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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Version française : English version : ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 11 résultats à partir du nº 1.

Voir (20 précédentes | 20 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste de résultats

  • Projet de territoire de gestion de l'eau du bassin du Clain  + (Dans cette vidéo Christine Graval (conseilDans cette vidéo Christine Graval (conseillère régionale de la Vienne), Nicolas Fortin (secrétaire national Confédération Paysanne), Jean-Claude Hallouin (conseiller juridique Vienne Nature) et Jean-Pierre Coillot (vice-président UFC que choisir de la Vienne) présentent le projet territorial de gestion de l'eau du bassin du Clain. Chacun et chacune à partir de sa propre perspective (politique, juridique, sanitaire, agricole) les intervenants nous expliquent les raisons qui ont motivé le lancement de ce projet, ainsi que les défis, les enjeux et les objectifs qui concernent surtout la répartition équitable, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.e, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.)
  • Le nucléaire entre géopolitique, science et transition énergétique  + (Dans cette vidéo Jacqueline Frost et Jean-Dans cette vidéo Jacqueline Frost et Jean-Marc Royer nous présentent leurs travaux sur la question du nucléaire à partir de deux perspectives très différentes. Frost mène effectivement une recherche sur les dimensions politiques et culturelles de l'impérialisme nucléaire à l'époque de la révolution tiers-mondiste (1950-1970), notamment elle analyse la façon dont des écrivains et artistes anticoloniaux ont contribué à conceptualiser les liens entre décolonisation, guerre froide globale, apocalypse nucléaire et désastre socio-écologique. En revanche l'intervention de Royer reprend largement les réflexions autour de la philosophie politique du nucléaire contenues dans son livre sorti en 2017 « Le Monde comme projet Manhattan. Des laboratoires du nucléaire à la guerre généralisée au vivant ».éaire à la guerre généralisée au vivant ».)
  • Co-construction d’une nouvelle structure tarifaire solidaire et environnementale  + (Dans le contexte de la mise en place de laDans le contexte de la mise en place de la Régie publique de l’Eau, la Métropole de Lyon et la Régie ont proposé un</br>premier cycle de travail à l’Assemblée des Usagers de l'eau sur la mise en place d’une tarification solidaire et environnementale de l’eau potable. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une réflexion plus large sur le « droit à l’eau ». La spécificité de la démarche proposée par la Métropole et la Régie à l’Assemblée a résidé dans sa volonté d’une co-construction des évolutions du cadre tarifaire entre les usagers, à travers l’Assemblée, les services de la Métropole et de la Régie et les élus. Dans ce bilan on retrouve décrit le processus qui a accompagné cette démarche, ses résultats et ses perspectives résultats et ses perspectives futures.)
  • Fin du monde et petits fours : Les élites transnationales face à la crise climatique  + (Dans une situation d'urgence climatique oùDans une situation d'urgence climatique où modes de vie carbonifères des élites économiques sont de plus en plus pointés du doigt, Edouard Morena parle du rôle de ces acteurs qui sont accusés de fuir leurs responsabilités. Or, loin d'être des observateurs passifs et détachés ou des preppers haut de gamme, les élites économiques sont des acteurs clés du débat climatique international. Elles sont les promoteurs acharnés du capitalisme vert, un projet politique taillé sur mesure et qui garantit leurs intérêts de classe dans un monde en surchauffe. Cette rencontre est aussi l'occasion de présenter son livre titré justement « Fin du monde et petits fours : Les élites transnationales face à la crise climatique ».nsnationales face à la crise climatique ».)
  • Maison des Utopies en Expérimentation (MUE)  + (La Maison des utopies est un projet de création de lieu de refuge, de ressourcement et d'activité pour les collectifs militants engagés pour une transformation radicale.)
  • Carnet de voyage de la recherche-action au Shakirail  + (Le "Carnet de voyage" de la démarche de recherche-action du Shakiraïl et des habitant·e·s consiste à documenter le projet dans une perspective de commoning.)
  • GIRE locale dans les Niayes au Sénégal  + (Projet d'opérationnalisation du GRET d'une GIRE locale dans les Niayes au Sénégal : faire commun pour préserver les ressources en eaux souterraines.)
  • Justice transitionnelle: l'expérience Marocaine  + (Project Justice transitionnelle, l'expérieProject Justice transitionnelle, l'expérience Marocaine aims to share videos about the process of transitional justice and community reparation and to preserve memory of victim communities during “the years of lead” in Morocco and what kinds of public hearings took place, in fact those hearings gave the highlight of an extensive process of citizen deliberation, compassion and free expression in Morocco. They also talked about lots of stories about how community reparation project aimed to improve the living conditions of the people in victim communities and empower them. In fact, those materials mainly focused on women and children.ials mainly focused on women and children.)
  • Quelle stratégie participative pour la gestion locale de l’eau avec les citoyens ? Volume 5 - Rapport final  + (« Dans le cadre du projet « Quelle stratég« Dans le cadre du projet « Quelle stratégie participative pour la gestion locale de l’eau avec les</br>citoyens ? », cinq terrains ont été accompagnés par IRSTEA dans la construction et la mise en</br>œuvre de leur démarche participative. Ces terrains sont représentatifs de différentes zones du bassin Rhône Méditerranée Corse et de différents enjeux auxquels cherchent à répondre les gestionnaires de l’eau: restauration</br>hydromorphologique, partage de l’eau entre différentes usages, inondations et gestion intégrée.</br>L’objectif était que les retours d’expérience de ces cinq démarches participatives puissent être utiles à d’autres gestionnaires de l’eau voulant mettre en place des démarches participatives sur leurs territoires.</br>Ce document a donc été construit autour des questions que se sont posées les gestionnaires de l’eau de ces cinq terrains avant, pendant et après leurs démarches participatives. Nous avons fait l’hypothèse que d’autres gestionnaires se poseraient les mêmes questions et qu’ils seraient donc intéressés par les choix qu’ont fait les cinq terrains pour y répondre et les enseignements qu’ils en ont tiré » (p. 6) enseignements qu’ils en ont tiré » (p. 6))
  • REGIRE Lac Togo  + (« Démarré en mai 2023, le projet REGIRE La« Démarré en mai 2023, le projet REGIRE Lac Togo découle d’une étude de faisabilité conduite par le Gret et la Direction des Ressources en Eau (DRE) du Togo pour caractériser les principaux enjeux des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant du Lac Togo. Dans un contexte de fortes pressions sur les ressources en eau du bassin dues à la croissance et à la concentration démographique, la diversité des usages et les impacts des changements climatiques, les équipes du projet ont l’intention de rendre opérationnelle une gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE) au niveau local (commune) selon une approche ascendante, territoriale et inclusive. Prévu pour la période 2023-2026, le projet sera mis en œuvre dans une phase pilote dans trois communes qui sont Haho 1, Kpélé 1 et Zio 2. À terme, ce projet, exécuté par le Gret et la DRE, permettra de mettre en place des organes locaux de gestion de l’eau, de réaliser des schémas locaux de gestion de l’eau, de contribuer à l’amélioration de l’action et des politiques publiques en matière de GIRE au Togo et de créer des mécanismes locaux de redevabilité. »r des mécanismes locaux de redevabilité. »)
  • À l'école des communs  + (Version française : English version :
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote> <div class="clearfix<blockquote></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation">This post is a re-publication of the introduction of David Bollier’s blog from <span class="submitted">Monday 01/19/2015. David Bollier is presenting the report of a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 in Germany. This post is translated in the French and available in the <a href="">French part of blog Remix The Commons</a>. You can read the introduction below and the original <a href="">there</a>. </span></div></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation"></div></br></blockquote></br><div id="main" class="clearfix with-navigation"></br><p>Is it possible to imagine a new sort of synthesis or synergy between the emerging peer production and commons movement on the one hand, and growing, innovative elements of the co-operative and solidarity economy movements on the other?</p></br><div id="content" class="column"></br><div class="section"></br><div id="content-area"></br><div id="node-1138" class="node node-type-blog node-promoted build-mode-full clearfix"></br><div class="content"></br><p>That was the animating question behind a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 and now chronicled in <a href="">a new report </a>by UK co-operative expert Pat Conaty and me.  (Pat is a Fellow of the New Economics Foundation and a Research Associate of Co-operatives UK, and attended the workshop.)</p></br><p>The workshop was convened because the commons movement and peer production share a great deal with co-operatives….but they also differ in profound ways.  Both share a deep commitment to social cooperation as a constructive social and economic force.  Yet both draw upon very different histories, cultures, identities and aspirations in formulating their visions of the future.  There is great promise in the two movements growing more closely together, but also significant barriers to that occurring.</p></br><p>The workshop explored this topic, as captured by the subtitle of the report:  “A New Social Economy Based on Open Platforms, Co-operative Models and the Commons,” hosted by the Commons Strategies Group in Berlin, Germany, on August 27 and 28, 2014. The workshop was supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, with assistance with the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation of France.</p></br><p>Below, the Introduction to the report followed by the Contents page. You can download a pdf of the full report (28 pages) <a href="">here.</a> The entire report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p></br><p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div>A) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p> <p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>6 months after <blockquote><p>6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you!</p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4621" src="" alt="IMG_0071-1024x768" width="800" height="600" /></p></br><p>C@rds in Common is a game where 2 to 5 players collaborate to build a resilient civil society that defends the commons against the forces of monopolization. Apart from the pleasure of playing, C@rds in common was conceived as a means of documenting the presence of the commons at the Commons Space, an ephemeral encounter at the World Social Forum in Montreal in August 2016. The cards that composed the game were designed by volunteers who shared their vision and experience of the commons and the game mecanism designed by Mathieu Rhéaume and his team. This experience suggests that it would be possible to use the same approach and these methodological tools to document the commons in other local contexts, alike your neighborhood, or thematics as the commons of knowledge for example. We look forward to such experiments!</p></br><p>To learn more about the game, have a look at the <a href="">website</a>.</p></br><p>The game is released on demand by The Game Crafter in the US for $ 22.99 each plus shipping and customs via: <a href=""></a></p></br><p>To reduce shipping and customs for Europeans, we are launching a bulk order and hopefully this will bring the cost of each game delivered to Europe to around US $ 30/35.</p></br><p>If you wish to participate in this first bulk order, fill in <a href="">the form</a> before March 18th at 20:00 GMT.</p></br><p>You will also have to pay an advance corresponding only to the price of the game(s) ordered. The remainder to be paid (port and customs) will be asked when the order is completed, when we will know the costs of postage and customs.</p></br><p>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #5</em>, is the fifth serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 12 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #5</em>, is the fifth serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 12 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #3</em>, is the third serie of short videos of definitions of the commons, produced by Communautique and Gazibo for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. It contains 16 capsules presented below. This serie has been gathered at the Internationale conference <a href="">ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM</a> , co-organized by <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, the <a href="">Heinrich Böll</a> and <a href="">Charles Leopold Mayer Pour le Progrès de l’Homme</a> Foundations and <a href="">Remix The Commons</a>, in Berlin, May 24 and 25, 2013.</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ve been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #2</em>, is the second serie of 10 videos of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the World Science and Democracy Forum, organized at Dakar in February 2011, </p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world. </p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings. </p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/ </p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>hase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p><em>Defin<blockquote><p><em>Define the commons #1</em>, is the first serie of 20 videos and remixes of definitions of the commons, (presented below), produced by Communautique and VECAM for <a href=""><em>Define The commons</em></a>. This serie has been gathered at the <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin, November 1 and 2, 2010,</p></blockquote></br><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><a href=""><em>Define The Commons</em></a> is a multilingual project sharing definitions of commons. It is a process of collecting spontaneous and very brief definitions of the commons, made over several years and in different places around the world.</p></br><p>The project started in the first by interviewing people during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to define the commons with just one sentence in their own langage. Since 2010, many other definitions have been collected during other meetings.</p></br><h3>Future developpement</h3></br><p>Collection of the definitions of the commons continues. It is open to individuals and organizations contributions to define the paradigm of the commons. Publications and uses of the collection of definitions are in preparation, such as a mapping of the definitions of the commons. This project will also contribute to the creation of a glossary of commons through the identification of the terms used in the definitions.</p></br><p>If you want to participate, please sent an email to Alain Ambrosi (ambrosia/at/ or Frédéric Sultan (fredericsultan/at/</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>This initiative is an idea of Alain Ambrosi. Join contributors in the <a href=""> wiki-page</a>.</p></br><h3>Funding</h3></br><p>The project have been launched within the framework of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p></br><h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3></br><p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>ork of the prototyping phase of <em>Remix The Commons</em> supported by the International Organization of Francophonie and the Foundation for the Progress of Human (FPH).</p> <h3>Contribution of Remix The Commons</h3> <p>Remix The Commons is the methodological and technical support of this approach.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>An experience o<blockquote><p>An experience of self-management of computational infrastructure, that allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action!</p></blockquote></br><p>Together with other individuals and organizations, and in collaboration with <a href="">Koumbit</a>, Remix the commons is developing a collective response to the need for digital tools and infrastructures. The idea is to ensure full digital sovereignty over our work, exchanges and data in coherence with the vision set out in the Charter for Building a Data Commons for a Free, Fair and Sustainable Future.</p></br><p>After having tested with Koumbit, an independent and solidary hosting company in Montreal, our ability to set up and manage some tools based on open source and the commons on a shared server, we designed a cooperation system based on a model similar to that of AMAPs, which we call the « Konbit numerique », in reference to the konbit of Haitian farmers. <a href="">Konbit</a> numerique is a prototype of « computational commons » for commoners’ projects. It proposes a working infrastructure that makes it possible to gradually achieve the objectives of independence and sovereignty on information and communication technology.</p></br><p>Our Konbit numerique consists of a group of identified users and a server administrator, Koumbit cooperator. It is based on a 6 TB server hosted by Koumbit in Montreal (<a href=""></a>, in which are installed the applications we need, tools based on open source and commons: file sharing, calendars, task management, online editing of text documents, table, email,… and most importantly for us a wiki farm. This is coverering a large part of the current digital uses of our organizations.</p></br><p>Users are involved in the governance, and as much as possible in maintenance. The work of the server administrator is handled by the collective through a monthly intervention time credit system. This includes, in addition to the time dedicated to server maintenance, time reserved for future technical developments that will be allocated according to the Konbit’s needs. The idea is therefore to jointly pre-finance a digital infrastructure dedicated to the collective. This infrastructure is not based on capitalist logic. It does not seek to make more profit in the perspective of extraction, but to satisfy the needs of the collective. It allows us to start a process to degoogling our digital practices.</p></br><p>Each person involved in the projects of the partners, stakeholders of this initiative, has access to this space and uses it within the framework of their activities in relation to the commons. Each partner can contribute to the life and development of the konbit by subscribing one or more shares of solidarity support (suggested amount: 15 € – 20 $CAD per month, or according to the budgets and needs of the projects), and according to the principle which aims to decouple use and trade (principle 3 of the Charter mentioned above). We have set ourselves the objective of gradually expanding the first collective to a balance between technical need/capacity and finance/governance. It is estimated that about 20 members would be an interesting size of the collective. Then other Konbits could be created and allow a federated type of operation.</p></br><p>The konbit numerique is not an open structure like a Chaton (online service open to all), or an alternative hoster, but an experience of self-management of computational infrastructure by its users. It is still a little early to draw lessons from this approach, but it is likely that this initiative allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>hinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambros<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambrosi wrote in 2012, « <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Commons is on everyone’s lips</a>« 1. In order to make this notion known and to avoid its dilution in sometimes too vague speeches, the collective Remix the Commons endeavors to decipher the practices and to sketch out the semantic and conceptual field of the movement of the commons from the collection and analysis of the documents it produces. The development of this vocabulary, which uses the tools of the semantic web, makes it possible to link the initiatives of documentation and promotion of the commons without erasing what makes their identities unique. By doing that, the movement of the commons has a space for strategic collaboration.</p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_4643" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4643" style="width: 1024px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-large wp-image-4643" src="" alt="By Alaina Buzas " width="1024" height="681" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4643" class="wp-caption-text">By Alaina Buzas</figcaption></figure></br><p>It is in 2010 that Remix the Commons initiates a process of documentation of the commons. Initially, the collective has a simple web site to identify and report content, mostly video, accessible online. At the same time, an initial series of video interviews was conducted at an international meeting in Berlin (2010). Others will follow the rhythm of World Social Forums or local initiatives in France, Senegal, Quebec first, and then in many countries on different continents. It quickly becomes necessary to allow each person to search by using key words in this documentation.</p></br><h1>From key words to the commons vocabulary</h1></br><p>When cataloging media objects on the Remix the Commons wiki (more than 500 media objects now), we describe the content of each production according to four axes which helps to position it in the field of the commons: object or resource to be commonified, stakes, associated actions and expected results. To date, more than 400 « key concepts » have been identified from the corpus gathered on the site. After that, ech concept is a card that uses the information on the Remix the Commons wiki, but also data from other sources accessible by using linking techniques by wikis and the semantic web. From each record, the user accesses information from the main documentary collections associated with the commons (P2P Foundation, Transformap, Digital Library of the Commons) and the large reference databases DBpedia, Wikidata, VIAF And WorldCat. Each concept is accompanied by definitions in several languages, resources published around the world that illustrate the point or refer to practices.</p></br><p>This set of key concepts provides a vivid and moving description of the world from the point of view of the commons. This collection is freely accessible, usable by all and open to contribution. Although this work is still at an experimental stage, it opens up interesting perspectives in terms of research, the production and the dissemination of knowledge about the commons. Holes, gaps and nuances between sources of information, between languages and cultures can be identified, documented and discussed among the actors involved in the field of the commons.</p></br><p>The vocabulary of the commons highlighted can support the emerging practices and contribute to the enrichment of the contents in Wikipedia and Wikidata, for example. The associations and collectives that contribute to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>te to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>From the 15th-1<blockquote><p>From the 15th-17th of November 2016 a European Commons Assembly will take place in Brussels. The commoners will convene, discuss, showcase, and reclaim Europe. On the afternoon of the 16th, around 150 will partcipate in a meeting in the European Parliament, organized in cooperation with the EP intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services (Led by Marisa Matias, Dario Tamburrano, Ernesto Urtasun, Sergio Cofferati). A variety of other events (and local assemblies) will take place outside Parliament, both in Brussels and across Europe.</br></p></blockquote></br><p><H1>Networking, unity and policy around the commons paradigm </H1></p></br><p>On September 26, a group of nonprofits, foundations, and other civil society organizations jointly publish a “Call for a European Commons Assembly” ( The collectively drafted document, which continues to garner signatures from groups and individuals around Europe, serves as a declaration of purpose for a distributed network of “commoners.”<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="eca" width="900" height="636" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4561" /><br /></br>Author: TILL GENTZSCH</p></br><p>The Assembly seeks to unite citizens in trans-local and trans-european solidarity to overcome Europe’s current challenges and reinvigorate the political process for the 21st century. The commons can be understood as a bridging paradigm that stresses cooperation in management of resources, knowledge, tools, and spaces as diverse as water, Wikipedia, a crowdfund, or a community garden. Their Call describes commoning as:</p></br><ul></br>…the network-based cooperation and localized bottom-up initiatives already sustained by millions of people around Europe and the world. These initiatives create self-managed systems that satisfy important needs, and often work outside of dominant markets and traditional state programmes while pioneering new hybrid structures.</ul></br><p> The Assembly emerged in May from a diverse, gender balanced pilot community of 28 activists from 15 European countries, working in different domains of the commons. New people are joining the Assembly every week, and ECA is inclusive and open for others to join, so that a broad and resilient European movement can coalesce. It seeks to visibilize acts of commoning by citizens for citizens, while promoting interaction with policy and institutions at both the national and European levels. </p></br><p><H1>Part of a broader movement</H1><br /></br>The rapid embrace of commons as an alternative holistic, sustainable and social worldview is in part an expression of unease with the unjust current economic system and democratic deficiencies. The commons movement has exploded in recent years, following the award of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Elinor Ostrom in 2009 for her work on managing common resources. It has also seen overlap with other movements, such as the Social and Solidarity and Sharing Economy movements, peer to peer production, and Degrowth.</p></br><p>Michel Bauwens, part of the ECA who is also a prominent figure in the peer-to-peer movement, explains: <em>All over the world, a new social movement is emerging, which is challenging the ‘extractive’ premises of the mainstream political economy and which is co-constructing the seed forms of a sustainable and solidary society. Commoners are also getting a voice, for example through the Assemblies of the Commons that are emerging in French cities and elsewhere. The time is ripe for a shoutout to the political world, through a European Assembly of the Commons.</em></p></br><p>The Call includes an open invitation to Brussels from November 15 to 17, 2016 for three days of activities and shared reflection on how to protect and promote the commons. It will include an official session in the European Parliament, hosted by the Intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services, on November 16 (limited capacity). </p></br><p>You can read and sign the full text of the Call, also available in French, Spanish, and soon other European languages, on the <a href="">ECA website</a>. There is an <a href="">option to sign</a> as an individual or an organization.</p></br><p>For more information, visit <a href=""> </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p></br><p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>/ </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p> <p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /> </strong><br /> Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>)