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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Après plusieurs années passées à rendre visibles des luttes sur le terrain de l'aménagement urbain, les militant.e.s lyonnais élargissent le répertoire des actions politiques avec des assemblées, une dynamique municipaliste et la revendication d'une Charte municipale et métropolitaine qui viendrait compléter le nouveau Plan Local d’Urbanisme (PLU-H) pour que soient entendues les propositions des habitants et mise en place « une véritable co-construction de la ville » permettant « l’élaboration de projets respectueux des habitants ». Nous proposons un temps d'échange pour partager les réflexions que peut inspirer cette expérience au mouvement des communs. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du nº 1.

Voir (50 précédentes | 50 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste de résultats

  • L'alimentation, les constats d'un système qui dysfonctionne  + (L'alimentation est une composante essentieL'alimentation est une composante essentielle de nos vies, de notre bien-être et de notre santé. Pourtant le système de l'alimentation, de plus en plus pris par des logiques marchands, ne fonctionne pas comme il faudrait : le droit à une alimentation saine et durable est tout sauf que garanti et l'industrie alimentaire poursuit le profit coût ce que coûte au détriment de la qualité des produits et de la durabilité des ressources. Dans cette vidéo on retrouve collecté plusieurs témoignages du Chantier de Marseille de l'école des communs de l'alimentation qui mettent en exergue les dysfonctionnement d'un système qui devrait être repensé de fond en comble.ui devrait être repensé de fond en comble.)
  • Le retour de l'eau en régie publique  + (La gestion est de plus en plus fragile entLa gestion est de plus en plus fragile entre sécheresse, mesures de restriction et qualité de service. En réaction à ces défis, plusieurs villes, dont Lyon et Bourdeaux dernièrement, ont choisi de mettre en place une régie de l'eau en basculant du privé au public. Dans cet entretien, Anne le Srat (qui a piloté le passage de la ville de Paris en régie publique il y a 13 ans) et Bruno Bernard (président Europe Ecologie les Verts de la métropole de Lyon) nous aide à mieux comprendre ces tentatives de réappropriation de la maîtrise du cycle de l'eau par les institutions publiques et les citoyens. Pourquoi faire ce choix ? Qu'est-ce que cela change ? Quelles conséquences pratiques lorsqu'on conçoit l'eau en tant que bien commun ?on conçoit l'eau en tant que bien commun ?)
  • Sécheresse hivernale, manque d'eau : la catastrophe qui se profile  + (La journaliste Paloma Moritz nous montre dLa journaliste Paloma Moritz nous montre dans cette vidéo les implications de la période de sécheresse hivernale qui a touché la France du 21 janvier au 22 février 2023. Elle explore les risques liés au manque d'eau, risques qui affectent à la fois l'usage de l'eau dans l'agriculture et la disponibilité d'eau potable.culture et la disponibilité d'eau potable.)
  • Prélèvements et consommations d’eau : quels enjeux et usages ?  + (La ressource en eau renouvelable, indispenLa ressource en eau renouvelable, indispensable aux différents usages anthropiques et au fonctionnement des milieux aquatiques, a diminué de 14 % en France au cours de ces quinze dernières années. Cette tendance devrait s’aggraver, notamment en période estivale, avec le changement climatique. Quel est l’état actuel des connaissances de la demande en eau ? Quelles sont les dynamiques spatiales de cette demande ? En outre, les notions d’eau renouvelable, de prélèvements et de consommations sont souvent sources de confusion dans le débat public. Que sous-tendent ces définitions ? Qu’impliquent-elles concernant la gestion de l’eau ? Quelles conventions ont été choisies ? Pourquoi ? Cette note vise à clarifier les termes du débat et à interroger certaines conventions actuelles. Dans cette étude on retrouve aussi une tentative d'identification des prélèvements et des consommations en fonction de l’utilisation finale de l’eau à un niveau plus fin que les statistiques fin que les statistiques officielles.)
  • Administration coopérative et communs à Grenoble  + (Le 28 mars 2022, le conseil municipal de Grenoble a délibéré et validé les principes d’une politique de démocratie plus contributive en s’appuyant sur la notion des communs, de la coopération et des exemples italiens des pactes de collaboration.)
  • GIRE - Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau  + (Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale) a intégré dans ses démarches le concept de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau. Dans cette fiche il nous est expliqué dans quelle mesure les processus de GIRE sont mis en place. On retrouve également des témoignages des acteurs concernés et un focus sur deux projets menés au Sénégal et en Haïti.deux projets menés au Sénégal et en Haïti.)
  • Recherche-action sur la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans les Niayes  + (Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale Le GRET (organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale) a intégré dans ses démarches le concept de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau. Dans cette fiche il nous est expliqué la façon dont ils ont accompagné la mise en place de plans locaux de GIRE au Sénégal dans les Niayes dans l'effort d'implémenter des dispositifs de gouvernance innovants favorisant la participation des usagers et des citoyens.participation des usagers et des citoyens.)
  • Se rejoindre - se raconter!  + (Le projet École des communs est un projet qui veut créer un espace d’auto-formation sur la gouvernance des lieux en commun et des espaces auto-gérés.)
  • Redessiner la protection sociale avec les communs  + (Le système de protection sociale est une iLe système de protection sociale est une institution essentielle de la vie économique et politique du 21è siècle. Il fait face à un ensemble de difficultés liées à la fois à ses forces et faiblesses héritées du passé, aux attaques systématiques qu’il subit aujourd’hui de la part de l’idéologie néo-libérale et à l’incapacité des élites oligarchiques à actualiser un contrat social dans le sens d’une plus grande justice et démocratie. Motivée par la pensée de sa réforme, une approche en termes de «communs» permettrait d’ouvrir un nouvel horizon : coproduire la solidarité sur la base d’un droit des communs. Il s’agit de renouveler et régénérer les logiques de redistribution et de protection qui sont d’ores et déjà bien implantées et non bien sûr de tout inventer.plantées et non bien sûr de tout inventer.)
  • Les perspectives, alimentation et citoyenneté  + (Les témoignages et les expériences d'acteuLes témoignages et les expériences d'acteurs, militants et citoyens, du chantier de Marseille de l'école des communs de l'alimentation démontrent la portée de la mobilisation autour de la question de l'alimentation. Or, à partir de ces réseaux de la solidarité et de la démocratie alimentaire, quelles perspectives peut-on imaginer ? L'une des initiatives parmi les plus intéressantes est sans doute la Sécurité sociale de l'alimentation, mais comment pourrait-on faire que l'alimentation devienne un véritable commun ? Quelles formes de participation citoyenne, quelles alliances à partir de revendications communes pourrait-on envisager ?dications communes pourrait-on envisager ?)
  • Agrocité de Gennevilliers  + (L’Agrocité est une micro-ferme urbaine expérimentale, installée à Gennevilliers après une expérimentation à Colombes.)
  • Chartes de gouvernance au Sénégal  + (Nous reprenons ici le travail documentatioNous reprenons ici le travail documentation de l'élaboration de deux chartes de gouvernance réalisé par le LARTES IFAN en 2013 dans le cadre des démarches de préfiguration de Remix the commons. </br></br>L'une est la charte de bon voisinage d'une association d'ahabitants d'un quartier à Dakar, et l'autre est la charte de Gouvernance démocratique élaborée tout au long des Assises Nationales du Sénégal qui ont préparé les élections présidentielles au Sénégal en 2009.ctions présidentielles au Sénégal en 2009.)
  • Chapitre 2 : La santé sous pression néo-libérale  + (Parmi les secteurs les plus touchés par leParmi les secteurs les plus touchés par les politiques néolibérales des dernières décennies, le domaine de la santé a été objet de transformations profondes. Les mots d'ordre étant financiarisation, privatisation, performance et évaluation, il en a découlé que les conditions de travail du personnel soignant se sont de plus en plus dégradées sous l'impératif de l'efficience économique et de la rentabilité.fficience économique et de la rentabilité.)
  • Remix the commons/Collectif initial en 2011  + (Remix Biens Communs est un espace interculRemix Biens Communs est un espace interculturel de partage et de co-création de documents multimédias sur les biens communs. Le projet est porté par un collectif interculturel, composé de personnes et d’organisations qui pensent que le recueil, l’échange et le remix des récits, des définitions et des images des biens communs sont une manière active et conviviale de s’approprier cette notion et de la diffuser dans la société. notion et de la diffuser dans la société.)
  • Remix the commons  + (Remix Biens Communs est un espace interculturel de partage et de co-création de connaissance sur les communs et de projets qui outillent les militants commoners.)
  • 12 Eau publique Paris Est Ensemble  + (Régie publique de l'eau mise en place par Est Ensemble, communauté d’agglomération d’Ile-de-France.)
  • Réponse à la proposition d'un modèle ordo-communaliste  + (Réponse de Jules Desgouttes à l'article* «Réponse de Jules Desgouttes à l'article* « De l’ordolibéralisme à l’ordo-communalisme » de Louise Guillot, Rémy Seiller et Sebastien Shulz, paru sur AOC. Cette réponse a initialement circulé sur la liste de discussion Echanges ( du réseau francophone des biens communs.) du réseau francophone des biens communs.)
  • 06 Assemblée des usagers Métropole de Lyon  + (Schéma récapitulatif des rôles de l'Assemblée des usagers de l'eau dans la démarche de gestion publique de l'eau mise en place par la Métropole de Lyon)
  • Hommage à Silke Helfrich  + (Silke Helfrich est décédée lors d’un accident de montagne au Liechtenstein le 10 novembre 2021. Remix lui a rendu hommage à travers un temps de rencontre dédié au partage et à la continuation de son travail.)
  • Entretien avec Jérôme Dupré Latour : « Dessiner les récits »  + (Sollicité par ArtFactories/Autresparts, ReSollicité par ArtFactories/Autresparts, Remix the commons, B.A.Balex afin explorer nouvelles façons de partager le parcours d'une expérience collective Jérôme Dupré Latour nous explique son travail de dessinateur à l'œuvre dans une démarche de recherche-action telle que celle de l'École des communs de l'alimentation. Il nous explique comment il a essayé de reconstruire à travers ses dessins les récits qui ont accompagnés le déroulement de l'École.ont accompagnés le déroulement de l'École.)
  • Journal du Portrait Nature des champs captants  + (Synthèse des observations et propositions Synthèse des observations et propositions issues du Portrait Nature des Champs Captants du Sud de Lille (2021-22). Diagnostic citoyen animé par l'association Entrelianes à partir des questions suivantes : comment mieux protéger la nappe de la craie du Sud de Lille et comment mieux la recharger ?d de Lille et comment mieux la recharger ?)
  • Définition des communs  + (Une collection de fichiers vidéo contenantUne collection de fichiers vidéo contenant des définitions des communs, réalisés à partir d'entrevues faites à Berlin lors de la Conférence Internationale sur les communs en 2010. Dans cette collection, chacun et chacune utilise la langue de son choix , cette dimension linguistique reflète la dimension interculturelle du projet Remix the Commons. Cette collection s'est enrichie au fil du temps et des rencontres.nrichie au fil du temps et des rencontres.)
  • Ri-Maflow  + (Visite de l'entreprise récupérée Ri-Maflow avec Gigi Malabarba.)
  • European Commons Assembly  + (European Commons Assembly is an ongoing prEuropean Commons Assembly is an ongoing process that facilitates pluralistic debate regarding the strategy and agenda for a fundamentally united political vision. It supports activists’ continued engagement in concrete, collaborative and bottom-up actions and campaigns in Europe, and ultimately helps to build a flourishing European political civil society movement for the commons. </br></br>The main objectives were defined in the initial meeting CommonsWatch (see Commons Watch Report):</br>* to stand in solidarity around our diverse struggles for the commons,</br>* to exchange experiences, case studies and other information,</br>* to develop and govern resources in an open, participatory and inclusive manner (funding, infrastructures...) to support our activities,</br>* to develop policies to preserve the commons and commoners and participate in lawmaking processes,</br>* to strenghten, gain visibility and campaign betterghten, gain visibility and campaign better)
  • Catalunya en Comú - Building a country in common(s)  + (Interview with Joan Subirats - Barcelona, April 20, 2017)
  • 19.05 Etat des lieux des luttes pour le droit à la ville et les communs à Lyon  + (Après plusieurs années passées à rendre viAprès plusieurs années passées à rendre visibles des luttes sur le terrain de l'aménagement urbain, les militant.e.s lyonnais élargissent le répertoire des actions politiques avec des assemblées, une dynamique municipaliste et la revendication d'une Charte municipale et métropolitaine qui viendrait compléter le nouveau Plan Local d’Urbanisme (PLU-H) pour que soient entendues les propositions des habitants et mise en place « une véritable co-construction de la ville » permettant « l’élaboration de projets respectueux des habitants ». Nous proposons un temps d'échange pour partager les réflexions que peut inspirer cette expérience au mouvement des communs.cette expérience au mouvement des communs.)
  • La forêt comestible de Juan Anton  + ("Il faut que tout le monde puisse manger. "Il faut que tout le monde puisse manger. Et comme la nourriture vient de la terre, produisons nous-même notre propre nourriture !" Apprendre à produire sa nourriture avec Juan Anton. Le tournage a été réalisé à Alzira, au sud de Valence - </br> </br>Episode 5 de la web-série itinérante SideWays, cette vidéo est la première partie de l'épisode. La seconde est un webmag interactif à découvrir sur . Plus d'info à
  • La terre, bien commun  + ("La terre, bien commun" présente le mouvement Terre de liens de façon didactique à destination du grand public. En immersion au cœur du mouvement, ce film suit les problématiques quotidiennes et la mise en œuvre concrète des idées.)
  • Définition des communs selon Hervé Le Crosnier  + ("Les communs c'est avant tout une ressource partagée qui pourrait être victime d'enclosure.")
  • Le bien commun : l'assaut final  + (... une charge très argumentée, très démon... une charge très argumentée, très démonstrative contre la mondialisation libérale, nourrie de reportages et de témoignages recueillis au Canada, au Mexique, aux États-Unis, en Inde, en France. Avec les exemples très parlants de la marchandisation en cours de tous ces « biens publics mondiaux » que sont l’eau, les semences, la santé, les gênes, les connaissances et pratiques ancestrales ou nouvelles… ( Bernard Langlois, Politis)ou nouvelles… ( Bernard Langlois, Politis))
  • 100 en 1 jour Montréal: la ville comme bien commun  + (100 actions citoyennes le 5 octobre 2013 à Montréal. Un festival de création urbaine durant lequel les citoyens se réapproprient leur ville et y créent un meilleur endroit où vivre."
  • Balade de l'oppidum de Verduron - 11 Histoire de l'oppidum  + (2léments de l'histoire de l'oppidum et de son rôle dans l'origine de la ville de Marseille)
  • Agrocité de Gennevilliers - RAPTZ  + (2ème émission de radio Les communs urbains, l'Atl sur l'Agrocité de Gennevilliers réalisée avec
  • Balade urbaine autour des communs  + (3 balades urbaines sur le thème des communs, organisées à Paris, Marseille et Lille.)
  • Water (Istanbul Commons)  + (70% de la planète est recouvert d'eau. Tou70% de la planète est recouvert d'eau. Toute la vie sur la planète terre en dépend. Sa composition façonnée par des milliards d'années d'évolution sur Terre, en fait l'un des éléments de base de l'existence quotidienne de la vie ordinaire des humains. Avec l'air, l'eau est notre bien commun naturel le plus élémentaire.</br></br>Voir la suite sur Mapping The Commons (
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p> In the coming <blockquote><p> In the coming months, three of the partners of Remix The Commons, LARTES, Communautique and VECAM, will initiate an experiment to formalize popular workshops for mapping the commons, develop tools and a free and open practice manual (FLOSS manual) for share this work with those who want the lead it in their own community. </ blockquote></p></br><p>Mapping Common in Africa (Cartographier les Communs en Afrique) is an initiative whose center of gravity is located in Senegal, between Saint Louis and Dakar. It is to design an ambitious and popular process of learning and empowering people on their commons. It mobilizes activists, intellectuals and researchers from different geographical and cultural backgrounds and disciplinary who share the ambition to rebuild commitment and citizen participation on public property.</p></br><p>Commons are goods or things that do not belong to anyone in particular, but whose use is common to all, and management established on a cooperative and democratic basis, ie it allows each to take part in the development of rules and decisions that affect himself.</p></br><p>Examine commons from the point of view of production of social and symbolic links, is questioning how men are all together human community and how by accident or necessity, they can show their capacity to know or not that they are trying to consolidate this link or to lose it, how they are able or not to build and take care of commons (Abdourahmane Seck).</p></br><p>Based on the experiences and issues specific to the African continent, the Commons Mapping Project in Africa is to develop methods of interpretation and representation, including mapping, of the issues relative to the commons, to systematize and to organize their mutual enrichment in an open and collaborative base for the purpose of empowering people.</p></br><p>This project will contribute to the networking of commoners in Africa, and to strengthen their interaction with the rest of the world, through the sharing of visions and practices and the contribution to the development of methods and tools for mapping the commons.</p></br><p><em>Folow this work (in French) in the <a href="">wiki</a></em> of Remix The Commons and read more in the <a href="…uns-en-afrique/">French version of this post</a>.</p>ix The Commons and read more in the <a href="…uns-en-afrique/">French version of this post</a>.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p> Some experimen<blockquote><p> Some experiments for mapping the commons, from the definitions and brief descriptions of commoning actions or initiatives, with an instance of Chimere installed by Frédéric Léon at Brest. Chimere allows to place on a maps « points of interest » as defined by their geographic coordinates, text + multimedia documents (video , audio, images). Points of interest can be classified into categories organized by families. Maps are defined by selections of geographical zones and categories.<br /></br></ blockquote></p></br><p><iframe width='660' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src=''></iframe><br /><a target='_blank' href='' rel="noopener noreferrer">Agrandir</a> – <a target='_blank' href='' rel="noopener noreferrer">Participer</a></p></br><p>The first idea, starting this experiment was to locate on a map hundred of definitions of the commons made since the Berlin Conference of 2010, and look at how to use this medium as a collective means of expression on the notion of commons. For the test, a douzen of definitions is placed on the map. The integration of all the hundreds of available definitions give more card provided. They are searchable by language. Sorting by tag does not exist. It is the next step we are chalenging. It will allow to make more visible the « issues » generated on the Remix The Commons website. The integration of this map in the site remix is done by widget in a blog post or page. Eventually, the card could be powered by mashup multimedia services.</p></br><p>Second experiment : <a href="">mapping documents of commoning practices</a> by category « types of commons » (only with the parents of the categories of Charlotte Hess’ classification, used on the web site Remix the Commons) . The maps can be made by geographical areas. <a href="">Here</a> a map of a few points in Quebec .</p></br><p>Chimere freely allows the addition of new points of interest by users via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a form</a> pretty simple. Each zone provides to the users a form that allows to classify points of interest by the category of the zone.</p></br><p>At this level, it would be useful to complete chimere with elements such as a device of tags of points of interest, a synchronization of files on the map, a synchronization of the points of interest in the catalog of Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>But to go further, it should be necessary to work on approaches of mapping the commons. The identification of resources is the first degree of a mapping of the commons. Should imagine mapping commons based modes of administration of resources, or models of distribution of property rights, or value systems attached to commoning practices and certainly other things.</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p>ng commons based modes of administration of resources, or models of distribution of property rights, or value systems attached to commoning practices and certainly other things.</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>6 months after <blockquote><p>6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you!</p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4621" src="" alt="IMG_0071-1024x768" width="800" height="600" /></p></br><p>C@rds in Common is a game where 2 to 5 players collaborate to build a resilient civil society that defends the commons against the forces of monopolization. Apart from the pleasure of playing, C@rds in common was conceived as a means of documenting the presence of the commons at the Commons Space, an ephemeral encounter at the World Social Forum in Montreal in August 2016. The cards that composed the game were designed by volunteers who shared their vision and experience of the commons and the game mecanism designed by Mathieu Rhéaume and his team. This experience suggests that it would be possible to use the same approach and these methodological tools to document the commons in other local contexts, alike your neighborhood, or thematics as the commons of knowledge for example. We look forward to such experiments!</p></br><p>To learn more about the game, have a look at the <a href="">website</a>.</p></br><p>The game is released on demand by The Game Crafter in the US for $ 22.99 each plus shipping and customs via: <a href=""></a></p></br><p>To reduce shipping and customs for Europeans, we are launching a bulk order and hopefully this will bring the cost of each game delivered to Europe to around US $ 30/35.</p></br><p>If you wish to participate in this first bulk order, fill in <a href="">the form</a> before March 18th at 20:00 GMT.</p></br><p>You will also have to pay an advance corresponding only to the price of the game(s) ordered. The remainder to be paid (port and customs) will be asked when the order is completed, when we will know the costs of postage and customs.</p></br><p>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>A must read ! &<blockquote><p>A must read !</br></p></blockquote></br><p>PM Press has published the last book of Peter Linebaugh: <a href=" ">Stop, Thief: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance</a>. </p></br><p> with chapters on Karl Marx, the Luddites, William Morris, Thomas Paine, indigenous peoples, is scheduled for March 1, but it is already available in ibook also … author of Magna Carta which can be found in the introduction of<a href=""> Libres Savoirs </a>.</p></br><p>Note that 2015 will be the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta in Britain. It is a date to commemorate in 2015, while the same year will take place the COP 21 climate negotiations, the MDGs and probably, at the same time will happen the end of the negotiation of the transatlantic agreement (TAFTA). </p>and probably, at the same time will happen the end of the negotiation of the transatlantic agreement (TAFTA). </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>A workshop <<blockquote><p>A workshop <a href="">mapping the commons</a> will take place at Rio (Brazil) from 18 to 26 of october 2013, coordinated by <a href="">Pablo de Soto</a> with the collaboration of <a href="">Bernardo Gutiérrez</a> and the support of MediaLab (Madrid).</br></p></blockquote></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Mapping the commons was developed by Pablo Soto. This initiative aims to produce with inhabitants, activists in the place, living maps, consisting of short video documentaries and vidéoposts. The proposed approach takes the form of an intense multi-day workshop with communication students and activists to find the Commons, define and make them visible in the territory by producing media that form the map.</p></br><p>Pablo Soto initiated this approach around urban commons of <a href="">istanbul</a> and <a href = ""> Athens </ a>. See the work done about <a href=""> Taksim Square </a>, whose privatization was one of the starting points of protest in Turkey this year. The mapping is a strategic tool. To research of the urban commons is a process of mapping the space, that Pablo Soto understand « as proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, and used many artists and activists during the last decade, as a <a href=""> performance</a> which can be thinking, artistic work, or social change ».</p></br><p>On 20 March 2013, a wikisprint was performed in Barcelona using the same principles and methodology . Under the title  » Global P2P  » , it was to map Common practices and P2P in Latin America and southern Europe. See in English <a href=""> # GlobalP2P , the wind that shook the net </a>.</p></br><p>Rio next step Mapping the commons is one of the cities that comes from living like the rest of Brazil, an intense social and political mobilization against international festivities that tend to <a href= "http://"> privatize public space </a>. Many consider these mobilizations, their claims and modes of organization fall within the paradigm of Commons. See analysis on the subject of Bernardo Gutierrez in <a href="">el viento that desordeno las redes</a> and Alexandre Mendes in <a href =""> A atualidade uma das democracia mobilizacoes do comum e</a>.</p></br><p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>lt;p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>An experience o<blockquote><p>An experience of self-management of computational infrastructure, that allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action!</p></blockquote></br><p>Together with other individuals and organizations, and in collaboration with <a href="">Koumbit</a>, Remix the commons is developing a collective response to the need for digital tools and infrastructures. The idea is to ensure full digital sovereignty over our work, exchanges and data in coherence with the vision set out in the Charter for Building a Data Commons for a Free, Fair and Sustainable Future.</p></br><p>After having tested with Koumbit, an independent and solidary hosting company in Montreal, our ability to set up and manage some tools based on open source and the commons on a shared server, we designed a cooperation system based on a model similar to that of AMAPs, which we call the « Konbit numerique », in reference to the konbit of Haitian farmers. <a href="">Konbit</a> numerique is a prototype of « computational commons » for commoners’ projects. It proposes a working infrastructure that makes it possible to gradually achieve the objectives of independence and sovereignty on information and communication technology.</p></br><p>Our Konbit numerique consists of a group of identified users and a server administrator, Koumbit cooperator. It is based on a 6 TB server hosted by Koumbit in Montreal (<a href=""></a>, in which are installed the applications we need, tools based on open source and commons: file sharing, calendars, task management, online editing of text documents, table, email,… and most importantly for us a wiki farm. This is coverering a large part of the current digital uses of our organizations.</p></br><p>Users are involved in the governance, and as much as possible in maintenance. The work of the server administrator is handled by the collective through a monthly intervention time credit system. This includes, in addition to the time dedicated to server maintenance, time reserved for future technical developments that will be allocated according to the Konbit’s needs. The idea is therefore to jointly pre-finance a digital infrastructure dedicated to the collective. This infrastructure is not based on capitalist logic. It does not seek to make more profit in the perspective of extraction, but to satisfy the needs of the collective. It allows us to start a process to degoogling our digital practices.</p></br><p>Each person involved in the projects of the partners, stakeholders of this initiative, has access to this space and uses it within the framework of their activities in relation to the commons. Each partner can contribute to the life and development of the konbit by subscribing one or more shares of solidarity support (suggested amount: 15 € – 20 $CAD per month, or according to the budgets and needs of the projects), and according to the principle which aims to decouple use and trade (principle 3 of the Charter mentioned above). We have set ourselves the objective of gradually expanding the first collective to a balance between technical need/capacity and finance/governance. It is estimated that about 20 members would be an interesting size of the collective. Then other Konbits could be created and allow a federated type of operation.</p></br><p>The konbit numerique is not an open structure like a Chaton (online service open to all), or an alternative hoster, but an experience of self-management of computational infrastructure by its users. It is still a little early to draw lessons from this approach, but it is likely that this initiative allows organizations to embed digital sovereignty into their thinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>hinking on transition and take action. We hope that accompanying such processes could be a challenge of interest to free software activists.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambros<blockquote><p>As Alain Ambrosi wrote in 2012, « <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Commons is on everyone’s lips</a>« 1. In order to make this notion known and to avoid its dilution in sometimes too vague speeches, the collective Remix the Commons endeavors to decipher the practices and to sketch out the semantic and conceptual field of the movement of the commons from the collection and analysis of the documents it produces. The development of this vocabulary, which uses the tools of the semantic web, makes it possible to link the initiatives of documentation and promotion of the commons without erasing what makes their identities unique. By doing that, the movement of the commons has a space for strategic collaboration.</p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_4643" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4643" style="width: 1024px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-large wp-image-4643" src="" alt="By Alaina Buzas " width="1024" height="681" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4643" class="wp-caption-text">By Alaina Buzas</figcaption></figure></br><p>It is in 2010 that Remix the Commons initiates a process of documentation of the commons. Initially, the collective has a simple web site to identify and report content, mostly video, accessible online. At the same time, an initial series of video interviews was conducted at an international meeting in Berlin (2010). Others will follow the rhythm of World Social Forums or local initiatives in France, Senegal, Quebec first, and then in many countries on different continents. It quickly becomes necessary to allow each person to search by using key words in this documentation.</p></br><h1>From key words to the commons vocabulary</h1></br><p>When cataloging media objects on the Remix the Commons wiki (more than 500 media objects now), we describe the content of each production according to four axes which helps to position it in the field of the commons: object or resource to be commonified, stakes, associated actions and expected results. To date, more than 400 « key concepts » have been identified from the corpus gathered on the site. After that, ech concept is a card that uses the information on the Remix the Commons wiki, but also data from other sources accessible by using linking techniques by wikis and the semantic web. From each record, the user accesses information from the main documentary collections associated with the commons (P2P Foundation, Transformap, Digital Library of the Commons) and the large reference databases DBpedia, Wikidata, VIAF And WorldCat. Each concept is accompanied by definitions in several languages, resources published around the world that illustrate the point or refer to practices.</p></br><p>This set of key concepts provides a vivid and moving description of the world from the point of view of the commons. This collection is freely accessible, usable by all and open to contribution. Although this work is still at an experimental stage, it opens up interesting perspectives in terms of research, the production and the dissemination of knowledge about the commons. Holes, gaps and nuances between sources of information, between languages and cultures can be identified, documented and discussed among the actors involved in the field of the commons.</p></br><p>The vocabulary of the commons highlighted can support the emerging practices and contribute to the enrichment of the contents in Wikipedia and Wikidata, for example. The associations and collectives that contribute to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>te to the documentation of the commons, have there a resource that allows them to collaborate on the production of informational commons on the commons.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>From the 15th-1<blockquote><p>From the 15th-17th of November 2016 a European Commons Assembly will take place in Brussels. The commoners will convene, discuss, showcase, and reclaim Europe. On the afternoon of the 16th, around 150 will partcipate in a meeting in the European Parliament, organized in cooperation with the EP intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services (Led by Marisa Matias, Dario Tamburrano, Ernesto Urtasun, Sergio Cofferati). A variety of other events (and local assemblies) will take place outside Parliament, both in Brussels and across Europe.</br></p></blockquote></br><p><H1>Networking, unity and policy around the commons paradigm </H1></p></br><p>On September 26, a group of nonprofits, foundations, and other civil society organizations jointly publish a “Call for a European Commons Assembly” ( The collectively drafted document, which continues to garner signatures from groups and individuals around Europe, serves as a declaration of purpose for a distributed network of “commoners.”<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="eca" width="900" height="636" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4561" /><br /></br>Author: TILL GENTZSCH</p></br><p>The Assembly seeks to unite citizens in trans-local and trans-european solidarity to overcome Europe’s current challenges and reinvigorate the political process for the 21st century. The commons can be understood as a bridging paradigm that stresses cooperation in management of resources, knowledge, tools, and spaces as diverse as water, Wikipedia, a crowdfund, or a community garden. Their Call describes commoning as:</p></br><ul></br>…the network-based cooperation and localized bottom-up initiatives already sustained by millions of people around Europe and the world. These initiatives create self-managed systems that satisfy important needs, and often work outside of dominant markets and traditional state programmes while pioneering new hybrid structures.</ul></br><p> The Assembly emerged in May from a diverse, gender balanced pilot community of 28 activists from 15 European countries, working in different domains of the commons. New people are joining the Assembly every week, and ECA is inclusive and open for others to join, so that a broad and resilient European movement can coalesce. It seeks to visibilize acts of commoning by citizens for citizens, while promoting interaction with policy and institutions at both the national and European levels. </p></br><p><H1>Part of a broader movement</H1><br /></br>The rapid embrace of commons as an alternative holistic, sustainable and social worldview is in part an expression of unease with the unjust current economic system and democratic deficiencies. The commons movement has exploded in recent years, following the award of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Elinor Ostrom in 2009 for her work on managing common resources. It has also seen overlap with other movements, such as the Social and Solidarity and Sharing Economy movements, peer to peer production, and Degrowth.</p></br><p>Michel Bauwens, part of the ECA who is also a prominent figure in the peer-to-peer movement, explains: <em>All over the world, a new social movement is emerging, which is challenging the ‘extractive’ premises of the mainstream political economy and which is co-constructing the seed forms of a sustainable and solidary society. Commoners are also getting a voice, for example through the Assemblies of the Commons that are emerging in French cities and elsewhere. The time is ripe for a shoutout to the political world, through a European Assembly of the Commons.</em></p></br><p>The Call includes an open invitation to Brussels from November 15 to 17, 2016 for three days of activities and shared reflection on how to protect and promote the commons. It will include an official session in the European Parliament, hosted by the Intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services, on November 16 (limited capacity). </p></br><p>You can read and sign the full text of the Call, also available in French, Spanish, and soon other European languages, on the <a href="">ECA website</a>. There is an <a href="">option to sign</a> as an individual or an organization.</p></br><p>For more information, visit <a href=""> </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p></br><p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>/ </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p> <p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /> </strong><br /> Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>How commons cou<blockquote><p>How commons could be the base of a transition of the society? The equator is launching an initiative to bring together hackers and indigenous communities around the sharing of knowledge.</p></blockquote></br><p>Original article published <a href="">here</a></p></br><p>The FLOK Society welcomes Michel Bauwens to Ecuador. Bauwens, a founder of the P2P Foundation, flew into Quito on Sept. 17 to begin collaborating towards a fundamental reimagination of Ecuador.</p></br><p>Bauwens will lead a research team that is proposing to unleash a participatory, global process with an immediate implementation in Ecuador. The process will remake the roots of Ecuador’s economy, setting off a transition into a society of free and open knowledge.</p></br><p>In the first semester of 2014, Bauwens will assist in setting up a global network of transition researchers. The P2P Foundation is a global network of researchers that is documenting the shift towards open, participatory and commons-oriented practices in every domain of human activity, but especially also the shift from collaboration on open knowledge and code, towards cooperation in open design, open hardware, open science, open government, and the shift towards open agricultural and open machining practices that have great potential for increasing the productivity and sustainability of farming and industrial processes.</p></br><p>Ecuador is the first country in the world which is committing itself to the creation of a open commons knowlege based society. In order to achieve the transition to a ‘buen saber’, or ‘good knowledge’ society, which is an extension of the official strategy towards a ‘buen vivir’-based society, the Advanced Studies Institute (IAEN by its ]Spanish initials) in Quito, Ecuador, led by the rector Carlos Prieto, has initiated a strategic process, called the FLOK Society Project, which aims to organize a major international conference in March 2014, and will produce 10 strategic documents proposing transition policies towards the good knowledge society, which will be presented to the Ecuadorian citizens through intensive participatory processes, similar to those that took place for the establishment of the new Constitution and the ambitious National Plans, which set the guidelines for government policy.</p></br><p>While Buen Vivir aims to replace mindless accumulative economic growth to a form of growth that directly benefits the wellbeing of the Ecuadorian people, Buen Saber aims to create the open knowledge commons which will facilitate such a transition. FLOK stands for ‘Free Libre and Open Knowledge. In order to establish these transition policies and documents, IAEN has connected itself with the global hacker and free software movement, but also with its extension in the many peer to peer initiatives that directly aim to create a body of knowledge for physical production in agriculture and industry.</p></br><p>The P2P Foundation knowledge base has also focused on documenting new policy and legal frameworks being set up by sharing cities such as Seoul, San Francisco, and Naples ; and regions such as Bordeaux, Open Commons Region Linz in Austria, South Sudan, the Cabineto Digital of Rio del Sur, and more. It’s database of 22,000 global commons initiatives has been viewed nearly 25 million times and attracts 25,000 researchers, activists, users and readers on a daily basis. Michel Bauwens is also the author of a Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, an external expert for the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the Hangwang Forum in Chengdu that works on industrial sustainability, and engaged in a research project for Leuphana University on digital liquid democracy. As a founding member and partner of the Commons Strategies Group, he co-organized two global meetings on the commons, the last one in May 2013 in Berlin was dedicated to the emerging field of Commons-oriented Economics.</p></br><p>In March, the P2P Foundation organized a ‘global hispanic wikisprint’, with the help of Spanish-Brazilian activist Bernardo Gutierrez, in which more than registered 500 individuals and collectives, in more than 60 cities and 23 countries, mapped the open, p2p, sharing and commons initiatives in their region and areas of activities, resulting in a Latin American network of connected activists and scholars.</p></br><p>IAEN believes that the connection between the hacktivism communities, the FLOK Society, and the global and hispanic networks active in constructing open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>g open commons will be vital to create a synergy with the local actors of Ecuadorian society, and will help us accomplish the mayor goal we have set for ourselves as a country.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Le 12 octobre, <blockquote><p>Le 12 octobre, profitant de la <a href="">rencontre ouverte parisienne</a>, une quinzaine de personnes, designers en formation et chercheurs se retrouvent autour de l’expérimentation simultanée de diverses formes de sélection de termes en rapport avec les communs qui méritent d’être explicités, de leur définition à travers la mobilisation de ressources multimédia, elles aussi variées, et de mises en forme et éditorialisation de ces éléments.</br></p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_2901" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-2901" style="width: 450px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="graph réalisé à partir des mots clefs enjeux de Remix Biens communs et initialement publié sur le site de Savoircom1" width="450" height="281" class="size-full wp-image-2901" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-2901" class="wp-caption-text">graph réalisé à partir des mots clefs enjeux de Remix Biens communs et initialement publié sur le site de Savoircom1</figcaption></figure></br><p>A l’occasion de la<a href=""> rencontre ouverte sur les biens communs</a> organisée par les collectifs porteurs de Paname en Biens Communs, sera conduite une expérience qui participe de l’élaboration d’un glossaire multimédia des biens communs. L’idée, l’envie de glossaire des biens communs est dans l’air du temps. Elle répond à un besoin qui s’est exprimée à travers diverses démarches. En avril dernier, le collectif Savoirscom1 à élaboré une première liste de termes à mieux définir tirés de son appel. Avec Remix The Commons, nous travaillons depuis le printemps sur l’organisation des documents à travers des « mots clefs enjeux des communs », qui doivent être définis en complément de la <a href="">cartographie des nouveaux communs de C. Hess</a>. De plus, chacun s’accorde sur la nécessité d’enrichir les définitions en français des termes en rapport avec les biens communs dans wikipédia et un <a href="">projet</a> vient d’être lancé dans ce sens qui sera nourrit par un atelier qui se déroulera le 15 octobre à Paris. Enfin, d’autres initiatives émergent s’inspirant du <a href="">glossaire des ENMI 2012</a> et de l’exploration du design des formes de communication et collaboration numériques par et autour de Knowtex et l’IRI. Ces initiatives se rejoignent et profitent du tempo de Panam en biens communs.<br /></br>A ce stade, le glossaire des biens communs est perçu comme une sélection de termes en rapport avec les communs qui méritent d’être explicités. La liste des termes d’un glossaire des biens communs n’est pas figée. La définition fait appel à l’usage de documents multimédia choisis, organisés selon différents formats avec au premier rang celui désormais classique de wikipédia. Ces démarches de publication sont participatives et explorent des scénarii d’expérience utilisateur. A ce stade, il s’agit d’explorer diverses voies et de tirer les leçons de l’expérience plus que produire en direct un produit fini.<br /></br>L’élaboration des premières listes de termes met en évidence la tension entre la problématique de la définition et celle de l’éditorialisation qui sou-tendent des projets plus ou moins explicites. Un premier croisement des termes utilisés dans le manifeste savoircom1 avec ceux de Remix the commons donne par exemple la mind map suivante réalisée avec Pierre-Carl Langlais.<br /></br><a href="édia-20130930-e1381355634741.jpeg"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="édia-20130930-e1381355634741.jpeg" alt="Biens communs wikipédia 20130930" width="600" height="388" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2903" /></a><br /></br>Le 12 octobre, l’expérience est décomposée en 3 processus. Un groupe se consacre à identifier des éléments (termes pertinents et contenus, supports, objets contribuant à les définir) en vue de les recomposer à travers un dispositif développé par le collectif Encyclopetrie (à l’initiative du <a href="">glossaire des ENMI 2012</a>. Un autre groupe, piloté par les porteurs du<a href=""> projet mind-mapping</a> fera un travail de cartographie dans le but de mettre en évidence les liens entre les termes du vocabulaire utilisé dans les conversations. Enfin un denier groupe de travail conduira des interviews audio autour de termes en lien avec les communs et de leurs définitions (inspiré de <a href="">la démarche de Sylvia Fredricksson</a>. Cette démarche n’a pas vocation à interférer avec le déroulement ou rendre compte de manière exhaustive de la rencontre. Elle propose des formes complémentaires de lecture de l’événement.<br /></br>Le 15 octobre, l’atelier wikipédia apportera une approche complémentaire avant que les premières leçons ne soient tirées de l’expérience.</p></br><p>F. Sultan</p>es leçons ne soient tirées de l’expérience.</p> <p>F. Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>To help reclaim<blockquote><p>To help reclaiming, protecting and creating commons in our neighborhoods and cities, we offer to co-create an interactive Atlas of the charters of urban commons. The collaborative creation process will develop on an intercultural and interdisciplinary fashion, production and sharing of knowledge on legal tools that make alive the urban commons. Through workshops, camps, and cultural residencies, with the commoners, we will co-produce the Atlas (a mapping tool), that will be a place to meet and to interact for creating or recovering our urban commons.</p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_4247" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4247" style="width: 644px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-4247" src="" alt="Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)" width="644" height="46" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4247" class="wp-caption-text">Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)</figcaption></figure></br><h1>The charters of the urban commons as inspiration</h1></br><p>Urban commons charters are rules of self-governance established by a community for their commons in their neighbourhood, city, region… They can be transformed into legal instruments that formally recognize the rights and sovereignty of individuals and of the community over their common goods. They are also an instrument for organizing commoning with a view to preserving, sharing and transmitting those common goods. They are accompanied by a multitude of activities, narratives, creations, illustrations, celebrations, and studies that are the heart of the commons culture and that we want to conserve and hand on from generation to generation.</p></br><p>We aim to evolve within this commons culture to generate mutual inspiration and to nourish the imagination as well as the practices of the urban commons around the world.</p></br><p>Documenting commons charters experiences in an iterative, collective, decentralized and self-managed manner is in itself a way of making a common culture. Our proposal is to develop and make available to commoners various modes of documentation adapted to sharing the experiences of commons charters.</p></br><p>We plan to organise camps and cultural residencies and to collectively create an Atlas of urban commons charters through interactive mapping in semantic web.</p></br><p>This process is intended to be exploratory, pragmatic, pedagogical and political; it is as well both interdisciplinary and inter-cultural. It allows commoners to formalise their experience, to link it with that of other members of their community and to share it with other communities. It also allows to share both the legal tools developed over time and the experience accumulated around the world (with input from legal experts and urban designers). It aims to make this process known and recognized as one of the mainsprings of democracy and of the good life in an urban environment.</p></br><h1>Learning from the historical and contemporary experience of the charters of the commons</h1></br><p>The documentation and facilitation activities on the commons in the context of remixthecommons led us to discover the wealth and variety of citizen initiatives and proposals on urban and broader territorial scaleson various continents. In the process of constituting a commons, neighbours and citizens consistently take the key step of creating and formalizing rules of self-governance. Innovative practices in this domain exist at the neighbourhood level (as in Dakar) and on the scale of entire cities (Bologna, Djakarta and others). The experiences that appear to us exemplary are those where citizen initiatives have been able to mobilise a broad range of expertise from various sectors (cooperatives, activists, architects, lawyers, urban designers, informatics, etc) in order to advance proposals that are at one and the same time innovative and pragmatic, that welcome, encourage, ensure and guide active participation by citizens in regenerating, constituting and managing urban commons.</p></br><p>In Europe, the Italian examples of the self-managed cultural spaces, the AquaBeneComune in Milan and various municipal commons charters adopted in several cities are inspiring and hold the potential of being shared, remixed and adapted to other socio-cultural and political contexts.</p></br><p>This blooming of urban charters is a stimulus for commoners apprentices to share and co-produce knowledge and proposals with their pairs.</p></br><p>The consolidation of networks of commons activists on the European level has engendered a dynamic of exchange and intercultural cross-fertilisation. Recent seminars on the subject between France and Italy are an example.</p></br><p>In addition, this collective mobilisation in favour of urban commons charters is a superb way of celebrating le 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, which profoundly marked the history of the commons.</p></br><h1>An invitation to collaborate</h1></br><p>We wish to implement a digital prototype of the atlas of the charters of urban commons. It will be co-created during a first workshop and improved by an iterative process. Workshops with people and online will stimulate documentation of existing charters and the creation of new adapted to their contexts and to their local rights. These actions will crossed scientific disciplines and popular know-how. And we will take care to have diversified processes of work and to ensure the sharing of data, of the design of uses and of the services inspired by the Atlas.</p></br><p>We are pleased to invite to participate all the activists and researchers motivated by the commons, especially those part of the Francophone network of commoners, and the organizations such as Commons Josephat (Brussels), Marx Dormoy Labs (Paris) Days of Urban Alternatives (Lausanne), or the House of the commons (Montpellier), LARTES in Dakar, …etc, and the European collectives such as Comuns urban activists in Barcelona, P2p plazas in Madrid, …etc.</p></br><p>This initiative will also lead us to collaborate with activists of the Rights to The City, such as in France, the Coordination “Pas sans nous! (Not Without Us!) and the Collective for Citizenship Transition, and the International Alliance of Inhabitants.</p></br><p>Some municipalities and local governments are already committed to support the commons and have their own charter. They offer spaces which allow to experiment our approach. The Festival of the Commons at Chieri in Italy (July 2015) could be the first opportunity.</p></br><h1>The contribution of Remix the commons</h1></br><p>Remix the commons incubates the project. We will share our experience of intercultural and multilingual projects such as <a href="">Mapping the Definition of the Commons</a>, of co-creation processes (see « <a href="">The Art of Commoning</a>» ) and our knowledge of European networks, including France, Spain, Italy and Germany. One of the first dates that we can give us, will be the Francophone Festival « <a href="">Temps des Communs</a> » (from 5 to 18 October 2015).</p>e « <a href="">The Art of Commoning</a>» ) and our knowledge of European networks, including France, Spain, Italy and Germany. One of the first dates that we can give us, will be the Francophone Festival « <a href="">Temps des Communs</a> » (from 5 to 18 October 2015).</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<h3>Presentation</h3> <p><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><em></em><em><a href="">Framing the commons</a></em> is a series of interviews made during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Boll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, took place in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to talk about their vision of the Commons and of the future of the movement.</p></br><p>Framing the commons is the second chapter produced by Remix The Commons in 2010/2011.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Alain Ambrosi and Abeille Tard</p>s is the second chapter produced by Remix The Commons in 2010/2011.</p> <h3>Collaborators</h3> <p>Alain Ambrosi and Abeille Tard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<h3>Présentation</h3> <p><h3>Présentation</h3></br><p><a href="">Penser les communs</a> est une série d’entrevues réalisées lors de la première <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organisée par la Fondation Heinrich Boell et le <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, à Berlin en 2010. Les organisateurs de la conférence et des participants ont été invités à s’exprimer sur leur vision sur les biens communs et de l’avenir du mouvement des communs.</p></br><p>Framing the commons est le deuxième chapitre produit par Remix The Commons en 2010/2011.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs</h3></br><p>Alain Ambrosi et Abeille Tard</p>The Commons en 2010/2011.</p> <h3>Collaborateurs</h3> <p>Alain Ambrosi et Abeille Tard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="http://www.bollier.or<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Original publication by David Bollier</a></p></br><p>Just released: a terrific 25-minute video overview of the commons as seen by frontline activists from around the world, “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Commons in Political Spaces: For a Post-capitalist Transition</a>,” along with more than a dozen separate interviews with activists on the frontlines of commons work around the globe. The videos were shot at the World Social Forum in Montreal last August, capturing the flavor of discussion and organizing there.</p></br><p>A big thanks to Remix the Commons and Commons Spaces – two groups in Montreal, and to Alain Ambrosi, Frédéric Sultan and Stépanie Lessard-Bérubé — for pulling together this wonderful snapshot of the commons world. The overview video is no introduction to the commons, but a wonderfully insightful set of advanced commentaries about the political and strategic promise of the commons paradigm today.Frédéric Sultan of Remix the Commons</p></br><p>The overview video (“Les communs dans l’espace politique,” with English subtitles as needed) is striking in its focus on frontier developments: the emerging political alliances of commoners with conventional movements, ideas about how commons should interact with state power, and ways in which commons thinking is entering policy debate and the general culture.</p></br><p>The video features commentary by people like Frédéric Sultan, Gaelle Krikorian, Alain Ambrosi, Ianik Marcil, Matthew Rhéaume, Silke Helfrich, Chantal Delmas, Pablo Solon, Christian Iaione, and Jason Nardi, among others.</p></br><p>The individual interviews with each of these people are quite absorbing. (See the full listing of videos <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.) Six of these interviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>nterviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="http://www.bollier.or<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Original publication by David Bollier</a></p></br><p>Just released: a terrific 25-minute video overview of the commons as seen by frontline activists from around the world, “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Commons in Political Spaces: For a Post-capitalist Transition</a>,” along with more than a dozen separate interviews with activists on the frontlines of commons work around the globe. The videos were shot at the World Social Forum in Montreal last August, capturing the flavor of discussion and organizing there.</p></br><p>A big thanks to Remix the Commons and Commons Spaces – two groups in Montreal, and to Alain Ambrosi, Frédéric Sultan and Stépanie Lessard-Bérubé — for pulling together this wonderful snapshot of the commons world. The overview video is no introduction to the commons, but a wonderfully insightful set of advanced commentaries about the political and strategic promise of the commons paradigm today.Frédéric Sultan of Remix the Commons</p></br><p>The overview video (“Les communs dans l’espace politique,” with English subtitles as needed) is striking in its focus on frontier developments: the emerging political alliances of commoners with conventional movements, ideas about how commons should interact with state power, and ways in which commons thinking is entering policy debate and the general culture.</p></br><p>The video features commentary by people like Frédéric Sultan, Gaelle Krikorian, Alain Ambrosi, Ianik Marcil, Matthew Rhéaume, Silke Helfrich, Chantal Delmas, Pablo Solon, Christian Iaione, and Jason Nardi, among others.</p></br><p>The individual interviews with each of these people are quite absorbing. (See the full listing of videos <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.) Six of these interviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>nterviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="https://www.remixthec<p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4194" src="" alt="Move North South Water" width="198" height="300" /></a></p></br><p>Le « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – littéralement Sud Eau Nord Déplacer – est le plus gros projet de transfert d’eau au monde, entre le sud et le nord de la Chine. Sur les traces de ce chantier colossal, le film d’Antoine Boutet dresse la cartographie mouvementée d’un territoire d’ingénieur où le ciment bat les plaines, les fleuves quittent leur lit, les déserts deviennent forêts, où peu à peu des voix s’élèvent, réclamant justice et droit à la parole. Tandis que la matière se décompose et que les individus s’alarment, un paysage de science-fiction, contre nature, se recompose.</p></br><p>Sud Eau Nord Déplacer sortira mercredi 28 janvier 2915 dans les salles de cinéma. Si vous souhaitez vous associer à une de ces projections, contactez la salle de cinéma concernée ou la distribution du film : Si vous souhaitez accompagner une projection dans une ville où le film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>)