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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Documentation d'une expérience interculturelle au Bénin Version française : English version : ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 51 résultats à partir du nº 1.

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Liste de résultats

  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Le monde a besoin d’idées pour un<p>Le monde a besoin d’idées pour un avenir meilleur et durable, mais les idées ne suffisent pas. La plate-forme FuturePerfect est une encyclopédie virtuelle reprenant les initiatives de personnes, d’organisations et d’entreprises qui ont osé passer de la pensée à l’acte. Ces histoires visent à informer sur les modes de vie alternatifs et à inciter à l’engagement citoyen.</p></br><p>Les partenaires français de FuturePerfect, l’équipe allemande de FUTURZWEI, des militants et tout public intéressé se retrouveront pour débattre du rôle des médias dans une perspective de pratiques d’économie sociale et de modes de vie durables.</p></br><div class="row"></br><div class="span12 nurText"></br><div class="span12 nurText"></br><p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-4335 size-full aligncenter" src="" alt="futureperfect_visuel_web debzt 8 octobre 2015" width="337" height="803" /></a></p></br></div></br><p>Débat organisé dans le cadre de la Semaine des cultures étrangères organisée par le FICEP et en coopération avec le festival Temps des Communs</p></br><p>Avec la participation de :</p></br><ul></br><li><strong>Barnabé Binctin</strong>, Journaliste <i>Reporterre</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Peter Unfried</strong>, </i>Journaliste <i>TAZ</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Benoit Cassegrain </strong>et<strong> Hélène Legay</strong>, </i>fondateurs <i>SideWays</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Mathias Lahiani</strong>, </i>fondateur <i>On passe à l’acte</i></li></br></ul></br><p>Modéré par <strong>Luise Tremel</strong>, FUTURZWEI et <strong>Frédéric Sultan</strong>, <i>Remix the commons </i></p></br></div></br><div class="span12 nurText">Goethe-Institut Paris</div></br><aside class="span6 artikelspalte nurText"></br><div class="teaserBox"></br><p class="vkEvent">17 avenue d’Iéna<br /></br>75116 Paris</p></br></div></br><p>Langue: En français et en allemand<br /></br>Entrée libre, inscription : <span class="telefon">33 1 44439230 </span></p></br></aside></br></div>gt;, <i>Remix the commons </i></p> </div> <div class="span12 nurText">Goethe-Institut Paris</div> <aside class="span6 artikelspalte nurText"> <div class="teaserBox"> <p class="vkEvent">17 avenue d’Iéna<br /> 75116 Paris</p> </div> <p>Langue: En français et en allemand<br /> Entrée libre, inscription : <span class="telefon">33 1 44439230 </span></p> </aside> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Le projet « Justice transitionnel<p>Le projet « Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine » a pour but de partager les expériences extrêmement importantes marocaines sur la justice transitionnelle et la réparation communautaire.</p></br><p>Au Maroc, de 1959 à 1999, l’ancien roi Hassan II a souvent gouverné son pays d’une main de fer. Cette période est appelée les années de plomb au Maroc, au cours de laquelle ceux qui étaient considérés comme une menace pour le régime étaient soumis à un large éventail de violations des droits de l’homme. Des milliers de personnes ont été soumis à des arrestations arbitraires, à la torture et les disparitions, laissant un héritage amer.</p></br><p>Cependant, dès le début des années 1990, un processus graduel de réconciliation avec le passé a commencé à prendre racine, culminant le plus récemment dans les travaux de l’Instance Equité et Réconciliation du Maroc (Instance Equité et Réconciliation (IER)), mise en place par le successeur sur le trône, le roi Mohammed VI.</p></br><p>Le 7 Janvier 2004, l’IER a été créé. C’est la première commission de la vérité dans le monde arabe. Cela a été saluée internationalement comme un grand pas en avant, et un exemple pour le monde arabe. Depuis, l’IER a travaillé sur le terrible héritage de cette époque en examinant certains des pires abus au Maroc et en organisant des réparations pour les victimes et leurs familles.</p></br><p>Pendant toute la durée de son mandat, l’IER a amassé une archive de plus de 20.000 témoignages de victimes et de leurs familles, qui ont été organisées dans une base de données centrale à Rabat. Elle a mené une série de réunions, de conférences et de séminaires autour d’une multitude de questions qui sont clés pour comprendre le Maroc passé et le présent.</p></br><p>Elle a également pris l’initiative de tenir des audiences publiques pour donner aux victimes une plate-forme à partir de laquelle partager leurs souffrances. Tout au long de ses travaux, la Commission a pour but de documenter, de conserver et d’analyser les racines de la crise dans une tentative pour aider le Maroc à se réconcilier avec son passé.</p></br><p>Le projet Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine vise à partager des vidéos sur ce processus de la justice transitionnelle et la réparation communautaire. Ces vidéos évoquent la façon de préserver la mémoire des communautés des victimes pendant les «années de plomb» au Maroc et quels types d’audiences publiques ont eu lieu. Ces audiences ont été le point culminant d’un vaste processus de délibération citoyenne, de compassion et de liberté d’expression au Maroc . Ces vidéos abordent la façon dont le projet de réparation communautaire fonctionne pour améliorer les conditions de vie des populations dans les communautés de victimes et de les responsabiliser. En fait, ces matériaux ont principalement porté sur les femmes et les enfants.</p></br><p>L’expérience marocaines en matière de justice transitionnelle comme communes est utile et précieuse dans d’autres pays, en particulier pour les pays arabes qui ont la même histoire de la justice transitionnelle, comme l’Irak, l’Egypte, la Tunisie, la Syrie, le Liban, la Palestine, Algérie et ainsi de suite.</p></br><h3>Futur Développement</h3></br><p>Le project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine va continuer à partager des vidéos et des matériaux plus historiques sur les expériences en matière de justice de transition, tels que les vidéos des auditions publiques, les vidéos des séminaires et des conférences publiques, des photos historiques et des rapports finaux des le projet de réparation communautaire.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs/trices</h3></br><p>Ning, Mohamed Leghtas</p></br><h3>Financement</h3></br><p>Le project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine est financé par les fonds de l’Instance Equité et Réconciliation (IER)</p></br><h3>Contribution au projet « Justice transitionnelle « </h3></br><p>Remix Biens Communs a facilité la conception d’un catalogage des documents vidéos du projet.</p>Communs a facilité la conception d’un catalogage des documents vidéos du projet.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Le projet « Justice transitionnel<p>Le projet « Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine » a pour but de partager les expériences extrêmement importantes marocaines sur la justice transitionnelle et la réparation communautaire.</p></br><p>Au Maroc, de 1959 à 1999, l’ancien roi Hassan II a souvent gouverné son pays d’une main de fer. Cette période est appelée les années de plomb au Maroc, au cours de laquelle ceux qui étaient considérés comme une menace pour le régime étaient soumis à un large éventail de violations des droits de l’homme. Des milliers de personnes ont été soumis à des arrestations arbitraires, à la torture et les disparitions, laissant un héritage amer.</p></br><p>Cependant, dès le début des années 1990, un processus graduel de réconciliation avec le passé a commencé à prendre racine, culminant le plus récemment dans les travaux de l’Instance Equité et Réconciliation du Maroc (Instance Equité et Réconciliation (IER)), mise en place par le successeur sur le trône, le roi Mohammed VI.</p></br><p>Le 7 Janvier 2004, l’IER a été créé. C’est la première commission de la vérité dans le monde arabe. Cela a été saluée internationalement comme un grand pas en avant, et un exemple pour le monde arabe. Depuis, l’IER a travaillé sur le terrible héritage de cette époque en examinant certains des pires abus au Maroc et en organisant des réparations pour les victimes et leurs familles.</p></br><p>Pendant toute la durée de son mandat, l’IER a amassé une archive de plus de 20.000 témoignages de victimes et de leurs familles, qui ont été organisées dans une base de données centrale à Rabat. Elle a mené une série de réunions, de conférences et de séminaires autour d’une multitude de questions qui sont clés pour comprendre le Maroc passé et le présent.</p></br><p>Elle a également pris l’initiative de tenir des audiences publiques pour donner aux victimes une plate-forme à partir de laquelle partager leurs souffrances. Tout au long de ses travaux, la Commission a pour but de documenter, de conserver et d’analyser les racines de la crise dans une tentative pour aider le Maroc à se réconcilier avec son passé.</p></br><p>Le projet Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine vise à partager des vidéos sur ce processus de la justice transitionnelle et la réparation communautaire. Ces vidéos évoquent la façon de préserver la mémoire des communautés des victimes pendant les «années de plomb» au Maroc et quels types d’audiences publiques ont eu lieu. Ces audiences ont été le point culminant d’un vaste processus de délibération citoyenne, de compassion et de liberté d’expression au Maroc . Ces vidéos abordent la façon dont le projet de réparation communautaire fonctionne pour améliorer les conditions de vie des populations dans les communautés de victimes et de les responsabiliser. En fait, ces matériaux ont principalement porté sur les femmes et les enfants.</p></br><p>L’expérience marocaines en matière de justice transitionnelle comme communes est utile et précieuse dans d’autres pays, en particulier pour les pays arabes qui ont la même histoire de la justice transitionnelle, comme l’Irak, l’Egypte, la Tunisie, la Syrie, le Liban, la Palestine, Algérie et ainsi de suite.</p></br><h3>Futur Développement</h3></br><p>Le project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine va continuer à partager des vidéos et des matériaux plus historiques sur les expériences en matière de justice de transition, tels que les vidéos des auditions publiques, les vidéos des séminaires et des conférences publiques, des photos historiques et des rapports finaux des le projet de réparation communautaire.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs/trices</h3></br><p>Ning, Mohamed Leghtas</p></br><h3>Financement</h3></br><p>Le project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine est financé par les fonds de l’Instance Equité et Réconciliation (IER)</p></br><h3>Contribution au projet « Justice transitionnelle « </h3></br><p>Remix Biens Communs a facilité la conception d’un catalogage des documents vidéos du projet.</p>Communs a facilité la conception d’un catalogage des documents vidéos du projet.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Les voies maritimes, une belle id<p>Les voies maritimes, une belle idée de vidéo autour d’un projet d’aire maritime à protéger</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" frameborder="0" width="400" height="225" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /></br>Par <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aires-marines-protegees</a></i></p></br><p>Trois photographes ont sillonné pendant plusieurs mois le golfe normand breton qui s’étend de l’île de Bréhat au Cap de La Hague et qui fait l’objet d’un projet de parc naturel marin. Rodolphe Marics, Denis Bourges et Xavier Desmier proposent une radiographie de cet espace marin selon trois points de vue différents et complémentaires : photos aériennes, pédestres et sous-marines. </p></br><p>Les voies maritimes est né d’un partenariat entre l’Agence des aires marines protégées et l’association Les champs photographiques. </p> des aires marines protégées et l’association Les champs photographiques. </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>L’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia<p>L’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia est l’un des principaux biens communs intellectuels de notre temps. Pourtant, la thématique des biens communs y reste peu développée.</p></br><p>Afin de remédier à cette situation paradoxale, Frédéric Sultan (coordinateur de Remix the Commons) et Pierre-Carl Langlais (administrateur de la Wikipédia francophone) ont entrepris d’initier une série d’ateliers contributifs. Un premier atelier, organisé le 15 octobre, avait permis d’initier plusieurs articles fondamentaux sur l’histoire récente des biens communs (tels que le mouvement des communs).</p></br><p>Le prochain atelier aura lieu le 21 janvier de 17h30 à 20h30 à la Fondation Charles Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme (38 rue saint Sabin). Il portera sur les biens communs de la connaissance et plus spécifiquement sur le domaine public. En dépit de l’engagement durable des communautés wikimédiennes en faveur du domaine public, l’<a href="">article sur le sujet</a> demeure une simple ébauche.</p></br><p>Cette série d’atelier s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Biens communs. Ce projet de la Wikipédia francophone comprend une liste suggestive d’articles à améliorer ou à créer, ainsi qu’une compilation de références en ligne à utiliser. En vertu du principe de neutralité de point de vue, chaque information ajoutée sur Wikipédia doit en effet être étayée avec une source fiable.</p></br><p>Si vous souhaitez participer, vous pouvez vous inscrire dès maintenant sur ce <a href="">formulaire</a>. Il est aussi possible de contribuer à distance.</p></br><p>Aucun prérequis n’est nécessaire : que vous soyez chercheur, praticien, wikipédien ou simple curieux, toutes les bonnes volontés sont bienvenues.</p>’est nécessaire : que vous soyez chercheur, praticien, wikipédien ou simple curieux, toutes les bonnes volontés sont bienvenues.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>L’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia<p>L’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia est l’un des principaux biens communs intellectuels de notre temps. Pourtant, la thématique des biens communs y reste peu développée.</p></br><p>Afin de remédier à cette situation paradoxale, Frédéric Sultan (coordinateur de Remix the Commons) et Pierre-Carl Langlais (administrateur de la Wikipédia francophone) ont entrepris d’initier une série d’ateliers contributifs. Un premier atelier, organisé le 15 octobre, avait permis d’initier plusieurs articles fondamentaux sur l’histoire récente des biens communs (tels que le mouvement des communs).</p></br><p>Le prochain atelier aura lieu le 21 janvier de 17h30 à 20h30 à la Fondation Charles Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme (38 rue saint Sabin). Il portera sur les biens communs de la connaissance et plus spécifiquement sur le domaine public. En dépit de l’engagement durable des communautés wikimédiennes en faveur du domaine public, l’<a href="">article sur le sujet</a> demeure une simple ébauche.</p></br><p>Cette série d’atelier s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Biens communs. Ce projet de la Wikipédia francophone comprend une liste suggestive d’articles à améliorer ou à créer, ainsi qu’une compilation de références en ligne à utiliser. En vertu du principe de neutralité de point de vue, chaque information ajoutée sur Wikipédia doit en effet être étayée avec une source fiable.</p></br><p>Si vous souhaitez participer, vous pouvez vous inscrire dès maintenant sur ce <a href="">formulaire</a>. Il est aussi possible de contribuer à distance.</p></br><p>Aucun prérequis n’est nécessaire : que vous soyez chercheur, praticien, wikipédien ou simple curieux, toutes les bonnes volontés sont bienvenues.</p>’est nécessaire : que vous soyez chercheur, praticien, wikipédien ou simple curieux, toutes les bonnes volontés sont bienvenues.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Organized by Remix The Commons, V<p>Organized by Remix The Commons, VECAM and radio Libre @ Toi</p></br><blockquote><p>Projection debate: Commons in political space,<br /></br>Broadcast live by the radio Libre @ Toi,<br /></br>7 April 2017, from 18:30 to 20:30<br /></br>At the Foundation for the Progress of Man, 38, rue Saint Sabin, 75011 Paris – France</p></br><h2>What are the relations between commons and politic?</h2></br><p>After the conquest of city governement by the commons candidates in the large Spanish cities, the introduction in the constitution of « buen vivir » (Bolivia and Ecuador), the development of community’s charters in Great Britain and the regulations for the protection of the common goods by Italian cities, ZADIism and Zapatista experience, assemblies of commoners throughout the Western world, … recent years have seen the commons enrich their experience of politics. How can it inspire us in France?</p></br><p>Come to debate after the screening of the short documentary « Les communs dans l’espace politique » (23 ‘), based on the testimonies of the actors involved in all these initiatives, of the place of the commons in the transformation of politics, the lessons that can be drawn from some of these experiences, and the challenges and dynamics of the commons movement.</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4658" src="" alt="Sylviafredriksson_du possible" width="640" height="640" /><br /></br>Par Sylvia Fredriksson Certains droits réservés</p></br><p>At the moment when the presidential campaign is in full swing in France. Which candidate has not yet incorporated this notion in his vocabulary, sometimes playing on the polysemy of terms and sailing between « Common Good », « common » or « common goods »? This echo indicates both a great penetration of this notion in society and a need to give a stronger consistency around the idea that we are able to develop mechanisms of cooperation that start from our needs and usages to build new rights.</p></br><p>In this debate, we will focus more on the transformation of possible practices in the French political sequence, elections, loss of credit for the institutional system, than to make an inventory or a comparison of electoral measures or promises of the candidates and parties.</p></br><p>« The commons in the political space » (23 ‘) is a document realized from interviews of activists met on the occasion of the World Social Forum and the World Forum of social economy GSEF which took place in Montreal in August and September 2016. The documentary and interviews will be available on in the coming days.</p></br><p>Remix The Commons is an intercultural space for sharing and co-creating multimedia documents on the commons. The project is carried out by an intercultural collective composed of people and organizations who believe that the collection, exchange and remix of stories, definitions and images … of the commons are an active and convivial way to disseminate it in society. <a href=""> </a></p></br><p>Radio Libre @ Toi will broadcast this live debate and podcast, prefiguring the activities of the radio Causes Communes on the airwaves. <a href=""> </a></p></br><p>Vecam is an association that contributes to the political and social decoding of the digital age since 1995. <a href=""> </a></p></blockquote>gt;</p> <p>Vecam is an association that contributes to the political and social decoding of the digital age since 1995. <a href=""> </a></p></blockquote>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Original publication from <a h<p>Original publication from <a href="">P2P Fondation blog</a></p></br><blockquote><p>The European Commons Assembly (ECA) is a network of grassroots initiatives promoting commons management practices at the European level. The next stop for the network will be Medialab Prado, Madrid. These activities are part of the Transeuropa Festival program, a large meeting of political, social and environmental alternatives.</p></blockquote></br><p>The call to participate in the Madrid workshops will be open until August 4th.</p></br><p>Form</p></br><p><a title="18.05.16 Taller" href="" data-flickr-embed="true" data-footer="true"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="18.05.16 Taller" width="800" height="500" /></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script></p></br><p>The European Commons Assembly was launched in November 2016 with public events that took place in several spaces in Brussels, Belgium, including the Zinneke social center and European Parliament. This meeting gathered from different parts of Europe more than 150 commoners to promote public policies for the commons at the European level and to develop mutual support networks that enable long-term sustainability..</p></br><p>The call to participate in the Madrid workshops will be open until August 4th. Proposed topics related to the urban commons include:</p></br><ul></br><li>Public space<br /></br>Migrations and refugees<br /></br>Citizen participation in urban politics<br /></br>Culture<br /></br>Food<br /></br>Housing<br /></br>Health<br /></br>Currency and financing for the commons<br /></br>Laws and legal mechanisms to protect the commons<br /></br>Technology for citizenship.</li></br></ul></br><p>You may also propose a topic not already on this list; fill out the form to propose the organization of a specific workshop, and/or to participate in any of the workshops that you find interesting.</p></br><p>Each workshop will be co-organized by both a local and an international community project around the proposed topic. Workshops will be coordinated to offer valuable knowledge and strategies to apply to other, ongoing experiences. To this end, the ECA Madrid coordination team will hold several video conferences to connect the different initiatives and develop the workshop contents prior to the meeting. Workshops will employ facilitation methodology designed to guide the coordination team members in structuring and eventual documentation of the contents generated.</p></br><p>When completing the form, you may indicate if you need the organization to cover travel and / or accommodation if it will not be possible to cover these expenses another way. For more information, contact nicole.leonard [at]</p></br><p>You can find more information on the European Commons Assembly website or fill out the form.</p>the organization to cover travel and / or accommodation if it will not be possible to cover these expenses another way. For more information, contact nicole.leonard [at]</p> <p>You can find more information on the European Commons Assembly website or fill out the form.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Project « Justice transitionnelle<p>Project « Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine » plans to share those extremely important Moroccan experiences about transitional justice and community reparation. </p></br><p>In Morocco, from 1959 to 1999, Former King Hassan II often ruled his country with an iron fist. That period is called as the years of lead in Morocco, during which those who were considered a threat to the regime were subject to a wide range of human rights violations. Thousands were subjected to arbitrary arrest, torture, and enforced disappearance, leaving behind a bitter legacy.</p></br><p>However, starting in the early 1990s, a gradual process of dealing with the past began to take root, culminating most recently in the work of the Moroccan Equity and Reconciliation Commission (Instance Équité et Réconciliation (IER)), established by the successor to the throne, King Mohammed VI.</p></br><p>On January 7, 2004, the IER was created, which is the first truth commission in the Arab world. This also has been hailed internationally as a big step forward, and an example to the Arab world. Since that, the IER has been working on addressing the terrible legacy of this era by investigating some of the worst abuses in Morocco and arranging reparations for victims and their families.</p></br><p>Over the duration of its mandate, the IER has amassed an archive of more than 20,000 personal testimonies from victims and their families, which has been organized in a central database in Rabat. It has conducted a range of meetings, conferences, and seminars around a multitude of issues that are keys to understanding Morocco’s past and present.</p></br><p>It has also taken the monumental step of holding public hearings to give victims a platform from which to share their sufferings. Throughout its work, the Commission has aimed to document, preserve, and analyze the roots of the crisis in an attempt to help Morocco come to terms with its past. </p></br><p>Project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine aims to share videos about this process of transitional justice and community reparation. For Morocco, the Community Reparation Project is a huge project contributed to transitional justice. A total sum of 159 million Dirhams was mobilized and total number of completed projects was 149.</p></br><p>These videos talked about how to preserve memory of victim communities during “the years of lead” in Morocco and what kinds of public hearings took place, in fact those hearings gave the highlight of an extensive process of citizen deliberation, compassion and free expression in Morocco. They also talked about lots of stories about how community reparation project aimed to improve the living conditions of the people in victim communities and empower them. In fact, those materials mainly focused on women and children.</p></br><p>Project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine believes Moroccan experiences in transitional justice as commons are useful and valuable to other countries, especially to Arabic countries have the similar history of transitional justice, such as Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Algeria and so on.</p></br><p>As open resources, these documentaries, videos and reports are free to use for the public goods. </p></br><h3>Futur development</h3></br><p>In the next step, Project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine will keep on sharing more historical videos and materials about experiences in transitional justice, such as the videos of public hearings, the videos of public seminars and conferences, historical pictures and final reports of the community reparation project.</p></br><h3>People involved</h3></br><p>Ning and Mohamed Leghtas, from Alternatives Forum in Morocco(FMAS) and Portail E-joussour take in charge of this project, which both based in Rabat, Morroco.</p></br><h3>Ressources</h3></br><p>The project Transitional Justice: the Moroccan experience is financed by the funds of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER)</p></br><h3>Contribution to the projet « Justice transitionnelle</h3></br><p>Alternatives Forum in Morocco(FMAS) and Portail E-joussour take in charge of this project, which both based in Rabat, Morroco.</p>IER)</p> <h3>Contribution to the projet « Justice transitionnelle</h3> <p>Alternatives Forum in Morocco(FMAS) and Portail E-joussour take in charge of this project, which both based in Rabat, Morroco.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Project « Justice transitionnelle<p>Project « Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine » plans to share those extremely important Moroccan experiences about transitional justice and community reparation. </p></br><p>In Morocco, from 1959 to 1999, Former King Hassan II often ruled his country with an iron fist. That period is called as the years of lead in Morocco, during which those who were considered a threat to the regime were subject to a wide range of human rights violations. Thousands were subjected to arbitrary arrest, torture, and enforced disappearance, leaving behind a bitter legacy.</p></br><p>However, starting in the early 1990s, a gradual process of dealing with the past began to take root, culminating most recently in the work of the Moroccan Equity and Reconciliation Commission (Instance Équité et Réconciliation (IER)), established by the successor to the throne, King Mohammed VI.</p></br><p>On January 7, 2004, the IER was created, which is the first truth commission in the Arab world. This also has been hailed internationally as a big step forward, and an example to the Arab world. Since that, the IER has been working on addressing the terrible legacy of this era by investigating some of the worst abuses in Morocco and arranging reparations for victims and their families.</p></br><p>Over the duration of its mandate, the IER has amassed an archive of more than 20,000 personal testimonies from victims and their families, which has been organized in a central database in Rabat. It has conducted a range of meetings, conferences, and seminars around a multitude of issues that are keys to understanding Morocco’s past and present.</p></br><p>It has also taken the monumental step of holding public hearings to give victims a platform from which to share their sufferings. Throughout its work, the Commission has aimed to document, preserve, and analyze the roots of the crisis in an attempt to help Morocco come to terms with its past. </p></br><p>Project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine aims to share videos about this process of transitional justice and community reparation. For Morocco, the Community Reparation Project is a huge project contributed to transitional justice. A total sum of 159 million Dirhams was mobilized and total number of completed projects was 149.</p></br><p>These videos talked about how to preserve memory of victim communities during “the years of lead” in Morocco and what kinds of public hearings took place, in fact those hearings gave the highlight of an extensive process of citizen deliberation, compassion and free expression in Morocco. They also talked about lots of stories about how community reparation project aimed to improve the living conditions of the people in victim communities and empower them. In fact, those materials mainly focused on women and children.</p></br><p>Project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine believes Moroccan experiences in transitional justice as commons are useful and valuable to other countries, especially to Arabic countries have the similar history of transitional justice, such as Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Algeria and so on.</p></br><p>As open resources, these documentaries, videos and reports are free to use for the public goods. </p></br><h3>Futur development</h3></br><p>In the next step, Project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience Marocaine will keep on sharing more historical videos and materials about experiences in transitional justice, such as the videos of public hearings, the videos of public seminars and conferences, historical pictures and final reports of the community reparation project.</p></br><h3>People involved</h3></br><p>Ning and Mohamed Leghtas, from Alternatives Forum in Morocco(FMAS) and Portail E-joussour take in charge of this project, which both based in Rabat, Morroco.</p></br><h3>Ressources</h3></br><p>The project Transitional Justice: the Moroccan experience is financed by the funds of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER)</p></br><h3>Contribution to the projet « Justice transitionnelle</h3></br><p>Alternatives Forum in Morocco(FMAS) and Portail E-joussour take in charge of this project, which both based in Rabat, Morroco.</p>IER)</p> <h3>Contribution to the projet « Justice transitionnelle</h3> <p>Alternatives Forum in Morocco(FMAS) and Portail E-joussour take in charge of this project, which both based in Rabat, Morroco.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Rights in Common aims at document<p>Rights in Common aims at documenting the place of law based on commons in the context of the Rio+20 negociations.<br /></br>During 2011, the preparation of the United Nations conference on sustainable development (Rio+20) with the Rio+20 french collective and the participants of the World Social Forum, lead us to suggest making the rights based on the commons a skyline of social demand at the international scale. But as a prerequisite we’d have to be able to explicit the contents of these rights and forsee how these would be implemented and enforced.<br /></br>To try to answer this question, a <a href=""> first text </ a> was written by Silke Helfrich and Frédéric Sultan after the Social Forum in Porto Alegre.</p></br><p>The remix project « Rights in Commons » is the continuation of this work by means of video and the remix made from video recordings of the United Nations conference and of the Peoples Summit.</p></br><h3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Rights in Commons project move on by the organization of a workshop during the Economics, Commons Conference on May the 22nd 2013 in Berlin. It’s about continuing the ellaboration work initiated and particularly test the underling hypotheses on various domains and use cases, to reach a more global vision.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Frédéric Sultan is coordinator of this project. Emiliano Bazan has taken charge of the video production.</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Rights in Commons project gets financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><h3>Role of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons has been a space facilitating cooperation between Communautique and VECAM to produce videos during the Peoples Summit at Rio+20.</p>;/h3> <p>Remix the Commons has been a space facilitating cooperation between Communautique and VECAM to produce videos during the Peoples Summit at Rio+20.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Rights in Common aims at document<p>Rights in Common aims at documenting the place of law based on commons in the context of the Rio+20 negociations.<br /></br>During 2011, the preparation of the United Nations conference on sustainable development (Rio+20) with the Rio+20 french collective and the participants of the World Social Forum, lead us to suggest making the rights based on the commons a skyline of social demand at the international scale. But as a prerequisite we’d have to be able to explicit the contents of these rights and forsee how these would be implemented and enforced.<br /></br>To try to answer this question, a <a href=""> first text </ a> was written by Silke Helfrich and Frédéric Sultan after the Social Forum in Porto Alegre.</p></br><p>The remix project « Rights in Commons » is the continuation of this work by means of video and the remix made from video recordings of the United Nations conference and of the Peoples Summit.</p></br><h3>Futur development</h3></br><p>The Rights in Commons project move on by the organization of a workshop during the Economics, Commons Conference on May the 22nd 2013 in Berlin. It’s about continuing the ellaboration work initiated and particularly test the underling hypotheses on various domains and use cases, to reach a more global vision.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Frédéric Sultan is coordinator of this project. Emiliano Bazan has taken charge of the video production.</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>The Rights in Commons project gets financial support from the « Fonds Francophone des inforoutes » through the project Remix the Commons.</p></br><h3>Role of Remix the Commons</h3></br><p>Remix the Commons has been a space facilitating cooperation between Communautique and VECAM to produce videos during the Peoples Summit at Rio+20.</p>;/h3> <p>Remix the Commons has been a space facilitating cooperation between Communautique and VECAM to produce videos during the Peoples Summit at Rio+20.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Spain’s recent municipal and regi<p>Spain’s recent municipal and regional elections have transformed the entire political scene. New citizen coalitions with roots in community groups allied with small progressive political parties won unexpected victories in several large cities. This, plus the fact that two new national political parties – Podemos and Ciudadanos – burst decisively onto the political stage in the regional elections, has blocked the bipartisan (PP-PSOE) system created with the 1975 democratic transition. Victorious in 7 major cities throughout the country, including the 3 largest ones (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia), these coalitions open the door to a different sort of transition, questioning the dominant political culture and mentality, and in most cases putting in place minority governments, thus obliging various parties to negotiate joint platforms. It is interesting to note that Podemos, the young political party that made a surprise showing in the 2014 European elections and made strong gains on the regional level this year, decided not to present its own candidates in the municipal elections, but rather participated in or – more frequently – supported the new citizen coalitions in various cities.</p></br><h2>Reinventing Urban Commons for the XXIst Century</h2></br><p>These newcomers to the municipal political scene identifiy with the Commons, and in some cases even include the term in their names : Barcelona en Comù, Zaragoza en Comun… A perusal of their programmes and of the manner in which they were developed demonstrates that this is not simply an empty phrase, but the reference to the Commons introduces instead a new political discourse and horizon and, above all, a new way of ‘doing’ politics. The new candidates-elect come from different social movements and this is their first experience in electoral politics. Their ‘non-parties’ are in general less than a year old but the organisations they come from have held massive mobilisations and won significant local victories. On analysis, the new political culture they aim for is rooted in the tradition of urban struggle now revisited and improved on the basis of the citizen movements that originated in the 2008 financial crisis, the indignados of 2011, and the successive ‘waves’ (mareas) that followed in the housing, health, education, culture and urban ecology sectors. The tradition of self-management and ‘self-government’ often rooted in libertarianism and long known as ‘municipalism’ has been revisited by the culture and practices of the many anti-growth, ecological, alter-globalisation, and cultural movements inspired by the spirit of the Indignados of 2011 with an impressive mastery and intelligent use of new technologies and audiovisual media.</p></br><p>The challenges facing this new municipalism are enormous : the problems are illustrated by the findings of two international reports revealed immediately following the May 24 elections. The firsti underlined the explosion of the level of poverty since the beginning of the crisis (increase from 9% to 18%) while the secondii demonstrated an increase of 40% of the number of extremely rich during the same period. Adding to the general morosity by reiterating prevailing logic, the IMF seized the occasion, shortly prior to the investiture of the new municipal governments, to congratulate the Spanish government on its ‘encouraging’ economic results while publicly reminding it that it must continue its austerity measures by increasing indirect taxes, cutting health and education budgets still more and lowering wages. What else could be expected from the fans of austerity?</p></br><h2>The Re-dignified Good Life In Common</h2></br><p>But such dire pronouncements do not scathe the confidence of the new mayors whose campaigns were run and programmes built on an anti-austerity stance; they are already putting in place (Barcelona is a good example) some of the measures set out in their plan of attack for affordable housing, food, accessible public utilities and transportation, and a basic living allowance. They are dedicating an unprecedented quantity of resources for municipal governments to these measures in an explicit attempt to counter the ‘de-humanising’ effects of austerity policies and to ‘restore the dignity’ of the most vulnerable. But the declared intentions of the new municipal leaders go far beyond the emergency measures of the first few months of their term. They want to turn their cities into living experiments in promoting an urban Good Life that redefines economic and social policy and municipal responsabilities as well as democratic practices on the municipal but also the regional, national and international levels. In her inaugural speech as Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau called for the creation of a ‘network of democratic cities in Southern Europe’.</p></br><h2>Transparency and Participation</h2></br><p>This incipient revolution in political culture and practice is taking place with total transparency, with the creation of a code of ethics, cutting the salaries of the elected representatives and eliminating statutory perks (official cars, per diems, etc) and, above all, by wagering on the collective intelligence and active participation of local citizens. Indeed, many of them have already taken part in the municipal programme by contributing to its elaboration prior to and during the campaign in the many neighbourhood meetings and various ‘crowd-sourcing’ moments on virtual platforms. The resulting highly structured programme remains an open document and is in itself an invitation to participate. The web page of Barcelona en Comù boldly states : ‘The programme you have before you is a programme In Common and, as you can see, that requires a major change from traditional political programmes […] it’s a document that aims to be useful to dialogue amongst citizens.’ iii</p></br><p>During her inauguration ceremony, Ada Colau asserted that ‘it is indispensable to create a new form of governance’, reminding the crowd that she is but ‘one of thousands of neighbours’, that she plans to ‘govern by obeying’ and that if she and her team do not deliver on their programme promises ‘Kick us out!’. The thousands of people watching the ceremony on giant screens in Plaza Sant Jaume greeted her speech with shouts of ‘Yes we can!’ (Si se puede), echoing the slogans of the public meetings held throughout the campaign. In a crowd so dense that she could hardly make her way through, but clearly at ease surrounded by ‘neighbours’, comrades and partisans, Ada slipped into the discourse and manner of the ex-president and activist of the PAHiv. With her charming smile, she declared to the enthusiastic crowd that ‘governing will not be easy but we are not alone’ and called on them to show responsability and to actively participate. She concluded evoking the need for empathy and invited the crowd to organise a demonstration in support of the strking telephone workers of Movistar, present in the crowd, and whose struggle she has supported throughout the campaign. The tone has been set, and indicates that it is not only the Commons but also the spirit of the Indignados movement that has come to City Hall.</p></br><h2>The Realism of the Commons</h2></br><p>In an article titled ‘It’s time for realism’, Josep Ramoneda, columnist for the catalan daily Ara, compared the proposals of Barcelona en Comù to the latest demands of the IMF, demonstrating that the ‘nihilist utopias’ – a label often used by the media and the governing right wing PP party to denigrate progressive alternatives – are instead found in the proposals of the neoliberal hardliners, incapable as they have shown themselves to be of finding a solution to the economic crisis and deepening inequality. He concludes by affirming ‘Let’s be realistic, let us consider the common good’v – a somewhat astonishing comment in this newpaper reputed to be more interested in supporting independence than the Commons. A comment that also reveals that the Commons have come not only to Town Hall, but are emerging in the collective imagination and in political discourse.</p></br><h2>A Living Laboratory, an Invitation to Commoning</h2></br><p>The emerging glocal movement of commoners and their apprentices should observe closely what transpires in this living laboratory of the urban commons. There is a lot to learn from this commons in action about the nature of the commons, the process of commoning and the possible transition to a commons society. This is also a unique opportunity to contribute peer-to-peer with our own experiences and know-how, developed all over the globe in the many different socio-cultural contexts where the Commons are being reinvented in recent years.</p></br><p><strong>Alain Ambrosi, Barcelona, 17 June 2015</strong></p></br><p>1 OECD, May 2015 <a href=""></a><br /></br>2 Capgemini and Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Wealth Management. Cited in El Pais 17 June 2015.<br /></br>3 <a href=""></a><br /></br>4 PAH : Plataforma des los afectados por la hipoteca – Platform of those affected by mortgage (ie, against expulsions) created in 2009 in Barcelona and which now counts some 200 member associations in Spain.<br /></br>5 Ara, 10 June 2015.</p>;/a><br /> 4 PAH : Plataforma des los afectados por la hipoteca – Platform of those affected by mortgage (ie, against expulsions) created in 2009 in Barcelona and which now counts some 200 member associations in Spain.<br /> 5 Ara, 10 June 2015.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a href=""> DEEEP project </a> , co-funded by the European Union program , gathered in Johannesburg (South Africa) 200 activists from around the world to rethink the framework of development NGOs and initiate the construction of a  » World Citizens Movement . » This meeting is the starting point of a process that will last two years of citizen mobilization for change and global justice. <a Href=""> A digital platform </a> is dedicated to it. During the conference, the participants began to learn from the work of civil society, its modes of organization and action in different areas around the world and produced a document, <a href = " " >« The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and orientations »</a> to define the principles that should guide the work of the two coming years.</p></br><p>Invited to participate in this process, I have contributed to discussions and writing text to feed as much as possible of the concept of the commons. Conceived initially as a declaration of principles supported by a shared vision, this document has become a guide for the process itself, based on a few key ideas such as the need to de-colonize our minds and de-institutionalize development organizations. The result reflects the will of renewal in both form and content of the action, but leaves unanswered, at least for the moment, questions about the nature of a worl citizen movement, if it is one motion, and the nature of the process of the two next years of workfollowing the conference.</p></br><p>It seems to me that today , a world citizens movement has to revolutionize the way for everyone to exercise their citizenship, and to be aware of. One of the roles of NGOs and CSOs should be to support the politicization of everyday life in the field of health , nutrition , education , work, .. .. etc, within the perspective of the commons. How to do this on a massive scale ? Appart from action campaigns on strategic objectives at the regional or global level, made by organizations, that are the infrastructure of civil society, it is to renew and articulate what is in France called popular education by integration of social neighborhood and mediated by computer networks practices. Such a dynamic would allow each to be more confortable with broader perspective and the international agenda. The challenge is to build bridges with multiple communities of belonging, not to provide them with the leadership of NGOs and movements, but to recognize and legitimize their leaderships at different scales of power (from local to global).</p></br><p>To listen to the conference participants at Johannesburg , it looks like it must also go through the (re)discovery of the commons within organizations, regardless of their size or intended to rebuild the project itself. This can be a wide perspective of the organization (NGOs / CSOs ) to continue the work from Johburg. In this sense, it will be better to work on Our commons than to define THE commons and to try to transform organizations working on their values, projects and actions, rather than seeking Commons as a theoretical or ideological framework.</p></br><p>Another avenue is to share les lessons learned by activists of the intangible and knowledge commons that, since the emergence of the computer have been able to build a movement that defends their values, distributed forms of collaboration , openness and freedom , sharing and solidarity , personal empowerment and participation in collectives, acting on a small scale while remaining in a universal vision. This movement is generally invisible as a social movement for people who are not activists. Everyone uses free software, access to culture and free knowledge, most of the time without paying attention. Yet organizations of knowledge and free culture are structured and are  » NGO  » or  » OCS  » weighty. Just consider the most visible in the public area alike Wikimedia Foundation, or the weight of this movement in the industrial sector (IBM , Android, …) or the work of lobbying done by groups aloke EFF Quadrature net, to realize that. It is a movement to maturity. This experience and the culture it develops worth sharing. </p></br><p>Would not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p>ould not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a<p>The 11 and 12 November, the <a href=""> DEEEP project </a> , co-funded by the European Union program , gathered in Johannesburg (South Africa) 200 activists from around the world to rethink the framework of development NGOs and initiate the construction of a  » World Citizens Movement . » This meeting is the starting point of a process that will last two years of citizen mobilization for change and global justice. <a Href=""> A digital platform </a> is dedicated to it. During the conference, the participants began to learn from the work of civil society, its modes of organization and action in different areas around the world and produced a document, <a href = " " >« The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and orientations »</a> to define the principles that should guide the work of the two coming years.</p></br><p>Invited to participate in this process, I have contributed to discussions and writing text to feed as much as possible of the concept of the commons. Conceived initially as a declaration of principles supported by a shared vision, this document has become a guide for the process itself, based on a few key ideas such as the need to de-colonize our minds and de-institutionalize development organizations. The result reflects the will of renewal in both form and content of the action, but leaves unanswered, at least for the moment, questions about the nature of a worl citizen movement, if it is one motion, and the nature of the process of the two next years of workfollowing the conference.</p></br><p>It seems to me that today , a world citizens movement has to revolutionize the way for everyone to exercise their citizenship, and to be aware of. One of the roles of NGOs and CSOs should be to support the politicization of everyday life in the field of health , nutrition , education , work, .. .. etc, within the perspective of the commons. How to do this on a massive scale ? Appart from action campaigns on strategic objectives at the regional or global level, made by organizations, that are the infrastructure of civil society, it is to renew and articulate what is in France called popular education by integration of social neighborhood and mediated by computer networks practices. Such a dynamic would allow each to be more confortable with broader perspective and the international agenda. The challenge is to build bridges with multiple communities of belonging, not to provide them with the leadership of NGOs and movements, but to recognize and legitimize their leaderships at different scales of power (from local to global).</p></br><p>To listen to the conference participants at Johannesburg , it looks like it must also go through the (re)discovery of the commons within organizations, regardless of their size or intended to rebuild the project itself. This can be a wide perspective of the organization (NGOs / CSOs ) to continue the work from Johburg. In this sense, it will be better to work on Our commons than to define THE commons and to try to transform organizations working on their values, projects and actions, rather than seeking Commons as a theoretical or ideological framework.</p></br><p>Another avenue is to share les lessons learned by activists of the intangible and knowledge commons that, since the emergence of the computer have been able to build a movement that defends their values, distributed forms of collaboration , openness and freedom , sharing and solidarity , personal empowerment and participation in collectives, acting on a small scale while remaining in a universal vision. This movement is generally invisible as a social movement for people who are not activists. Everyone uses free software, access to culture and free knowledge, most of the time without paying attention. Yet organizations of knowledge and free culture are structured and are  » NGO  » or  » OCS  » weighty. Just consider the most visible in the public area alike Wikimedia Foundation, or the weight of this movement in the industrial sector (IBM , Android, …) or the work of lobbying done by groups aloke EFF Quadrature net, to realize that. It is a movement to maturity. This experience and the culture it develops worth sharing. </p></br><p>Would not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p>ould not it be helpful to think a similar movement in the field of materials, urban, rural and natural commons?</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The Charter of the Forest – Carta<p>The Charter of the Forest – Carta de Foresta – published in 1217, is recognized as the first official act that extends the protections and essential rights of the Magna Carta to the English commoners against the abuses of the aristocracy. Under this charter, the people are guaranteed the right to access forest resources. The impact of this charter has been revolutionary. It is generally considered one of the cornerstones of the British Constitution and<a href=""> inspiration of the American Constitution</a> (2). It has made it possible to render vast expanses of land to the peasants, to oppose the plundering of the common goods by the monarchy and the aristocracy. In the 17th century, it has inspired the Diggers and Levellers and later protests against the enclosure of lands by the capitalist bourgeoisie. But it was repealed in 1971 by a conservative government, allowing the privatization of resources such as water for the benefit of multinational companies.</p></br><p>Today, forests remain essential resources for housing, food sovereignty, and are essential for fighting environmental crises. A <a href="">campaign</a> to celebrate the Forest Charter began in Britain in September and continues in November. The Lincoln Record Society has organized an international conference on the Charter of the Forest that began with a houseboat trip on the River Thames from Windsor to Runnymede, the place where was signed the Magna Carta. Experts presented the Charter of the Forest, its history and its contemporary implications. Participants were also able to see one of the original copies of the Forest Charter and participated in a guided tour of the Forest of Sherwood that (in France) we know through Robin Hood story.</p></br><p>Today, there is a debate chaired by the Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell MP, with Professors Peter Linebaugh and Guy Standing, and Julie Timbrell of <a href="">New Putney Debates</a>. This debate is part of a week-long program (6) calling for the creation of a <a href="">new Domesday Book</a>, a national census of UK landowners and the identification of the common goods as well as a new Commons Charter and Communities Charters. This is to question the notion of land ownership in a country where it is one of the most concentrated in the western countries, and to elaborate proposals, including a possible tax on land ownership, for a better distribution of rights and responsibilities to land.</p></br><p>Thanks to Yves Otis for reporting the article <a href="">Why You’ve Never Heard of a Charter as Important as the Magna Carta</a></p></br><p>Transcript of the Forest Charter: <a href=""></a></p> Forest Charter: <a href=""></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>The violent destruction of the co<p>The violent destruction of the commons of the ZAD (Zone To Defend) of Notre-Dame-des-Landes by the French government is an infamous and revolting act. The current police offensive, led by several thousand gendarmes and CRS equipped with armored vehicles and helicopters is only the exercise of the purest State violence against a set of collective practices that are in progress or in preparation. This includes their fragile material conditions (buildings, meeting places, work tools, herds), and they  are now destroyed by bulldozers and police squads.</p></br><p>Since the first day of assault on the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the destruction of the farm of the «Cents Noms» was a true declaration of social and political war. The destruction of this place was by no means imperative given the criteria invoked by the government in its « communication ». Nicole Klein, Prefect of Loire Region(<a href="#note1" name="retour au texte1"> 1</a>), justifies the police operation by claiming that the «Cents Noms» had not submitted an agricultural project. This is obviously false: the inhabitants of this farm were carrying an alternative agricultural project and some of them had submitted a request for regularization.</p></br><p>What is the real reason for this destructive rage? It is not the absence of a project, it is the nature of the projects that is at stake. The State and its representatives do not support the life forms that are experimented here and now, and for the past 10 years. These life forms prefigure a society free from the ownership logic in all its dimensions. From this point of view, it is of the highest symbolic value that the inhabitants and defenders of the zone propose the Assembly of Uses to take charge of the collective management of lands and spaces from the beginning. This solution would’ve had the advantage to straightly extend the experience initiated and pursued for so many years: to make the logic of the common use which is a logic of care and nurture, or to prevail over the logic of land ownership which is a destructive and deadly logic.</p></br><p>It is not the « Constitutional State » that defends itself, as the Prime Minister affirms, it is a State of force that wants to eliminate as quickly and completely as possible all actions that could perform the principle of the Common: associations, consumers and workers cooperatives, agricultural and craft projects, convivial modes of exchange and of life. The government wants to prevent the invention of what is a real way of producing and living by using its excessive police force. It also wants to eliminate a solidary and ecological model of life that we need today.</p></br><p>The State shows its true face here. It is not only protecting  private ownership, but it is itself completely under the logic of ownership. It is the Owner State in war against the commons. It must be defeated at all costs to preserve the treasure threatened of the commons.<br /></br><strong><br /></br>Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval</strong></p></br><p>—–</p></br><p>Note :<br /></br><a name="note1"></a>(1) The Prefect is a representative of the public authority in the department, directly appointed by the President of the Republic (and not elected as mayors).</p></br><p>—–<br /></br>Original edition : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">NDDL : NON A LA VIOLENCE DE L’ETAT CONTRE LES COMMUNS ! </a> Thursday, April 12 2018</p></br><p>Translated in English by Frédéric Sultan and Alexandre Guttmann</p>gt;NDDL : NON A LA VIOLENCE DE L’ETAT CONTRE LES COMMUNS ! </a> Thursday, April 12 2018</p> <p>Translated in English by Frédéric Sultan and Alexandre Guttmann</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>We are organising a Barcamp dedic<p>We are organising a Barcamp dedicated to video as commons in Paris <strong>the 4th of october from 14:00 to 18:00 at <a href="">Labo de l’édition</a> 75005 Paris.<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Documentary production provides a largely untapped source of video, images and audio files. For each documentary produced, many hours of rushes are carried out and a large part will seldom be used. It is estimated that for every documentary produced several dozen hours of rushes for only 52 minutes used.</p></br><p>However, the pooling of rushes could multiply the forms of collaboration such as productions geographically distributed, creations adapted to local contexts, or adopting the point of view of different producers and multiple users for the same subject or content. In addition, the sharing of rushes may be accompanied by other exchanges: tools, know-how, good ideas and ultimately generate new projects.</p></br><p>The idea that these resources can be shared and remixed is the basis of projects such as Remix The Commons and sideways. So we invite directors, producers and users of multimedia content to explore the possibiliies of sharing and re-use in the field the documentary video.</p></br><p><strong>See the details of the <a href="">barcamp in French</a>. </strong></p>">barcamp in French</a>. </strong></p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>We are organising a Barcamp dedic<p>We are organising a Barcamp dedicated to video as commons in Paris <strong>the 4th of october from 14:00 to 18:00 at <a href="">Labo de l’édition</a> 75005 Paris.<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Documentary production provides a largely untapped source of video, images and audio files. For each documentary produced, many hours of rushes are carried out and a large part will seldom be used. It is estimated that for every documentary produced several dozen hours of rushes for only 52 minutes used.</p></br><p>However, the pooling of rushes could multiply the forms of collaboration such as productions geographically distributed, creations adapted to local contexts, or adopting the point of view of different producers and multiple users for the same subject or content. In addition, the sharing of rushes may be accompanied by other exchanges: tools, know-how, good ideas and ultimately generate new projects.</p></br><p>The idea that these resources can be shared and remixed is the basis of projects such as Remix The Commons and sideways. So we invite directors, producers and users of multimedia content to explore the possibiliies of sharing and re-use in the field the documentary video.</p></br><p><strong>See the details of the <a href="">barcamp in French</a>. </strong></p>">barcamp in French</a>. </strong></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Which governance for the « Remix <p>Which governance for the « Remix the commons » project and what governance model in the commons movement ?<br /></br>Lead by LARTES-IFAN, the coordination of governance worked on establishing a prototype of the governance charter and of the REMIX platform. It has produced two 12 minutes documentary films on experiments of conception and implementation of charters, one for a neighbourhood of Dakar and the other on the national Senegalese charter, as an exemplary process of creation of Common good. It has also gathered a number of resources and chosen links whether to ease a documentation need or to widen the opportunity of scientific collaborations in the area of the social economy and the Commons movement.</p></br><h3>Futur development</h3></br><p>Research on the use of governance charters are going on and will be elements of reflection to the commoners.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Abdou Salam Fall and Abdou Rahmane Seck, researchers at LARTES, Sénégal</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>the « Governance charters project » is part of the research work conducted by LARTES IFAN. It was partly financed by « Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie » through « Remix the commons »</p></br><h3>The contribution of « Remix the commons »</h3></br><p>« Remix the commons » is a meeting space for researchers and practitioners towards the development of governance practices based on commons.</p>;p>« Remix the commons » is a meeting space for researchers and practitioners towards the development of governance practices based on commons.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site 2  + (<p>Which governance for the « Remix <p>Which governance for the « Remix the commons » project and what governance model in the commons movement ?<br /></br>Lead by LARTES-IFAN, the coordination of governance worked on establishing a prototype of the governance charter and of the REMIX platform. It has produced two 12 minutes documentary films on experiments of conception and implementation of charters, one for a neighbourhood of Dakar and the other on the national Senegalese charter, as an exemplary process of creation of Common good. It has also gathered a number of resources and chosen links whether to ease a documentation need or to widen the opportunity of scientific collaborations in the area of the social economy and the Commons movement.</p></br><h3>Futur development</h3></br><p>Research on the use of governance charters are going on and will be elements of reflection to the commoners.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Abdou Salam Fall and Abdou Rahmane Seck, researchers at LARTES, Sénégal</p></br><h3>Financing</h3></br><p>the « Governance charters project » is part of the research work conducted by LARTES IFAN. It was partly financed by « Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie » through « Remix the commons »</p></br><h3>The contribution of « Remix the commons »</h3></br><p>« Remix the commons » is a meeting space for researchers and practitioners towards the development of governance practices based on commons.</p>;p>« Remix the commons » is a meeting space for researchers and practitioners towards the development of governance practices based on commons.</p>)
  • Entretien avec Agribio Provence  + (Agribio Provence est une SCIC créé en 2006Agribio Provence est une SCIC créé en 2006 avec la finalité d'associer les producteurs, établissements scolaires, financeurs du projet et autres acteurs solidaires, motivés par l’intégration de l’alimentation biologique dans les établissements scolaires et la restauration collective en général. Dans cet entretien le gérant de la coopérative nous explique les difficultés auxquelles ils font face ainsi que leurs efforts pour rendre accessible une alimentation saine, durable et équitable. Ce faisant il se concentre aussi sur les inégalités, le gaspillage et, en général, sur les effets néfastes de l'industrie de l'alimentation.néfastes de l'industrie de l'alimentation.)
  • Remettre l'eau au cœur du débat public  + (Cet étude examine deux démarches participaCet étude examine deux démarches participatives de la Métropole de Lyon : la création de l’Assemblée des usagers de l’eau, en accompagnement de la nouvelle régie publique, et Eau futurE, une expérience de prospective participative. L'idée qui accompagne ces projets était de proposer aux habitants des espaces, des temps et des méthodes pour s’informer, réfléchir aux enjeux, se projeter vers l’avenir et peser sur les décisions, facilitant l’émergence d’une dynamique citoyenne autour de l’eau, de sa gestion et de sa préservation. Dans ce rapport on retrouve racontées ces deux initiatives afin de partager leurs méthodes, leurs partis-pris, leurs apports et leurs limites, aux professionnels de la</br>participation citoyenne et à toute personne intéressée par la vie démocratique.rsonne intéressée par la vie démocratique.)
  • Murs à Pêches de Montreuil  + (Cette page rassemble la documentation sur les initiatives de conservation des murs à pêche à Montreuil en Ile de France)
  • Politique de l'eau en France  + (Cette vidéo réalisée par les agences de l'Cette vidéo réalisée par les agences de l'eau à l'occasion du 6ème Forum mondial de l'eau retrace l'histoire de la politique de l'eau, les principes, les enjeux et décrit les acteurs qui la mettent en œuvre. Cette reconstruction est faite à partir des lois principales adoptées à niveau national et européen et elle essaie d'encadrer ces mesures dans l'évolution de l'économie française. La vidéo explique aussi le fonctionnement des instances de gouvernance et contrôle créées à cette fin.ouvernance et contrôle créées à cette fin.)
  • Charte Remix - Version 6 mai 2013  + (Charte de Remix Biens Communs - Version 0.1 - 6 mai 2013)
  • Épisode 1 Croissance sobre, oxymore ou projet de société ?  + (Dans ce podcast on peut écouter Emma HazizDans ce podcast on peut écouter Emma Haziza (hydrologue), Laurence Lemouzy (docteure en sciences politiques) et Eric Vidalenc (directeur régional adjoint à l'ADEME Hauts-de-France) aborder la question de la croissance économique à la lumière des urgences écologiques contemporaines. Dans cet effort de concilier incitations économiques et exigences climatiques en refléchissant à une version sobre de la croissance les intervenant.e.s questionne en particulier la place de l'eau dans le processus de transition. de l'eau dans le processus de transition.)
  • Entretien avec Stéphanie Fernandez Recatala (Ameliore et Indicible)  + (Dans cet entretien Stéphanie Fernandez RecDans cet entretien Stéphanie Fernandez Recatala, responsable de projet d'Améliore (Paris et Marseille) et directrice de l'association Indicible. Cette dernière est une association marseillaise qui travaille pour la création d'un marché des biffins, des personnes qui travaillent dans la rue, aux alentours des puces aujourd'hui, et travaillent sur les trottoirs dans des conditions précaires et dégradées. Indicible leur donne un lieu où travailler tous les jours sans l'intervention de la police pour les aider à trouver une stabilité financière. Elle nous présente les associations où elle travaille et ce faisant elle nous montre les activités menées par ses organisations et la façon dont les personnes avec lesquelles ils travaillent sont touchés par la question du droit à l'alimentation.par la question du droit à l'alimentation.)
  • À la découverte des communs  + (Dans cette brève vidéo de présentation de Dans cette brève vidéo de présentation de son engagement dans les communs, l'Agence Française du Développement (AFD) propose une définition nuancée et intelligente des communs à partir de trois exemples situés dans des contextes culturels et économiques et sociaux différents. Un Fab lab à Lomé, une association qui facilite l’accès aux terres pour les agriculteurs, une association d’usagers qui organise l’accès à l’eau à Kinshasa, à travers ces trois exemples cette vidéo met en évidence les mécanismes de partage, d'interdépendance et les enjeux sociaux économiques et environnementaux.x sociaux économiques et environnementaux.)
  • Projet de territoire de gestion de l'eau du bassin du Clain  + (Dans cette vidéo Christine Graval (conseilDans cette vidéo Christine Graval (conseillère régionale de la Vienne), Nicolas Fortin (secrétaire national Confédération Paysanne), Jean-Claude Hallouin (conseiller juridique Vienne Nature) et Jean-Pierre Coillot (vice-président UFC que choisir de la Vienne) présentent le projet territorial de gestion de l'eau du bassin du Clain. Chacun et chacune à partir de sa propre perspective (politique, juridique, sanitaire, agricole) les intervenants nous expliquent les raisons qui ont motivé le lancement de ce projet, ainsi que les défis, les enjeux et les objectifs qui concernent surtout la répartition équitable, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.e, l'accessibilité et la qualité de l'eau.)
  • Le nucléaire entre géopolitique, science et transition énergétique  + (Dans cette vidéo Jacqueline Frost et Jean-Dans cette vidéo Jacqueline Frost et Jean-Marc Royer nous présentent leurs travaux sur la question du nucléaire à partir de deux perspectives très différentes. Frost mène effectivement une recherche sur les dimensions politiques et culturelles de l'impérialisme nucléaire à l'époque de la révolution tiers-mondiste (1950-1970), notamment elle analyse la façon dont des écrivains et artistes anticoloniaux ont contribué à conceptualiser les liens entre décolonisation, guerre froide globale, apocalypse nucléaire et désastre socio-écologique. En revanche l'intervention de Royer reprend largement les réflexions autour de la philosophie politique du nucléaire contenues dans son livre sorti en 2017 « Le Monde comme projet Manhattan. Des laboratoires du nucléaire à la guerre généralisée au vivant ».éaire à la guerre généralisée au vivant ».)
  • Co-construction d’une nouvelle structure tarifaire solidaire et environnementale  + (Dans le contexte de la mise en place de laDans le contexte de la mise en place de la Régie publique de l’Eau, la Métropole de Lyon et la Régie ont proposé un</br>premier cycle de travail à l’Assemblée des Usagers de l'eau sur la mise en place d’une tarification solidaire et environnementale de l’eau potable. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une réflexion plus large sur le « droit à l’eau ». La spécificité de la démarche proposée par la Métropole et la Régie à l’Assemblée a résidé dans sa volonté d’une co-construction des évolutions du cadre tarifaire entre les usagers, à travers l’Assemblée, les services de la Métropole et de la Régie et les élus. Dans ce bilan on retrouve décrit le processus qui a accompagné cette démarche, ses résultats et ses perspectives résultats et ses perspectives futures.)
  • Fin du monde et petits fours : Les élites transnationales face à la crise climatique  + (Dans une situation d'urgence climatique oùDans une situation d'urgence climatique où modes de vie carbonifères des élites économiques sont de plus en plus pointés du doigt, Edouard Morena parle du rôle de ces acteurs qui sont accusés de fuir leurs responsabilités. Or, loin d'être des observateurs passifs et détachés ou des preppers haut de gamme, les élites économiques sont des acteurs clés du débat climatique international. Elles sont les promoteurs acharnés du capitalisme vert, un projet politique taillé sur mesure et qui garantit leurs intérêts de classe dans un monde en surchauffe. Cette rencontre est aussi l'occasion de présenter son livre titré justement « Fin du monde et petits fours : Les élites transnationales face à la crise climatique ».nsnationales face à la crise climatique ».)
  • Les communs urbains à Bologne  + (Ici, nous documentons l'expérience des communs urbains à Bologne sous l'angle de l'Atlas des chartes des communs urbains.)
  • Les communs urbains à Naples  + (Ici, nous documentons l'expérience des communs urbains à Naples sous l'angle de l'Atlas des chartes des communs urbains.)
  • Les communs urbains à Rome  + (Ici, nous documentons l'expérience des communs urbains à Rome sous l'angle de l'Atlas des chartes des communs urbains.)
  • Maison des Utopies en Expérimentation (MUE)  + (La Maison des utopies est un projet de création de lieu de refuge, de ressourcement et d'activité pour les collectifs militants engagés pour une transformation radicale.)
  • Carnet de voyage de la recherche-action au Shakirail  + (Le "Carnet de voyage" de la démarche de recherche-action du Shakiraïl et des habitant·e·s consiste à documenter le projet dans une perspective de commoning.)
  • Chartes de gouvernance au Sénégal  + (Nous reprenons ici le travail documentatioNous reprenons ici le travail documentation de l'élaboration de deux chartes de gouvernance réalisé par le LARTES IFAN en 2013 dans le cadre des démarches de préfiguration de Remix the commons. </br></br>L'une est la charte de bon voisinage d'une association d'ahabitants d'un quartier à Dakar, et l'autre est la charte de Gouvernance démocratique élaborée tout au long des Assises Nationales du Sénégal qui ont préparé les élections présidentielles au Sénégal en 2009.ctions présidentielles au Sénégal en 2009.)
  • Chapitre 1 : Soin empêché  + (Qu'est-ce que le soin ? Professionnels de Qu'est-ce que le soin ? Professionnels de la santé et chercheurs s'interrogent sur l'activité de soin aujourd'hui, une activité qu'au fil des années a été soumise à plusieurs contrainte. C'est pour cela qu'il faut remettre au centre la qualité du soin, ce qui implique reconnaître et valoriser toute une série de gestes et d'attentions invisibilisées et pourtant indispensables. Il s'agit, en effet, de tout ce que, sans être forcement rentable, donne du sens à l'expérience du soignant et du soigné.s à l'expérience du soignant et du soigné.)
  • Remix the commons/Collectif initial en 2011  + (Remix Biens Communs est un espace interculRemix Biens Communs est un espace interculturel de partage et de co-création de documents multimédias sur les biens communs. Le projet est porté par un collectif interculturel, composé de personnes et d’organisations qui pensent que le recueil, l’échange et le remix des récits, des définitions et des images des biens communs sont une manière active et conviviale de s’approprier cette notion et de la diffuser dans la société. notion et de la diffuser dans la société.)
  • Entretien avec Jérôme Dupré Latour : « Dessiner les récits »  + (Sollicité par ArtFactories/Autresparts, ReSollicité par ArtFactories/Autresparts, Remix the commons, B.A.Balex afin explorer nouvelles façons de partager le parcours d'une expérience collective Jérôme Dupré Latour nous explique son travail de dessinateur à l'œuvre dans une démarche de recherche-action telle que celle de l'École des communs de l'alimentation. Il nous explique comment il a essayé de reconstruire à travers ses dessins les récits qui ont accompagnés le déroulement de l'École.ont accompagnés le déroulement de l'École.)
  • Définition des communs  + (Une collection de fichiers vidéo contenantUne collection de fichiers vidéo contenant des définitions des communs, réalisés à partir d'entrevues faites à Berlin lors de la Conférence Internationale sur les communs en 2010. Dans cette collection, chacun et chacune utilise la langue de son choix , cette dimension linguistique reflète la dimension interculturelle du projet Remix the Commons. Cette collection s'est enrichie au fil du temps et des rencontres.nrichie au fil du temps et des rencontres.)
  • Entrevue David Bollier et Benjamin Coriat  + (Une discussion animée entre David Bollier Une discussion animée entre David Bollier et Benjamin Coriat en différents fichiers audio. Une recolte d'une contribution importante pour le débat sur les commons. Les fichiers audio contienent des réflexions de D.Bollier et B. Coriat sur le mouvement des communs, sur l'ambiance française, la litérature française sur les communs et l'apport sur les commons.r les communs et l'apport sur les commons.)
  • FLOK Society - Séminaire de Villarceaux  + (Comment la réflexion sur la place des commComment la réflexion sur la place des communs de la connaissance inspire-t-elle les forces de la transition ? Quels agendas bâtir ou rejoindre ? Sur quels territoires et à quelles échelles doit-on mobiliser les communs de la connaissance pour une transformation sociale, culturelle, économique et politique vers une société plus juste, plus participative et, consciente et respectueuse des limites de la planète ? Ce séminaire, loin d'épuiser le sujet, est un moment pour ébaucher les pistes de travail qui permettent de mobiliser les forces de la transition, qu'il s'agisse d'activistes ou de chercheurs, de acteurs publics ou de la société civile.</br></br>Pour explorer ces questions, le séminaire se structure autour de trois temps de dialogues, correspondant aux trois axes objets en transformation : le marché, la puissance publique et la société civile. Pour chacun de ces temps, il s'agit d'analyser les apports des communs de la connaissance aux débats et aux luttes sociales et politiques en cours, puis, dans la mesure du possible, d'élaborer des propositions, dégager des lignes de forces et des stratégies de convergence sectorielles et territoriales. Le dialogue sur ces trois axes de travail sera précédé d'une présentation du projet FLOK Society par Michel Bauwens et suivi d'un temps de bilan du sé suivi d'un temps de bilan du séminaire.)
  • Glossaire des biens communs  + (Préserver et enrichir le vocabulaire des bPréserver et enrichir le vocabulaire des biens communs en français est un double enjeu pour le mouvement des communs. En élaborant un glossaire, les acteurs des biens communs se donnent une base de définitions en même temps qu’ils proposent une grille de lecture du réel basée sur le paradigme des biens communs. En outre cette démarche contribue aussi à lutter contre les phénomènes de « commons washing » qui émergent aujourd’hui. </br></br>Notre projet vise à rassembler un ensemble de termes qui sont assez largement utilisés sans que leur définition soit toujours claire. Nous nous attacherons à croiser des définitions émanent de points de vues différents (différents acteurs, différents domaines d’action ou disciplines, différents registres de définition, …) et à les mettre en regard. Enfin, nous pourrons apporter des ressources documentaires sur ces termes.  ressources documentaires sur ces termes. )
  • Justice transitionnelle: l'expérience Marocaine  + (Project Justice transitionnelle, l'expérieProject Justice transitionnelle, l'expérience Marocaine aims to share videos about the process of transitional justice and community reparation and to preserve memory of victim communities during “the years of lead” in Morocco and what kinds of public hearings took place, in fact those hearings gave the highlight of an extensive process of citizen deliberation, compassion and free expression in Morocco. They also talked about lots of stories about how community reparation project aimed to improve the living conditions of the people in victim communities and empower them. In fact, those materials mainly focused on women and children.ials mainly focused on women and children.)
  • Quelle stratégie participative pour la gestion locale de l’eau avec les citoyens ? Volume 5 - Rapport final  + (« Dans le cadre du projet « Quelle stratég« Dans le cadre du projet « Quelle stratégie participative pour la gestion locale de l’eau avec les</br>citoyens ? », cinq terrains ont été accompagnés par IRSTEA dans la construction et la mise en</br>œuvre de leur démarche participative. Ces terrains sont représentatifs de différentes zones du bassin Rhône Méditerranée Corse et de différents enjeux auxquels cherchent à répondre les gestionnaires de l’eau: restauration</br>hydromorphologique, partage de l’eau entre différentes usages, inondations et gestion intégrée.</br>L’objectif était que les retours d’expérience de ces cinq démarches participatives puissent être utiles à d’autres gestionnaires de l’eau voulant mettre en place des démarches participatives sur leurs territoires.</br>Ce document a donc été construit autour des questions que se sont posées les gestionnaires de l’eau de ces cinq terrains avant, pendant et après leurs démarches participatives. Nous avons fait l’hypothèse que d’autres gestionnaires se poseraient les mêmes questions et qu’ils seraient donc intéressés par les choix qu’ont fait les cinq terrains pour y répondre et les enseignements qu’ils en ont tiré » (p. 6) enseignements qu’ils en ont tiré » (p. 6))
  • REGIRE Lac Togo  + (« Démarré en mai 2023, le projet REGIRE La« Démarré en mai 2023, le projet REGIRE Lac Togo découle d’une étude de faisabilité conduite par le Gret et la Direction des Ressources en Eau (DRE) du Togo pour caractériser les principaux enjeux des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant du Lac Togo. Dans un contexte de fortes pressions sur les ressources en eau du bassin dues à la croissance et à la concentration démographique, la diversité des usages et les impacts des changements climatiques, les équipes du projet ont l’intention de rendre opérationnelle une gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE) au niveau local (commune) selon une approche ascendante, territoriale et inclusive. Prévu pour la période 2023-2026, le projet sera mis en œuvre dans une phase pilote dans trois communes qui sont Haho 1, Kpélé 1 et Zio 2. À terme, ce projet, exécuté par le Gret et la DRE, permettra de mettre en place des organes locaux de gestion de l’eau, de réaliser des schémas locaux de gestion de l’eau, de contribuer à l’amélioration de l’action et des politiques publiques en matière de GIRE au Togo et de créer des mécanismes locaux de redevabilité. »r des mécanismes locaux de redevabilité. »)
  • TRAVAILLER ENSEMBLE en Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée  + (« TRAVAILLER ENSEMBLE EN TERRITOIRE ZÉRO C« TRAVAILLER ENSEMBLE EN TERRITOIRE ZÉRO CHÔMEUR DE LONGUE DURÉE » est un film documentaire réalisé par l’association « Autour du Premier Mai » avec de l’Entreprise à but d’emploi « La Fabrique », en Lorraine. Ce film permet de rentrer dans le quotidien de cette expérience de retour à l’emploi pour des chômeurs de longue durée et de les entendre échanger sur le travail avec Florence Jany-Catrice, une économiste spécialiste de cette initiative.conomiste spécialiste de cette initiative.)
  • Bénin en biens communs  + (Documentation d'une expérience interculturelle au Bénin Version française : English version :
  • Puits  + ("Quand le puits est sec, on sait ce que va"Quand le puits est sec, on sait ce que vaut l'eau."</br></br>Ou encore, "c'est avec l'eau du corps qu'on tire celle du puits."</br></br>Vous trouverez beaucoup de ces proverbes africains, car le puits est un symbole connu de l'accès à l'eau en Afrique. Pendant notre séjour, nous avons vu une diversité de puits. Aussi, les jeunes ont pu essayer de leurs propres mains la courroie de l'accès.</br></br>Une petite capsule remix pour une ode aux puits.</br></br>Tout en travaillant à documenter leur stage humanitaire au Bénin, les jeunes du Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine (Montréal (Québec)) ont été amené à porter leur regard sur trois thèmes choisis pendant le dernier camp de formation (eau, éducation, culture) afin de réaliser des capsules à partager sur la plate-forme de Remix Biens Communs.</br></br>Musique: "Odmiyasin" de Youssouf Karembe Musique: "Odmiyasin" de Youssouf Karembe)
  • Facilitatrice, protectrice, instituante, contributrice - la loi et les communs  + ('''Résumé par l'auteur :''' Après l’expér'''Résumé par l'auteur :'''</br></br>Après l’expérience déceptive de la loi numérique adoptée en France 2016, la question de la pertinence de l’outil législatif pour protéger et / où encourager les communs reste ouverte. Après un retour sur l’expérience vécue en 2015/2016 tout au long de la double consultation en ligne menée en amont de la loi et sur les résultats de cette consultation, nous nous interrogerons sur les entrées juridiques susceptibles d’être convoquées (droit d’auteur, droit du travail, loi ESS réformée...) pour solidifier les communs comme sur l’intérêt et le calendrier possible de cette mobilisation. Plus généralement, nous nous demanderons comment l’acteur public étatique ou territorial peut se positionner à l’égard des communs.peut se positionner à l’égard des communs.)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote> <div class="clearfix<blockquote></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation">This post is a re-publication of the introduction of David Bollier’s blog from <span class="submitted">Monday 01/19/2015. David Bollier is presenting the report of a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 in Germany. This post is translated in the French and available in the <a href="">French part of blog Remix The Commons</a>. You can read the introduction below and the original <a href="">there</a>. </span></div></br><div class="clearfix with-navigation"></div></br></blockquote></br><div id="main" class="clearfix with-navigation"></br><p>Is it possible to imagine a new sort of synthesis or synergy between the emerging peer production and commons movement on the one hand, and growing, innovative elements of the co-operative and solidarity economy movements on the other?</p></br><div id="content" class="column"></br><div class="section"></br><div id="content-area"></br><div id="node-1138" class="node node-type-blog node-promoted build-mode-full clearfix"></br><div class="content"></br><p>That was the animating question behind a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 and now chronicled in <a href="">a new report </a>by UK co-operative expert Pat Conaty and me.  (Pat is a Fellow of the New Economics Foundation and a Research Associate of Co-operatives UK, and attended the workshop.)</p></br><p>The workshop was convened because the commons movement and peer production share a great deal with co-operatives….but they also differ in profound ways.  Both share a deep commitment to social cooperation as a constructive social and economic force.  Yet both draw upon very different histories, cultures, identities and aspirations in formulating their visions of the future.  There is great promise in the two movements growing more closely together, but also significant barriers to that occurring.</p></br><p>The workshop explored this topic, as captured by the subtitle of the report:  “A New Social Economy Based on Open Platforms, Co-operative Models and the Commons,” hosted by the Commons Strategies Group in Berlin, Germany, on August 27 and 28, 2014. The workshop was supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, with assistance with the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation of France.</p></br><p>Below, the Introduction to the report followed by the Contents page. You can download a pdf of the full report (28 pages) <a href="">here.</a> The entire report is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p></br><p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div></br></div>A) 3.0 license, so feel free to re-post it.</p> <p>Read on <a href="">David Bollier’s blog </a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p> In the coming <blockquote><p> In the coming months, three of the partners of Remix The Commons, LARTES, Communautique and VECAM, will initiate an experiment to formalize popular workshops for mapping the commons, develop tools and a free and open practice manual (FLOSS manual) for share this work with those who want the lead it in their own community. </ blockquote></p></br><p>Mapping Common in Africa (Cartographier les Communs en Afrique) is an initiative whose center of gravity is located in Senegal, between Saint Louis and Dakar. It is to design an ambitious and popular process of learning and empowering people on their commons. It mobilizes activists, intellectuals and researchers from different geographical and cultural backgrounds and disciplinary who share the ambition to rebuild commitment and citizen participation on public property.</p></br><p>Commons are goods or things that do not belong to anyone in particular, but whose use is common to all, and management established on a cooperative and democratic basis, ie it allows each to take part in the development of rules and decisions that affect himself.</p></br><p>Examine commons from the point of view of production of social and symbolic links, is questioning how men are all together human community and how by accident or necessity, they can show their capacity to know or not that they are trying to consolidate this link or to lose it, how they are able or not to build and take care of commons (Abdourahmane Seck).</p></br><p>Based on the experiences and issues specific to the African continent, the Commons Mapping Project in Africa is to develop methods of interpretation and representation, including mapping, of the issues relative to the commons, to systematize and to organize their mutual enrichment in an open and collaborative base for the purpose of empowering people.</p></br><p>This project will contribute to the networking of commoners in Africa, and to strengthen their interaction with the rest of the world, through the sharing of visions and practices and the contribution to the development of methods and tools for mapping the commons.</p></br><p><em>Folow this work (in French) in the <a href="">wiki</a></em> of Remix The Commons and read more in the <a href="…uns-en-afrique/">French version of this post</a>.</p>ix The Commons and read more in the <a href="…uns-en-afrique/">French version of this post</a>.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p> Some experimen<blockquote><p> Some experiments for mapping the commons, from the definitions and brief descriptions of commoning actions or initiatives, with an instance of Chimere installed by Frédéric Léon at Brest. Chimere allows to place on a maps « points of interest » as defined by their geographic coordinates, text + multimedia documents (video , audio, images). Points of interest can be classified into categories organized by families. Maps are defined by selections of geographical zones and categories.<br /></br></ blockquote></p></br><p><iframe width='660' height='350' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src=''></iframe><br /><a target='_blank' href='' rel="noopener noreferrer">Agrandir</a> – <a target='_blank' href='' rel="noopener noreferrer">Participer</a></p></br><p>The first idea, starting this experiment was to locate on a map hundred of definitions of the commons made since the Berlin Conference of 2010, and look at how to use this medium as a collective means of expression on the notion of commons. For the test, a douzen of definitions is placed on the map. The integration of all the hundreds of available definitions give more card provided. They are searchable by language. Sorting by tag does not exist. It is the next step we are chalenging. It will allow to make more visible the « issues » generated on the Remix The Commons website. The integration of this map in the site remix is done by widget in a blog post or page. Eventually, the card could be powered by mashup multimedia services.</p></br><p>Second experiment : <a href="">mapping documents of commoning practices</a> by category « types of commons » (only with the parents of the categories of Charlotte Hess’ classification, used on the web site Remix the Commons) . The maps can be made by geographical areas. <a href="">Here</a> a map of a few points in Quebec .</p></br><p>Chimere freely allows the addition of new points of interest by users via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">a form</a> pretty simple. Each zone provides to the users a form that allows to classify points of interest by the category of the zone.</p></br><p>At this level, it would be useful to complete chimere with elements such as a device of tags of points of interest, a synchronization of files on the map, a synchronization of the points of interest in the catalog of Remix the Commons.</p></br><p>But to go further, it should be necessary to work on approaches of mapping the commons. The identification of resources is the first degree of a mapping of the commons. Should imagine mapping commons based modes of administration of resources, or models of distribution of property rights, or value systems attached to commoning practices and certainly other things.</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p>ng commons based modes of administration of resources, or models of distribution of property rights, or value systems attached to commoning practices and certainly other things.</p> <p>Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>6 months after <blockquote><p>6 months after the World Social Forum, our Documentation / Card Play tool on the commons is ready to circulate, to animate conversations and to help you to move the commons close to you!</p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4621" src="" alt="IMG_0071-1024x768" width="800" height="600" /></p></br><p>C@rds in Common is a game where 2 to 5 players collaborate to build a resilient civil society that defends the commons against the forces of monopolization. Apart from the pleasure of playing, C@rds in common was conceived as a means of documenting the presence of the commons at the Commons Space, an ephemeral encounter at the World Social Forum in Montreal in August 2016. The cards that composed the game were designed by volunteers who shared their vision and experience of the commons and the game mecanism designed by Mathieu Rhéaume and his team. This experience suggests that it would be possible to use the same approach and these methodological tools to document the commons in other local contexts, alike your neighborhood, or thematics as the commons of knowledge for example. We look forward to such experiments!</p></br><p>To learn more about the game, have a look at the <a href="">website</a>.</p></br><p>The game is released on demand by The Game Crafter in the US for $ 22.99 each plus shipping and customs via: <a href=""></a></p></br><p>To reduce shipping and customs for Europeans, we are launching a bulk order and hopefully this will bring the cost of each game delivered to Europe to around US $ 30/35.</p></br><p>If you wish to participate in this first bulk order, fill in <a href="">the form</a> before March 18th at 20:00 GMT.</p></br><p>You will also have to pay an advance corresponding only to the price of the game(s) ordered. The remainder to be paid (port and customs) will be asked when the order is completed, when we will know the costs of postage and customs.</p></br><p>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>>Then, be patient! The group order will be initiated on 19 March and will arrive in Paris during the month of April. As soon as they arrive in Paris, the games will be mailed to their recipients.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>A workshop <<blockquote><p>A workshop <a href="">mapping the commons</a> will take place at Rio (Brazil) from 18 to 26 of october 2013, coordinated by <a href="">Pablo de Soto</a> with the collaboration of <a href="">Bernardo Gutiérrez</a> and the support of MediaLab (Madrid).</br></p></blockquote></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p></br><p>Mapping the commons was developed by Pablo Soto. This initiative aims to produce with inhabitants, activists in the place, living maps, consisting of short video documentaries and vidéoposts. The proposed approach takes the form of an intense multi-day workshop with communication students and activists to find the Commons, define and make them visible in the territory by producing media that form the map.</p></br><p>Pablo Soto initiated this approach around urban commons of <a href="">istanbul</a> and <a href = ""> Athens </ a>. See the work done about <a href=""> Taksim Square </a>, whose privatization was one of the starting points of protest in Turkey this year. The mapping is a strategic tool. To research of the urban commons is a process of mapping the space, that Pablo Soto understand « as proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, and used many artists and activists during the last decade, as a <a href=""> performance</a> which can be thinking, artistic work, or social change ».</p></br><p>On 20 March 2013, a wikisprint was performed in Barcelona using the same principles and methodology . Under the title  » Global P2P  » , it was to map Common practices and P2P in Latin America and southern Europe. See in English <a href=""> # GlobalP2P , the wind that shook the net </a>.</p></br><p>Rio next step Mapping the commons is one of the cities that comes from living like the rest of Brazil, an intense social and political mobilization against international festivities that tend to <a href= "http://"> privatize public space </a>. Many consider these mobilizations, their claims and modes of organization fall within the paradigm of Commons. See analysis on the subject of Bernardo Gutierrez in <a href="">el viento that desordeno las redes</a> and Alexandre Mendes in <a href =""> A atualidade uma das democracia mobilizacoes do comum e</a>.</p></br><p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>lt;p>To go further , we recommand to read the article <a href=""> Mapping the Commons Workshop: Athens and Istanbul </a> , Pablo De Soto, Daphne Dragona , Aslihan Şenel , Demitri Delinikolas José Pérez de Lama</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Afin de nourrir<blockquote><p>Afin de nourrir la réflexion sur l’intégration des communs de la connaissance dans les visions et perspectives des acteurs engagés dans la transition, nous proposons un séminaire autour du projet FLOK Society ave c Michel Bauwens les 22 et 23 septembre 2014 en région parisienne.</p></blockquote></br><p>Le projet FLOK Society (Free, Libre, Open Knowledge) est la première tentative d’apporter des propositions opérationnelles à l’échelle d’un pays pour une transition vers une société basée sur la connaissance libre et ouverte. Il vise à créer les conditions d’une transformation simultanée de la société civile, du marché et des pouvoirs publics basée sur une appropriation du paradigme des communs de la connaissance.</p></br><p>Le projet FLOK Society a été élaborer en Équateur à la demande d’institutions gouvernementales. Il a été dirigé par Michel Bauwens, leader de la P2P Foudation, qui a mobilisé autour de lui une large équipe de chercheurs et d’activistes en Équateur, en Amérique Latine et à travers le monde. Les travaux ont mis en perspective les quatre grandes filières mobilisant et produisant les communs de la connaissance : éducation et culture, science, industrie agriculture et services, et citoyenneté et participation (ref : <a href=""></a>), pour brosser une analyse de leurs effets de transformations sur le marché, l’État et la société civile, et proposer des orientations transversales et sectorielles de politiques publiques pour faire émerger une économie sociale de la connaissance qui contribue à une transition sociale, économique et environnementale. Ces propositions sont la déclinaison d’une matrice à caractère générale, sous forme de préconisations spécifiques au contexte local équatorien.</p></br><p>Indépendamment de la manière dont celles-ci seront (ou non) reprises sous formes de politiques publiques par le gouvernement ou d’initiatives de la société civile en Équateur, les travaux du projet FLOK Society offrent un corpus de propositions et une méthodologie qui méritent d’être mis à l’épreuve d’autres contextes que celui de l’Équateur. Ce séminaire invite à identifier et approfondir les propositions du projet FLOK Society et les mettre en perspective avec la recherche, les expériences et les mobilisations dans le contexte français et européen.</p></br><p>Dans ce contexte, les acteurs de la transition sont inscrits dans une histoire et un agenda de luttes, de mobilisations et d’expérimentations. Ce séminaire vise à permettre d’intégrer le paradigme des communs de la connaissance de manière utile et efficace dans les visions politiques des familles de pensée qui constituent les forces de la transition, que sont les mouvements sociaux, le syndicalisme, et l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire.</p></br><p>Comment la réflexion sur la place des communs de la connaissance va-t-elle inspirer ces familles de pensée ? Quels agendas bâtir ou rejoindre ? Sur quels territoires et à quelles échelles doit-on mobiliser les communs de la connaissance pour une transformation sociale, culturelle, économique et politique vers une société plus juste, plus participative et, consciente et respectueuse des limites de la planète ?</p></br><p>Le séminaire se structure autour de trois temps, correspondant aux trois axes objets en transformation : le marché, la puissance publique et la société civile. Pour chacun de ces temps, il s’agit d’analyser les apports des communs de la connaissance aux débats et aux luttes sociales et politiques en cours, pour, dans la mesure du possible, élaborer des propositions, dégager des lignes de forces et des stratégies de convergence sectorielles et territoriales. Ces trois axes de travail seront précédés d’une présentation du projet FLOK Society et suivi d’un temps de bilan du séminaire.</p></br><p>Le séminaire se déroule à Villarceaux, OEcocentre de la Bergerie, avec le soutien de la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer – FPH</p></br><p>Information complémentaire : <a href="">Frédéric Sultan</a></p>">Frédéric Sultan</a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Avec la mise en<blockquote><p>Avec la mise en ligne de 76 clips vidéo, totalisant environ 8 heures de visionnement, réalisée lors de la conférence internationale <em>Economic and the Commons</em> à Berlin, Remix Biens Communs propose deux nouveaux dossiers sur les communs et complète la collection des capsules vidéos sur les définitions des biens communs.</p></blockquote></br><p>Le premier dossier a pour sujet <a href="">Économies et Communs</a>. Il est composé de 13 vidéos sous forme d’entrevues individuelles ou de tables rondes avec les intervenants et les animateurs de la conférence. Ces conversations complètent et approfondissent les sujets abordés lors de la conférence : Terre et Nature, Travail, Connaissance, Culture et Sciences en Communs, Monnaie, Marché, Valeur et Communs et Infrastructures pour les communs. Leur durée varie entre 5 et 35 minutes et totalisent 5 heures de visionnement.</p></br><p><a href="">Un agenda pour les Communs</a> comprend 11 vidéos qui explorent les enjeux des communs autour des thèmes comme l’éducation et la culture des communs, la recherche, la dimension politique et le rapport à l’État. Leur durée totale est de 3 heures et 10 minutes.</p></br><p><a href="">Define/définir/definir les Communs</a> comprend 53 nouvelles brèves vidéos répondant à la question : « si vous aviez à définir les Communs en une phrase, quelle serait-elle? ». La plupart de ces entrevues sont en anglais, mais 28 sont aussi dans la langue originale du participant. La série de vidéos Define/définir/definir les Communs avait été inaugurée durant la conférence de Berlin de novembre 2010 et s’est enrichie au cours de différentes rencontres internationales de mouvement sociaux à travers le monde. La série compte maintenant 100 clips.</p></br><p>Les 76 clips vidéo produits à l’occasion de la conférence de Berlin totalisent environ 8 heures de visionnement. Ils se veulent une contribution à la documentation de la conférence et viennent ainsi en complément à l’excellent<a href="">rapport réalisé par David Bollier</a> et aux <a href="">sites de la conférence</a> de la Fondation Henrich Boell.</p></br><p>L’inscription de tous les clips dans le catalogue Remix The Commons facilite la consultation et la recherche dans cette collection, par exemple par sujet, intervenant, ou langue. Elle nous permet aussi de rendre disponibles les rushes des vidéos pour de nouveaux usages que nous espérons aussi nombreux que variés.</p></br><p>Alain Ambrosi et Frédéric Sultan</p>, ou langue. Elle nous permet aussi de rendre disponibles les rushes des vidéos pour de nouveaux usages que nous espérons aussi nombreux que variés.</p> <p>Alain Ambrosi et Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>By posting the <blockquote><p>By posting the 76 clips of the video interviews totalling 8 hours run time, produced at the Berlin <em>Economics and the Commons conference</em>, Remix the Commons initiates two new series on the Commons while adding to the already existing series on the definitions of the Commons.</p></blockquote></br><p>The first series named <a href="">Economics and the Commons </a>includes 13 video individual interviews and round table discussions facilitated by us or the event organisers. The themes chosen reflect the conference streams on topics like: Natural commons management; Working and Caring; Knowledge,Culture and Science; Money, Market and Value; Infrastructures. Their duration varies between 5 and 35 minutes and the series totals 5 hours run time.</p></br><p><a href="">An Agenda for the Commons</a> includes 11 videos covering themes such as education and the culture of the Commons, research, the political dimension and the relationship to the State.They total 3 hours and 10 minutes.</p></br><p><a href="">Define/définir/definir the Commons</a> is composed of 53 short interviews responding to the question : « If you had to define the Commons in one sentence, what would it be?” Most of the interviews are in English, but 28 of them are in the original language of the participant. This series was begun at the 2010 Berlin conference and has been enriched during several international meetings of different social movements around the world since then. The series counts more than a hundred clips now.</p></br><p>The 76 clips of the video interviews done at the ECC in Berlin totals around 8 hours run time. Their aim is to contribute to documenting the conference, and they should thus be seen as a complement to the <a href="">excellent report</a> by David Bollier and the <a href="">websites</a> prepared by the Heinrich Boell Foundation</p></br><p>All the clips have been catalogued on the Remix The Commons platform allowing for consultation, research by topics, contributors, language. Each entry allows also an access to the rushes for potential new uses and remix.</p></br><p>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</p>wing for consultation, research by topics, contributors, language. Each entry allows also an access to the rushes for potential new uses and remix.</p> <p>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>From the 15th-1<blockquote><p>From the 15th-17th of November 2016 a European Commons Assembly will take place in Brussels. The commoners will convene, discuss, showcase, and reclaim Europe. On the afternoon of the 16th, around 150 will partcipate in a meeting in the European Parliament, organized in cooperation with the EP intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services (Led by Marisa Matias, Dario Tamburrano, Ernesto Urtasun, Sergio Cofferati). A variety of other events (and local assemblies) will take place outside Parliament, both in Brussels and across Europe.</br></p></blockquote></br><p><H1>Networking, unity and policy around the commons paradigm </H1></p></br><p>On September 26, a group of nonprofits, foundations, and other civil society organizations jointly publish a “Call for a European Commons Assembly” ( The collectively drafted document, which continues to garner signatures from groups and individuals around Europe, serves as a declaration of purpose for a distributed network of “commoners.”<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="eca" width="900" height="636" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4561" /><br /></br>Author: TILL GENTZSCH</p></br><p>The Assembly seeks to unite citizens in trans-local and trans-european solidarity to overcome Europe’s current challenges and reinvigorate the political process for the 21st century. The commons can be understood as a bridging paradigm that stresses cooperation in management of resources, knowledge, tools, and spaces as diverse as water, Wikipedia, a crowdfund, or a community garden. Their Call describes commoning as:</p></br><ul></br>…the network-based cooperation and localized bottom-up initiatives already sustained by millions of people around Europe and the world. These initiatives create self-managed systems that satisfy important needs, and often work outside of dominant markets and traditional state programmes while pioneering new hybrid structures.</ul></br><p> The Assembly emerged in May from a diverse, gender balanced pilot community of 28 activists from 15 European countries, working in different domains of the commons. New people are joining the Assembly every week, and ECA is inclusive and open for others to join, so that a broad and resilient European movement can coalesce. It seeks to visibilize acts of commoning by citizens for citizens, while promoting interaction with policy and institutions at both the national and European levels. </p></br><p><H1>Part of a broader movement</H1><br /></br>The rapid embrace of commons as an alternative holistic, sustainable and social worldview is in part an expression of unease with the unjust current economic system and democratic deficiencies. The commons movement has exploded in recent years, following the award of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Elinor Ostrom in 2009 for her work on managing common resources. It has also seen overlap with other movements, such as the Social and Solidarity and Sharing Economy movements, peer to peer production, and Degrowth.</p></br><p>Michel Bauwens, part of the ECA who is also a prominent figure in the peer-to-peer movement, explains: <em>All over the world, a new social movement is emerging, which is challenging the ‘extractive’ premises of the mainstream political economy and which is co-constructing the seed forms of a sustainable and solidary society. Commoners are also getting a voice, for example through the Assemblies of the Commons that are emerging in French cities and elsewhere. The time is ripe for a shoutout to the political world, through a European Assembly of the Commons.</em></p></br><p>The Call includes an open invitation to Brussels from November 15 to 17, 2016 for three days of activities and shared reflection on how to protect and promote the commons. It will include an official session in the European Parliament, hosted by the Intergroup on Common Goods and Public Services, on November 16 (limited capacity). </p></br><p>You can read and sign the full text of the Call, also available in French, Spanish, and soon other European languages, on the <a href="">ECA website</a>. There is an <a href="">option to sign</a> as an individual or an organization.</p></br><p>For more information, visit <a href=""> </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p></br><p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /></br></strong><br /></br>Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>/ </a> or follow @CommonsAssembly on Twitter for regular updates.</p> <p><strong>Media Contact: Nicole Leonard<br /> </strong><br /> Keywords: Commons, European, Citizens, Parliament, Participatory Democracy, Civil Society</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Le 12 octobre, <blockquote><p>Le 12 octobre, profitant de la <a href="">rencontre ouverte parisienne</a>, une quinzaine de personnes, designers en formation et chercheurs se retrouvent autour de l’expérimentation simultanée de diverses formes de sélection de termes en rapport avec les communs qui méritent d’être explicités, de leur définition à travers la mobilisation de ressources multimédia, elles aussi variées, et de mises en forme et éditorialisation de ces éléments.</br></p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_2901" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-2901" style="width: 450px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="graph réalisé à partir des mots clefs enjeux de Remix Biens communs et initialement publié sur le site de Savoircom1" width="450" height="281" class="size-full wp-image-2901" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-2901" class="wp-caption-text">graph réalisé à partir des mots clefs enjeux de Remix Biens communs et initialement publié sur le site de Savoircom1</figcaption></figure></br><p>A l’occasion de la<a href=""> rencontre ouverte sur les biens communs</a> organisée par les collectifs porteurs de Paname en Biens Communs, sera conduite une expérience qui participe de l’élaboration d’un glossaire multimédia des biens communs. L’idée, l’envie de glossaire des biens communs est dans l’air du temps. Elle répond à un besoin qui s’est exprimée à travers diverses démarches. En avril dernier, le collectif Savoirscom1 à élaboré une première liste de termes à mieux définir tirés de son appel. Avec Remix The Commons, nous travaillons depuis le printemps sur l’organisation des documents à travers des « mots clefs enjeux des communs », qui doivent être définis en complément de la <a href="">cartographie des nouveaux communs de C. Hess</a>. De plus, chacun s’accorde sur la nécessité d’enrichir les définitions en français des termes en rapport avec les biens communs dans wikipédia et un <a href="">projet</a> vient d’être lancé dans ce sens qui sera nourrit par un atelier qui se déroulera le 15 octobre à Paris. Enfin, d’autres initiatives émergent s’inspirant du <a href="">glossaire des ENMI 2012</a> et de l’exploration du design des formes de communication et collaboration numériques par et autour de Knowtex et l’IRI. Ces initiatives se rejoignent et profitent du tempo de Panam en biens communs.<br /></br>A ce stade, le glossaire des biens communs est perçu comme une sélection de termes en rapport avec les communs qui méritent d’être explicités. La liste des termes d’un glossaire des biens communs n’est pas figée. La définition fait appel à l’usage de documents multimédia choisis, organisés selon différents formats avec au premier rang celui désormais classique de wikipédia. Ces démarches de publication sont participatives et explorent des scénarii d’expérience utilisateur. A ce stade, il s’agit d’explorer diverses voies et de tirer les leçons de l’expérience plus que produire en direct un produit fini.<br /></br>L’élaboration des premières listes de termes met en évidence la tension entre la problématique de la définition et celle de l’éditorialisation qui sou-tendent des projets plus ou moins explicites. Un premier croisement des termes utilisés dans le manifeste savoircom1 avec ceux de Remix the commons donne par exemple la mind map suivante réalisée avec Pierre-Carl Langlais.<br /></br><a href="édia-20130930-e1381355634741.jpeg"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="édia-20130930-e1381355634741.jpeg" alt="Biens communs wikipédia 20130930" width="600" height="388" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2903" /></a><br /></br>Le 12 octobre, l’expérience est décomposée en 3 processus. Un groupe se consacre à identifier des éléments (termes pertinents et contenus, supports, objets contribuant à les définir) en vue de les recomposer à travers un dispositif développé par le collectif Encyclopetrie (à l’initiative du <a href="">glossaire des ENMI 2012</a>. Un autre groupe, piloté par les porteurs du<a href=""> projet mind-mapping</a> fera un travail de cartographie dans le but de mettre en évidence les liens entre les termes du vocabulaire utilisé dans les conversations. Enfin un denier groupe de travail conduira des interviews audio autour de termes en lien avec les communs et de leurs définitions (inspiré de <a href="">la démarche de Sylvia Fredricksson</a>. Cette démarche n’a pas vocation à interférer avec le déroulement ou rendre compte de manière exhaustive de la rencontre. Elle propose des formes complémentaires de lecture de l’événement.<br /></br>Le 15 octobre, l’atelier wikipédia apportera une approche complémentaire avant que les premières leçons ne soient tirées de l’expérience.</p></br><p>F. Sultan</p>es leçons ne soient tirées de l’expérience.</p> <p>F. Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Quelques expéri<blockquote><p>Quelques expériences de cartographie des communs, à partir des définitions et des descriptions brèves d’actions ou d’initiatives de commoning, avec une instance de Chimère installée par Frédéric Léon à Brest. Chimère permet de placer sur des cartes des « points d’intérêts » (définis par leur coordonnées géographiques) du texte + des documents multimédia (video, audio, images). Les points d’intérêts peuvent être classés dans des catégories organisées par familles. Les cartes par zones sont des sélections de territoires géographiques et de catégories.</p></blockquote></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" src="" width="900" height="550" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><br /></br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Agrandir</a> – <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Participer</a></p></br><p>La première idée, en commençant cette expérience, était de situer sur une carte la centaine de définition des biens communs réalisées depuis Berlin 2010 et de regarder comment utiliser ce support comme un moyen d’expression collectif sur la notion de biens communs. Pour le test, une quinzaine de définitions sont placées sur la carte. L’intégration de l’ensemble de la centaine de définitions disponibles donnera une carte plus fournie. Elles sont consultables par langues. Le tri par tag n’existe pas. Sa mise en place est la prochaine étape à mettre en oeuvre. Il permettra de rendre plus visible les «enjeux» mis en évidence via le site Remix The Commons. L’intégration de cette carte dans le site de remix se fait par widget dans un article de blog ou une page. A terme, la carte pourrait être alimentée par mashup de services multimédia.</p></br><p>Deuxième expérience : le placement sur une <a href="">carte de documents descriptifs des pratiques de commoning</a> par catégories « types de communs » (uniquement avec les catégories parents de la classification de Charlotte Hess utilisée sur le site de Remix The Commons). Les cartes peuvent être réalisées par espaces géographiques. <a href="">Ici </a>une carte de quelques points situés au Quebec.</p></br><p>Chimère permet librement l’ajout de nouveaux points d’intérêt par les utilisateurs via un <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">formulaire</a> assez simple. Ce formulaire est configuré pour proposer aux utilisateurs de classer les points d’intérêts selon les catégories de la carte à laquelle on propose un nouveau point.</p></br><p>A ce stade, il serait utile de compléter Chimère avec les éléments tels qu’un dispositif de tags des points d’intérêts, la synchronisation des fiches sur les cartes, la synchronisation des points d’intérêts dans le catalogue de Remix.</p></br><p>Mais pour aller plus loin, il faudrait travailler sur les approches de cartographie des communs. Le recensement de ressources est le premier degré d’une cartographie des communs. Il faudrait imaginer de cartographier les éléments constitutifs des communs tels que les modes d’administration des ressources ou de répartition de droits de propriété, les systèmes de valeurs attachées aux pratiques de commoning et certainement d’autres choses encore.</p></br><p>Frédéric Sultan</p></br><p><iframe class="igtranslator-iframe" src="about:blank" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p></br><div class="igtranslator-activator-icon" style="background-image: url('resource://jid1-dgnibwqga0sibw-at-jetpack/igtranslator/data/content_script/icon.png');" title="Click to Show Translation"></div></br><p><iframe class="igtranslator-iframe" src="about:blank" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p></br><div class="igtranslator-activator-icon" style="background-image: url('resource://jid1-dgnibwqga0sibw-at-jetpack/igtranslator/data/content_script/icon.png');" title="Click to Show Translation"></div>or-activator-icon" style="background-image: url('resource://jid1-dgnibwqga0sibw-at-jetpack/igtranslator/data/content_script/icon.png');" title="Click to Show Translation"></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Remix partage s<blockquote><p>Remix partage sa documentation sur les communs en utilisant Zotero dans un groupe nommé <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Urban Commons and Charters</a> et contribue à la bibliographie <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Communauthèque (NDDL, pour CEDIDELP) </a> à l’origine réalisée pour la ZAD Notre Dame des Landes par SavoirsCom1 et le CEDIDELP. </p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" width="800" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6841" srcset=" 509w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 509px) 100vw, 509px" /></p></br><p><a href="">Zotero</a> est un outil gratuit et facile à utiliser pour collecter, organiser, citer et partager vos recherches documentaires.</p></br><p>Vous pouvez vous inscrire en cliquant sur « Login – Register for a free account ».</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-6795" src="" alt="" width="307" height="346" /></p></br><p>Une fois votre compte créé, vous pouvez rejoindre les groupes qui vous intéressent. Le groupe « <a href="">Urban Commons and Charters</a>« , référence des documents sur les communs en général et les communs urbains avec une attention particulière aux chartes et mécanismes juridiques qui activent les communs. Il inclue une entrée « pour débuter », une « Pour approfondir » et des études de cas ou expériences, ainsi que des entrées correspondantes aux thématiques des projets plus récents de Remix. Le groupe « <a href="">Communauthèque</a> » collecte une bibliographie plus large sur les communs. </p></br><p>Pour rejoindre un groupe, vous devez cliquer sur « join the group » en bas de la page correspondante :<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6796" src="" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /></br>Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /> Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Remix partage s<blockquote><p>Remix partage sa documentation sur les communs en utilisant Zotero dans un groupe nommé <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Urban Commons and Charters</a> et contribue à la bibliographie <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Communauthèque (NDDL, pour CEDIDELP) </a> à l’origine réalisée pour la ZAD Notre Dame des Landes par SavoirsCom1 et le CEDIDELP. </p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" width="800" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6841" srcset=" 509w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 509px) 100vw, 509px" /></p></br><p><a href="">Zotero</a> est un outil gratuit et facile à utiliser pour collecter, organiser, citer et partager vos recherches documentaires.</p></br><p>Vous pouvez vous inscrire en cliquant sur « Login – Register for a free account ».</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-6795" src="" alt="" width="307" height="346" /></p></br><p>Une fois votre compte créé, vous pouvez rejoindre les groupes qui vous intéressent. Le groupe « <a href="">Urban Commons and Charters</a>« , référence des documents sur les communs en général et les communs urbains avec une attention particulière aux chartes et mécanismes juridiques qui activent les communs. Il inclue une entrée « pour débuter », une « Pour approfondir » et des études de cas ou expériences, ainsi que des entrées correspondantes aux thématiques des projets plus récents de Remix. Le groupe « <a href="">Communauthèque</a> » collecte une bibliographie plus large sur les communs. </p></br><p>Pour rejoindre un groupe, vous devez cliquer sur « join the group » en bas de la page correspondante :<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6796" src="" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /></br>Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /> Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Remix partage s<blockquote><p>Remix partage sa documentation sur les communs en utilisant Zotero dans un groupe nommé <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Urban Commons and Charters</a> et contribue à la bibliographie <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Communauthèque (NDDL, pour CEDIDELP) </a> à l’origine réalisée pour la ZAD Notre Dame des Landes par SavoirsCom1 et le CEDIDELP. </p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" width="800" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6841" srcset=" 509w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 509px) 100vw, 509px" /></p></br><p><a href="">Zotero</a> est un outil gratuit et facile à utiliser pour collecter, organiser, citer et partager vos recherches documentaires.</p></br><p>Vous pouvez vous inscrire en cliquant sur « Login – Register for a free account ».</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-6795" src="" alt="" width="307" height="346" /></p></br><p>Une fois votre compte créé, vous pouvez rejoindre les groupes qui vous intéressent. Le groupe « <a href="">Urban Commons and Charters</a>« , référence des documents sur les communs en général et les communs urbains avec une attention particulière aux chartes et mécanismes juridiques qui activent les communs. Il inclue une entrée « pour débuter », une « Pour approfondir » et des études de cas ou expériences, ainsi que des entrées correspondantes aux thématiques des projets plus récents de Remix. Le groupe « <a href="">Communauthèque</a> » collecte une bibliographie plus large sur les communs. </p></br><p>Pour rejoindre un groupe, vous devez cliquer sur « join the group » en bas de la page correspondante :<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6796" src="" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /></br>Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /> Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>Remix partage s<blockquote><p>Remix partage sa documentation sur les communs en utilisant Zotero dans un groupe nommé <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Urban Commons and Charters</a> et contribue à la bibliographie <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Communauthèque (NDDL, pour CEDIDELP) </a> à l’origine réalisée pour la ZAD Notre Dame des Landes par SavoirsCom1 et le CEDIDELP. </p></blockquote></br><p><img decoding="async" src="" alt="" width="800" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6841" srcset=" 509w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 509px) 100vw, 509px" /></p></br><p><a href="">Zotero</a> est un outil gratuit et facile à utiliser pour collecter, organiser, citer et partager vos recherches documentaires.</p></br><p>Vous pouvez vous inscrire en cliquant sur « Login – Register for a free account ».</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-6795" src="" alt="" width="307" height="346" /></p></br><p>Une fois votre compte créé, vous pouvez rejoindre les groupes qui vous intéressent. Le groupe « <a href="">Urban Commons and Charters</a>« , référence des documents sur les communs en général et les communs urbains avec une attention particulière aux chartes et mécanismes juridiques qui activent les communs. Il inclue une entrée « pour débuter », une « Pour approfondir » et des études de cas ou expériences, ainsi que des entrées correspondantes aux thématiques des projets plus récents de Remix. Le groupe « <a href="">Communauthèque</a> » collecte une bibliographie plus large sur les communs. </p></br><p>Pour rejoindre un groupe, vous devez cliquer sur « join the group » en bas de la page correspondante :<br /></br><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-6796" src="" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /></br>Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>" alt="" width="304" height="480" /><br /> Vous pouvez aussi adresser un message à pour plus de renseignements. </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<blockquote><p>To help reclaim<blockquote><p>To help reclaiming, protecting and creating commons in our neighborhoods and cities, we offer to co-create an interactive Atlas of the charters of urban commons. The collaborative creation process will develop on an intercultural and interdisciplinary fashion, production and sharing of knowledge on legal tools that make alive the urban commons. Through workshops, camps, and cultural residencies, with the commoners, we will co-produce the Atlas (a mapping tool), that will be a place to meet and to interact for creating or recovering our urban commons.</p></blockquote></br><figure id="attachment_4247" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-4247" style="width: 644px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-4247" src="" alt="Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)" width="644" height="46" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-4247" class="wp-caption-text">Fragment de la Magna Carta de la Cathédrale de Salisbury (UK)</figcaption></figure></br><h1>The charters of the urban commons as inspiration</h1></br><p>Urban commons charters are rules of self-governance established by a community for their commons in their neighbourhood, city, region… They can be transformed into legal instruments that formally recognize the rights and sovereignty of individuals and of the community over their common goods. They are also an instrument for organizing commoning with a view to preserving, sharing and transmitting those common goods. They are accompanied by a multitude of activities, narratives, creations, illustrations, celebrations, and studies that are the heart of the commons culture and that we want to conserve and hand on from generation to generation.</p></br><p>We aim to evolve within this commons culture to generate mutual inspiration and to nourish the imagination as well as the practices of the urban commons around the world.</p></br><p>Documenting commons charters experiences in an iterative, collective, decentralized and self-managed manner is in itself a way of making a common culture. Our proposal is to develop and make available to commoners various modes of documentation adapted to sharing the experiences of commons charters.</p></br><p>We plan to organise camps and cultural residencies and to collectively create an Atlas of urban commons charters through interactive mapping in semantic web.</p></br><p>This process is intended to be exploratory, pragmatic, pedagogical and political; it is as well both interdisciplinary and inter-cultural. It allows commoners to formalise their experience, to link it with that of other members of their community and to share it with other communities. It also allows to share both the legal tools developed over time and the experience accumulated around the world (with input from legal experts and urban designers). It aims to make this process known and recognized as one of the mainsprings of democracy and of the good life in an urban environment.</p></br><h1>Learning from the historical and contemporary experience of the charters of the commons</h1></br><p>The documentation and facilitation activities on the commons in the context of remixthecommons led us to discover the wealth and variety of citizen initiatives and proposals on urban and broader territorial scaleson various continents. In the process of constituting a commons, neighbours and citizens consistently take the key step of creating and formalizing rules of self-governance. Innovative practices in this domain exist at the neighbourhood level (as in Dakar) and on the scale of entire cities (Bologna, Djakarta and others). The experiences that appear to us exemplary are those where citizen initiatives have been able to mobilise a broad range of expertise from various sectors (cooperatives, activists, architects, lawyers, urban designers, informatics, etc) in order to advance proposals that are at one and the same time innovative and pragmatic, that welcome, encourage, ensure and guide active participation by citizens in regenerating, constituting and managing urban commons.</p></br><p>In Europe, the Italian examples of the self-managed cultural spaces, the AquaBeneComune in Milan and various municipal commons charters adopted in several cities are inspiring and hold the potential of being shared, remixed and adapted to other socio-cultural and political contexts.</p></br><p>This blooming of urban charters is a stimulus for commoners apprentices to share and co-produce knowledge and proposals with their pairs.</p></br><p>The consolidation of networks of commons activists on the European level has engendered a dynamic of exchange and intercultural cross-fertilisation. Recent seminars on the subject between France and Italy are an example.</p></br><p>In addition, this collective mobilisation in favour of urban commons charters is a superb way of celebrating le 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, which profoundly marked the history of the commons.</p></br><h1>An invitation to collaborate</h1></br><p>We wish to implement a digital prototype of the atlas of the charters of urban commons. It will be co-created during a first workshop and improved by an iterative process. Workshops with people and online will stimulate documentation of existing charters and the creation of new adapted to their contexts and to their local rights. These actions will crossed scientific disciplines and popular know-how. And we will take care to have diversified processes of work and to ensure the sharing of data, of the design of uses and of the services inspired by the Atlas.</p></br><p>We are pleased to invite to participate all the activists and researchers motivated by the commons, especially those part of the Francophone network of commoners, and the organizations such as Commons Josephat (Brussels), Marx Dormoy Labs (Paris) Days of Urban Alternatives (Lausanne), or the House of the commons (Montpellier), LARTES in Dakar, …etc, and the European collectives such as Comuns urban activists in Barcelona, P2p plazas in Madrid, …etc.</p></br><p>This initiative will also lead us to collaborate with activists of the Rights to The City, such as in France, the Coordination “Pas sans nous! (Not Without Us!) and the Collective for Citizenship Transition, and the International Alliance of Inhabitants.</p></br><p>Some municipalities and local governments are already committed to support the commons and have their own charter. They offer spaces which allow to experiment our approach. The Festival of the Commons at Chieri in Italy (July 2015) could be the first opportunity.</p></br><h1>The contribution of Remix the commons</h1></br><p>Remix the commons incubates the project. We will share our experience of intercultural and multilingual projects such as <a href="">Mapping the Definition of the Commons</a>, of co-creation processes (see « <a href="">The Art of Commoning</a>» ) and our knowledge of European networks, including France, Spain, Italy and Germany. One of the first dates that we can give us, will be the Francophone Festival « <a href="">Temps des Communs</a> » (from 5 to 18 October 2015).</p>e « <a href="">The Art of Commoning</a>» ) and our knowledge of European networks, including France, Spain, Italy and Germany. One of the first dates that we can give us, will be the Francophone Festival « <a href="">Temps des Communs</a> » (from 5 to 18 October 2015).</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<div class="link-more"><a href="h<div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Calendario : Actividades de Remix”</span>…</span></a></div> Actividades de Remix”</span>…</span></a></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<div class="link-more"><a href="" class="more-link"><span>Continuer la lecture<span class="screen-reader-text"> “Test code court”</span>…</span></a></div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<figure id="attachment_6619" aria-descr<figure id="attachment_6619" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-6619" style="width: 512px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-6619" src="" alt="<a href="">Gzen92</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons" width="512" height="384" srcset=" 512w, 342w" sizes="(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px" /><figcaption id="caption-attachment-6619" class="wp-caption-text"><a href="">Gzen92</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, via Wikimedia Commons</figcaption></figure></br><p>Adopté par l’Assemblée nationale, le projet de loi confortant le respect des principes de la République a fait l’objet de deux saisines du Conseil Constitutionnel. L’une sur l’article 49 de la loi, relatif à l’enseignement en famille par les députés des groupes LR, UDI et Libertés et Territoires (<a href="">lien</a>) et l’autre sur les articles 4, 6, 7, 8, 14 bis AA et 18 par 71 députés des groupes Gauche démocrate et républicaine, La France insoumise et Socialistes et apparentés (<a href="">lien</a>). Le Conseil Constitutionnel prévoit de rendre sa décision le 13 août (<a href=""></a>).</p></br><p><strong>Remix est co-signataire de la contribution extérieure associative demandant la censure de plusieurs articles du projet de loi envoyée le lundi 26 juillet au Conseil Constitutionnel. </strong><strong>Vous retrouverez l’intégralité de la contribution extérieure sur le site de L.A. Coalition pour les libertés associatives en cliquant ici</strong> : <a href=""></a></p>.fr/CP-LA-Coalition-pour-les-libertes-associatives-demande-au-Conseil"></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<h2>Interview with Joan Subirats – B<h2>Interview with Joan Subirats – Barcelona, April 20, 2017</h2></br><p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Nancy Thede </strong></p></br><blockquote><p><i>The pro-independence government of Catalonia recently sparked a political crisis in Spain by proposing to call a referendum on independence by the end of 2017 with or without the approval of the central government. In contrast, « Catalonia in common » defines itself as an innovative political space of the Catalan left. Initiated by Barcelona in Comú a little less than a year after its election to city hall, the initiave was launched in October 2016. A short manifesto explained its raison-d’être and presented an « ideario politico » (a political project) of some 100 pages for broad discussion over 5 months which culminated in a constituent assembly last April 8.</i></p></br><p><i>This new political subject defines itself as « a left-wing Catalan organisation that aims to govern and to transform the economic, political and social structures of the present neo-liberal system. » Its originality in the political panorama of Catalonia and of Spain is its engagement with « a new way of doing politics, a politics of the commons where grassroots people and communities are the protagonists. » In response to those who see its emergence only in the context of the impending referendum, it affirms: « We propose a profound systemic, revolutionary change in our economic, social, environmental and political model. » </i></p></br><p><i>We interviewed Joan Subirats a few days after the Constituent Assembly of Catalunya en Comú took place. Joan is an academic renowned for his publications and his political engagement. A specialist in public policy and urban issues, he has published widely on the Commons and on the new municipalism. He is one of the artisans of Barcelona in Comú and has just been elected to the coordinating body of the new space named recently « Catalunya en comú ».</i></p></blockquote></br><h3>The Genesis of a New Political Subject</h3></br><p><b>NT —</b> Tell us about the trajectory of the development of this new initiative: a lot of people link it to the 15-M, but I imagine that it was more complex than that and started long before.</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4740" src="" alt="Joan_Subirats_2013_(cropped)" width="423" height="526" /><br /></br><a href="">By Directa (youtube) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons</a></p></br><p><b>JS —</b> At the outset there was Guanyem, which was in fact the beginning of Barcelona en Comú: the first meetings were in February-March 2014. Who was involved? this is quite simultaneous with the decision by Podemos to compete in the European Parliament elections in May 2014. Podemos organises in February 2014; Guanyem begins organising in February- March 2014 to compete in the municipal elections of May 2015.</p></br><p>Going farther back, there is a phase of intense social mobilisation against austerity policies between 2011 and 2013. If we look at the statistics of the Ministry of the Interior on the number of demonstrations, it is impressive, there were never as many demonstrations as during that period, but after mid-2013 they start to taper off. There is a feeling that there are limits and that demonstrations can’t obtain the desired changes in a situation where the right-wing Popular Party (PP) holds an absolute majority. So the debate emerges within the social movements as to whether it’s a good idea to attempt to move into the institutions.</p></br><p>Podemos chooses the most accessible scenario, that of the European elections, because these elections have a single circonscription, so all of Spain is a single riding, with a very high level of proportionality, so with few votes you get high representation because there are 60-some seats, so with one million votes they obtained 5 seats. And people vote more freely in these elections because apparently the stakes are not very high, so they are elections that are good for testing strategies. In contrast, here in Barcelona, we chose the municipal elections as the central target because here there is a long history of municipalism.</p></br><p>So this sets the stage for the period that began in 2014 with Guanyem and Podemos and the European elections and in May 2015 with the municipal elections where in 4 of the 5 major cities – Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Zaragoza – alternative coalitions win that are not linked to either of the two major political parties (PP and the Socialist Party – PSOE) that have dominated the national political scene since the return to democracy in 1977. And in the autonomous elections<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>, a new political cycle also begins, in which we still are. If we go farther back, to 2011 – there are a couple of maps that show the correlation between the occupation of plazas in the 15-M with the number of alternative citizen canadidacies at the municipal level.</p></br><p>So Podemos and all the alternative citizen coalitions all refer to the 15M as their founding moment. But the 15M is not a movement, it was a moment, an event. You must have heard the joke about the stranger who arrives and wants to talk to the 15M – but there is no 15M, it has no spokespersons and no address. But everyone considers it very important because it transformed the political scene in its wake . But what was there before the 15M?</p></br><p>There were basically 4 major trends that converged in the 15-M :<br /></br>First the anti-globalisation movement, the oldest one, very interesting because a large number of the new political leaders have come out of it, with forms of political mobilisation different from the traditional ones.</p></br><p>Then there was the « Free Culture Forum » linked to issues regarding internet which was very important here in Barcelona – with Simona Levy and Gala Pin, who is now a municipal councillor – that is important because here digital culture, network culture, was present from the very beginning, something that didn’t occur in other places.</p></br><p>The third movement was the PAH (Platform for People Affected by Mortgages) which emerges in 2009 and had precedents with Ada Colau and others who organised « V for vivienda » (like the film « V for vendetta », but in this case vivienda – housing), an attempt to demonstrate that young people were excluded from social emancipation because they didn’t have access to housing. Their slogan was « you’ll never have a house in your whole f’king life ». And the forms of mobilisation were also very new, for example, they occupied IKEA because at that time IKEA’s advertising slogan was « the independent republic of your home », so they occupied it and slept in the beds there. So this was more youthful, alternative, more of a rupture, but then in 2009 with the creation of the PAH they started to try to connect with the immigrant sector and people who were losing their houses because of the mortgage hype, it was very important because it’s the movement that tries to connect with sectors outside of youth: the poor, immigrants, working class… with the slogan ‘this is not a crisis, it’s a sting’. So the PAH is very important because it’s the movement that connects with sectors of the population outside of youth: workers, immigrants, the elderly… For example, here in Plaza Catalunya in 2011 the only major poster rallying people who weren’t youth was that of the PAH.</p></br><p>And the fourth movement – the most ‘authentic’ 15M one – was that of the « Youth without future ». People who organised mainly in Madrid, typical middle-class university sector with post-grad studies, who suddenly realised that they wouldn’t find jobs, that it wasn’t true that their diplomas would open doors for them, they were in a precarious situation.</p></br><p>So those were the four major currents that converged in the basis of the 15M. But what made it ‘click’ was not just those 4 trends, but the fact that huge numbers of other people recognised the moment and converged on the plazas and overwhelmed the movements that started it. The most surprising thing about the moment was that those 4 movements – that were not all that important – were rapidly overwhelmed by success of the movement they started and new people who spontaneously joined. That was what really created the phenomenon, because if it had been just those 4 movements, if it had been like ‘Nuit debout’ in Paris where people occupied the plaza but without the sensation that people had steamrollered the leaders. So, when the plazas are evacuated, the idea becomes ‘Let’s go to the neighbourhoods’. So all of a sudden, in the neighbourhoods of Barcelona and Madrid, assemblies were organised where there was a mixture of the old neighbourhood associations that were no longer very active and whose members were older (my generation) and new people who brought new issues like ecology, energy, bicycle transport, cooperatives, water and a thousand different things and who created new spaces of articulation where people who had never thought that they would meet in the neighbourhoods began to converge.</p></br><p>I think this explains the re-emergence of municipalism that followed: people begin to see the city as a place where diverse social changes can be articulated on a territorial basis: many mobilisations are taking place in isolation, in a parallel manner and don’t have a common meeting-point. Water as a common good, energy transition, sustainable transport, public health, public space, infant education… All of a sudden there was something that brought people together which was to discuss the city, the city we want – David Harvey mentions in an article that the modern-day factory is the city. That is, we no longer have factories, the city is now the space where conflicts appear and where daily life becomes politicised: issues like care, food, schooling, transport, energy costs – and this creates a new space for articulating these issues that hadn’t been previously envisaged.</p></br><p>So I think this is the connection : 15-M as a moment of overwhelming, the end of a cycle of mobilisation – remember that there had been a petition of a million and a half signatures to change the mortgage legislation, that Ada Colau presented in the national Congress, where she accused the PP deputies of being assassins because of what they were doing – but that mobilisation had no effect in the law. A PP deputy declared ‘If these people want to change things, then they should get elected’. So people started thinking ‘OK, if that’s the way it is, then let’s get ourselves elected’. This is the initial change of cycle in 2014. So the 4 movements were present in the meetings of Guanyem and BComun, as well as some progressive intellectuals and people from other issue areas like water, transport, energy etc. That was the initial nucleus here in Barcelona – in Madrid it was different. There the Podemos generation had a different logic. Here, from the beginning, we wanted to create a movement from the bottom up and to avoid a logic of coalition of political parties, this was very clear from the outset. We didn’t want to reconstruct the left on the basis of an agreement amongst parties. We wanted to build a citizen movement that could impose its own conditions on the parties. In the case of Podemos it was different: it was a logic of a strike from above – they wanted to create a strong close-knit group with a lot of ideas in a very short period and as a result an electoral war machine that can assault the heavens and take power. Here, on the other hand, we foresaw a longer process of construction of a movement where we would start with the municipalities and after that, we’ll see.</p></br><p>So Guanyem was created in June 2014, 11 months prior to the municipal elections, with a minimal program in 4 points:</p></br><ol></br><li>we said, we want to take back the city, it’s is being taken away from the citizens, people come here to talk about a ‘business-friendly global city’ and they are taking it away from the citizens, we have lost the capacity to control it, as the first point;</li></br><li>there is a social emergency where many problems don’t get a response;</li></br><li>we want people to be able to have decision-making capacity in what happens in the city, so co-production of policy, more intense citizen participation in municipal decisions;</li></br><li>moralisation of politics. Here the main points are non-repetition of mandates, limits on salaries of elected officials, anti-corruption and transparency measures, etc.</li></br></ol></br><p>So we presented this in June 2014 and we decided that we would give ourselves until September to collect 30,000 signatures in support of the manifesto and if we succeeded, we would present candidates in the municipal elections. In one month we managed to get the 30,000 signatures! Besides getting the signatures on internet and in person, we held a lot of meetings in the neighbourhoods to present the manifesto – we held about 30 or 40 meetings like that, some of them small, some more massive, where we went to the neighbourhoods and we said « We thought of this, what do you think? We thought of these priorities, etc’. » So, in September of 2014 we decided to go ahead; once we decided that we would present a slate, we began to discuss with the parties – but with the strength of all that support of 30,000 people backing us at the grassroots, so our negotiating strength with respect to the parties was very different. In Dec 2014 we agreed with the parties to create Barcelona en Comun – we wanted to call it Guanyem but someone else had already registered the name, so there was a lot of discussion about a new name, there were various proposals: Revolucion democratica, primaria democratica, the term Comu – it seemed interesting because it connected with the Commons movement, the idea of the public which is not restricted to the institutional and that was key. It was also important that in the previous municipal elections in 2011 only 52% of people had voted, in the poorer neighbourhoods a higher number of people abstained and that it was in the wealthier neighbourhoods where a larger proportion of people had voted. So we wanted to raise participation by 10% in the poor neighbourhoods more affected by the crisis and we thought that would allow us to win. And that was what happened. In 2015, 63% voted, but in the poor areas 40% more people voted. In the rich areas, the same people voted as before.</p></br><p>So it was not impossible to think we could win. And from the beginning the idea was to win. We did not build this machine in order to participate, we built it in order to win. We didn’t want to be the opposition, we wanted to govern. And as a result, it was close, because we won 11 of 41 seats, but got the most votes so we head the municipal council, the space existed. From the moment Guanyem was created in June 2014, other similar movements began to be created all over Spain – in Galicia, in Andalucia, in Valencia, Zaragoza, Madrid… One of the advantages we have in Barcelona is that we have Ada Colau, which is a huge advantage, because a key thing is to have an uncontested leader who can articulate all the segments of the movement – ecologists, health workers, education professionals…. If you don’t have that it’s very difficult, and also the sole presence of Ada Colau explains many things. In Madrid they found Manuela Carmena, who is great as an anti-franquista symbol, with her judicial expertise, very popular but who didn’t have that tradition of articulating movements, and as a result now they are having a lot more problems of political coordination than here.</p></br><h3>A New Political Subject for a New Political Era</h3></br><p><b>AA —</b> So now Catalunya en comu defines itself as a new political space on the left for the whole of Catalonia. But in recent Catalan history that’s nothing really new: there have been numerous political coalitions on the left, such as the PSUC<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup> in 1936 followed by many others. So what is different about this initiative?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> If we open up our perspective and look at things more globally, I think that what justifies the idea that this is a new political space is the fact that the moment is new, we’re in a new phase so it’s very important to understand that if this new political moment reproduces the models and the conceptual paradigms of the old left and of the Fordism of the end of the 20th century, we won’t have moved ahead at all. The crisis of social democracy is also a crisis of a way of understanding social transformation with codes that no longer exist. As a result the measure of success of this new political space is not so much in to what extent it can bring together diverse political forces, but rather its capacity to understand this new scenario we find ourselves in – a scenario where digital transformation is changing everything, where we no longer know what ‘labour’ is, where heterogeneity and social diversity appear as factors not of complexity but of values, where the structure of age no longer functions as it used to – where everything is in transformation, so we can no longer continue to apply ideas – to use a phrase coined by Ulrich Beck – ‘zombie concepts’, living dead, no?, we forge ahead with our backpacks full of 20th-century concepts, applying them to realities that no longer have anything to do with them. It’s easy to see the defects of the old, traditional concepts, but it’s very difficult to construct new ones because we don’t really know what is happening nor where we are headed. The example of the debate in France between Valls and Hamon – at least, I read the summary in Le Monde, where Valls maintained that it would be possible to come back to a situation of full employment and Hamon said that is impossible, that it’s necessary to work towards the universal basic income; in the end, Hamon is closer to the truth than Valls, but Hamon isn’t capable of explaining it in a credible way – and it is very difficult to explain it in a credible way.</p></br><p>Here, we are working at one and the same time on the Commons and the non-institutional public sphere, we are demanding greater presence of the public administration when probably it wouldn’t really be necessary, but since we don’t have a clear idea of how to construct this new thing, we are still acting sort of like slaves of the old. So that’s where I think the concept of the Commons, of the cooperative, the collaborative, new ideas regarding the digital economy, are more difficult to structure, because we’re also conscious that capitalism is no longer only industrial or financial but now it’s digital capitalism, and it controls all the networks of data transmission and at the same time the data themselves, probably the wealth of the future. So, sure we can do really interesting things in Barcelona, out of Barcelona en Comun, but we have GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft), and GAFAM has its own logics and that complicates things. So we have to create a new political subject – and it’s obvious that we need something new – but what isn’t so obvious is what are the concepts we need to create this new subject. So if you look at the documents published by Un Pais en Comu<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a></sup> that’s what you’ll see: a bit of different language, a different way of using concepts, but at the same time a trace of the heritage of the traditional left. The journal ‘Nous Horitzons’ has just published a new issue on ‘Politics in Common’<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a></sup> which brings together a lot of these elements. The impression that some of us had in the assembly the other day in Vall d’Hebron (the inaugural assembly of the movement) was that the old ways were still weighing us down, that there was a difficulty to generate an innovative dynamic.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> That was clear in the composition of the audience.</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, well, the Podemos people weren’t there, of course… they didn’t come for various reasons, because probably not everybody was in agreement with Albano-Dante<sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a></sup> but they saw there was a lot of disagreement and so they preferred not to come, and that’s a type of public that, as well as filling the hall, also changes the type of dynamic – so it was more the traditional-style organisations that were there (Iniciativa or EUIA<sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-6">[6]</a></sup>), there was more of the old than the new probably. Perhaps that’s inevitable, but what we have to do now is to see if we can change that dynamic.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> When one reads the ‘Ideario politico’ (the political project of Un Pais en Comu) it’s a sort of lesson in political economy, political philosophy as well, but also a vast programme, and the left has never put forward this type of Commons-inspired programme before, be it in Catalunya or in Spain or probably internationally. How do you see its contribution in the context of the Commons ecosystem? There have been experiences of the Commons without the Commons label, as in Latin America …</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, in Catalunya the anarcho-sindicalist movement…</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> Of course, but more recently, the idea of ‘Buen Vivir’ …</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, but when you go to Latin America and you talk about that, it all revolves around the State. But here, we try not to be state-centric. We are trying to avoid the idea that the only possible transformation needs to depend on the State.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> But in the ‘Ideario’ a lot of discussion is devoted to public services as well, this implies that the State has to exist. And in the Commons vocabulary there is the concept of the ‘partner-state’, but it doesn’t appear in the Ideario…</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, there’s a margin there: the resilience of the new politics depends more on the capacity to create ‘muscled’ collective spaces – public, collective, common – than on the occupation of the institutions. But without the occupation of the institutions, it’s very difficult to construct those spaces. The example that comes to mind for me is from Copenhagen: there it was the cooperatives of the workers’ unions that built the big housing coops that exist now; also, the municipal government when the left was in power built a lot of public housing; then when a right-wing government came to power, it privatised all the public housing but it couldn’t privatise the cooperatives. So in the end, things that are strictly state-based are more vulnerable than when you build collective strength. So if we are able to benefit from these spaces in order to build ‘collective muscle’, using our presence in the institutions, this will end up being more resilient, more stable over time than if we put all our eggs in the State basket. So the Barcelona city government has civic social centres that are municipal property, but what is important is to succeed in ensuring that these centres are controlled by the community, that each community make them its own despite the fact that the property is officially that of the municipality, but they must be managed through a process of community management. So you need to build in the community a process of appropriation of institutions that ends up being stronger than if it were all in the hands of the State.</p></br><p>Now we are discussing citizen heritage, how the city government can use its property – houses, buildings – and it can cede them for a certain period in order to construct collective spaces. For example, 8 building sites that belong to the municipality have been put up for auction on 100-year leases for community organisations to build housing cooperatives. This doesn’t take property away from the public sphere and at the same time it generates collective strength. But a certain sector of the political left here, the CUP, criticises this as privatisation of public space. They think Barcelona en Comun should build public housing instead, state-owned housing. That’s a big difference. And people are aware of that, but at the same time there are doubts about whether this makes sense, whether there is sufficient strength within the community so that this can work. Or, for example, the most common criticism is that “you have an idea of the public, the collective, the Commons, that implies capacities in the community that are only present in the middle classes that have the knowledge, the organisational capacity… so it’s a very elitist vision of the collective because the popular sectors, without the backing of the State, won’t be able to do this. » Well, we’re going to try to combine things so it can work, but we don’t want to keep converting the public into the ‘state’.</p></br><p>Nancy Fraser wrote an article on the triple movement – looking at Polanyi’s work on the ‘double movement’ in the Great Transformation, that is the movement towards mercantilisation, and the opposite movement it stimulated towards protection. Polanyi talks about the confrontation of these 2 movements in the early 20th century, and the State – in its soviet form or in its fascist form – as a protectionist response of society which demands protection when faced with the uncertainty, the fragility the double movement engenders. Nancy Fraser says that all that is true, but we’re no longer in the 20th century, we’re in the 21st century where factors like individual emancipation, diversity, feminism are all very important – so we shouldn’t be in favour of a protectionist movement that continues to be patriarchal and hierarchical. We need a movement for protection that generates autonomy – and there resides what I think is one of the keys of the Commons movement. The idea of being able to get protection – so, a capacity of reaction against the dynamics of the market attacks – without losing the strength of diversity, of personal emancipation, of feminism, the non-hierarchical, the non-patriarchal, the idea that somebody decide for me what I need to do and how I will be protected. Let me self-protect myself too, let me be a protagonist too of this protection. And this is contradictory with the state-centric tradition.</p></br><h3>A Commons Economy, Participation and Co-production of Policy</h3></br><p><b>AA —</b> The first theme of the ‘Ideario’ is the economy – you are an economist, amongst other things – how do you see this proposal in terms of the Commons? For example, there is a lot of discussion now about ‘open cooperativism’, etc. What you were saying about the cooperative movement here, that it is very strong but not sufficient…</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> In some aspects no. For example, the city wanted to open a new contract for communications (telephone, internet) – now there are the big companies Telefonica, Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, etc: there’s a cooperative called ‘Som Connexion’ (We are connection)- or ‘Som Energia’ (We are energy) that’s a lot bigger – it has 40,000 members – but these cooperatives, it would be fantastic if the city were to give them the contract for energy or for communication, but they aren’t capable of managing that at the moment. So if they take it, we’d all have big problems: faulty connections, lack of electrical power – because they’re growing for sure but they don’t yet have the ‘muscle’, the capacity they need to take this on.</p></br><p>So we have to continue investing in this, it’s not going to take care of itself. On the other hand, in other areas, like home services for the elderly, we do have very strong cooperatives, Abacus for example is a cooperative for book distribution that has 800 000 members, so that is a coop that’s very powerful, and there are others. But in general, the more powerful the coop, the less politicised it is – they tend to transform themselves into big service companies. But now they are understanding that perhaps it would be in their interest to have a different vision; there has been a very politicised movement in the grassroots level coops that is contradictory with the entrepreneurial trend in the big coops. So we’re in this process right now: yes, there are very big, very strong coops and there are also smaller, more political ones but they don’t have sufficient muscle yet.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> When we look at issues of participation, co-production of policy and such, it is also a question of culture, a culture of co-production that doesn’t exist. In the neighbourhoods, yes there is a trend to revamping participation, but when we talk to people in the local-level committees they say ‘Sure, people come to the meetings, but because they want a tree planted here…’ and they don’t have that vision of co-creation. So first there has to be a sort of cultural revolution ?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> There are places where there has been a stronger community tradition that could well converge with this. Some neighbourhoods like Roquetes for example, Barceloneta or Sants, have very strong associational traditions. If you go to Roquetes to the meeting of the community plan, everybody is there: the people from the primary medical services centre, the doctors, the schools are there, the local police, the social workers – and they hold meetings every 2 weeks and they know everything that goes on in the area, and they transfer cases amongst themselves: “we detected this case, how do we deal with it?” etc. The community fabric in those neighbourhoods functions really well. So what can you add to that fabric so that it can go a bit further? On the other hand, in other neighbourhoods like Ciutat Meridiana, in 5 years 50% of the population has changed, so it’s very difficult to create community where the level of expulsion or change is so high. In Sants, in Ca Batlló, there was a very interesting experience where people want to create a cooperative neighbourhood – it’s a bit polemical – they want to create a public school without using public funds, instead using money from the participants themselves, because the coop tradition in Sants is very anarchist, libertarian – so they promote the idea of a public school, open to all, but not using public funds. And it would have its own educational philosophy, that wouldn’t have to submit to standard educational discipline. And groups have appeared in different neighbourhoods dedicated to shared child-raising where there are no pre-schools for children between 0 and 3 years, or people prefer not to take the kids to public pre-schools because they find them too rigid, so they prefer generating relationships amongst parents. So what should the role of the city government be with respect to such initiatives? Should it facilitate or not? There’s a debate about how to position the municipality with respect to these initiatives that are interesting but then when, inside Barcelona en Comú or Catalunya en Comú, the person who is in charge of these issues comes with a more traditional union perspective and says “This is crazy, what we need to do is to create public schools with teachers who are professional civil servants. These experiments are fine for gentrified zones, but in reality…’” And they are partly right. So we’re in that sort of situation, which is a bit ambivalent. We’re conscious that we need to go beyond a state-centric approach, but at the same time we need to be very conscious that if we don’t reinforce the institutional role, the social fragilities are very acute.</p></br><h3>The Commons and Issues of Sovereignty, Interdependence and the « Right to Decide »</h3></br><p><b>AA —</b> Another high-profile issue is that of sovereignty. The way it’s presented in the Ideario is criticised both by those who want a unified Spain and by those who want Catalan independence. Sovereignty is simply another word for independence in the view of many people. But the way it’s presented in the Ideario is more complex and comprehensive, linked to autonomy at every level …</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Exactly: it’s plural, in lower case and plural: sovereignties. The idea is a bit like what I said earlier about the city, that we want to take back the city. We want to recover the collective capacity to decide over what affects us. So it’s fine to talk about the sovereignty of Catalonia, but we also need to talk about digital sovereignty, water sovereignty, energy sovereignty, housing sovereignty – sovereignty in the sense of the capacity to decide over that which affects us. So we don’t have to wait until we have sovereignty over Catalonia in order to grapple with all this. And this has obvious effects: for example, something we are trying to develop here: a transit card that would be valid on all forms of public transit – like the “Oyster” in London, and many other cities have them – an electronic card that you can use for the train, the metro, the bus: the first thing the Barcelona city government did on this was to ask the question “Who will own the data? “. That’s sovereignty. The entity that controls the data on who moves and how in metropolitan Barcelona has an incredible stock of information with a clear commercial value. So will it belong to the company that incorporates the technology? or will the data belong to the municipality and the municipality will do with it what it needs? At the moment, they are installing digital electricity metres and digital water metres: but to whom do the data belong? because these are public concessions, concessions to enterprises in order that they provide a public service – so who owns the data?</p></br><p>This is a central issue. And it is raised in many other aspects, like food sovereignty. So, we want to ensure that in the future Barcelona be less dependent on the exterior for its food needs, as far as possible. So you need to work to obtain local foodstuffs, control over the products that enter – and that implies food sovereignty, it implies discussing all this. So, without saying that the sovereignty of Catalonia isn’t important, we need to discuss the other sovereignties. Because, suppose we attain the sovereignty of Catalonia as an independent state, but we are still highly dependent in all the other areas. We need to confront this. I don’t think it’s a way of avoiding the issue, it’s a way of making it more complex, of understanding that today the Westphalian concept of State sovereignty no longer makes much sense. I think we all agree on that. We are very interdependent, so how do we choose our interdependencies? That would be real sovereignty, not to be independent because that’s impossible, but rather how to better choose your interdependencies so that they have a more public content.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> Talking of interdependence, there is the issue as well of internationalism. Barcelona en Comú puts a lot of emphasis on that, saying ‘There is no municipalism without internationalism’ etc. From the very outset of her mandate, Ada Colau in 2015 in her inaugural speech as mayor said that ‘we will work to build a movement of cities of the Mediterranean’, and as time goes on the approach is becoming clearer, for example with the participation of Colau and the vice-mayor Gerardo Pisarello in the major international city conferences. What do you see as the importance of this internationalism within the Commons ecosystem?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> There are 2 key aspects for me. First, cities are clearly the most global political space and zone of social convergence that exists. Apparently when we talk about cities we’re talking about something local, but cities are actually very globalised. Benjamin Barber wrote a book about ‘Why Mayors should govern the world’. And he set out an example I think is very good: if the mayor of Montreal meets with Ada and the mayor of Nairobi and the mayor of Santiago de Chile and the mayor of say Hong-Kong, after 5 minutes together they’ll all be talking about the same things. Because the problems of cities are very similar from one place to another despite their different sizes. Questions of energy, transport, water, services, food… If we try to imagine that same meeting between Heads of State, the complexity of the political systems, cultural traditions, constitutional models and all will mean that the challenge of coming to a common understanding will be much more complex. That doesn’t mean that cities are the actors that will resolve climate change, but certainly the fact that Oslo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Paris agree that in 2025 there will no longer be cars circulating that use diesel will have more impact than a meeting of Heads of State. With AirBnB Barcelona is in constant confrontation, the city has fined them 600 000 euros, but Barcelona on its own can’t combat AirBnB. But New York, Paris, London, Amsterdam and Barcelona have come to an agreement to negotiate jointly with AirBnb: those 5 cities together can negotiate with them. But it isn’t the problem for States, it’s much more a problem for cities than for States. And AirBnB uses digital change to enter spaces where there is a lack of precision – it’s what happens too with Uber, Deliveroo and other platforms of so-called ‘collaborative economy’, which is really extractive economy, but which use the reglamentary voids. The people who work for Uber or Deliveroo aren’t employees, they are independent entrepreneurs but they work in 19th century conditions. Tackling this problem from the level of the city can produce new solutions.</p></br><p>I think when we decided in 2014-2015 to attempt to work at the municipal level in Barcelona, we were aware that Barcelona isn’t just any city: Barcelona has an international presence and we wanted to use Barcelona’s international character to exert an influence on urban issues worldwide. Ada Colau participated in the Habitat conference in Quito in October 2016, before that in the meeting of local authorities in Bogota, she is now co-president of the World Union of Municipalities. So there’s an investment that didn’t start just with us but that started in the period when Maragall<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-7">[7]</a></sup> was mayor, a very high investment by Barcelona in participating in this international sphere of cities. This reinforces Barcelona in its confrontations with the State and with private enterprise as well. It plays an important role. There is an international commission within Barcelona en Comú, they are constantly working with other world cities – they have been in France, they have a strong link with Grenoble and will be going to a meeting of French cities in September to talk about potential collaboration, they often go to Italy, they’ve gone to Belgrade, to Poland. In June they’re organising a meeting of Fearless Cities, with the participation of many mayors from major cities in Europe and around the world.<br /></br>So there is a very clear vision of the global aspect. So the global dimension is very present, and at the level of Spain as well. The problem there is that there is political interference, for example in Madrid, which is very important as a city, but within the municipal group “Ahora Madrid” they’re very internally divided, so sometimes you speak to one and the others don’t like it. We have really good relations with Galicia: A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela, also with Valencia, but Valencia also has its own dynamic. Zaragoza. Each city has its own dynamic, so sometimes it’s complicated to establish on-going relations.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> What about Cadiz?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Of course, Cadiz is also part of this trend, but the group there is part of the Podemos anti-capitalist faction, so there are nuances.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> You mentioned 2 points regarding internationalism…</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, first there was the general global perspective on cities and the second is Barcelona’s own concrete interest. So the first is more global, that is, any city in the world today has many more possibilities if it looks at its strategic global role and if it wants to strengthen its position, it has to work on the global level. In the case of Barcelona specifically, there is also a will that’s partly traditional, because it was begun by Maragall, you have to remember that here in Barcelona there are 10 districts, and during the war of the Balkans, Maragall created District 11, which was Sarajevo: city technicians went to Sarajevo to work with them, and still today there are municipal technicians who travel regularly to Gaza to work there, or with La Havana – in other words there’s a clearly established internationalist stance in the municipality. Also, the headquarters of the World Union of Local Governments is in Barcelona. The international headquarters of Educating Cities is in Barcelona, so there has constantly been a will to be present on the international scene since Maragall, and now this is continuing but with a new orientation as well. Perhaps there used to be the idea of exporting the Barcelona model, branding Barcelona, but that is no longer the case.<br /></br>There’s very intense organisation globally, probably if Ada accepted all the invitations she receives, she’d be travelling all the time.</p></br><p><b>AA —</b> Coming back to the issue of sovereignty vs independence and “the right to decide”, how does this play out?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> The issue of independence is internally very complex with different positions. I think there is a general agreement on 3 things, ie:</p></br><ol></br><li>Catalonia has its own demos and therefore is a political subject which must be recognised,</li></br><li>it has to be able to decide how to articulate itself with the other political subjects in Spain and in Europe, it has to have the right, the capacity to decide;</li></br><li>this requires the construction of a State of its own.</li></br></ol></br><p>It is on the fourth point that we are not in agreement: whether that State should be independent or whether it should be in some way linked, allied, confederated with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula or with Europe. These 3 initial points are sufficiently important and they are the basis for the fact that Catalunya en Comú or Barcelona en Comú is part of the broad sovereigntist space in Catalonia. What it isn’t part of is the independentist space in Catalonia. Despite the fact that I would say some 30-40% of the members are pro-independence, but the rest not. And that is an issue which divides us. But what we are trying to do is to work out this debate on the basis of our own criteria, not on those of other movements. The criteria of the others are ‘you are independentist or you are not independentist’. Our own criteria are: yes, we are sovereigntists, we discuss sovereignties and we’ll see. Since we agree on what is the most important (that is – an autonomous political subject, the right to decide, an autonomous State), let’s discuss how we can articulate. We have fraternal relations with 4 million people in the rest of Spain who agree with us on the first 3 criteria. So the key question probably would be: Does Catalonia want to separate from the rest of Spain or from this Spain? The standard response would be “We have never known any other. We’ve always seen the same Spain, so there is no other Spain”. So the debate we can have is over “Yes, another Spain is possible”. Sort of like the debate right now over whether to leave Europe: do we want to leave Europe of leave this Europe? But is another Europe possible or not?</p></br><h3>The Challenges of Scale</h3></br><p><b>NT —</b> I am struck by the fact that every time we refer to the initiative of Catalunya en Comú, you respond by giving the example of what’s happening in Barcelona: do you see Barcelona as the model for Un Pais en Comú?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> No, it’s not that it’s the model, there is even some reticence within Barcelona en Comú that this new political initiative may have negative consequences for Barcelona en Comú. The Barcelona in Comú experiment has worked really well: within BeC political parties continue to exist (Podemos, Iniciativa, EUIA, Guanyem) and all agree that it’s necessary to create this subject, because it’s clear – there’s a phrase by a former mayor of Vitoria in the Basque country who said “Where my capacities end, my responsibilities begin” – that is, clearly, cities are developing roles that are more and more important, but their capacities continue to be very limited and especially their resources are very limited – so there’s an imbalance between capacities and responsibilities. Between what cities could potentially do and what they really can do. Refuge-cities – a thousand things. So within Barcelona en Comú there is an understanding of the interest of creating Catalunya en Comú in order to have influence in other levels of government. And to present candidates in elections in Spain with En Comú Podem because to be represented in Madrid is also important. But of course, sometimes this expansion can make us lose the most original aspect, that is the emphasis on municipalism, in the capacity to create these spaces – so there’s a certain tension. And obviously, when you go outside Barcelona in Catalonia, the local and territorial realities are very different, you find… you no longer control what kind of people are joining and so you can end up with surprises – good and bad ones – so there are some doubts, some growing pains. You have to grow, but how will that affect what we have so far? our ways of working and all that… I always refer to Barcelona en Comú because we have existed for longer, we have a sort of ‘tradition’ in the way we work, and on the contrary, the other day we held the founding assembly of Catalunya en Comú and – where are we headed? how long will we be able to maintain the freshness, avoid falling into the traditional vices of political parties? Xavi (Domenech) is a very good candidate, he has what I call a Guanyem DNA, but it’s not evident that we can pull this through. That’s the doubt.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> How do you assess the results of the founding assembly of Catalunya en Comú? Are you happy with what came out of it?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Yes, I’m satisfied, although I don’t think the results were optimal, but we are squeezed by a political calendar that we don’t control. It’s very probable that there will be elections this year in Catalonia, so if that happens… what would have been preferable? To reproduce the Barcelona en Comú model, take more time and work more from the bottom up, hold meetings throughout the territory – we did hold about 70 or 80, but a lot more would have been better – do things more slowly and look around, build links with local movements, the same ones as in Barcelona but on the level of Catalonia – energy, water, etc: reconstruct the same process. But sure, they’re going to call elections or a referendum in 2 days. What is clear is that we can’t do the same thing as with ‘Catalunya si que es pot’<sup id="cite_ref-8" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-8">[8]</a></sup>, which was a coalition but it didn’t work. So all this has meant that the process – despite the fact that I think it has been carried out well, is not optimal: within the realm of the possible, I think it was done with great dignity.</p></br><p><b>NT —</b> And with respect to the deliberative process that was used to arrive at the final document?</p></br><p><b>JS —</b> Basically the same thing: it could have been done better, with deeper debates in each area, it was done very quickly, a lot of issues in a short period of time. The task was very complex, and I think the result is worthy. We tried to avoid standardised jargon and parameters, to make it a bit different. So now we’ll see – yesterday the Executive met for the first time, and on May 13 will be the first meeting of the coordinating group of 120 people<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-9">[9]</a></sup>. So we’ll have to see how this all is gotten underway. I am not convinced that it will all be functional in time for the Catalan elections, for me the key date is May 2019 which are the next municipal elections. Then we’ll see if this has really jelled and if we can have a significant presence throughout the territory. This territorial vision is very important in order to avoid a top-down construction. The key thing in Catalonia is to do it with dignity and not to become entrapped in this dual logic of independence or not, to be capable of bringing together a social force that is in that position.</p></br><div class="" style="font-size: .8em;"></br><p>NOTES</p></br><ol class="references"></br><li id="cite_note-1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-1">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Autonomous elections are those held in the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain created by the 1978 Constitution. Catalunya is one of them.</span></li></br><li id="cite_note-2"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-2">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">The Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia or PSUC: Founded in 1936, it allied the main parties of the Catalan left around the Communist Party. It was dissolved in 1987.</span></li></br><li id="cite_note-3"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-3">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">« A country in common ». The process, carried out in a transparent and well-documented manner, began with a negotiation with certain left-wing parties and movements, and encouraged discussion and new proposals at popular assemblies throughout the region and in online discussion open to the public. More than 3,000 people participated in 70 assemblies and more than 1,700 proposals and amendments were made online with the webpage registering nearly 130,000 hits. The Assembly discussed and voted on the various amendments and agreed on a transitional structure composed of a coordinating body of 120 members and an executive committee of 33 members, each with a one-year mandate to propose an ethical code, statutes, an organizational structure and political options in the unfolding conjuncture. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-4"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-4">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">« La Politica de Comù » in Nous horitzons (New Horizons) No. 215, 2017. Originally titled Horitzons, the magazine was founded in 1960 in clandestinity and published in Catalan abroad by intellectuals linked to the PSUC. It has been published in Catalonia since 1972. It recently opened its pages to other progressive political tendencies. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-5"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-5">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Albano Dante Fachin, member of the Catalan parliament, is the head of Podem (the Catalan wing of the Podemos party). He opposed the participation of his party in the constituent assembly of Un Pais en Comù thus creating a crisis in the ranks of Podemos at both the Catalan and national levels. Party leader Pablo Iglesias did not disown him, but delegated his national second-in-command Pablo Echenique to represent him in the assembly. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-6"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-6">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Coalitions of the Catalan left since the transition period of the 1970s have been numerous and complex for the uninitiated. « Iniciativa for Catalonia Verts » dates from 1995 and was composed of the Green party with Iniciativa for Catalonia, itself a 1987 coalition of the left parties around the PSUC and the former Catalan Communist Party. EUIA (United and Alternative Left) is another coalition in 1998 which includes the first two and all the small parties of the radical left. EUIA is the Catalan branch of Izquierda Unida (United Left) the new name of the Spanish Communist Party. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-7"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-7">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Pasqual Maragall, member and later president of the Catalan Socialist Party, became mayor of Barcelona in 1982 with the support of the elected members of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC). He remained in this position for almost 15 years without ever having a majority in the municipal council. He then became President of the Catalan government in 2003.</span></li></br><li id="cite_note-8"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-8">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Catalunya Sí que es Pot (CSQP, « Yes Catalonia Is Possible ») is a left-wing coalition created in view of the Catalan elections in the autumn of 2015. Barcelona en Comù, itself a municipal coalition, was elected in May 2015 but decided not to run in the autonomous elections. </span></li></br><li id="cite_note-9"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-9">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">The election result was no surprise: ‘A country in common’ founder Xavier Domenech will preside the Executive Committee and Ada Colau, the current mayor of Barcelona, is president of the coordinating body. The membership, via an internet vote, chose on May 20 a new name preferring « Catalunya en Comù » to « En Comú podem », thus distinguishing itself from the 2015 Catalan coalition with Podemos, also called « En comu podem » and signalling a reinforcement of the « Barcelona en Comù » wing with respect to the supporters of Podemos in the new entity. The rejection of the earlier name ‘Un Pais en Comu’ may also denote a desire to distance itself from a pro-independence stance.</span></li></br></ol></br></div>i> </ol> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<h3>Presentation</h3> <p><h3>Presentation</h3></br><p><em></em><em><a href="">Framing the commons</a></em> is a series of interviews made during the first <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organized by the Heinrich Boll Foundation and the<a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, took place in Berlin November 1 and 2, 2010. The conference organizers and participants were invited to talk about their vision of the Commons and of the future of the movement.</p></br><p>Framing the commons is the second chapter produced by Remix The Commons in 2010/2011.</p></br><h3>Collaborators</h3></br><p>Alain Ambrosi and Abeille Tard</p>s is the second chapter produced by Remix The Commons in 2010/2011.</p> <h3>Collaborators</h3> <p>Alain Ambrosi and Abeille Tard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<h3>Présentation</h3> <p><h3>Présentation</h3></br><p><a href="">Penser les communs</a> est une série d’entrevues réalisées lors de la première <a href="">International Commons Conference</a>, co-organisée par la Fondation Heinrich Boell et le <a href=""> Commons Strategies Group</a>, à Berlin en 2010. Les organisateurs de la conférence et des participants ont été invités à s’exprimer sur leur vision sur les biens communs et de l’avenir du mouvement des communs.</p></br><p>Framing the commons est le deuxième chapitre produit par Remix The Commons en 2010/2011.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs</h3></br><p>Alain Ambrosi et Abeille Tard</p>The Commons en 2010/2011.</p> <h3>Collaborateurs</h3> <p>Alain Ambrosi et Abeille Tard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="http://www.bollier.or<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Original publication by David Bollier</a></p></br><p>Just released: a terrific 25-minute video overview of the commons as seen by frontline activists from around the world, “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Commons in Political Spaces: For a Post-capitalist Transition</a>,” along with more than a dozen separate interviews with activists on the frontlines of commons work around the globe. The videos were shot at the World Social Forum in Montreal last August, capturing the flavor of discussion and organizing there.</p></br><p>A big thanks to Remix the Commons and Commons Spaces – two groups in Montreal, and to Alain Ambrosi, Frédéric Sultan and Stépanie Lessard-Bérubé — for pulling together this wonderful snapshot of the commons world. The overview video is no introduction to the commons, but a wonderfully insightful set of advanced commentaries about the political and strategic promise of the commons paradigm today.Frédéric Sultan of Remix the Commons</p></br><p>The overview video (“Les communs dans l’espace politique,” with English subtitles as needed) is striking in its focus on frontier developments: the emerging political alliances of commoners with conventional movements, ideas about how commons should interact with state power, and ways in which commons thinking is entering policy debate and the general culture.</p></br><p>The video features commentary by people like Frédéric Sultan, Gaelle Krikorian, Alain Ambrosi, Ianik Marcil, Matthew Rhéaume, Silke Helfrich, Chantal Delmas, Pablo Solon, Christian Iaione, and Jason Nardi, among others.</p></br><p>The individual interviews with each of these people are quite absorbing. (See the full listing of videos <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.) Six of these interviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>nterviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="http://www.bollier.or<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Original publication by David Bollier</a></p></br><p>Just released: a terrific 25-minute video overview of the commons as seen by frontline activists from around the world, “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Commons in Political Spaces: For a Post-capitalist Transition</a>,” along with more than a dozen separate interviews with activists on the frontlines of commons work around the globe. The videos were shot at the World Social Forum in Montreal last August, capturing the flavor of discussion and organizing there.</p></br><p>A big thanks to Remix the Commons and Commons Spaces – two groups in Montreal, and to Alain Ambrosi, Frédéric Sultan and Stépanie Lessard-Bérubé — for pulling together this wonderful snapshot of the commons world. The overview video is no introduction to the commons, but a wonderfully insightful set of advanced commentaries about the political and strategic promise of the commons paradigm today.Frédéric Sultan of Remix the Commons</p></br><p>The overview video (“Les communs dans l’espace politique,” with English subtitles as needed) is striking in its focus on frontier developments: the emerging political alliances of commoners with conventional movements, ideas about how commons should interact with state power, and ways in which commons thinking is entering policy debate and the general culture.</p></br><p>The video features commentary by people like Frédéric Sultan, Gaelle Krikorian, Alain Ambrosi, Ianik Marcil, Matthew Rhéaume, Silke Helfrich, Chantal Delmas, Pablo Solon, Christian Iaione, and Jason Nardi, among others.</p></br><p>The individual interviews with each of these people are quite absorbing. (See the full listing of videos <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.) Six of these interviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>nterviews are in English, nine are in French, and three are in Spanish. They range in length from ten minutes to twenty-seven minutes.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><a href="https://www.remixthec<p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4194" src="" alt="Move North South Water" width="198" height="300" /></a></p></br><p>Le « Nan Shui Bei Diao » – littéralement Sud Eau Nord Déplacer – est le plus gros projet de transfert d’eau au monde, entre le sud et le nord de la Chine. Sur les traces de ce chantier colossal, le film d’Antoine Boutet dresse la cartographie mouvementée d’un territoire d’ingénieur où le ciment bat les plaines, les fleuves quittent leur lit, les déserts deviennent forêts, où peu à peu des voix s’élèvent, réclamant justice et droit à la parole. Tandis que la matière se décompose et que les individus s’alarment, un paysage de science-fiction, contre nature, se recompose.</p></br><p>Sud Eau Nord Déplacer sortira mercredi 28 janvier 2915 dans les salles de cinéma. Si vous souhaitez vous associer à une de ces projections, contactez la salle de cinéma concernée ou la distribution du film : Si vous souhaitez accompagner une projection dans une ville où le film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>film n’est pas encore programmé, contactez-nous :</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Pour Étienne Le Roy, l’anthropologie est la science de l’homme parce que fondamentalement science de l’autre. « J’ai souvent commenté cette observation de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans son ‘Essai sur l’origine des langues’, que cite Claude Lévi-Strauss: ‘Quand on veut étudier les hommes, il faut regarder près de soi; mais pour étudier l’homme, il faut apprendre à porter sa vue au loin; il faut d’abord observer les différences pour découvrir les propriétés.’ Au sens de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, découvrir les propriétés, c’est mettre à jour les attributs de l’homme, les critères qui en fondent l’humanité dans leur plus grande généralité. Mais on ne pourra s’empêcher, dans un ouvrage consacré à l’appropriation de la terre et, pour une part, au régime de ‘propriété’ foncière, d’user de l’ambivalence de la dernière phrase (observer les différences pour découvrir les propriétés) et ainsi justifier un point de vue qui use d’un regard sur l’autre pour découvrir le sens que les hommes donnent, généralement mais aussi spécifiquement, au cas par cas, aux rapports de propriété. »</p></br><p>Étienne Le Roy « Le choix d’une démarche anthropologique pour traiter des régimes d’appropriation des terres et des ressources m’a conduit à plusieurs options de méthode et, en particulier, a obligé le lecteur à entrer dans l’étude du droit de propriété par la prise de conscience que cette forme juridique ne fait que traduire procéduralement une représentation du monde, de l’homme et de la nature originale et profondément liée à l’expérience de la modernité en Occident. Pour répondre à la vocation de l’anthropologie de réunir une connaissance valable pour l’ensemble du développement humain, il convenait de traiter analogiquement les autres civilisations et chercher derrière les réponses coutumières ou rituelles les représentations de l’espace qu’elles véhiculaient. »</p></br><p>Dans cette interview réalisée à Paris le 4 mars 2014, Étienne Le Roy, tout en présentant ses travaux sur les régimes d’appropriation foncière synthétisés dans son ouvrage ‘La terre de l’autre », nous introduit au coeur de l’anthropologie du droit francophone qu’il a participé à fondée et éveille notre curiosité de commoner sensible aux mécanismes juridiques et à ce qui les fait advenir dans la société d’interroger autrement, et dans le partage avec d’autres, le monde dans lequel nous vivons.</p></br><p>« L’autre n’est pas un vide à remplir. C’est une plénitude à découvrir. » Christoph Eberhard</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Self-management and integral cooperativism: an experiment of the community on the length scale.</p></br><p>A group of coop at Barquisimeto (northeastern Venezuela), totally self-managed. More than 1,200 workers, no leader, no manager, no hierarchical structure, a lot of participation, confidence and learning, constant rotation in all workplaces … and more</p></br><p>For more information, see the article in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>…</p></br><p>See CECOSESOLA web site</p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p>See also the remixthecommons productions:</p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p><a href=""></a></p></br><p><a href=""></a></p>-noel-vale-valera</a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>« Sans Lendemain », est un film d’animation sur l’exploitation des énergies fossiles et des ressources naturelles et leurs conséquences sur la vie humaine sur la planète. Il est réalisé par Dermot O’ Connor et produit par Incubate Pictures. en 35 minutes, il aborde de façon très intelligible toute une série de problématiques liées à la croissance de notre système économique et à notre façon de consommer.</p></br><p>Réalisation : Dermot O’ Connor (35 minutes, 2012).<a href=""></a><br /></br><a href=""></a> – <a href=""></a></p></br><p>Information et documentation sur le site <a href=""></a>.</p></br><p>Titre original étasunien : There’s no tomorrow.<br /></br><a href=""></a></p></br><p>Version française 2013 due à l’initiative du groupe de Liège du mpOC, Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance (le mpOC n’est pas un parti politique).</p></br><p>Avec le soutien de :<br /></br>Amis de la Terre Belgique, (section belge de l’Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas), GRAPPE (Groupe de Réflexion et d’Action Pour une Politique Ecologique), IEW (Inter-Environnement Wallonie), Imagine demain le monde, mpOC.</p></br><p>Traduction : Francis Leboutte.<br /></br>Voix : Caroline Lamarche.<br /></br>Mixage voix : Margarida Guia.<br /></br>Sous-titres en néerlandais, allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien.</p>aduction : Francis Leboutte.<br /> Voix : Caroline Lamarche.<br /> Mixage voix : Margarida Guia.<br /> Sous-titres en néerlandais, allemand, anglais, français, espagnol et italien.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//<p><iframe loading="lazy" src="//" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p></br><p>Les questions sur la «propriété» ou sur le droit de bénéficier de l’héritage indigène sont au cœur des débats politiques, économiques et éthiques en cours aux niveaux local, national et international. Quand il s’agit de la recherche dans ce domaine, la vision des peuples autochtones sur la façon dont les études relatives à leur patrimoine sont gérés, est généralement peu prise en compte. De plus en plus cependant, des efforts sont faits pour décoloniser les pratiques de recherche en favorisant des relations plus équitables entre les chercheurs et les peuples autochtones, fondées sur la confiance mutuelle et la collaboration.</p></br><p>Dans cette présentation, George Nicholas critique les débats sur la «propriété» du patrimoine autochtone et fournit des exemples de nouvelles pratiques de recherche qui sont à la fois plus éthiques et plus efficaces. Ces modèles de recherche en collaboration, dans lesquels la communauté mène la recherche, mettent en évidence de nouvelles orientations importantes dans la protection du patrimoine des peuples autochtones.</p></br><p>IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage) est un projet international de recherche participative autour de la réappropriation de l’héritage culturel par les communautés ancestrales. A qui appartient le passé ? A qui bénéficie-t-il ? quelles sont les conceptions culturelles de l’héritage culturel (de la mémoire) ? Comment distinguer accaparement et emprunts culturels (cultural borrowings) ? Ce projet croise des questions sur le domaine public, la nature de la recherche conduite par les communautés (et non pour elles) et sur les connaissances ancestrales (et culturelles en général). Il montre un éventail de processus de gestion collective des connaissances des communautés et tire des principes applicables à la recherche et pour comprendre les questions étudiées. Enfin, il propose l’usage de la <a href="">Traditional Knowledge licence</a> et un <a href="">questionnaire </a>pour évaluer accaparement ou emprunt culturel.</p></br><p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /></br>Event: SFU Public Square<br /></br>Date: April 2, 2014</p>;/p> <p>Speaker: George Nicholas<br /> Event: SFU Public Square<br /> Date: April 2, 2014</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="<p><iframe loading="lazy" width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </p></br><p>« There’s no tomorrow » is an cartoon about the exploitation of fossil fuels and natural resources and their impact of human life on the planet. It is directed by Dermot O’ Connor and produced by Incubate Pictures. In 35 minutes, it addresses issues related to the growth of our economic system and how we consume.</p></br><p>Publication : Dermot O’ Connor (35 minutes, 2012). <a href=""></a><br /></br><a href=""></a> – <a href=""></a></p></br><p>Information and documentation in the website : <a href=""></a>.</p>on and documentation in the website : <a href=""></a>.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><img decoding="async" loading=<p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4963" src="" alt="" width="600" height="300" /><br /></br>In the last elections in May, Barcelona en Comù has formed an alliance with the Catalan Socialist Party to form a new municipal government with a common agenda and Ada Colau was re-elected for another 4-year term. The first term of office 2015-2019 was held with a minority government and in a regional and national context that was politically and ideologically unfavourable to the development of a « new municipalism of the commons » and an « alternative way of doing politics » that Barcelona claimed to be « en Comù ».</p></br><p>The time has come to take stock and, of course, many will have something to say about the achievements made by comparing them to the initial programme. But when we see on the one hand the concrete achievements that often go beyond or question the competences of a municipality (housing, mobility, civic income, health, immigration, tourism, feminisation of politics, energy and technological sovereignty, etc) and on the other hand, what has been done to put transparency in the relationship between the institution, the social movements and the neighbourhood assemblies and the research, for a co-production of policies, we can affirm that the results are generally positive.</p></br><p>The commons movement members and the supporters of a new municipalism, can be pleased that, thanks to a coalition of social movements, that has had the courage (and it is necessary) to invest an institution impregnated with neo-liberal practices and a logic of political parties fights, that is often far from the needs and realities of residents, Barcelona remains one of the most dynamic laboratories of urban commons and a model to which to refer.</p></br><p>The <a href="">review of the digital plan</a> implemented during the first mandate proposed here is characteristic of the achievements, critical path and creativity of this laboratory.</p></br><p>Here is how the city summarizes the principles of its action:</p></br><blockquote><p>Establish itself as a global reference point as a city of commons and collaborative production<br /></br>End privatisation and transfer of public assets in private hands, while promoting remunicipalisation of critical urban infrastructures<br /></br>Massively reduce the cost of basic services like housing, transport, education and health, in order to assist those in the most precarious strata of the population<br /></br>Institute a citizens basic income focused on targeting proverty and social exclusion Barcelona Digital City Plan (2015-2019)<br /></br>Build data-driven models of the economy, with real inputs (using real time data analytics) so that participatory democracy could model complex decisions<br /></br>Prefer and promote collaborative organisations over both the centralised state and the market solutions (start investing higher percentages of public budget in innovative SMEs and the cooperative sector)<br /></br>Build city data commons: decree that the networked data of the population generated in the context of using public services cannot be owned by services operators</p></blockquote></br><p>These principles are embodied in an action programme, the effects of which are detailed in this document. In addition to the emblematic 13,000 policy proposals from the inhabitants, of which 9.245 (72%) have been accepted, there have been 126 cases of corruption reported through the Transparency mailbox since 2017 or the inclusion of gender differences in the STEAM education and technological training programme.</p></br><p>Finally, Barcelona, here as in other areas, is building on and strengthening city networks. It initiated – with New York and Amsterdam – the Coalition of Cities for Digital Rights and launched the campaign « 100 Cities in 100 Days » to defend 5 principles of digital policy:</p></br><blockquote></br><ul></br><li>Equal and universal access to Internet and computer literacy Barcelona Digital City Plan (2015-2019)</li></br><li>Privacy, data protection and security</li></br><li>Transparency, accountability and non-discrimination in data, content and algorithms</li></br><li>Participatory democracy, diversity, and inclusion</li></br><li>Open and ethical digital service standards</li></br></ul></br></blockquote></br><p>The cities of the Coalition are developing common roadmaps, laws, tools, actions and resources to protect the digital rights of residents and visitors.</p></br><p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</strong></p></br><p><em>For a more exhaustive assessment see the sector-by-sector assessment on the <a href="">Barcelona Joint Site (in Spanish)</a> </em></p> protect the digital rights of residents and visitors.</p> <p><strong>Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan</strong></p> <p><em>For a more exhaustive assessment see the sector-by-sector assessment on the <a href="">Barcelona Joint Site (in Spanish)</a> </em></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><span id="result_box" class=""<p><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="hps">The</span> <span class="hps">world needs</span> <span class="hps">ideas for a better</span> <span class="hps">and sustainable future</span>, <span class="hps">but the ideas</span> <span class="hps">are not enough.</span> <span class="hps">The</span> <span class="hps">Futureperfect</span> <span class="hps">platform is</span> <span class="hps">a virtual</span> <span class="hps">encyclopedia</span> <span class="hps">of</span> <span class="hps">people</span> <span class="hps">taking</span> <span class="hps">initiatives</span><span class="">, organizations</span> <span class="hps">and businesses</span> <span class="hps">who</span> <span class="hps">move from</span> <span class="hps">thinking</span> <span class="hps">to action.</span> Sharing these<span class="hps"> stories</span> <span class="hps">aims to</span> <span class="hps">inform about</span> <span class="hps">alternative lifestyles</span> <span class="hps">and</span> <span class="hps">to</span> <span class="hps">encourage</span> <span class="hps">civic engagement</span>.</span></p></br><p><span class="hps">The</span> <span class="hps">French</span> <span class="hps">partners of</span> <span class="hps">Futureperfect</span>, the <span class="hps">German</span> <span class="hps">team of FUTURZWEI</span>, activists <span class="hps">and all</span> <span class="hps">interested public</span> <span class="hps">will meet to</span> <span class="hps">discuss</span> <span class="hps">the role of media</span> <span class="hps">in the developpement of</span> <span class="hps">social economy</span> <span class="hps">practices and</span> <span class="hps">sustainable lifestyles</span>.</p></br><div class="row"></br><div class="span12 nurText"></br><p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-4335 size-full" src="" alt="futureperfect_visuel_web debzt 8 octobre 2015" width="337" height="803" /></a></p></br><p><span class="hps">Debate</span> <span class="hps">part of la Semaine des cultures étrangères</span> <span class="hps">held by the</span> <span class="hps">FICEP</span> <span class="hps">and</span> <span class="hps">in cooperation with the<a href=""> Festival Temps des communs</a></span>.</p></br><ul></br><li><strong>Barnabé Binctin</strong>, Journaliste <i>Reporterre</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Peter Unfried</strong>, </i>Journaliste <i>TAZ</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Benoit Cassegrain </strong>and<strong> Hélène Legay</strong>,</i> <i>SideWays</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Mathias Lahiani</strong>, </i><i>On passe à l’acte</i></li></br></ul></br><p>Moderated by <strong>Luise Tremel</strong>, FUTURZWEI and <strong>Frédéric Sultan</strong>, <i>Remix the commons </i></p></br></div></br><div class="span12 nurText"> Goethe-Institut Paris</div></br><aside class="span6 artikelspalte nurText"></br><div class="teaserBox"></br><p class="vkEvent">17 avenue d’Iéna<br /></br>75116 Paris</p></br></div></br><p>Langage : En français et en allemand<br /></br>Free entry, registration : <span class="telefon">33 1 44439230 </span></p></br></aside></br></div>ong>, Journaliste <i>Reporterre</i></li> <li><i><strong>Peter Unfried</strong>, </i>Journaliste <i>TAZ</i></li> <li><i><strong>Benoit Cassegrain </strong>and<strong> Hélène Legay</strong>,</i> <i>SideWays</i></li> <li><i><strong>Mathias Lahiani</strong>, </i><i>On passe à l’acte</i></li> </ul> <p>Moderated by <strong>Luise Tremel</strong>, FUTURZWEI and <strong>Frédéric Sultan</strong>, <i>Remix the commons </i></p> </div> <div class="span12 nurText"> Goethe-Institut Paris</div> <aside class="span6 artikelspalte nurText"> <div class="teaserBox"> <p class="vkEvent">17 avenue d’Iéna<br /> 75116 Paris</p> </div> <p>Langage : En français et en allemand<br /> Free entry, registration : <span class="telefon">33 1 44439230 </span></p> </aside> </div>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><strong>Glossary of the com<p><strong>Glossary of the commons</strong></p></br><p>The aim is to have a definition exercice, in French, of the vocabulary used in our community. The Glossary will be multi-dimensional using multimedia tools and different level of meanings. We intend also to work as well with non french speaking people to set up the list of terms. It will use Charlotte Hess mapping approach to classify terms into different fields.</p></br><p>See more information in the<a href="…-biens-communs/"> french version</a> of this post.</p>…-biens-communs/"> french version</a> of this post.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p><strong>How to equip the in<p><strong>How to equip the inhabitants with tools and methods that allow them to claim the consideration of a joint management of the social, cultural and economic resources of urban life? We believe that knowledge and mastery of legal mechanisms that allow urban commons to prosper, is an essential part of the answer to this question.</strong></p></br><p>Atlas of the Charters of the Urban Commons is to provide socio-technical device to appropriate these tools, by articulating three actions:</p></br><ol></br><li>achieve and maintain an open and interactive inventory of legal mechanisms dedicated to the implementation of urban commons.</li></br><li>provide a collective space for analysis and interpretation of the governance mechanisms of the urban commons that will produce a new shared knowledge among commoners in a cross-cultural perspective.</li></br><li>provide a space for exchange and mutual aid around the development of charters and legal instruments for the regeneration or creation of urban commons.</li></br></ol></br><p>Analysis of the Bologna regulation :</p></br><p><iframe style="width: 900px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid black;" src=""> </iframe></p></br><p>To contribute to this work, please use<br /></br><a href=""></a><br /></br>(You need to be identified)</p></br><p><a href="">More information</a></p></br><p> </p></a><br /> (You need to be identified)</p> <p><a href="">More information</a></p> <p> </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>A great new documentary that is c<p>A great new documentary that is currently in production, documenting the water struggles around Greece. The working title of the new documentary is « Wa(te)rdrops », and it aims to present, through in-depth research and fieldwork, struggles concerning water around Greece, including the struggle against the privatization of Thessaloniki’s water company (EYATH), against the gold mines in Chalkidiki and against local water reserve appropriation efforts in Volos and Crete.</p></br><p>First few trailers in the documentary’s <a href="">web page</a>. Make sure you activate the subtitles (English or Spanish) on the top right corner of the player.</p></br><p>It is being filmed by a group of militant filmmakers coordinated by researcher Nelly Psarou. The same people did « Golfland? » a few years ago, a doc about the disastrous effect of golf course development on the environment and local communities. You can watch « Golfland? » online <a href="">here</a> (Soon in the Remix Catalogue). </p></br><p>It is a_proudly independent production_ relying on crowdfunding for its completion, and the outcome will be freely accessible under a creative commons license. « Donate » button on the bottom of the documentary’s webpage.</p>reative commons license. « Donate » button on the bottom of the documentary’s webpage.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>After the festival « Temps des co<p>After the festival « Temps des communes », (October 2015), a small group has decided to produce an exhibition on the commons. The idea was to do a light, self editable and easy to use collection of posters. It is dedicated to places that welcome an audience that is not particularly sensitive to the commons. We were thinking for example of community centers, libraries or schools. After a few exchanges, notably around the game <a href="">Commonspoly</a>, which had been prototyped by <a href="">ZEMOS98</a> a few months before during a European meeting, we produced an exhibition of 12 posters that explain and illustrate the commons.</p></br><figure style="width: 1240px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" width="1240" height="1753" alt=" Expo Les communs page1 CC-BY-SA." class="size-medium" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text"><br /></br>Expo Les communs page1 CC-BY-SA.</figcaption></figure></br><p>The exhibition proposes to discover the common through their definition and concrete illustration. The panels make us walk through different facets of the commons: the fragility of natural commons, the relationship between use and ownership, the role of hackers in the renewal of commons, the place of knowledge, and the reconquest of political space by commoners. Finally, it also proposes resources based on other cultural initiatives: Communauthèque, a best of bibliography of the 50 books on the commons, the game C@rds in common or Remix the commons of course!</p></br><p>This exhibition is a collective work leaded by Thierry Pasquier, and edited by Rosie Howe, with the support of Espace Mendès France at Poitiers, a center for scientific, technical and industrial culture in New Aquitaine, Vecam, and Remix the commons. The publication under the license « Attribution – Sharing under the same conditions 3.0 France (CC BY-SA 3.0 FR) » allows free imagination for the diffusion and adaptation of the exhibition to each context … and languages. The next step will be to set up a dedicated website that will allow each to publish according to his/her needs. We will give you news of this project in the coming months!</p></br><p>The PDF light version of the exhibition is available on the <a href="">wiki Remix the commons</a>. In the next few weeks we will install a wiki with the content, including Pdf in high definition, texts images that can modified, as well as all associated media and InDesign sources. Do not hesitate to ask us for any specific request or offer your help.</p></br><p>Thierry Pasquier et Frédéric Sultan</p>edia and InDesign sources. Do not hesitate to ask us for any specific request or offer your help.</p> <p>Thierry Pasquier et Frédéric Sultan</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Après la première<a href="http<p>Après la première<a href=""> rencontre à Dakar dans le cadre d’</a><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="">Afropixe</a>l</span>, « A l’école des Communs » était un nouveau rendez-vous pour et avec Remix Biens Communs. Cela a été l’occasion de faire évoluer le projet d’oeuvre collaborative multimédia, et de le déployer comme une infrastructure du mouvement des biens communs au service d’un projet à Montréal.</p></br><p>« A l’école des communs » est une rencontre qui a pour objectif d’attirer, les commoners, remixers, créateurs, activistes, médiateurs et utilisateurs des biens communs de tout calibre, afin de favoriser le dialogue entre ces groupes, et permettre le développement des synergies entre les projets de médiation et d’appropriation des biens communs. L’ouverture des initiatives, des projets, de l’échange des idées et le partage de ressources, d’outils, de formats de documentation permet d’irriguer les pratiques des biens communs.</p></br><p>Cette rencontre a créé l’opportunité d’échanges à la fois entre locaux et à l’échelle internationale. Cela a produit un effet d’entraînement et de stimulation sur les groupes de commoners présents, dont on peut espérer un effet d’enrichissement des pratiques elles-mêmes. Elle avait adopté des formes de travail actives, pour  définir les biens communs à la fois à travers les témoignages des personnes qui sont investies dans des pratiques, et les contributions des chercheurs qui étudient le sujet.</p>i étudient le sujet.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>As we are preparing a public meet<p>As we are preparing a public meeting on the 16th. of September in Paris, with Michel Bauwens and Bernard Stiegler, on issues of free knowledge as commons and ecological, social and economic transition, we present here the translation into French of the interview conducted by Richard Poynder, with Michel Bauwens about FLOK Society project. This interview was published when the summit FLOK society was started in Quito in May 2014. It was published under the original title: <a href=" -transition-to-open.html "> Working for a phase of transition to an open commons-based knowledge society: Interview with Michel Bauwens. Michel Bauwens FLOK Society presents the project and the expected outcomes in Ecuador and more generally for the P2P movement, without concealing the difficulties he and his research team met.</a></p></br><p>Richard Poynder is a well knowed independent journalist and blogger, following the Open Access movement for a long time ago, specialised in scientific communication and open science, information technology and intellectual property. His <a href="">Blog </a> is a mine of gold for every body who is interested in these issues.</p></br><p>The interview is under Licence : CC BY NC ND. The translation has been made by Frédéric Sultan.</p></br><p>Tuesday, May 27, 2014</p></br><figure style="width: 400px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="400" height="225" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Michel Bauwens – Berlin 2012 Remix The Commons</figcaption></figure></br><div><i>Today a </i><a href=""><i>summit</i></a><i> starts in Quito, Ecuador that will discuss ways in which the country can transform itself into an open commons-based knowledge society. The team that put together the proposals is led by Michel Bauwens from the </i><a href=""><i>Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives</i></a><i>. What is the background to this plan, and how likely is it that it will bear fruit?  With the hope of finding out I spoke recently to Bauwens.</i></div></br><div>One interesting phenomenon to emerge from the Internet has been the growth of free and open movements, including free and open source software, open politics, open government, open data, citizen journalism, creative commons, open science, open educational resources (<a href="">OER</a>), open access etc.</div></br><div>While these movements often set themselves fairly limited objectives (e.g. “<a href="">freeing the refereed literature</a>”) some network theorists maintain that the larger phenomenon they represent has the potential not just to replace traditional closed and proprietary practices with more open and transparent approaches, and not just to subordinate narrow commercial interests to the greater needs of communities and larger society but, since the network enables ordinary citizens to collaborate together on large meaningful projects in a distributed way (and absent traditional hierarchical organisations), it could have a significant impact on the way in which societies and economies organise themselves.</div></br><div>In his influential book <a href=""><i>The Wealth of Networks</i></a>, for instance, <a href="">Yochai Benkler</a> identifies and describes a new form of production that he sees emerging on the Internet — what he calls “<a href="">commons-based peer production</a>”. This, he says, is creating a new <a href="">Networked Information Economy</a>.</div></br><div>Former librarian and Belgian network theorist <a href="">Michel Bauwens</a> goes so far as to say that by enabling peer-to-peer (<a href="">P2P</a>) collaboration, the Internet has created a new model for the future development of human society. In addition to peer production, he <a href="">explained to me in 2006</a>, the network also encourages the creation of peer property (i.e. commonly owned property), and peer governance (governance based on civil society rather than representative democracy).</div></br><div>Moreover, what is striking about peer production is that it emerges and operates outside traditional power structures and market systems. And when those operating in this domain seek funding they increasingly turn not to the established banking system, but to new P2P practices like crowdfunding and social lending.</div></br><div>When in 2006 I asked Bauwens what the new world he envisages would look like in practice he replied, “I see a P2P civilisation that would have to be post-capitalist, in the sense that human survival cannot co-exist with a system that destroys the biosphere; but it will nevertheless have a thriving marketplace. At the core of such a society — where immaterial production is the primary form — would be the production of value through non-reciprocal peer production, most likely supported through a basic income.”</div></br><h2>Unrealistic and utopian?</h2></br><div> So convinced was he of the potential of P2P that in 2005 Bauwens created the <a href="">Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives</a>. The goal: to “research, document and promote peer-to-peer principles”</div></br><div>Critics dismiss Bauwens’ ideas as unrealistic and utopian, and indeed in the eight years since I first spoke with him much has happened that might seem to support the sceptics. Rather than being discredited by the 2008 financial crisis, for instance, traditional markets and neoliberalism have tightened their grip on societies, in all parts of the world.</div></br><div>At the same time, the democratic potential and openness Bauwens sees as characteristic of the network is being eroded in a number of ways. While social networking platforms like Facebook enable the kind of sharing and collaboration Bauwens sees lying at the heart of a P2P society, for instance, there is a growing sense that these services are in fact exploitative, not least because the significant value created by the users of these services is being monetised not for the benefit of the users themselves, but for the exclusive benefit of the large corporations that own them.</div></br><div>We have also seen a huge growth in proprietary mobile devices, along with the flood of apps needed to run on them — a development that caused <i>Wired’s</i> former editor-in-chief <a href="">Chris Anderson</a> to <a href="">conclude</a> that we are witnessing a dramatic move “from the wide-open Web to semi closed platforms”. And this new paradigm, he added, simply “reflects the inevitable course of capitalism”.</div></br><div>In other words, rather than challenging or side-lining the traditional market and neoliberalism, the network seems destined to be appropriated by it — a likelihood that for many was underlined by the recent <a href="">striking down</a> of the US net neutrality regulations.</div></br><div>It would also appear that some of the open movements are gradually being appropriated and/or subverted by commercial interests (e.g. the <a href="">open access</a> and open educational resources movements).</div></br><div>While conceding that a capitalist version of P2P has begun to emerge, Bauwens argues that this simply makes it all the more important to support and promote social forms of P2P. And here, he suggests, the signs are positive, with the number of free and open movements continuing to grow and the P2P model bleeding out of the world of “immaterial production” to encompass material production too — e.g. with the <a href="">open design</a> and <a href="">open hardware</a> movements, a development encouraged by the growing use of <a href="">3D printers</a>.</div></br><div>Bauwens also points to a growth in mutualisation, and the emergence of new practices based around the sharing of physical resources and equipment.</div></br><div>Interestingly, these latter developments are often less visible than one might expect because much of what is happening in this area appears to be taking place outside the view of mainstream media in the global north.</div></br><div>Finally, says Bauwens, the P2P movement, or commoning (<a href="">as some prefer to call it</a>), is becoming increasingly politicised. Amongst other things, this has seen the rise of new political parties like the various <a href="">Pirate Parties</a>.</div></br><div>Above all, Bauwens believes that the long-term success of P2P is assured because its philosophy and practices are far more sustainable than the current market-based system. “Today, we consider nature infinite and we believe that infinite resources should be made scarce in order to protect monopolistic players,” he says below. “Tomorrow, we need to consider nature as a finite resource, and we should respect the abundance of nature and the human spirit.”</div></br><h2>Periphery to mainstream</h2></br><div>And as the need for sustainability becomes ever more apparent, more people will doubtless want to listen to what Bauwens has to say. Indeed, what better sign that P2P could be about to move from the periphery to the mainstream than an invitation Bauwens received last year from three Ecuadorian governmental institutions, who asked him to lead a team tasked with coming up with proposals for transitioning the country to a society based on free and open knowledge.</div></br><div>The organisation overseeing the project is the FLOK Society (free, libre, open knowledge). As “commoner” <a href="">David Bollier</a> <a href="">explained</a> when the project was announced, Bauwens’ team was asked to look at many interrelated themes, “including open education; open innovation and science; ‘arts and meaning-making activities’; open design commons; distributed manufacturing; and sustainable agriculture; and open machining.”</div></br><div>Bollier added, “The research will also explore enabling legal and institutional frameworks to support open productive capacities; new sorts of open technical infrastructures and systems for privacy, security, data ownership and digital rights; and ways to mutualise the physical infrastructures of collective life and promote collaborative consumption.”</div></br><div>In other words, said Bollier, Ecuador “does not simply assume — as the ‘developed world’ does — that more iPhones and microwave ovens will bring about prosperity, modernity and happiness.”</div></br><div>Rather it is looking for sustainable solutions that foster “social and territorial equality, cohesion, and integration with diversity.”</div></br><div>The upshot: In April Bauwens’ team published a series of <a href="">proposals</a> intended to transition Ecuador to what he calls a sustainable civic P2P economy. And these proposals will be discussed at a summit to be held this week in the capital of Ecuador (<a href="">Quito</a>).</div></br><div>“As you can see from our proposals, we aim for a simultaneous transformation of civil society, the market and public authorities,” says Bauwens. “And we do this without inventing or imposing utopias, but by extending the working prototypes from the commoners and peer producers themselves.”</div></br><div>But Bauwens knows that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and he realises that he has taken on a huge task, one fraught with difficulties. Even the process of putting the proposals together has presented him and his team with considerable challenges. Shortly after they arrived in Ecuador, for instance, they were told that the project had been defunded (funding that was fortunately later reinstated). And for the moment it remains unclear whether many (or any) of the FLOK proposals will ever see the light of day.</div></br><div>Bauwens is nevertheless upbeat. Whatever the outcome in Ecuador, he says, an important first stab has been made at creating a template for transitioning a nation state from today’s broken model to a post-capitalist social knowledge society.</div></br><div>“What we have now that we didn’t have before, regardless of implementation in Ecuador, is the first global commons-oriented transition plan, and several concrete legislative proposals,” he says. “They are far from perfect, but they will be a reference that other locales, cities, (bio)regions and states will be able to make their own adapted versions of it.”</div></br><div>In the Q&A below Bauwens discusses the project in more detail, including the background to it, and the challenges that he and the FLOK Society have faced.</div></br><h2>The interview begins</h2></br><div><b><i>RP:  We last spoke in 2006 when you discussed your ideas on a P2P (peer-to-peer) society (which I think </i></b><a href=""><b><i>David Bollier</i></b></a><b><i> refers to as “commoning”). Briefly, what has been learned since then about the opportunities and challenges of trying to create a P2P society, and how have your thoughts on P2P changed/developed as a result?</i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> At the time, P2P dynamics were mostly visible in the process of “immaterial production”, i.e. productive communities that created commons of knowledge and code. The trend has since embraced material production itself, through <a href="">open design</a> that is linked to the production of <a href="">open hardware</a> machinery.</div></br><div>Another trend is the mutualisation of physical resources. We’ve seen on the one hand an explosion in the mutualisation of open workspaces (<a href="">hackerspaces</a>, <a href="">fab labs</a>, <a href="">co-working</a>) and the explosion of the so-called sharing economy and collaborative consumption.</div></br><div>This is of course linked to the emergence of distributed practices and technologies for finance (<a href="">crowd funding</a>, <a href="">social lending</a>); and for machinery itself (<a href="">3D printing</a> and other forms of <a href="">distributed manufacturing</a>). Hence the emergence and growth of P2P dynamics is now clearly linked to the “distribution of everything”.</div></br><div>There is today no place we go where social P2P initiatives are not developing and not exponentially growing. P2P is now a social fact.</div></br><div>Since the crisis of 2008, we are also seeing much more clearly the political and economic dimension of P2P. There is now both a clearly capitalist P2P sector (renting and working for free is now called sharing, which is putting downward pressure on income levels) and a clearly social one.  First of all, the generalised crisis of our economic system has pushed more people to search for such practical alternatives. Second, most P2P dynamics are clearly controlled by economic forces, i.e. the new “netarchical” (hierarchy of the network) platforms.</div></br><div>Finally, we see the increasing politicisation of P2P, with the emergence of <a href="">Pirate Parties</a>, network parties (Partido X in Spain) etc.</div></br><div>We have now to decide more clearly than before whether we want more autonomous peer production, i.e. making sure that the domination of the free social logic of permissionless aggregation is directly linked to the capacity to generate self-managed livelihoods, or, if we are happy with a system in which this value creation is controlled and exploited by platform owners and other intermediaries.</div></br><div>The result of all of this is that my own thoughts are now more directly political. We have developed concrete proposals and strategies to create P2P-based counter-economies that are de-linked from the accumulation of capital, but focused on cooperative accumulation and the autonomy of commons production.</div></br><div><b><i>RP: Indeed and last year you were </i></b><a href=""><b><i>asked to lead a team</i></b></a><b><i> to come up with proposals to “remake the roots of Ecuador’s economy, setting off a transition into a society of free and open knowledge”. As I understand it, this would be based on the principles of open networks, peer production and commoning. Can you say something about the project and what you hope it will lead to? Has the Ecuadoran government itself commissioned you, or a government or non-government agency in Ecuador? </i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> The project, called <a href=""></a>, was commissioned by three Ecuadorian governmental institutions, i.e. the <a href="">Coordinating Ministry of Knowledge and Human Talent</a>, the <a href="">SENESCYT</a> (Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación) and the <a href="">IAEN</a> (Instituto de Altos Estudios del Estado).</div></br><div>The legitimacy and logic of the project comes from the <a href="">National Plan of Ecuador</a>, which is centred around the concept of Good Living (<a href="">Buen Vivir</a>), which is a non-reductionist, non-exclusive material way to look at the economy and social life, inspired by the traditional values of the indigenous people of the Andes. The aim of FLOK is to add “Good Knowledge” as an enabler and facilitator of the good life.</div></br><div>The important point to make is that it is impossible for countries and people that are still in neo-colonial dependencies to evolve to more fair societies without access to shareable knowledge. And this knowledge, expressed in diverse commons that correspond to the different domains of social life (education, science, agriculture, industry), cannot itself thrive without also looking at both the material and immaterial conditions that will enable their creation and expansion.</div></br><h2>FLOK summit</h2></br><div><b><i>RP: To this end you have put together a transition plan. This includes </i></b><a href=""><b><i>a series of proposals</i></b></a><b><i> (available </i></b><a href=""><b><i>here</i></b></a><b><i>), and a main report (</i></b><a href=""><b><i>here</i></b></a><b><i>). I assume your plan might or might not be taken up by Ecuador. What is the procedure for taking it forward, and how optimistic are you that Ecuador will embark on the transition you envisage?</i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> The transition plan provides a framework for moving from an economy founded on what we call “cognitive” and “netarchical” capitalism (based respectively on the exploitation through IP rents or social media platforms) to a “mature P2P-based civic economy”.</div></br><div>The logic here is that the dominant economic forms today are characterised by a value crisis, one in which value is extracted but it doesn’t flow back to the creators of the value. The idea is to transition to an economy in which this value feedback loop is restored.</div></br><div>So about fifteen of our policy proposals apply this general idea to specific domains, and suggest how open knowledge commons can be created and expanded in these particular areas.</div></br><div>We published these proposals on April 1<sup>st</sup> in <a href="">co-ment</a>, an open source software that allows people to comment on specific concepts, phrases or paragraphs.</div></br><div>This week (May 27<sup>th</sup> to 30<sup>th</sup>) the crucial <a href="">FLOK summit</a> is taking place to discuss the proposals. This will bring together government institutions, social movement advocates, and experts, from both Ecuador and abroad.</div></br><div>The idea is to devote three days to reaching a consensus amongst these different groups, and then try and get agreement with the governmental institutions able to carry out the proposals.</div></br><div>So there will be two filters: the summit itself, and then the subsequent follow-up, which will clearly face opposition from different interests.</div></br><div>This is not an easy project, since it is not possible to achieve all this by decree.</div></br><div><b><i>RP: Earlier this year you made a series of </i></b><a href=""><b><i>videos</i></b></a><b><i> discussing the issues arising from what you are trying to do —  which is essentially to create “a post-capitalist social knowledge society”, or “open commons-based knowledge society”. In one video you discuss three different value regimes, and I note you referred to these in your last answer — i.e. cognitive capitalism, netarchical capitalism and a civic P2P economy. Can you say a little more about how these three different regimes differ and why in your view P2P is a better approach than the other two?</i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> I define cognitive capitalism as a regime in which value is generated through a combination of rent extraction from the control of intellectual property and the control of global production networks, and expressed in terms of monetisation.</div></br><div>What we have learned is that the democratisation of networks, which also provides a new means of production and value distribution, means that this type of value extraction is harder and harder to achieve, and it can only be maintained either by increased legal suppression (which erodes legitimacy) and outright technological sabotage (<a href="">DRM</a>). Both of these strategies are not sustainable in the long term.</div></br><div>What we have also learned is that the network has caused a new model to emerge, one adapted to the P2P age, and which I call netarchical capitalism, i.e. “the hierarchy of the network”. In this model, we see the direct exploitation of human cooperation by means of proprietary platforms that both enable and exploit human cooperation. Crucially, while their value is derived from our communication, sharing and cooperation (an empty platform has no value), and on the use value that we are exponentially creating (Google, Facebook don’t produce the content, we do), the exchange value is exclusively extracted by the platform owners. This is unsustainable because it is easy to see that a regime in which the creators of the value get no income at all from their creation is not workable in the long; and so it poses problems for capitalism. After all, who is going to buy goods if they have no income?</div></br><div>So the key issue is: how do we recreate the value loop between creation, distribution, and income? The answer for me is the creation of a mature P2P civic economy that combines open contributory communities, ethical entrepreneurial coalitions able to create livelihoods for the commoners, and for-benefit institutions that can “enable and empower the infrastructure of cooperation”.</div></br><div>Think of the core model of our economy as the Linux economy writ large, but one in which the enterprises are actually in the hands of the value creators themselves. Imagine this micro-economic model on the macro scale of a whole society. Civil society becomes a series of commonses with citizens as contributors; the shareholding market becomes an ethical stakeholder marketplace; and the state becomes a partner state, which “enables and empowers social production” through the commonication of public services and public-commons partnerships.</div></br><h2>Challenges and distrust</h2></br><div><b><i>RP: As you indicated earlier, it is not an easy project that you have embarked on in Ecuador, particularly as it is an attempt to intervene at the level of a nation state. Gordon Cook has </i></b><a href=""><b><i>said</i></b></a><b><i> of the project: “it barely got off the ground before it began to crash into some of the anticipated obstacles.” Can you say something about these obstacles and how you have been overcoming them?</i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> It is true that the project started with quite negative auspices. It became the victim of internal factional struggles within the government, for instance, and was even defunded for a time after we arrived; the institutions failed to pay our wages for nearly three months, which was a serious issue for the kind of precarious scholar-activists that make up the research team.</div></br><div>However, in March (when one of the sides in the dispute lost, i.e. the initial sponsor <a href="">Carlos Prieto</a>, rector of the IAEN), we got renewed commitment from the other two institutions. Since then political support has increased, and the summit is about to get underway.</div></br><div>As for Gordon, he became a victim of what we will politely call a series of misinterpreted engagements for the funding of his participation, and it is entirely understandable that he has become critical of the process.</div></br><div>The truth is that the project was hugely contradictory in many different ways, but this is the reality of the political world everywhere, not just in Ecuador.</div></br><div>Indeed, the Ecuadorian government is itself engaged in sometimes contradictory policies and is perceived by civil society to have abandoned many of the early ideas of the civic movement that brought it to power. So, in our attempts at broader participation we have been stifled by the distrust many civic activists have for the government, and the sincerity of our project has been doubted.</div></br><div>Additionally, social P2P dynamics, which of course exist as in many other countries, are not particularly developed in their modern, digitally empowered forms in Ecuador. It has also not helped that the management of the project has been such that the research team has not been able to directly connect with the political leaders in order to test their real engagement. This has been hugely frustrating.</div></br><div>On the positive side, we have been entirely free to conduct our research and formulate our proposals, and it is hard not to believe that the level of funding the project has received reflects a certain degree of commitment.</div></br><div>So the summit is back on track, and we have received renewed commitments. Clearly, however, the proof of the pudding will be in the summit and its aftermath.</div></br><div></div></br><div>Whatever the eventual outcome, it has always been my conviction that the formulation of the first ever integrated Commons Transition Plan (which your readers will find <a href="">here</a>) legitimised by a nation-state, takes the P2P and commons movement to a higher geopolitical plane. As such, it can be seen as part of the global maturation of the P2P/commons approach, even if it turns out not to work entirely in Ecuador itself.<b><i></i></b></div></br><div><b><i>RP: I believe that one of the issues that has arisen in putting together the FLOK proposals is that Ecuadorians who live in rural areas are concerned that a system based on sharing could see their traditional knowledge appropriated by private interests. Can you say something about this fear and how you believe your plan can address such concerns?</i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> As you are aware, traditional communities have suffered from systematic <a href="">biopiracy</a> over the last few decades, with western scientists studying their botanical knowledge, extracting patentable scientific results from it, and then commercialising it in the West.</div></br><div>So fully shareable licenses like the GPL would keep the knowledge in a commons, but would still allow full commercialisation without material benefits flowing back to Ecuador. So what we are proposing is a discussion about a new type of licensing, which we call <a href="">Commons-Based Reciprocity Licensing</a>. This idea was first pioneered with the Peer Production License as conceived by <a href="">Dmytri Kleiner</a>.</div></br><div>Such licences would be designed for a particular usage, say biodiversity research in a series of traditional communities. It allows for free sharing non-commercially, commercial use by not-for-profit entities, and even caters for for-profit entities who contribute back. Importantly, it creates a frontier for for-profits who do not contribute back, and asks them to pay.</div></br><div>What is key here is not just the potential financial flow, but to introduce the principle of reciprocity in the marketplace, thereby creating an ethical economy. The idea is that traditional communities can create their own ethical vehicles, and create an economy from which they can also benefit, and under their control.</div></br><div>This concept is beginning to get attention from open machining communities. However, the debate in Ecuador is only starting. Paradoxically, traditional communities are today either looking for traditional IP protection, which doesn’t really work for them, or for no-sharing options.</div></br><div>So we really need to develop intermediary ethical solutions for them that can benefit them while also putting them in the driving seat.</div></br><h2>Fundamental reversal of our civilisation</h2></br><h2></h2></br><div><b><i>RP: In today’s global economy, where practically everyone and everything seems to be interconnected and subject to the rules of neoliberalism and the market, is it really possible for a country like Ecuador to go off in such a different direction on its own? </i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> A full transition is indeed probably a global affair, but the micro-transitions need to happen at the grassroots, and a progressive government would be able to create exemplary policies and projects that show the way.</div></br><div>Ecuador is in a precarious neo-colonial predicament and subject to the pressures of the global market and the internal social groups that are aligned with it. There are clear signs that since 2010 the Ecuadorian government has moved away from the original radical ideas expressed in the Constitution and the National Plan, as we hear from nearly every single civic movement that we’ve spoken with.</div></br><div>The move for a social knowledge economy is of strategic importance to de-colonialise Ecuador but this doesn’t mean it will actually happen. However, the progressive forces have not disappeared entirely from the government institutions.</div></br><div>As such, it is really difficult to predict how successful this project will be. But as I say, given the investment the government has made in the process we believe there will be some progress. My personal view is that the combination of our political and theoretical achievements, and the existence of the policy papers, means that even with moderate progress in the laws and on the ground, we can be happy that we will have made a difference.</div></br><div>So most likely the local situation will turn out to be a hybrid mix of acceptance and refusal of our proposals, and most certainly the situation is not mature enough to accept the underlying logic of our Commons Transition Plan <i>in toto</i>.</div></br><div>In other words, the publication and the dialogue about the plan itself, and some concrete actions, legislative frameworks, and pilot projects, are the best we can hope for. What this will do is give real legitimacy to our approach and move the commons transition to the geo-political stage. Can we hope for more?</div></br><div>Personally, I believe that even if only 20% of our proposals are retained for action, I think we can consider it a relative success. This is the very first time such an even partial transition will have happened at the scale of the nation and, as I see it, it gives legitimacy to a whole new set of ideas about societal transition. So I believe it is worthy of our engagement.</div></br><div>We have to accept that the realities of power politics are incompatible with the expectations of a clean process for such a fundamental policy change. But we hope that some essential proposals of the project will make a difference, both for the people of Ecuador and all those that are watching the project.</div></br><div>For the future though, I have to say I seriously question the idea of trying to “hack a society” which was the initial philosophy of the project and of the people who hired us. You can’t hack a society, since a society is not an executable program. Political change needs a social and political basis, and it was very weak from the start in this case.</div></br><div>This is why I believe that future projects should first focus on the lower levels of political organisation, such as cities and regions, where politics is closer to the needs of the population. History though, is always full of surprises, and bold gambles can yield results. So FLOK may yet surprise the sceptics.</div></br><div><b><i>RP: If Ecuador did adopt your plan (or a significant part of it), what in your view would be the implications, for Ecuador, for other countries, and for the various free and open movements? What would be the implications if none of it were adopted?</i></b></div></br><div><b>MB:</b> As I say, at this stage I see only the possibility of a few legal advances and some pilot projects as the best case scenario. These, however, would be important seeds for Ecuador, and would give extra credibility to our effort.</div></br><div>I realise it may surprise you to hear me say it, but I don’t see this as crucial. I say this because, we already have thousands of projects in the world that are engaged in peer production and commons transitions, and this deep trend is not going to change. The efforts to change the social and economic logic will go on with or without Ecuador.</div></br><div>As I noted, what we have now that we didn’t have before, regardless of implementation in Ecuador, is the first global commons-oriented transition plan, and several concrete legislative proposals. They are far from perfect, but they will be a reference that other locales, cities, (bio)regions and states will be able to make their own adapted versions of it.</div></br><div>In the meantime, we have to continue the grassroots transformation and rebuild commons-oriented coalitions at every level, local, regional, national, global. This will take time, but since infinite growth is not possible in a finite economy, some type of transition is inevitable. Let’s just hope it will be for the benefit of the commoners and the majority of the world population.</div></br><div>Essentially, we need to build the seed forms of the new counter-economy, and the social movement that can defend, facilitate and expand it. Every political and policy expression of this is a bonus.</div></br><div>As for the endgame, you guessed correctly. What distinguishes the effort of the P2P Foundation, and many of the FLOK researchers, is that we’re not just in the business of adding some commons and P2P dynamics to the existing capitalist framework, but aiming at a profound “phase transition”.</div></br><div>To work for a sustainable society and economy is absolutely crucial for the future of humanity, and while we respect the freedoms of people to engage in market dynamics for the allocation of rival goods, we cannot afford a system of infinite growth and scarcity engineering, which is what capitalism is.</div></br><div>In other words, today, we consider nature infinite and we believe that infinite resources should be made scarce in order to protect monopolistic players; tomorrow, we need to consider nature as a finite resource, and we should respect the abundance of nature and the human spirit.</div></br><div>So our endgame is to achieve that fundamental reversal of our civilisation, nothing less. As you can see from our proposals, we aim for a simultaneous transformation of civil society, the market and public authorities. And we do this without inventing or imposing utopias, but by extending the working prototypes from the commoners and peer producers themselves.</div></br><p><b><i>RP: Thanks for speaking with me. Good luck with the summit.</i></b></p>gt; <div>I realise it may surprise you to hear me say it, but I don’t see this as crucial. I say this because, we already have thousands of projects in the world that are engaged in peer production and commons transitions, and this deep trend is not going to change. The efforts to change the social and economic logic will go on with or without Ecuador.</div> <div>As I noted, what we have now that we didn’t have before, regardless of implementation in Ecuador, is the first global commons-oriented transition plan, and several concrete legislative proposals. They are far from perfect, but they will be a reference that other locales, cities, (bio)regions and states will be able to make their own adapted versions of it.</div> <div>In the meantime, we have to continue the grassroots transformation and rebuild commons-oriented coalitions at every level, local, regional, national, global. This will take time, but since infinite growth is not possible in a finite economy, some type of transition is inevitable. Let’s just hope it will be for the benefit of the commoners and the majority of the world population.</div> <div>Essentially, we need to build the seed forms of the new counter-economy, and the social movement that can defend, facilitate and expand it. Every political and policy expression of this is a bonus.</div> <div>As for the endgame, you guessed correctly. What distinguishes the effort of the P2P Foundation, and many of the FLOK researchers, is that we’re not just in the business of adding some commons and P2P dynamics to the existing capitalist framework, but aiming at a profound “phase transition”.</div> <div>To work for a sustainable society and economy is absolutely crucial for the future of humanity, and while we respect the freedoms of people to engage in market dynamics for the allocation of rival goods, we cannot afford a system of infinite growth and scarcity engineering, which is what capitalism is.</div> <div>In other words, today, we consider nature infinite and we believe that infinite resources should be made scarce in order to protect monopolistic players; tomorrow, we need to consider nature as a finite resource, and we should respect the abundance of nature and the human spirit.</div> <div>So our endgame is to achieve that fundamental reversal of our civilisation, nothing less. As you can see from our proposals, we aim for a simultaneous transformation of civil society, the market and public authorities. And we do this without inventing or imposing utopias, but by extending the working prototypes from the commoners and peer producers themselves.</div> <p><b><i>RP: Thanks for speaking with me. Good luck with the summit.</i></b></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>By Samantha Slade</p> <p<p>By Samantha Slade</p></br><p>« From where I stand today, one of the challenges of advancing an emerging movement such as the commons lies in how we build the community and how we meet in ways that embody the values of commoning. This involves the thorny question: How can we honour the vast experience and expertise on the commons and come together inclusively and equitably in a participatory commoning fashion? The Art of Hosting certainly has something to offer here, but also, and most importantly, those that are consciously living and doing the daily work of commoning, in all its complexity, have deep learnings to share to the benefit of building our collective capacity. »</p></br><p>see the <a href="">whole article </a></p>">whole article </a></p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Droits en biens communs vise à do<p>Droits en biens communs vise à documenter la place du droit basé sur les biens communs dans le contexte des négociations de Rio+20.</p></br><p>Au cours de l’année 2011, la préparation de la conférence des Nations Unies sur le développement durable (Rio+20) avec le Collectif (français) Rio+20 et les participants au Forum Social Mondial, nous a amené à proposer de faire des droits basés sur les biens communs un horizon de revendication à l’échelle internationale. Encore faudrait-il être en mesure d’expliciter ce que serait le contenu de ces droits et d’envisager de quelles manières ils pourraient être mis en oeuvre. Pour tenter de répondre à cette question, un<a href=""> premier texte</a> à été rédigé par Silke Helfrich et Frédéric Sultan à la suite du Forum Social de Porto Alegre.</p></br><p>Le projet de Remix « Droits en Biens Communs » est une continuation de ce travail par la voie de la vidéo et du remix réalisé à partir de captation de vidéo au cours de la conférence des Nations Unies et du Sommet des Peuples.</p></br><h3>Futur développement</h3></br><p>Le projet Droits en biens communs se prolonge à travers l’organisation d’un atelier lors de la conférence Economics, Commons Conférence le 22 mai 2°13 à Berlin. Il s’agit de poursuivre le travail d’élaboration engagé et notamment de tester les hypothèses sous-jacentes sur divers domaines et exemples, pour essayer d’avoir une vision plus globale.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs/trices</h3></br><p>Frédéric Sultan coordonne ce projet. Emilano Bazan s’est chargé de la réalisation des vidéos.</p></br><h3>Financement</h3></br><p>Le projet Droits en biens communs bénéficie du soutien financier du Fonds Francophone des inforoutes à travers le projet Remix Biens Communs.</p></br><h3>Rôle de Remix Biens Communs</h3></br><p>Remix Biens Communs a été un espace facilitant la coopération entre Communautique et VECAM pour réaliser les vidéos pendant le sommet des peuples de Rio + 20.</p>tant la coopération entre Communautique et VECAM pour réaliser les vidéos pendant le sommet des peuples de Rio + 20.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Facing economic, social and ecolo<p>Facing economic, social and ecological crises, many of us think that we must create the conditions for a transition from a productivist industrial world to an economy based on sharing knowledge commons and collaborative and contributing productions. The first challenge is to forge new concepts to understand the effects of automation and rethink the general interest and solidarity as possible horizons. For this, the state, as local and national authorities, the University and organized civil society, must invent all together, alternatives to individualism ownership and to the governance based on the duopoly state / market. </p></br><p>In Ecuador, the government held a major study to try to clarify howto create the conditions for a transition based on the commons. Several researchers and international experts were mobilized, including Michel Bauwens and Bernard Stiegler.</p></br><p>What is the role of national and local governments in the transformation of the economy towards a production of goods and services based on the principles of the commons? What should be the legal and economic instruments invented? what are the alliances between the actors involved in alternative forms of economic and social innovation needed? How to go beyond the niches successfully developed in some sectors – such as the digital economy – and enable scaling to modes of production of goods and services based on the principles of the commons?</p></br><p><a href="">Ouishare</a>, <a href="">Savoirscom1</a> and <a href="">VECAM</a> invite you to discuss these issues with Michel Bauwens and Bernard Stiegler during a public meeting to be held September 16, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Salle Triangle, Centre Pompidou, Paris France. </ strong><br /></br><figure style="width: 400px" class="wp-caption alignleft"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" alt="" src="" width="400" height="225" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Michel Bauwens – Berlin 2012 Remix The Commons – Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0</figcaption></figure></p></br><figure id="attachment_3924" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-3924" style="width: 398px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="ées_2000.jpg"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" src="ées_2000.jpg" alt="By — Wikimedia commons. Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons " width="398" height="225" class="size-full wp-image-3924" /></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-3924" class="wp-caption-text">Bernard Stiegler par — Wikimedia commons. Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons</figcaption></figure></br><p><H2><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#3BE8DC" rel="noopener noreferrer">Registration</a> is over. </H2></p></br><p>More information in the <a href="…-la-transition/ ">French version of the post</a>. </p></br><p>This conference is organized with the support of Fondation Pour le Progrès de l’Homme.</p>in the <a href="…-la-transition/ ">French version of the post</a>. </p> <p>This conference is organized with the support of Fondation Pour le Progrès de l’Homme.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>La Rencontre »A l’école des Commu<p>La Rencontre »A l’école des Communs » a pour objectif d’attirer les créateurs, activistes et utilisateurs des biens communs de tout calibre, afin de favoriser le dialogue entre ces groupes, et permettre le développement et l’appropriation des biens communs. Cela permet de contribuer à la compréhension, à la recherche et à la défense des biens communs.</p></br><p>Organisé par Communautique et Remix biens communs, en collaboration avec la Chaire Nycole Turmel sur les espaces publics et les innovations politiques de l’UQÀM, l’événement À l’école des communs, qui s’est déroulé les 2 et 3 novembre 2012, était le premier du projet. Les participants et participantes présents ont eu l’occasion d’échanger sur les prérequis politiques, légaux, économiques et culturels nécessaires à l’émergence et au développement d’une économie des communs, le tout en présence d’invités internationaux Michel Bauwens fondateur de la fondation P2P et Lionel Maurel, aka Calimaq, fondateur de Savoircom1 et de leurs homologues québécois Ianick Marcil, économiste indépendant, et Stéphane Guidoin, de NordOuvert.</p></br><h3>Futur développement</h3></br><p>A l’école des communs se structure autour de rencontres à géométrie vaviable. Une prochaine rencontre devrait être programmée à l’automne 2013.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs/trices</h3></br><p>Le projet est est conduit par Alain Ambrosi, soutenu par l’équipe de Communautique et Frédéric Sultan.</p></br><h3>Financement</h3></br><p>Le projet bénéficie du soutien financier de la l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophone à travers Remix Biens Communs.</p></br><h3>Rôle de Remix Biens Communs</h3></br><p>Remix Biens Communs s’est déployé comme une infrastructure au service du projet à Montréal. Le réseau a fonctionner pour mobiliser ressources et intervenants. Les documents médiatiques ont été produits. Une expérimentation de retranscription a été réalisée.</p>ants. Les documents médiatiques ont été produits. Une expérimentation de retranscription a été réalisée.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Le monde a besoin d’idées pour un<p>Le monde a besoin d’idées pour un avenir meilleur et durable, mais les idées ne suffisent pas. La plate-forme FuturePerfect est une encyclopédie virtuelle reprenant les initiatives de personnes, d’organisations et d’entreprises qui ont osé passer de la pensée à l’acte. Ces histoires visent à informer sur les modes de vie alternatifs et à inciter à l’engagement citoyen.</p></br><p>Les partenaires français de FuturePerfect, l’équipe allemande de FUTURZWEI, des militants et tout public intéressé se retrouveront pour débattre du rôle des médias dans une perspective de pratiques d’économie sociale et de modes de vie durables.</p></br><div class="row"></br><div class="span12 nurText"></br><div class="span12 nurText"></br><p><a href=""><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-4335 size-full aligncenter" src="" alt="futureperfect_visuel_web debzt 8 octobre 2015" width="337" height="803" /></a></p></br></div></br><p>Débat organisé dans le cadre de la Semaine des cultures étrangères organisée par le FICEP et en coopération avec le festival Temps des Communs</p></br><p>Avec la participation de :</p></br><ul></br><li><strong>Barnabé Binctin</strong>, Journaliste <i>Reporterre</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Peter Unfried</strong>, </i>Journaliste <i>TAZ</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Benoit Cassegrain </strong>et<strong> Hélène Legay</strong>, </i>fondateurs <i>SideWays</i></li></br><li><i><strong>Mathias Lahiani</strong>, </i>fondateur <i>On passe à l’acte</i></li></br></ul></br><p>Modéré par <strong>Luise Tremel</strong>, FUTURZWEI et <strong>Frédéric Sultan</strong>, <i>Remix the commons </i></p></br></div></br><div class="span12 nurText">Goethe-Institut Paris</div></br><aside class="span6 artikelspalte nurText"></br><div class="teaserBox"></br><p class="vkEvent">17 avenue d’Iéna<br /></br>75116 Paris</p></br></div></br><p>Langue: En français et en allemand<br /></br>Entrée libre, inscription : <span class="telefon">33 1 44439230 </span></p></br></aside></br></div>gt;, <i>Remix the commons </i></p> </div> <div class="span12 nurText">Goethe-Institut Paris</div> <aside class="span6 artikelspalte nurText"> <div class="teaserBox"> <p class="vkEvent">17 avenue d’Iéna<br /> 75116 Paris</p> </div> <p>Langue: En français et en allemand<br /> Entrée libre, inscription : <span class="telefon">33 1 44439230 </span></p> </aside> </div>)
  • Atlas des chartes des communs urbains/Atlas des chartes des communs urbains (projet)  + (<p>Le projet s’inscrit dans une pers<p>Le projet s’inscrit dans une perspective de long terme qui vise à : </p></br>* élaborer avec les « commoners » des outils et des méthodologies qui permettent la création de mécanismes juridiques (les chartes des communs urbains) afin de reconnaître et développer les communs urbains. </br>* comparer les expériences politiques et les méthodologies qui sont développées dans l’action citoyenne orientée vers la transition écologique et sociale afin de mettre en exergue les potentiels à l’oeuvre dans les initiatives concrètes de commoning, </br>* interroger les effets de la reconfiguration des processus de production du droit par les « commoners » sur le partage du pouvoir et la légitimité des acteurs dans l’espace public. </br>* contribuer à l’élaboration de propositions et de stratégies de politiques publiques et d’un cadre éthique pour le partage de la souveraineté entre les acteurs producteurs de la ville.ouveraineté entre les acteurs producteurs de la ville.)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Le projet « Justice transitionnel<p>Le projet « Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine » a pour but de partager les expériences extrêmement importantes marocaines sur la justice transitionnelle et la réparation communautaire.</p></br><p>Au Maroc, de 1959 à 1999, l’ancien roi Hassan II a souvent gouverné son pays d’une main de fer. Cette période est appelée les années de plomb au Maroc, au cours de laquelle ceux qui étaient considérés comme une menace pour le régime étaient soumis à un large éventail de violations des droits de l’homme. Des milliers de personnes ont été soumis à des arrestations arbitraires, à la torture et les disparitions, laissant un héritage amer.</p></br><p>Cependant, dès le début des années 1990, un processus graduel de réconciliation avec le passé a commencé à prendre racine, culminant le plus récemment dans les travaux de l’Instance Equité et Réconciliation du Maroc (Instance Equité et Réconciliation (IER)), mise en place par le successeur sur le trône, le roi Mohammed VI.</p></br><p>Le 7 Janvier 2004, l’IER a été créé. C’est la première commission de la vérité dans le monde arabe. Cela a été saluée internationalement comme un grand pas en avant, et un exemple pour le monde arabe. Depuis, l’IER a travaillé sur le terrible héritage de cette époque en examinant certains des pires abus au Maroc et en organisant des réparations pour les victimes et leurs familles.</p></br><p>Pendant toute la durée de son mandat, l’IER a amassé une archive de plus de 20.000 témoignages de victimes et de leurs familles, qui ont été organisées dans une base de données centrale à Rabat. Elle a mené une série de réunions, de conférences et de séminaires autour d’une multitude de questions qui sont clés pour comprendre le Maroc passé et le présent.</p></br><p>Elle a également pris l’initiative de tenir des audiences publiques pour donner aux victimes une plate-forme à partir de laquelle partager leurs souffrances. Tout au long de ses travaux, la Commission a pour but de documenter, de conserver et d’analyser les racines de la crise dans une tentative pour aider le Maroc à se réconcilier avec son passé.</p></br><p>Le projet Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine vise à partager des vidéos sur ce processus de la justice transitionnelle et la réparation communautaire. Ces vidéos évoquent la façon de préserver la mémoire des communautés des victimes pendant les «années de plomb» au Maroc et quels types d’audiences publiques ont eu lieu. Ces audiences ont été le point culminant d’un vaste processus de délibération citoyenne, de compassion et de liberté d’expression au Maroc . Ces vidéos abordent la façon dont le projet de réparation communautaire fonctionne pour améliorer les conditions de vie des populations dans les communautés de victimes et de les responsabiliser. En fait, ces matériaux ont principalement porté sur les femmes et les enfants.</p></br><p>L’expérience marocaines en matière de justice transitionnelle comme communes est utile et précieuse dans d’autres pays, en particulier pour les pays arabes qui ont la même histoire de la justice transitionnelle, comme l’Irak, l’Egypte, la Tunisie, la Syrie, le Liban, la Palestine, Algérie et ainsi de suite.</p></br><h3>Futur Développement</h3></br><p>Le project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine va continuer à partager des vidéos et des matériaux plus historiques sur les expériences en matière de justice de transition, tels que les vidéos des auditions publiques, les vidéos des séminaires et des conférences publiques, des photos historiques et des rapports finaux des le projet de réparation communautaire.</p></br><h3>Collaborateurs/trices</h3></br><p>Ning, Mohamed Leghtas</p></br><h3>Financement</h3></br><p>Le project Justice transitionnelle: l’expérience marocaine est financé par les fonds de l’Instance Equité et Réconciliation (IER)</p></br><h3>Contribution au projet « Justice transitionnelle « </h3></br><p>Remix Biens Communs a facilité la conception d’un catalogage des documents vidéos du projet.</p>Communs a facilité la conception d’un catalogage des documents vidéos du projet.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Les voies maritimes, une belle id<p>Les voies maritimes, une belle idée de vidéo autour d’un projet d’aire maritime à protéger</p></br><p><iframe loading="lazy" frameborder="0" width="400" height="225" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /></br>Par <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Aires-marines-protegees</a></i></p></br><p>Trois photographes ont sillonné pendant plusieurs mois le golfe normand breton qui s’étend de l’île de Bréhat au Cap de La Hague et qui fait l’objet d’un projet de parc naturel marin. Rodolphe Marics, Denis Bourges et Xavier Desmier proposent une radiographie de cet espace marin selon trois points de vue différents et complémentaires : photos aériennes, pédestres et sous-marines. </p></br><p>Les voies maritimes est né d’un partenariat entre l’Agence des aires marines protégées et l’association Les champs photographiques. </p> des aires marines protégées et l’association Les champs photographiques. </p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>L’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia<p>L’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia est l’un des principaux biens communs intellectuels de notre temps. Pourtant, la thématique des biens communs y reste peu développée.</p></br><p>Afin de remédier à cette situation paradoxale, Frédéric Sultan (coordinateur de Remix the Commons) et Pierre-Carl Langlais (administrateur de la Wikipédia francophone) ont entrepris d’initier une série d’ateliers contributifs. Un premier atelier, organisé le 15 octobre, avait permis d’initier plusieurs articles fondamentaux sur l’histoire récente des biens communs (tels que le mouvement des communs).</p></br><p>Le prochain atelier aura lieu le 21 janvier de 17h30 à 20h30 à la Fondation Charles Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme (38 rue saint Sabin). Il portera sur les biens communs de la connaissance et plus spécifiquement sur le domaine public. En dépit de l’engagement durable des communautés wikimédiennes en faveur du domaine public, l’<a href="">article sur le sujet</a> demeure une simple ébauche.</p></br><p>Cette série d’atelier s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Biens communs. Ce projet de la Wikipédia francophone comprend une liste suggestive d’articles à améliorer ou à créer, ainsi qu’une compilation de références en ligne à utiliser. En vertu du principe de neutralité de point de vue, chaque information ajoutée sur Wikipédia doit en effet être étayée avec une source fiable.</p></br><p>Si vous souhaitez participer, vous pouvez vous inscrire dès maintenant sur ce <a href="">formulaire</a>. Il est aussi possible de contribuer à distance.</p></br><p>Aucun prérequis n’est nécessaire : que vous soyez chercheur, praticien, wikipédien ou simple curieux, toutes les bonnes volontés sont bienvenues.</p>’est nécessaire : que vous soyez chercheur, praticien, wikipédien ou simple curieux, toutes les bonnes volontés sont bienvenues.</p>)
  • Chargement/Site  + (<p>Organized by Remix The Commons, V<p>Organized by Remix The Commons, VECAM and radio Libre @ Toi</p></br><blockquote><p>Projection debate: Commons in political space,<br /></br>Broadcast live by the radio Libre @ Toi,<br /></br>7 April 2017, from 18:30 to 20:30<br /></br>At the Foundation for the Progress of Man, 38, rue Saint Sabin, 75011 Paris – France</p></br><h2>What are the relations between commons and politic?</h2></br><p>After the conquest of city governement by the commons candidates in the large Spanish cities, the introduction in the constitution of « buen vivir » (Bolivia and Ecuador), the development of community’s charters in Great Britain and the regulations for the protection of the common goods by Italian cities, ZADIism and Zapatista experience, assemblies of commoners throughout the Western world, … recent years have seen the commons enrich their experience of politics. How can it inspire us in France?</p></br><p>Come to debate after the screening of the short documentary « Les communs dans l’espace politique » (23 ‘), based on the testimonies of the actors involved in all these initiatives, of the place of the commons in the transformation of politics, the lessons that can be drawn from some of these experiences, and the challenges and dynamics of the commons movement.</p></br><p><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4658" src="" alt="Sylviafredriksson_du possible" width="640" height="640" /><br /></br>Par Sylvia Fredriksson Certains droits réservés</p></br><p>At the moment when the presidential campaign is in full swing in France. Which candidate has not yet incorporated this notion in his vocabulary, sometimes playing on the polysemy of terms and sailing between « Common Good », « common » or « common goods »? This echo indicates both a great penetration of this notion in society and a need to give a stronger consistency around the idea that we are able to develop mechanisms of cooperation that start from our needs and usages to build new rights.</p></br><p>In this debate, we will focus more on the transformation of possible practices in the French political sequence, elections, loss of credit for the institutional system, than to make an inventory or a comparison of electoral measures or promises of the candidates and parties.</p></br><p>« The commons in the political space » (23 ‘) is a document realized from interviews of activists met on the occasion of the World Social Forum and the World Forum of social economy GSEF which took place in Montreal in August and September 2016. The documentary and interviews will be available on in the coming days.</p></br><p>Remix The Commons is an intercultural space for sharing and co-creating multimedia documents on the commons. The project is carried out by an intercultural collective composed of people and organizations who believe that the collection, exchange and remix of stories, definitions and images … of the commons are an active and convivial way to disseminate it in society. <a href=""> </a></p></br><p>Radio Libre @ Toi will broadcast this live debate and podcast, prefiguring the activities of the radio Causes Communes on the airwaves. <a href=""> </a></p></br><p>Vecam is an association that contributes to the political and social decoding of the digital age since 1995. <a href=""> </a></p></blockquote>gt;</p> <p>Vecam is an association that contributes to the political and social decoding of the digital age since 1995. <a href=""> </a></p></blockquote>)