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T2 01 Jacques-Olivier Charron RIODD SM17
Audio.  30 mai 2018 à 14:06

Bac à sable/test audio sur la
Audio.  27 mai 2018 à 15:14

08 Accounting, Economics and Law. A Convivium
Texte.  22 mai 2018 à 18:29
Revue electronique transnationale et interdisciplinaire en sciences economiques et sociales.

06 Les grands auteurs en finance
Texte.  22 mai 2018 à 13:12

Revues et ouvrages - SM 17
Texte.  17 mai 2018 à 21:01

07 Où en sommes nous en finance ?
Texte.  17 mai 2018 à 17:55

Bibliographie - SM 17
Texte.  17 mai 2018 à 17:24

Programme - SM17-colloque-riodd
Texte.  17 mai 2018 à 17:19

03 Finance and Sustainability (FAS)
Texte.  17 mai 2018 à 17:11

05 La finance en débat
Texte.  17 mai 2018 à 17:09

Fiche de proposition - contribution SM17
Texte.  30 avril 2018 à 16:02
Fiche de proposition ou contribution au débat de la journée Finance Autrement RIODDdu 25.05.18

La compostabilité des structures, des projets et des humains - Laurent Marseault
Audio.  4 avril 2018 à 01:43
Enregistrement de Laurent Marseault où il est question de « compostabilité » à l'occasion d'une intervention en Touraine. L'enregistrement est donc de qualité moyenne, il sert de matière complémentaire à un article en court d'écriture.

Laurent y partage l'importance pour que des Communs en soit vraiment de penser dés leur démarrage les conditions de leur compostabilité, c'est à dire ce qui fera que l'expérience accumulée, le projet ou la structure pourra à sa mort réellement servir à d'autres.

Quelques affirmations qui ressortent de cet extrait :

  • Les humains sont vivants, ils doivent donc créer du vivant pour survivre
  • Pour créer du vivant il faut penser la mort du projet en amont
  • Les Communs et les licences ne garantissent pas la capacité à réutiliser

Compte-rendu commun MAC3
Texte.  26 mars 2018 à 12:57
Compte-rendu de la rencontre MAC3 rédigé conjointement par des membres de 3 organisations françaises

La Peche a Pied dans l'Archipel de Chausey
Texte.  30 janvier 2018 à 14:37

Balade de Faro (2013) Conclusion et Synthese
Texte.  30 janvier 2018 à 14:12

Shieldhill and California UOG Community Discussion Outcomes
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:29
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Shieldhill and California, in Falkirk. The discussion took place on September 21st, 2016 and hosted a total number of 35 attendees. Themes in the discussions included jobs, community incentives, compensation, economic benefits, cheaper fuel bills, impact on properties, health implications, impacting on the economy in terms of farming, wildlife, and overall environment, hydrogeological impacts, impacts on local traffic and infrastructure, community setbacks, and lack of investment in renewable energy. The overall result of these discussions was that the presence of unconventional oil and gas drilling would not be beneficial to the community, but would instead harm the community. The bottom of this document includes a series of comments and issues challenging the Scottish Government to provide answers to the communities' well being (especially in themes such as trust in the regulatory framework, trust in information, community benefits and public services, and trust in elected representatives if unconventional oil and gas drilling is allowed.

Grangemouth and Skinflats UOG Community Discussion Outcomes
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:29
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Grangemouth and Skinflats, in Falkirk. The discussion took place on April 13th, 2017 and hosted a total number of 80 attendees. Themes in the discussions included lack of economic benefits, jobs, energy security, cheaper fuel for the consumer, lack of transparent information, environmental pollution, environmental and public health, cumulative community impacts, unknown hydrogeology, ineffective regulation, and private profit motives. The overall result of these discussions was a refusal for a social license for the unconventional oil and gas industry to operate within the community council area.

Denny and Dunipace UOG Community Discussion Outcomes
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:28
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Denny and Dunipace, in Falkirk. The discussion took place on May 1st, 2017 and hosted a total number of 60 attendees. Themes in the discussions included lack of economic benefits, jobs, energy security, government income, public and environmental health risks, ineffective regulation, geological risks, community impacts, and corporate power. The overall result of these discussions was a refusal for a social license for the unconventional oil and gas industry to operate within the community council area.

Community Chartering and Connecting Scotland Submission to the Scottish Unconventional Oil and Gas Consultation 2017
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:27
This document is an overall summary on the support and facilitation of 16 group discussions facilitated by the Community Chartering Association and the communities who are fighting a legal battle against unconventional oil and gas in their territories. The group discussions are hosted by community councils representing the communities in action. From this discussion, it is evident that an overwhelming majority of community members are against unconventional oil and gas production in the area. They have collectively decided that oil and gas would not benefit their community in terms of employment, energy security, or reductions in household energy bills. As a result, this discussion allows a charter (written and decided upon by the communities with the facilitation and support of Community Chartering) to be proposed to the Scottish government to put a moratorium on oil and gas drilling in the area, a legal battle that is won by the communities. These discussions are important to highlight in this initiative because it shows many recurring themes existant throughout the Atlas of the Charter of Urban Commons project. Such recurring themes are evident in the creation of the charter and the positive outcomes this charter had in protecting the neighboring lands of the communities.

Bonnybridge UOG Community Discussion Outcomes
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:26
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Bonnybridge, in Falkirk. The discussion took place on March 23rd, 2017 and hosted a total number of 70 attendees. Themes in the discussions included jobs, cheaper fuel for the consumer, government income, land-ownership, pollution, traffic, climate change, unstable hydrogeology, ineffective regulation, and health impacts. The overall result of these discussions is a general refusal on the part of the community to accept a social health license for the unconventional oil and gas industry and a demand to respect this decision.

Bo'ness UOG Community Discussion
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:26
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Bo'ness, in Falkirk. The discussion took place in May 25th, 2017 and hosted a total number of 50 attendees. Themes in the discussions included quality of jobs, cheaper energy for consumers, impacts of environmental and public health, local geological impacts, lack of regulation, exploitation, and economic disbenefits. The overall result of these discussions was that the presence of unconventional oil and gas drilling would not be beneficial to the community, but would instead harm the community. The bottom of this document includes a formal request by the community to respect their position in the decision to allow or disallow conventional oil and gas drilling in the area.

Avonbridge and Standburn UOG Community Discussion
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:25
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Avonbridge and Stanburn, in Falkirk. The discussion took place in August 21st, 2016 and hosted a total number of 30 attendees. Themes in the discussions included providing a broader context of 'transition' for Oil and Gas, the need for more details and specifics on benefits and costs, greater transparency, and the scope of consultation to communities. The overall result of these discussions was that the presence of unconventional oil and gas drilling has been unclear and untransparent, and the communities find that very troublesome as they seek better community health.

Airth UOG Community Discussion Outcomes
Texte.  22 janvier 2018 à 13:25
This document shows the community discussion taking place in the territory of Airth, in Falkirk. The discussion took place in May 22nd, 2017 and hosted a total number of 47 attendees. Themes in the discussions included quality of roads, jobs, human health, community health, hydrogeology and environmental issues, housing, regulation, transport, and infrastructure. The overall result of these discussions was that the presence of unconventional oil and gas drilling would not be beneficial to the community, but would instead harm the community. The bottom of this document includes a series of questions challenging the Scottish Government to provide answers to the communities' well being if unconventional oil and gas drilling were to take place.