« Mouvements » : différence entre les versions

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Version du 4 février 2016 à 22:40

Collectifs et mouvements porteurs d'initiatives et de projets autour des communs.

Association Interphaz
Commons Strategies Group
Communautique a pour mission de soutenir la participation citoyenne en favorisant la maîtrise de l'information, l'appropriation des technologies de l'information et des communications et la contribution à leur développement. Communautique participe, depuis maintenant six ans, à différents projets nationaux et internationaux qui visent à s’approprier la nouvelle approche des biens communs, tant pour en préciser les concepts que pour rallier les pratiques existantes à travers le monde qui relèvent de ce nouveau paradigme.
Culture & Démocratie
Fondée en 1993, constituée en asbl en 1994, association d’éducation permanente depuis 2010, Culture & Démocratie est une plateforme de réflexion, d’observation, d’échange et de sensibilisation à ce qui lie la culture et la démocratie. Cette articulation nourrit l’association depuis son origine.

Culture & Démocratie inscrit son travail de recherche et de réflexion dans plusieurs axes thématiques – prison, enseignement, santé, travail social, droit de participer à la vie culturelle, numérique, territoires, communs, migration(s) – dont elle explore à chaque fois l’articulation au champ culturel. Ces travaux donnent lieu à des échanges et des publications.

European Commons Assembly
European Commons Assembly is an ongoing process that facilitates pluralistic debate regarding the strategy and agenda for a fundamentally united political vision. It supports activists’ continued engagement in concrete, collaborative and bottom-up actions and campaigns in Europe, and ultimately helps to build a flourishing European political civil society movement for the commons.

The main objectives were defined in the initial meeting CommonsWatch (see Commons Watch Report):

  • to stand in solidarity around our diverse struggles for the commons,
  • to exchange experiences, case studies and other information,
  • to develop and govern resources in an open, participatory and inclusive manner (funding, infrastructures...) to support our activities,
  • to develop policies to preserve the commons and commoners and participate in lawmaking processes,
  • to strenghten, gain visibility and campaign better, European Commons Assembly is an ongoing process that facilitates pluralistic debate regarding the strategy and agenda for a fundamentally united political vision. It supports activists’ continued engagement in concrete, collaborative and bottom-up actions and campaigns in Europe, and ultimately helps to build a flourishing European political civil society movement for the commons.
Finance et commun
Le groupe de travail « Finance en biens communs » (Finance-BC) a été conçu, au cours de l’année 2014 comme un atelier de réflexion sur la problématique de la finance vue à travers la perspective des « biens communs » (au sens des Common-pool resources étudiées par Elinor Ostrom).
FRMJC d'Ile de France et les biens communs
La FRMJC d'Ile de France a lancé une démarche de reconstitution du projet des maisons de jeunes et de la culture comme biens communs.
Kër Thiossane
La Coop des Communs
Association dédiée au rapprochement entre le ESS et les communs.
La Hidra Cooperativa
La Hidra Cooperativa www.lahidra.net a "political enterprise” (that’s the way we call our economic nodes) focused on a critical approach to the political economy, analyzing the collisions and relations between urban powers and urban commons. La Hidra is part of the Fundación de los Comunes
P2P Foundation
Public works
We are a none for profit organisation with the prime interest in finding methods of constructing urban or knowledge commons.

Public works is a not-for-profit critical design practice, set up in 2004, that works within the terrain of architecture, art and design activism to bring about positive social and environmental change and support urban democracy. Together with out extended interdisciplinary network, we re-work spatial, social and economic opportunities towards citizen driven development with the intention to improve civic life. We forge long-term relationships with our clients and collaborators to build trust and enable co-authorship in city making. Our projects, research and teaching methods act as catalysts for this.Our outputs include discursive events, campaigns, urban strategies, participatory art and architecture across all scales. Its aesthetic and scale are determined by the external collaborators involved and project locality, which makes every public works project unique.

Currently all of our projects are experimenting with and examining methods with which we can claim land from the private sector into common ownership. We work both with local authorities and policies to negotiate on behalf or sometimes with community groups in their engagement in self governance and development of their neighbourhoods.

Remix the commons/Collectif initial en 2011
Remix Biens Communs est un espace interculturel de partage et de co-création de documents multimédias sur les biens communs. Le projet est porté par un collectif interculturel, composé de personnes et d’organisations qui pensent que le recueil, l’échange et le remix des récits, des définitions et des images des biens communs sont une manière active et conviviale de s’approprier cette notion et de la diffuser dans la société.
Réseau francophone des biens communs
Straddle3 is a Barcelona-based multidisciplinary collective that works on open source urban projects, like the transformation of vacant urban sites into community spaces, DIY houses built out of recycled materials, participatory social/cultural facilities and free software tools for collaborative urban action.

We believe in bottom-up collaboration projects, supported by open source platforms and technologies. The internet, when free and open, can be a fundamental tool for cooperation. That's why through the years we have taken part in the development of several free software tools for collaborative architecture and urban transformation: arquitecturascolectivas.net, grrr.tools, parcmalda.cat and publicspace.tools, among others.

Recently we have been working on improving Public Space Tools, a collaborative platform created to share experiences and good practices related to public space, and also to explain how they were carried out in practical terms. We want to focus on process, particularly from the perspective of legal and bureaucratic obstacles which can be solved more easily when shared, and to contribute to the common battle for the right to public space.

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