Test Concept

De Remix Biens Communs
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 Est intéressé au concept
ALIX Nicole/BIOÉconomie sociale
Banque coopérative
Mouvement des « communs »
Impact investing
Social and solidarity economy
Urban commons
Alternative communities
Intentional communities
Indigenous communities
Peer-to-peer knowledge
ANDREOZZI Sergio/BIOCommons policies
Open science
Archipel des Iles de Chausey/Extrait d'une lettre de Pierre Fortin à Louis RenaultHospitalité
Droit humain
Strict nécessaire
ARENA Gregorio/BIOAdministrative Law
Active citizenship
Shared administration of common goods
AVLONA Natalia-Rozalia/BIOSocial and Solidarity Economy
Feminist approaches to the commons
Labour and reciprocity
Collaborative commons economies
BELLANGER Julien/BIOPractices of the digital era
Free culture
BLANCHET Cécile/BIOEnergy commons
Community energy
Energy transition
BLOEMEN Sophie/BIOKnowledge commons
Urban commons
BROSSIN-PILLOT Laure/BIOSeed libraries
Commons during Antiquity
CAÑADA Mauge/BIOEcovillage
CANGELOSI Elisabetta/BIORight to land
Right to water
Women's right
CARLISLE Isabel/BIOGovernance of the commons
Community Charter
Water parliament
Watershed Charter
CASTRO Mauro/BIOUrban commons
CELAKOSKI Teodor/BIOPublic space
Digital culture
Public-civic partnership
Human rights
Critical theory
Non-profit independent contemporary culture
CLAEYS Priscilla/BIOBiodiversity
Right to land
Natural commons
Solidarity economy
CLAUSEN Marco/BIOCollective land use
Co-créer l'espace public avec les habitantsParticipation des habitants
Coproduit par la municipalité et ses habitants
Budgets participatifs
Co-produire l'information sur la ville avec les habitantsFourniture d'information sur la ville comme une coproduction municipalités/habitants
Compte rendu de la rencontre Cities and Commons - Naples 2017Droit par la base
Déclaration d'usage civique de l'Asilo, Naples
Communs urbains
CREMER Marjolein/BIOPeer2peer learning
ČUKIĆ Iva/BIOPublic space
Urban planing
Public property management
Urban activism
DE PAUW Geert/BIOCommunity land
DE WACHTER Joren/BIOCreative Commons
Open Source
Développer l'habitat participatif et groupéRéserver une partie du foncier constructible à l'habitat participatif
Habitat participatif
DIMITROV Dimi/BIODigital rights
DIOJDESCU dan/BIOSustainable lifestyles
Commons' governance
Local currencies
Community building
Non-monetary finance
Domaine public numérisés en libre accèsDomaine public
Politiques culturelles
Allie une logique de conservation à un impératif de diffusion
Travail de médiation sur place et à distance
ECA/Subject: on ECA Madrid, art(istic) research/pedagogy and CreatING Commons (Was: Contribute to ECA Madrid Postproduction)Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 10:06:40 0200ECA
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA - Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 16:05:54 0100ECA
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA - Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 08:59:22 0100ECA
Takes out unnessecary emotions
Everyone does find ECA valuable
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA - Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 18:04:04 0100ECA
Manifesto that represents its objectives, purposes, objects of study and work, would facilitate things
Perhaps a solution would be, that the specialist take place like a leader when will be necessary and depending on the issue
Language is another manifestation of culture and way of thinking, and this could be a principle of ECA Manifiesto
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 09:20:46 0400ECA
I'd also love to participate in the thinking process for tools to organize ourselves into a decentralised, horizontally governed experiment build for creating actions and decisions that help the commons.
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 10:14:20 0100ECA
Distributed management
Reduced coordination
Total transparency of work
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 11:29:52 0000ECA
Centralization is the last thing we ask for
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2018 17:53:36 0200ECA
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 11:54:49 -0300ECA
Refactoring is indeed a better word
ECA/Subject: Re: Reboot ECA Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 16:36:53 0000ECA
ECA/Subject: Re: Tyranny of positivism? (Was: Reboot ECA) Date: : Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:35:10 0100ECA
Dutch are (I think) one of the pioneers in the commons , because of our fight against the water
I hope that everybody can be emotional even in meetings!
ECA/Subject: Re: Tyranny of positivism? (Was: Reboot ECA) Date: : Mon, 19 Mar 2018 22:58:54 0100ECA
It's more about re-factoring than reboot
To build an ad-hoc governance that will evolve in time
Creating conditions so that a process can be continued in a more serene, ethical, open and pragmatic way, with all those for whom it is important:
ECA is a process of acculturation and politicization of the commons by the activists themselves
A space for debate (with internal agreements and disagreements)
A space to activate trans-local coalitions of initiatives based on the commons
Can ECA be used by these people to create links and reinforce their initiatives?
It would be useful to appreciate the wealth that we share including the diverse expectations of everyone with ECA.
This conversation should continued on this mailing list before choosing other tools. Its vitality will be a sign of the credibility of ECA for the future.
ECA/Subject: Re: Tyranny of positivism? (Was: Reboot ECA) Date: : Sun, 18 Mar 2018 11:46:33 0100ECA
Clear working procedure above just sitting together and speak out emotions or feelings only
ECA/Subject: Re: Tyranny of positivism? (Was: Reboot ECA) Date: : Sun, 18 Mar 2018 12:38:11 0100ECA
Space for critical expression
ECA/Subject: Reboot ECA - Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 09:04:37 0100Infrastructures
Open commons based process of production
Transparency at 3 levels
Generate a coalition oriented to decentralised action
ECA/Subject: Tyranny of positivism? (Was: Reboot ECA) Date: : Sun, 18 Mar 2018 11:20:39 0100ECA
Space where emotions are freely expressed
Doing trouble is absolutly part of growing up and learning
(over-represented) Dutch
ECA is potentially valuable
Fall away/drop can actually be also considered as viable option
We Are Different
Entretien avec Étienne Le RoyPolitiques foncières
ESTEVES Ana Margarida/BIOEcovillage
Social and Solidarity Economy
Management of the commons
Ecclesial Base Community
Integral Cooperative
Agroecological Producer-Consumer Network
EULER Johannes/BIOConflicts in water management
Transformative potential of commoning
Commons housing
Community-supported agriculture
Commons assemblies
Expo sur les communs/ Panneau 1 - IntroductionCoopération
Régimes de propriétés privées
Droits d’accès partagés
Crise de civilisation
Satisfaction équitable et durable des besoins
Expo sur les communs/ Panneau 2 - Qu’est-ce qu’un commun ?Collectif d’usagers
Expo sur les communs/ Panneau 3 - Vulnérabilité des communsEnclosures
EYNAUD Léa/BIOUrban sustainable transition
Urban transition
Urban nature
Community reuse centers
Renewable energy cooperatives
Community gardens
Faire le choix du logiciel libreDéveloppement de Communs immatériels
Inclure autant que possible une clause en ce sens dans les appels d'offres
Un logiciel financé par une collectivité crée du bien commun
Ferme des BouillonsAlimentation
Commun culturel
Se maintenir comme collectif de personnes différentes
FESTA Daniela/BIOUrban commons
Collective properties
Collective housing
Spatial justice
Urban democracy
Right to the city
Lawmaking bottom up process
FIORDIMELA Cristina/BIOCommoning
Diffused’ museum
Enclosures of negotiation
FISHER Caitlin/BIOSport
Francesco Brancaccio présente "Les communs comme mode de production" (notes)Droit d'usage
Inventivité juridique
Commission Rodotà
Fundación de los ComunesSocial movements in Spain
Radical critical production
GONÇALVES João/BIOCommons land
Polycultural family farming
Self-reliant community
Sustainable communities
GÓRRIZ Óscar/BIOSharing economies
Libre & Digital Culture
Rebel and ethic glo-cal economy worldwide
Global/local markets
Gouvernance participative des ressources naturellesRemunicipalisation de l'eau
Développer une agriculture raisonnée
GUIDO Roberta/BIOUrban Planning
European Landscape Convention
HARVIE Jamie/BIOCommunity
Environment and health care
HELFRICH Silke/BIOPatterns Language of Commoning
HUNT Elizabeth/BIOCommunity-based learning
JUAREZ David/BIOPeer2peer learning
KATELBACH Tibor/BIOOpen source
Open Organisations
KATRINI Eleni/BIOCommunity planning
Urban sustainability
Green infrastructure
Urban design
Public space
Interdisciplinary practice
Civic in the city
KRAUSZ Nicolas/BIOEcological and socially just Transition
Intellectual property
Access to medicines
Access to knowledge
Le bien commun est sur toutes les lèvresBien commun
Mouvement social
LE ROY ÉtiennePolitiques foncières
LECAILLE Julien/BIOPublic policies design
Les communs à l'UE Solidaire, citoyenne et rebelleMouvement social
Droit à la ville
Reconnaissance des communs
Pacte d'usage civique
Co-production de la solidarité
Mouvement municipaliste
Réglementations pour « prendre soin des biens communs »
Remunicipalisation de l’eau
Les communs urbains à BolognePactes de collaboration
Coopératives communautaires
Fondations de quartier
Consortiums de blocs
Infrastructure d'accueil des communs auto-organisés
LEVA Federico/BIODigital commons
LONZANO BRIGHT Carmen/BIOPublic space
Citizen laboratories
P2P practices
LOPEZ Iñaki/BIORural commons
Communal land communities
Representation system
Rural abandoned areas
Heritage of rural communities
LORRAIN Ann-Catherin/BIOCopyright law
Digital public domain
MARTINEZ Rubén/BIOCultural economy
Participatory governance
Community based economies
MAYOT Philippe/BIOBiodiversity
Agro ecology
Mettre à disposition des accès à internet ouverts dans les espaces et bâtiments publicsFaciliter l'accès de tous à l'internet via des accès ouverts
MEYER Camille/BIOSocial finance
Community banks
Complementary currencies
MOEBUS Katharina/BIOCritical pedagogy
Peer-to-peer learning
Artists and people at risk
NALPAS Dominique/BIOPublic space
Cultural diversity
Community territories
Solidarité de vallée
Hydrologic communities
New urban rivers
Commons Assembly
NIAROS Vasilis/BIOUrban commons
Open source technologies
Smart city
Notes pour l'atelier City as a Commons - Alain RenkAménagement du territoire
Prototypage collaboratif
Territoire contributif
Urbanisme collaboratif
Nourrir les villes autrementCircuits courts
Nourrir un domaine public volontaireAccès libre
Domaine public volontaire
O'SIOCHRU Emer/BIOAgricultural cooperative
Open cooperative
Habitat management services
Common ownership of land
Community development
Ouvrir les données sous licence partage à l’identiquePolitique d’ouverture de données
Choisir une mise à disposition accompagnée d’une licence incluant une obligation de partage à l’identique
Garantir que les données modifiées resteront elles aussi ouvertes
Mentionner la licence dès la rédaction des appels d'offre
PAIRET Martin/BIOP2P learning
PANAYOTIS Antoniadis/BIOMAZI project
Community currencies
Cooperative housing
PATERSON Andrew Gryf/BIOCultural Knowledge Commons
Refugee hospitality
PATTI Daniela/BIOUrban regeneration
Environmental planning
Governance of peri-urban landscape
Local food markets
PEDERSEN Martin/BIOSeed commons
PETCOU Constantin/BIOArchitecture
Urban tactics
Sociopolitical practices in the contemporary city
Interstitial practices
PETRESCU Doina/BIOArchitecture
Gender, space and participation
PIM Joám Evans/BIOLand commons
POLYAK Levente/BIOUrban regeneration
Cultural development
Community participation
Community-led urban development
Temporary use
Vacant properties
Community-run social services
PRIORI Alice/BIOP2P learning
PURKISS Steve/BIORee/Libre Open Source Software
RADICCHI Antonelle/BIOUrban Design
Quietness in cities
REKESTAD Emilia/BIOLand stewardship
Agroecological foodsystems
Remettre la nature en Commun dans la villeJardins partagés
Réintroduire la nature comme Commun dans l'espace urbain
Officialiser l'autorisation pour les habitants d'investir les espaces abandonnés
RENARD Michel/BIOLocal citizen movement
Renforcer l’investissement citoyen face au changement climatiqueSe réapproprier la production d'énergie renouvelables
Favoriser les circuits courts
Partage des moyens de transport et les transports publics
Financement participatif
Dépendance au pétrole
Résilience locale
RITIMO s'engage pour le Temps des communsTransition numérique
Transition énergétique
SAIJA Francesco/BIOOpen government
Relational democracy
SANTMAN Ed/BIOPeer2peer learning
Local initiative
European political discourse
SARAZIN Simon/BIOtake what you want system
Basic income
Libre currencies
Chamber of commons
Call for commons
Soutenir l'émergence de monnaies complémentaires citoyennesBudget de cautionnement par la municipalité
Soutenir l'innovation sociale et le débat citoyen à travers les tiers lieuxMultiplier l'ouverture de lieux métissés
Soutenir la multiplication des ateliers participatifs
Montée en compétence des habitants
Renouvellement de l'éducation populaire à l'heure numérique
Soutenir la cartographie libreLicences libres
Formats ouverts
Soutenir les réseaux d’accès à internet ouverts et collaboratifsReconnaitre ces réseaux d'accès citoyens
Garantir un raccordement aux backbones nationaux
Participer à leur cofinancement
Fournisseurs d'Accès à Internet associatifs
SPRINCEANA Vitalie/BIOPublic spaces
Social justice
Free knowledge
Plurality of worldviews and practices
Art as a tool for community change
Artists and people at risk
SULTAN Frédéric/BIOÉducation populaire
Populare education
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/ 10 DefinitionsCommons
Community garden
Urban green commons
Knowledge City
Urban Resilience Management
Cognitive Resilience Building
Socio-ecological Memory
Park Conservancy
Friends Group
Business Improvement District
Regulatory Slippage
Open Source Urbanism
Open Co-operativism
Collective Action
Peer-2-Peer Urbanism
Cultural Commons
Social Practice of communing
Neighborhood Commons Sector
Infrastructure Commons
Academic commons
Education Commons
Global commons
Polycentric order
Public and Collective Good
Common Property
Common Pool Resource
Allotment Garden
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/ Actors and stakeholdersFriends Groups
Park Conservancies
Non-Governmental/Non-Profit Organizations
Municipalities and Governing Bodies
Small Local Businesses and Enterprises
Platform Co-operatives
Academic Researchers
Small-scale actions serving a larger purpose
An offering of local ideas for planning local challenges
Short term commitment and realistic expectations
Development of Social Capital
Participatory Planning
Online Sharing Tactics
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/ Making sure the urban commons is space that is to stayPermanency
Cognitive Resilience Building
Character of the neighborhood
Permanent establishments
Developing lessons learned
Documenting experiences
Entity to stay
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/ Objectives to Tactical CharteringTo obtain Cognitive Resilience Building
To achieve Permanency
To avoid Free Riding
To utilize Open Source Urbanism
To pursue participative democracy
To use collaboration
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/ Putting a labelClassifications
Labelled types of commons
Focused infomation distribution
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/ Understanding the neighborhoodTactical Story-Sharing
Cultural Awareness
Character of the neighborhood
Historical accounts
Identity of a neighborhood
Detecting of qualities
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/Engaging in DialogueCollective Action
Townhall meetings
Leadership Facilitation
Social Media facilitation
Roles of Responsibility
Democratic approach to decision making
Group Creation
Division of Responsibility
Community conversation
Network establishment
Implementing De Jure Rights
Supporting De Facto Rights
Questionnaire Development
Interview Participation
Tactical Chartering Manifesto/Social and Physical Space AssessmentCondition Identification
Fencing Detection and Enclosure Recognition
Access Points
Physical Mapping
Theory of mental mapping
Determining the boundaries of the neighborhood
Determining what this urban commons will be used for
Physical aspect of a space
TELLO Lucas/BIOFree culture
Social innovation
Political cinema
TOMASONE Federico/BIOSocio-ecological transformation
Commons and solidarity economy
VLACHOKYRIAKOS Vasilis/BIOSocial and solidarity economy
WEINSTEIN Olivier/BIOÉconomie industrielle
Entreprise capitaliste
WYNN Mark/BIOTransition town