De Remix Biens Communs
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The Potential of “Urban Green Commons” in the Resilience Building of Cities. ''Ecological Economics'' 86. Sustainable Urbanisation: A Resilient Future: 156–166. +
wiki +
Intervention publique - Communs - puissance publique - groupe de travail sur l'économie contributive d'Ars Industrialis +
Collective Action and the Urban Commons. SSRN Scholarly Paper, ID 1791767. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. +
Rationality in Collective Action. ''Philosophy of the Social Sciences'' 36(1): 3–17 +
In Memoriam +
The Potential of “Urban Green Commons” in the Resilience Building of Cities. Ecological Economics 86. Sustainable Urbanisation: A Resilient Future: 156–166. +
Origine, diffusion et métamorphose de l’hybridation des ressources, 2018 +
D. Festa, « Les communs urbains » dans M. Cornu, F. Orsi, J. Rochfeld (dir.), Dictionnaire Critique des Communs, PUF, 2017 +
Goldenberg, Anne, and Serge Proulx. “Du Laboratoire à La Communauté : Organiser l'Espace Pour Innover.” Hermes La Revue, 2008. +
Mapping the New Commons. SSRN Scholarly Paper, ID 1356835. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. +
The Potential of “Urban Green Commons” in the Resilience Building of Cities. Ecological Economics 86. Sustainable Urbanisation: A Resilient Future: 156–166. +
The Making of Knowledge Cities: Melbourne’s Knowledge-Based Urban Development Experience. Cities 25(2): 63–72. +
Sancton, A. 1985 . Governing Montreal: Language Differences and Metropolitan, Politics. Berkeley: University of California Press. +
Open-Source Urbanism: Creating, Multiplying and Managing Urban Commons. FOOTPRINT 9(1): 91–107 +
Collective Action and the Urban Commons. SSRN Scholarly Paper, ID 1791767. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. +
Politiques des communs +