheduled, contact us:</p>)
  • D'où vient l'eau potable du Grand Lyon ?  + (Cette vidéo retrace de manière très simpleCette vidéo retrace de manière très simple et claire le cycle de l'eau à partir du ruissellement dans la source jusqu'à la distribution dans le Grand Lyon en montrant étape par étape (ruissellement, infiltration, captage, production, stockage, distribution) comment ce parcours se déroule.tribution) comment ce parcours se déroule.)