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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « <p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00 à 20:00, Venez, REMIXER LES BIENS COMMUNS, à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, (38 rue Saint-Sabin – Paris). </strong></p> <p>Le 21 mars, profitant d’une session de travail du réseau en France, nous vous proposons un moment de dialogue convivial et de partage des initiatives culturelles et médiatiques sur les biens communs avec <a href="">Communautique</a>, Le <a href="">Forum Marocain des Alternatives Solidaires</a>, <a href="">Ker Thiossane,</a> le <a href="">LARTES</a> et <a href="">VECAM</a>,.</p> <p>Nous vous invitons à partager vos initiatives au même titre que celles du réseau Remix the Commons : la mosaïque et les chapitres de la collection multimédia, et de ses membres : les Petits déjeuners en-communs, À l’école des communs à Montréal, la Réparation Communautaire pour la transition dans la justice au Maroc, Afropixel, festival d’arts numériques sur les biens communs, les Chartes de gouvernance démocratique au Sénégal…</p> <p>Nous vous proposerons également de participer à la préparation d’une démarche de curation des médias sur les thèmes de la conférence : <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a>, qui se déroule à Berlin du 22 au 24 mai.</p> <p>Enfin, de 19:00 à 20:00, nous vous proposerons de profiter de la présence de membres du réseau francophone des biens communs venus de Montréal, Dakar et Rabat pour faire un tour d’horizon des initiatives en cours et un point sur le fonctionnement collectif.</p> <p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p> ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 52 résultats à partir du nº 1.

Voir (100 précédentes | 100 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste de résultats

  • Projet de territoire de gestion de l'eau du bassin du Clain  + (Dans cette vidéo Christine Graval (conseilDans cette vidéo Christine Graval (conseillère régionale de la Vienne), Nicolas Fortin (secrétaire national Confédération Paysanne), Jean-Claude Hallouin (conseiller juridique Vienne Nature) et Jean-Pierre Coillot (vice-président UFC que choisir de la Vienne) présentent le projet territorial de gestion de l'eau du bassin du Clain. Chacun et chacune à partir de sa propre perspective (politique, juridique, sanitaire, agricole) les intervenants nous expliquent les raisons qui ont motivé le lancement de ce projet, ainsi que les défis, les enjeux et les objectifs qui concernent surtout la répartition équitable, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.e, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.)
  • Le droit d'auteur comme mode de production  + (Dans cette vidéo Christophe Magis nous donDans cette vidéo Christophe Magis nous donne une lecture historique de l'économie politique de l'industrie musicale. Il nous propose une analyse des transformations du rôle des droits d’auteur dans l’industrie musicale s’appuyant sur une articulation entre les apports de la socio-économie des industries culturelles et la périodisation matérialiste historique marxienne du capitalisme. Ce faisant, il explique qu'il faut différencier historiquement les modalités d’utilisation des dispositifs du droit d’auteur comme moyen de création de valeur au cours du développement de la filière musicale et de les replacer dans une histoire séculaire des modèles de création/captation de la valeur dans le secteur des industries culturelles.ans le secteur des industries culturelles.)
  • Le nucléaire entre géopolitique, science et transition énergétique  + (Dans cette vidéo Jacqueline Frost et Jean-Dans cette vidéo Jacqueline Frost et Jean-Marc Royer nous présentent leurs travaux sur la question du nucléaire à partir de deux perspectives très différentes. Frost mène effectivement une recherche sur les dimensions politiques et culturelles de l'impérialisme nucléaire à l'époque de la révolution tiers-mondiste (1950-1970), notamment elle analyse la façon dont des écrivains et artistes anticoloniaux ont contribué à conceptualiser les liens entre décolonisation, guerre froide globale, apocalypse nucléaire et désastre socio-écologique. En revanche l'intervention de Royer reprend largement les réflexions autour de la philosophie politique du nucléaire contenues dans son livre sorti en 2017 « Le Monde comme projet Manhattan. Des laboratoires du nucléaire à la guerre généralisée au vivant ».éaire à la guerre généralisée au vivant ».)
  • Autour du concept de reproduction : généalogie et perspectives  + (Dans cette vidéo Matteo Polleri nous préseDans cette vidéo Matteo Polleri nous présente tout d'abord une réflexion autour de la notion de « production biopolitique » forgée par Michael Hardt et Antonio Negri en intérrogéant l’arrière-plan de cette articulation marxiste-foucaldienne des concepts de reproduction sociale et biopouvoir. Ensuite Étienne Balibar traite, dans un premier temps, du concept marxien de la « reproduction du capital » en l'inscrivant dans une généalogie qui met en évidence sa polysémie. Dans un deuxième temps il renverse le point de vue et se concentre sur la question de la « non-reproduction » (d’un rapport social, d’une formation sociale, d’un équilibre économique), qui peut elle-même s’entendre soit dans le registre de la structure, soit dans celui de l’accident conjoncturel ou de la l’accident conjoncturel ou de la crise.)
  • La Gestion de l'eau en France  + (Dans cette vidéo de la chaîne Youtube « LeDans cette vidéo de la chaîne Youtube « Le monde de l'hydrobiologie » il nous est expliqué comment la gestion de l'eau s'articule en France. On retrouve une présentation synthétique des trois grandes lois (1964 Gestion de l'eau par grands bassins, 1992 Loi sur l'eau, 2006 Loi sur l'eau et les milieux aquatiques) autour desquelles cette gestion est aménagée. Pour chacune des lois il y a une description des mesures et des organes spécifiques mis en place pour régler la gestion de l'eau. en place pour régler la gestion de l'eau.)
  • Méga-bassines, sécheresse : la France va-t-elle manquer d'eau ?  + (Dans cette vidéo il nous est expliqué la cDans cette vidéo il nous est expliqué la crise de l'eau que depuis quelques années traverse la France. Avec le changement climatique, les vagues de chaleurs et la sécheresse, la question qu'il faut se poser est si la France aura assez d’eau pour cultiver ses champs et nourrir sa population. Ici on retrouve des témoignages d'agriculteurs et une problématisation de la crise de l'eau qui vise à mettre en exergue les facteurs qui la causent, les enjeux et les solutions possible.ent, les enjeux et les solutions possible.)
  • Les Champs Captants du Sud de Lille  + (Dans cette vidéo l'association « EntrelianDans cette vidéo l'association « Entrelianes » nous parle des enjeux environnementaux auxquels Les Champs Captants sont confrontés : défi climatique, crise de la biodiversité et crise de l'eau. Il s'agit d'un territoire qui alimente 30% de l'eau potable de la Métropole Européenne de Lille. L'expression « champs captants » définit des terres qui infiltrent directement l'eau de la pluie vers les nappes phréatiques sous-jacentes.vers les nappes phréatiques sous-jacentes.)
  • L'impérialisme de plateforme  + (Dans cette vidéo les interventions de NikoDans cette vidéo les interventions de Nikos Smyrnaios et Kianoosh Yasaei traitent du pouvoir grandissant des plateformes numériques d'un point de vue économique mais surtout politique. Le premier se concentre sur la conjoncture actuelle qui, bien que porteuse de turbulences économiques, ne semble pas mettre en cause l'emprise structurelle des géants du Web sur la quasi-totalité de notre vie sociale et économique, ce qui leur confère un pouvoir extraordinaire et leur assure un avenir profitable. Cependant, Smyrnaios souligne que ce contexte les oblige de reconsidérer une partie de leurs stratégies. En revanche, Yasaei met en exergue le fait que ces entreprises se trouvent au centre d'un réseau transnational et interconnecté d'acteurs privés-publics-sécuritaires dont le pouvoir dépasse parfois la souveraineté des États. En même temps, le développement des plateformes numériques à l’échelle mondiale a été accompagné d'une réémergence des États et a été révélateur de la constitution d'un nouvel ordre économique mondial. C'est pour cela qu'il essaie d'esquisser une conceptualisation de cette phase de l'économie capitaliste en analysant l'essor des plateformes à travers le concept d'impérialisme.ormes à travers le concept d'impérialisme.)
  • Accompagner la gouvernance concertée des eaux souterraines - Limaoua  + (Dans cette vidéo on retrouve le travail deDans cette vidéo on retrouve le travail de conception des politiques de gestion de l'eau mises en place à Limaoua en Tunisie. L'idée était d'adopter une démarche participative pour arriver à une gouvernance concertées des eaux souterraines. Professionnels, agriculteurs et d'autres acteurs concernés nous expliquent les raisons qui ont motivé ce choix.quent les raisons qui ont motivé ce choix.)
  • Accompagner la gouvernance concertée des eaux souterraines - Aousja  + (Dans cette vidéo on retrouve une rétrospécDans cette vidéo on retrouve une rétrospéctive des politiques de gestion de l'eau mises en place à Aousja en Tunisie. L'idée était d'adopter une démarche participative pour arriver à une gouvernance concertées des eaux souterraines. Professionnels, agriculteurs et d'autres acteurs concernés nous expliquent les raisons qui ont motivé ce choix et comment le processus s'est déroulé.oix et comment le processus s'est déroulé.)
  • Mégabassines, histoire secrète d'un mensonge d'État  + (Dans cette vidéo réalisée par Clarisse FélDans cette vidéo réalisée par Clarisse Félétin on parle de la question des mégabassines à partir du cas particulier de la zone humide du Marais poitevin. L'enquête montre, d'un côté, les intérêts financiers sous-jacents les discours promouvant et justifiant les mégabassines avec le soutien inconditionnel de l'État et dévoile, de l'autre, la nature mensongère de ces discours avec les effets néfastes que cette gestion engendre (pénurie d'eau, pollution, destruction des écosystèmes etc.).lution, destruction des écosystèmes etc.).)
  • L'eau est un bien commun  + (Dans le cas de l'eau il ne s'agit pas de pDans le cas de l'eau il ne s'agit pas de penser à cette ressource en tant que naturellement et intrinsèquement commune. Au contraire, l'eau devient un bien commun lorsqu'un collectif l'institue comme bien commun, c'est-à-dire en fait une ressource commune par un processus démocratique qui définissent les termes dans lesquels l'eau est utilisée, produite et distribuée.'eau est utilisée, produite et distribuée.)
  • Co-construction d’une nouvelle structure tarifaire solidaire et environnementale  + (Dans le contexte de la mise en place de laDans le contexte de la mise en place de la Régie publique de l’Eau, la Métropole de Lyon et la Régie ont proposé un</br>premier cycle de travail à l’Assemblée des Usagers de l'eau sur la mise en place d’une tarification solidaire et environnementale de l’eau potable. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une réflexion plus large sur le « droit à l’eau ». La spécificité de la démarche proposée par la Métropole et la Régie à l’Assemblée a résidé dans sa volonté d’une co-construction des évolutions du cadre tarifaire entre les usagers, à travers l’Assemblée, les services de la Métropole et de la Régie et les élus. Dans ce bilan on retrouve décrit le processus qui a accompagné cette démarche, ses résultats et ses perspectives résultats et ses perspectives futures.)
  • Fin du monde et petits fours : Les élites transnationales face à la crise climatique  + (Dans une situation d'urgence climatique oùDans une situation d'urgence climatique où modes de vie carbonifères des élites économiques sont de plus en plus pointés du doigt, Edouard Morena parle du rôle de ces acteurs qui sont accusés de fuir leurs responsabilités. Or, loin d'être des observateurs passifs et détachés ou des preppers haut de gamme, les élites économiques sont des acteurs clés du débat climatique international. Elles sont les promoteurs acharnés du capitalisme vert, un projet politique taillé sur mesure et qui garantit leurs intérêts de classe dans un monde en surchauffe. Cette rencontre est aussi l'occasion de présenter son livre titré justement « Fin du monde et petits fours : Les élites transnationales face à la crise climatique ».nsnationales face à la crise climatique ».)
  • L'approche COOPLAGE  + (Développé à partir du 2004, l'approche « CDéveloppé à partir du 2004, l'approche « CoOPLAGE (Coupler des Outils Ouverts et Participatifs pour Laisser les Acteurs s’adapter pour la Gestion de l’Eau » a été élaboré par les chercheurs INRAE de l’Unité Mixte de Recherche gestion de l’Eau, Acteurs, Usages à Montpellier. Il s'agit d'une suite intégrée d’outils et protocoles participatifs destinés à accompagner et autonomiser des groupes d’acteurs de tous niveaux vers une discussion et un engagement réel dans des stratégies de changement social et environnemental. Outre la présentation générale de cette approche dans cette page on retrouve aussi une fiche téléchargeable en anglais qui explique les différentes étapes.glais qui explique les différentes étapes.)
  • Institutions du commun, revenu de base et économies populaires  + (Est-il possible d'organiser le commun à paEst-il possible d'organiser le commun à partir de la pratique, la régularité du lien social au-delà de la transcendance normative ? Comment réinventer la relation entre le commun et le singulier ? C'est à cet ordre de question qu'Ariel Pennisi essaie de répondre dans son intervention. En réaction à les transformations engendrées au sein des institutions publiques par les politiques néolibérales, on observe nouveaux formes de conflits émerger et revendiquer nouvelles façons de sentir, de vivre ensemble et de s'organiser. Ces luttes entraînent la création de nouvelles institutions, ni véritablement publiques, ni privées. Partant de cette thèse, Pennisi s'interroge sur la manière dont le revenu de base peut-il être pensé comme une nouvelle forme institutionnelle soutenue par une multiplicité d'acteurs proches de l'État, mais non monopolisée par l'État.e l'État, mais non monopolisée par l'État.)
  • Les développements d'accès à une alimentation saine et durable  + (Face aux dégénérations du système agro-aliFace aux dégénérations du système agro-alimentaire plusieurs paysans, militants, producteurs et citoyens se sont alliés pour favoriser l'essor de pratiques alimentaires durables centrée sur la qualité des produits le respect de l'environnement tout en gardant au centre de leurs efforts la question de l'accessibilité. Comment s'organise aujourd'hui la résistance à l'industrie alimentaire ? Quelles sont les expériences à l'œuvre pour construire des alternatives concrètes et faire de l'alimentation un véritable bien commun ? Comment remettre au cœur de l'alimentation la solidarité et la démocratie ? Dans cette vidéo plusieurs acteurs nous raconte des circuits existants qui promeuvent l'accès à une alimentation saine et durable.accès à une alimentation saine et durable.)
  • Épisode 3 Conflits d’eau, enjeux de pouvoir - De la géopolitique au dialogue territorial  + (Face à l'émergence et à la démultiplicatioFace à l'émergence et à la démultiplication des conflits de l'eau à niveau local, national et international Emma Haziza (hydrologue), Julie Trottier (directrice de recherche au CNRS) et Fadi Comair (viceprésident du Programme Hydrologique Intergouvernemental de l'UNESCO) interrogent et problématisent ces tensions pour mettre en exergue enjeux, raisons et solutions possibles. L'une des pistes suggérées par les intervenant.e.s porte précisément sur la possibilité de centrer la gestion de l'eau sur la demande plutôt que sur l'offre.eau sur la demande plutôt que sur l'offre.)
  • Entretien avec Fanch Frigo de La Cité de l'agriculture  + (Fanch Frigo présente l'association La CitéFanch Frigo présente l'association La Cité de l'agriculture, laboratoire pour la transition écologique des villes. Les deux axes sur lesquels l'association travaille sont : l'agriculture urbaine et l'alimentation durable. Fanch coordonne des projets en alimentation durable et nous raconte quels efforts La Cité de l'agriculture met en place pour favoriser l'accessibilité à l'alimentation.avoriser l'accessibilité à l'alimentation.)
  • Révolte des banlieues et violences policières  + (Françoise Vergès et Wissam Xelka abordent Françoise Vergès et Wissam Xelka abordent la question du racisme, de sa persistance au sein des institutions françaises, des conséquences politiques de ce phénomène ainsi que des luttes anti-racistes et décoloniales. Plus précisément, l'intervention de Vergès porte sur une double critique de l'État et du capitalisme en tant que vecteurs de plusieurs formes de violences qui trouvent leur racine commune dans le patriarcat et le racisme, tandis que celle de Xelka trace une comparaison entre les émeutes de 2005 et de 2023 pour mettre en évidence la position de la gauche face à ces révoltes.position de la gauche face à ces révoltes.)
  • Entretien avec Jérome Bar d'Aequitaz  + (Jérome est artisan de justice sociale à AeJérome est artisan de justice sociale à Aequitaz, association dont il est co-fondateur. Cette association mobilise des personnes qui vivent la précarité pour essayer de construire la solidarité entre elles et faire des propositions de politiques publiques.</br>Parmi les axes sur lesquels ils travaillent il y a celui de la démocratie alimentaire. L'alimentation devrait être considéré comme un bien commun dont tout le monde doit bénéficier selon ses propres besoins et en tant que droit contre une approche caritative. De cette façon l'alimentation peut devenir un véritable levier pour combattre contre la précarité.levier pour combattre contre la précarité.)
  • Chapitre 3 : Auto-organiser le soin en commun  + (L'urgence de la crise du Covid a créé une L'urgence de la crise du Covid a créé une situation où les professionnels de la santé ont pu dans beaucoup de cas reprendre le contrôle de l'activité soignante en implémentant des formes de gouvernance participative et centrées sur le service offert à la population. Qu'est qu'il faut retenir de ces expériences pour les prolonger au-delà d'une situation exceptionnelle ? Comment se charger collectivement du soin et faire de la santé une véritable commun ?t faire de la santé une véritable commun ?)
  • Maison des Utopies en Expérimentation (MUE)  + (La Maison des utopies est un projet de création de lieu de refuge, de ressourcement et d'activité pour les collectifs militants engagés pour une transformation radicale.)
  • L'eau, une question politique  + (La gestion de l’eau et son partage sont loLa gestion de l’eau et son partage sont longtemps restés dans le champ des questions techniques. Le changement climatique, les sécheresses répétées ou encore les mobilisations contre les méga-bassines ont fait de l’eau une question politique centrale. Dans ce documentaire professionnels, élus et chercheurs interviennent pour apporter leur perspective sur la question de la gestion de l'eau en nous montrant sa centralité dans les enjeux politiques contemporains. Avec des climatologues, hydrologue et spécialistes des politiques de l’eau, l'épisode vise à refaire le niveau des connaissances et à dessiner, avec des élus, philosophes et citoyens engagés, les pistes d’une réappropriation de l’eau dans nos réappropriation de l’eau dans nos vies.)
  • Le retour de l'eau en régie publique  + (La gestion est de plus en plus fragile entLa gestion est de plus en plus fragile entre sécheresse, mesures de restriction et qualité de service. En réaction à ces défis, plusieurs villes, dont Lyon et Bourdeaux dernièrement, ont choisi de mettre en place une régie de l'eau en basculant du privé au public. Dans cet entretien, Anne le Srat (qui a piloté le passage de la ville de Paris en régie publique il y a 13 ans) et Bruno Bernard (président Europe Ecologie les Verts de la métropole de Lyon) nous aide à mieux comprendre ces tentatives de réappropriation de la maîtrise du cycle de l'eau par les institutions publiques et les citoyens. Pourquoi faire ce choix ? Qu'est-ce que cela change ? Quelles conséquences pratiques lorsqu'on conçoit l'eau en tant que bien commun ?on conçoit l'eau en tant que bien commun ?)
  • Sécheresse hivernale, manque d'eau : la catastrophe qui se profile  + (La journaliste Paloma Moritz nous montre dLa journaliste Paloma Moritz nous montre dans cette vidéo les implications de la période de sécheresse hivernale qui a touché la France du 21 janvier au 22 février 2023. Elle explore les risques liés au manque d'eau, risques qui affectent à la fois l'usage de l'eau dans l'agriculture et la disponibilité d'eau potable.culture et la disponibilité d'eau potable.)
  • Théorie critique et crise écologique  + (La théorie critique de la société fait-ellLa théorie critique de la société fait-elle face à la crise écologique comme à un défi qui l’oblige à se renouveler et à se transformer ? Poser la question en ces termes, c’est présumer que la théorie critique ne serait en réalité pas véritablement armée pour faire face au défi de la crise climatique et écologique, que son histoire et l’héritage qu’elle porte ne lui permettraient pas de l’affronter sans devoir être mise à jour. Dans son intervention Franck Fischbach reprendra la critique philosophique de la domination de la nature menée par Adorno et Horkheimer pour se demander s'elle est fondée et dans quelle mesure on peut justifier de lui substituer la catégorie de « rupture métabolique ».r la catégorie de « rupture métabolique ».)
  • Carnet de voyage de la recherche-action au Shakirail  + (Le "Carnet de voyage" de la démarche de recherche-action du Shakiraïl et des habitant·e·s consiste à documenter le projet dans une perspective de commoning.)
  • GIRE - Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau  + (Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale) a intégré dans ses démarches le concept de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau. Dans cette fiche il nous est expliqué dans quelle mesure les processus de GIRE sont mis en place. On retrouve également des témoignages des acteurs concernés et un focus sur deux projets menés au Sénégal et en Haïti.deux projets menés au Sénégal et en Haïti.)
  • Travail et exploitation du vivant  + (Les processus de valorisation et accumulatLes processus de valorisation et accumulation du capital sont toujours en train d'élargir leur prise sur le réel : individus, ressources naturelles mais aussi les animaux. Benedetta Piazzesi et Paul Guillibert nous racontent, à partir de deux perspectives différentes et complémentaires, comment se réalise l'exploitation du vivant, en l'occurrence des animaux. Si Piazzesi nous présentent une généalogie des modalités avec lesquelles les animaux ont été mis au travail entre XVIIe et XIXe siècle, Guillibert emploie un cadre d'analyse marxiste pour esquisser une théorie écologique des modes de subsomption du capital.gique des modes de subsomption du capital.)
  • Comment imposer une limite absolue au capitalisme?  + (Les trois livres principaux de Gilles DeleLes trois livres principaux de Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari portent sur la même question: comment renverser le capitalisme, comment imposer au système capitaliste immanent sa limite absolue. Et ils ont proposé, pour cela, une seule et même stratégie invariable: le devenir-révolutionnaire de tout le monde. Cela étant le point de départ de l'intervention de Jun Fujita Hirose, il s'interrogera sur la situation contemporaine où le capitalisme entre dans un ultérieur moment de destruction créative, à travers lequel un nouveau régime d' accumulation mondial est en train de s'installer, sous l'hégémonie chinoise et avec les métaux rares comme matière paradigmatique. Quelle est la tactique qui correspond à cette nouvelle conjoncture?i correspond à cette nouvelle conjoncture?)
  • Discussion autour de « Que Faire ? » de Ludivine Bantigny  + (Ludivine Bantigny et Francesco Brancaccio Ludivine Bantigny et Francesco Brancaccio ont profité de cette occasion pour dresser un bilan des luttes du printemps et de l'été 2023, mais aussi pour esquisser des perspectives pour les luttes des mois à venir. Le prétexte à partir duquel développer ces réflexions a été justement la publication du livre de Bantigny « Que Faire ? Exemples et propositions d'hier et d'aujourd'hui pour repenser travail, propriété et démocratie ».penser travail, propriété et démocratie ».)
  • Canicules, feux, inondations : comment éviter le pire ?  + (Magali Reghezza, géographe et membre du HaMagali Reghezza, géographe et membre du Haut Conseil pour le climat, se focalise sur les risques climatiques dans la mesure où de plus en plus chaque année les impacts des vagues de chaleur, des sécheresses ou des inondations s’aggravent, avec des conséquences toujours plus fortes pour la santé humaine et l’économie. Reghezza nous propose des mesures à prendre pour être, d'un côté, moins vulnérables aux feux de forêts, aux inondations, aux vagues de chaleur et, de l'autre, pour envisager un futur différent.'autre, pour envisager un futur différent.)
  • Entretien avec Marc Alphandery autour de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation durables  + (Marc Alphandery, référent Agriculture et aMarc Alphandery, référent Agriculture et alimentation durables au sein du Labo de l'ESS, retrace son parcours d'engagement pour le droit à l'alimentation. La préoccupation à la base de son investissement a toujours été comment une alimentation de qualité peut devenir un véritable droit pour tout le monde, d'autant plus que souvent elle n'est pas accessible pour ceux et celles qui sont dans une situation de précarité financière. À quel point où l'on est aujourd'hui ? Quels sont les enjeux autour de cette question ?sont les enjeux autour de cette question ?)
  • Entretien avec les Paniers Marseillais et Amap de Provence  + (Mauranne est animatrice chez le réseau AmaMauranne est animatrice chez le réseau Amap de Provence et Eva travaille aux Paniers Marseillais, réseau d'Amap sur Marseille, et elle est chargée des questions liées à l'accessibilité alimentaire. Elles retracent leur parcours personnel et professionnel ainsi que la façon dont celui-ci les a conduit à s'engager pour le droit à l'alimentation, notamment dans les Associations pour le Maintien de l'Agriculture Paysanne. Comment élargir ces dynamiques de solidarité entre paysans et mangeurs au reste de la population et rendre l'alimentation quelque chose de vraiment accessible pour toutes et tous ? Quels enjeux pour le mouvement des Amap ? Quels enjeux pour le mouvement des Amap ?)
  • Chartes de gouvernance au Sénégal  + (Nous reprenons ici le travail documentatioNous reprenons ici le travail documentation de l'élaboration de deux chartes de gouvernance réalisé par le LARTES IFAN en 2013 dans le cadre des démarches de préfiguration de Remix the commons. </br></br>L'une est la charte de bon voisinage d'une association d'ahabitants d'un quartier à Dakar, et l'autre est la charte de Gouvernance démocratique élaborée tout au long des Assises Nationales du Sénégal qui ont préparé les élections présidentielles au Sénégal en 2009.ctions présidentielles au Sénégal en 2009.)
  • Chapitre 2 : La santé sous pression néo-libérale  + (Parmi les secteurs les plus touchés par leParmi les secteurs les plus touchés par les politiques néolibérales des dernières décennies, le domaine de la santé a été objet de transformations profondes. Les mots d'ordre étant financiarisation, privatisation, performance et évaluation, il en a découlé que les conditions de travail du personnel soignant se sont de plus en plus dégradées sous l'impératif de l'efficience économique et de la rentabilité.fficience économique et de la rentabilité.)
  • GIRE locale dans les Niayes au Sénégal  + (Projet d'opérationnalisation du GRET d'une GIRE locale dans les Niayes au Sénégal : faire commun pour préserver les ressources en eaux souterraines.)
  • Chapitre 1 : Soin empêché  + (Qu'est-ce que le soin ? Professionnels de Qu'est-ce que le soin ? Professionnels de la santé et chercheurs s'interrogent sur l'activité de soin aujourd'hui, une activité qu'au fil des années a été soumise à plusieurs contrainte. C'est pour cela qu'il faut remettre au centre la qualité du soin, ce qui implique reconnaître et valoriser toute une série de gestes et d'attentions invisibilisées et pourtant indispensables. Il s'agit, en effet, de tout ce que, sans être forcement rentable, donne du sens à l'expérience du soignant et du soigné.s à l'expérience du soignant et du soigné.)
  • Entretien avec Raoul Michel de Super Cafoutch  + (Raoul Michel est membre du comité de gouveRaoul Michel est membre du comité de gouvernance Super Cafoutch, supermarché coopératif et participatif à Marseille. Cela veut dire que les membres détiennent les parts sociales du supermarché et participent à toutes les tâches du magasin trois heures par mois. Le Super Cafoutch a pour objectif de proposer une gamme de produits du quotidien la plus large possible, tout en veillant à rester un commerce éthique, respectueux de l’environnement et qui privilégie l’économie locale par des circuits courts. Dans cet entretien Raoul nous raconte son parcours commencé avec le mouvement Slow Food. En outre il met en exergue les besoins et les difficultés qui ont accompagné la mise en place d'un supermarché coopératif, ainsi que les défis qui se posent aujourd'hui.i que les défis qui se posent aujourd'hui.)
  • « Ce que l'entreprise partagée nous apprend sur le travail »  + (Sarah de Heusch est chargée d’affaires insSarah de Heusch est chargée d’affaires institutionnelles pour Smart et présidente du comité éthique de la coopérative. Dans cette vidéo elle nous raconte l'évolution de la coopérative Smart : commençant par les artistes, elle s'est progressivement élargie aux autres secteurs de l'économie dite créative puis à tous les secteurs d’activité. De son ancrage belge à son essaimage international, la coopérative a découvert différents cadres légaux et différentes solutions opératoires en devenant un observatoire unique des transformations des forces productives « à la marge » (freelances, pluriactifs et autres figure du travail intermittent) qui développent leurs parcours dans des situations de travail variées sur le plan contractuel et professionnel. sur le plan contractuel et professionnel.)
  • Eau Lyon (titre temporaire)  + (Schéma récapitulatif des rôles de l'Assemblée des usagers de l'eau dans la démarche de gestion publique de l'eau mise en place par la Métropole de Lyon)
  • Hommage à Silke Helfrich  + (Silke Helfrich est décédée lors d’un accident de montagne au Liechtenstein le 10 novembre 2021. Remix lui a rendu hommage à travers un temps de rencontre dédié au partage et à la continuation de son travail.)
  • Les îles de Crépieux-Charmy, eau potable et nature  + (Situées au nord de Lyon, les îles de CrépiSituées au nord de Lyon, les îles de Crépieux-Charmy abritent le champ captant, principale source d'alimentation en eau potable de la Métropole de Lyon. Protégé, ce site classé en aire de protection de biotope, a une exceptionnelle biodiversité. 98% de l'eau distribuée sur la Métropole de Lyon est puisée dans les nappes souterraines du Rhône, prélevées dans ce champ captant qui est le plus grand d'Europe. Situé au nord de Lyon, ce territoire compte 114 puits sur 375 hectaresrritoire compte 114 puits sur 375 hectares)
  • Ri-Maflow  + (Visite de l'entreprise récupérée Ri-Maflow avec Gigi Malabarba.)
  • European Commons Assembly  + (European Commons Assembly is an ongoing prEuropean Commons Assembly is an ongoing process that facilitates pluralistic debate regarding the strategy and agenda for a fundamentally united political vision. It supports activists’ continued engagement in concrete, collaborative and bottom-up actions and campaigns in Europe, and ultimately helps to build a flourishing European political civil society movement for the commons. </br></br>The main objectives were defined in the initial meeting CommonsWatch (see Commons Watch Report):</br>* to stand in solidarity around our diverse struggles for the commons,</br>* to exchange experiences, case studies and other information,</br>* to develop and govern resources in an open, participatory and inclusive manner (funding, infrastructures...) to support our activities,</br>* to develop policies to preserve the commons and commoners and participate in lawmaking processes,</br>* to strenghten, gain visibility and campaign betterghten, gain visibility and campaign better)
  • Catalunya en Comú - Building a country in common(s)  + (Interview with Joan Subirats - Barcelona, April 20, 2017)
  • Justice transitionnelle: l'expérience Marocaine  + (Project Justice transitionnelle, l'expérieProject Justice transitionnelle, l'expérience Marocaine aims to share videos about the process of transitional justice and community reparation and to preserve memory of victim communities during “the years of lead” in Morocco and what kinds of public hearings took place, in fact those hearings gave the highlight of an extensive process of citizen deliberation, compassion and free expression in Morocco. They also talked about lots of stories about how community reparation project aimed to improve the living conditions of the people in victim communities and empower them. In fact, those materials mainly focused on women and children.ials mainly focused on women and children.)
  • Quelle stratégie participative pour la gestion locale de l’eau avec les citoyens ? Volume 5 - Rapport final  + (« Dans le cadre du projet « Quelle stratég« Dans le cadre du projet « Quelle stratégie participative pour la gestion locale de l’eau avec les</br>citoyens ? », cinq terrains ont été accompagnés par IRSTEA dans la construction et la mise en</br>œuvre de leur démarche participative. Ces terrains sont représentatifs de différentes zones du bassin Rhône Méditerranée Corse et de différents enjeux auxquels cherchent à répondre les gestionnaires de l’eau: restauration</br>hydromorphologique, partage de l’eau entre différentes usages, inondations et gestion intégrée.</br>L’objectif était que les retours d’expérience de ces cinq démarches participatives puissent être utiles à d’autres gestionnaires de l’eau voulant mettre en place des démarches participatives sur leurs territoires.</br>Ce document a donc été construit autour des questions que se sont posées les gestionnaires de l’eau de ces cinq terrains avant, pendant et après leurs démarches participatives. Nous avons fait l’hypothèse que d’autres gestionnaires se poseraient les mêmes questions et qu’ils seraient donc intéressés par les choix qu’ont fait les cinq terrains pour y répondre et les enseignements qu’ils en ont tiré » (p. 6) enseignements qu’ils en ont tiré » (p. 6))
  • REGIRE Lac Togo  + (« Démarré en mai 2023, le projet REGIRE La« Démarré en mai 2023, le projet REGIRE Lac Togo découle d’une étude de faisabilité conduite par le Gret et la Direction des Ressources en Eau (DRE) du Togo pour caractériser les principaux enjeux des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant du Lac Togo. Dans un contexte de fortes pressions sur les ressources en eau du bassin dues à la croissance et à la concentration démographique, la diversité des usages et les impacts des changements climatiques, les équipes du projet ont l’intention de rendre opérationnelle une gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE) au niveau local (commune) selon une approche ascendante, territoriale et inclusive. Prévu pour la période 2023-2026, le projet sera mis en œuvre dans une phase pilote dans trois communes qui sont Haho 1, Kpélé 1 et Zio 2. À terme, ce projet, exécuté par le Gret et la DRE, permettra de mettre en place des organes locaux de gestion de l’eau, de réaliser des schémas locaux de gestion de l’eau, de contribuer à l’amélioration de l’action et des politiques publiques en matière de GIRE au Togo et de créer des mécanismes locaux de redevabilité. »r des mécanismes locaux de redevabilité. »)
  • TRAVAILLER ENSEMBLE en Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée  + (« TRAVAILLER ENSEMBLE EN TERRITOIRE ZÉRO C« TRAVAILLER ENSEMBLE EN TERRITOIRE ZÉRO CHÔMEUR DE LONGUE DURÉE » est un film documentaire réalisé par l’association « Autour du Premier Mai » avec de l’Entreprise à but d’emploi « La Fabrique », en Lorraine. Ce film permet de rentrer dans le quotidien de cette expérience de retour à l’emploi pour des chômeurs de longue durée et de les entendre échanger sur le travail avec Florence Jany-Catrice, une économiste spécialiste de cette initiative.conomiste spécialiste de cette initiative.)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00 à 20:00, Venez, REMIXER LES BIENS COMMUNS, à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, (38 rue Saint-Sabin – Paris). </strong></p></br><p>Le 21 mars, profitant d’une session de travail du réseau en France, nous vous proposons un moment de dialogue convivial et de partage des initiatives culturelles et médiatiques sur les biens communs avec <a href="">Communautique</a>, Le <a href="">Forum Marocain des Alternatives Solidaires</a>, <a href="">Ker Thiossane,</a> le <a href="">LARTES</a> et <a href="">VECAM</a>,.</p></br><p>Nous vous invitons à partager vos initiatives au même titre que celles du réseau Remix the Commons : la mosaïque et les chapitres de la collection multimédia, et de ses membres : les Petits déjeuners en-communs, À l’école des communs à Montréal, la Réparation Communautaire pour la transition dans la justice au Maroc, Afropixel, festival d’arts numériques sur les biens communs, les Chartes de gouvernance démocratique au Sénégal…</p></br><p>Nous vous proposerons également de participer à la préparation d’une démarche de curation des médias sur les thèmes de la conférence : <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a>, qui se déroule à Berlin du 22 au 24 mai.</p></br><p>Enfin, de 19:00 à 20:00, nous vous proposerons de profiter de la présence de membres du réseau francophone des biens communs venus de Montréal, Dakar et Rabat pour faire un tour d’horizon des initiatives en cours et un point sur le fonctionnement collectif.</p></br><p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p> <p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00 à 20:00, Venez, REMIXER LES BIENS COMMUNS, à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, (38 rue Saint-Sabin – Paris). </strong></p></br><p>Le 21 mars, profitant d’une session de travail du réseau en France, nous vous proposons un moment de dialogue convivial et de partage des initiatives culturelles et médiatiques sur les biens communs avec <a href="">Communautique</a>, Le <a href="">Forum Marocain des Alternatives Solidaires</a>, <a href="">Ker Thiossane,</a> le <a href="">LARTES</a> et <a href="">VECAM</a>,.</p></br><p>Nous vous invitons à partager vos initiatives au même titre que celles du réseau Remix the Commons : la mosaïque et les chapitres de la collection multimédia, et de ses membres : les Petits déjeuners en-communs, À l’école des communs à Montréal, la Réparation Communautaire pour la transition dans la justice au Maroc, Afropixel, festival d’arts numériques sur les biens communs, les Chartes de gouvernance démocratique au Sénégal…</p></br><p>Nous vous proposerons également de participer à la préparation d’une démarche de curation des médias sur les thèmes de la conférence : <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a>, qui se déroule à Berlin du 22 au 24 mai.</p></br><p>Enfin, de 19:00 à 20:00, nous vous proposerons de profiter de la présence de membres du réseau francophone des biens communs venus de Montréal, Dakar et Rabat pour faire un tour d’horizon des initiatives en cours et un point sur le fonctionnement collectif.</p></br><p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p> <p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00<p><strong>Le 21 mars de 17:00 à 20:00, Venez, REMIXER LES BIENS COMMUNS, à la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, (38 rue Saint-Sabin – Paris). </strong></p></br><p>Le 21 mars, profitant d’une session de travail du réseau en France, nous vous proposons un moment de dialogue convivial et de partage des initiatives culturelles et médiatiques sur les biens communs avec <a href="">Communautique</a>, Le <a href="">Forum Marocain des Alternatives Solidaires</a>, <a href="">Ker Thiossane,</a> le <a href="">LARTES</a> et <a href="">VECAM</a>,.</p></br><p>Nous vous invitons à partager vos initiatives au même titre que celles du réseau Remix the Commons : la mosaïque et les chapitres de la collection multimédia, et de ses membres : les Petits déjeuners en-communs, À l’école des communs à Montréal, la Réparation Communautaire pour la transition dans la justice au Maroc, Afropixel, festival d’arts numériques sur les biens communs, les Chartes de gouvernance démocratique au Sénégal…</p></br><p>Nous vous proposerons également de participer à la préparation d’une démarche de curation des médias sur les thèmes de la conférence : <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a>, qui se déroule à Berlin du 22 au 24 mai.</p></br><p>Enfin, de 19:00 à 20:00, nous vous proposerons de profiter de la présence de membres du réseau francophone des biens communs venus de Montréal, Dakar et Rabat pour faire un tour d’horizon des initiatives en cours et un point sur le fonctionnement collectif.</p></br><p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p> <p>Merci de confirmer votre participation en vous inscrivant sur le <a href=" ">sondage Framadate</a>.</p>)
  • Définition des communs selon Michel Bauwens (2013)  + ("Basically for me the commons is leading y"Basically for me the commons is leading your life and always thinking about how all other beings can benefit from it; so not only humanity but actually all living beings. So just yes it has to nourish yourself, but to do it in such a way that it also nourishes and spreads the benefits to more and more people. As opposed to the way it is supposed to work in our system which is simply as a question “how does it benefit me?”, and just hoping that somehow, indirectly, others may benefit from our selfishness. So I think we have to more directly pose the necessity and idea of everything we do has to create value for all living beings".as to create value for all living beings".)
  • Construisons ensemble - Auto construction d'éoliennes  + ("Construisons Ensemble - Un travail collec"Construisons Ensemble - Un travail collectif d'auto-construction d'éolienne riche de sens" est le 4ème épisode de la web-série documentaire sur les alternatives (http://www.side-ways.netSideWays). En une semaine, un groupe de 10 personnes va construire deux éoliennes avec un formateur expérimenté. Tout en apprenant le travail du bois, du métal et de l'électricité, les membres vont découvrir une autre manière de travailler. découvrez le magazine multimédia :</br></br>Le tournage a eu lieu lors du stage organisé à Henripont (Belgique) par Peter du 28 octobre au 2 novembre 2013. Mélanie et Aurélien, un jeune couple de Moselle, vivent dans une petite maison en bois. Pour des raisons pratiques et économiques, ils souhaitent devenir autonomes en électricité. Après de nombreuses recherches, ils se rendent compte que c'est plus compliqué qu'ils ne le pensent et qu'il faut éviter les nombreuses arnaques dans ce secteur. Ils décident alors de participer à un stage d'auto-construction d'éolienne avec l'association Tripalium.</br></br>'''Tripalium''' est une association fondée en 2007. Elle propose régulièrement des stages d'auto-construction d'éolienne ouverts à tous.''' Que l'on soit manuel ou non, tout le monde peut participer au stage et apprendre les différents métiers nécessaires à sa construction : travail du bois, du métal et de l'électricité.</br></br>Pendant un stage d'une semaine, une ou deux éoliennes sont fabriquées par le groupe. Elles sont alors tirées au sort parmi les participants qui souhaitent l'acheter. Le coût correspond alors au prix des matériaux bruts nécessaires à la construction. Mélanie et Aurélien participent au stage qui a lieu à Henripont, un petit village belge situé à une trentaine de kilomètres de Bruxelles.</br></br>Dans un habitat groupé très vivant, Peter commence à organiser des stages d'auto-construction de toutes sortes pour participer à la transmission de savoirs-faire variés. Après une brève présentation théorique, la dizaine de stagiaires aux profils et compétences très variés se met au travail avec une motivation perceptible. Il y a trois ateliers et tout le monde s'organise comme il le souhaite. Cela facilite les collaborations entre les participants et développe les échanges de savoirs. Toutes les indications sont présentes dans le guide d'auto-construction d'éolienne fourni par Tripalium dès de lundi matin. Ainsi, Jay Hudnall, le formateur, n'est qu'une personne parmi tant d'autres qui possède des connaissances spécifiques.</br></br>Cette organisation collaborative correspond bien à l'esprit de Tripalium et de Ti'éole, l'entreprise d'éolienne dont Jay est également le maître d'oeuvre. Lorsqu'il monte une éolienne chez un particulier, il demande à cette personne de participer au travail. Elle est ainsi plus autonome en cas de problème.</br></br>
  • Du public au commun  + ("Contribuer à frayer de nouvelles voies à la pensée sociale et politique", telle était l’ambition du séminaire « Du public au commun » qui s'est tenue en 2010-2011 à Paris.)
  • La forêt comestible de Juan Anton  + ("Il faut que tout le monde puisse manger. "Il faut que tout le monde puisse manger. Et comme la nourriture vient de la terre, produisons nous-même notre propre nourriture !" Apprendre à produire sa nourriture avec Juan Anton. Le tournage a été réalisé à Alzira, au sud de Valence - </br> </br>Episode 5 de la web-série itinérante SideWays, cette vidéo est la première partie de l'épisode. La seconde est un webmag interactif à découvrir sur . Plus d'info à
  • 08 Déplier la finance  + (''Déplier la finance, retour sur le rôle d''Déplier la finance, retour sur le rôle de passeur de connaissances du séminaire de SSFA 1998-2018'' a été présenté lors de la Table ronde : La finance depuis le prisme des sciences sociales, organisée dans le cadre de la Semaine du Management, FNEGE 1968-2018, Session RIODD - FINANCE AUTREMENT le 25 mai 2018. RIODD - FINANCE AUTREMENT le 25 mai 2018.)
  • Ici, ailleurs... la terre qui nous nourrit  + (''Ici, ailleurs... la terre qui nous nourr''Ici, ailleurs... la terre qui nous nourrit'' suit l’itinéraire de Gavin, jeune maraîcher bio anglais qui travaille dans une ferme du sud de l’Angleterre. Confronté à la perte de ses terres agricoles, il prend conscience de la difficulté de trouver des terres pour développer des projets d’agriculture de proximité comme le sien. Il part alors à la rencontre d’autres fermiers européens qui ont eux aussi bataillé pour trouver des terres et les conserver dans la durée. Ce faisant, il rencontre des organisations qui se mobilisent pour préserver les terres nourricières et faciliter l’installation d’une nouvelle génération d’agriculteurs.</br></br>Introduction très concrète à la question de l’accès à la terre en Europe, ce film offre le panorama d’un mouvement en émergence qui voit fermiers, citoyens et orgnisations de la société civile s’unir pour préserver des terres pour une agriculture et une alimentation de proximité et de qualité.</br></br>Plus d'information : </br>*</br>*
  • Le bien commun : l'assaut final  + (... une charge très argumentée, très démon... une charge très argumentée, très démonstrative contre la mondialisation libérale, nourrie de reportages et de témoignages recueillis au Canada, au Mexique, aux États-Unis, en Inde, en France. Avec les exemples très parlants de la marchandisation en cours de tous ces « biens publics mondiaux » que sont l’eau, les semences, la santé, les gênes, les connaissances et pratiques ancestrales ou nouvelles… ( Bernard Langlois, Politis)ou nouvelles… ( Bernard Langlois, Politis))
  • 100 en 1 jour Montréal: la ville comme bien commun  + (100 actions citoyennes le 5 octobre 2013 à Montréal. Un festival de création urbaine durant lequel les citoyens se réapproprient leur ville et y créent un meilleur endroit où vivre."
  • Elf Pavlik - Strictly Moneyless  + (1er épisode de la web-série SideWays consa1er épisode de la web-série SideWays consacré à elf Pavlik. Ce dernier vit sans utiliser d'argent depuis plusieurs années et nous montre ainsi que d'autres voies sont possibles. Il travaille beaucoup, en tant que développeur web, mais exclusivement sur des projets qui ont du sens pour l'intérêt général (et donc non rémunéré). l'intérêt général (et donc non rémunéré).)
  • Balade de l'oppidum de Verduron - 11 Histoire de l'oppidum  + (2léments de l'histoire de l'oppidum et de son rôle dans l'origine de la ville de Marseille)
  • Water (Istanbul Commons)  + (70% de la planète est recouvert d'eau. Tou70% de la planète est recouvert d'eau. Toute la vie sur la planète terre en dépend. Sa composition façonnée par des milliards d'années d'évolution sur Terre, en fait l'un des éléments de base de l'existence quotidienne de la vie ordinaire des humains. Avec l'air, l'eau est notre bien commun naturel le plus élémentaire.</br></br>Voir la suite sur Mapping The Commons (
  • Good Copy Bad Copy  + ( :Un documentaire sur l'état du copyright et de la culture par Andreas Johsen, Ralf Christensen et Henrik Moltke. :Sous-titrage dans de nombreuses langues : français, espagnol, Allemand, russe et plus )
  • 14 Notice sur "Culture libre" de Lawrence Lessig  + ( :Une notice sur l'ouvrage ''Culture libre</br>:Une notice sur l'ouvrage ''Culture libre. Comment les médias utilisent la loi pour confisquer la culture et contrôler la créativité'' de Lawrence Lessig, </br></br>:Traduction collective de l’anglais via Wikisource</br> )
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote> <div class="clearfix<blockquote></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation">This post is a re-publication of the introduction of David Bollier’s blog from <span class="submitted">Monday 01/19/2015. David Bollier is presenting the report of a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 in Germany. This post is translated in the French and available in the <a href="">French part of blog Remix The Commons</a>. You can read the introduction below and the original <a href="">there</a>. </span></div></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation"></div></br></blockquote></br><div id="main" class="clearfix with-navigation"></br><p>Is it possible to imagine a new sort of synthesis or synergy between the emerging peer production and commons movement on the one hand, and growing, innovative elements of the co-operative and solidarity economy movements on the other?</p></br><div id="content" class="column"></br><div class="section"></br><div id="content-area"></br><div id="node-1138" class="node node-type-blog node-promoted build-mode-full clearfix"></br><div class="content"></br><p>That was the animating question behind a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 and now chronicled in <a href="">a new report </a>by UK co-operative expert Pat Conaty and me.  (Pat is a Fellow of the New Economics Foundation and a Research Associate of Co-operatives UK, and attended the workshop.)</p></br><p>The workshop was convened because the commons movement and peer production share a great deal with co-operatives….but they also differ in profound ways.  Both share a deep commitment to social cooperation as a constructive social and economic force.  Yet both draw upon very different histories, cultures, identities and aspirations in formulating their visions of the future.  There is great promise in the two movements growing more closely together, but also significant barriers to that occurring.</p></br><p>The workshop explored this topic, as captured by the subtitle of the report:  “A New Social Economy Based on Open Platforms, Co-operative Models and the Commons,” hosted by the Commons Strategies Group in Berlin, Germany, on August 27 and 28, 2014. The workshop was supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, with assistance with the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation of France.</p></br><p>Below, the Introduction to the report followed by the Contents page. You can download a pdf of the full report (28 pages) <a href="">here.</a> The entire report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p></br><p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div>A) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p> <p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p> Interview de P<blockquote><p> Interview de Philippe Minard sur l’ouvrage de l’historien britannique E. P. Thompson: Whigs and Hunters : The Origin of the Black Act, traduit et publié en français en 2014.</br></p></blockquote></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" frameborder="0" width="400" height="225" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Philippe Minard. Boîte à Idées</a> <i>par <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mediapart</a></i></p></br><p>A propos de la Guerre des Forêts, de Edward P. Thompson</p></br><p>L’ouvrage, paru à Londres en 1975, est une enquête vivante d’histoire sociale : au début du XVIIIe siècle, un conflit oppose, d’un côté, les propriétaires et administrateurs de la forêt – celle de Windsor notamment – et, de l’autre, ses usagers. Au point qu’une loi promulguée en 1723 punit de mort certains des usages coutumiers : ce « Black Act », ainsi nommé parce que les braconniers se couvraient le visage de suie, est particulièrement impitoyable : si un vol de cerf est un crime capital, l’abattage de jeunes arbres ou la mutilation du bétail peuvent conduire aussi la potence. Les habitants des forêts opposent, à cette répression « sanguinaire », le droit coutumier des usages collectifs (droits de pâturage, d’extraction de tourbe, d’abattage et de ramassage du bois…).</p></br><p>Ainsi, outre la mise en place d’une évidente « politique de classes », ce que Thompson, grande figure intellectuelle inspirée par le marxisme et pionnier de « l’histoire par le bas », nous oblige à penser, c’est un monde dans lequel survivaient, avant que le XVIIIe siècle ne les arase au profit d’une conception exclusive, des modes et des degrés de propriété fort différents : « Ce qui était en jeu, écrit-il, (…) c’était des définitions concurrentes du droit de la propriété : pour le propriétaire terrien, l’enclosure ; pour le petit paysan, les droits collectifs ; pour les autorités de la forêt, les “chasses gardées” des cerfs ; pour les habitants des forêts, le droit de prélever de la tourbe ».</p></br><p>Selon Philippe Minard, c’est l’un des aspects les plus frappants de cet ouvrage : « Thompson nous aide à penser la diversité des régimes d’accès possibles, tout ce qui existe entre la propriété individuelle et l’absence totale de propriété. » Resurgi dans les années 1970, à la faveur de l’écologie (quand il a fallu déterminer à qui appartenaient les forêts, les océans ou encore l’atmosphère, en passe d’être durablement souillés), ce questionnement s’est poursuivi avec le développement d’Internet. Depuis la fin des années 1990, des activistes se battent contre tout ce qui entrave la circulation et l’appropriation collective des connaissances, en faisant explicitement référence aux pratiques des droits collectifs et des commons. Il se déroule sur le Net, selon eux, ce que Thompson décrivait dans les forêts anglaises : « Un conflit entre les utilisateurs et les exploiteurs. »</p></br><p>Extrait de : A l’usage de tous. « La Guerre des forêts », d’Edward P. Thompson dans LE MONDE DES LIVRES | 23.01.2014 | Julie Clarini </p>;/p> <p>Extrait de : A l’usage de tous. « La Guerre des forêts », d’Edward P. Thompson dans LE MONDE DES LIVRES | 23.01.2014 | Julie Clarini </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>6 months after <blockquote><p>6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you!</p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4621" src="" alt="IMG_0071-1024x768" width="800" height="600" /></p></br><p>C@rds in Common is a game where 2 to 5 players collaborate to build a resilient civil society that defends the commons against the forces of monopolization. Apart from the pleasure of playing, C@rds in common was conceived as a means of documenting the presence of the commons at the Commons Space, an ephemeral encounter at the World Social Forum in Montreal in August 2016. The cards that composed the game were designed by volunteers who shared their vision and experience of the commons and the game mecanism designed by Mathieu Rhéaume and his team. This experience suggests that it would be possible to use the same approach and these methodological tools to document the commons in other local contexts, alike your neighborhood, or thematics as the commons of knowledge for example. We look forward to such experiments!</p></br><p>To learn more about the game, have a look at the <a href="">website</a>.</p></br><p>The game is released on demand by The Game Crafter in the US for $ 22.99 each plus shipping and customs via: <a href=""></a></p></br><p>To reduce shipping and customs for Europeans, we are launching a bulk order and hopefully this will bring the cost of each game delivered to Europe to around US $ 30/35.</p></br><p>If you wish to participate in this first bulk order, fill in <a href="">the form</a> before March 18th at 20:00 GMT.</p></br><p>You will also have to pay an advance corresponding only to the price of the game(s) ordered. The remainder to be paid (port and customs) will be asked when the order is completed, when we will know the costs of postage and customs.</p></br><p>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #5</em>, is the fifth serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 12 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #5</em>, is the fifth serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 12 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #3</em>, is the third serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 16 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #2</em>, is the second serie of 10 videos of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the World Science and Democracy Forum, organized at Dakar in February 2011, </p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>hase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #1</em>, is the first serie of 20 videos and remixes of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin, November 1 and 2, 2010,</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world.</p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings.</p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ork of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><strong>E<blockquote><p><strong>Entrevue avec Joan Subirats(1) par Alain Ambrosi Mai 2018 </strong></p></blockquote></br><blockquote><p>Joan Subirats est commissaire à la culture de la ville de Barcelone, dirigée par le groupe Barcelona en comu. Il est également professeur de sciences politiques à l’Universitat autonoma de Barcelona et fondateur de l’Institut sur la gouvernance et les politiques publiques (IGOP). Dans cette interview en anglais, il présente les enjeux de la politique culturelle pour la municipalité de Barcelone actuellement dirigée par Barcelona en Comù.</p></blockquote></br><figure style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full" src="" alt="Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016" width="800" height="400" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016</figcaption></figure></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your recent article in La Vanguardia(2), you set out a framework for a cultural policy, you refer to putting into practice the key community values that should underpin that policy… Maybe we could start there?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong>: For me, whereas in the 20th century the defining conflict was between freedom and equality – and this marked the tension between right and left throughout the 20th century because in a way this is the frame in which capitalism and the need for social protection evolved together with the commodification of life while at the same time the market called for freedom – ie: no rules, no submission. But the need for protection demanded equality. But in the 21st century there is rejection of the notion of protection linked to statism: Nancy Fraser published an article(3) in the New Left Review, it is a re-reading of Polanyi and she claims that this double movement between commodification and protection is still valid, but that the State-based protection typical of the 20th century, where equality is guaranteed by the State, clashes since the end of the 20th century with the growing importance of heterogeneity, diversity and personal autonomy. Therefore, if in order to obtain equality, we have to be dependent on what the State does, this is going to be a contradiction…. So we could translate those values that informed the definition of policies in the 20th century, in 21st century terms they would be the idea of freedom (or personal autonomy, the idea of empowerment, not subjection, non-dependence) and at the same time equality, but no longer simply equality of opportunities but also equality of condition because we have to compensate for what is not the same (equal) in society. If you say « equal opportunities », that everyone has access to cultural facilities, to libraries, you are disregarding the fact that the starting conditions of people are not the same, this is the great contribution of Amartya Sen, no? You have to compensate for unequal starting situations because otherwise you depoliticize inequality and consider that inequality is the result of people’s lack of effort to get out of poverty. So equality yes, but the approach is different. And we must incorporate the idea of diversity as a key element in the recognition of people and groups on the basis of their specific dignity. That seems easy to say, but in reality it is complicated, especially if you relate it to culture, because culture has to do with all these things: it has to do with the construction of your personality, it has to do with equal access to culture just as cultural rights and culture have to do with the recognition of different forms of knowledge and culture – canonical culture, high culture, popular culture, everyday culture, neighbourhood culture …<br /></br>So for me, a cultural policy should be framed within the triple focus of personal autonomy, equality and diversity. And this is contradictory, in part, with the cultural policies developed in the past, where there is usually confusion between equality and homogeneity. In other words, the left has tended to consider that equality meant the same thing for everyone and that is wrong, isn’t it?, because you are confusing equality with homogeneity. The opposite of equality is inequality, the opposite of homogeneity is diversity. So you have to work with equality and diversity as values that are not antagonistic, but can be complementary. And this is a challenge for public institutions because they do not like heterogeneity, they find it complicated because it is simpler to treat everyone the same, as the administrative law manual used to prescribe `indifferent efficiency’: it is a way of understanding inequality as indifference, right?</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your article you also talk about the opposition between investing in infrastructures versus creating spaces and environments that are attractive to creators and you put an emphasis on the generation of spaces. What is being done, what has been done, what could be done about this?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : In Barcelona we want to ensure that the city’s cultural policies do not imply producing culture itself, but rather to try to influence the values in the production processes that already exist, in the facilities, in the cultural and artistic infrastructures: the role of the city council, of the municipality, is not so much to produce culture as to contribute to the production of culture. Which is different, helping to produce culture…. Obviously, the city council will give priority to those initiatives that coincide with the values, with the normative approach that we promote. There are some exceptions, for example, the Grec festival in Barcelona(4) in July, or the Mercé(5), which is the Festa Mayor, where the city council does in fact subsidize the production of culture, so some productions are subsidised but generally what we have is a policy of aid to creators. What is being done is that 11 creative factories (fablabs) have been built, these are factories with collectives that manage them chosen through public tenders. There are now 3 factories of circus and visual arts, 2 factories of dance creation, one factory of more global creation housed at Fabra & Coats, 3 theatre factories and 2 visual arts and technology sites. So there are 11 factories of different sorts and there are plans to create others, for example in the field of feminist culture where we are in discussion with a very well consolidated group : normally all these creative factories have their management entrusted to collectives that already become highly consolidated in the process of creation and that need a space to ensure their continuity. Often the city council will cede municipal spaces to these collectives, sometimes through public competitions where the creators are asked to present their project for directing a factory. This is one aspect. Another aspect is what is called living culture, which is a programme for the promotion of cultural activities that arise from the community or from collectives in the form of cooperatives and this is a process of aid to collectives that are already functioning, or occasionally to highlight cultural activities and cultural dynamics that have existed for a long time but have not been dignified, that have not been valued, for example the Catalan rumba of the Gypsies, which is a very important movement in Barcelona that emerged from the gypsy community of El Raval, where there were some very famous artists like Peret. There we invested in creating a group to work on the historical memory of the rumba, looking for the roots of this movement, where it came from and why. Then some signposts were set up in streets where this took place, such as La Cera in El Raval, where there are two murals that symbolise the history of the Catalan rumba and the gypsy community in this area so that this type of thing is publicly visible. That is the key issue for culture: a recognition that there are many different cultures.</p></br><p>Then there is the area of civic centres: approximately 15% of the civic centres in the city are managed by civic entities as citizen heritage, and those civic centres also have cultural activities that they decide on, and the city council, the municipality helps them develop the ideas put forward by the entities that manage those centres.</p></br><p>So, if we put all those things together, we could talk about a culture of the urban commons. It is still early stages, this is still more of a concept than a reality, but the underlying idea is that in the end the density and the autonomous cultural-social fabric will be strong enough to be resilient to political changes. In other words, that you have helped to build cultural practices and communities that are strong and autonomous enough that they are not dependent on the political conjuncture. This would be ideal. A bit like the example I often cite about the housing cooperatives in Copenhagen, that there was 50% public housing in Copenhagen, and a right-wing government privatised 17% of that public housing, but it couldn’t touch the 33% of housing that was in the hands of co-operatives. Collective social capital has been more resilient than state assets: the latter is more vulnerable to changes in political majorities.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: You also speak of situated culture which I think is very important: setting it in time and space. Now Facebook has announced it is coming to Barcelona so the Barcelona brand is going to be a brand that includes Facebook and its allies. But your conception of a situated culture is more about a culture where social innovation, participation, popular creativity in the community are very important…</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : Yes, it seems contradictory. In fact what you’re asking is the extent to which it makes sense to talk about situated culture in an increasingly globalized environment which is more and more dependent on global platforms. I believe that tension exists and conflict exists, this is undeniable, the city is a zone of conflict, therefore, the first thing we have to accept is that the city is a battleground between political alternatives with different cultural models. It is very difficult for a city council to set out univocal views of a cultural reality that is intrinsically plural. Talking about situated culture is an attempt to highlight the significance of the distinguishing factors that Barcelona possesses in its cultural production. This does not mean that this situated culture should be a strictly localist culture – a situated culture does not mean a culture that cuts off global links – it is a culture that relates to the global on the basis of its own specificity. What is most reprehensible from my point of view are cultural dynamics that have a global logic but that can just as well be here or anywhere else. And it’s true that the platforms generate this. An example: the other day the former minister of culture of Brazil, Lluca Ferreira, was here and talked about a program of living culture they developed, and they posted a photograph of some indigenous people where the man wore something that covered his pubic parts but the woman’s breasts were naked. So Facebook took the photograph off the site, and when the Minister called Facebook Brazil to say ‘what is going on?’, they told him that they didn’t have any duty towards the Brazilian government, that the only control over them was from a judge in San Francisco and that, therefore, if the judge in San Francisco forced them to put the photograph back, they would put it back, otherwise they wouldn’t have to listen to any minister from Brazil or anywhere else. In the end, there was a public movement of protest, and they put the photo back. The same thing happened here a few days ago, a group from a municipal theatre creation factory put up a poster with a man’s ass advertising a play by Virginia Wolff and Facebook took their entire account off the net – not just the photograph, they totally removed them from Facebook. And here too Facebook said that they are independent and that only the judge from San Francisco and so on. I believe that this is the opposite of situated culture because it is a global cultural logic, but at the same time it allows itself to be censored in Saudi Arabia, in China, that is to say it has different codes in each place. So to speak of situated culture means to speak of social transformation, of the relationship between culture and social transformation situated in the context in which you are working. But at the same time to have the will to dialogue with similar processes that exist in any other part of the world and that is the strength of a situated culture. And those processes of mutuality, of hybridization, that can happen when you have a Pakistani community here, you have a Filipino community, you have a Chinese community, you have a Gypsy community, you have an Italian community, you have an Argentinean community: they can be treated as typical folkloric elements in a theme park, or you can try to generate hybridization processes. Now at the Festival Grec this year there will be poetry in Urdu from the Pakistanis, there will be a Filipino theatre coming and a Filipino film fest at the Filmoteca – and this means mixing, situating, the cultural debate in the space where it is happening and trying to steep it in issues of cultural diversity. What I understand is that we need to strive for a local that is increasingly global, that this dialogue between the local and the global is very important.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: Returning to social innovation and popular creativity, social innovation is also a concept taken up pretty much everywhere: how is it understood here? Taking into account that in the world of the commons, Catalonia, and especially Barcelona, is very well known for its fablabs, which are also situated in this new era. How then do you understand social innovation and how do you see the relationship between education and social innovation?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : What I am trying to convey is that the traditional education system is doing little to prepare people and to enhance inclusive logics in our changing and transforming society, so in very broad lines I would say that if health and education were the basic redistributive policies of the 20th century, in the 21st century we must incorporate culture as a basic redistributive policy. Because before, the job market had very specific demands for the education sector: it knew very well what types of job profiles it needed because there was a very Taylorist logic to the world of work – what is the profile of a baker, of a plumber, of a miller? How many years you have to study for this kind of work. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the labour market, about how people will be able to work in the future and the key words that appear are innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility, ability to understand a diverse world, teamwork , being open to new ideas: this has little to do with traditional educational profiles, but it has much to do with culture, with things that allow you to acquire that backpack of basic tools that will help you navigate in a much more uncertain environment. And for me, to find the right connection between culture and education is very important because it allows the educational system to constantly transform itself by taking advantage of the creative potential of an environment that is much more accessible now than before because of new technologies, and therefore to make the transition from a deductive system where there is a teacher who knows and tells people what they need to know – to an inductive system: how do we explore what we need to know in order to be able to act. And that more inductive, more experimental logic has to do with creativity whereas the traditional education system didn’t postulate creativity, it postulated your ability to learn what someone else had decided you needed to study. It’s art, it is culture that allows you to play in that field much more easily …</p></br><p><strong> Translated from Spanish by Nancy Thede.</strong></p></br><p>1 Joan Subirats is Commissioner for culture in the city government of Barcelona led by the group Barcelona en comu. He is also professor of political science at the Universitat<br /></br>autonoma de Barcelona and founder of the Institute on Governance and Public Policy.</p></br><p>2 « Salvara la cultura a las ciudades? », La Vanguardia (Barcelona), Culturals supplement, 12<br /></br>May 2018, pp. 20-21.</p></br><p>3 Nancy Fraser, « A Triple Movement », New Left Review 81, May-June 2013. Published in Spanish in Jean-Louis Laville and José Luis Coraggio (Eds.), La izquierda del<br /></br>siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario Icaria, Madrid 2018.</p></br><p>4 Festival Grec, an annual multidisciplinary festival in Barcelona, now in its 42nd year. It is<br /></br>named for the Greek Theatre built for the 1929 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona:<br /></br></p></br><p>5 Barcelona’s annual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>nnual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><strong>E<blockquote><p><strong>Entrevue avec Joan Subirats(1) par Alain Ambrosi Mai 2018 </strong></p></blockquote></br><blockquote><p>Joan Subirats est commissaire à la culture de la ville de Barcelone, dirigée par le groupe Barcelona en comu. Il est également professeur de sciences politiques à l’Universitat autonoma de Barcelona et fondateur de l’Institut sur la gouvernance et les politiques publiques (IGOP). Dans cette interview en anglais, il présente les enjeux de la politique culturelle pour la municipalité de Barcelone actuellement dirigée par Barcelona en Comù.</p></blockquote></br><figure style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full" src="" alt="Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016" width="800" height="400" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016</figcaption></figure></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your recent article in La Vanguardia(2), you set out a framework for a cultural policy, you refer to putting into practice the key community values that should underpin that policy… Maybe we could start there?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong>: For me, whereas in the 20th century the defining conflict was between freedom and equality – and this marked the tension between right and left throughout the 20th century because in a way this is the frame in which capitalism and the need for social protection evolved together with the commodification of life while at the same time the market called for freedom – ie: no rules, no submission. But the need for protection demanded equality. But in the 21st century there is rejection of the notion of protection linked to statism: Nancy Fraser published an article(3) in the New Left Review, it is a re-reading of Polanyi and she claims that this double movement between commodification and protection is still valid, but that the State-based protection typical of the 20th century, where equality is guaranteed by the State, clashes since the end of the 20th century with the growing importance of heterogeneity, diversity and personal autonomy. Therefore, if in order to obtain equality, we have to be dependent on what the State does, this is going to be a contradiction…. So we could translate those values that informed the definition of policies in the 20th century, in 21st century terms they would be the idea of freedom (or personal autonomy, the idea of empowerment, not subjection, non-dependence) and at the same time equality, but no longer simply equality of opportunities but also equality of condition because we have to compensate for what is not the same (equal) in society. If you say « equal opportunities », that everyone has access to cultural facilities, to libraries, you are disregarding the fact that the starting conditions of people are not the same, this is the great contribution of Amartya Sen, no? You have to compensate for unequal starting situations because otherwise you depoliticize inequality and consider that inequality is the result of people’s lack of effort to get out of poverty. So equality yes, but the approach is different. And we must incorporate the idea of diversity as a key element in the recognition of people and groups on the basis of their specific dignity. That seems easy to say, but in reality it is complicated, especially if you relate it to culture, because culture has to do with all these things: it has to do with the construction of your personality, it has to do with equal access to culture just as cultural rights and culture have to do with the recognition of different forms of knowledge and culture – canonical culture, high culture, popular culture, everyday culture, neighbourhood culture …<br /></br>So for me, a cultural policy should be framed within the triple focus of personal autonomy, equality and diversity. And this is contradictory, in part, with the cultural policies developed in the past, where there is usually confusion between equality and homogeneity. In other words, the left has tended to consider that equality meant the same thing for everyone and that is wrong, isn’t it?, because you are confusing equality with homogeneity. The opposite of equality is inequality, the opposite of homogeneity is diversity. So you have to work with equality and diversity as values that are not antagonistic, but can be complementary. And this is a challenge for public institutions because they do not like heterogeneity, they find it complicated because it is simpler to treat everyone the same, as the administrative law manual used to prescribe `indifferent efficiency’: it is a way of understanding inequality as indifference, right?</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your article you also talk about the opposition between investing in infrastructures versus creating spaces and environments that are attractive to creators and you put an emphasis on the generation of spaces. What is being done, what has been done, what could be done about this?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : In Barcelona we want to ensure that the city’s cultural policies do not imply producing culture itself, but rather to try to influence the values in the production processes that already exist, in the facilities, in the cultural and artistic infrastructures: the role of the city council, of the municipality, is not so much to produce culture as to contribute to the production of culture. Which is different, helping to produce culture…. Obviously, the city council will give priority to those initiatives that coincide with the values, with the normative approach that we promote. There are some exceptions, for example, the Grec festival in Barcelona(4) in July, or the Mercé(5), which is the Festa Mayor, where the city council does in fact subsidize the production of culture, so some productions are subsidised but generally what we have is a policy of aid to creators. What is being done is that 11 creative factories (fablabs) have been built, these are factories with collectives that manage them chosen through public tenders. There are now 3 factories of circus and visual arts, 2 factories of dance creation, one factory of more global creation housed at Fabra & Coats, 3 theatre factories and 2 visual arts and technology sites. So there are 11 factories of different sorts and there are plans to create others, for example in the field of feminist culture where we are in discussion with a very well consolidated group : normally all these creative factories have their management entrusted to collectives that already become highly consolidated in the process of creation and that need a space to ensure their continuity. Often the city council will cede municipal spaces to these collectives, sometimes through public competitions where the creators are asked to present their project for directing a factory. This is one aspect. Another aspect is what is called living culture, which is a programme for the promotion of cultural activities that arise from the community or from collectives in the form of cooperatives and this is a process of aid to collectives that are already functioning, or occasionally to highlight cultural activities and cultural dynamics that have existed for a long time but have not been dignified, that have not been valued, for example the Catalan rumba of the Gypsies, which is a very important movement in Barcelona that emerged from the gypsy community of El Raval, where there were some very famous artists like Peret. There we invested in creating a group to work on the historical memory of the rumba, looking for the roots of this movement, where it came from and why. Then some signposts were set up in streets where this took place, such as La Cera in El Raval, where there are two murals that symbolise the history of the Catalan rumba and the gypsy community in this area so that this type of thing is publicly visible. That is the key issue for culture: a recognition that there are many different cultures.</p></br><p>Then there is the area of civic centres: approximately 15% of the civic centres in the city are managed by civic entities as citizen heritage, and those civic centres also have cultural activities that they decide on, and the city council, the municipality helps them develop the ideas put forward by the entities that manage those centres.</p></br><p>So, if we put all those things together, we could talk about a culture of the urban commons. It is still early stages, this is still more of a concept than a reality, but the underlying idea is that in the end the density and the autonomous cultural-social fabric will be strong enough to be resilient to political changes. In other words, that you have helped to build cultural practices and communities that are strong and autonomous enough that they are not dependent on the political conjuncture. This would be ideal. A bit like the example I often cite about the housing cooperatives in Copenhagen, that there was 50% public housing in Copenhagen, and a right-wing government privatised 17% of that public housing, but it couldn’t touch the 33% of housing that was in the hands of co-operatives. Collective social capital has been more resilient than state assets: the latter is more vulnerable to changes in political majorities.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: You also speak of situated culture which I think is very important: setting it in time and space. Now Facebook has announced it is coming to Barcelona so the Barcelona brand is going to be a brand that includes Facebook and its allies. But your conception of a situated culture is more about a culture where social innovation, participation, popular creativity in the community are very important…</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : Yes, it seems contradictory. In fact what you’re asking is the extent to which it makes sense to talk about situated culture in an increasingly globalized environment which is more and more dependent on global platforms. I believe that tension exists and conflict exists, this is undeniable, the city is a zone of conflict, therefore, the first thing we have to accept is that the city is a battleground between political alternatives with different cultural models. It is very difficult for a city council to set out univocal views of a cultural reality that is intrinsically plural. Talking about situated culture is an attempt to highlight the significance of the distinguishing factors that Barcelona possesses in its cultural production. This does not mean that this situated culture should be a strictly localist culture – a situated culture does not mean a culture that cuts off global links – it is a culture that relates to the global on the basis of its own specificity. What is most reprehensible from my point of view are cultural dynamics that have a global logic but that can just as well be here or anywhere else. And it’s true that the platforms generate this. An example: the other day the former minister of culture of Brazil, Lluca Ferreira, was here and talked about a program of living culture they developed, and they posted a photograph of some indigenous people where the man wore something that covered his pubic parts but the woman’s breasts were naked. So Facebook took the photograph off the site, and when the Minister called Facebook Brazil to say ‘what is going on?’, they told him that they didn’t have any duty towards the Brazilian government, that the only control over them was from a judge in San Francisco and that, therefore, if the judge in San Francisco forced them to put the photograph back, they would put it back, otherwise they wouldn’t have to listen to any minister from Brazil or anywhere else. In the end, there was a public movement of protest, and they put the photo back. The same thing happened here a few days ago, a group from a municipal theatre creation factory put up a poster with a man’s ass advertising a play by Virginia Wolff and Facebook took their entire account off the net – not just the photograph, they totally removed them from Facebook. And here too Facebook said that they are independent and that only the judge from San Francisco and so on. I believe that this is the opposite of situated culture because it is a global cultural logic, but at the same time it allows itself to be censored in Saudi Arabia, in China, that is to say it has different codes in each place. So to speak of situated culture means to speak of social transformation, of the relationship between culture and social transformation situated in the context in which you are working. But at the same time to have the will to dialogue with similar processes that exist in any other part of the world and that is the strength of a situated culture. And those processes of mutuality, of hybridization, that can happen when you have a Pakistani community here, you have a Filipino community, you have a Chinese community, you have a Gypsy community, you have an Italian community, you have an Argentinean community: they can be treated as typical folkloric elements in a theme park, or you can try to generate hybridization processes. Now at the Festival Grec this year there will be poetry in Urdu from the Pakistanis, there will be a Filipino theatre coming and a Filipino film fest at the Filmoteca – and this means mixing, situating, the cultural debate in the space where it is happening and trying to steep it in issues of cultural diversity. What I understand is that we need to strive for a local that is increasingly global, that this dialogue between the local and the global is very important.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: Returning to social innovation and popular creativity, social innovation is also a concept taken up pretty much everywhere: how is it understood here? Taking into account that in the world of the commons, Catalonia, and especially Barcelona, is very well known for its fablabs, which are also situated in this new era. How then do you understand social innovation and how do you see the relationship between education and social innovation?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : What I am trying to convey is that the traditional education system is doing little to prepare people and to enhance inclusive logics in our changing and transforming society, so in very broad lines I would say that if health and education were the basic redistributive policies of the 20th century, in the 21st century we must incorporate culture as a basic redistributive policy. Because before, the job market had very specific demands for the education sector: it knew very well what types of job profiles it needed because there was a very Taylorist logic to the world of work – what is the profile of a baker, of a plumber, of a miller? How many years you have to study for this kind of work. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the labour market, about how people will be able to work in the future and the key words that appear are innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility, ability to understand a diverse world, teamwork , being open to new ideas: this has little to do with traditional educational profiles, but it has much to do with culture, with things that allow you to acquire that backpack of basic tools that will help you navigate in a much more uncertain environment. And for me, to find the right connection between culture and education is very important because it allows the educational system to constantly transform itself by taking advantage of the creative potential of an environment that is much more accessible now than before because of new technologies, and therefore to make the transition from a deductive system where there is a teacher who knows and tells people what they need to know – to an inductive system: how do we explore what we need to know in order to be able to act. And that more inductive, more experimental logic has to do with creativity whereas the traditional education system didn’t postulate creativity, it postulated your ability to learn what someone else had decided you needed to study. It’s art, it is culture that allows you to play in that field much more easily …</p></br><p><strong> Translated from Spanish by Nancy Thede.</strong></p></br><p>1 Joan Subirats is Commissioner for culture in the city government of Barcelona led by the group Barcelona en comu. He is also professor of political science at the Universitat<br /></br>autonoma de Barcelona and founder of the Institute on Governance and Public Policy.</p></br><p>2 « Salvara la cultura a las ciudades? », La Vanguardia (Barcelona), Culturals supplement, 12<br /></br>May 2018, pp. 20-21.</p></br><p>3 Nancy Fraser, « A Triple Movement », New Left Review 81, May-June 2013. Published in Spanish in Jean-Louis Laville and José Luis Coraggio (Eds.), La izquierda del<br /></br>siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario Icaria, Madrid 2018.</p></br><p>4 Festival Grec, an annual multidisciplinary festival in Barcelona, now in its 42nd year. It is<br /></br>named for the Greek Theatre built for the 1929 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona:<br /></br></p></br><p>5 Barcelona’s annual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>nnual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>A must read ! &<blockquote><p>A must read !</br></p></blockquote></br><p>PM Press has published the last book of Peter Linebaugh: <a href=" ">Stop, Thief: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance</a>. </p></br><p> with chapters on Karl Marx, the Luddites, William Morris, Thomas Paine, indigenous peoples, is scheduled for March 1, but it is already available in ibook also … author of Magna Carta which can be found in the introduction of<a href=""> Libres Savoirs </a>.</p></br><p>Note that 2015 will be the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta in Britain. It is a date to commemorate in 2015, while the same year will take place the COP 21 climate negotiations, the MDGs and probably, at the same time will happen the end of the negotiation of the transatlantic agreement (TAFTA). </p>and probably, at the same time will happen the end of the negotiation of the transatlantic agreement (TAFTA). </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>A workshop <<blockquote><p>A workshop <a href="">mapping the commons</a> will take place at Rio (Brazil) from 18 to 26 of october 2013, coordinated by <a href="">Pablo de Soto</a> with the collaboration of <a href="">Bernardo Gutiérrez</a> and the support of MediaLab (Madrid).</br></p></blockquote></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Mapping the commons was developed by Pablo Soto. This initiative aims to produce with inhabitants, activists in the place, living maps, consisting of short video documentaries and vidéoposts. The proposed approach takes the form of an intense multi-day workshop with communication students and activists to find the Commons, define and make them visible in the territory by producing media that form the map.</p></br><p>Pablo Soto initiated this approach around urban commons of <a href="">istanbul</a> and <a href = ""> Athens </ a>. See the work done about <a href=""> Taksim Square </a>, whose privatization was one of the starting points of protest in Turkey this year. The mapping is a strategic tool. To research of the urban commons is a process of mapping the space, that Pablo Soto understand « as proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, and used many artists and activists during the last decade, as a <a href=""> performance</a> which can be thinking, artistic work, or social change ».</p></br><p>On 20 March 2013, a wikisprint was performed in Barcelona using the same principles and methodology . Under the title  » Global P2P  » , it was to map Common practices and P2P in Latin America and southern Europe. See in English <a href=""> # GlobalP2P , the wind that shook the net </a>.</p></br><p>Rio next step Mapping the commons is one of the cities that comes from living like the rest of Brazil, an intense social and political mobilization against international festivities that tend to <a href= "http://"> privatize public space </a>. Many consider these mobilizations, their claims and modes of organization fall within the paradigm of Commons. See analysis on the subject of Bernardo Gutierrez in <a href="">el viento that desordeno las redes</a> and Alexandre Mendes in <a href =""> A atualidade uma das democracia mobilizacoes do comum e</a>.</p></br><p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>lt;p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>An experience o<blockquote><p>An experience of self-management of computational infrastructure, that allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action!</p></blockquote></br><p>Together with other individuals and organizations, and in collaboration with <a href="">Koumbit</a>, Remix the commons is developing a collective response to the need for digital tools and infrastructures. The idea is to ensure full digital sovereignty over our work, exchanges and data in coherence with the vision set out in the Charter for Building a Data Commons for a Free, Fair and Sustainable Future.</p></br><p>After having tested with Koumbit, an independent and solidary hosting company in Montreal, our ability to set up and manage some tools based on open source and the commons on a shared server, we designed a cooperation system based on a model similar to that of AMAPs, which we call the « Konbit numerique », in reference to the konbit of Haitian farmers. <a href="">Konbit</a> numerique is a prototype of « computational commons » for commoners’ projects. It proposes a working infrastructure that makes it possible to gradually achieve the objectives of independence and sovereignty on information and communication technology.</p></br><p>Our Konbit numerique consists of a group of identified users and a server administrator, Koumbit cooperator. It is based on a 6 TB server hosted by Koumbit in Montreal (<a href=""></a>, in which are installed the applications we need, tools based on open source and commons: file sharing, calendars, task management, online editing of text documents, table, email,… and most importantly for us a wiki farm. This is coverering a large part of the current digital uses of our organizations.</p></br><p>Users are involved in the governance, and as much as possible in maintenance. The work of the server administrator is handled by the collective through a monthly intervention time credit system. This includes, in addition to the time dedicated to server maintenance, time reserved for future technical developments that will be allocated according to the Konbit’s needs. The idea is therefore to jointly pre-finance a digital infrastructure dedicated to the collective. This infrastructure is not based on capitalist logic. It does not seek to make more profit in the perspective of extraction, but to satisfy the needs of the collective. It allows us to start a process to degoogling our digital practices.</p></br><p>Each person involved in the projects of the partners, stakeholders of this initiative, has access to this space and uses it within the framework of their activities in relation to the commons. Each partner can contribute to the life and development of the konbit by subscribing one or more shares of solidarity support (suggested amount: 15 € – 20 $CAD per month, or according to the budgets and needs of the projects), and according to the principle which aims to decouple use and trade (principle 3 of the Charter mentioned above). We have set ourselves the objective of gradually expanding the first collective to a balance between technical need/capacity and finance/governance. It is estimated that about 20 members would be an interesting size of the collective. Then other Konbits could be created and allow a federated type of operation.</p></br><p>The konbit numerique is not an open structure like a Chaton (online service open to all), or an alternative hoster, but an experience of self-management of computational infrastructure by its users. It is still a little early to draw lessons from this approach, but it is likely that this initiative allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>hinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambros<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambrosi wrote in 2012, « <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Commons is on everyone’s lips</a>« 1. In order to make this notion known and to avoid its dilution in sometimes too vague speeches, the collective Remix the Commons endeavors to decipher the practices and to sketch out the semantic and conceptual field of the movement of the commons from the collection and analysis of the documents it produces. The development of this vocabulary, which uses the tools of the semantic web, makes it possible to link the initiatives of documentation and promotion of the commons without erasing what makes their identities unique. By doing that, the movement of the commons has a space for strategic collaboration.</p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_4643" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4643" style="width: 1024px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-large wp-image-4643" src="" alt="By Alaina Buzas " width="1024" height="681" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4643" class="wp-caption-text">By Alaina Buzas</figcaption></figure></br><p>It is in 2010 that Remix the Commons initiates a process of documentation of the commons. Initially, the collective has a simple web site to identify and report content, mostly video, accessible online. At the same time, an initial series of video interviews was conducted at an international meeting in Berlin (2010). Others will follow the rhythm of World Social Forums or local initiatives in France, Senegal, Quebec first, and then in many countries on different continents. It quickly becomes necessary to allow each person to search by using key words in this documentation.</p></br><h1>From key words to the commons vocabulary</h1></br><p>When cataloging media objects on the Remix the Commons wiki (more than 500 media objects now), we describe the content of each production according to four axes which helps to position it in the field of the commons: object or resource to be commonified, stakes, associated actions and expected results. To date, more than 400 « key concepts » have been identified from the corpus gathered on the site. After that, ech concept is a card that uses the information on the Remix the Commons wiki, but also data from other sources accessible by using linking techniques by wikis and the semantic web. From each record, the user accesses information from the main documentary collections associated with the commons (P2P Foundation, Transformap, Digital Library of the Commons) and the large reference databases DBpedia, Wikidata, VIAF And WorldCat. Each concept is accompanied by definitions in several languages, resources published around the world that illustrate the point or refer to practices.</p></br><p>This set of key concepts provides a vivid and moving description of the world from the point of view of the commons. This collection is freely accessible, usable by all and open to contribution. Although this work is still at an experimental stage, it opens up interesting perspectives in terms of research, the production and the dissemination of knowledge about the commons. Holes, gaps and nuances between sources of information, between languages and cultures can be identified, documented and discussed among the actors involved in the field of the commons.</p></br><p>The vocabulary of the commons highlighted can support the emerging practices and contribute to the enrichment of the contents in Wikipedia and Wikidata, for example. The associations and collectives that contribute to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>te to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>By posting the <blockquote><p>By posting the 76 clips of the video interviews totalling 8 hours run time, produced at the Berlin <em>Economics and the Commons conference</em>, Remix the Commons initiates two new series on the Commons while adding to the already existing series on the definitions of the Commons.</p></blockquote></br><p>The first series named <a href="">Economics and the Commons </a>includes 13 video individual interviews and round table discussions facilitated by us or the event organisers. The themes chosen reflect the conference streams on topics like: Natural commons management; Working and Caring; Knowledge,Culture and Science; Money, Market and Value; Infrastructures. Their duration varies between 5 and 35 minutes and the series totals 5 hours run time.</p></br><p><a href="">An Agenda for the Commons</a> includes 11 videos covering themes such as education and the culture of the Commons, research, the political dimension and the relationship to the State.They total 3 hours and 10 minutes.</p></br><p><a href="">Define/définir/definir the Commons</a> is composed of 53 short interviews responding to the question : « If you had to define the Commons in one sentence, what would it be?” Most of the interviews are in English, but 28 of them are in the original language of the participant. This series was begun at the 2010 Berlin conference and has been enriched during several international meetings of different social movements around the world since then. The series counts more than a hundred clips now.</p></br><p>The 76 clips of the video interviews done at the ECC in Berlin totals around 8 hours run time. Their aim is to contribute to documenting the conference, and they should thus be seen as a complement to the <a href="">excellent report</a> by David Bollier and the <a href="">websites</a> prepared by the Heinrich Boell Foundation</p></br><p>All the clips have been catalogued on the Remix The Commons platform allowing for consultation, research by topics, contributors, language. Each entry allows also an access to the rushes for potential new uses and remix.</p></br><p>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</p>wing for consultation, research by topics, contributors, language. Each entry allows also an access to the rushes for potential new uses and remix.</p> <p>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>From the 15th-1<blockquote><p>From the 15th-17th of November 2016 a European Commons Assembly will take place in Brussels. The commoners will convene, discuss, showcase, and reclaim Europe. On the afternoon of the 16th, around 150 will partcipate in a meeting in the European Parliament, organized in cooperation with the EP intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services (Led by Marisa Matias, Dario Tamburrano, Ernesto Urtasun, Sergio Cofferati). A variety of other events (and local assemblies) will take place outside Parliament, both in Brussels and across Europe.</br></p></blockquote></br><p><H1>Networking, unity and policy around the commons paradigm </H1></p></br><p>On September 26, a group of nonprofits, foundations, and other civil society organizations jointly publish a “Call for a European Commons Assembly” ( The collectively drafted document, which continues to garner signatures from groups and individuals around Europe, serves as a declaration of purpose for a distributed network of “commoners.”<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="eca" width="900" height="636" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4561" /><br /></br>Author: TILL GENTZSCH</p></br><p>The Assembly seeks to unite citizens in trans-local and trans-european solidarity to overcome Europe’s current challenges and reinvigorate the political process for the 21st century. The commons can be understood as a bridging paradigm that stresses cooperation in management of resources, knowledge, tools, and spaces as diverse as water, Wikipedia, a crowdfund, or a community garden. Their Call describes commoning as:</p></br><ul></br>…the network-based cooperation and localized bottom-up initiatives already sustained by millions of people around Europe and the world. These initiatives create self-managed systems that satisfy important needs, and often work outside of dominant markets and traditional state programmes while pioneering new hybrid structures.</ul></br><p> The Assembly emerged in May from a diverse, gender balanced pilot community of 28 activists from 15 European countries, working in different domains of the commons. New people are joining the Assembly every week, and ECA is inclusive and open for others to join, so that a broad and resilient European movement can coalesce. It seeks to visibilize acts of commoning by citizens for citizens, while promoting interaction with policy and institutions at both the national and European levels. </p></br><p><H1>Part of a broader movement</H1><br /></br>The rapid embrace of commons as an alternative holistic, sustainable and social worldview is in part an expression of unease with the unjust current economic system and democratic deficiencies. The commons movement has exploded in recent years, following the award of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Elinor Ostrom in 2009 for her work on managing common resources. It has also seen overlap with other movements, such as the Social and Solidarity and Sharing Economy movements, peer to peer production, and Degrowth.</p></br><p>Michel Bauwens, part of the ECA who is also a prominent figure in the peer-to-peer movement, explains: <em>All over the world, a new social movement is emerging, which is challenging the ‘extractive’ premises of the mainstream political economy and which is co-constructing the seed forms of a sustainable and solidary society. Commoners are also getting a voice, for example through the Assemblies of the Commons that are emerging in French cities and elsewhere. The time is ripe for a shoutout to the political world, through a European Assembly of the Commons.</em></p></br><p>The Call includes an open invitation to Brussels from November 15 to 17, 2016 for three days of activities and shared reflection on how to protect and promote the commons. It will include an official session in the European Parliament, hosted by the Intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services, on November 16 (limited capacity). </p></br><p>You can read and sign the full text of the Call, also available in French, Spanish, and soon other European languages, on the <a href="">ECA website</a>. There is an <a href="">option to sign</a> as an individual or an organization.</p></br><p>For more information, visit <a href=""> </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p></br><p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>/ </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p> <p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /> </strong><br /> Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>How commons cou<blockquote><p>How commons could be the base of a transition of the society? The equator is launching an initiative to bring together hackers and indigenous communities around the sharing of knowledge.</p></blockquote></br><p>Original article published <a href="">here</a></p></br><p>The FLOK Society welcomes Michel Bauwens to Ecuador. Bauwens, a founder of the P2P Foundation, flew into Quito on Sept. 17 to begin collaborating towards a fundamental reimagination of Ecuador.</p></br><p>Bauwens will lead a research team that is proposing to unleash a participatory, global process with an immediate implementation in Ecuador. The process will remake the roots of Ecuador’s economy, setting off a transition into a society of free and open knowledge.</p></br><p>In the first semester of 2014, Bauwens will assist in setting up a global network of transition researchers. The P2P Foundation is a global network of researchers that is documenting the shift towards open, participatory and commons-oriented practices in every domain of human activity, but especially also the shift from collaboration on open knowledge and code, towards cooperation in open design, open hardware, open science, open government, and the shift towards open agricultural and open machining practices that have great potential for increasing the productivity and sustainability of farming and industrial processes.</p></br><p>Ecuador is the first country in the world which is committing itself to the creation of a open commons knowlege based society. In order to achieve the transition to a ‘buen saber’, or ‘good knowledge’ society, which is an extension of the official strategy towards a ‘buen vivir’-based society, the Advanced Studies Institute (IAEN by its ]Spanish initials) in Quito, Ecuador, led by the rector Carlos Prieto, has initiated a strategic process, called the FLOK Society Project, which aims to organize a major international conference in March 2014, and will produce 10 strategic documents proposing transition policies towards the good knowledge society, which will be presented to the Ecuadorian citizens through intensive participatory processes, similar to those that took place for the establishment of the new Constitution and the ambitious National Plans, which set the guidelines for government policy.</p></br><p>While Buen Vivir aims to replace mindless accumulative economic growth to a form of growth that directly benefits the wellbeing of the Ecuadorian people, Buen Saber aims to create the open knowledge commons which will facilitate such a transition. FLOK stands for ‘Free Libre and Open Knowledge. In order to establish these transition policies and documents, IAEN has connected itself with the global hacker and free software movement, but also with its extension in the many peer to peer initiatives that directly aim to create a body of knowledge for physical production in agriculture and industry.</p></br><p>The P2P Foundation knowledge base has also focused on documenting new policy and legal frameworks being set up by sharing cities such as Seoul, San Francisco, and Naples ; and regions such as Bordeaux, Open Commons Region Linz in Austria, South Sudan, the Cabineto Digital of Rio del Sur, and more. It’s database of 22,000 global commons initiatives has been viewed nearly 25 million times and attracts 25,000 researchers, activists, users and readers on a daily basis. Michel Bauwens is also the author of a Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, an external expert for the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the Hangwang Forum in Chengdu that works on industrial sustainability, and engaged in a research project for Leuphana University on digital liquid democracy. As a founding member and partner of the Commons Strategies Group, he co-organized two global meetings on the commons, the last one in May 2013 in Berlin was dedicated to the emerging field of Commons-oriented Economics.</p></br><p>In March, the P2P Foundation organized a ‘global hispanic wikisprint’, with the help of Spanish-Brazilian activist Bernardo Gutierrez, in which more than registered 500 individuals and collectives, in more than 60 cities and 23 countries, mapped the open, p2p, sharing and commons initiatives in their region and areas of activities, resulting in a Latin American network of connected activists and scholars.</p></br><p>IAEN believes that the connection between the hacktivism communities, the FLOK Society, and the global and hispanic networks active in constructing open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>g open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Interview Joan <blockquote><p>Interview Joan Subirats(1) by Alain Ambrosi May 2018</p></blockquote></br><figure style="width: 700px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full" src="" alt="Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016" width="700" height="400" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Joan Subirats (UAB) Conferencia FEPSU 2016</figcaption></figure></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your recent article in La Vanguardia(2), you set out a framework for a cultural policy, you refer to putting into practice the key community values that should underpin that policy… Maybe we could start there?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong>: For me, whereas in the 20th century the defining conflict was between freedom and equality – and this marked the tension between right and left throughout the 20th century because in a way this is the frame in which capitalism and the need for social protection evolved together with the commodification of life while at the same time the market called for freedom – ie: no rules, no submission. But the need for protection demanded equality. But in the 21st century there is rejection of the notion of protection linked to statism: Nancy Fraser published an article(3) in the New Left Review, it is a re-reading of Polanyi and she claims that this double movement between commodification and protection is still valid, but that the State-based protection typical of the 20th century, where equality is guaranteed by the State, clashes since the end of the 20th century with the growing importance of heterogeneity, diversity and personal autonomy. Therefore, if in order to obtain equality, we have to be dependent on what the State does, this is going to be a contradiction…. So we could translate those values that informed the definition of policies in the 20th century, in 21st century terms they would be the idea of freedom (or personal autonomy, the idea of empowerment, not subjection, non-dependence) and at the same time equality, but no longer simply equality of opportunities but also equality of condition because we have to compensate for what is not the same (equal) in society. If you say « equal opportunities », that everyone has access to cultural facilities, to libraries, you are disregarding the fact that the starting conditions of people are not the same, this is the great contribution of Amartya Sen, no? You have to compensate for unequal starting situations because otherwise you depoliticize inequality and consider that inequality is the result of people’s lack of effort to get out of poverty. So equality yes, but the approach is different. And we must incorporate the idea of diversity as a key element in the recognition of people and groups on the basis of their specific dignity. That seems easy to say, but in reality it is complicated, especially if you relate it to culture, because culture has to do with all these things: it has to do with the construction of your personality, it has to do with equal access to culture just as cultural rights and culture have to do with the recognition of different forms of knowledge and culture – canonical culture, high culture, popular culture, everyday culture, neighbourhood culture …<br /></br>So for me, a cultural policy should be framed within the triple focus of personal autonomy, equality and diversity. And this is contradictory, in part, with the cultural policies developed in the past, where there is usually confusion between equality and homogeneity. In other words, the left has tended to consider that equality meant the same thing for everyone and that is wrong, isn’t it?, because you are confusing equality with homogeneity. The opposite of equality is inequality, the opposite of homogeneity is diversity. So you have to work with equality and diversity as values that are not antagonistic, but can be complementary. And this is a challenge for public institutions because they do not like heterogeneity, they find it complicated because it is simpler to treat everyone the same, as the administrative law manual used to prescribe `indifferent efficiency’: it is a way of understanding inequality as indifference, right?</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: In your article you also talk about the opposition between investing in infrastructures versus creating spaces and environments that are attractive to creators and you put an emphasis on the generation of spaces. What is being done, what has been done, what could be done about this?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : In Barcelona we want to ensure that the city’s cultural policies do not imply producing culture itself, but rather to try to influence the values in the production processes that already exist, in the facilities, in the cultural and artistic infrastructures: the role of the city council, of the municipality, is not so much to produce culture as to contribute to the production of culture. Which is different, helping to produce culture…. Obviously, the city council will give priority to those initiatives that coincide with the values, with the normative approach that we promote. There are some exceptions, for example, the Grec festival in Barcelona(4) in July, or the Mercé(5), which is the Festa Mayor, where the city council does in fact subsidize the production of culture, so some productions are subsidised but generally what we have is a policy of aid to creators. What is being done is that 11 creative factories (fablabs) have been built, these are factories with collectives that manage them chosen through public tenders. There are now 3 factories of circus and visual arts, 2 factories of dance creation, one factory of more global creation housed at Fabra & Coats, 3 theatre factories and 2 visual arts and technology sites. So there are 11 factories of different sorts and there are plans to create others, for example in the field of feminist culture where we are in discussion with a very well consolidated group : normally all these creative factories have their management entrusted to collectives that already become highly consolidated in the process of creation and that need a space to ensure their continuity. Often the city council will cede municipal spaces to these collectives, sometimes through public competitions where the creators are asked to present their project for directing a factory. This is one aspect. Another aspect is what is called living culture, which is a programme for the promotion of cultural activities that arise from the community or from collectives in the form of cooperatives and this is a process of aid to collectives that are already functioning, or occasionally to highlight cultural activities and cultural dynamics that have existed for a long time but have not been dignified, that have not been valued, for example the Catalan rumba of the Gypsies, which is a very important movement in Barcelona that emerged from the gypsy community of El Raval, where there were some very famous artists like Peret. There we invested in creating a group to work on the historical memory of the rumba, looking for the roots of this movement, where it came from and why. Then some signposts were set up in streets where this took place, such as La Cera in El Raval, where there are two murals that symbolise the history of the Catalan rumba and the gypsy community in this area so that this type of thing is publicly visible. That is the key issue for culture: a recognition that there are many different cultures.</p></br><p>Then there is the area of civic centres: approximately 15% of the civic centres in the city are managed by civic entities as citizen heritage, and those civic centres also have cultural activities that they decide on, and the city council, the municipality helps them develop the ideas put forward by the entities that manage those centres.</p></br><p>So, if we put all those things together, we could talk about a culture of the urban commons. It is still early stages, this is still more of a concept than a reality, but the underlying idea is that in the end the density and the autonomous cultural-social fabric will be strong enough to be resilient to political changes. In other words, that you have helped to build cultural practices and communities that are strong and autonomous enough that they are not dependent on the political conjuncture. This would be ideal. A bit like the example I often cite about the housing cooperatives in Copenhagen, that there was 50% public housing in Copenhagen, and a right-wing government privatised 17% of that public housing, but it couldn’t touch the 33% of housing that was in the hands of co-operatives. Collective social capital has been more resilient than state assets: the latter is more vulnerable to changes in political majorities.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: You also speak of situated culture which I think is very important: setting it in time and space. Now Facebook has announced it is coming to Barcelona so the Barcelona brand is going to be a brand that includes Facebook and its allies. But your conception of a situated culture is more about a culture where social innovation, participation, popular creativity in the community are very important…</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : Yes, it seems contradictory. In fact what you’re asking is the extent to which it makes sense to talk about situated culture in an increasingly globalized environment which is more and more dependent on global platforms. I believe that tension exists and conflict exists, this is undeniable, the city is a zone of conflict, therefore, the first thing we have to accept is that the city is a battleground between political alternatives with different cultural models. It is very difficult for a city council to set out univocal views of a cultural reality that is intrinsically plural. Talking about situated culture is an attempt to highlight the significance of the distinguishing factors that Barcelona possesses in its cultural production. This does not mean that this situated culture should be a strictly localist culture – a situated culture does not mean a culture that cuts off global links – it is a culture that relates to the global on the basis of its own specificity. What is most reprehensible from my point of view are cultural dynamics that have a global logic but that can just as well be here or anywhere else. And it’s true that the platforms generate this. An example: the other day the former minister of culture of Brazil, Lluca Ferreira, was here and talked about a program of living culture they developed, and they posted a photograph of some indigenous people where the man wore something that covered his pubic parts but the woman’s breasts were naked. So Facebook took the photograph off the site, and when the Minister called Facebook Brazil to say ‘what is going on?’, they told him that they didn’t have any duty towards the Brazilian government, that the only control over them was from a judge in San Francisco and that, therefore, if the judge in San Francisco forced them to put the photograph back, they would put it back, otherwise they wouldn’t have to listen to any minister from Brazil or anywhere else. In the end, there was a public movement of protest, and they put the photo back. The same thing happened here a few days ago, a group from a municipal theatre creation factory put up a poster with a man’s ass advertising a play by Virginia Wolff and Facebook took their entire account off the net – not just the photograph, they totally removed them from Facebook. And here too Facebook said that they are independent and that only the judge from San Francisco and so on. I believe that this is the opposite of situated culture because it is a global cultural logic, but at the same time it allows itself to be censored in Saudi Arabia, in China, that is to say it has different codes in each place. So to speak of situated culture means to speak of social transformation, of the relationship between culture and social transformation situated in the context in which you are working. But at the same time to have the will to dialogue with similar processes that exist in any other part of the world and that is the strength of a situated culture. And those processes of mutuality, of hybridization, that can happen when you have a Pakistani community here, you have a Filipino community, you have a Chinese community, you have a Gypsy community, you have an Italian community, you have an Argentinean community: they can be treated as typical folkloric elements in a theme park, or you can try to generate hybridization processes. Now at the Festival Grec this year there will be poetry in Urdu from the Pakistanis, there will be a Filipino theatre coming and a Filipino film fest at the Filmoteca – and this means mixing, situating, the cultural debate in the space where it is happening and trying to steep it in issues of cultural diversity. What I understand is that we need to strive for a local that is increasingly global, that this dialogue between the local and the global is very important.</p></br><p><strong>AA</strong></p></br><ul>: Returning to social innovation and popular creativity, social innovation is also a concept taken up pretty much everywhere: how is it understood here? Taking into account that in the world of the commons, Catalonia, and especially Barcelona, is very well known for its fablabs, which are also situated in this new era. How then do you understand social innovation and how do you see the relationship between education and social innovation?</ul></br><p><strong>JS</strong> : What I am trying to convey is that the traditional education system is doing little to prepare people and to enhance inclusive logics in our changing and transforming society, so in very broad lines I would say that if health and education were the basic redistributive policies of the 20th century, in the 21st century we must incorporate culture as a basic redistributive policy. Because before, the job market had very specific demands for the education sector: it knew very well what types of job profiles it needed because there was a very Taylorist logic to the world of work – what is the profile of a baker, of a plumber, of a miller? How many years you have to study for this kind of work. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the labour market, about how people will be able to work in the future and the key words that appear are innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility, ability to understand a diverse world, teamwork , being open to new ideas: this has little to do with traditional educational profiles, but it has much to do with culture, with things that allow you to acquire that backpack of basic tools that will help you navigate in a much more uncertain environment. And for me, to find the right connection between culture and education is very important because it allows the educational system to constantly transform itself by taking advantage of the creative potential of an environment that is much more accessible now than before because of new technologies, and therefore to make the transition from a deductive system where there is a teacher who knows and tells people what they need to know – to an inductive system: how do we explore what we need to know in order to be able to act. And that more inductive, more experimental logic has to do with creativity whereas the traditional education system didn’t postulate creativity, it postulated your ability to learn what someone else had decided you needed to study. It’s art, it is culture that allows you to play in that field much more easily …</p></br><p><strong> Translated from Spanish by Nancy Thede.</strong></p></br><p>1 Joan Subirats is Commissioner for culture in the city government of Barcelona led by the group Barcelona en comu. He is also professor of political science at the Universitat<br /></br>autonoma de Barcelona and founder of the Institute on Governance and Public Policy.</p></br><p>2 « Salvara la cultura a las ciudades? », La Vanguardia (Barcelona), Culturals supplement, 12<br /></br>May 2018, pp. 20-21.</p></br><p>3 Nancy Fraser, « A Triple Movement », New Left Review 81, May-June 2013. Published in Spanish in Jean-Louis Laville and José Luis Coraggio (Eds.), La izquierda del<br /></br>siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario Icaria, Madrid 2018.</p></br><p>4 Festival Grec, an annual multidisciplinary festival in Barcelona, now in its 42nd year. It is<br /></br>named for the Greek Theatre built for the 1929 Universal Exhibition in Barcelona:<br /></br></p></br><p>5 Barcelona’s annual ‘Festival of Festivals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>vals’ begins on Sept 24, day of Our Lady of Mercy, a city holiday in Barcelona. It especially highlights catalan and barcelonian cultural traditions and in recent years has especially featured neighbourhood cultural activities like street theatre. See:è.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Last 6, 7 and 8<blockquote><p>Last 6, 7 and 8 of November, the Art of commoning, an event the community Art of Hosting Montreal, saw 70 people come together to explore the commons and commoning, and develop a culture from the posture of commoner. The first two days were held in the beautiful local gardens Space for Life (Espace pour la vie) partner of the event. The third day, the participants were divided in different places (Tiers lieux) with commons projects throughout the city of Montreal.</p></br><p>David Bollier who participated with Silke Hefrich, Alain Ambrosi and myself, made a <a href=""> review of the meeting on his blog </a>. For more information you can look at the <a href="">full article</a> (in French only)</p></blockquote></br><p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-4035" src="" alt="20141107_162027" width="1024" height="576" /></a></p>g/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/20141107_162027-1024x576.jpg" alt="20141107_162027" width="1024" height="576" /></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Test code court”</span>…</span></a></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<div class="link-more"><a href="h<div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Calendario : Actividades de Remix”</span>…</span></a></div> Actividades de Remix”</span>…</span></a></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<figure id="attachment_6619" aria-descr<figure id="attachment_6619" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-6619" style="width: 512px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-6619" src="" alt="<a href="">Gzen92</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons" width="512" height="384" srcset=" 512w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-6619" class="wp-caption-text"><a href="">Gzen92</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons</figcaption></figure></br><p>Adopté par l’Assemblée nationale, le projet de loi confortant le respect des principes de la République a fait l’objet de deux saisines du Conseil Constitutionnel. L’une sur l’article 49 de la loi, relatif à l’enseignement en famille par les députés des groupes LR, UDI et Libertés et Territoires (<a href="">lien</a>) et l’autre sur les articles 4, 6, 7, 8, 14 bis AA et 18 par 71 députés des groupes Gauche démocrate et républicaine, La France insoumise et Socialistes et apparentés (<a href="">lien</a>). Le Conseil Constitutionnel prévoit de rendre sa décision le 13 août (<a href=""></a>).</p></br><p><strong>Remix est co-signataire de la contribution extérieure associative demandant la censure de plusieurs articles du projet de loi envoyée le lundi 26 juillet au Conseil Constitutionnel. </strong><strong>Vous retrouverez l’intégralité de la contribution extérieure sur le site de L.A. Coalition pour les libertés associatives en cliquant ici</strong> : <a href=""></a></p>.fr/CP-LA-Coalition-pour-les-libertes-associatives-demande-au-Conseil"></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<h2>Interview with Joan Subirats – B<h2>Interview with Joan Subirats – Barcelona, April 20, 2017</h2></br><p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Nancy Thede </strong></p></br><blockquote><p><i>The pro-independence government of Catalonia recently sparked a political crisis in Spain by proposing to call a referendum on independence by the end of 2017 with or without the approval of the central government. In contrast, « Catalonia in common » defines itself as an innovative political space of the Catalan left. Initiated by Barcelona in Comú a little less than a year after its election to city hall, the initiave was launched in October 2016. A short manifesto explained its raison-d’être and presented an « ideario politico » (a political project) of some 100 pages for broad discussion over 5 months which culminated in a constituent assembly last April 8.</i></p></br><p><i>This new political subject defines itself as « a left-wing Catalan organisation that aims to govern and to transform the economic, political and social structures of the present neo-liberal system. » Its originality in the political panorama of Catalonia and of Spain is its engagement with « a new way of doing politics, a politics of the commons where grassroots people and communities are the protagonists. » In response to those who see its emergence only in the context of the impending referendum, it affirms: « We propose a profound systemic, revolutionary change in our economic, social, environmental and political model. » </i></p></br><p><i>We interviewed Joan Subirats a few days after the Constituent Assembly of Catalunya en Comú took place. Joan is an academic renowned for his publications and his political engagement. A specialist in public policy and urban issues, he has published widely on the Commons and on the new municipalism. He is one of the artisans of Barcelona in Comú and has just been elected to the coordinating body of the new space named recently « Catalunya en comú ».</i></p></blockquote></br><h3>The Genesis of a New Political Subject</h3></br><p><b>NT —</b> Tell us about the trajectory of the development of this new initiative: a lot of people link it to the 15-M, but I imagine that it was more complex than that and started long before.</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4740" src="" alt="Joan_Subirats_2013_(cropped)" width="423" height="526" /><br /></br><a href="">By Directa (youtube) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons</a></p></br><p><b>JS —</b> At the outset there was Guanyem, which was in fact the beginning of Barcelona en Comú: the first meetings were in February-March 2014. Who was involved? this is quite simultaneous with the decision by Podemos to compete in the European Parliament elections in May 2014. Podemos organises in February 2014; Guanyem begins organising in February- March 2014 to compete in the municipal elections of May 2015.</p></br><p>Going farther back, there is a phase of intense social mobilisation against austerity policies between 2011 and 2013. If we look at the statistics of the Ministry of the Interior on the number of demonstrations, it is impressive, there were never as many demonstrations as during that period, but after mid-2013 they start to taper off. There is a feeling that there are limits and that demonstrations can’t obtain the desired changes in a situation where the right-wing Popular Party (PP) holds an absolute majority. So the debate emerges within the social movements as to whether it’s a good idea to attempt to move into the institutions.</p></br><p>Podemos chooses the most accessible scenario, that of the European elections, because these elections have a single circonscription, so all of Spain is a single riding, with a very high level of proportionality, so with few votes you get high representation because there are 60-some seats, so with one million votes they obtained 5 seats. And people vote more freely in these elections because apparently the stakes are not very high, so they are elections that are good for testing strategies. In contrast, here in Barcelona, we chose the municipal elections as the central target because here there is a long history of municipalism.</p></br><p>So this sets the stage for the period that began in 2014 with Guanyem and Podemos and the European elections and in May 2015 with the municipal elections where in 4 of the 5 major cities – Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Zaragoza – alternative coalitions win that are not linked to either of the two major political parties (PP and the Socialist Party – PSOE) that have dominated the national political scene since the return to democracy in 1977. And in the autonomous elections<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>, a new political cycle also begins, in which we still are. If we go farther back, to 2011 – there are a couple of maps that show the correlation between the occupation of plazas in the 15-M with the number of alternative citizen canadidacies at the municipal level.</p></br><p>So Podemos and all the alternative citizen coalitions all refer to the 15M as their founding moment. But the 15M is not a movement, it was a moment, an event. You must have heard the joke about the stranger who arrives and wants to talk to the 15M – but there is no 15M, it has no spokespersons and no address. But everyone considers it very important because it transformed the political scene in its wake . But what was there before the 15M?</p></br><p>There were basically 4 major trends that converged in the 15-M :<br /></br>First the anti-globalisation movement, the oldest one, very interesting because a large number of the new political leaders have come out of it, with forms of political mobilisation different from the traditional ones.</p></br><p>Then there was the « Free Culture Forum » linked to issues regarding internet which was very important here in Barcelona – with Simona Levy and Gala Pin, who is now a municipal councillor – that is important because here digital culture, network culture, was present from the very beginning, something that didn’t occur in other places.</p></br><p>The third movement was the PAH (Platform for People Affected by Mortgages) which emerges in 2009 and had precedents with Ada Colau and others who organised « V for vivienda » (like the film « V for vendetta », but in this case vivienda – housing), an attempt to demonstrate that young people were excluded from social emancipation because they didn’t have access to housing. Their slogan was « you’ll never have a house in your whole f’king life ». And the forms of mobilisation were also very new, for example, they occupied IKEA because at that time IKEA’s advertising slogan was « the independent republic of your home », so they occupied it and slept in the beds there. So this was more youthful, alternative, more of a rupture, but then in 2009 with the creation of the PAH they started to try to connect with the immigrant sector and people who were losing their houses because of the mortgage hype, it was very important because it’s the movement that tries to connect with sectors outside of youth: the poor, immigrants, working class… with the slogan ‘this is not a crisis, it’s a sting’. So the PAH is very important because it’s the movement that connects with sectors of the population outside of youth: workers, immigrants, the elderly… For example, here in Plaza Catalunya in 2011 the only major poster rallying people who weren’t youth was that of the PAH.</p></br><p>And the fourth movement – the most ‘authentic’ 15M one – was that of the « Youth without future ». People who organised mainly in Madrid, typical middle-class university sector with post-grad studies, who suddenly realised that they wouldn’t find jobs, that it wasn’t true that their diplomas would open doors for them, they were in a precarious situation.</p></br><p>So those were the four major currents that converged in the basis of the 15M. But what made it ‘click’ was not just those 4 trends, but the fact that huge numbers of other people recognised the moment and converged on the plazas and overwhelmed the movements that started it. The most surprising thing about the moment was that those 4 movements – that were not all that important – were rapidly overwhelmed by success of the movement they started and new people who spontaneously joined. That was what really created the phenomenon, because if it had been just those 4 movements, if it had been like ‘Nuit debout’ in Paris where people occupied the plaza but without the sensation that people had steamrollered the leaders. So, when the plazas are evacuated, the idea becomes ‘Let’s go to the neighbourhoods’. So all of a sudden, in the neighbourhoods of Barcelona and Madrid, assemblies were organised where there was a mixture of the old neighbourhood associations that were no longer very active and whose members were older (my generation) and new people who brought new issues like ecology, energy, bicycle transport, cooperatives, water and a thousand different things and who created new spaces of articulation where people who had never thought that they would meet in the neighbourhoods began to converge.</p></br><p>I think this explains the re-emergence of municipalism that followed: people begin to see the city as a place where diverse social changes can be articulated on a territorial basis: many mobilisations are taking place in isolation, in a parallel manner and don’t have a common meeting-point. Water as a common good, energy transition, sustainable transport, public health, public space, infant education… All of a sudden there was something that brought people together which was to discuss the city, the city we want – David Harvey mentions in an article that the modern-day factory is the city. That is, we no longer have factories, the city is now the space where conflicts appear and where daily life becomes politicised: issues like care, food, schooling, transport, energy costs – and this creates a new space for articulating these issues that hadn’t been previously envisaged.</p></br><p>So I think this is the connection : 15-M as a moment of overwhelming, the end of a cycle of mobilisation – remember that there had been a petition of a million and a half signatures to change the mortgage legislation, that Ada Colau presented in the national Congress, where she accused the PP deputies of being assassins because of what they were doing – but that mobilisation had no effect in the law. A PP deputy declared ‘If these people want to change things, then they should get elected’. So people started thinking ‘OK, if that’s the way it is, then let’s get ourselves elected’. This is the initial change of cycle in 2014. So the 4 movements were present in the meetings of Guanyem and BComun, as well as some progressive intellectuals and people from other issue areas like water, transport, energy etc. That was the initial nucleus here in Barcelona – in Madrid it was different. There the Podemos generation had a different logic. Here, from the beginning, we wanted to create a movement from the bottom up and to avoid a logic of coalition of political parties, this was very clear from the outset. We didn’t want to reconstruct the left on the basis of an agreement amongst parties. We wanted to build a citizen movement that could impose its own conditions on the parties. In the case of Podemos it was different: it was a logic of a strike from above – they wanted to create a strong close-knit group with a lot of ideas in a very short period and as a result an electoral war machine that can assault the heavens and take power. Here, on the other hand, we foresaw a longer process of construction of a movement where we would start with the municipalities and after that, we’ll see.</p></br><p>So Guanyem was created in June 2014, 11 months prior to the municipal elections, with a minimal program in 4 points:</p></br><ol></br><li>we said, we want to take back the city, it’s is being taken away from the citizens, people come here to talk about a ‘business-friendly global city’ and they are taking it away from the citizens, we have lost the capacity to control it, as the first point;</li></br><li>there is a social emergency where many problems don’t get a response;</li></br><li>we want people to be able to have decision-making capacity in what happens in the city, so co-production of policy, more intense citizen participation in municipal decisions;</li></br><li>moralisation of politics. Here the main points are non-repetition of mandates, limits on salaries of elected officials, anti-corruption and transparency measures, etc.</li></br></ol></br><p>So we presented this in June 2014 and we decided that we would give ourselves until September to collect 30,000 signatures in support of the manifesto and if we succeeded, we would present candidates in the municipal elections. In one month we managed to get the 30,000 signatures! Besides getting the signatures on internet and in person, we held a lot of meetings in the neighbourhoods to present the manifesto – we held about 30 or 40 meetings like that, some of them small, some more massive, where we went to the neighbourhoods and we said « We thought of this, what do you think? We thought of these priorities, etc’. » So, in September of 2014 we decided to go ahead; once we decided that we would present a slate, we began to discuss with the parties – but with the strength of all that support of 30,000 people backing us at the grassroots, so our negotiating strength with respect to the parties was very different. In Dec 2014 we agreed with the parties to create Barcelona en Comun – we wanted to call it Guanyem but someone else had already registered the name, so there was a lot of discussion about a new name, there were various proposals: Revolucion democratica, primaria democratica, the term Comu – it seemed interesting because it connected with the Commons movement, the idea of the public which is not restricted to the institutional and that was key. It was also important that in the previous municipal elections in 2011 only 52% of people had voted, in the poorer neighbourhoods a higher number of people abstained and that it was in the wealthier neighbourhoods where a larger proportion of people had voted. So we wanted to raise participation by 10% in the poor neighbourhoods more affected by the crisis and we thought that would allow us to win. And that was what happened. In 2015, 63% voted, but in the poor areas 40% more people voted. In the rich areas, the same people voted as before.</p></br><p>So it was not impossible to think we could win. And from the beginning the idea was to win. We did not build this machine in order to participate, we built it in order to win. We didn’t want to be the opposition, we wanted to govern. And as a result, it was close, because we won 11 of 41 seats, but got the most votes so we head the municipal council, the space existed. From the moment Guanyem was created in June 2014, other similar movements began to be created all over Spain – in Galicia, in Andalucia, in Valencia, Zaragoza, Madrid… One of the advantages we have in Barcelona is that we have Ada Colau, which is a huge advantage, because a key thing is to have an uncontested leader who can articulate all the segments of the movement – ecologists, health workers, education professionals…. If you don’t have that it’s very difficult, and also the sole presence of Ada Colau explains many things. In Madrid they found Manuela Carmena, who is great as an anti-franquista symbol, with her judicial expertise, very popular but who didn’t have that tradition of articulating movements, and as a result now they are having a lot more problems of political coordination than here.</p></br><h3>A New Political Subject for a New Political Era</h3></br><p><b>AA —</b> So now Catalunya en comu defines itself as a new political space on the left for the whole of Catalonia. But in recent Catalan history that’s nothing really new: there have been numerous political coalitions on the left, such as the PSUC<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup> in 1936 followed by many others. So what is different about this initiative?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> If we open up our perspective and look at things more globally, I think that what justifies the idea that this is a new political space is the fact that the moment is new, we’re in a new phase so it’s very important to understand that if this new political moment reproduces the models and the conceptual paradigms of the old left and of the Fordism of the end of the 20th century, we won’t have moved ahead at all. The crisis of social democracy is also a crisis of a way of understanding social transformation with codes that no longer exist. As a result the measure of success of this new political space is not so much in to what extent it can bring together diverse political forces, but rather its capacity to understand this new scenario we find ourselves in – a scenario where digital transformation is changing everything, where we no longer know what ‘labour’ is, where heterogeneity and social diversity appear as factors not of complexity but of values, where the structure of age no longer functions as it used to – where everything is in transformation, so we can no longer continue to apply ideas – to use a phrase coined by Ulrich Beck – ‘zombie concepts’, living dead, no?, we forge ahead with our backpacks full of 20th-century concepts, applying them to realities that no longer have anything to do with them. It’s easy to see the defects of the old, traditional concepts, but it’s very difficult to construct new ones because we don’t really know what is happening nor where we are headed. The example of the debate in France between Valls and Hamon – at least, I read the summary in Le Monde, where Valls maintained that it would be possible to come back to a situation of full employment and Hamon said that is impossible, that it’s necessary to work towards the universal basic income; in the end, Hamon is closer to the truth than Valls, but Hamon isn’t capable of explaining it in a credible way – and it is very difficult to explain it in a credible way.</p></br><p>Here, we are working at one and the same time on the Commons and the non-institutional public sphere, we are demanding greater presence of the public administration when probably it wouldn’t really be necessary, but since we don’t have a clear idea of how to construct this new thing, we are still acting sort of like slaves of the old. So that’s where I think the concept of the Commons, of the cooperative, the collaborative, new ideas regarding the digital economy, are more difficult to structure, because we’re also conscious that capitalism is no longer only industrial or financial but now it’s digital capitalism, and it controls all the networks of data transmission and at the same time the data themselves, probably the wealth of the future. So, sure we can do really interesting things in Barcelona, out of Barcelona en Comun, but we have GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft), and GAFAM has its own logics and that complicates things. So we have to create a new political subject – and it’s obvious that we need something new – but what isn’t so obvious is what are the concepts we need to create this new subject. So if you look at the documents published by Un Pais en Comu<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a></sup> that’s what you’ll see: a bit of different language, a different way of using concepts, but at the same time a trace of the heritage of the traditional left. The journal ‘Nous Horitzons’ has just published a new issue on ‘Politics in Common’<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a></sup> which brings together a lot of these elements. The impression that some of us had in the assembly the other day in Vall d’Hebron (the inaugural assembly of the movement) was that the old ways were still weighing us down, that there was a difficulty to generate an innovative dynamic.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> That was clear in the composition of the audience.</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, well, the Podemos people weren’t there, of course… they didn’t come for various reasons, because probably not everybody was in agreement with Albano-Dante<sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a></sup> but they saw there was a lot of disagreement and so they preferred not to come, and that’s a type of public that, as well as filling the hall, also changes the type of dynamic – so it was more the traditional-style organisations that were there (Iniciativa or EUIA<sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-6">[6]</a></sup>), there was more of the old than the new probably. Perhaps that’s inevitable, but what we have to do now is to see if we can change that dynamic.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> When one reads the ‘Ideario politico’ (the political project of Un Pais en Comu) it’s a sort of lesson in political economy, political philosophy as well, but also a vast programme, and the left has never put forward this type of Commons-inspired programme before, be it in Catalunya or in Spain or probably internationally. How do you see its contribution in the context of the Commons ecosystem? There have been experiences of the Commons without the Commons label, as in Latin America …</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, in Catalunya the anarcho-sindicalist movement…</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> Of course, but more recently, the idea of ‘Buen Vivir’ …</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, but when you go to Latin America and you talk about that, it all revolves around the State. But here, we try not to be state-centric. We are trying to avoid the idea that the only possible transformation needs to depend on the State.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> But in the ‘Ideario’ a lot of discussion is devoted to public services as well, this implies that the State has to exist. And in the Commons vocabulary there is the concept of the ‘partner-state’, but it doesn’t appear in the Ideario…</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, there’s a margin there: the resilience of the new politics depends more on the capacity to create ‘muscled’ collective spaces – public, collective, common – than on the occupation of the institutions. But without the occupation of the institutions, it’s very difficult to construct those spaces. The example that comes to mind for me is from Copenhagen: there it was the cooperatives of the workers’ unions that built the big housing coops that exist now; also, the municipal government when the left was in power built a lot of public housing; then when a right-wing government came to power, it privatised all the public housing but it couldn’t privatise the cooperatives. So in the end, things that are strictly state-based are more vulnerable than when you build collective strength. So if we are able to benefit from these spaces in order to build ‘collective muscle’, using our presence in the institutions, this will end up being more resilient, more stable over time than if we put all our eggs in the State basket. So the Barcelona city government has civic social centres that are municipal property, but what is important is to succeed in ensuring that these centres are controlled by the community, that each community make them its own despite the fact that the property is officially that of the municipality, but they must be managed through a process of community management. So you need to build in the community a process of appropriation of institutions that ends up being stronger than if it were all in the hands of the State.</p></br><p>Now we are discussing citizen heritage, how the city government can use its property – houses, buildings – and it can cede them for a certain period in order to construct collective spaces. For example, 8 building sites that belong to the municipality have been put up for auction on 100-year leases for community organisations to build housing cooperatives. This doesn’t take property away from the public sphere and at the same time it generates collective strength. But a certain sector of the political left here, the CUP, criticises this as privatisation of public space. They think Barcelona en Comun should build public housing instead, state-owned housing. That’s a big difference. And people are aware of that, but at the same time there are doubts about whether this makes sense, whether there is sufficient strength within the community so that this can work. Or, for example, the most common criticism is that “you have an idea of the public, the collective, the Commons, that implies capacities in the community that are only present in the middle classes that have the knowledge, the organisational capacity… so it’s a very elitist vision of the collective because the popular sectors, without the backing of the State, won’t be able to do this. » Well, we’re going to try to combine things so it can work, but we don’t want to keep converting the public into the ‘state’.</p></br><p>Nancy Fraser wrote an article on the triple movement – looking at Polanyi’s work on the ‘double movement’ in the Great Transformation, that is the movement towards mercantilisation, and the opposite movement it stimulated towards protection. Polanyi talks about the confrontation of these 2 movements in the early 20th century, and the State – in its soviet form or in its fascist form – as a protectionist response of society which demands protection when faced with the uncertainty, the fragility the double movement engenders. Nancy Fraser says that all that is true, but we’re no longer in the 20th century, we’re in the 21st century where factors like individual emancipation, diversity, feminism are all very important – so we shouldn’t be in favour of a protectionist movement that continues to be patriarchal and hierarchical. We need a movement for protection that generates autonomy – and there resides what I think is one of the keys of the Commons movement. The idea of being able to get protection – so, a capacity of reaction against the dynamics of the market attacks – without losing the strength of diversity, of personal emancipation, of feminism, the non-hierarchical, the non-patriarchal, the idea that somebody decide for me what I need to do and how I will be protected. Let me self-protect myself too, let me be a protagonist too of this protection. And this is contradictory with the state-centric tradition.</p></br><h3>A Commons Economy, Participation and Co-production of Policy</h3></br><p><b>AA —</b> The first theme of the ‘Ideario’ is the economy – you are an economist, amongst other things – how do you see this proposal in terms of the Commons? For example, there is a lot of discussion now about ‘open cooperativism’, etc. What you were saying about the cooperative movement here, that it is very strong but not sufficient…</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> In some aspects no. For example, the city wanted to open a new contract for communications (telephone, internet) – now there are the big companies Telefonica, Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, etc: there’s a cooperative called ‘Som Connexion’ (We are connection)- or ‘Som Energia’ (We are energy) that’s a lot bigger – it has 40,000 members – but these cooperatives, it would be fantastic if the city were to give them the contract for energy or for communication, but they aren’t capable of managing that at the moment. So if they take it, we’d all have big problems: faulty connections, lack of electrical power – because they’re growing for sure but they don’t yet have the ‘muscle’, the capacity they need to take this on.</p></br><p>So we have to continue investing in this, it’s not going to take care of itself. On the other hand, in other areas, like home services for the elderly, we do have very strong cooperatives, Abacus for example is a cooperative for book distribution that has 800 000 members, so that is a coop that’s very powerful, and there are others. But in general, the more powerful the coop, the less politicised it is – they tend to transform themselves into big service companies. But now they are understanding that perhaps it would be in their interest to have a different vision; there has been a very politicised movement in the grassroots level coops that is contradictory with the entrepreneurial trend in the big coops. So we’re in this process right now: yes, there are very big, very strong coops and there are also smaller, more political ones but they don’t have sufficient muscle yet.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> When we look at issues of participation, co-production of policy and such, it is also a question of culture, a culture of co-production that doesn’t exist. In the neighbourhoods, yes there is a trend to revamping participation, but when we talk to people in the local-level committees they say ‘Sure, people come to the meetings, but because they want a tree planted here…’ and they don’t have that vision of co-creation. So first there has to be a sort of cultural revolution ?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> There are places where there has been a stronger community tradition that could well converge with this. Some neighbourhoods like Roquetes for example, Barceloneta or Sants, have very strong associational traditions. If you go to Roquetes to the meeting of the community plan, everybody is there: the people from the primary medical services centre, the doctors, the schools are there, the local police, the social workers – and they hold meetings every 2 weeks and they know everything that goes on in the area, and they transfer cases amongst themselves: “we detected this case, how do we deal with it?” etc. The community fabric in those neighbourhoods functions really well. So what can you add to that fabric so that it can go a bit further? On the other hand, in other neighbourhoods like Ciutat Meridiana, in 5 years 50% of the population has changed, so it’s very difficult to create community where the level of expulsion or change is so high. In Sants, in Ca Batlló, there was a very interesting experience where people want to create a cooperative neighbourhood – it’s a bit polemical – they want to create a public school without using public funds, instead using money from the participants themselves, because the coop tradition in Sants is very anarchist, libertarian – so they promote the idea of a public school, open to all, but not using public funds. And it would have its own educational philosophy, that wouldn’t have to submit to standard educational discipline. And groups have appeared in different neighbourhoods dedicated to shared child-raising where there are no pre-schools for children between 0 and 3 years, or people prefer not to take the kids to public pre-schools because they find them too rigid, so they prefer generating relationships amongst parents. So what should the role of the city government be with respect to such initiatives? Should it facilitate or not? There’s a debate about how to position the municipality with respect to these initiatives that are interesting but then when, inside Barcelona en Comú or Catalunya en Comú, the person who is in charge of these issues comes with a more traditional union perspective and says “This is crazy, what we need to do is to create public schools with teachers who are professional civil servants. These experiments are fine for gentrified zones, but in reality…’” And they are partly right. So we’re in that sort of situation, which is a bit ambivalent. We’re conscious that we need to go beyond a state-centric approach, but at the same time we need to be very conscious that if we don’t reinforce the institutional role, the social fragilities are very acute.</p></br><h3>The Commons and Issues of Sovereignty, Interdependence and the « Right to Decide »</h3></br><p><b>AA —</b> Another high-profile issue is that of sovereignty. The way it’s presented in the Ideario is criticised both by those who want a unified Spain and by those who want Catalan independence. Sovereignty is simply another word for independence in the view of many people. But the way it’s presented in the Ideario is more complex and comprehensive, linked to autonomy at every level …</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Exactly: it’s plural, in lower case and plural: sovereignties. The idea is a bit like what I said earlier about the city, that we want to take back the city. We want to recover the collective capacity to decide over what affects us. So it’s fine to talk about the sovereignty of Catalonia, but we also need to talk about digital sovereignty, water sovereignty, energy sovereignty, housing sovereignty – sovereignty in the sense of the capacity to decide over that which affects us. So we don’t have to wait until we have sovereignty over Catalonia in order to grapple with all this. And this has obvious effects: for example, something we are trying to develop here: a transit card that would be valid on all forms of public transit – like the “Oyster” in London, and many other cities have them – an electronic card that you can use for the train, the metro, the bus: the first thing the Barcelona city government did on this was to ask the question “Who will own the data? “. That’s sovereignty. The entity that controls the data on who moves and how in metropolitan Barcelona has an incredible stock of information with a clear commercial value. So will it belong to the company that incorporates the technology? or will the data belong to the municipality and the municipality will do with it what it needs? At the moment, they are installing digital electricity metres and digital water metres: but to whom do the data belong? because these are public concessions, concessions to enterprises in order that they provide a public service – so who owns the data?</p></br><p>This is a central issue. And it is raised in many other aspects, like food sovereignty. So, we want to ensure that in the future Barcelona be less dependent on the exterior for its food needs, as far as possible. So you need to work to obtain local foodstuffs, control over the products that enter – and that implies food sovereignty, it implies discussing all this. So, without saying that the sovereignty of Catalonia isn’t important, we need to discuss the other sovereignties. Because, suppose we attain the sovereignty of Catalonia as an independent state, but we are still highly dependent in all the other areas. We need to confront this. I don’t think it’s a way of avoiding the issue, it’s a way of making it more complex, of understanding that today the Westphalian concept of State sovereignty no longer makes much sense. I think we all agree on that. We are very interdependent, so how do we choose our interdependencies? That would be real sovereignty, not to be independent because that’s impossible, but rather how to better choose your interdependencies so that they have a more public content.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> Talking of interdependence, there is the issue as well of internationalism. Barcelona en Comú puts a lot of emphasis on that, saying ‘There is no municipalism without internationalism’ etc. From the very outset of her mandate, Ada Colau in 2015 in her inaugural speech as mayor said that ‘we will work to build a movement of cities of the Mediterranean’, and as time goes on the approach is becoming clearer, for example with the participation of Colau and the vice-mayor Gerardo Pisarello in the major international city conferences. What do you see as the importance of this internationalism within the Commons ecosystem?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> There are 2 key aspects for me. First, cities are clearly the most global political space and zone of social convergence that exists. Apparently when we talk about cities we’re talking about something local, but cities are actually very globalised. Benjamin Barber wrote a book about ‘Why Mayors should govern the world’. And he set out an example I think is very good: if the mayor of Montreal meets with Ada and the mayor of Nairobi and the mayor of Santiago de Chile and the mayor of say Hong-Kong, after 5 minutes together they’ll all be talking about the same things. Because the problems of cities are very similar from one place to another despite their different sizes. Questions of energy, transport, water, services, food… If we try to imagine that same meeting between Heads of State, the complexity of the political systems, cultural traditions, constitutional models and all will mean that the challenge of coming to a common understanding will be much more complex. That doesn’t mean that cities are the actors that will resolve climate change, but certainly the fact that Oslo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Paris agree that in 2025 there will no longer be cars circulating that use diesel will have more impact than a meeting of Heads of State. With AirBnB Barcelona is in constant confrontation, the city has fined them 600 000 euros, but Barcelona on its own can’t combat AirBnB. But New York, Paris, London, Amsterdam and Barcelona have come to an agreement to negotiate jointly with AirBnb: those 5 cities together can negotiate with them. But it isn’t the problem for States, it’s much more a problem for cities than for States. And AirBnB uses digital change to enter spaces where there is a lack of precision – it’s what happens too with Uber, Deliveroo and other platforms of so-called ‘collaborative economy’, which is really extractive economy, but which use the reglamentary voids. The people who work for Uber or Deliveroo aren’t employees, they are independent entrepreneurs but they work in 19th century conditions. Tackling this problem from the level of the city can produce new solutions.</p></br><p>I think when we decided in 2014-2015 to attempt to work at the municipal level in Barcelona, we were aware that Barcelona isn’t just any city: Barcelona has an international presence and we wanted to use Barcelona’s international character to exert an influence on urban issues worldwide. Ada Colau participated in the Habitat conference in Quito in October 2016, before that in the meeting of local authorities in Bogota, she is now co-president of the World Union of Municipalities. So there’s an investment that didn’t start just with us but that started in the period when Maragall<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-7">[7]</a></sup> was mayor, a very high investment by Barcelona in participating in this international sphere of cities. This reinforces Barcelona in its confrontations with the State and with private enterprise as well. It plays an important role. There is an international commission within Barcelona en Comú, they are constantly working with other world cities – they have been in France, they have a strong link with Grenoble and will be going to a meeting of French cities in September to talk about potential collaboration, they often go to Italy, they’ve gone to Belgrade, to Poland. In June they’re organising a meeting of Fearless Cities, with the participation of many mayors from major cities in Europe and around the world.<br /></br>So there is a very clear vision of the global aspect. So the global dimension is very present, and at the level of Spain as well. The problem there is that there is political interference, for example in Madrid, which is very important as a city, but within the municipal group “Ahora Madrid” they’re very internally divided, so sometimes you speak to one and the others don’t like it. We have really good relations with Galicia: A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela, also with Valencia, but Valencia also has its own dynamic. Zaragoza. Each city has its own dynamic, so sometimes it’s complicated to establish on-going relations.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> What about Cadiz?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Of course, Cadiz is also part of this trend, but the group there is part of the Podemos anti-capitalist faction, so there are nuances.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> You mentioned 2 points regarding internationalism…</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, first there was the general global perspective on cities and the second is Barcelona’s own concrete interest. So the first is more global, that is, any city in the world today has many more possibilities if it looks at its strategic global role and if it wants to strengthen its position, it has to work on the global level. In the case of Barcelona specifically, there is also a will that’s partly traditional, because it was begun by Maragall, you have to remember that here in Barcelona there are 10 districts, and during the war of the Balkans, Maragall created District 11, which was Sarajevo: city technicians went to Sarajevo to work with them, and still today there are municipal technicians who travel regularly to Gaza to work there, or with La Havana – in other words there’s a clearly established internationalist stance in the municipality. Also, the headquarters of the World Union of Local Governments is in Barcelona. The international headquarters of Educating Cities is in Barcelona, so there has constantly been a will to be present on the international scene since Maragall, and now this is continuing but with a new orientation as well. Perhaps there used to be the idea of exporting the Barcelona model, branding Barcelona, but that is no longer the case.<br /></br>There’s very intense organisation globally, probably if Ada accepted all the invitations she receives, she’d be travelling all the time.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> Coming back to the issue of sovereignty vs independence and “the right to decide”, how does this play out?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> The issue of independence is internally very complex with different positions. I think there is a general agreement on 3 things, ie:</p></br><ol></br><li>Catalonia has its own demos and therefore is a political subject which must be recognised,</li></br><li>it has to be able to decide how to articulate itself with the other political subjects in Spain and in Europe, it has to have the right, the capacity to decide;</li></br><li>this requires the construction of a State of its own.</li></br></ol></br><p>It is on the fourth point that we are not in agreement: whether that State should be independent or whether it should be in some way linked, allied, confederated with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula or with Europe. These 3 initial points are sufficiently important and they are the basis for the fact that Catalunya en Comú or Barcelona en Comú is part of the broad sovereigntist space in Catalonia. What it isn’t part of is the independentist space in Catalonia. Despite the fact that I would say some 30-40% of the members are pro-independence, but the rest not. And that is an issue which divides us. But what we are trying to do is to work out this debate on the basis of our own criteria, not on those of other movements. The criteria of the others are ‘you are independentist or you are not independentist’. Our own criteria are: yes, we are sovereigntists, we discuss sovereignties and we’ll see. Since we agree on what is the most important (that is – an autonomous political subject, the right to decide, an autonomous State), let’s discuss how we can articulate. We have fraternal relations with 4 million people in the rest of Spain who agree with us on the first 3 criteria. So the key question probably would be: Does Catalonia want to separate from the rest of Spain or from this Spain? The standard response would be “We have never known any other. We’ve always seen the same Spain, so there is no other Spain”. So the debate we can have is over “Yes, another Spain is possible”. Sort of like the debate right now over whether to leave Europe: do we want to leave Europe of leave this Europe? But is another Europe possible or not?</p></br><h3>The Challenges of Scale</h3></br><p><b>NT —</b> I am struck by the fact that every time we refer to the initiative of Catalunya en Comú, you respond by giving the example of what’s happening in Barcelona: do you see Barcelona as the model for Un Pais en Comú?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> No, it’s not that it’s the model, there is even some reticence within Barcelona en Comú that this new political initiative may have negative consequences for Barcelona en Comú. The Barcelona in Comú experiment has worked really well: within BeC political parties continue to exist (Podemos, Iniciativa, EUIA, Guanyem) and all agree that it’s necessary to create this subject, because it’s clear – there’s a phrase by a former mayor of Vitoria in the Basque country who said “Where my capacities end, my responsibilities begin” – that is, clearly, cities are developing roles that are more and more important, but their capacities continue to be very limited and especially their resources are very limited – so there’s an imbalance between capacities and responsibilities. Between what cities could potentially do and what they really can do. Refuge-cities – a thousand things. So within Barcelona en Comú there is an understanding of the interest of creating Catalunya en Comú in order to have influence in other levels of government. And to present candidates in elections in Spain with En Comú Podem because to be represented in Madrid is also important. But of course, sometimes this expansion can make us lose the most original aspect, that is the emphasis on municipalism, in the capacity to create these spaces – so there’s a certain tension. And obviously, when you go outside Barcelona in Catalonia, the local and territorial realities are very different, you find… you no longer control what kind of people are joining and so you can end up with surprises – good and bad ones – so there are some doubts, some growing pains. You have to grow, but how will that affect what we have so far? our ways of working and all that… I always refer to Barcelona en Comú because we have existed for longer, we have a sort of ‘tradition’ in the way we work, and on the contrary, the other day we held the founding assembly of Catalunya en Comú and – where are we headed? how long will we be able to maintain the freshness, avoid falling into the traditional vices of political parties? Xavi (Domenech) is a very good candidate, he has what I call a Guanyem DNA, but it’s not evident that we can pull this through. That’s the doubt.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> How do you assess the results of the founding assembly of Catalunya en Comú? Are you happy with what came out of it?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, I’m satisfied, although I don’t think the results were optimal, but we are squeezed by a political calendar that we don’t control. It’s very probable that there will be elections this year in Catalonia, so if that happens… what would have been preferable? To reproduce the Barcelona en Comú model, take more time and work more from the bottom up, hold meetings throughout the territory – we did hold about 70 or 80, but a lot more would have been better – do things more slowly and look around, build links with local movements, the same ones as in Barcelona but on the level of Catalonia – energy, water, etc: reconstruct the same process. But sure, they’re going to call elections or a referendum in 2 days. What is clear is that we can’t do the same thing as with ‘Catalunya si que es pot’<sup id="cite_ref-8" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-8">[8]</a></sup>, which was a coalition but it didn’t work. So all this has meant that the process – despite the fact that I think it has been carried out well, is not optimal: within the realm of the possible, I think it was done with great dignity.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> And with respect to the deliberative process that was used to arrive at the final document?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Basically the same thing: it could have been done better, with deeper debates in each area, it was done very quickly, a lot of issues in a short period of time. The task was very complex, and I think the result is worthy. We tried to avoid standardised jargon and parameters, to make it a bit different. So now we’ll see – yesterday the Executive met for the first time, and on May 13 will be the first meeting of the coordinating group of 120 people<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-9">[9]</a></sup>. So we’ll have to see how this all is gotten underway. I am not convinced that it will all be functional in time for the Catalan elections, for me the key date is May 2019 which are the next municipal elections. Then we’ll see if this has really jelled and if we can have a significant presence throughout the territory. This territorial vision is very important in order to avoid a top-down construction. The key thing in Catalonia is to do it with dignity and not to become entrapped in this dual logic of independence or not, to be capable of bringing together a social force that is in that position.</p></br><div class="" style="font-size: .8em;"></br><p>NOTES</p></br><ol class="references"></br><li id="cite_note-1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-1">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Autonomous elections are those held in the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain created by the 1978 Constitution. Catalunya is one of them.</span></li></br><li id="cite_note-2"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-2">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">The Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia or PSUC: Founded in 1936, it allied the main parties of the Catalan left around the Communist Party. It was dissolved in 1987.</span></li></br><li id="cite_note-3"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-3">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">« A country in common ». The process, carried out in a transparent and well-documented manner, began with a negotiation with certain left-wing parties and movements, and encouraged discussion and new proposals at popular assemblies throughout the region and in online discussion open to the public. More than 3,000 people participated in 70 assemblies and more than 1,700 proposals and amendments were made online with the webpage registering nearly 130,000 hits. The Assembly discussed and voted on the various amendments and agreed on a transitional structure composed of a coordinating body of 120 members and an executive committee of 33 members, each with a one-year mandate to propose an ethical code, statutes, an organizational structure and political options in the unfolding conjuncture. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-4"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-4">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">« La Politica de Comù » in Nous horitzons (New Horizons) No. 215, 2017. Originally titled Horitzons, the magazine was founded in 1960 in clandestinity and published in Catalan abroad by intellectuals linked to the PSUC. It has been published in Catalonia since 1972. It recently opened its pages to other progressive political tendencies. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-5"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-5">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Albano Dante Fachin, member of the Catalan parliament, is the head of Podem (the Catalan wing of the Podemos party). He opposed the participation of his party in the constituent assembly of Un Pais en Comù thus creating a crisis in the ranks of Podemos at both the Catalan and national levels. Party leader Pablo Iglesias did not disown him, but delegated his national second-in-command Pablo Echenique to represent him in the assembly. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-6"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-6">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Coalitions of the Catalan left since the transition period of the 1970s have been numerous and complex for the uninitiated. « Iniciativa for Catalonia Verts » dates from 1995 and was composed of the Green party with Iniciativa for Catalonia, itself a 1987 coalition of the left parties around the PSUC and the former Catalan Communist Party. EUIA (United and Alternative Left) is another coalition in 1998 which includes the first two and all the small parties of the radical left. EUIA is the Catalan branch of Izquierda Unida (United Left) the new name of the Spanish Communist Party. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-7"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-7">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Pasqual Maragall, member and later president of the Catalan Socialist Party, became mayor of Barcelona in 1982 with the support of the elected members of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC). He remained in this position for almost 15 years without ever having a majority in the municipal council. He then became President of the Catalan government in 2003.</span></li></br><li id="cite_note-8"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-8">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Catalunya Sí que es Pot (CSQP, « Yes Catalonia Is Possible ») is a left-wing coalition created in view of the Catalan elections in the autumn of 2015. Barcelona en Comù, itself a municipal coalition, was elected in May 2015 but decided not to run in the autonomous elections. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-9"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-9">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">The election result was no surprise: ‘A country in common’ founder Xavier Domenech will preside the Executive Committee and Ada Colau, the current mayor of Barcelona, is president of the coordinating body. The membership, via an internet vote, chose on May 20 a new name preferring « Catalunya en Comù » to « En Comú podem », thus distinguishing itself from the 2015 Catalan coalition with Podemos, also called « En comu podem » and signalling a reinforcement of the « Barcelona en Comù » wing with respect to the supporters of Podemos in the new entity. The rejection of the earlier name ‘Un Pais en Comu’ may also denote a desire to distance itself from a pro-independence stance.</span></li></br></ol></br></div>i> </ol> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href=""></a></p> <p>trailer from M2R Films – merci Ray Zaharia</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="https://www.remixthec<p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4194" src="" alt="Move North South Water" width="198" height="300" /></a></p></br><p>Le « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – littéralement Sud Eau Nord Déplacer – est le plus gros projet de transfert d’eau au monde, entre le sud et le nord de la Chine. Sur les traces de ce chantier colossal, le film d’Antoine Boutet dresse la cartographie mouvementée d’un territoire d’ingénieur où le ciment bat les plaines, les fleuves quittent leur lit, les déserts deviennent forêts, où peu à peu des voix s’élèvent, réclamant justice et droit à la parole. Tandis que la matière se décompose et que les individus s’alarment, un paysage de science-fiction, contre nature, se recompose.</p></br><p>Sud Eau Nord Déplacer sortira mercredi 28 janvier 2915 dans les salles de cinéma. Si vous souhaitez vous associer à une de ces projections, contactez la salle de cinéma concernée ou la distribution du film : Si vous souhaitez accompagner une projection dans une ville où le film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><em>Les voies maritimes<<p><em>Les voies maritimes</em>, a beautiful idea of video about a project of protected sea area. </p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" frameborder="0" width="400" height="225" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /></br>By <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aires-marines-protegees</a></i></p></br><p>Three photographers have traveled for months Normand Breton Gulf stretching from the island of Brehat to Cape of La Hague and which is the subject of a proposed marine park. Rodolphe Marics, Denis Bourges and Xavier Desmier propose an X-ray of the marine space in three different and complementary points of view: aerial photos, hiking and underwater.</p></br><p><em>Les voies maritimes</em> was born of a partnership between the Agency for Marine Protected Areas and the association Les champs photographiques.</p>maritimes</em> was born of a partnership between the Agency for Marine Protected Areas and the association Les champs photographiques.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </p></br><p><a href="">Pêche durable en Méditarranée</a>, une capsule documentaire réalisée par <a href=""> FNE PACA</a>avec le soutien de la Fondation Ita.</p></br><p>Une video interessante sur les pratiques oubliées et marginalisées de la pêche côtiere en Méditerranée avec l’institution des prudhommies. Les pêcheurs élisent les membres du bureau de la prudhommies qui vont contrôler les pratiques de pêche en fonction des règles établies, qui éventuellement vont juger des pêcheurs qui auraient déroger aux règles établies…) . On se demande encore comment ces instituions ont pu résister et se maintenir vu les pressions de toutes parts qu’elles ont subies pour disparaître.</p></br><p>Pratiquée de longue date en Méditerranée, la pêche aux « petits métiers » est une pratique de pêche durable à différents égards. Découvrez dans ce reportage quelles sont les spécificités de ces pratiques, et plus encore, quels en sont les atouts pour le milieu littoral et les petits fonds si riches et diversifiés de nos côtes méditerranéennes.</p></br><p>France Nature Environnement Paca <br /></br>Fond de dotation ITANCIA<br /></br>2014</p>diterranéennes.</p> <p>France Nature Environnement Paca <br /> Fond de dotation ITANCIA<br /> 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Les questions sur la «propriété» ou sur le droit de bénéficier de l’héritage indigène sont au cœur des débats politiques, économiques et éthiques en cours aux niveaux local, national et international. Quand il s’agit de la recherche dans ce domaine, la vision des peuples autochtones sur la façon dont les études relatives à leur patrimoine sont gérés, est généralement peu prise en compte. De plus en plus cependant, des efforts sont faits pour décoloniser les pratiques de recherche en favorisant des relations plus équitables entre les chercheurs et les peuples autochtones, fondées sur la confiance mutuelle et la collaboration.</p></br><p>Dans cette présentation, George Nicholas critique les débats sur la «propriété» du patrimoine autochtone et fournit des exemples de nouvelles pratiques de recherche qui sont à la fois plus éthiques et plus efficaces. Ces modèles de recherche en collaboration, dans lesquels la communauté mène la recherche, mettent en évidence de nouvelles orientations importantes dans la protection du patrimoine des peuples autochtones.</p></br><p>IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage) est un projet international de recherche participative autour de la réappropriation de l’héritage culturel par les communautés ancestrales. A qui appartient le passé ? A qui bénéficie-t-il ? quelles sont les conceptions culturelles de l’héritage culturel (de la mémoire) ? Comment distinguer accaparement et emprunts culturels (cultural borrowings) ? Ce projet croise des questions sur le domaine public, la nature de la recherche conduite par les communautés (et non pour elles) et sur les connaissances ancestrales (et culturelles en général). Il montre un éventail de processus de gestion collective des connaissances des communautés et tire des principes applicables à la recherche et pour comprendre les questions étudiées. Enfin, il propose l’usage de la <a href="">Traditional Knowledge licence</a> et un <a href="">questionnaire </a>pour évaluer accaparement ou emprunt culturel.</p></br><p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /></br>Event: SFU Public Square<br /></br>Date: April 2, 2014</p>;/p> <p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /> Event: SFU Public Square<br /> Date: April 2, 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p><a href="">Glasgow contre Glasgow</a> from <a href="">Julien Brygo</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p></br><p>Very interesting video made with pictures by Julien Brygo and edited by Le Monde diplomatique, about the relations between poor and rich people in Glasgow, Scotland.</p></br><p>MSDS:</p></br><p>22 minutes – 2014<br /></br>A photographic film by Julien Brygo<br /></br>Editing: Matthieu Parmentier and Sandrine Romet-Lemonne<br /></br>Mixing: Clément Chauvelle<br /></br>Jury Prize at the 2014 Festival Photographic Nights.</p></br><p>Photographic film directed <a href=""> for the website of Le Monde diplomatique </ a><br /></br>This film is taken from the article « Living in a city rich poor », published in Le Monde diplomatique, August 2010:</a></p></br><p>Screenings and debates: <a href=""> / actuality </ a></a></p></br><p>To purchase the DVD, write to</p>BRYGO/19565</a></p> <p>Screenings and debates: <a href=""> / actuality </ a></a></p> <p>To purchase the DVD, write to</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p><a href="">Glasgow contre Glasgow</a> from <a href="">Julien Brygo</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p></br><p>Voici un film photographique (un nouveau genre ?) très intéressant, réalisé par Brygo et publié par Le Monde diplomatique, sur les rapports entre les riches et les pauvres à Glasgow en Ecosse.</p></br><p>Fiche technique :</p></br><p>22 minutes – 2014<br /></br>Un film photographique de Julien Brygo<br /></br>Montage : Matthieu Parmentier et Sandrine Romet-Lemonne<br /></br>Mixage : Clément Chauvelle<br /></br>Prix du Jury au Festival Les Nuits Photographiques 2014.</p></br><p>Film photographique réalisé <a href="">pour le site du Monde diplomatique</a><br /></br>Ce film est tiré de l’article « Vivre riche dans une ville de pauvres », paru dans Le Monde diplomatique d’août 2010 :</p></br><p>Projections et débats : <a href=""></a></p></br><p>Pour se procurer le DVD, écrire à</p>GO/19565</p> <p>Projections et débats : <a href=""></a></p> <p>Pour se procurer le DVD, écrire à</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>This interview of Etienne Le Roy, made in Paris March 4, 2014, while presenting his work on land ownership synthesized in his book ‘The land of the other. An anthropology of land ownership schemes’ introduces us in the heart of anthropological paths of one of the founders of French anthropology of Law and awakens our curiosity to question otherwise, and by sharing with others, our world.</p></br><p>« The other is not a gap to fill. It is a fullness to discover. » Christoph Eberhard</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>idth="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>« Sans Lendemain », est un film d’animation sur l’exploitation des énergies fossiles et des ressources naturelles et leurs conséquences sur la vie humaine sur la planète. Il est réalisé par Dermot O’ Connor et produit par Incubate Pictures. en 35 minutes, il aborde de façon très intelligible toute une série de problématiques liées à la croissance de notre système économique et à notre façon de consommer.</p></br><p>Réalisation : Dermot O’ Connor (35 minutes, 2012).<a href=""></a><br /></br><a href=""></a> – <a href=""></a></p></br><p>Information et documentation sur le site <a href=""></a>.</p></br><p>Titre original étasunien : There’s no tomorrow.<br /></br><a href=""></a></p></br><p>Version française 2013 due à l’initiative du groupe de Liège du mpOC, Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance (le mpOC n’est pas un parti politique).</p></br><p>Avec le soutien de :<br /></br>Amis de la Terre Belgique, (section belge de l’Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas), GRAPPE (Groupe de Réflexion et d’Action Pour une Politique Ecologique), IEW (Inter-Environnement Wallonie), Imagine demain le monde, mpOC.</p></br><p>Traduction : Francis Leboutte.<br /></br>Voix : Caroline Lamarche.<br /></br>Mixage voix : Margarida Guia.<br /></br>Sous-titres en néerlandais, allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien.</p>aduction : Francis Leboutte.<br /> Voix : Caroline Lamarche.<br /> Mixage voix : Margarida Guia.<br /> Sous-titres en néerlandais, allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Pour Étienne Le Roy, l’anthropologie est la science de l’homme parce que fondamentalement science de l’autre. « J’ai souvent commenté cette observation de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans son ‘Essai sur l’origine des langues’, que cite Claude Lévi-Strauss: ‘Quand on veut étudier les hommes, il faut regarder près de soi; mais pour étudier l’homme, il faut apprendre à porter sa vue au loin; il faut d’abord observer les différences pour découvrir les propriétés.’ Au sens de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, découvrir les propriétés, c’est mettre à jour les attributs de l’homme, les critères qui en fondent l’humanité dans leur plus grande généralité. Mais on ne pourra s’empêcher, dans un ouvrage consacré à l’appropriation de la terre et, pour une part, au régime de ‘propriété’ foncière, d’user de l’ambivalence de la dernière phrase (observer les différences pour découvrir les propriétés) et ainsi justifier un point de vue qui use d’un regard sur l’autre pour découvrir le sens que les hommes donnent, généralement mais aussi spécifiquement, au cas par cas, aux rapports de propriété. »</p></br><p>Étienne Le Roy « Le choix d’une démarche anthropologique pour traiter des régimes d’appropriation des terres et des ressources m’a conduit à plusieurs options de méthode et, en particulier, a obligé le lecteur à entrer dans l’étude du droit de propriété par la prise de conscience que cette forme juridique ne fait que traduire procéduralement une représentation du monde, de l’homme et de la nature originale et profondément liée à l’expérience de la modernité en Occident. Pour répondre à la vocation de l’anthropologie de réunir une connaissance valable pour l’ensemble du développement humain, il convenait de traiter analogiquement les autres civilisations et chercher derrière les réponses coutumières ou rituelles les représentations de l’espace qu’elles véhiculaient. »</p></br><p>Dans cette interview réalisée à Paris le 4 mars 2014, Étienne Le Roy, tout en présentant ses travaux sur les régimes d’appropriation foncière synthétisés dans son ouvrage ‘La terre de l’autre », nous introduit au coeur de l’anthropologie du droit francophone qu’il a participé à fondée et éveille notre curiosité de commoner sensible aux mécanismes juridiques et à ce qui les fait advenir dans la société d’interroger autrement, et dans le partage avec d’autres, le monde dans lequel nous vivons.</p></br><p>« L’autre n’est pas un vide à remplir. C’est une plénitude à découvrir. » Christoph Eberhard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> </p></br><p><a href="">Pêche durable en Méditarranée</a>, a short documentary published by<a href=""> FNE PACA </a>with the support of Fondation Itancia.</p></br><p>Language : French</p></br><p>An interesting video on the very practical forgotten and marginalized coastal fisheries in the Mediterranean with the institution of prudhommies. Fishermen elect the office prudhommies who will control fishing practices based on established rules, which eventually will judge fishermen who would depart from the rules. One wonders how these institutions will have to resist and maintain given the pressure from all sides they suffered to go.</p></br><p>Long practiced in the Mediterranean fisheries « small business » is a practice of sustainable fisheries in several respects. Find out in this story what are the specifics of these practices, and more importantly, what are the advantages for the nearshore and shallow so rich and diversified our Mediterranean coasts.</p></br><p>France Nature Environnement Paca<br /></br>Fond de dotation ITANCIA<br /> <br /></br>2014</p>d diversified our Mediterranean coasts.</p> <p>France Nature Environnement Paca<br /> Fond de dotation ITANCIA<br /> <br /> 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Questions about who « owns » or has the right to benefit from Indigenous heritage are at the core of ongoing political, economic, and ethical debates taking place at local, national, and international levels.</p></br><p>When it comes to research in this area, Indigenous peoples have typically had little say in how studies related to their heritage are managed. Increasingly though, efforts are being made to decolonize research practices by fostering more equitable relationships between researchers and Indigenous peoples, based on mutual trust and collaboration.</p></br><p>In this presentation George Nicholas reviews debates over the « ownership » of Indigenous heritage and provides examples of new research practices that are both more ethical and more effective. These collaborative research models, in which the community leads the research, highlight important new directions in protecting Indigenous heritage.</p></br><p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /></br>Event: SFU Public Square<br /></br>Date: April 2, 2014</p>ge.</p> <p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /> Event: SFU Public Square<br /> Date: April 2, 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="<p><iframe loading="lazy" title="Claiming the Commons - Food for All on Haultain Boulevard" width="880" height="660" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Peak Moment 185: Rainey Hopewell’s crazy idea has ended up feeding a neighborhood and creating community. She and Margot Johnston planted vegetables in the parking strip in front of their house. They offer them free for the taking ? to anyone, anytime ? with messages chalked on the sidewalk noting when particular vegies are ready to pick. Neighboring children and adults are joining in to work on the garden, harvesting fun along with food, and even handing fresh-picked vegies to passers-by.</p></br><p>Mise en ligne le 20 nov. 2010</p></br><p>Licence YouTube standard</p>gt; <p>Mise en ligne le 20 nov. 2010</p> <p>Licence YouTube standard</p>)